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The Right Compaction
Strategy Can Boost
Your Performance
Raphael Carvalho, Software Engineer at ScyllaDB
Raphael Carvalho
■ Syslinux (bootloader)
■ OSv (unikernel)
■ Seastar (ScyllaDB’s heart)
■ ScyllaDB (the best db in the world)
■ LSM tree
■ What is Compaction? Why is it Needed?
■ Read, Write and Space Amplification
■ Different Compaction Strategies
■ When to Use Each One
■ SAG in ICS
■ Time Series Compaction Strategy (TWCS)
Presentation Agenda
What is LSM-tree Compaction?
LSM storage engine’s write path:
commit log
What is LSM-tree Compaction?
LSM storage engine’s write path:
commit log
What is LSM-tree Compaction?
LSM storage engine’s write path:
commit log
What is LSM-tree Compaction?
LSM storage engine’s write path:
commit log
What is LSM-tree Compaction?
LSM storage engine’s write path:
commit log
What is LSM-tree Compaction?
LSM storage engine’s write path:
commit log
What is Compaction? (cont.)
■ This technique of keeping sorted files and merging them is well-known
and often called Log-Structured Merge (LSM) Tree
■ Published in 1996, earliest popular application that I know of is the
Lucene search engine, 1999
■ High performance write.
■ Immediately readable.
■ Reasonable performance for read.
Compaction Strategy
(a.k.a. File picking policy)
■ Which files to Compact, and When?
■ This is called the Compaction Strategy
■ The Goal of the Strategy is Low Amplification:
■ Avoid read requests needing many sstables
■ Read Amplification
■ Avoid overwritten/deleted/expired data staying on disk
■ Avoid excessive temporary disk space needs (scary!)
■ Space Amplification
■ Avoid compacting the same data again and again
■ Write Amplification
Which compaction
strategy shall I
Read, Write and Space Amplification
Make a choice!
■ This choice is well known in distributed databases like with CAP, etc.
■ The RUM Conjecture states:
■ We cannot design an access method for a storage system that is
optimal in all the following three aspects - Reads, Updates, and
■ Impossible to decrease Read, Write & Space Amplification, all at once
■ A strategy can e.g. optimize for Write, while sacrificing Read & Space
■ Whereas another can optimize for Space and Read, while sacrificing
Read, Write and Space Amplification
Make a choice!
Compaction Strategies History
Cassandra and ScyllaDB
■ Starts with Size Tiered Compaction Strategy
■ Efficient Write performance
■ Inconsistent Read performance
■ Substantial waste of disk space = bad space amplification (due
to slow GC)
■ To fix Read / Space issues in Tiered Compaction, Leveled
Compaction is introduced
■ Fixes Read & Space issues
■ BUT it introduces a new problem - Write Amplification
Strategy #1: Size-Tiered Compaction
■ Cassandra’s oldest and still default Compaction Strategy
■ Dates back to Google’s BigTable paper (2006)
■ Idea used even earlier (e.g., Lucene, 1999)
Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy
Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy
Compact N similar-sized
files together, with result
being placed into next tier
Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy
Compacted N similar-sized
files together, with result
placed into next tier
Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy
Compacting N similar-sized
files together, with result
placed into next tier
Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy
Compacted N similar-sized
files together, with result
placed into next tier
Size-Tiered Compaction - Amplification
■ Write Amplification: O(logN)
■ Where “N” is (data size) / (flushed sstable size).
■ Most data is in highest tier - needed to pass through O(logN) tiers
■ This is asymptotically optimal
Size-Tiered Compaction - Amplification
What is Read Amplification? O(logN) sstables, but:
■ If workload writes a partition once and never modifies it:
■ Eventually each partition’s data will be compacted into one sstable
■ In-memory bloom filter will usually allow reading only one sstable
■ Optimal
■ But if workload continues to update a partition:
■ All sstables will contain updates to the same partition
■ O(logN) reads per read request
■ Reasonable, but not great
Size-Tiered Compaction - Amplification
■ Space amplification
Strategy #2: Leveled Compaction
■ Introduced in Cassandra 1.0, in 2011
■ Based on Google’s LevelDB (itself based on Google’s BigTable)
■ No longer has size-tiered's huge sstables
■ Instead have runs:
■ A run is a collection of small (160 MB by default) SSTables
■ Have non-overlapping key ranges
■ A huge SSTable must be rewritten as a whole, but in a run we can modify only parts
of it (individual sstables) while keeping the disjoint key requirement
Leveled Compaction Strategy
Level 0
Level 1
(run of 10
sstables) Level 2
(run of 100
Leveled Compaction Strategy
Level 0
Level 1
(run of 10
sstables) Level 2
(run of 100
Leveled Compaction Strategy
Level 0
Level 1
(run of 10
sstables) Level 2
(run of 100
Leveled Compaction Strategy
Level 0
Level 1
(run of 10
sstables) Level 2
(run of 100
Leveled Compaction Strategy
Level 0
Level 1
(run of 10
sstables) Level 2
(run of 100
Leveled Compaction - Amplification
■ Space Amplification:
■ Because of sstable counts, 90% of the data is in the deepest level (if full!)
■ These sstables do not overlap, so it can’t have duplicate data!
■ So at most, 10% of the space is wasted
■ Also, each compaction needs a constant (~12*160MB) temporary space
■ Nearly optimal
Leveled Compaction - Amplification
■ Read Amplification:
■ We have O(N) tables!
■ But in each level sstables have disjoint ranges (cached in memory)
■ Worst-case, O(logN) sstables relevant to a partition - plus L0 size.
■ Under some assumptions (update complete rows, of similar sizes)
space amplification implies: 90% of the reads will need just one sstable!
■ Nearly optimal
Leveled Compaction - Amplification
■ Write Amplification:
Example 1 - Write-Heavy Workload
■ Size-tiered compaction:
At some points needs twice the disk space
■ In ScyllaDB with many shards, “usually” maximum space
use is not concurrent
■ Level-tiered compaction:
More than double the amount of disk I/O
■ Test used smaller-than default sstables (10 MB) to
illustrate the problem
■ Same problem with default sstable size (160 MB) - with
larger workloads
Example 1 (Space Amplification)
constant multiple of
flushed memtable &
sstable size
x2 space
Example 2 - Overwrite Workload
■ Write 15 times the same 4 million partitions
■ cassandra-stress write n=4000000 -pop seq=1..4000000 -schema
■ In this test cassandra-stress is not rate limited
■ Again, small (10MB) LCS tables
■ Necessary amount of sstable data: 1.2 GB
■ STCS space amplification: x7.7 !
■ LCS space amplification lower, constant multiple of sstable size
■ Incremental will be around x2 (if it decides to compact fewer files)
Example 2 (Space Amplification)
Strategy #3: Incremental Compaction
■ Size-tiered Compaction needs temporary space because we only remove
a huge SSTable after we fully compact it.
■ Let’s split each huge sstable into a run (a la LCS) of “fragments”:
■ Treat the entire run (not individual SSTables) as a file for STCS
■ Remove individual sstables as compacted. Low temporary space.
Incremental Compaction - Amplification
■ Space Amplification:
■ Small constant temporary space needs, even smaller than LCS
(M*S per parallel compaction, e.g., M=4, S=160 MB)
■ Overwrite-mostly still a worst-case, but 2-fold instead of 5-fold
■ Optimal.
■ Write Amplification:
■ O(logN), small constant — same as Size-Tiered compaction
■ Read Amplification:
■ Like Size-Tiered, at worst O(logN) if updating the same partitions
Example 1 - Size Tiered vs Incremental
Is it Enough?
■ Space overhead problem was efficiently fixed in Incremental (ICS), however…
■ Incremental (ICS) and size-tiered (STCS) strategies share the same space
amplification (~2-4x) when facing overwrite intensive workloads, where:
■ They cover a similar region in the three-dimensional efficiency space (RUM
Space Amplification Goal (SAG)
■ Leveled and Size-Tiered (or ICS) cover different regions
■ Interesting regions cannot be reached with either strategies.
■ But interesting regions can be reached by combining data layout of both strategies
■ i.e. a Hybrid (Tiered+Leveled) approach:
■ Space Amplification Goal (SAG) is a property to control the size ratio of
the largest and the second largest-tier
■ It’s a value between 1 and 2 (defined in table’s schema). Value of 1.5
implies Cross-Tier Compaction when second-largest is half the size of
■ Effectively, helps controlling Space Amplification. Not an upper bound,
but results show that compaction will be working towards reducing the
actual SA to below the configured value.
■ The lower the SAG value the lower the SA but the higher the WA. A good
initial value is 1.5, and then decrease conservatively.
Further on ICS + SAG
WITH compaction = {
'class': 'IncrementalCompactionStrategy',
'space_amplification_goal': '1.5'
Schema for ICS’ SAG
ICS with Space Amplification Goal (SAG)
■ Accumulation of tombstone records is a known problem in LSM trees
■ Makes queries slower
■ Read amplification
■ More CPU work (preserve latest)
■ Employs a SAG-like, but with focus on expired data, rather than space.
■ Enabled by default, can be controlled with usual params
■ tombstone_compaction_interval (defaults to 864000 (10 days))
■ tombstone_threshold (defaults to 0.2)
ICS has more efficient GC
Strategy #4: Time Window (TWCS)
■ Designed for time series workloads
■ Groups data of similar age together
■ Helps with:
■ Garbage collecting expired data
■ as data with similar age will be expired roughly at the same time
■ Read performance
■ Queries using a time range will find the data in a few number of files
■ Common Anti patterns:
■ Not having every cell TTLd (recommendation is to use default_time_to_live)
■ Deletions, overwrites (not well supported, major is usually needed after)
■ Keep number of windows to a small constant. Recommendation: 20.
Compaction Strategies Summary
Workload Size-Tiered Leveled Incremental Time-Window
Write-only 2x peak space 2x writes Best -
Overwrite Huge peak
SAG helps -
few updates
Best read
but a lot of
read and space
may overwhelm
again SAG
Time series write, read, and
space ampl.
write and space
write and read
Stay in Touch
Raphael S. Carvalho

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Balancing Compaction Principles and Practices

  • 1. The Right Compaction Strategy Can Boost Your Performance Raphael Carvalho, Software Engineer at ScyllaDB
  • 2. Raphael Carvalho ■ Syslinux (bootloader) ■ OSv (unikernel) ■ Seastar (ScyllaDB’s heart) ■ ScyllaDB (the best db in the world)
  • 3. ■ LSM tree ■ What is Compaction? Why is it Needed? ■ Read, Write and Space Amplification ■ Different Compaction Strategies ■ When to Use Each One ■ SAG in ICS ■ Time Series Compaction Strategy (TWCS) Presentation Agenda
  • 4. What is LSM-tree Compaction? LSM storage engine’s write path: Writes commit log
  • 5. What is LSM-tree Compaction? LSM storage engine’s write path: commit log Writes
  • 6. What is LSM-tree Compaction? LSM storage engine’s write path: commit log Writes
  • 7. What is LSM-tree Compaction? LSM storage engine’s write path: Writes commit log compaction
  • 8. What is LSM-tree Compaction? LSM storage engine’s write path: Writes commit log compaction
  • 9. What is LSM-tree Compaction? LSM storage engine’s write path: Writes commit log
  • 10. What is Compaction? (cont.) ■ This technique of keeping sorted files and merging them is well-known and often called Log-Structured Merge (LSM) Tree ■ Published in 1996, earliest popular application that I know of is the Lucene search engine, 1999 ■ High performance write. ■ Immediately readable. ■ Reasonable performance for read.
  • 11. Compaction Strategy (a.k.a. File picking policy) ■ Which files to Compact, and When? ■ This is called the Compaction Strategy ■ The Goal of the Strategy is Low Amplification: ■ Avoid read requests needing many sstables ■ Read Amplification ■ Avoid overwritten/deleted/expired data staying on disk ■ Avoid excessive temporary disk space needs (scary!) ■ Space Amplification ■ Avoid compacting the same data again and again ■ Write Amplification Which compaction strategy shall I choose?
  • 12. Read, Write and Space Amplification Make a choice! ■ This choice is well known in distributed databases like with CAP, etc. ■ The RUM Conjecture states: ■ We cannot design an access method for a storage system that is optimal in all the following three aspects - Reads, Updates, and Memory. ■ Impossible to decrease Read, Write & Space Amplification, all at once ■ A strategy can e.g. optimize for Write, while sacrificing Read & Space ■ Whereas another can optimize for Space and Read, while sacrificing Writes
  • 13. READ WRITE SPACE TIERED (STCS, ICS) LEVELED Read, Write and Space Amplification Make a choice!
  • 14. Compaction Strategies History Cassandra and ScyllaDB ■ Starts with Size Tiered Compaction Strategy ■ Efficient Write performance ■ Inconsistent Read performance ■ Substantial waste of disk space = bad space amplification (due to slow GC) ■ To fix Read / Space issues in Tiered Compaction, Leveled Compaction is introduced ■ Fixes Read & Space issues ■ BUT it introduces a new problem - Write Amplification
  • 15. Strategy #1: Size-Tiered Compaction ■ Cassandra’s oldest and still default Compaction Strategy ■ Dates back to Google’s BigTable paper (2006) ■ Idea used even earlier (e.g., Lucene, 1999)
  • 17. Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy Compact N similar-sized files together, with result being placed into next tier
  • 18. Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy Compacted N similar-sized files together, with result placed into next tier OUTPUT
  • 19. Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy Compacting N similar-sized files together, with result placed into next tier
  • 20. Size-Tiered Compaction Strategy Compacted N similar-sized files together, with result placed into next tier OUTPUT
  • 21. Size-Tiered Compaction - Amplification ■ Write Amplification: O(logN) ■ Where “N” is (data size) / (flushed sstable size). ■ Most data is in highest tier - needed to pass through O(logN) tiers ■ This is asymptotically optimal
  • 22. Size-Tiered Compaction - Amplification What is Read Amplification? O(logN) sstables, but: ■ If workload writes a partition once and never modifies it: ■ Eventually each partition’s data will be compacted into one sstable ■ In-memory bloom filter will usually allow reading only one sstable ■ Optimal ■ But if workload continues to update a partition: ■ All sstables will contain updates to the same partition ■ O(logN) reads per read request ■ Reasonable, but not great
  • 23. Size-Tiered Compaction - Amplification ■ Space amplification
  • 24. Strategy #2: Leveled Compaction ■ Introduced in Cassandra 1.0, in 2011 ■ Based on Google’s LevelDB (itself based on Google’s BigTable) ■ No longer has size-tiered's huge sstables ■ Instead have runs: ■ A run is a collection of small (160 MB by default) SSTables ■ Have non-overlapping key ranges ■ A huge SSTable must be rewritten as a whole, but in a run we can modify only parts of it (individual sstables) while keeping the disjoint key requirement
  • 25. Leveled Compaction Strategy Level 0 Level 1 (run of 10 sstables) Level 2 (run of 100 sstables) ...
  • 26. Leveled Compaction Strategy Level 0 Level 1 (run of 10 sstables) Level 2 (run of 100 sstables) ... COMPACTING LEVEL 0 INTO ALL SSTABLES FROM LEVEL 1, DUE TO KEY RANGE OVERLAPPING
  • 27. Leveled Compaction Strategy Level 0 Level 1 (run of 10 sstables) Level 2 (run of 100 sstables) ... OUTPUT IS PLACED INTO LEVEL 1, WHICH MAY HAVE EXCEEDED ITS CAPACITY… MAY NEED TO COMPACT LEVEL 1 INTO 2
  • 28. Leveled Compaction Strategy Level 0 Level 1 (run of 10 sstables) Level 2 (run of 100 sstables) ... PICKS 1 EXCEEDING FROM LEVEL 1 AND COMPACT WITH OVERLAPPING IN LEVEL 2 (ABOUT ~10 DUE TO DEFAULT FAN-OUT OF 10)
  • 29. Leveled Compaction Strategy Level 0 Level 1 (run of 10 sstables) Level 2 (run of 100 sstables) ... INPUT IS REMOVED FROM LEVEL 1 AND OUTPUT PLACED INTO LEVEL 2, WITHOUT BREAKING KEY DISJOINTNESS IN LEVEL 2
  • 30. Leveled Compaction - Amplification ■ Space Amplification: ■ Because of sstable counts, 90% of the data is in the deepest level (if full!) ■ These sstables do not overlap, so it can’t have duplicate data! ■ So at most, 10% of the space is wasted ■ Also, each compaction needs a constant (~12*160MB) temporary space ■ Nearly optimal
  • 31. Leveled Compaction - Amplification ■ Read Amplification: ■ We have O(N) tables! ■ But in each level sstables have disjoint ranges (cached in memory) ■ Worst-case, O(logN) sstables relevant to a partition - plus L0 size. ■ Under some assumptions (update complete rows, of similar sizes) space amplification implies: 90% of the reads will need just one sstable! ■ Nearly optimal
  • 32. Leveled Compaction - Amplification ■ Write Amplification:
  • 33. Example 1 - Write-Heavy Workload ■ Size-tiered compaction: At some points needs twice the disk space ■ In ScyllaDB with many shards, “usually” maximum space use is not concurrent ■ Level-tiered compaction: More than double the amount of disk I/O ■ Test used smaller-than default sstables (10 MB) to illustrate the problem ■ Same problem with default sstable size (160 MB) - with larger workloads
  • 34. Example 1 (Space Amplification) constant multiple of flushed memtable & sstable size x2 space amplification
  • 35. Example 2 - Overwrite Workload ■ Write 15 times the same 4 million partitions ■ cassandra-stress write n=4000000 -pop seq=1..4000000 -schema "replication(strategy=org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy,factor=1)" ■ In this test cassandra-stress is not rate limited ■ Again, small (10MB) LCS tables ■ Necessary amount of sstable data: 1.2 GB ■ STCS space amplification: x7.7 ! ■ LCS space amplification lower, constant multiple of sstable size ■ Incremental will be around x2 (if it decides to compact fewer files)
  • 36. Example 2 (Space Amplification) x7.7 space amplification
  • 37. Strategy #3: Incremental Compaction ■ Size-tiered Compaction needs temporary space because we only remove a huge SSTable after we fully compact it. ■ Let’s split each huge sstable into a run (a la LCS) of “fragments”: ■ Treat the entire run (not individual SSTables) as a file for STCS ■ Remove individual sstables as compacted. Low temporary space.
  • 38. Incremental Compaction - Amplification ■ Space Amplification: ■ Small constant temporary space needs, even smaller than LCS (M*S per parallel compaction, e.g., M=4, S=160 MB) ■ Overwrite-mostly still a worst-case, but 2-fold instead of 5-fold ■ Optimal. ■ Write Amplification: ■ O(logN), small constant — same as Size-Tiered compaction ■ Read Amplification: ■ Like Size-Tiered, at worst O(logN) if updating the same partitions
  • 39. Example 1 - Size Tiered vs Incremental Incremental compaction
  • 40. Is it Enough? ■ Space overhead problem was efficiently fixed in Incremental (ICS), however… ■ Incremental (ICS) and size-tiered (STCS) strategies share the same space amplification (~2-4x) when facing overwrite intensive workloads, where: ■ They cover a similar region in the three-dimensional efficiency space (RUM trade-offs): READ WRITE SPACE STC S ICS
  • 41. Space Amplification Goal (SAG) ■ Leveled and Size-Tiered (or ICS) cover different regions ■ Interesting regions cannot be reached with either strategies. ■ But interesting regions can be reached by combining data layout of both strategies ■ i.e. a Hybrid (Tiered+Leveled) approach: READ WRITE SPACE STC S ICS LCS
  • 42. ■ Space Amplification Goal (SAG) is a property to control the size ratio of the largest and the second largest-tier ■ It’s a value between 1 and 2 (defined in table’s schema). Value of 1.5 implies Cross-Tier Compaction when second-largest is half the size of largest. ■ Effectively, helps controlling Space Amplification. Not an upper bound, but results show that compaction will be working towards reducing the actual SA to below the configured value. ■ The lower the SAG value the lower the SA but the higher the WA. A good initial value is 1.5, and then decrease conservatively. Further on ICS + SAG
  • 43. ALTER TABLE WITH compaction = { 'class': 'IncrementalCompactionStrategy', 'space_amplification_goal': '1.5' }; Schema for ICS’ SAG
  • 44. ICS with Space Amplification Goal (SAG)
  • 45. ■ Accumulation of tombstone records is a known problem in LSM trees ■ Makes queries slower ■ Read amplification ■ More CPU work (preserve latest) ■ Employs a SAG-like, but with focus on expired data, rather than space. ■ Enabled by default, can be controlled with usual params ■ tombstone_compaction_interval (defaults to 864000 (10 days)) ■ tombstone_threshold (defaults to 0.2) ICS has more efficient GC
  • 46. Strategy #4: Time Window (TWCS) ■ Designed for time series workloads ■ Groups data of similar age together ■ Helps with: ■ Garbage collecting expired data ■ as data with similar age will be expired roughly at the same time ■ Read performance ■ Queries using a time range will find the data in a few number of files ■ Common Anti patterns: ■ Not having every cell TTLd (recommendation is to use default_time_to_live) ■ Deletions, overwrites (not well supported, major is usually needed after) ■ Keep number of windows to a small constant. Recommendation: 20.
  • 47. Compaction Strategies Summary Workload Size-Tiered Leveled Incremental Time-Window Write-only 2x peak space 2x writes Best - Overwrite Huge peak space write amplification SAG helps - Read-mostly, few updates read amplification Best read amplification - Read-mostly, but a lot of updates read and space amplification write amplification may overwhelm read amplification, again SAG helps - Time series write, read, and space ampl. write and space amplification write and read amplification Best
  • 48. Stay in Touch Raphael S. Carvalho @raphael_scarv @raphaelsc /