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Istio Service Mesh
(networking for microservices)
Lew Tucker, Ph.D.
VP/CTO Cloud Computing
Cisco Systems, Inc.
© 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
Cloud Computing Has Won
and it’s Multiple Clouds
plan to use
multiple clouds
evaluating or using
public cloud
85% 94%
taken steps towards
a hybrid cloud
S o u rc e : ID C C lo u d V ie w , A p ril, 2 0 1 7 , n = 8 ,2 9 3 w o rld w id e re s p o n d e n ts , w e ig h te d b y c o u n try , c o m p a n y s iz e a n d in d u s try
Among cloud users
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SaaSSaaS SaaS
SaaS SaaS
Cam pus Branch Data Center
P u b lic C lo u d
E n t
P riv a te C lo u d
P riv a te C lo u d
Enables new business
models by driving
intersection between
enterprise, service
providers, cloud, and
co-lo providers
Data Center PoP
Private &
Telco Cloud
CO /Agg Access
Enterprise Service Provider
© 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
Many choices for where you’d like apps to run
>1,000s of Virtual workloads
Production & Backend
>100s of Virtual
Production services
>10s of Virtual
Production Services
Edge Compute
Latency sensitive apps
(MEC, IoT, Edge Analytics)
High Performance, Automation, Day 0 – N Lifecycle Management, HA, Consistent Networking Models, Logging, Assurance, Security
Modular Cloud
Software Stack
Carrier-E /
Central Data Centers
Internet /
Partner SP Edge
Core and EdgeAggregation Multi-Cloud
Cust. Prem
Remote DC
Near Edge
Remote DC
Near Edge
>100s of Virtual workloads
Production services
MicroNano ½ or Full Rack

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Istio service mesh introduction
Istio service mesh introductionIstio service mesh introduction
Istio service mesh introduction

The document discusses Istio, an open source service mesh that provides traffic management, service migration and monitoring for microservices. It provides an overview of key Istio concepts like the control plane, data plane and components like Envoy, Pilot and Mixer. It also includes steps to install Istio on GKE and deploy a sample Bookinfo application to demonstrate traffic routing and load balancing capabilities.

O'Reilly 2017: "Introduction to Service Meshes"
O'Reilly 2017: "Introduction to Service Meshes"O'Reilly 2017: "Introduction to Service Meshes"
O'Reilly 2017: "Introduction to Service Meshes"

While service meshes may be the next "big thing" in microservices, the concept isn't new. Classical SOA attempted to implement similar technology for abstracting and managing all aspects of service-to-service communication, and this was often realized as the much-maligned Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Several years ago similar technology emerged from the microservice innovators, including Airbnb (SmartStack for service discovery), Netflix (Prana integration sidecars), and Twitter (Finagle for extensible RPC), and these technologies have now converged into the service meshes we are currently seeing being deployed. In this webcast, Daniel Bryant shows you what service meshes are, why they're well-suited for microservice deployments, and how best to use a service mesh when you're deploying microservices. This webcast begins with a brief history of the development of service meshes. From there, you'll learn about some of the currently available implementations that are targeting microservice deployments, such as Istio (Envoy), Linkerd, NGINX Plus, and Traefik. Attendees will walk away with a high-level overview of the concept, tools for deciding when best to use a service mesh, and a getting started guide if they decide this technology is the right fit for their organization.

nginxservice meshlinkerd
The elegant way of implementing microservices with istio
The elegant way of implementing microservices with istioThe elegant way of implementing microservices with istio
The elegant way of implementing microservices with istio

Introduce Service Mesh and istio to implement microservices more elegant way at Oracle Developer Meetup in Korea

© 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
Containers and Kubernetes offer new potential
Starts faster,
uses less
© 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
Containerization challenges in a multicloud world
Multiple Open Source
Hybrid Environments
Container Complexity
Networking, Security and
Source: CNCF Survey, January and June 2017
Container Trends
§ Kubernetes is emerging as the leading container orchestration platform
§ Containers are being adopted heavily in on-premise data centers
© 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
Native Kubernetes (100% Upstream)
Direct updates and best practices from open source
Hybrid Cloud Optimized
A key element of the Cisco-Google open hybrid cloud
Networking | Management | Security | Analytics
Container-based Applications Management
Extending Cisco’s portfolio of offers
The Cisco Container Platform - Kubernetes
Turnkey Solution
For Production-Grade Container
Easy to acquire, deploy & manage | Extensible platform | World-class advisory & support | Open & consistent
Announced October 2017

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Demystifying Service Mesh
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Demystifying Service Mesh

There is a lot of talk now around the term Service Mesh. The hype is high and the promise is real. The problem is that there is not really a good definition of what service mesh really is. In this talk we are going to review the problem service meshes are trying to solve, name the core components that make up a service mesh, and discuss the benefits an organization can receive by implementing this new technology.

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The service mesh: resilient communication for microservice applications
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The service mesh: resilient communication for microservice applications

Modern application architecture is shifting from monolith to microservices: componentized, containerized, and orchestrated with systems like Kubernetes, Mesos, and Docker Swarm. While this environment is resilient to many failures of both hardware and software, applications require more than this to be truly resilient. In this talk, we introduce the notion of a "service mesh": a userspace infrastructure layer designed to manage service-to-service communication in microservice applications, including handling partial failures and unexpected load, while reducing tail latencies and degrading gracefully in the presence of component failure.

Monitoring Security Policies for Container and OpenStack Clouds
Monitoring Security Policies for Container and OpenStack CloudsMonitoring Security Policies for Container and OpenStack Clouds
Monitoring Security Policies for Container and OpenStack Clouds

Container and OpenStack clouds often co-exist in data centers. Monitoring both environments require views into the underlay and overlay infrastructure, but infrastructure monitoring alone is no longer sufficient and needs to be paired with security policy views as containers and microservices are constantly reshaping data center traffic and flow patterns. A visualization GUI that correlates containers and VMs with security policy views provide a powerful tool for any operations team to detect security flow violations in real-time. Enterprises and cloud providers are adopting visualization and monitoring platforms in addition to OpenStack Horizon to keep their infrastructure running with 100% uptime. New tools that help with proactive remediation of issues are being deployed to quickly bring back the system to healthy conditions.

© 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d .
Consistent Environment for Hybrid Cloud Services
On Prem/Colo Data Center Google Cloud
Google Cloud
Google Kubernetes
Apps | Data
Private Cloud infrastructure
Cisco Container Platform
(VM | Bare metal | HX, ACI)
Istio: Hybrid Cloud
Service Management
Networking | Security | Private Cloud Infrastructure | Consumption Management
CSR 1000v, ACI, Stealthwatch Cloud, Cisco Container Platform, Contiv, CloudCenter, AppDynamics
Cloud native computing is driving an evolution of
application/service architecture
© 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.
Monolithic Hybrid Microservices
© 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.
Wecome to the wonderful world of
distributed systems !
Observability Traffic
Security and
Services should be simple but get complicated fast
Logs and
Logs and
Logs and
Logs and

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Connecting All Abstractions with Istio

SpringOne Platform 2017 Ramiro Salas, Pivotal The concept of a service mesh represents a paradigm shift on application connectivity for distributed systems, with wide implications for analytics, policy and extensibility. In this talk, we will explain what a service mesh is, the power it brings to microservices, and its impact on Cloud Foundry and K8s, both separately and together. We will also discuss the implications for the traditional network infrastructure, and the shifting of responsibilities from L3/4 to L7, and our current thinking of using Istio to integrate all abstractions.

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Service Discovery and Registration in a Microservices Architecture
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Service Discovery and Registration in a Microservices Architecture

Microservices, Service Discovery and Registration have been heading towards the peak of inflated expectations on the Gartner Hype cycle for over the last year or so, but there has often been a lack of clarity as to what these are, why are they needed or how to implement them well. Service discovery and registration are key components of most distributed systems and service oriented architectures. In this session we will talk about what, why and how of service registration and discovery in distributed systems in general and OpenStack in particular. We will talk about some of the technologies that address this challenge like Zookeeper, Etcd, Consul, Mesos-DNS, Minuteman, SkyDNS, SmartStack or Eureka. We will also address how these technologies as well as existing OpenStack projects can be used to solve this problem inside OpenStack environments.

Hand-off routing, authentication, and other parts to a
policy-driven, secure service mesh service
Logs and
Istio Architecture
PilotPilot Mixer Istio-Auth
HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2,
gRPC, TCP with or
without TLS
Config data to
TLS certs to
EnvoyPolicy checks,
HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2,
gRPC, TCP with or
without TLS
Control PlaneAPI
Data Plane
Several different service mesh options for developers
© 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.
© 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.

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Service Mesh 101 - Digging into your service

1. Meshing with Microservices - Facing problems 2. ServiceMesh – What’s inside ? 3. ServiceMesh – Healing the pains • Advanced traffic management • Security • Service Observability • Multi-cluster as-a-single-mesh 4. Demo

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Api service mesh and microservice tooling
Api service mesh and microservice toolingApi service mesh and microservice tooling
Api service mesh and microservice tooling

The document provides an overview of microservices and service meshes, and uses Istio as an example service mesh implementation. It discusses how Istio allows microservices to be developed independently while providing capabilities like discovery, load balancing, resilience, metrics and tracing through lightweight proxies. The document then demonstrates what happens at each step of a request's lifecycle as it travels through an application protected by Istio's service mesh. Specifically, it shows how Istio components like Pilot, Envoy, Mixer and Citadel work together to provide control, observability and security for microservices.

microservicesistioservice mesh
Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)
Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)
Kubernetes Ingress to Service Mesh (and beyond!)

Kubernetes users need to allow traffic to flow into and within the cluster. Treating the application traffic separately from the business logic allows presents new possibilities in how service to service traffic is served, controlled and observed — and provides a transition to intra cluster networking like Service Mesh. With microservices, there is a concept of both North / South traffic (incoming requests from end users to the cluster) and East / West (intra cluster) communication between the services. In this talk we will explain how Envoy Proxy works in Kubernetes as a proxy for both of these traffic directions and how it can be leveraged to do things like traffic shaping, security, and integrate the north/south to east/west behavior. Christian Posta (@christianposta) is Global Field CTO at, former Chief Architect at Red Hat, and well known in the community for being an author (Istio in Action, Manning, Istio Service Mesh, O'Reilly 2018, Microservices for Java Developers, O’Reilly 2016), frequent blogger, speaker, open-source enthusiast and committer on various open-source projects including Istio, Kubernetes, and many others. Christian has spent time at both enterprises as well as web-scale companies and now helps companies create and deploy large-scale, cloud-native resilient, distributed architectures. He enjoys mentoring, training and leading teams to be successful with distributed systems concepts, microservices, devops, and cloud-native application design.

Simple example: traffic splitting for rolling out service
updates (canary testing)
© 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.
Requires only a change in policy
Services remain the same
Networking infra remains the same
Rules API
Svc A
Service A
Pod 1
Svc B v1.0
Pod 1
Svc B v1.0
Pod 2
Svc B v1.0
Pod 3
Svc B v2.0 -
Pod 4
Service B
Stretching Istio Across Public, Private Clouds and Edge
PilotPilot Mixer Istio-Auth
Public Cloud
Control PlaneAPI
Public Cloud Private Cloud Edge
Using a service mesh is radically different
• Abstracts away details of service-to-service communications
• Consistent policy, load balancing, encryption, authentication, traffic steering
across services
• Easy way to connect, manage and secure microservices without changes in
the service code
• Easier IT-Ops with better observability, monitoring of traffic between
• Kubernetes orchestrates containers, Istio orchestrates communication
between services.
Biggest Impact: Changing the way we think about
application/service development
Bring application development becomes
assembly of ready-made, highly-scalable,
proven services running anywhere from the
edge to the cloud.

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This document discusses cloud native microservices and key components for implementing them. It provides an overview of microservices principles and design patterns, and describes the cloud native landscape including containers, Kubernetes, service meshes like Istio, and other open source tools. It also discusses architectures like ONAP and considerations for deploying virtual network functions using microservices.

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Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures
Comparison of Current Service Mesh ArchitecturesComparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures
Comparison of Current Service Mesh Architectures

Learn the differences between Envoy, Istio, Conduit, Linkerd and other service meshes and their components. Watch the recording including demo at:

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DevOps tools became very popular with the adoption of public cloud, but Operational teams now realize that their benefits can be extended to enterprise data centers. In reality, cloud native tools can help bridge public clouds and private data centers by enabling a common framework to manage applications and their underlying infrastructure components. In this session you’ll learn about the latest Cisco ACI integrations with Hashicorp Terraform and Consul to deliver a powerful solution for end-to-end on-prem and cloud infrastructure deployments.

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Istio Service Mesh

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Istio Service Mesh

  • 1. Istio Service Mesh (networking for microservices) Lew Tucker, Ph.D. VP/CTO Cloud Computing Cisco Systems, Inc. @lewtucker
  • 2. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . Cloud Computing Has Won and it’s Multiple Clouds plan to use multiple clouds evaluating or using public cloud 85% 94% taken steps towards a hybrid cloud strategy 87% S o u rc e : ID C C lo u d V ie w , A p ril, 2 0 1 7 , n = 8 ,2 9 3 w o rld w id e re s p o n d e n ts , w e ig h te d b y c o u n try , c o m p a n y s iz e a n d in d u s try Among cloud users
  • 3. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . SaaS SaaSSaaS SaaS SaaS SaaS MULTICLOUD Private Cloud Cam pus Branch Data Center JASPER P u b lic C lo u d E n t P riv a te C lo u d S P P riv a te C lo u d Enables new business models by driving intersection between enterprise, service providers, cloud, and co-lo providers Data Center PoP Private & Telco Cloud CO /Agg Access Co-location Enterprise Service Provider
  • 4. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . Many choices for where you’d like apps to run >1,000s of Virtual workloads Production & Backend services Rack(s) >100s of Virtual workloads, Production services >10s of Virtual Workloads, Production Services Edge Compute Latency sensitive apps (MEC, IoT, Edge Analytics) BM High Performance, Automation, Day 0 – N Lifecycle Management, HA, Consistent Networking Models, Logging, Assurance, Security Modular Cloud Orchestration Software Stack Multi-Rack ` Access Carrier-E / Transport Central Data Centers Edge Internet / Partner SP Edge Core and EdgeAggregation Multi-Cloud VPN CPE Cust. Prem Peering DCI DCI DCI DCI DCI DCI Remote DC Near Edge Remote DC Near Edge Co-Lo Co-Lo Peering Peering >100s of Virtual workloads Production services MicroNano ½ or Full Rack
  • 5. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . Containers and Kubernetes offer new potential 5 Starts faster, uses less memory Consistent development environment Run anywhere
  • 6. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . Containerization challenges in a multicloud world Multiple Open Source Solutions Hybrid Environments Container Complexity Networking, Security and Storage Source: CNCF Survey, January and June 2017 Container Trends § Kubernetes is emerging as the leading container orchestration platform § Containers are being adopted heavily in on-premise data centers
  • 7. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . Native Kubernetes (100% Upstream) Direct updates and best practices from open source community Hybrid Cloud Optimized A key element of the Cisco-Google open hybrid cloud solution Integrated Networking | Management | Security | Analytics Container-based Applications Management Extending Cisco’s portfolio of offers The Cisco Container Platform - Kubernetes Turnkey Solution For Production-Grade Container Environments Easy to acquire, deploy & manage | Extensible platform | World-class advisory & support | Open & consistent
  • 9. © 2 0 1 8 C is c o a n d / o r it s a f f ilia t e s . A ll r ig h t s r e s e r v e d . Consistent Environment for Hybrid Cloud Services On Prem/Colo Data Center Google Cloud Google Cloud Platform Google Kubernetes Engine Existing Services Apps | Data Private Cloud infrastructure Cisco Container Platform (VM | Bare metal | HX, ACI) Cloud Apps Istio: Hybrid Cloud Service Management Consistent Environment Networking | Security | Private Cloud Infrastructure | Consumption Management CSR 1000v, ACI, Stealthwatch Cloud, Cisco Container Platform, Contiv, CloudCenter, AppDynamics
  • 10. Cloud native computing is driving an evolution of application/service architecture © 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved. Monolithic Hybrid Microservices
  • 11. © 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved. Wecome to the wonderful world of distributed systems ! Observability Traffic management Security and Policy
  • 12. Payments Order Mgmt Web Server Content Server Services should be simple but get complicated fast Auth Logs and Metrics API Mgmt Security Policy Load Balancing Connection Mgmt Order Mgmt Request Routing Failover Policy Content Server Auth Logs and Metrics API Mgmt Security Policy Load Balancing Connection Mgmt Request Routing Failover Policy Auth Logs and Metrics API Mgmt Security Policy Load Balancing Connection Mgmt Payments Request Routing Failover Policy Web Server Auth Logs and Metrics API Mgmt Security Policy Load Balancing Connection Mgmt Request Routing Failover Policy
  • 13. Order Mgmt Payments Content Server Web Server Hand-off routing, authentication, and other parts to a policy-driven, secure service mesh service API Mgmt Load Balancing Order Mgmt Content Server Request Routing Failover Policy Auth Security Policy Payments Web Server Logs and Metrics Connection Mgmt
  • 14. Istio Architecture PilotPilot Mixer Istio-Auth Pod Pod Pod Envoy svcA Pod Pod Pod Envoy svcB HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC, TCP with or without TLS Config data to Envoys TLS certs to EnvoyPolicy checks, telemetry HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, gRPC, TCP with or without TLS Control PlaneAPI Data Plane
  • 15. Several different service mesh options for developers © 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.
  • 16. © 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved.
  • 17. Simple example: traffic splitting for rolling out service updates (canary testing) © 2017 C isco and/or its affiliates. A ll rights reserved. 5% Requires only a change in policy Services remain the same Networking infra remains the same Rules API Pilot Svc A Service A Envoy Pod 1 Svc B v1.0 Envoy Pod 1 Svc B v1.0 Envoy Pod 2 Svc B v1.0 Envoy Pod 3 Svc B v2.0 - Staging Envoy Pod 4 Service B 95%
  • 18. Stretching Istio Across Public, Private Clouds and Edge PilotPilot Mixer Istio-Auth Envo y svc Public Cloud Control PlaneAPI Envo y svc Envo y svc Envo y svc Public Cloud Private Cloud Edge
  • 19. Using a service mesh is radically different • Abstracts away details of service-to-service communications • Consistent policy, load balancing, encryption, authentication, traffic steering across services • Easy way to connect, manage and secure microservices without changes in the service code • Easier IT-Ops with better observability, monitoring of traffic between microservices • Kubernetes orchestrates containers, Istio orchestrates communication between services.
  • 20. Biggest Impact: Changing the way we think about application/service development Bring application development becomes assembly of ready-made, highly-scalable, proven services running anywhere from the edge to the cloud.