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International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016
ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 240
Taxonomy of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications Development
Amarbir Singh*
*(Department of Computer Science, Guru Nanak DevUniversity, Amritsar)
Most of the developers use the cross-platform mobile development solutions to develop the mobile
application once and run it on many platforms. Many of these cross-platform solutions are still under
research and development. Also, these solutions are based on different approaches such as Cross-
Compilation approach, Virtual Machine approach, and Web-Based approach. There are many survey
papers about the cross-platform mobile development solutions but they do not include the most recent
tools, including Component-Based approach, Cloud-Based approach, and Merged approach. The main aim
of this paper is helping the researchers to know the most recent approaches and the open research issues.
This paper surveys the existing cross platform mobile development tools, introduces a comprehensive
categorization to the cross-platform tools, defines the pros and cons of each approach and compares the
cross-platform mobile development solutions.
Keywords —Android, PhoneGap, Rhodes, Appcelerator, Xamarin
One of the joys and pains of being a software
developer is choosing the right tools for the
job. Technology moves so fast and everyday there
are new frameworks and libraries being shared with
the world in order to do the job more efficiently.
Most people think this would always be a good
thing, but choices can be hard. The best one can do
is make the best choice with the information you
have, and that information is always changing. We
are going to take a look at some of the leading
frameworks that might be able to help you create
your mobile applications a little more
efficiently.Before we look at some of the
frameworks, we have to set the stage for why there
are options. When the latest mobile movement
emerged during the release of the first iPhone there
were limited choices on how you could produce
your applications. Your only real option was
Objective C; that was what Apple was pushing
and all their software development kit
documentation and examples revolved around that.
Then Google got involved in the game and after
that everything their team produced and
documented for doing development was with
Java. Of course some people were still dabbling
with their Palm and Blackberry at this time, which
would have their own set of tools and learning
curve.As time progressed, developers started
getting a little tired of having to learn a new
language and a new way of doing everything on
each mobile platform. Frameworks started
emerging claiming to be able to develop once and
distribute to multiple platforms, allowing
developers to focus on getting good at one thing
and leveraging that knowledge across mobile
devices [1]. The promise was that it was going to
allow developers to focus on learning one thing
There are number of reasons due to which need
for cross platform development tools arisen. The
primary goal was to create code once and then
distribute it to all the leading mobile devices having
International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016
ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 241
different operating systems. Another reason is that,
if we use cross platform development tool then we
can focus on one or our favourite programming to
develop applications otherwise there is a need of
expertise in the language supported by the mobile
device. By using different Cross platform
development tools quality code can be created
faster which helps in getting the products to market
faster and such code is also supported by current as
well as future devices [3]. Various benefits of using
cross platform development tools are listed below.
A. Code Is Reusable
Rather than having to write the specific action
or sequence for each platform, a developer can
just write the code once and then reuse those
bits in later projects or on other platforms.
B. Plugins
Major frameworks, including Appcelerator
and PhoneGap offer easy access to plugins and
modules that can easily plug into other services
or tools.
C. Easy for Web Developers
Because most frameworks are dynamic or
scripting languages, they are easy for web
developers to jump in and use. Moreover, most
frameworks have the facility to manage and
support HTML5 and CSS3 alongside the calls
to more native functions.
D. Reduced Development Costs
This is perhaps the biggest advantage because
it allows companies or brands to get an app onto
other platforms without having to invest in a
team or developer specific to that ecosystem.
E. Support for Enterprise and Cloud Services
In addition to plugins and modules for specific
functions, most frameworks also have the
option to directly integrate with cloud services,
including, AWS, and
F. Easy Deployment
Deploying and compiling apps is much faster
in a cross-platform scenario. This is especially
true with many of the new cloud-based build
tools that various frameworks are starting to
push out.
A. PhoneGap
In PhoneGap all of the front-end is actually
delivered as HTML and JavaScript, but the
experience is packaged and surrounded with the
Cordova magic. What this gives developers the
ability to do is use their past web experience and
create apps like they would create websites and
then use specialized markup to access specific
device features. This would include gaining access
to the camera, triggering a vibration and getting
input back from the accelerometer.You can
accomplish a lot, very easily by going this direction
with your mobile development. It’s easy because
you can leverage your teams experience with web
development and put that to work for you with
mobile applications. However, I feel this route is
the most limiting to the developer and the future of
the mobile product. You can really get boxed in by
the types of features you can ultimately deliver
since you are so abstracted from the core device
APIs [4].This route is going to be good if you have
a very sound understanding of the application you
are creating and all of it’s current and expected
future features. If you can with 100% confidence
determine everything you need is do-able with this
route, then go for it. I, however, often have a fear
that 6, 12, 24 months down the road I’ll get a
feature request from a client that will seem like a
common mobile feature or no big deal and get
completely stone-walled by this approach to mobile
development. For that reason I’m pretty hesitant to
do anything terribly complex with these
technologies. However, they are awesome for
mimicking a set of website features on mobile or
enabling a website to work offline via a mobile app.
Fig 1 Interfacing layers ofPhoneGap architecture [5].
Web Applications
Phone Gap JavaScript APIs
Native APIs
OS and Native APIs
International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016
ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 242
PhoneGap holds the top slot in developer
mindshare. Cordova/PhoneGap developers write
their mobile applications using HTML, JavaScript
and CSS. These assets run in a “WebView” inside a
native application container on the target platform
as shown in Fig 1. The various advantages and
disadvantages for PhoneGap are discussed below.
1) Regardless of server side platform & language
experience, a significant number of developers have
experience with HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
Apache Cordova or PhoneGap allows developers to
immediately leverage these existing skills. The
value of this can’t be overstated – as it reduces
training and can enable a quick-to-market stance in
companies ready to adopt it.
2) PhoneGap apps install just like a native
application, and are able to leverage app store
3) PhoneGap follows a plugin architecture, which
means that access to native device APIs can be
extended in a modular way. There arelot
of PhoneGap plugins to choose from – enabling
developers to focus on the web-based skills they
already haveCordova is open source and free, so
there are no licensing costs
1) The strength of being open source and leveraging
the talents of a wide array of contributors is both a
blessing and curse. If you need to extend your app
with a custom Cordova/PhoneGap plugin, odds are
you will find one. Yet it may be out of date and not
support the target platforms you need.
2) The performance of PhoneGap apps has often
been criticized. Native UI will always outperform a
hybrid solution, but improvements in device
hardware and WebView implementations have
narrowed the gap. Your web developers will need
to pay close attention to performance, which means
their knowledge of profiling tools as well as which
web UI frameworks are mobile-friendly is essential.
Rhodes is a cross-platform mobile application
tool developed by Motorola Solutions Inc. under
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is
developed to rapidly build native applications for
all major mobile OS’s (iOS, Android, BlackBerry,
Windows Mobile/Phone and Symbian). The main
goal of Rhodes is to provide a high level of
productivity and portability in programming. It is
an open source Ruby-based mobile development
environment. Thanks to this environment,
developers can create and maintain enterprise
applications and data based on single source code
across different mobile OS’s [6].
RhoMobile suite provides an IDE called
RhoStudio which is an innovative solution
dedicated to users that want to develop applications
through a hosted IDE. This solution can be used
across Linux, Mac, and Microsoft Windows OS’s.
Alternatively, RhoMobile offers the possibility to
write applications with any other editor or IDE
which supports HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript
and Ruby. The most popular editors are Eclipse,
Visual Studio, Netbeans, IntelliJ and TextMate [7].
Rhodes provides native device applications to
improve the end-user experience, which work with
synchronized local data and take advantage of
device capabilities, such as Barcode, Bluetooth,
Calendar, Camera, Contacts, GPS, Menu, Near
Field Communication (NFC) and Screen Rotation.
Rhodes is the only framework that uses Model
View Controller (MVC) pattern to develop mobile
applications. The MVC pattern creates applications
that separate data definitions (models) from
business logic and (controllers) from interfaces
(views), providing at the same time a point of
Fig. 2. Rhodes interfacing architecture between the Smartphone and Rhodes
components [9].
connection between these elements. Languages
used in the view element are HTML, CSS and
JavaScript to make mobile applications, whereas in
International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016
ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 243
the controller element is Ruby to make the backend
support. Moreover, with MVC approach is also
possible to write applications that use only the view
element. Obviously, it is realizable for applications
or sites that require a low level of complexity [8].
Rhodes provides mainly three possibilities to add
extendibility in its framework, first can be done by
adding external Ruby library to Rhodes, second by
creating native extensions for specific Software
Development Kit (SDK) of each OS and last by
extending the already existing views available in
Rhodes. In Fig. 2 Rhodes architecture is shown.
Controller, HTML templates and source adapter
components are the parts which developers have to
implement for the creation of applications, whereas
other components are provided by Rhodes such as
Rhodes App Generator which is an IDE than can be
RhoStudio or another editor, Ruby Executor is the
executor of the Ruby code, Device Capabilities are
the API’s, Rhom is a mini database ORM (object
relational mapper) which provides a high level
interface to make it quickly and easily (i.e. the
database is SQLite for all mobile OS’s except
BlackBerry that is HSQLDB), RhoSync Client is a
library to add sync data capability to your
applications, and RhoSync simplifies the
development of connectivity to enterprise backend
applications. Moreover, performing the backend
application integration between RhoSync Client and
RhoSync Server is reduced by 50-80% the
development effort [7].Various advantages and
disadvantages of using Rhodes are given below.
1) Rhodes development files are compiled into
native applications that can be executed on real or a
virtual devices, indeed, this tool offers a desktop
simulator where is possible to run applications.
2) Provides high level of productivity and
portability in programming.
1)The plugin architecture works well if you can
find the plugins you need or if your web developers
are capable of changing gears to write their own
custom plugin(s) as needed.
C. DragonRad
DragonRad 5.0 is a cross-platform mobile ADT
developed by Seregon Solutions Inc. DragonRad
has Drag and Drop (D&D) features, which requires
reduced programming talent to develop
applications. It allows developers to design, manage
and deploy mobile applications with ease. These
deployed mobile applications can be used across
iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile.
This tool concentrates on database driven mobile
enterprise applications with easy and wide range of
databases support. DragonRad facilitates integration
and synchronization of database system with native
functions such as Contacts, Calendar, Geolocation,
Menu and Storage.Fig 3 shows the detailed
architecture of DragonRad for Android. Various
advantages and disadvantages of using DragonRad
are given below.
1) This tool is pretty easy to use and has seamless
integration to MySQL database.
2) It is very intuitive and application development
is extremely fast.
1) DragonRad is a Proprietary platform having a
small user community.
2) Documentation is not really good and examples
are tough to understand.
3)Dragonrad is not suited for building games, it is
useful for building data-driven enterprise
applications only.
Fig 3 Architecture of DragonRAD for Android [5].
Web Services
Custom Data Connectors
Carrier Network or WiFi

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International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016
ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 244
D. Appcelerator
Appcelerator has been in the cross-platform
space since 2006. They originally had an
application that was targeted towards making it
easy to write desktop apps for both Windows and
Apple. They then changed their focus to work on
building a tool that made it easier to program cross-
platform mobile applications.
Titanium is their open source IDE/compiler. It
allows you to write your mobile application using
JavaScript syntax and tap into the necessary core
libraries to create native mobile experiences. With
Titanium we have found that it’s not really a one-
and-done workflow. There are still differences that
needed to be accounted for when developing cross-
platform applications. For example, an iPhone
really only has a home button. All app interactions
must be programmed within the application [10].
However, with Android there is a physical back
button and other buttons on the keyboard that might
interact with your application. Specific situations
still need to be accounted for when developing for
both of these platforms.
Appcelerator also claims that their framework is
supporting Windows and Blackberry, but from what
I’ve read, it’s been mixed results and certainly isn’t
a one click process to get your application running
on those platforms. Appcelerator has paid
subscription options, but they still have a free,
open-source version that has majority of what you
need to succeed. The biggest downside to Titanium
is that you can’t access everything in the core
frameworks. Titanium tries to model and make
methods available to you for the most popular
device features, but unlike other options, everything
is not available out of the box. The good news is
that you can always create a custom Titanium
module that calls a core feature you need and
include that in your project.
Appcelerator’s Titanium provides a unified (across
devices) JavaScript API, coupled with native-
platform-specific features. Developers write
JavaScript and utilize a UI abstraction (the Alloy
MVC framework) that results in the use of native
UI components, greatly aiding UI performance
compared to other hybrid options [11]. The various
advantages and disadvantages for Appcelerator are
discussed below.
• 1) The use of native UI components is a
performance win, and the Alloy framework
attempts to normalize UI across platforms.
• 2) The use of JavaScript to normalize code across
platforms enables you to leverage existing skills on
multiple target platforms.
• 3) Appcelerator provides value-adds such as
a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), app analytics and
a marketplace for 3rd party components.
• 1) Developers are required to manage target
platform SDKs locally. It’s highly recommended
for your team to establish a controlled build
environment/CI process if you choose to manage
SDKs locally, especially if you target multiple
platforms. SDK version & build-related issues can
be a horrific time sink, when you really need your
team delivering features.
2) Normalizing the UI across platforms, while
arguably a “pro”, is also a “con” in that your team
will need to train on a proprietary technology to
gain skills that are not directly transferrable outside
E. Xamarin
“Xamarin” has only been around for a couple years,
however the team and technology behind it has
been in the cross-platform industry for many
years. Before developers were concerned about
cross-platform mobile apps they were concerned
about cross-platform desktop applications
[12]. Members of the Xamarin team were behind
the very popular Mono project and later the
MonoTouch project, which was acquired, spun off,
and things happened… then poof: Xamarin.
If you are a Microsoft .Net developer, then you’ll
know that Mono was the rogue project that worked
tirelessly to keep the C# language running and
available on Linux. They know a thing or two
about working with cross-platform technologies,
and they are huge C# fans. Therefore, the
programming language preferred for Xamarin is
C#. If you are a .NET developer this will probably
be your favorite. Xamarin has been excelling at
building really cool cloud-testing tools as well. This
makes it easier for developers to test their
International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016
ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 245
applications across a variety of different devices
1) Compiles into a truenative APP or APK, uses
native UI tools and has cross platform benefits as
well as stability.
2) Favourite tool for the .NET developers.
1) Does not provide build once experience, so little
more work has to be done if code has to be reused.
The Comparison of the five popular cross platform
applications development tools is given in Table 1
and Table 2. Table 1 contains the comparison
different general features of tools and Table 2
contains the comparison of various development
features of tools.
Name Paltforms OS
PhoneGap IOS, Android,
Yes No
Rhodes IOS, Android,
Yes Yes
DragonRad IOS, Android,
No No
Appcelerator IOS, Android,
Yes Yes
Xamarin IOS, Android,
Yes No
Table 1 General Features
Name Language IDE Acessibility To
Native API
PhoneGap HTML,
Java Script
Java Script
Rhodes HTML, RhoStudio, Java Script
Java Script
DragonRad D&D DragonRad
Appcelerator HTML, Java
Java Script
Xamarin .Net, HTML Xamarin
Table 2 Development Features
There is never a winner when it comes to
programming languages and frameworks. The
winner is the option you think will be best for you
and your product now and into the future. It very
well might be that the best option is to write
Objective C or Swift for iOS and Java for Android,
just because you're awesome at those. Then you can
learn C# if needed for Windows later. The choice
is yours, and that’s the beauty of it. Our paper is an
attempt to make this task of choosing an
appropriate tool easier.
[1] Ma, L., Gu, L. and Wang, J., “Research and Development of
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[2] Kim, J.H., Karunaratne, S., Regenbrecht, H., and Wunsche,
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[4] Pandey, G. and Dani, D., “Android Mobile Application Build on
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IWISS Catalog 2024

[IJCT-V3I2P36] Authors: Amarbir Singh

  • 1. International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016 ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 240 Taxonomy of Cross-Platform Mobile Applications Development Tools Amarbir Singh* *(Department of Computer Science, Guru Nanak DevUniversity, Amritsar) ----------------------------------------************************---------------------------------- Abstract: Most of the developers use the cross-platform mobile development solutions to develop the mobile application once and run it on many platforms. Many of these cross-platform solutions are still under research and development. Also, these solutions are based on different approaches such as Cross- Compilation approach, Virtual Machine approach, and Web-Based approach. There are many survey papers about the cross-platform mobile development solutions but they do not include the most recent tools, including Component-Based approach, Cloud-Based approach, and Merged approach. The main aim of this paper is helping the researchers to know the most recent approaches and the open research issues. This paper surveys the existing cross platform mobile development tools, introduces a comprehensive categorization to the cross-platform tools, defines the pros and cons of each approach and compares the cross-platform mobile development solutions. Keywords —Android, PhoneGap, Rhodes, Appcelerator, Xamarin ----------------------------------------************************---------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION One of the joys and pains of being a software developer is choosing the right tools for the job. Technology moves so fast and everyday there are new frameworks and libraries being shared with the world in order to do the job more efficiently. Most people think this would always be a good thing, but choices can be hard. The best one can do is make the best choice with the information you have, and that information is always changing. We are going to take a look at some of the leading frameworks that might be able to help you create your mobile applications a little more efficiently.Before we look at some of the frameworks, we have to set the stage for why there are options. When the latest mobile movement emerged during the release of the first iPhone there were limited choices on how you could produce your applications. Your only real option was Objective C; that was what Apple was pushing and all their software development kit documentation and examples revolved around that. Then Google got involved in the game and after that everything their team produced and documented for doing development was with Java. Of course some people were still dabbling with their Palm and Blackberry at this time, which would have their own set of tools and learning curve.As time progressed, developers started getting a little tired of having to learn a new language and a new way of doing everything on each mobile platform. Frameworks started emerging claiming to be able to develop once and distribute to multiple platforms, allowing developers to focus on getting good at one thing and leveraging that knowledge across mobile devices [1]. The promise was that it was going to allow developers to focus on learning one thing well. II. GOAL AND BENEFITS OF USING CROSS- PLATFORM DEVELOPMENT TOOLS There are number of reasons due to which need for cross platform development tools arisen. The primary goal was to create code once and then distribute it to all the leading mobile devices having RESEARCH ARTICLE OPEN ACCESS
  • 2. International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016 ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 241 different operating systems. Another reason is that, if we use cross platform development tool then we can focus on one or our favourite programming to develop applications otherwise there is a need of expertise in the language supported by the mobile device. By using different Cross platform development tools quality code can be created faster which helps in getting the products to market faster and such code is also supported by current as well as future devices [3]. Various benefits of using cross platform development tools are listed below. A. Code Is Reusable Rather than having to write the specific action or sequence for each platform, a developer can just write the code once and then reuse those bits in later projects or on other platforms. B. Plugins Major frameworks, including Appcelerator and PhoneGap offer easy access to plugins and modules that can easily plug into other services or tools. C. Easy for Web Developers Because most frameworks are dynamic or scripting languages, they are easy for web developers to jump in and use. Moreover, most frameworks have the facility to manage and support HTML5 and CSS3 alongside the calls to more native functions. D. Reduced Development Costs This is perhaps the biggest advantage because it allows companies or brands to get an app onto other platforms without having to invest in a team or developer specific to that ecosystem. E. Support for Enterprise and Cloud Services In addition to plugins and modules for specific functions, most frameworks also have the option to directly integrate with cloud services, including, AWS, and others. F. Easy Deployment Deploying and compiling apps is much faster in a cross-platform scenario. This is especially true with many of the new cloud-based build tools that various frameworks are starting to push out. III. VARIOUS CROSS-PLATFORM APPLICATIONS DEVELOPMENT TOOLS A. PhoneGap In PhoneGap all of the front-end is actually delivered as HTML and JavaScript, but the experience is packaged and surrounded with the Cordova magic. What this gives developers the ability to do is use their past web experience and create apps like they would create websites and then use specialized markup to access specific device features. This would include gaining access to the camera, triggering a vibration and getting input back from the accelerometer.You can accomplish a lot, very easily by going this direction with your mobile development. It’s easy because you can leverage your teams experience with web development and put that to work for you with mobile applications. However, I feel this route is the most limiting to the developer and the future of the mobile product. You can really get boxed in by the types of features you can ultimately deliver since you are so abstracted from the core device APIs [4].This route is going to be good if you have a very sound understanding of the application you are creating and all of it’s current and expected future features. If you can with 100% confidence determine everything you need is do-able with this route, then go for it. I, however, often have a fear that 6, 12, 24 months down the road I’ll get a feature request from a client that will seem like a common mobile feature or no big deal and get completely stone-walled by this approach to mobile development. For that reason I’m pretty hesitant to do anything terribly complex with these technologies. However, they are awesome for mimicking a set of website features on mobile or enabling a website to work offline via a mobile app. Fig 1 Interfacing layers ofPhoneGap architecture [5]. Web Applications Phone Gap JavaScript APIs Native APIs OS and Native APIs
  • 3. International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016 ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 242 PhoneGap holds the top slot in developer mindshare. Cordova/PhoneGap developers write their mobile applications using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. These assets run in a “WebView” inside a native application container on the target platform as shown in Fig 1. The various advantages and disadvantages for PhoneGap are discussed below. Pros 1) Regardless of server side platform & language experience, a significant number of developers have experience with HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Apache Cordova or PhoneGap allows developers to immediately leverage these existing skills. The value of this can’t be overstated – as it reduces training and can enable a quick-to-market stance in companies ready to adopt it. 2) PhoneGap apps install just like a native application, and are able to leverage app store discoverability. 3) PhoneGap follows a plugin architecture, which means that access to native device APIs can be extended in a modular way. There arelot of PhoneGap plugins to choose from – enabling developers to focus on the web-based skills they already haveCordova is open source and free, so there are no licensing costs Cons 1) The strength of being open source and leveraging the talents of a wide array of contributors is both a blessing and curse. If you need to extend your app with a custom Cordova/PhoneGap plugin, odds are you will find one. Yet it may be out of date and not support the target platforms you need. 2) The performance of PhoneGap apps has often been criticized. Native UI will always outperform a hybrid solution, but improvements in device hardware and WebView implementations have narrowed the gap. Your web developers will need to pay close attention to performance, which means their knowledge of profiling tools as well as which web UI frameworks are mobile-friendly is essential. B.Rhodes Rhodes is a cross-platform mobile application tool developed by Motorola Solutions Inc. under Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). It is developed to rapidly build native applications for all major mobile OS’s (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile/Phone and Symbian). The main goal of Rhodes is to provide a high level of productivity and portability in programming. It is an open source Ruby-based mobile development environment. Thanks to this environment, developers can create and maintain enterprise applications and data based on single source code across different mobile OS’s [6]. RhoMobile suite provides an IDE called RhoStudio which is an innovative solution dedicated to users that want to develop applications through a hosted IDE. This solution can be used across Linux, Mac, and Microsoft Windows OS’s. Alternatively, RhoMobile offers the possibility to write applications with any other editor or IDE which supports HTML, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript and Ruby. The most popular editors are Eclipse, Visual Studio, Netbeans, IntelliJ and TextMate [7]. Rhodes provides native device applications to improve the end-user experience, which work with synchronized local data and take advantage of device capabilities, such as Barcode, Bluetooth, Calendar, Camera, Contacts, GPS, Menu, Near Field Communication (NFC) and Screen Rotation. Rhodes is the only framework that uses Model View Controller (MVC) pattern to develop mobile applications. The MVC pattern creates applications that separate data definitions (models) from business logic and (controllers) from interfaces (views), providing at the same time a point of Fig. 2. Rhodes interfacing architecture between the Smartphone and Rhodes components [9]. connection between these elements. Languages used in the view element are HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make mobile applications, whereas in
  • 4. International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016 ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 243 the controller element is Ruby to make the backend support. Moreover, with MVC approach is also possible to write applications that use only the view element. Obviously, it is realizable for applications or sites that require a low level of complexity [8]. Rhodes provides mainly three possibilities to add extendibility in its framework, first can be done by adding external Ruby library to Rhodes, second by creating native extensions for specific Software Development Kit (SDK) of each OS and last by extending the already existing views available in Rhodes. In Fig. 2 Rhodes architecture is shown. Controller, HTML templates and source adapter components are the parts which developers have to implement for the creation of applications, whereas other components are provided by Rhodes such as Rhodes App Generator which is an IDE than can be RhoStudio or another editor, Ruby Executor is the executor of the Ruby code, Device Capabilities are the API’s, Rhom is a mini database ORM (object relational mapper) which provides a high level interface to make it quickly and easily (i.e. the database is SQLite for all mobile OS’s except BlackBerry that is HSQLDB), RhoSync Client is a library to add sync data capability to your applications, and RhoSync simplifies the development of connectivity to enterprise backend applications. Moreover, performing the backend application integration between RhoSync Client and RhoSync Server is reduced by 50-80% the development effort [7].Various advantages and disadvantages of using Rhodes are given below. Pros 1) Rhodes development files are compiled into native applications that can be executed on real or a virtual devices, indeed, this tool offers a desktop simulator where is possible to run applications. 2) Provides high level of productivity and portability in programming. Cons 1)The plugin architecture works well if you can find the plugins you need or if your web developers are capable of changing gears to write their own custom plugin(s) as needed. C. DragonRad DragonRad 5.0 is a cross-platform mobile ADT developed by Seregon Solutions Inc. DragonRad has Drag and Drop (D&D) features, which requires reduced programming talent to develop applications. It allows developers to design, manage and deploy mobile applications with ease. These deployed mobile applications can be used across iOS, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile. This tool concentrates on database driven mobile enterprise applications with easy and wide range of databases support. DragonRad facilitates integration and synchronization of database system with native functions such as Contacts, Calendar, Geolocation, Menu and Storage.Fig 3 shows the detailed architecture of DragonRad for Android. Various advantages and disadvantages of using DragonRad are given below. Pros 1) This tool is pretty easy to use and has seamless integration to MySQL database. 2) It is very intuitive and application development is extremely fast. Cons 1) DragonRad is a Proprietary platform having a small user community. 2) Documentation is not really good and examples are tough to understand. 3)Dragonrad is not suited for building games, it is useful for building data-driven enterprise applications only. Fig 3 Architecture of DragonRAD for Android [5]. Web Services DataBase Custom Data Connectors Tomcat/MapDataServer Carrier Network or WiFi Android
  • 5. International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016 ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 244 D. Appcelerator Appcelerator has been in the cross-platform space since 2006. They originally had an application that was targeted towards making it easy to write desktop apps for both Windows and Apple. They then changed their focus to work on building a tool that made it easier to program cross- platform mobile applications. Titanium is their open source IDE/compiler. It allows you to write your mobile application using JavaScript syntax and tap into the necessary core libraries to create native mobile experiences. With Titanium we have found that it’s not really a one- and-done workflow. There are still differences that needed to be accounted for when developing cross- platform applications. For example, an iPhone really only has a home button. All app interactions must be programmed within the application [10]. However, with Android there is a physical back button and other buttons on the keyboard that might interact with your application. Specific situations still need to be accounted for when developing for both of these platforms. Appcelerator also claims that their framework is supporting Windows and Blackberry, but from what I’ve read, it’s been mixed results and certainly isn’t a one click process to get your application running on those platforms. Appcelerator has paid subscription options, but they still have a free, open-source version that has majority of what you need to succeed. The biggest downside to Titanium is that you can’t access everything in the core frameworks. Titanium tries to model and make methods available to you for the most popular device features, but unlike other options, everything is not available out of the box. The good news is that you can always create a custom Titanium module that calls a core feature you need and include that in your project. Appcelerator’s Titanium provides a unified (across devices) JavaScript API, coupled with native- platform-specific features. Developers write JavaScript and utilize a UI abstraction (the Alloy MVC framework) that results in the use of native UI components, greatly aiding UI performance compared to other hybrid options [11]. The various advantages and disadvantages for Appcelerator are discussed below. Pros • 1) The use of native UI components is a performance win, and the Alloy framework attempts to normalize UI across platforms. • 2) The use of JavaScript to normalize code across platforms enables you to leverage existing skills on multiple target platforms. • 3) Appcelerator provides value-adds such as a Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS), app analytics and a marketplace for 3rd party components. Cons • 1) Developers are required to manage target platform SDKs locally. It’s highly recommended for your team to establish a controlled build environment/CI process if you choose to manage SDKs locally, especially if you target multiple platforms. SDK version & build-related issues can be a horrific time sink, when you really need your team delivering features. 2) Normalizing the UI across platforms, while arguably a “pro”, is also a “con” in that your team will need to train on a proprietary technology to gain skills that are not directly transferrable outside Titanium. E. Xamarin “Xamarin” has only been around for a couple years, however the team and technology behind it has been in the cross-platform industry for many years. Before developers were concerned about cross-platform mobile apps they were concerned about cross-platform desktop applications [12]. Members of the Xamarin team were behind the very popular Mono project and later the MonoTouch project, which was acquired, spun off, and things happened… then poof: Xamarin. If you are a Microsoft .Net developer, then you’ll know that Mono was the rogue project that worked tirelessly to keep the C# language running and available on Linux. They know a thing or two about working with cross-platform technologies, and they are huge C# fans. Therefore, the programming language preferred for Xamarin is C#. If you are a .NET developer this will probably be your favorite. Xamarin has been excelling at building really cool cloud-testing tools as well. This makes it easier for developers to test their
  • 6. International Journal of Computer Techniques -– Volume 3 Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2016 ISSN: 2394-2231 Page 245 applications across a variety of different devices [13]. Pros 1) Compiles into a truenative APP or APK, uses native UI tools and has cross platform benefits as well as stability. 2) Favourite tool for the .NET developers. Cons 1) Does not provide build once experience, so little more work has to be done if code has to be reused. IV. COMPARISON The Comparison of the five popular cross platform applications development tools is given in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 contains the comparison different general features of tools and Table 2 contains the comparison of various development features of tools. Name Paltforms OS Support Open Source MVC PhoneGap IOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Symbian Linux, Mac, Windows Yes No Rhodes IOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Symbian Linux, Mac, Windows Yes Yes DragonRad IOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry, Linux, Mac, Windows No No Appcelerator IOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry Linux, Mac, Windows Yes Yes Xamarin IOS, Android, Windows Linux, Mac, Windows Yes No Table 1 General Features Name Language IDE Acessibility To Native API PhoneGap HTML, HTML5, CSS3, Java Script Eclipse, XCode Java Script Rhodes HTML, RhoStudio, Java Script HTML5, CSS, Java Script RhoHub DragonRad D&D DragonRad Designer NA Appcelerator HTML, Java Script Titanium Studio Java Script Xamarin .Net, HTML Xamarin Studio NA Table 2 Development Features V. CONCLUSION There is never a winner when it comes to programming languages and frameworks. The winner is the option you think will be best for you and your product now and into the future. It very well might be that the best option is to write Objective C or Swift for iOS and Java for Android, just because you're awesome at those. Then you can learn C# if needed for Windows later. The choice is yours, and that’s the beauty of it. Our paper is an attempt to make this task of choosing an appropriate tool easier. REFERENCES [1] Ma, L., Gu, L. and Wang, J., “Research and Development of Mobile Application for Android Platform”, International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 187-198,2014. [2] Kim, J.H., Karunaratne, S., Regenbrecht, H., and Wunsche, C.B.W.I.. “Evaluation of Cross-Platform Development Tools for Patient Self-Reporting on Mobile Devices”, Proceedings of the 8th Australasian Workshop on Health Informatics and Knowledge Management, Sydney, Australia, pp. 27 – 30. 2015. [3] Pawar, P.A., Jagtap, S.V. and Bhamare, S.M., “Survey on Techniques for Cross Platform Mobile Application Development”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 10, pp. 3552- 3558, 2014. [4] Pandey, G. and Dani, D., “Android Mobile Application Build on Eclipse”, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp. 1-5, 2014 [5] Palmieri, M., Singh, I., Cicchetti, A., “Comparison of Cross- Platform Mobile Development Tools”, 16th International Conference on Intelligence in Next Generation Networks, Berlin, Germany, pp. 179-186, 2012. [6] G. Sarah Allen and L. Lundrigan. Smartphone Cross- PlatformDevelopment. Apress, 2010. [7] Motorola Solutions. Business+Product+and+Services/Software+and+Applications /RhoMobile+Suite,2012. [8] RhoMobile, therhodes- smartphone-app-framework, March 2010.
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