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From SOA to MSA–
Creating Adaptive and Innovation
Supportive Architecture and
-by William
• Principles of Microservices Architecture
• Patterns and Best Practices of Microservices
• Microservices Organization
• Application of Microserivces Architecture
Problem Domain
• System & Organization Decoupling
• Legacy System Upgrading
• Use suitable platform and technology to solve
different problems
– Golden Hammer Syndrome - Always Win/.Net
• Foster business innovation, dealing with outside
– Innovation as a platform
• Creating extensible, agile and adaptive
architecture and organization.
SOLID Review - Single Responsibility

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Nats meetup sf   20150826Nats meetup sf   20150826
Nats meetup sf 20150826

NATS was created by Derek Collison, founder and CEO of Apcera, who has spent 20+ years designing, building, and using publish-subscribe messaging systems. Unlike traditional enterprise messaging systems, NATS has an always-on dial tone that does whatever it takes to remain available. Learn how end users are building modern, reliable and scalable cloud and distributed systems with NATS. Talk given by David Williams, Principal, Williams & Garcia You can learn more about NATS at

Microservices architecture overview v3
Microservices architecture overview v3Microservices architecture overview v3
Microservices architecture overview v3

This deck is about Microservices Architecture and why do we need it, architecture patterns which need to be followed during Microservices development, and about few tricky questions like API Versioning and Decomposition Recipes

decomposition recipesapi versioningmicroservices
Introduction to microservices
Introduction to microservicesIntroduction to microservices
Introduction to microservices

The introduction covers the following 1. What are Microservices and why should be use this paradigm? 2. 12 factor apps and how Microservices make it easier to create them 3. Characteristics of Microservices Note: Please download the slides to view animations.

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SOLID Review – Liskov Substitution
SOLID Review – Dependency Inversion
GRASP – General Responsibility
Assignment Software Principles
• High Cohesion, Low Coupling
– How to keep objects appropriately focused, manageable and understandable?
– How to minimize dependencies, change impact and maximize reuse?
• Information Expert
– What’s the general principle to assign responsibilities to object?
• Controller
– Who should receive events and coordinate the overall system operation?
• Polymorphism
– How to make components pluggable?
• Pure Fabrication
– How to assign responsibilities to class representing concept not existing in problem domain?
• Indirection
– How to decouple between two(or more) objects?
• Protected Variation
– How to design object or system that its internal instability or variation will not have bad
impact to other elements of the object or system?
Microservices Architecture
• A system architectural style, it is SOLID and
GRASP principles applied at architectural level,
including some patterns and best practices.
• SOA is too coarse-grained, Microservices is
fine-grained and practical SOA.
• Microservices architecture needs technical
infrastructure and organization support.

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Introduction to Microservices
Introduction  to MicroservicesIntroduction  to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including a comparison to monolithic architectures. It discusses advantages and disadvantages of both monoliths and microservices. Monoliths have disadvantages including being difficult to change and maintain as well as not scaling well. Microservices aim to address these issues by developing applications as suites of small, independent services. The document outlines some key principles of microservices, such as independent deployment and technology choices, as well as advantages like improved scalability and flexibility.

Introduction to microservices (from rails monolith)
Introduction to microservices (from rails monolith)Introduction to microservices (from rails monolith)
Introduction to microservices (from rails monolith)

A simplified microservice architecture using Amazon Simple Queue Service to implement communication between microservices.

Merging micrservices architecture with SOA Practices
Merging micrservices architecture with SOA Practices Merging micrservices architecture with SOA Practices
Merging micrservices architecture with SOA Practices

The document discusses merging microservices architecture with SOA practices. It begins with background on the presenter and an agenda that includes defining and sizing microservices, DevOps practices for deployment, and avoiding fragility. Microservices are defined as small, independent, and process-isolated services. The document explores benefits and challenges of microservices, including proper sizing of services and managing dependencies. It provides examples of DevOps practices for loose coupling like service isolation and separate databases. The conclusion emphasizes starting small and reconciling SOA and microservices when sharing capabilities, APIs, and building applications.

by WSO2
Monolithic -> SOA -> MicorServices
Legacy System Decouple & Upgrade
Coupled SOA
Edge Service
Middle Tier
Edge Service聚合服务Middle Tier
Tier Svc
Edge Svc
Decoupled SOA

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Full lifecycle of a microservice

Full lifecycle of a microservice: how to realize a fault-tolerant and reliable architecture and deliver it as a Docker container or in a Cloud environment

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Today, every one of us wants to get things done fast. The fact of the matter is Serverless is a fantastic platform for doing things fast. Because, with Serverless, you really don’t have time to waste in terms of delivering your business value. Turns out you can with the right cloud services. In this talk we’ll create a microservice using Azure Functions and also get introduced to bigger picture of serverless computing. I presented this session in Global Azure Bootcamp 2019 in Dublin. #GlobalAzure #AzureFunctions #Serverless

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Software Architectures, Week 3 - Microservice-based Architectures

The document discusses characteristics of microservice architectures. It defines microservices as independently deployable services that communicate through lightweight mechanisms like HTTP APIs. Key characteristics include: componentization via services; organization around business capabilities rather than technology; treating services as products with long-term support; decentralized governance, data, and infrastructure; and designing for failure and evolutionary development. The document also compares microservices to monoliths and alternative approaches like self-contained systems.

Balance Standardization & Autonomy
Key Elements of Microservices
• Stateless Service
– Support scale out
• Low Friction Deployment
– Fast and flexible service deployment and upgrade.
• Automated Management & Monitoring
– Push common concerns to technical infrastructure
and framework, service developers only need to care
for business logic.
• Automated Service Discovery & Routing
– Decouple services, flexible upgrade and replacement.
Microservices Framework
Business Logic

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Microservice Architecture

SCS 4120 - Software Engineering IV BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE HONOURS IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING All in One Place Lecture Notes Distribution Among Friends Only All copyrights belong to their respective owners Viraj Brian Wijesuriya

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Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

A introduction to Microservices Architecture: definition, characterstics, framworks, success stories. It contains a demo about implementation of microservices with Spring Boot, Spring cloud an Eureka.

architecturemicroservices patternsnetflix
Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document summarizes an upcoming presentation on architecting microservices on AWS. The presentation will: - Review microservices architecture and how it differs from monolithic and service-oriented architectures. - Cover key microservices design principles like independent deployment of services that communicate via APIs and using the right tools for each job. - Provide example design patterns for implementing microservices on AWS using services like EC2, ECS, Lambda, API Gateway and more. - Include a demo of microservices on AWS. - Conclude with a question and answer session.

cloud computingkd-singhaws pop-up loft san francisco
Version Control of Microservices
 Leave multiple old
microservice versions running
 Fast introduction vs. slow
retirement asymmetry Brute force upgrade
Backward compatible Multiple versions coexistence
Invocation Pattern of Microservices
Service Dependency
Single Dependency Delay Causing
Blocking of User Request

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A lifecycle for microservices
A lifecycle for microservicesA lifecycle for microservices
A lifecycle for microservices

This document discusses an SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) process for developing microservices. It begins by defining key terms like SDLC, microservices, and APIs. It then outlines a 10-step process for taking a microservice from concept to production, including specifying APIs, prototyping, testing, and reviews. It emphasizes practices like API versioning, testing in production, and treating failures as normal occurrences. The presentation is delivered by David Asher, an experienced software and product manager providing the perspective of developing cloud-based microservices at large companies.

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What integration, service, or API infrastructure components are appropriate for my platform? Should teams Decouple at Edge or Center? Why incorporate API Gateways, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), or integration frameworks into your platform and architecture?

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Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...

Do microservices force us to look differently at the way we lay down and evolve our integration architecture, or are they purely about how we build applications? Are microservices a new concept, or an evolution of the many ideas that came before them? What is the relationship between microservices and other key initiatives such as APIs, SOA, and Agile. In this session, we will unpick what microservices really are, and indeed what they are not. We will consider whether there is something unique about this particular point time in technology that has enables microservice concepts to take hold. Finally, we will look at if, when, where and how an enterprise can take on the benefits of microservices, and what products and technologies are applicable for that journey.

All Request Threads Can be Blocked at
Peak Hour(aka. Cascading Failure)
Circuit Breaker Fault Tolerant Pattern
DC Aware
SOA Edge Service
Peer Sync
Invoke Invoke
DC 1 DC 2
SOA Middle Tier Service
DC Aware
SOA Edge Service
SOA Middle Tier Service
RegistryDC Aware
DC Aware
Register Register
Lookup Lookup
Cross Data Center Active-Active
Conway’s Law
• “…organization which design systems … are
constrained to produce designs which are copies
of the communication structure of those
– Melvin Conway, 1968
• “If you ask nine people to write a compiler, you
get a nine pass compiler”
• “Those system then constrain the options for
organizational change”
– Dan North

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Microservice architecture design principles
Microservice architecture design principlesMicroservice architecture design principles
Microservice architecture design principles

- Microservices advocate creating a system from small, isolated services that each own their data and are independently scalable and resilient. They are inspired by biological cells that are small, single-purpose, and work together through messaging. - The system is divided using a divide and conquer approach, decomposing it into discrete subsystems that communicate over well-defined protocols. Each microservice focuses on a single business capability and owns its own data and behavior. - Microservices communicate asynchronously through APIs and events to maintain independence and isolation, which enables continuous delivery, failure resilience, and independent scaling of each service.

micro services architecture (FrosCon2014)
micro services architecture (FrosCon2014)micro services architecture (FrosCon2014)
micro services architecture (FrosCon2014)

Vertical thinking for a simple architecture! Micro Services are a new way of architectural thinking in web platforms. The key idea is strongly aligned on the unix philosophy: Create small services which are only responsible for one thing and make them work together. With this in mind, you get simple applications, which can be developed, deployed and scaled independent from each other. The key challenge in using micro services is to decompose applications vertically, by their functional domains. Only with this, you are able to reduce dependencies and create simple applications. On a technical side, micro services are backed by a wide support in different programming languages and open source frameworks. Especially the state of the art deployment mechanisms make this approach possible at all.

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MicroServices at Netflix - challenges of scale
MicroServices at Netflix - challenges of scaleMicroServices at Netflix - challenges of scale
MicroServices at Netflix - challenges of scale

Microservices at Netflix have evolved over time from a single monolithic application to hundreds of fine-grained services. While this provides benefits like independent delivery, it also introduces complexity and challenges around operations, testing, and availability. Netflix addresses these challenges through tools like Hystrix for fault tolerance, Eureka for service discovery, Ribbon for load balancing, and RxNetty for asynchronous communication between services.

paas microservices cloud netflix netflixoss
Team Organized by Technical Layer
Traditional Organizational Structure
Microservices Organization
 Organized around
Business Capabilities
 Products not Projects
 Full stack skill team
The Cost of Microservices
• System Complexity
– Too much microservices, developer can’t build
context and see the big picture,
– Need better architectural integration patterns.
• Performance
– Performance penalty because of cross-process
invocation, 20 - 200ms per hop average.
– Tune time consuming invocation, leverage
microservices invocation pattern.

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Real-world Microservices: Lessons from the Front Line - Zhamak Delghani, Thou...

Is Microservices gaining momentum? Looking at the interest in microservices in Australia at the moment, it is evident that this is a Service Oriented Architecture making waves. I shared our insights and experiences to over 500 interested attendees at completely sold out YOW! nights events across Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne. These talks revealed the core lessons ThoughWorkers have learnt building a variety of systems with Microservices architecture globally. They aimed to help viewers identify Microservices and their counterparts; guide them on where to use Microservices; and deliver a series of practices for technologists to build, test, deploy and operate a Microservices architecture. The world of software architecture is excited and energised with the promises of a new Service Oriented Architecture, Microservices; rapid deployment, scalability, autonomy, and faster cycles of experimentation and innovation, and we are too!

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Beyond Microservices
Beyond MicroservicesBeyond Microservices
Beyond Microservices

This presentation shows the properties, advantages and challenges of microservices. It then discusses alternative architectures beyond microservices.

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Microservices War Stories
Microservices War StoriesMicroservices War Stories
Microservices War Stories

The popularity of implementing microservices in today’s application landscape continues to rise, and there have been countless success stories focused on migrating from monoliths to microservices. But as more teams move toward microservices architectures, an increasing number of stories have arisen about the pain of poor choices. Microservices are not the answer to all application problems. Attempts to move away from one giant application to smaller focused services often result in a tightly coupled nest of applications. Blithe Rocher covers some of the pitfalls and lessons learned from building several service-oriented systems. Blithe explores some of the problems with building, testing, and deploying a functional microservice architecture, from data loss to dependency nightmares, drawing on war stories she has collected and from her own personal experience. You’ll come away with some valuable lessons about microservices without having to go through the pain of experiencing them yourself.

software developmentsoftwareengineering
API Gateway
Common Concerns :
routing, auth, rate
limiting, monitoring,
Architecture - A
Case In Practice
Take Away
• Independently scalable, deployable, changeable,
• Evolutionary architecture and emergent design
are approaches that maximize flex
• Programmable microservices platform fostering
• Standardize in the gaps between services –
flexible about what happens inside the boxes
• Separation of Concerns & Bounded Context
• Another layer of indirection for decoupling
From SOA to MSA
• Micro-service architecture
• Micro-service by Martin Fowler
• Migrating to microservices by former Netflix
cloud architect Adrian Cockcroft.

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MicroService ArchitectureMicroService Architecture
MicroService Architecture

Fred George describes his personal journey discovering microservice architecture over 15 years working on large software projects. He details how his projects evolved from monolithic 1 million line applications to small, independent services. This allowed for improved agility, with services being short-lived and able to deploy several times a day. George also discusses challenges faced and lessons learned around loosely coupling services, managing data across services, and establishing practices for a "living software" system with continuous deployment of services.

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From SOA to MSA

  • 1. From SOA to MSA– Creating Adaptive and Innovation Supportive Architecture and Organization -by William
  • 2. Topics • Principles of Microservices Architecture • Patterns and Best Practices of Microservices • Microservices Organization • Application of Microserivces Architecture
  • 3. Problem Domain • System & Organization Decoupling • Legacy System Upgrading • Use suitable platform and technology to solve different problems – Golden Hammer Syndrome - Always Win/.Net • Foster business innovation, dealing with outside competition – Innovation as a platform • Creating extensible, agile and adaptive architecture and organization.
  • 4. SOLID Review - Single Responsibility Principle
  • 5. SOLID Review – Liskov Substitution Principle
  • 6. SOLID Review – Dependency Inversion Principle
  • 7. GRASP – General Responsibility Assignment Software Principles • High Cohesion, Low Coupling – How to keep objects appropriately focused, manageable and understandable? – How to minimize dependencies, change impact and maximize reuse? • Information Expert – What’s the general principle to assign responsibilities to object? • Controller – Who should receive events and coordinate the overall system operation? • Polymorphism – How to make components pluggable? • Pure Fabrication – How to assign responsibilities to class representing concept not existing in problem domain? • Indirection – How to decouple between two(or more) objects? • Protected Variation – How to design object or system that its internal instability or variation will not have bad impact to other elements of the object or system?
  • 8. Microservices Architecture • A system architectural style, it is SOLID and GRASP principles applied at architectural level, including some patterns and best practices. • SOA is too coarse-grained, Microservices is fine-grained and practical SOA. • Microservices architecture needs technical infrastructure and organization support.
  • 9. Monolithic -> SOA -> MicorServices
  • 11. Coupled SOA Edge Service Middle Tier Service Edge Service聚合服务Middle Tier Service 后端服务 Clients Middle Tier Svc Edge Svc
  • 15. Key Elements of Microservices Architecture • Stateless Service – Support scale out • Low Friction Deployment – Fast and flexible service deployment and upgrade. • Automated Management & Monitoring – Push common concerns to technical infrastructure and framework, service developers only need to care for business logic. • Automated Service Discovery & Routing – Decouple services, flexible upgrade and replacement.
  • 17. Version Control of Microservices  Leave multiple old microservice versions running  Fast introduction vs. slow retirement asymmetry Brute force upgrade Backward compatible Multiple versions coexistence
  • 18. Invocation Pattern of Microservices
  • 20. Single Dependency Delay Causing Blocking of User Request
  • 21. All Request Threads Can be Blocked at Peak Hour(aka. Cascading Failure)
  • 22. Circuit Breaker Fault Tolerant Pattern
  • 23. GLSB DC Aware Gateway SOA Edge Service Service Registry Peer Sync Invoke Invoke Invoke Invoke DC 1 DC 2 SOA Middle Tier Service DC Aware Gateway SOA Edge Service SOA Middle Tier Service Service RegistryDC Aware Client DC Aware Client Invoke Invoke Invoke Lookup Lookup Register Register Lookup Lookup RegisterRegister Cross Data Center Active-Active
  • 24. Conway’s Law • “…organization which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structure of those organizations” – Melvin Conway, 1968 • “If you ask nine people to write a compiler, you get a nine pass compiler” • “Those system then constrain the options for organizational change” – Dan North
  • 25. Team Organized by Technical Layer
  • 27. Microservices Organization  Organized around Business Capabilities  Products not Projects  Full stack skill team
  • 28. The Cost of Microservices • System Complexity – Too much microservices, developer can’t build context and see the big picture, – Need better architectural integration patterns. • Performance – Performance penalty because of cross-process invocation, 20 - 200ms per hop average. – Tune time consuming invocation, leverage microservices invocation pattern.
  • 29. API Gateway Service Registry SOA2 ESB SQL Server SOA2 SOA2 ESB SOA2- JAVA MySQL SOA2- JAVA Mem Cached HBase Redis SBU A SBU B SBU C SBU D Common Concerns : routing, auth, rate limiting, monitoring, logging View Controller Model Service Routing Table Microservices Architecture - A Case In Practice
  • 30. Take Away • Independently scalable, deployable, changeable, replaceable • Evolutionary architecture and emergent design are approaches that maximize flex • Programmable microservices platform fostering innovation • Standardize in the gaps between services – flexible about what happens inside the boxes • Separation of Concerns & Bounded Context • Another layer of indirection for decoupling
  • 32. Reference • Micro-service architecture – architecture/ • Micro-service by Martin Fowler – • Migrating to microservices by former Netflix cloud architect Adrian Cockcroft. – 2014/slides/AdrianCockcroft_MigratingToMicroservice s.pdf