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Mobile Developer’s Guide to
the Galaxy

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                  en 2
Mobile Developer's Guide To The Galaxy Edition 2
Developer’s Guide
Table of Contents
5    Introduction

7    Application Environments Overview
7    Native Applications
9    J2ME / Java ME
9    Flash Lite
10   BREW
11   Widgets
12   Websites
12   SMS Text Messaging

13   Programming Android Apps
13   Android App Characteristics
14   Do the Development
15   Distribution

16   Programming iPhone Apps
17   Prerequisites for iPhone Development
17   Implementation
18   Testing
20   Distribution

21   Programming J2ME / Java ME Apps
22   Prerequisites for Mobile Java Development
23   Implement your App
24   Testing
25   Cover’em All: Porting
28   A Question of Trust: Signing

29 Distributing Your J2ME Application

30   Bringing Your Content to the Mobile Web
30   Why a mobile web page?
32   Some History on the Mobile Web
34   How to adapt content for the mobile user
36   Satisfy the Interpreter of Your Content: The Browser
38   Let’s do some pigeonholing: Device categories
42   Use GPS in the Browser
42   Testing your Mobile Website
44   Learn More – On the Web

45   Implementing Rich Media
45   Streaming
45   Progressive download
47   Ringtones
47   Mobile Video
48   Media Converters

39 Now what — Which Environment Should I Use?

52 Epilogue

53 About the Authors
55 Imprint/Contact

This Developer Guide is licensed under the
Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved License.


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The document discusses various approaches to mobile app development including native, mobile web, hybrid, cross-compiled, and virtual machine-based apps. It analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each approach based on criteria like user experience, portability, time to market, and maintenance. While native apps provide the best user experience, mobile web apps have better portability across platforms. The document recommends evaluating key business parameters and priorities to determine the best development strategy for an organization's needs.

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IRJET- Cross Platform User Compatible System with Specific ApplicationIRJET- Cross Platform User Compatible System with Specific Application
IRJET- Cross Platform User Compatible System with Specific Application

1. The document discusses cross-platform mobile application development which allows apps to run on multiple operating systems like Android and iOS. 2. It explains different types of cross-platform apps like web, hybrid, and interpreted apps. Cross-platform tools allow developers to write code once and deploy it to different platforms. 3. The document analyzes advantages of cross-platform apps like reusable code, reduced development time and costs since code only needs to be written and tested once rather than for each platform.

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Nashua Cloud .NET User Group - Basic WP8 App Dev With XAML and C#, April 2013

This document provides a 3 sentence summary of the Basic Windows Phone 8 Application Development with XAML & C# document: The document outlines the core concepts and structure for developing basic applications for Windows Phone 8 using XAML and C#, including an overview of pages, controls, navigation, and the application lifecycle. It also covers important UI elements like the LongListSelector, Pivot, and Panorama controls as well as data storage options and the application bar.

Developer’s Guide
This guide is aimed at developers who (want to) realize their ideas
on mobile handsets. We try to outline typical problems and how to
overcome them.
Developing for mobile handsets is a schizophrenic experience – on one
side there is the never-ending stream of innovations and new tech-
nologies, on the other side it can take a painfully long time until new
technologies are actually used by the end customers.
The most important issues for mobile application developers are frag-
mentation and distribution. Thankfully solutions for those problems
do exist.

Development is a passion – have fun in
the mobile world!

Developer’s Guide
Application Environments
You can choose between different environments for realizing your mo-
bile vision. This section describes the most common environments and
outlines differences between them. A more detailed description follows
in the environment specific chapters later onwards.

Native Applications
There are a lot of mobile operating systems used in the market today
– some are Open Source, some are not. Most important OS are (al-
phabetically) Android, BlackBerry, Maemo, Moblin, OS X, Symbian and
Windows Mobile. All these OS allow you to create native applications
for them without establishing a business relationship with the respec-
tive vendor. Most mass market phones are, however, equipped with em-
bedded operating systems that cannot be programmed for by outsiders.
Examples include but are not limited to Nokia Series 40, Samsung SGH
and Sony Ericsson Java Platform phones.

Main benefits for programming native applications include the best
possible integration of your application and often a very good perfor-
mance. Typical drawbacks are the required effort and the complexity of
supporting several native platforms (or the limitation of your app to
only one platform). Also most mass market handsets cannot be pro-
grammed natively.

The following table provides an overview about the main mobile
    operating systems:

    OS            Language(s)     Remarks
    Android       Java, C         Open Source OS (based on Linux)

    Blackberry    Java            Is also J2ME compatible, but the
                                  native APIs provide better integration.

    LiMO          C, C++          Open Source OS (based on Linux)

    Maemo         C, C++          Open Source OS (based on Linux)

    Moblin        C, C++          Open Source OS (based on Linux)

    OS X / iPhone Objective-C, C Requires Apple Developer Account

    Symbian        C, C++, others Open Source OS
                                  Some Series 60 compatible phones
                                  support further languages like Python.
                                  Most Symbian phones support J2ME.

    Web OS        HTML, CSS,      Widget style programming, OS is
                  JavaScript      based on Linux

    Windows       C#, C           You can choose between the .NET
    Mobile                        Compact Framework and programming
                                  Windows Mobile directly. Most Windows
                                  Mobile phones also come with a J2ME
                                  compatible JVM preinstalled.


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Mobile application development has grown significantly in recent years with the rise of smartphones. There are many mobile operating systems and platforms that each have their own approach. Java ME and BREW are virtual environments that provide a common development platform but have limitations. Symbian and S60 are mature operating systems that dominate the market but have complex development environments. The iPhone platform is very popular but tightly controlled by Apple. Android provides an open alternative with a full software stack based on an optimized Java virtual machine. It allows for modular application components and uses intents to facilitate interaction. Overall, mobile development remains fragmented but platforms are working to standardize and open up to developers.

Mobile Widgets Development
Mobile Widgets DevelopmentMobile Widgets Development
Mobile Widgets Development

This document discusses mobile widgets and their development. Mobile widgets are offline-capable mobile applications that appear as icons in the device's apps menu and are built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX. They are supported on platforms like WebOS and Android. The document outlines the benefits and challenges of mobile widgets, compares different widget platforms, and discusses how to build cross-platform mobile widgets.

Porting iPhone Apps to Windows Phone 7
Porting iPhone Apps to Windows Phone 7Porting iPhone Apps to Windows Phone 7
Porting iPhone Apps to Windows Phone 7

This document discusses porting an iPhone application to the Windows Phone 7 platform. It describes some of the key differences between the iOS and Windows Phone 7 SDKs and development environments that developers need to be aware of when porting an app. It provides examples of porting the data model and navigation between pages. It also discusses implementing page transitions since these are not built into the Windows Phone 7 SDK like they are in iOS.

windows phone 7mobiledevapp dev
J2ME / Java ME
Around 80% of all mobile handsets shipped in 2008 support the mo-
bile Java standard (J2ME/Java ME), so Java is by far the most widely
distributed application environment. In contrast to many other en-
vironments, J2ME is a standard rather than a product, which can be
implemented by anyone (who pays Sun the corresponding license fees
that is). Standardization is the strength of J2ME but at the same time
it is the source for many fragmentation problems.
On many handsets with embedded operating systems, J2ME is the only
way to realize client side applications. The main problem is the frag-
mentation, meaning the little differences between the implementations
and handsets.

Flash Lite
Flash Lite is the mobile edition of Flash, which pretty much is the same
as an older version of Adobe’s web Flash product. Flash Lite gains trac-
tion and is especially favored by many designers, since they know the
tools already.
Flash Lite features a powerful UI but it lacks a good integration
into the host device, although this is improving. Programming Flash
Lite is relatively easy thanks to its Action Script language that is
very similar to Java Script. The drawback is its poor performance and
small market share in comparison to J2ME.

 The Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) is a programming
 environment pushed forward by Qualcomm1. BREW services are offered
 by more than 60 operators in 28 countries, but it’s most popular within
 the US with CDMA devices launched by Verizon, US Cellular, Metro PCS
 among others2. Today, BREW applications are developed using native
 C code. The next evolution of the BREW client, Brew Mobile Platform
 (Brew MP), supports applications written in Flash, TrigML or native C

There are several widget environments that you can choose from. Main
benefit of these environments is the simple programming, main draw-
back is that you need to ensure that your customers will install both
– the widget player as well as your widget. More and more devices
feature, however, a preinstalled widget player – not necessary for the
environment that you have chosen, though.
The other significant drawback is that widgets do only allow a very low-
level access to the handsets functionality.

All these environments use XML, a script language (e.g. JavaScript)
and a page description language (like HTML) for realizing a widget.
The following table gives you an overview about popular widget frame-

Environment     Language(s)     Remarks
Nokia Web       XML,  
Runtime         HTML, CSS,
Widgets         JavaScript
Starmobi        XML, CSS,       The Starmobi JavaScript API allows
                JavaScript      you to script apps similar to J2ME,
                                German only.

W3C /           XML,            Vodafone, China Mobile and other
Vodafone        HTML, CSS,      companies try to push the W3C widget
Widgets         JavaScript      standard for mobile adoption.

Samsung         XML,  
                HTML, CSS,

  Webpages are supported by all phones, so in principle this should be
  the environment of choice to get the widest possible reach (after SMS
  texting). The only problem is the sheer number of browsers and their
  varying feature sets. Some browsers are very powerful and support CSS
  as well as JavaScript, others are less sophisticated XHTML only. Thank-
  fully the old WAP standard with its WML pages does not play any sig-
  nificant role nowadays.
  Main problems for web pages are that they are only available online and
  that they cannot access device features today. Main benefits are the
  easy development and a deployment that lies solely in your hands.

  SMS Text Messaging
  Almost everybody who has a mobile phone is also texting. Texting pro-
  vides the limitation that any interaction needs to be pressed into 160
  characters and that it can be quite costly to send out text messages in
  bulk. On the positive side it enjoys a global audience of any age.


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A presentation on various mobile platforms and development choices available for them. This presentation is adapted from presentation by So this is not original work. Please check out wmworia's presentation to see the original and detailed presentation. Thanks.

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Objective View of MEAPs
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Are MEAPs the answer to all our problems with mobile device development and deployment, or simply a recurring fallacy from what we saw in the mid-late 90's with cross-platform development for PC, Mac, Unix, and the Web? In this presentation I take an objective view on the category, highlight potential issues, and offer thoughts on an alternative approach.

Developer’s Guide
Programming Android Apps
The Android platform is one of the latest systems for the mobile mar-
ket. Created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance in late 2007,
Android is an operating system and an application development envi-
ronment with complete tooling support and a variety of preinstalled

Until the end of 2009, 18 models from different vendors will be avail-
able. The first adopter was HTC with its Dream device and other vendors
like Samsung and Huawei followed up quickly.

Android App Characteristics
An Android application is a mix of activities and services. An activity
is a piece of functionality with an attached user interface. A service is
used for tasks which should run in the background and is therefore not
tied directly to a visual representation. The communication between
the two and other system entities like broadcast receivers is done by
intents. An intent bundles data like the user’s touch position with a
semantic meaning. These intents are a way of triggering all kinds of
behavior in the platform. The intent of showing a web page will open
the browser activity, for example.

Your application will always be signed, either with a debug signature
or a real one. Your signature may be self signed, so forget about sign-
ing fees!

Do the Development
  The main programming language for Android is Java5. But beware that
  not the complete Java library is supported and that a lot of platform
  specific API is present. You find answers to your What and Why ques-
  tions in the Dev Guide1 and to your How questions in the reference

 To get started you will need the Android SDK3 and you will want a
 decent Java IDE. The SDK is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux
 and contains tools to build, debug and analyze applications. So you
 have no constraints on your development platform.
 As for the IDE, you can install the helpful ADT plugin for Eclipse which
 will coordinate building and deploying. But as the complete build cycle
 of Android is Ant based you can basically use any IDE you like. To aid
 the development, you have a lot of tools at your disposal:

 — android: Create an initial project or manage virtual devices.
 — adb: Scan devices at your USB bus, connect and interact with
   them by moving files etc.
 — emulator: Start it with a virtual device and it will emulate the
   defined features. It takes some time to startup so do it once and
   not on every build.
 — ddms: Look inside your device or emulator, watch log messages
   and control emulator features like network latency and GPS
   position. Have a look at the memory consumption or simply kill
   some processes. If this tool is running, you can also connect the
   Eclipse debugger to a process running in the emulator.
 — traceview: Analyze special trace logs which you can activate
   with Debug.startMethodTracing(“myApp”); and see
   which method did what at which time.

After you have created the next killer application and tested it, you
should put it in the Android Market. It is the one place to reach all
customers and developers of the Android platform alike. Browse for
new exciting apps and sell your own. To upload your application to
the Android Market, make sure that you have defined a versionName,
versionCode, an icon and a label in your AndroidManifest.xml.
To upload your application, start at You
are required to register with the service with your Google Account and
a $25 registration fee. The only accepted payment service is Google
Once your registration is approved you can upload your application,
add screenshots and descriptions to finally publish it.

Developer’s Guide
 Programming iPhone Apps
 The iPhone is a highly interesting and very popular development plat-
 form for many reasons, a commonly named one being the App Store.
 When it was introduced in July 2008, the App Store took off like no
 other marketplace did before. Within a year its users have downloaded
 over 1.5 billion apps, which makes the App Store very interesting for
 mobile developers.
 Additionally, the iPhone SDK offers high-level APIs for a wide range
 of tasks which helps to cut down on development time on your part.
 New APIs are added in every major update of iPhone OS, such as MapKit
 in iPhone OS 3.0.


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lumia app labsappsdeveloper
Prerequisites for iPhone Development
In order to develop iPhone (and iPod Touch apps), you will need the
iPhone SDK, which can be downloaded at
This requires a membership, which is available for free. If you plan to
test your apps on your device or distribute your apps on the App Store,
you need to sign up for an account starting at 99USD a year.

The iPhone SDK contains various applications that will allow you to
implement, test and debug your apps. The most important applications

—   Xcode, the IDE for the iPhone SDK
—   Interface Builder, to build user interfaces for iPhone app
—   Instruments, which offers various tools to monitor app execution
—   iPhone Simulator, which allows the developer to test his or her
    apps quicker than by deploying to a device

The iPhone SDK will work on any Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X
10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard). A guide to get you started and
introduce you to the tools is included, as is a viewer application for
API documentation and sample code. References and guides are also
available online at

Usually, you will want to use Apple’s high-level Cocoa Touch APIs when
developing for the iPhone. This means that you will write Objective-C
code and create your user interfaces in Interface Builder, which uses
the proprietary XIB file format. Objective-C is, as the name suggests, a
C-based object-oriented programming language. As a strict superset of
C, it is fully compatible with C, which means that you can use straight
C source code in your Objective-C files.
If you’re used to other object-oriented languages such as C++ or Java,
Objective-C’s syntax might take some time getting used to, but is ex-
 plained in detail at What seperates Objective-C
 most from these languages is its dynamic nature, lack of namespace
 support and the concept of message passing vs. method calls.

 A great way to get you started is Apple’s guide “Your First iPhone Ap-
 plication”, which will explain various concepts and common tasks in
 an iPhone developer’s workflow2.

 Check out some of the sample code that Apple provides online3 to find
 out more about various APIs that are made available to you.

     As performance in the iPhone Simulator may be superior to actual
     devices by several orders of magnitude, it is absolutely vital to test on
     devices. If possible, test your application on various different models,
     since the addition of the iPhone 3GS to the lineup brought with it a
     faster CPU, GPU and more RAM and may thus behave differently than
     previous iPhone generations.


You can distribute builds of your application to up to 100 testers
through Ad-Hoc Provisioning, which you can set up in the Program
Portal1. Each iPhone (and iPod touch) has a unique identifier (UDID –
universal device identifier), which is a string of 40 hex characters based
on various hardware parts of the device.

If you choose to test using Ad-Hoc-Provisioning, simply follow Apple’s
detailed set-up instructions2. Every single step is vital to success, so
make sure that you execute them all correctly.

The iPhone SDK does not include support for unit testing out of the
box, but fortunately Google added support in Google Toolbox for Mac
(GTM)2 with detailed instructions available in their wiki4. Also, iPhone
developer Gabriel Handford has improved on this work and released his
project, GHUnit as open source5. GTM runs the test cases using a shell
script during the build phase, while GHUnit runs the tests on the device
(or in the simulator), allowing the developer to attach a debugger to
investigate possible bugs.

 In order to reach the broadest possible audience, you should consider
 distributing your app on the App Store. There are other means, such
 as the Cydia Store for jailbroken iPhones, but the potential reach isn’t
 nearly as large as the App Store’s.

 In order to prepare your app for the App Store, you will need a 512x512
 version of your app’s icon, up to five screen shots of your app as well
 as a build of your app that has been properly signed. Log in to iTunes
 Connect1 and upload your app according to the onscreen instructions.
 After Apple has approved your application, which usually shouldn’t
 take more than 2 weeks, your app will become available in the App
 Store and will be available to customers.


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02 BlackBerry Application Development
02 BlackBerry Application Development02 BlackBerry Application Development
02 BlackBerry Application Development

The document discusses beginning BlackBerry application development. It covers choosing an SDK version and development environment. The SDK version is tied to the BlackBerry OS version, and applications developed for an older SDK may not utilize features of newer OS versions. The document recommends using the Eclipse integrated development environment with the BlackBerry plug-in, as it provides developer-friendly features and leverages the Eclipse platform. A minimum target of BlackBerry OS 5.0 is suggested to cover most devices and support in the BlackBerry App World.

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Adobe unveiled Flash Player 10.1, bringing Flash capabilities to smartphones, smartbooks, netbooks and other internet-connected devices. This allows content created with Flash to reach users across various platforms. Close to 50 companies are supporting this through the Open Screen Project. Flash Player 10.1 will provide rich browsing of applications, content and videos across different devices through a consistent runtime environment. It is expected to be available through public betas for Windows Mobile, Palm webOS and desktop platforms later in 2009, with betas for Android and Symbian in early 2010.

Mobile Developer's Guide To The Galaxy, 5th edition
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Mobile Developer's Guide To The Galaxy, 5th edition

This document provides an overview of different mobile application development environments, including native applications, J2ME, Flash Lite, BREW, widgets, and mobile web. It describes the programming languages, requirements, and considerations for each environment. The document aims to help developers choose the best environment for realizing their mobile application ideas.

appsapplicationsmobile development
Developer’s Guide
Programming J2ME / Java ME
Programming J2ME apps is a fun and rewarding experience. The ca-
pabilities of the Java platform are constantly evolving thanks to the
Java Community Process1 that standardizes new APIs (like the Wire-
less Messaging API) and even whole platforms (like the Mobile Service

For realizing your idea in Java you need to follow these steps:

1.   Prerequisites
2.   Implement
3.   Test
4.   Port
5.   Certify
6.   Distribute

These steps are detailed in the following sections.

Prerequisites for Mobile Java
  A mobile Java application (MIDlet) is compiled, obfuscated, preveri-
  fied and packaged. To implement your application you need a couple
  of things:

 — the Java SDK1 (not the Java Runtime Environment) and an IDE of
   your choice, e.g. Eclipse2 possibly with Mobile Tools for Java
   (MTJ), NetBeans3 with its mobility pack or IntelliJ4.
 — an Emulator, e.g. the Wireless Toolkit5, the Micro Emulator 6
   or a vendor specific emulator.
 — Depending on your setup you may also need an obfuscator like
   ProGuard7. If you build applications professionally you will
   probably also want to use a build tool like Maven8 or Ant9.
 — You may want to check out J2ME Polish, the Open Source frame-
   work, for building your application for various devices10.

 A complete installation and setup guide is out of scope of this guide,
 please refer to the respective documentation of these tools. Beginners
 often like NetBeans with an installed mobility pack.
 Also download and read the JavaDocs for the most important technolo-
 gies and APIs.
 You can download most JavaDocs from but there are a
 couple of useful vendor specific APIs that needed to be tracked down
 manually from the vendor’s pages (Nokia UI-API or Samsung APIs, for
  1)                       6)
  2)                    7)
  3)                   8)
  4)                  9)
  5)   10)

Implement Your App
The J2ME environment is pretty much straight forward, the basis is
formed by the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the
Mobile Internet Device Profile (MIDP), which are both quite easy to un-
derstand. Similar to the good ol’ fashioned Applets you extend javax.
microediton.midlet.MIDlet in your main class and then you are ready
to go.

You can create the UI of your app in different ways:
— Highlevel LCDUI components: use the components found in
    the javax.microedition.lcdui package, e.g. Form or List.
— Lowlevel LCDUI: use javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas for
    controlling every pixel of your UI.
— SVG: Scalable vector graphics defined in JSR 287

There are also different products out there to help you with the UI
— J2ME Polish: compatible with the highlevel LCDUI framework,
    separates the design in CSS, you can also use HTML for the user
    interface (
— LWUIT: a Swing inspired UI framework (
— Mewt: Use XML for defining the UI (
— TWUIK: A powerful “Rich Media Engine”

There is a rich open source scene in the J2ME sector. Interesting proj-
ects can be found via blog on You will also
find many interesting projects on Sun’s page1, for example the Bluetooth
project Marge2.
1)   2)

  Thanks to the fragmentation, testing your applications is absolutely
  vital. Test as early and as often as you can on real devices. Testing on
  emulators cannot substitute testing on real devices – you cannot com-
  pare your machine with 3GHz Dual CPU, 4 GB of RAM and broadband
  internet connection with typical mobile phones. Some emulators are
  quite good (my personal favorites are BlackBerry and Symbian), but
  there are some things you have to test in real:

  — UI: the experience of the user interface can differ in real
    sunlight when you’re out and about. It’s a mobile device –
    most users will be on the move!
  — Location: if you use location information within your app:
    move – both fast and slowly.
  — Multimedia: support for audio, video playback and recording
    facilities can differ dramatically between devices and their
    respective emulators.
  — Internet connectivity: establishing internet connections
    can take an incredible amount of time. Connection delay and
    bandwidth depend on the network, its current strength and
    the number of simultaneous users.

  Thankfully some vendors provide subsidized or even free remote
  access to selected devices:

  — Nokia:
  — Sony Ericsson:
  — Samsung:


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Mobile Developer's Guide To The Galaxy Vol.7

The 7th edition of the Mobile Developer´s Guide To the Galaxy has been presented on the Mobile World Congress 2011. On 160 pages, it gives an updated overview on mobile technologies, the differences between the numerous mobile platforms and possible development approaches. The new edition contains new chapters about app development for BlackBerry, about cross-platform development and about how to create accessible mobile software. It is an open project hosted and coordinated by the German product and service provider Enough Software. Currently 17 experts from the mobile ecosystem contributed their know how, everyone is invited to join. Send your feedback and input directly to:

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Developers Guide To The Galaxy 8th edition

Completely updated and extended edition of this non-commercial overview on mobile technologies and development approaches. Helpful for developers and decision makers without technical background.

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Mobile Developer's Guide To The Galaxy No. 9

This non-commercial brochure by the German company Enough Software ( provides an overview on the different mobile technologies and platforms. Almost 20 writers contributed their know-how and outline their views on the pros and cons of different operation systems and development approaches. Together with the Wireless Industry Partnership (WIP), we started this project in 2009. The current 9th edition has been presented in October 2011 and consists of 170 pages. Please send your feedback and input directly to Use the same address if your company would like to sponsor upcoming editions. In case you would like to get hardcopies of the guide, we will be happy to send them over to you. You would just need to pay us the postage and packaging.

If you require to test network connectivity on a number of carriers or
if you need to access certain devices of a specific carrier, you can use
Device Anywhere1 for your testing needs.
Mob4hire2 provides crowdsourcing services. Of course there are various
testing companies as well, that provide testing and QA services, e.g.
Absolute Quality3 or Mobiquest4.
Unit testing can be done with MoMEUnit5 or CLDC Unit6, coverage test-
ing with Cobertura for J2ME7.

Cover‘em All: Porting
One of the strengths of the mobile Java environment is that it is
backed by a standard, so it can be implemented by various vendors
that compete with each other. The downside is that a standard has to
be interpreted, and interpretation causes differences. Different imple-
mentations also suffer from different bugs, which makes things not
really easier. In the next sections we outline different strategies for
porting your J2ME applications to all J2ME handsets and to different

Direct Support
The best but hardest solution is to code directly for differ-
ent devices and platforms. So you create a J2ME app for MIDP
devices, a native BlackBerry app, a native Windows Mobile
app, a Symbian app, an iPhone app, a Web OS app, and so on. As you
can imagine, this approach has the potential to bring the very best
user experience, since you can really adapt your application to each
platform. At the same time your development costs will skyrock. We
advise to use another strategy first until your idea has been proven to
be a success.
1)    5)
2)          6)
3)   7)

Least Common Denominator
     You can prevent many porting issues by limiting the functionalities
     of your application to the least common denominator. In the J2ME
     world this means CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0. Depending on the target
     region for the application you might also consider to use either the
     extensions Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI, JSR 185)
     or the Mobile Service Architecture (MSA, JSR 205). Both extensions
     are supported by many modern devices and provide a lot more power,
     though in some regions like Africa, South America or India you should
     be aware that you are limiting the number of your potential users by
     taking this step.
     Using the least common denominator typically is easier, as there are
     less functionalities to care about. However, the user experience may
     suffer when limiting your application in this way. Also this approach
     won’t help you to port your app to different platforms like Android or
     the iPhone. In short: use the least common denominator for simple
     applications, but be careful to use this approach for complex applica-

     Player Based Solutions
     There are various player solutions on the market which mostly provide a
     consistent set of APIs across various platforms. The player itself has been
     ported to different platforms and it interprets or executes the applica-
     tion code. Cool player solutions include PhoneGap1 and Gear2.

     Player technologies provide an easy and compelling way to realize so-
     lutions across a variety of platforms. One drawback can be that player
     concepts often need to use the least common denominator for realizing
     a consistent API across platforms, it can be difficult or not possible at
     all to use platform or device specific functionalities in your applica-

Porting Frameworks
Porting frameworks automatically adapt your application to different
devices and platforms. Such frameworks typically feature the following

— Client library that simplifies development
— Build tools chain that converts code and resources to
  application bundles
— Device database that provides information about devices
— Cross compilers to port your application to different

In the J2ME world there are various frameworks to choose from: Xpress
Suite from JavaGround1 provides porting against revenue sharing. Cel-
sius from Mobile Distillery2 is licensed per month. Bedrock from Me-
tismo3 provides a suite of cross compilers on a yearly license fee. J2ME
Polish from Enough Software4 is available under both the GPL Open
Source license and commercial ones. Going the other direction (from
C++ to Java ME) is also possible with the MoSync Open Source solution
from Mobile Sorcery5. Good porting frameworks allow you to use plat-
form and device specific code in your project, so that you can provide
the best user experience. In other words: A good framework does not
hide device fragmentation, but makes the fragmentation manageable.
1)          4)
2)   5)

A Question of Trust: Signing
     The mobile Java standard differentiates between signed and unsigned
     applications. Some handset functionalities are only available to trusted
     applications. Which features are affected and what happens if the ap-
     plication is not signed but uses one of those features largely depends
     on the implementation. On one phone the user might be asked once
     to allow this functionality, on another he’ll be asked every time the
     feature is being used and on the third one you won’t be able to use the
     feature at all without signing.

     Most implementations also differentiate between the certification
     authorities who have signed an application:
     Applications signed by the manufacturer of a device enjoy the highest
     security level and can access every handset they desire. Applications
     signed with a carrier certificate are on a similar level.
     Applications signed by JavaVerified1, Verisign2 or Thawte3 are on the
     lowest security level. The mad thing is that not every phone carries all
     necessary root certificates. And some well known vendors even strip
     away all root certificates. The result is quite a mess, so consider sign-
     ing your application only when required, e.g. when deploying to an
     app store or when you absolutely need access to security constrained
     features. You can of course consider working together with a testing
     and certification service provider and let they do the job for you. The
     largest one here would be Intertek NSTL4, others are Absolute Quality5
     or Mobiquest6.


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The community-driven, non-commercial, free handbook about mobile technologies. Learn everything about the differences between the platforms, cross-platform approaches and key topics like how to implement NFC, security or haptics in mobile apps. If you want the book as a hardcopy or want to get involved as a writer or sponsor, write to

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The document discusses several mobile platforms and their development environments. It summarizes Jalimo, an open source project that aims to bring full Java support to mobile Linux platforms like Maemo and OpenMoko. Jalimo uses various Java runtimes and toolkits to allow desktop Java applications and APIs to run on these platforms. It utilizes tools like OpenEmbedded and Maven for building and packaging Java applications to run on mobile Linux devices.

Mobile software development_and_mobile_porting
Mobile software development_and_mobile_portingMobile software development_and_mobile_porting
Mobile software development_and_mobile_porting

This document discusses factors to consider for mobile software development and porting applications between different mobile platforms. It provides an overview of several popular mobile platforms including BREW, J2ME, Android, iPhone, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile, outlining their key features and limitations. The largest challenge for developers is supporting the many different device configurations given platform fragmentation; while Java enables cross-platform development, differences between devices can prevent true write-once-run-anywhere functionality.

Distributing Your J2ME Application
Unlike the iPhone, you can install J2ME applications directly on your
phone – either over bluetooth or over the air (OTA) using a webserver.

Thanks to the universal app stores, nowadays distribution is easier
than ever. They manage the payment, hosting and advertisements and
receive a revenue share for that.

— Ovi1 targets Nokia users worldwide and provides a 70% revenue
  share for the developer (of gross sales, net of refunds and
  returns, less applicable taxes and, where applicable, fixed
  operator billing costs).
— Java Store2 plans to sell Java based content.
— The Samsung App Store3 distributes application for Samsung
— LG also distributes apps on
— Handmark provides a carrier and vendor independent mobile
— Carriers also get into the game, e.g. Sprint5 or O26. Basically
  almost everyone has announced an app store.
— GetJar is one of the oldest distributors for free mobile

There are various vendors who provide solutions for provisioning of
Java applications over Blueooth, including Waymedia8, Futurlink9 and
1)                                    6)           
2)                                    7)            
3)                                    8)
4)                                    9)          
5)                                    10)

Developer’s Guide
 Bringing Your Content to the
 Mobile Web
 Why a mobile web page?
 When discussing the mobile internet, the first question is: Why shall I
 setup a special website for mobile devices?
 On one hand there are automatic adaptation engines (like Google or
 Opera Mini), which automatically generate mobile versions of any web-
 site. On the other hand, the mobile browsers are getting more powerful
 and capable of displaying any website (e.g. iPhone)
 Both approaches are solving the problem technically but ignore the
 primal difference:

 The usage context and its meaning for the content
 The usage pattern at a desktop computer is often described as „Hunt &
 Gather“. The mobile usage is totally different. When using internet on
 the mobile handset, the user is usually on the move. He wants to know
 more about his surrounding or just fill some minutes. Therefore, mobile
 internet usage is often described as „Quick Enjoyment“.
 Applications have to take these differences into account. For example,
 a search mask for stationary users has to offer comprehensive options,
 on the mobile handset it has to be more straight-forward, focused on
 the certain action.
 These adjustment cannot be realized by a machine. This is one reason
 why it is indispensable to create special mobile versions of web-

But the user’s requirements regarding the content are not the only
aspect that has to be taken into account, mobile developers also have
to think about:

The usability on mobile hardware
The mobile user has no mouse, often he has no real keyboard and the
size of the screen is very limited. This means the content of a mobile
website has to be arranged accordingly: Images should not be too
large, all relevant elements should be easily accesible although the
user is not able to move a cursor freely along the site.
It is best to test the usability of a site under real-life circumstances:
Take your mobile handset to a busy public place and try to find all
relevant info of your application by just using one hand. You will see
very quickly where your mobile site shall still be trimmed.
But apart from things like markup, image formats and navigation, you
should never forget about the most valuable good of the mobile user:
Battery power. Complex websites with a lot of JavaScript, CSS and
Flash elements need a lot of processing power which means battery

Some History on the Mobile Web
     WAP: The stone age of mobile internet
     In the beginning, everybody in the business expected the mobile
     internet to be a cashcow. The WAP technology made it possible to
     send small texts on monochrome displays and b/w images in the WBMP
     format to the user’s cellphones, the industry charged him for that by
     inventing complicated data transfer rates or strange subscription mod-
     els. Many players expected to get rich by selling information which was
     already available for free on the internet.
     The Wireless Markup Language WML which was used by that time was
     another reason why the expected breakthrough did not happen as fast
     as some were thinking: While the different internet browsers (Internet
     Explorer and Netscape) allowed a „dirty“ html, WML requested a valid
     XML structure and proper UTF-8 encoding. The usage of images was
     limited to black and white pictures which were a lot less sexy than
     what the users knew from their home computers.
     The first tries to lift the mobile internet to the next level were
     made by NTT DoCoMo by inventing CHTML and Microsofts Windows
     CE which worked best with HTML/3.2. But both of them were
     just interludes which were replaced by XHTML/MP 1.0.

     Current Situation
     Today, 99% of all mobile browsers are still supporting XHTML/MP 1.0,
     for many low-end devices this language still delivers the best results.
     On the other hand, the so-called Full Web Browsers have to support
     HTML/4.0, but they still have their differences when it comes to con-
     tent-type or doctype and choose different views for distinguishing be-
     tween mobile and desktop websites.


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Android before getting startedAndroid before getting started
Android before getting started

This document provides an overview of Android application development. It begins with a discussion of mobile phones and applications, and then introduces smartphones and their various platforms like Android, iPhone, and BlackBerry. It highlights reasons for choosing the Android platform, such as its open source nature, large user base, and opportunities for monetization. Technical advantages include using Java and access to device features. The document also outlines various distribution channels for Android apps like the Android Market and 3rd party app stores.

Introduction to Android Development: Before Getting Started
Introduction to Android Development: Before Getting StartedIntroduction to Android Development: Before Getting Started
Introduction to Android Development: Before Getting Started

Android application development seminar focused on getting started. The document provided an overview of mobile and smartphone applications and platforms like Android, discussed why developers should learn the Android platform due to its open source nature, vast opportunities for distribution and business advantages over other platforms. It suggested holding workshops and training programs going forward to help novice developers learn.

Modern mobile development overview
Modern mobile development overviewModern mobile development overview
Modern mobile development overview

The document provides an overview of modern mobile development platforms, trends, and specifics. It discusses the history and major players in mobile development, including Java ME, Symbian, BlackBerry, iOS, and Android. It analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of each platform and provides recommendations on platform selection and development strategies. Key trends mentioned include cross-platform development, mobile advertising, and integration with cloud services.

How to adapt content for the mobile
 Static Version
 Of course you can simply ignore the possibilities of automatic opti-
 mization and leave it up to the user: Create different versions of your
 content, let the user start with the most low-level version and let him
 decide manually which variation is the most comfortable one for his
 device and usage patterns in a next step.
 But since you are dealing with a user who is on the move and does not
 want to spend a lot of time with finding out how to see properly what
 you are delivering, this is probably not the best way to go…

 Automatic adaptation technologies
 To adapt the content to different devices, you basically need two com-
 ponents: One logic that detects the device, knows about its browser
 and its characteristics — a device database. The second component
 interpretes these characteristics and adjusts the content accordingly.

 The most popular Open Source device database is the WURFL project1
 which offers comprehensive information via XML. A lot of tools deliver
 APIs for detecting the browser, delivering its properties and adjusting
 the content, the markup and the images. One example for an Open
 Source project which adjusts content is MyMobileWeb2, financed by
 public funds and Telefonica.

But of course there are also purely commercial providers. Again, some
are concentrating on device data and detection, others are focusing on
offering software platforms which adjust the content accordingly.

Examples for commercial device data and device detection

— dotMobi1 offers several APIs to access their device database
  DeviceAtlas2 and intelligent detection
— DetectRight3

Some commercial content adaptation software providers:

— Sevenval4, a platform independent technology which works via
  HTTP and markup. This solution is available as a Service or can
  be installed on Linux systems.
— Volantis Mobility Server5 is running on a variety of Java-based
  web application servers and SQL-compliant databases. There are
  two versions available: one Open Source Community version and
  one professional version.
— Mobile Interaction Server6 is running on BEA, IBM WebSphere,
  JBoss, Tomcat and Caucho Resin.
1)         4)
2)   5)
3)   6)

Satisfy the Interpreter of Your Content:
 The Browser
 Of course it would be great if there would be one universal markup
 standard — unfortunately this is not the case. There are many stan-
 dards, so be sure of validating your markup by using one of these tools:

 —    W3C Markup Validator:
 —    W3C mobileOK checker:
 —    dotMobi testing tool:
 —    Korean MobileOK Test & Validation Service:

 As a genereal advice, it is always good to stick to UTF-8 encoding. You
 certainly can also consider going low-level and create a XHTML MP/1.0
 site with WCSS/1.0 and without JavaScript.

 Page Width
 Always use dynamic layout. Avoid static width settings in pixels, better
 use percentage values. Even when using device databases, the brows-
 ers still have different display methods (fullscreen, landscape, por-
 trait) and only some allow displaying a scrollbar.
 The web is dynamic, so is the hardware landscape — keep your layout
 dynamic as well!

 Not everybody has a mobile data flatrate, so do not use images too
 excessively, avoid any unnecessary images. To reduce data and proces-
 sor workload, the images should always be scaled on the server and
 not by the browser. ImageMagick offers the possibility to easily scale
 your images1.


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PhoneGap is an open-source mobile development framework that allows building mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It wraps the code in a native container, allowing access to device capabilities like cameras and sensors. Apps are hybrid, using web views instead of native languages. While this allows building once and deploying to multiple platforms, performance may suffer for graphically intensive apps and development time can be longer without native UI controls.

mobile development course
Cross platform-mobile-applications
Cross platform-mobile-applicationsCross platform-mobile-applications
Cross platform-mobile-applications

This document compares two cross-platform mobile app development frameworks: PhoneGap and Titanium. It provides an overview of each framework, how they allow developing apps across platforms, and their advantages and limitations. Code examples are shown to illustrate app development in each.

Mobile technology
Mobile technologyMobile technology
Mobile technology

Sarankumar Rajagopal is an IT recruiter for Software LTD located in Chennai, India. His expertise includes mobile technologies such as mobile operating systems (OS) like Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Mobile, and Symbian. He is proficient in programming languages used for mobile development including Java, C#, C++, HTML, and JavaScript. He has experience recruiting for positions involving mobile app development on various platforms.

When thinking about the image format, GIF and JPEG are still the
most solid choice. Of course PNG offers more flexibility, but when it
comes to transparency, you cannot always be sure to what degree it
is supported. And some operators still use image proxies which might
not be able to handle this.

For stationary web, tables are no longer used for webdesign. In the
mobile environment they are still an effective way to create simple
layouts — just avoid unnecessary nested tables and colspan / row-
Even though it breaks the rules for valid XHTML MP/1.0, some brows-
ers need the attributes cellpadding=“0“ and cellspacing=“0“ for not
displaying unmeant spaces. CSS is simply not capable to assure this
with all browsers.

Do not use CSS excessively. CSS interpretation is sometimes not
properly implemented and shortens battery life. If you stick to the
WCSS/1.0 set, you are on the safe side.
When determining sizes, avoid to define them in pixels, use percent-
age values.

Do not deal too arbitrarily with fonts: all browsers just dispose of a
limited set of font-types. Better focus on the font size. Use relative
values (small/medium/large) rather than fixed values (pixels) — the
browser knows best how many pixels to use for displaying a large, a
medium or a small font.

You can of course use cookies and should do so, but only when really
needed. And never trust too much in them: although it might work
fine during one session, the cookie might get lost afterwards. This is

why you should always offer alternatives like an URL based parameter
 or a personalised bookmark for permanent settings.

 Script / AJAX
 According to, 93% of the mobile web users
 who visited the associated websites, were using a browser which sup-
 ports JavaScript, 70% were able to handle AJAX. So it would be wrong
 not to use the possibilities of these technologies. But you should make
 sure that your side works fine without them as well.

 Let’s do some pigeonholing:
 Device categories
 You have no idea what kind of devices your visitors mostly use? Then
 you should start low-level and implement a tool which detects the
 devices who are accessing your site.

 Several providers are offering this kind of analysis software:

 —   AdMob
 —   Bango
 —   Sevenval
 —   TigTags

 Some providers also offer access to the collected data which give you
 an idea of which devices are actually using the mobile web:

 — AdMob
 — mobiForge
 — Opera
 — Sevenval

When using this data, keep in mind where they come from and how
they have been generated: In which region have they been collected,
are they really reflecting the users’ mobile web usage or just the pure
general market share of the devices? Does the data maybe only reflect
the user base of certain operators or techology platform? Is it about
page impressions, visits or unique users?
Never trust any report blindly. Use several sources and make your own
picture out of it.

Simple Devices
Probably the vast majority of your users will access your site with a
basic handset like described by the W3C in the Default Delivery Con-
text1 or by Luca Passani in his baseline device description2.

To fit their needs, these are our recommendations:

— XHTML MP/1.0
— screensize: 176x144
— GIF or JPEG image format
— max. 20kb page size (incl. images, CSS)
— basic Table Support, without „rowspan“,“colspan“ - no nested
— minimal CSS (WCSS 1.0)

Of course even these basic characteristics exceed the possibilities of
many older handsets, but people who tend to use the mobile internet
usually own handsets who should properly display pages that follow
the guidelines above. Surfing the internet with much older devices is
no fun anyway.

Full Web Browser-supported Devices
 Full Web Browsers are characterized by their capability to display any
 website. These are all webkit based browsers, Opera Mobile, Microsoft
 Internet Explorer, Netfront (version 3.4 and later), UCWEB or Fennec.
 Devices who use a Full Web Browser do not necessarily require any
 technological concessions regarding website design, but we suggest to
 follow these guidelines:

 — HTML/4.0 Strict
 — screensize: 240x320
 — GIF or JPEG Images, PNG without alpha transparency
 — max. 50kb page size (incl. images, CSS)
 — basic table support, without „rowspan“,“colspan“ - no nested
 — keep CSS simple, tables are not bad
 — script is allowed, but not needed (avoid unneeded script or
   animation effects -think of the battery)
 — if available, use AJAX to get content


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Most Popular Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools
Most Popular Cross Platform Mobile Development ToolsMost Popular Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools
Most Popular Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools

Cross platform mobile development is fastest growing in the market. The basic need for programmers on any platform is compatibility. Here, We presenting most popular tools that will take any developer a long way in creating flexible apps that stand the compality test. For more information, Visit:

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Top 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdf
Top 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdfTop 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdf
Top 8 Alternatives Of Xamarin.pdf

Even with all the features possessed by Xamarin, it may be unsuitable for your digital solution. When you can’t leverage this platform, the following Xamarin alternatives will help you.

xamarin alternatives
Dia 1 intro to mobile and xamarin
Dia 1   intro to mobile and xamarinDia 1   intro to mobile and xamarin
Dia 1 intro to mobile and xamarin

Intro to mobile and Xamarin, fragmentation, screen resolutions, os versions, devices, (ios and android)

Touch Devices
Here it is referred to modern devices with a powerful browser like the
iPhone or Android handsets. The touch-sensitive UI offers the possibility
to move more freely within a website. At the same time, it makes it
more complicated to chose one line from a list or any other smaller
element within a page.

If your mobile site complies with the following requirements, any
touch device user shall be able to navigate properly:

—   HTML/4.0 Strict
—   screensize: 320x480
—   GIF, JPEG, PNG (with alpha transparency)
—   max. 100kb page size (incl. images, CSS)
—   full table
—   script is allowed, but not needed
—   use CSS, especially the so-called webkit styles for rounded
—   if available, use AJAX to get content
—   keep the linited battery life in mind
—   use a large font size (as example 18px) for links and clickable
—   set a default viewport (<meta name = “viewport” content
    = “width = device-width”>)

Use GPS in the Browser
 Devices like the iPhone (firmware version 3 and later), the Blackberry
 (firmware 4.2. and later) and browsers with Google Gears allow you to
 use the GPS information from within the browser. The W3C published
 a specification about this1, but unfortunately this is supported by all
 devices. Nevertheless you can still use a simple Java API which is laid
 over the different implementations2.
 For further information about how to use GPS location information for
 web-based Apps and services, check out mobiforge3.

 Testing your Mobile Website
 There are several ways to test your mobile website:

 User-Agent / Browser
 Several desktop browsers offer the opportunity to change the user-
 agent and emulate a device detection for automatic adaption. For Fire-
 fox users, the User-Agent Switcher is available on
 en-US/firefox/addon/59. mobiForge offers a configuration file for this
 Add-On which contains some properties of mobile handsets4.

Emulators / SDKs
The better option to test your mobile site are emulators or SDKs of the
manufacturers. I made good experiences with the following tools:

— Apple iPhone:
— Palm Pre:
— Android:
— BlackBerry:
— Windows Mobile:
— Opera Mini:

More emulators can be found on

Remote and Real Device Testing
As mentioned in the other chapters in this guide, the best is always to
test your product on as many real devices as possible under real-life
conditions. The alternatives are always remote testing (by using ser-
vices like or Nokias RDA1 and crowdsourcing
the testing with the help of for example.

Learn More — On the Web
 If you want to dig deeper and learn more about how to satisfy the
 mobile user with your web-based service, check out these websites:

 — Mobile Best Practices / W3C
 — dotMobi Mobile Web Developer‘s Guide / dotMobi
 — The Wireless Wireless FAQ / Andrea Trasatti and others
 — Global Authoring Practices for the Mobile Web / Luca Passani

 And always remember:
 The mobile website is not the small website, it is the mobile one!
 Keep it simple.


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[IJCT-V3I2P36] Authors: Amarbir Singh[IJCT-V3I2P36] Authors: Amarbir Singh
[IJCT-V3I2P36] Authors: Amarbir Singh

Most of the developers use the cross-platform mobile development solutions to develop the mobile application once and run it on many platforms. Many of these cross-platform solutions are still under research and development. Also, these solutions are based on different approaches such as Cross- Compilation approach, Virtual Machine approach, and Web-Based approach. There are many survey papers about the cross-platform mobile development solutions but they do not include the most recent tools, including Component-Based approach, Cloud-Based approach, and Merged approach. The main aim of this paper is helping the researchers to know the most recent approaches and the open research issues. This paper surveys the existing cross platform mobile development tools, introduces a comprehensive categorization to the cross-platform tools, defines the pros and cons of each approach and compares the cross-platform mobile development solutions.

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This document discusses the development of hybrid mobile applications. It begins by noting the prevalence of smartphones and the growth of mobile application development. It then discusses the challenges of platform fragmentation for native mobile apps. Web applications are presented as an alternative but are also limited. Hybrid apps, which are native wrappers for web views, combine the best of both approaches. The document uses a sample ASP.NET MVC app to demonstrate how to build a hybrid mobile app with a focus on ASP.NET MVC's suitability as a backend framework.

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My talk at D2WC 2011 on the state of mobile application and web development across a variety of technologies.

adobe flashandroidd2wc
Developer’s Guide
Implementing Rich Media
„So many handsets, so many standards”— Again this is true for the list
of supported media formats on mobile phones. The majority of them is
found in the table on page 46, however multiple variations are possible
amongst handsets even within one vendor or phone type firm.

Depending on your choice of offering streaming or downloadable
contents, there are some restrictions. To offer streaming content, the
easiest setup is to use Apple’s open source Darwin streaming server1
which can serve streaming video and audio with highest compatibility
(except for Windows Mobile) and reliable Realtime Streaming Proto-
col (RTSP). For Windows Mobile, Windows Media Server2 is the easiest
choice (available as a free download). Typical frame rates are 15 fps
for MP4 and 25 fps for 3gp with up to 48 kbps for GPRS (audio only),
200 kbps for Edge, 300 kbps for 3G/UMTS. RTSP is a protocol which is
designed for low-bandwidth mobile devices. If you need a PC player to
read 3gp rtsp streams, use QuickTime or Real player.

Progressive download
To avoid setup of streaming servers, a good alternative is to offer
progressive downloads, for which your media files can be served from
any web server if you hint your files. Hinting is the process of marking
several locations in the media, so a mobile player can start playing the
file as soon as it has downloaded a small part of it (typically first 15
seconds). So far the most reliable open source hinting software found

Video   Audio       Typical
OS/Brand     Container      Protocol
                                       Codec   Codec       Resolution
Windows      .wmv or
                            http://    H264
                                               MP3 or      320x240
Mobile       .mp4                              AAC         176x220

Symbian,     .3gp or        rtsp://    H263    AMR_nb or   176x144
Nokia        .mp4                              AAC

iPhone/      .mp4           http://    H264    AAC or      320x240
iPod                                           AAC+        320x480

Android      .mp4           http://    H264    AAC lc      320x480

Blackberry                             MPEG4
             .avi / .mp4    http://            AAC lc      480x320
=<OS 4.2
Blackberry   .avi / .mp4/ rtsp://      MPEG4   AAC lc      480x320
=>OS 4.3     .3gp

                                               ADPCM or    352x288
Palm OS      .flv / . mp4   http://    MPEG4
Other 3G     .3gp           rtsp://    H263    AMR_nb      176x144

is Mp4box3. Use mp4box –hint –latm for mobile phone compatible
hinting (note: -latm is only needed by AAC audio codecs). mp3 files do
not need to be hinted.

To use audio as a ringtone or within a J2ME application, make sure that
the audio format is supported by your target devices. Within J2ME .wav
or .mid is the best choice for maximum compatibility, however the file
size might restrict you as it is uncompressed. There are more than 10
file formats for ringtones, but we suggest to use the MP3 format, 64 or
128kbps, max 30 seconds and a file size of between 300kb and 500kb
or AAC/AAC+ 24 kbps (mono) or 48kbps (stereo) on high-end phones
to ensure maximum compatibility.

Mobile Video
To display video streams on a mobile device, the video player needs to
connect to the streaming server. This sounds easier than it usually is.
First of all, for many players a special APN (Access Point Name) needs
to be configured. If this configuration is not correct, the videoplayer
will not be able to connect with the server.
But even if the APN is configured well, some operators are blocking the
RTSP protocol. This leads to the situation that the streaming will work
within the operator portal and probably even on youtube, but your own
server cannot be reached. Actually you cannot really do anything about
this, you are totally depending on the user’s know-how: He needs to
manually set the APN to an open Internet connection.
But even if you do not use RTSP, there are strange things that might
happen when streaming video on the mobile handset: If a Blackberry
device processes video via WiFi, even large videos usually are displayed
consistently. But if GPRS is used for data transmission, the content is
processed by the RIM servers which define maximum values that may

vary from server to server4. As a consequence, content might behave
 differently even if the same device, same operator and same APN are
 And now? Don’t panic! Offer video to your users if you like to, but
 inform them if something is going wrong and if you use a device data-
 base, give them the option to chose manually.

  Media converters
 To convert existing media of any kind to mobile phone compatible
 formats and adjust the frame rate, bitrate and channels at the same
 time, FFMPEG is a must have (open source) media format converter5.
 Make sure you build or get the binary with H263, AAC and AMR encoder
 support included. For MAC users, QuickTime pro (paid version) is a
 good alternative to encode and hint 3gp files. A good alternative for
 converting video is “Super” from eRightSoft6. If you are looking for a
 complete server solution with a Java / Open Source Background, check
 out Alembik7.



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Smartphone App Dev Is Cool
Smartphone App Dev Is CoolSmartphone App Dev Is Cool
Smartphone App Dev Is Cool

The document discusses different platforms for developing smartphone apps, including low-end platforms like SMS and Java ME, and higher-level platforms like iPhone, Android, Symbian, and Windows Mobile. It notes that smartphone platforms allow for more comprehensive apps with richer user experiences compared to basic phones. Smartphone app stores make distribution easier for developers. The document provides an overview of various programming languages and tools used for different smartphone platforms and some pros and cons of each. It recommends picking a platform, learning its APIs and environment, and focusing on design for consumer apps.

palm webosandroidapplications
HTTP/2 turns 3 years old // Web Performance Meetup 20180612
HTTP/2 turns 3 years old // Web Performance Meetup 20180612HTTP/2 turns 3 years old // Web Performance Meetup 20180612
HTTP/2 turns 3 years old // Web Performance Meetup 20180612

Presentation by Felix Hassert about HTTP/2 at the #CGNWebPerf Meetup in Cologne at Sevenval. Date: 12.06.2018

Sevenval Company Presentation 2017 (EN)
Sevenval Company Presentation 2017 (EN)Sevenval Company Presentation 2017 (EN)
Sevenval Company Presentation 2017 (EN)

Sevenval Technologies is a frontend development company with 18 years of experience and over 170 employees across two locations in Cologne and Berlin. They provide a full range of services including UX design, digital strategy, development, hosting, and quality assurance. Their solution involves customizing the frontend and intelligently using existing backend systems for improved usability while maintaining flexibility. They aim to optimize speed, usability, and security for customers.

Developer’s Guide
Now what - which Environment
Should I Use?
The short and crystal clear answer: it depends.
The longer answer: think about your target users, about their needs,
about their devices and their dataplans. And about your vision and
the requirements for your idea. Remember that you are not necessarily
restricted to a single application environment. A practical approach is
to use the environment that you are most comfortable with and then
move on to other environments for increasing the market reach of
your app. Sometimes it also makes sense to combine different environ-
ments, for example by providing a mobile website for casual users and
a J2ME app for your power users.

The following table provides a very rough overview about the indi-
 vidual strengths and limitations of each application environment.
 Green stands for good coverage, yellow for limited and red for bad
 coverage of the respective topic:

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            Flash Lite


     Native Blackberry

      Native Symbian


      Windows Mobile




You can also compare application development with web development
 in a more general manner:

                    App Development             Web Development

Approval process    2–8 weeks in app stores     Instant updates

      Portability   Complex                     Easy

     Complexity     Complex                     Easy

   Monetization     Sale, Advertisements, in    Advertisements
                    app purchase

 Web development beats application development in many but one
 crucial area: monetization. Internet services are mostly free and the
 only reliable business model is often advertisements. In contrast, app
 stores shine in this area. All stores support charging for application,
 the iPhone app store nowadays also supports in app purchases. And of
 course you can embed advertisements in your application as well.
 If you need to earn money today, it will be easier with an application
 unless you want to earn money purely with ads.

Developer’s Guide
 Thanks for reading this second release of our mobile developer’s guide.
 We hope you’ve enjoyed this and we helped you to clarify your options.
 Don’t be put down by the difficulties in entering the mobile arena —
 once you’re in the water, you can and will swim.
 Would you like to contribute to this guide? Please send your feedback


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Sevenval Company Presentation 2017 (DE)

SEVENVAL TECHNOLOGIES GMBH Frontend Experten seit 1999

2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

The document summarizes mobile device trends from Sevenval's monthly web traffic analysis for September 2015. It shows that the top 10 mobile devices are all Samsung phones, led by the Galaxy SII. It also shows that the top operating systems are Android and iOS, and that over 6,000 different devices access mobile websites globally each month, with the top 5 devices making up 38.9% of traffic but the long tail of other devices accounting for 61.1% of traffic. It concludes that for responsive web design, one must consider all possible combinations of unique client devices, browsers, and operating systems, of which there are over 100,000 in the current market.

2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september
2015 sevenval mobile-trends_september

The document analyzes mobile device trends from September 2015, including the top 10 mobile devices by web traffic, changes in traffic from August to September 2015, top mobile browsers and operating systems, statistics on iOS and Android versions, and the large number of unique client combinations from different devices, browsers and operating systems that websites must account for in design. It also briefly describes some products from Sevenval for responsive design, performance optimization and rapid development.

browsergoogle chromesafari
Developer’s Guide
About the Authors
Robert Virkus / Enough Software
Robert works in the mobile space since 1998. He experienced the Java
fragmentation first hand by developing and porting a mobile sports
betting client on the Siemens SL42i phone, which happened to be the
first mass market phone with an embedded Java Virtual Machine. With
this experience he launched the Open Source J2ME Polish project in
2004 that aims to overcome the device fragmentation barrier. He is
the founder and CEO of Enough Software, the company behind J2ME

Roland Gülle / Sevenval
Roland joined the mobile industry in 2001. At Sevenval he is respon-
sible for the development of the adaptation technology and the FITML
Platform which allows developers to create mobile internet portals.
Roland is an active member of the the Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) and
several open source projects.

Thibaut Rouffineau / WIP
Community and passion builder with a mobile edge, Thibaut has been
conversing with the mobile developer community for the past 4 years as
the head of developer engagement at Symbian, where he spearheaded
the migration to open source. Today he is the VP for Developer Partner-
ships at WIP (Wireless Industry Partnership).

Michel Shuqair / 24access Solutions
 Michel built his experience with Telecoms since 1999 where he closely
 watched the mobile development space evolving from Japan. Start-
 ing with black and white WAP applications, iMode and SMS games, he
 is now leading the mobile social network with over
 850,000 members and supported by a team of Symbian, iPhone, Black-
 berry and Android specialists with headquarter in Amsterdam.

 Alexander Repty / Enough Software
 Alexander has been developing software for Mac OS X since 2004. When
 the iPhone SDK was released in 2008, he was among the first registered
 developers for the program. Since then, he has worked on a number
 of apps and written a series of articles on iPhone development. He
 has been working as an iPhone developer for Enough Software since
 October 2008.

published by
Enough Software GmbH + Co. KG
Sögestrasse 70
28195 Bremen
Contributing parties:

Recommended for you

2015 sevenval device-trends_august
2015 sevenval device-trends_august2015 sevenval device-trends_august
2015 sevenval device-trends_august

This document summarizes mobile device and browser trends based on data from Sevenval in August 2015. The top mobile devices were various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 6 and 5 as the most popular. The top mobile browsers were Google Chrome for Android, Apple Mobile Safari, and Google Android Browser. Google Android accounted for 61% of mobile web traffic, followed by Apple iOS at 35%. The document also provides statistics on operating system and browser versions in use.

2015 sevenval device-trends-july
2015 sevenval device-trends-july2015 sevenval device-trends-july
2015 sevenval device-trends-july

The document summarizes mobile device trend data from July 2015. It finds that the top mobile devices by traffic are various iPhone and Samsung Galaxy models, with the iPhone 6 and 5 being the highest. The most used mobile browsers are Google Chrome for Android and Apple Mobile Safari. The dominant operating systems are Android and iOS, making up over 95% of the market. It concludes that there are over 100,000 combinations of devices, browsers, and operating systems that must be accounted for in mobile web design.

safariinternettop 10
2015 sevenval device-trends-june
2015 sevenval device-trends-june2015 sevenval device-trends-june
2015 sevenval device-trends-june

This document summarizes mobile device and browser trends from a June 2015 report by Sevenval. The top three mobile devices were the iPhone 6, iPhone 5, and iPhone 4(S). The iPhone 6 saw significantly higher traffic than the Samsung Galaxy S6 since its 2014 release. Apple's Safari and Google's Android Chrome were the most used mobile browsers. The majority of mobile traffic was from Android and Apple operating systems. There were over 7,000 unique device models and nearly 100,000 combinations of devices, browsers and operating systems that web content needs to support.

mobile internetbrowseros

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Mobile Developer's Guide To The Galaxy Edition 2

  • 1. Don’t Panic Mobile Developer’s Guide to the Galaxy n o iti de nd ed en 2 d t ex
  • 3. Developer’s Guide Table of Contents 5 Introduction 7 Application Environments Overview 7 Native Applications 9 J2ME / Java ME 9 Flash Lite 10 BREW 11 Widgets 12 Websites 12 SMS Text Messaging 13 Programming Android Apps 13 Android App Characteristics 14 Do the Development 15 Distribution 16 Programming iPhone Apps 17 Prerequisites for iPhone Development 17 Implementation 18 Testing 20 Distribution 21 Programming J2ME / Java ME Apps 22 Prerequisites for Mobile Java Development 23 Implement your App 24 Testing 25 Cover’em All: Porting 28 A Question of Trust: Signing 3
  • 4. 29 Distributing Your J2ME Application 30 Bringing Your Content to the Mobile Web 30 Why a mobile web page? 32 Some History on the Mobile Web 34 How to adapt content for the mobile user 36 Satisfy the Interpreter of Your Content: The Browser 38 Let’s do some pigeonholing: Device categories 42 Use GPS in the Browser 42 Testing your Mobile Website 44 Learn More – On the Web 45 Implementing Rich Media 45 Streaming 45 Progressive download 47 Ringtones 47 Mobile Video 48 Media Converters 39 Now what — Which Environment Should I Use? 52 Epilogue 53 About the Authors 55 Imprint/Contact This Developer Guide is licensed under the Creative Commons Some Rights Reserved License. 4
  • 5. Developer’s Guide Introduction This guide is aimed at developers who (want to) realize their ideas on mobile handsets. We try to outline typical problems and how to overcome them. Developing for mobile handsets is a schizophrenic experience – on one side there is the never-ending stream of innovations and new tech- nologies, on the other side it can take a painfully long time until new technologies are actually used by the end customers. The most important issues for mobile application developers are frag- mentation and distribution. Thankfully solutions for those problems do exist. Development is a passion – have fun in the mobile world! 5
  • 6. 6
  • 7. Developer’s Guide Application Environments You can choose between different environments for realizing your mo- bile vision. This section describes the most common environments and outlines differences between them. A more detailed description follows in the environment specific chapters later onwards. Native Applications There are a lot of mobile operating systems used in the market today – some are Open Source, some are not. Most important OS are (al- phabetically) Android, BlackBerry, Maemo, Moblin, OS X, Symbian and Windows Mobile. All these OS allow you to create native applications for them without establishing a business relationship with the respec- tive vendor. Most mass market phones are, however, equipped with em- bedded operating systems that cannot be programmed for by outsiders. Examples include but are not limited to Nokia Series 40, Samsung SGH and Sony Ericsson Java Platform phones. Main benefits for programming native applications include the best possible integration of your application and often a very good perfor- mance. Typical drawbacks are the required effort and the complexity of supporting several native platforms (or the limitation of your app to only one platform). Also most mass market handsets cannot be pro- grammed natively. 7
  • 8. The following table provides an overview about the main mobile operating systems: OS Language(s) Remarks Android Java, C Open Source OS (based on Linux) Blackberry Java Is also J2ME compatible, but the native APIs provide better integration. LiMO C, C++ Open Source OS (based on Linux) Maemo C, C++ Open Source OS (based on Linux) Moblin C, C++ Open Source OS (based on Linux) OS X / iPhone Objective-C, C Requires Apple Developer Account Symbian C, C++, others Open Source OS Some Series 60 compatible phones support further languages like Python. Most Symbian phones support J2ME. Web OS HTML, CSS, Widget style programming, OS is JavaScript based on Linux Windows C#, C You can choose between the .NET Mobile Compact Framework and programming Windows Mobile directly. Most Windows Mobile phones also come with a J2ME compatible JVM preinstalled. 8
  • 9. J2ME / Java ME Around 80% of all mobile handsets shipped in 2008 support the mo- bile Java standard (J2ME/Java ME), so Java is by far the most widely distributed application environment. In contrast to many other en- vironments, J2ME is a standard rather than a product, which can be implemented by anyone (who pays Sun the corresponding license fees that is). Standardization is the strength of J2ME but at the same time it is the source for many fragmentation problems. On many handsets with embedded operating systems, J2ME is the only way to realize client side applications. The main problem is the frag- mentation, meaning the little differences between the implementations and handsets. Flash Lite Flash Lite is the mobile edition of Flash, which pretty much is the same as an older version of Adobe’s web Flash product. Flash Lite gains trac- tion and is especially favored by many designers, since they know the tools already. Flash Lite features a powerful UI but it lacks a good integration into the host device, although this is improving. Programming Flash Lite is relatively easy thanks to its Action Script language that is very similar to Java Script. The drawback is its poor performance and small market share in comparison to J2ME. 9
  • 10. BREW The Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless (BREW) is a programming environment pushed forward by Qualcomm1. BREW services are offered by more than 60 operators in 28 countries, but it’s most popular within the US with CDMA devices launched by Verizon, US Cellular, Metro PCS among others2. Today, BREW applications are developed using native C code. The next evolution of the BREW client, Brew Mobile Platform (Brew MP), supports applications written in Flash, TrigML or native C code3. 1) 2) 3) 10
  • 11. Widgets There are several widget environments that you can choose from. Main benefit of these environments is the simple programming, main draw- back is that you need to ensure that your customers will install both – the widget player as well as your widget. More and more devices feature, however, a preinstalled widget player – not necessary for the environment that you have chosen, though. The other significant drawback is that widgets do only allow a very low- level access to the handsets functionality. All these environments use XML, a script language (e.g. JavaScript) and a page description language (like HTML) for realizing a widget. The following table gives you an overview about popular widget frame- works: Environment Language(s) Remarks Nokia Web XML, Runtime HTML, CSS, Widgets JavaScript Starmobi XML, CSS, The Starmobi JavaScript API allows JavaScript you to script apps similar to J2ME, German only. W3C / XML, Vodafone, China Mobile and other Vodafone HTML, CSS, companies try to push the W3C widget Widgets JavaScript standard for mobile adoption. Samsung XML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript 11
  • 12. Websites Webpages are supported by all phones, so in principle this should be the environment of choice to get the widest possible reach (after SMS texting). The only problem is the sheer number of browsers and their varying feature sets. Some browsers are very powerful and support CSS as well as JavaScript, others are less sophisticated XHTML only. Thank- fully the old WAP standard with its WML pages does not play any sig- nificant role nowadays. Main problems for web pages are that they are only available online and that they cannot access device features today. Main benefits are the easy development and a deployment that lies solely in your hands. SMS Text Messaging Almost everybody who has a mobile phone is also texting. Texting pro- vides the limitation that any interaction needs to be pressed into 160 characters and that it can be quite costly to send out text messages in bulk. On the positive side it enjoys a global audience of any age. 12
  • 13. Developer’s Guide Programming Android Apps The Android platform is one of the latest systems for the mobile mar- ket. Created by Google and the Open Handset Alliance in late 2007, Android is an operating system and an application development envi- ronment with complete tooling support and a variety of preinstalled applications. Until the end of 2009, 18 models from different vendors will be avail- able. The first adopter was HTC with its Dream device and other vendors like Samsung and Huawei followed up quickly. Android App Characteristics An Android application is a mix of activities and services. An activity is a piece of functionality with an attached user interface. A service is used for tasks which should run in the background and is therefore not tied directly to a visual representation. The communication between the two and other system entities like broadcast receivers is done by intents. An intent bundles data like the user’s touch position with a semantic meaning. These intents are a way of triggering all kinds of behavior in the platform. The intent of showing a web page will open the browser activity, for example. Your application will always be signed, either with a debug signature or a real one. Your signature may be self signed, so forget about sign- ing fees! 13
  • 14. Do the Development The main programming language for Android is Java5. But beware that not the complete Java library is supported and that a lot of platform specific API is present. You find answers to your What and Why ques- tions in the Dev Guide1 and to your How questions in the reference documentation2. To get started you will need the Android SDK3 and you will want a decent Java IDE. The SDK is available for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux and contains tools to build, debug and analyze applications. So you have no constraints on your development platform. As for the IDE, you can install the helpful ADT plugin for Eclipse which will coordinate building and deploying. But as the complete build cycle of Android is Ant based you can basically use any IDE you like. To aid the development, you have a lot of tools at your disposal: — android: Create an initial project or manage virtual devices. — adb: Scan devices at your USB bus, connect and interact with them by moving files etc. — emulator: Start it with a virtual device and it will emulate the defined features. It takes some time to startup so do it once and not on every build. — ddms: Look inside your device or emulator, watch log messages and control emulator features like network latency and GPS position. Have a look at the memory consumption or simply kill some processes. If this tool is running, you can also connect the Eclipse debugger to a process running in the emulator. — traceview: Analyze special trace logs which you can activate with Debug.startMethodTracing(“myApp”); and see which method did what at which time. 14
  • 15. Distribution After you have created the next killer application and tested it, you should put it in the Android Market. It is the one place to reach all customers and developers of the Android platform alike. Browse for new exciting apps and sell your own. To upload your application to the Android Market, make sure that you have defined a versionName, versionCode, an icon and a label in your AndroidManifest.xml. To upload your application, start at You are required to register with the service with your Google Account and a $25 registration fee. The only accepted payment service is Google Checkout. Once your registration is approved you can upload your application, add screenshots and descriptions to finally publish it. 1) 2) 3) 15
  • 16. Developer’s Guide Programming iPhone Apps The iPhone is a highly interesting and very popular development plat- form for many reasons, a commonly named one being the App Store. When it was introduced in July 2008, the App Store took off like no other marketplace did before. Within a year its users have downloaded over 1.5 billion apps, which makes the App Store very interesting for mobile developers. Additionally, the iPhone SDK offers high-level APIs for a wide range of tasks which helps to cut down on development time on your part. New APIs are added in every major update of iPhone OS, such as MapKit in iPhone OS 3.0. 16
  • 17. Prerequisites for iPhone Development In order to develop iPhone (and iPod Touch apps), you will need the iPhone SDK, which can be downloaded at This requires a membership, which is available for free. If you plan to test your apps on your device or distribute your apps on the App Store, you need to sign up for an account starting at 99USD a year. The iPhone SDK contains various applications that will allow you to implement, test and debug your apps. The most important applications are: — Xcode, the IDE for the iPhone SDK — Interface Builder, to build user interfaces for iPhone app — Instruments, which offers various tools to monitor app execution — iPhone Simulator, which allows the developer to test his or her apps quicker than by deploying to a device The iPhone SDK will work on any Intel-based Mac running Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or 10.6 (Snow Leopard). A guide to get you started and introduce you to the tools is included, as is a viewer application for API documentation and sample code. References and guides are also available online at Implementation Usually, you will want to use Apple’s high-level Cocoa Touch APIs when developing for the iPhone. This means that you will write Objective-C code and create your user interfaces in Interface Builder, which uses the proprietary XIB file format. Objective-C is, as the name suggests, a C-based object-oriented programming language. As a strict superset of C, it is fully compatible with C, which means that you can use straight C source code in your Objective-C files. If you’re used to other object-oriented languages such as C++ or Java, 17
  • 18. Objective-C’s syntax might take some time getting used to, but is ex- plained in detail at What seperates Objective-C most from these languages is its dynamic nature, lack of namespace support and the concept of message passing vs. method calls. A great way to get you started is Apple’s guide “Your First iPhone Ap- plication”, which will explain various concepts and common tasks in an iPhone developer’s workflow2. Check out some of the sample code that Apple provides online3 to find out more about various APIs that are made available to you. Testing As performance in the iPhone Simulator may be superior to actual devices by several orders of magnitude, it is absolutely vital to test on devices. If possible, test your application on various different models, since the addition of the iPhone 3GS to the lineup brought with it a faster CPU, GPU and more RAM and may thus behave differently than previous iPhone generations. 1) Objective-C_A_Primer/index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007594 2) iPhone101/Articles/00_Introduction.html 3) 18
  • 19. You can distribute builds of your application to up to 100 testers through Ad-Hoc Provisioning, which you can set up in the Program Portal1. Each iPhone (and iPod touch) has a unique identifier (UDID – universal device identifier), which is a string of 40 hex characters based on various hardware parts of the device. If you choose to test using Ad-Hoc-Provisioning, simply follow Apple’s detailed set-up instructions2. Every single step is vital to success, so make sure that you execute them all correctly. The iPhone SDK does not include support for unit testing out of the box, but fortunately Google added support in Google Toolbox for Mac (GTM)2 with detailed instructions available in their wiki4. Also, iPhone developer Gabriel Handford has improved on this work and released his project, GHUnit as open source5. GTM runs the test cases using a shell script during the build phase, while GHUnit runs the tests on the device (or in the simulator), allowing the developer to attach a debugger to investigate possible bugs. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 19
  • 20. Distribution In order to reach the broadest possible audience, you should consider distributing your app on the App Store. There are other means, such as the Cydia Store for jailbroken iPhones, but the potential reach isn’t nearly as large as the App Store’s. In order to prepare your app for the App Store, you will need a 512x512 version of your app’s icon, up to five screen shots of your app as well as a build of your app that has been properly signed. Log in to iTunes Connect1 and upload your app according to the onscreen instructions. After Apple has approved your application, which usually shouldn’t take more than 2 weeks, your app will become available in the App Store and will be available to customers. 1) 20
  • 21. Developer’s Guide Programming J2ME / Java ME Apps Programming J2ME apps is a fun and rewarding experience. The ca- pabilities of the Java platform are constantly evolving thanks to the Java Community Process1 that standardizes new APIs (like the Wire- less Messaging API) and even whole platforms (like the Mobile Service Architecture). For realizing your idea in Java you need to follow these steps: 1. Prerequisites 2. Implement 3. Test 4. Port 5. Certify 6. Distribute These steps are detailed in the following sections. 1) 21
  • 22. Prerequisites for Mobile Java Development A mobile Java application (MIDlet) is compiled, obfuscated, preveri- fied and packaged. To implement your application you need a couple of things: — the Java SDK1 (not the Java Runtime Environment) and an IDE of your choice, e.g. Eclipse2 possibly with Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ), NetBeans3 with its mobility pack or IntelliJ4. — an Emulator, e.g. the Wireless Toolkit5, the Micro Emulator 6 or a vendor specific emulator. — Depending on your setup you may also need an obfuscator like ProGuard7. If you build applications professionally you will probably also want to use a build tool like Maven8 or Ant9. — You may want to check out J2ME Polish, the Open Source frame- work, for building your application for various devices10. A complete installation and setup guide is out of scope of this guide, please refer to the respective documentation of these tools. Beginners often like NetBeans with an installed mobility pack. Also download and read the JavaDocs for the most important technolo- gies and APIs. You can download most JavaDocs from but there are a couple of useful vendor specific APIs that needed to be tracked down manually from the vendor’s pages (Nokia UI-API or Samsung APIs, for example). 1) 6) 2) 7) 3) 8) 4) 9) 5) 10) 22
  • 23. Implement Your App The J2ME environment is pretty much straight forward, the basis is formed by the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) and the Mobile Internet Device Profile (MIDP), which are both quite easy to un- derstand. Similar to the good ol’ fashioned Applets you extend javax. microediton.midlet.MIDlet in your main class and then you are ready to go. You can create the UI of your app in different ways: — Highlevel LCDUI components: use the components found in the javax.microedition.lcdui package, e.g. Form or List. — Lowlevel LCDUI: use javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas for controlling every pixel of your UI. — SVG: Scalable vector graphics defined in JSR 287 There are also different products out there to help you with the UI development: — J2ME Polish: compatible with the highlevel LCDUI framework, separates the design in CSS, you can also use HTML for the user interface ( — LWUIT: a Swing inspired UI framework ( — Mewt: Use XML for defining the UI ( — TWUIK: A powerful “Rich Media Engine” ( There is a rich open source scene in the J2ME sector. Interesting proj- ects can be found via blog on You will also find many interesting projects on Sun’s page1, for example the Bluetooth project Marge2. 1) 2) 23
  • 24. Testing Thanks to the fragmentation, testing your applications is absolutely vital. Test as early and as often as you can on real devices. Testing on emulators cannot substitute testing on real devices – you cannot com- pare your machine with 3GHz Dual CPU, 4 GB of RAM and broadband internet connection with typical mobile phones. Some emulators are quite good (my personal favorites are BlackBerry and Symbian), but there are some things you have to test in real: — UI: the experience of the user interface can differ in real sunlight when you’re out and about. It’s a mobile device – most users will be on the move! — Location: if you use location information within your app: move – both fast and slowly. — Multimedia: support for audio, video playback and recording facilities can differ dramatically between devices and their respective emulators. — Internet connectivity: establishing internet connections can take an incredible amount of time. Connection delay and bandwidth depend on the network, its current strength and the number of simultaneous users. Thankfully some vendors provide subsidized or even free remote access to selected devices: — Nokia: — Sony Ericsson: techsupport/virtuallab/p_virtual_lab.jsp — Samsung: do?platformId=2 24
  • 25. If you require to test network connectivity on a number of carriers or if you need to access certain devices of a specific carrier, you can use Device Anywhere1 for your testing needs. Mob4hire2 provides crowdsourcing services. Of course there are various testing companies as well, that provide testing and QA services, e.g. Absolute Quality3 or Mobiquest4. Unit testing can be done with MoMEUnit5 or CLDC Unit6, coverage test- ing with Cobertura for J2ME7. Cover‘em All: Porting One of the strengths of the mobile Java environment is that it is backed by a standard, so it can be implemented by various vendors that compete with each other. The downside is that a standard has to be interpreted, and interpretation causes differences. Different imple- mentations also suffer from different bugs, which makes things not really easier. In the next sections we outline different strategies for porting your J2ME applications to all J2ME handsets and to different platforms. Direct Support The best but hardest solution is to code directly for differ- ent devices and platforms. So you create a J2ME app for MIDP devices, a native BlackBerry app, a native Windows Mobile app, a Symbian app, an iPhone app, a Web OS app, and so on. As you can imagine, this approach has the potential to bring the very best user experience, since you can really adapt your application to each platform. At the same time your development costs will skyrock. We advise to use another strategy first until your idea has been proven to be a success. 1) 5) 2) 6) 3) 7) 4) 25
  • 26. Least Common Denominator You can prevent many porting issues by limiting the functionalities of your application to the least common denominator. In the J2ME world this means CLDC 1.0 and MIDP 1.0. Depending on the target region for the application you might also consider to use either the extensions Java Technology for the Wireless Industry (JTWI, JSR 185) or the Mobile Service Architecture (MSA, JSR 205). Both extensions are supported by many modern devices and provide a lot more power, though in some regions like Africa, South America or India you should be aware that you are limiting the number of your potential users by taking this step. Using the least common denominator typically is easier, as there are less functionalities to care about. However, the user experience may suffer when limiting your application in this way. Also this approach won’t help you to port your app to different platforms like Android or the iPhone. In short: use the least common denominator for simple applications, but be careful to use this approach for complex applica- tions. Player Based Solutions There are various player solutions on the market which mostly provide a consistent set of APIs across various platforms. The player itself has been ported to different platforms and it interprets or executes the applica- tion code. Cool player solutions include PhoneGap1 and Gear2. Player technologies provide an easy and compelling way to realize so- lutions across a variety of platforms. One drawback can be that player concepts often need to use the least common denominator for realizing a consistent API across platforms, it can be difficult or not possible at all to use platform or device specific functionalities in your applica- tion. 1) 2) 26
  • 27. Porting Frameworks Porting frameworks automatically adapt your application to different devices and platforms. Such frameworks typically feature the following ingredients: — Client library that simplifies development — Build tools chain that converts code and resources to application bundles — Device database that provides information about devices — Cross compilers to port your application to different platforms In the J2ME world there are various frameworks to choose from: Xpress Suite from JavaGround1 provides porting against revenue sharing. Cel- sius from Mobile Distillery2 is licensed per month. Bedrock from Me- tismo3 provides a suite of cross compilers on a yearly license fee. J2ME Polish from Enough Software4 is available under both the GPL Open Source license and commercial ones. Going the other direction (from C++ to Java ME) is also possible with the MoSync Open Source solution from Mobile Sorcery5. Good porting frameworks allow you to use plat- form and device specific code in your project, so that you can provide the best user experience. In other words: A good framework does not hide device fragmentation, but makes the fragmentation manageable. 1) 4) 2) 5) 3) 27
  • 28. A Question of Trust: Signing The mobile Java standard differentiates between signed and unsigned applications. Some handset functionalities are only available to trusted applications. Which features are affected and what happens if the ap- plication is not signed but uses one of those features largely depends on the implementation. On one phone the user might be asked once to allow this functionality, on another he’ll be asked every time the feature is being used and on the third one you won’t be able to use the feature at all without signing. Most implementations also differentiate between the certification authorities who have signed an application: Applications signed by the manufacturer of a device enjoy the highest security level and can access every handset they desire. Applications signed with a carrier certificate are on a similar level. Applications signed by JavaVerified1, Verisign2 or Thawte3 are on the lowest security level. The mad thing is that not every phone carries all necessary root certificates. And some well known vendors even strip away all root certificates. The result is quite a mess, so consider sign- ing your application only when required, e.g. when deploying to an app store or when you absolutely need access to security constrained features. You can of course consider working together with a testing and certification service provider and let they do the job for you. The largest one here would be Intertek NSTL4, others are Absolute Quality5 or Mobiquest6. 4) 1) 5) 2) 6) 3) 28
  • 29. Distributing Your J2ME Application Unlike the iPhone, you can install J2ME applications directly on your phone – either over bluetooth or over the air (OTA) using a webserver. Thanks to the universal app stores, nowadays distribution is easier than ever. They manage the payment, hosting and advertisements and receive a revenue share for that. — Ovi1 targets Nokia users worldwide and provides a 70% revenue share for the developer (of gross sales, net of refunds and returns, less applicable taxes and, where applicable, fixed operator billing costs). — Java Store2 plans to sell Java based content. — The Samsung App Store3 distributes application for Samsung handsets. — LG also distributes apps on — Handmark provides a carrier and vendor independent mobile store.4 — Carriers also get into the game, e.g. Sprint5 or O26. Basically almost everyone has announced an app store. — GetJar is one of the oldest distributors for free mobile applications7. There are various vendors who provide solutions for provisioning of Java applications over Blueooth, including Waymedia8, Futurlink9 and Broadburst10. 1) 6) 2) 7) 3) 8) 4) 9) 5) 10) 29
  • 30. Developer’s Guide Bringing Your Content to the Mobile Web Why a mobile web page? When discussing the mobile internet, the first question is: Why shall I setup a special website for mobile devices? On one hand there are automatic adaptation engines (like Google or Opera Mini), which automatically generate mobile versions of any web- site. On the other hand, the mobile browsers are getting more powerful and capable of displaying any website (e.g. iPhone) Both approaches are solving the problem technically but ignore the primal difference: The usage context and its meaning for the content The usage pattern at a desktop computer is often described as „Hunt & Gather“. The mobile usage is totally different. When using internet on the mobile handset, the user is usually on the move. He wants to know more about his surrounding or just fill some minutes. Therefore, mobile internet usage is often described as „Quick Enjoyment“. Applications have to take these differences into account. For example, a search mask for stationary users has to offer comprehensive options, on the mobile handset it has to be more straight-forward, focused on the certain action. These adjustment cannot be realized by a machine. This is one reason why it is indispensable to create special mobile versions of web- sites. 30
  • 31. But the user’s requirements regarding the content are not the only aspect that has to be taken into account, mobile developers also have to think about: The usability on mobile hardware The mobile user has no mouse, often he has no real keyboard and the size of the screen is very limited. This means the content of a mobile website has to be arranged accordingly: Images should not be too large, all relevant elements should be easily accesible although the user is not able to move a cursor freely along the site. It is best to test the usability of a site under real-life circumstances: Take your mobile handset to a busy public place and try to find all relevant info of your application by just using one hand. You will see very quickly where your mobile site shall still be trimmed. But apart from things like markup, image formats and navigation, you should never forget about the most valuable good of the mobile user: Battery power. Complex websites with a lot of JavaScript, CSS and Flash elements need a lot of processing power which means battery power. 31
  • 32. Some History on the Mobile Web WAP: The stone age of mobile internet In the beginning, everybody in the business expected the mobile internet to be a cashcow. The WAP technology made it possible to send small texts on monochrome displays and b/w images in the WBMP format to the user’s cellphones, the industry charged him for that by inventing complicated data transfer rates or strange subscription mod- els. Many players expected to get rich by selling information which was already available for free on the internet. The Wireless Markup Language WML which was used by that time was another reason why the expected breakthrough did not happen as fast as some were thinking: While the different internet browsers (Internet Explorer and Netscape) allowed a „dirty“ html, WML requested a valid XML structure and proper UTF-8 encoding. The usage of images was limited to black and white pictures which were a lot less sexy than what the users knew from their home computers. The first tries to lift the mobile internet to the next level were made by NTT DoCoMo by inventing CHTML and Microsofts Windows CE which worked best with HTML/3.2. But both of them were just interludes which were replaced by XHTML/MP 1.0. Current Situation Today, 99% of all mobile browsers are still supporting XHTML/MP 1.0, for many low-end devices this language still delivers the best results. On the other hand, the so-called Full Web Browsers have to support HTML/4.0, but they still have their differences when it comes to con- tent-type or doctype and choose different views for distinguishing be- tween mobile and desktop websites. 32
  • 33. 33
  • 34. How to adapt content for the mobile user Static Version Of course you can simply ignore the possibilities of automatic opti- mization and leave it up to the user: Create different versions of your content, let the user start with the most low-level version and let him decide manually which variation is the most comfortable one for his device and usage patterns in a next step. But since you are dealing with a user who is on the move and does not want to spend a lot of time with finding out how to see properly what you are delivering, this is probably not the best way to go… Automatic adaptation technologies To adapt the content to different devices, you basically need two com- ponents: One logic that detects the device, knows about its browser and its characteristics — a device database. The second component interpretes these characteristics and adjusts the content accordingly. The most popular Open Source device database is the WURFL project1 which offers comprehensive information via XML. A lot of tools deliver APIs for detecting the browser, delivering its properties and adjusting the content, the markup and the images. One example for an Open Source project which adjusts content is MyMobileWeb2, financed by public funds and Telefonica. 1) 2) 34
  • 35. But of course there are also purely commercial providers. Again, some are concentrating on device data and detection, others are focusing on offering software platforms which adjust the content accordingly. Examples for commercial device data and device detection providers: — dotMobi1 offers several APIs to access their device database DeviceAtlas2 and intelligent detection — DetectRight3 Some commercial content adaptation software providers: — Sevenval4, a platform independent technology which works via HTTP and markup. This solution is available as a Service or can be installed on Linux systems. — Volantis Mobility Server5 is running on a variety of Java-based web application servers and SQL-compliant databases. There are two versions available: one Open Source Community version and one professional version. — Mobile Interaction Server6 is running on BEA, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat and Caucho Resin. 1) 4) 2) 5) 3) 6) 35
  • 36. Satisfy the Interpreter of Your Content: The Browser Markup Of course it would be great if there would be one universal markup standard — unfortunately this is not the case. There are many stan- dards, so be sure of validating your markup by using one of these tools: — W3C Markup Validator: — W3C mobileOK checker: — dotMobi testing tool: — Korean MobileOK Test & Validation Service: As a genereal advice, it is always good to stick to UTF-8 encoding. You certainly can also consider going low-level and create a XHTML MP/1.0 site with WCSS/1.0 and without JavaScript. Page Width Always use dynamic layout. Avoid static width settings in pixels, better use percentage values. Even when using device databases, the brows- ers still have different display methods (fullscreen, landscape, por- trait) and only some allow displaying a scrollbar. The web is dynamic, so is the hardware landscape — keep your layout dynamic as well! Images Not everybody has a mobile data flatrate, so do not use images too excessively, avoid any unnecessary images. To reduce data and proces- sor workload, the images should always be scaled on the server and not by the browser. ImageMagick offers the possibility to easily scale your images1. 1) 36
  • 37. When thinking about the image format, GIF and JPEG are still the most solid choice. Of course PNG offers more flexibility, but when it comes to transparency, you cannot always be sure to what degree it is supported. And some operators still use image proxies which might not be able to handle this. Tables For stationary web, tables are no longer used for webdesign. In the mobile environment they are still an effective way to create simple layouts — just avoid unnecessary nested tables and colspan / row- span. Even though it breaks the rules for valid XHTML MP/1.0, some brows- ers need the attributes cellpadding=“0“ and cellspacing=“0“ for not displaying unmeant spaces. CSS is simply not capable to assure this with all browsers. CSS Do not use CSS excessively. CSS interpretation is sometimes not properly implemented and shortens battery life. If you stick to the WCSS/1.0 set, you are on the safe side. When determining sizes, avoid to define them in pixels, use percent- age values. Fonts Do not deal too arbitrarily with fonts: all browsers just dispose of a limited set of font-types. Better focus on the font size. Use relative values (small/medium/large) rather than fixed values (pixels) — the browser knows best how many pixels to use for displaying a large, a medium or a small font. Cookies You can of course use cookies and should do so, but only when really needed. And never trust too much in them: although it might work fine during one session, the cookie might get lost afterwards. This is 37
  • 38. why you should always offer alternatives like an URL based parameter or a personalised bookmark for permanent settings. Script / AJAX According to, 93% of the mobile web users who visited the associated websites, were using a browser which sup- ports JavaScript, 70% were able to handle AJAX. So it would be wrong not to use the possibilities of these technologies. But you should make sure that your side works fine without them as well. Let’s do some pigeonholing: Device categories You have no idea what kind of devices your visitors mostly use? Then you should start low-level and implement a tool which detects the devices who are accessing your site. Several providers are offering this kind of analysis software: — AdMob — Bango — Sevenval — TigTags Some providers also offer access to the collected data which give you an idea of which devices are actually using the mobile web: — AdMob — mobiForge effective-design-multiple-screen-sizes — Opera — Sevenval 38
  • 39. When using this data, keep in mind where they come from and how they have been generated: In which region have they been collected, are they really reflecting the users’ mobile web usage or just the pure general market share of the devices? Does the data maybe only reflect the user base of certain operators or techology platform? Is it about page impressions, visits or unique users? Never trust any report blindly. Use several sources and make your own picture out of it. Simple Devices Probably the vast majority of your users will access your site with a basic handset like described by the W3C in the Default Delivery Con- text1 or by Luca Passani in his baseline device description2. To fit their needs, these are our recommendations: — XHTML MP/1.0 — screensize: 176x144 — GIF or JPEG image format — max. 20kb page size (incl. images, CSS) — basic Table Support, without „rowspan“,“colspan“ - no nested tables — minimal CSS (WCSS 1.0) Of course even these basic characteristics exceed the possibilities of many older handsets, but people who tend to use the mobile internet usually own handsets who should properly display pages that follow the guidelines above. Surfing the internet with much older devices is no fun anyway. 1) 2) 39
  • 40. Full Web Browser-supported Devices Full Web Browsers are characterized by their capability to display any website. These are all webkit based browsers, Opera Mobile, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netfront (version 3.4 and later), UCWEB or Fennec. Devices who use a Full Web Browser do not necessarily require any technological concessions regarding website design, but we suggest to follow these guidelines: — HTML/4.0 Strict — screensize: 240x320 — GIF or JPEG Images, PNG without alpha transparency — max. 50kb page size (incl. images, CSS) — basic table support, without „rowspan“,“colspan“ - no nested tables — keep CSS simple, tables are not bad — script is allowed, but not needed (avoid unneeded script or animation effects -think of the battery) — if available, use AJAX to get content 40
  • 41. Touch Devices Here it is referred to modern devices with a powerful browser like the iPhone or Android handsets. The touch-sensitive UI offers the possibility to move more freely within a website. At the same time, it makes it more complicated to chose one line from a list or any other smaller element within a page. If your mobile site complies with the following requirements, any touch device user shall be able to navigate properly: — HTML/4.0 Strict — screensize: 320x480 — GIF, JPEG, PNG (with alpha transparency) — max. 100kb page size (incl. images, CSS) — full table — script is allowed, but not needed — use CSS, especially the so-called webkit styles for rounded corners — if available, use AJAX to get content — keep the linited battery life in mind — use a large font size (as example 18px) for links and clickable lists — set a default viewport (<meta name = “viewport” content = “width = device-width”>) 41
  • 42. Use GPS in the Browser Devices like the iPhone (firmware version 3 and later), the Blackberry (firmware 4.2. and later) and browsers with Google Gears allow you to use the GPS information from within the browser. The W3C published a specification about this1, but unfortunately this is supported by all devices. Nevertheless you can still use a simple Java API which is laid over the different implementations2. For further information about how to use GPS location information for web-based Apps and services, check out mobiforge3. Testing your Mobile Website There are several ways to test your mobile website: User-Agent / Browser Several desktop browsers offer the opportunity to change the user- agent and emulate a device detection for automatic adaption. For Fire- fox users, the User-Agent Switcher is available on en-US/firefox/addon/59. mobiForge offers a configuration file for this Add-On which contains some properties of mobile handsets4. 1) 2) 3) 4) 42
  • 43. Emulators / SDKs The better option to test your mobile site are emulators or SDKs of the manufacturers. I made good experiences with the following tools: — Apple iPhone: — Palm Pre: — Android: — BlackBerry: simulators — Windows Mobile: — Opera Mini: More emulators can be found on mobile-emulators Remote and Real Device Testing As mentioned in the other chapters in this guide, the best is always to test your product on as many real devices as possible under real-life conditions. The alternatives are always remote testing (by using ser- vices like or Nokias RDA1 and crowdsourcing the testing with the help of for example. 1) 43
  • 44. Learn More — On the Web If you want to dig deeper and learn more about how to satisfy the mobile user with your web-based service, check out these websites: — Mobile Best Practices / W3C — dotMobi Mobile Web Developer‘s Guide / dotMobi developers-guide — The Wireless Wireless FAQ / Andrea Trasatti and others — Global Authoring Practices for the Mobile Web / Luca Passani And always remember: The mobile website is not the small website, it is the mobile one! Keep it simple. 44
  • 45. Developer’s Guide Implementing Rich Media „So many handsets, so many standards”— Again this is true for the list of supported media formats on mobile phones. The majority of them is found in the table on page 46, however multiple variations are possible amongst handsets even within one vendor or phone type firm. Streaming Depending on your choice of offering streaming or downloadable contents, there are some restrictions. To offer streaming content, the easiest setup is to use Apple’s open source Darwin streaming server1 which can serve streaming video and audio with highest compatibility (except for Windows Mobile) and reliable Realtime Streaming Proto- col (RTSP). For Windows Mobile, Windows Media Server2 is the easiest choice (available as a free download). Typical frame rates are 15 fps for MP4 and 25 fps for 3gp with up to 48 kbps for GPRS (audio only), 200 kbps for Edge, 300 kbps for 3G/UMTS. RTSP is a protocol which is designed for low-bandwidth mobile devices. If you need a PC player to read 3gp rtsp streams, use QuickTime or Real player. Progressive download To avoid setup of streaming servers, a good alternative is to offer progressive downloads, for which your media files can be served from any web server if you hint your files. Hinting is the process of marking several locations in the media, so a mobile player can start playing the file as soon as it has downloaded a small part of it (typically first 15 seconds). So far the most reliable open source hinting software found 45
  • 46. Video Audio Typical OS/Brand Container Protocol Codec Codec Resolution Windows .wmv or http:// H264 MP3 or 320x240 Mobile .mp4 AAC 176x220 Symbian, .3gp or rtsp:// H263 AMR_nb or 176x144 Nokia .mp4 AAC iPhone/ .mp4 http:// H264 AAC or 320x240 iPod AAC+ 320x480 Android .mp4 http:// H264 AAC lc 320x480 Blackberry MPEG4 .avi / .mp4 http:// AAC lc 480x320 =<OS 4.2 Blackberry .avi / .mp4/ rtsp:// MPEG4 AAC lc 480x320 =>OS 4.3 .3gp ADPCM or 352x288 Palm OS .flv / . mp4 http:// MPEG4 MP3 Other 3G .3gp rtsp:// H263 AMR_nb 176x144 Devices 46
  • 47. is Mp4box3. Use mp4box –hint –latm for mobile phone compatible hinting (note: -latm is only needed by AAC audio codecs). mp3 files do not need to be hinted. Ringtones To use audio as a ringtone or within a J2ME application, make sure that the audio format is supported by your target devices. Within J2ME .wav or .mid is the best choice for maximum compatibility, however the file size might restrict you as it is uncompressed. There are more than 10 file formats for ringtones, but we suggest to use the MP3 format, 64 or 128kbps, max 30 seconds and a file size of between 300kb and 500kb or AAC/AAC+ 24 kbps (mono) or 48kbps (stereo) on high-end phones to ensure maximum compatibility. Mobile Video To display video streams on a mobile device, the video player needs to connect to the streaming server. This sounds easier than it usually is. First of all, for many players a special APN (Access Point Name) needs to be configured. If this configuration is not correct, the videoplayer will not be able to connect with the server. But even if the APN is configured well, some operators are blocking the RTSP protocol. This leads to the situation that the streaming will work within the operator portal and probably even on youtube, but your own server cannot be reached. Actually you cannot really do anything about this, you are totally depending on the user’s know-how: He needs to manually set the APN to an open Internet connection. But even if you do not use RTSP, there are strange things that might happen when streaming video on the mobile handset: If a Blackberry device processes video via WiFi, even large videos usually are displayed consistently. But if GPRS is used for data transmission, the content is processed by the RIM servers which define maximum values that may 47
  • 48. vary from server to server4. As a consequence, content might behave differently even if the same device, same operator and same APN are used. And now? Don’t panic! Offer video to your users if you like to, but inform them if something is going wrong and if you use a device data- base, give them the option to chose manually. Media converters To convert existing media of any kind to mobile phone compatible formats and adjust the frame rate, bitrate and channels at the same time, FFMPEG is a must have (open source) media format converter5. Make sure you build or get the binary with H263, AAC and AMR encoder support included. For MAC users, QuickTime pro (paid version) is a good alternative to encode and hint 3gp files. A good alternative for converting video is “Super” from eRightSoft6. If you are looking for a complete server solution with a Java / Open Source Background, check out Alembik7. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 48
  • 49. Developer’s Guide Now what - which Environment Should I Use? The short and crystal clear answer: it depends. The longer answer: think about your target users, about their needs, about their devices and their dataplans. And about your vision and the requirements for your idea. Remember that you are not necessarily restricted to a single application environment. A practical approach is to use the environment that you are most comfortable with and then move on to other environments for increasing the market reach of your app. Sometimes it also makes sense to combine different environ- ments, for example by providing a mobile website for casual users and a J2ME app for your power users. 49
  • 50. The following table provides a very rough overview about the indi- vidual strengths and limitations of each application environment. Green stands for good coverage, yellow for limited and red for bad coverage of the respective topic: rs pe lo ol eve D De bili e la fflin n of ra ch io lin ity s vic ty at a Av / O In Re On ctiv Sp To nt me t e e d ke ee ai ag te r Ma Fr SMS BREW Flash Lite Widgets Native Blackberry Native Symbian iPhone Windows Mobile Android J2ME Web 50
  • 51. You can also compare application development with web development in a more general manner: App Development Web Development Approval process 2–8 weeks in app stores Instant updates Portability Complex Easy Complexity Complex Easy Monetization Sale, Advertisements, in Advertisements app purchase Web development beats application development in many but one crucial area: monetization. Internet services are mostly free and the only reliable business model is often advertisements. In contrast, app stores shine in this area. All stores support charging for application, the iPhone app store nowadays also supports in app purchases. And of course you can embed advertisements in your application as well. If you need to earn money today, it will be easier with an application unless you want to earn money purely with ads. 51
  • 52. Developer’s Guide Epilogue Thanks for reading this second release of our mobile developer’s guide. We hope you’ve enjoyed this and we helped you to clarify your options. Don’t be put down by the difficulties in entering the mobile arena — once you’re in the water, you can and will swim. Would you like to contribute to this guide? Please send your feedback to! 52
  • 53. Developer’s Guide About the Authors Robert Virkus / Enough Software Robert works in the mobile space since 1998. He experienced the Java fragmentation first hand by developing and porting a mobile sports betting client on the Siemens SL42i phone, which happened to be the first mass market phone with an embedded Java Virtual Machine. With this experience he launched the Open Source J2ME Polish project in 2004 that aims to overcome the device fragmentation barrier. He is the founder and CEO of Enough Software, the company behind J2ME Polish. Roland Gülle / Sevenval Roland joined the mobile industry in 2001. At Sevenval he is respon- sible for the development of the adaptation technology and the FITML Platform which allows developers to create mobile internet portals. Roland is an active member of the the Mobile Web Initiative (MWI) and several open source projects. Thibaut Rouffineau / WIP Community and passion builder with a mobile edge, Thibaut has been conversing with the mobile developer community for the past 4 years as the head of developer engagement at Symbian, where he spearheaded the migration to open source. Today he is the VP for Developer Partner- ships at WIP (Wireless Industry Partnership). 53
  • 54. Michel Shuqair / 24access Solutions Michel built his experience with Telecoms since 1999 where he closely watched the mobile development space evolving from Japan. Start- ing with black and white WAP applications, iMode and SMS games, he is now leading the mobile social network with over 850,000 members and supported by a team of Symbian, iPhone, Black- berry and Android specialists with headquarter in Amsterdam. Alexander Repty / Enough Software Alexander has been developing software for Mac OS X since 2004. When the iPhone SDK was released in 2008, he was among the first registered developers for the program. Since then, he has worked on a number of apps and written a series of articles on iPhone development. He has been working as an iPhone developer for Enough Software since October 2008. 54
  • 55. published by Enough Software GmbH + Co. KG Sögestrasse 70 28195 Bremen Germany
  • 56. Contributing parties: