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Public usage
Service Mesh
Plus microservices tooling
Public usage
(in a lab)
(in wild life)
Hunting microservices
in wild life
Service Mesh
A day in the life of
Lab setup
We are moving away from a monolith epoch because of cool examples and because of companies and developer
team fractioning and getting more and more dispersed geographically (not to mention opinionated developers).
Microservices is on everybody’s mouth but the fact that Netflix successfully applies it, doesn’t mean it is easy to
implement. This framework also comes with its own challenges, we will see which are those and we’ll examine
tools to help tackle them.
Current architecture
(or involution?)

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Introduction To Microservices
Introduction To MicroservicesIntroduction To Microservices
Introduction To Microservices

This presentation is conducted on 14th Sept in Limerick DotNet User Group. ( SlideShare Url: In this presentation, new architectural style - Microservices and it's emergence is discussed. We will also briefly touch base on what are not microservices, Conway's law and organization design, Principles of microservices and service discovery mechanism and why it is necessary for microservices implementation. About Speaker: Lalit is a senior developer, software architect and consultant with more than 12 yrsof .NET experience. He loves to work with C# .NET and Azure platform services like App Services, Virtual Machines, Cortana, and Container Services. He is also the author of 'Building Microservices with .NET Core' ( book. To know more and connect with Lalit, you can visit his LinkedIn profile below. This presentation will be useful for software architects/Managers, senior developers. Do share your feedback in comments.

Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive
Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep DiveRancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive
Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive

西脇 雄基(LINE)/Rancher 2.0 Technical Deep Dive 2018/7/28 LINE Developer Meetup in Tokyo #40 -Kubernetes-

멀티클라우드 Service Mesh
멀티클라우드 Service Mesh멀티클라우드 Service Mesh
멀티클라우드 Service Mesh

Kubernetes Korea User Group에서 주최한 Meetup 발표자료 입니다. (2019. 03. 07)

service meshistiokubernetes
The Application

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Why Microservice
Why Microservice Why Microservice
Why Microservice

A proper Microservice is designed for fast failure. Like other architectural style, microservices bring costs and benefits. Some development teams have found microservices architectural style to be a superior approach to a monolithic architecture. Other teams have found them to be a productivity-sapping burden. This material start with the basic what and why microservice, follow with the Felix example and the the successful strategies to develop microservice application.

devopsagilemicroservice architect
The Complete Guide to Service Mesh
The Complete Guide to Service MeshThe Complete Guide to Service Mesh
The Complete Guide to Service Mesh

Service meshes are relatively new, extremely powerful and can be complex. There’s a lot of information out there on what a service mesh is and what it can do, but it’s a lot to sort through. Sometimes, it’s helpful to have a guide. If you’ve been asking questions like “What is a service mesh?” “Why would I use one?” “What benefits can it provide?” or “How did people even come up with the idea for service mesh?” then The Complete Guide to Service Mesh is for you.

service meshaspen meshmicroservices
Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic ArchitectureMicroservice vs. Monolithic Architecture
Microservice vs. Monolithic Architecture

This presentation outlines the benefits of implementing a Microservice over a monolithic architecture.

Network of Services

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Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

This document summarizes an upcoming presentation on architecting microservices on AWS. The presentation will: - Review microservices architecture and how it differs from monolithic and service-oriented architectures. - Cover key microservices design principles like independent deployment of services that communicate via APIs and using the right tools for each job. - Provide example design patterns for implementing microservices on AWS using services like EC2, ECS, Lambda, API Gateway and more. - Include a demo of microservices on AWS. - Conclude with a question and answer session.

cloud computingkd-singhaws pop-up loft san francisco
Service mesh
Service meshService mesh
Service mesh

This document discusses service meshes and provides examples of popular service meshes like Linkerd and Istio. It defines a service mesh as a dedicated infrastructure layer that handles service-to-service communication and provides traffic management, observability, and policy enforcement. Benefits of a service mesh include discovery, load balancing, failure recovery, metrics, monitoring, and access control. Popular service meshes like Linkerd and Istio are then described in more detail.

Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17

This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.

Microservices own their Data
Multiple Points of Entry
#nanoservices ?
#picoservices ?
1. Deployment Independence - updates to an individual microservice have no
negative impact to any other component of the system. Optimized for
2. Organized around business capabilities
3. Products not Projects
4. API Focused
5. Smart endpoints and dumb pipes
6. Decentralized Governance
7. Decentralized Data Management
8. Infrastructure Automation (infrastructure as code)
9. Design for failure
10. Evolutionary Design
Microservices guiding Principles

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Microservices With Istio Service Mesh
Microservices With Istio Service MeshMicroservices With Istio Service Mesh
Microservices With Istio Service Mesh

Presenting how it is possible to build a great microservice architecture using the service mesh ISTIO

Kubernetes Networking 101
Kubernetes Networking 101Kubernetes Networking 101
Kubernetes Networking 101

Kubernetes has two simple but powerful network concepts: every Pod is connected to the same network, and Services let you talk to a Pod by name. Bryan will take you through how these concepts are implemented - Pod Networks via the Container Network Interface (CNI), Service Discovery via kube-dns and Service virtual IPs, then on to how Services are exposed to the rest of the world.

cniservice discoverysdn
Introduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to KubernetesIntroduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to Kubernetes

Soft Introduction to Google's framework for taming containers in the cloud. For devs and architects that they just enter the world of cloud, microservices and containers

Old School
New School
Back to earth
Service C
Microservices == Distributed Computing
Service B
Service A
• The Network is Reliable
• Latency is zero
• Bandwidth is infinite
• Topology does not change
• There is one administrator
• Transport cost is zero
• The network is homogeneous
Fallacies of Distributed Computing

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Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

raspberry pikubernetesdocker
Monoliths and Microservices
Monoliths and Microservices Monoliths and Microservices
Monoliths and Microservices

Should you choose a microservices architecture over a monolith? What are the pros and cons in reality.

Introduction to microservices
Introduction to microservicesIntroduction to microservices
Introduction to microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices, including: - Microservices are small, independently deployable services that work together and are modeled around business domains. - They allow for independent scaling, technology diversity, and enable resiliency through failure design. - Implementing microservices requires automation, high cohesion, loose coupling, and stable APIs. Identifying service boundaries and designing for orchestration and data management are also important aspects of microservices design. - Microservices are not an end goal but a means to solve problems of scale; they must be adopted judiciously based on an organization's needs.

microservicesservice-oriented architecturearchitecture
Failure of a Service
Cascading Failure
I see just more nails,
where is the hammer?
Microservices embedding capabilities
Service B
Service A
Service C

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Azure kubernetes service (aks)
Azure kubernetes service (aks)Azure kubernetes service (aks)
Azure kubernetes service (aks)

This document provides an overview of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It begins with introductions to containers and Kubernetes, then describes AKS's architecture and features. AKS allows users to quickly deploy and manage Kubernetes clusters on Azure without having to manage the master nodes. It reduces the operational complexity of running Kubernetes in production. The document outlines how to interact with AKS using the Azure portal, CLI, and ARM templates. It also lists AKS features like identity and access control, scaling, storage integration, and monitoring.

azurecloudcloud native
Microservices Part 3 Service Mesh and Kafka
Microservices Part 3 Service Mesh and KafkaMicroservices Part 3 Service Mesh and Kafka
Microservices Part 3 Service Mesh and Kafka

Understand the Microservices Architecture concepts Understand Event Sourcing and CQRS Understanding Domain Driven Design Understanding Functional Reactive Programming Understanding Distributed Transaction Management Understanding Microservices Messaging Setting up Micro services Infrastructure (API Gateway, Service Discovery, Load Balancer, Circuit Breaker)

Introduction to Istio for APIs and Microservices meetup
Introduction to Istio for APIs and Microservices meetupIntroduction to Istio for APIs and Microservices meetup
Introduction to Istio for APIs and Microservices meetup

This presentation gave an introduction to Istio and service mesh, as well as a description of how service mesh fits in with API Management.

istioapi managementkubernetes
Java Only
Adds a lot of libraries to YOUR code
What's Wrong with Netflix OSS?
Logging Elasticity
Microservices utilities
Logging Elasticity
Microservices utilities + Kubernetes
Logging Elasticity
Microservices utilities + OpenShift

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Managing microservices with Istio Service Mesh
Managing microservices with Istio Service MeshManaging microservices with Istio Service Mesh
Managing microservices with Istio Service Mesh

Developing and managing hundreds (or maybe thousands) of microservices at scale is a challenge for both development and operations teams. We have seen over the last years the appearance of new frameworks dedicated to deliver ‘Cloud Native’ applications by providing a set of (out of box) building blocks. Most of these frameworks integrate microservices concerns at the code level. Recently, we have seen the emerging of a new pattern known as sidecar or proxy promoting to push all these common concerns outside of the business code and provides them on the edge by integrate a new layer to the underlying platform called Service Mesh. Istio is one of the leading Service Mesh implementing sidecar pattern. We will go during the presentation throw the core concepts behind Istio, the capabilities that provides to manage, secure and observe microservices and how it gives a new breath for both developers and operations. The presentation will be guided by a sequence of demo exposing Istio capabilities.

kubernetescloud nativeservice mesh
Building a scalable microservice architecture with envoy, kubernetes and istio
Building a scalable microservice architecture with envoy, kubernetes and istioBuilding a scalable microservice architecture with envoy, kubernetes and istio
Building a scalable microservice architecture with envoy, kubernetes and istio

Talk from O'Reilly Software Architecture Conference San Jose 2019 Microservices and containers have taken the software industry by storm. Transitioning from a monolith to microservices enables you to deploy your application more frequently, independently, and reliably. However, microservice architecture has its own challenges, and it has to deal with the same problems encountered while designing distributed systems. Enter service mesh technology to the rescue. A service mesh reduces the complexity associated with microservices and provides functionality like load balancing, service discovery, traffic management, circuit breaking, telemetry, fault injection, and more. Istio is one of the best implementations of a service mesh at this point, while Kubernetes provides a platform for running microservices and automating deployment of containerized applications. Join Samir Behara to go beyond the buzz and understand microservices and service mesh technologies.

Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18
Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18
Make Java Microservices Resilient with Istio - Mangesh - IBM - CC18

This presentation was made by Mangesh Patankar (Developer Advocate - IBM Cloud) as part of Container Conference 2018: "How do we make microservices resilient and fault-tolerant? How do we enforce policy decisions, such as fine-grained access control and rate limits? How do we enable timeouts/retries, health checks, etc.? A service-mesh architecture attempts to resolve these issues by extracting the common resiliency features needed by a microservices framework away from the applications and frameworks and into the platform itself. Istio provides an easy way to create this service mesh."

service mesh
Something is missing, right?
Why are you showing me
Microservices developer: Virtual plumber … ?
Source: data-
What is a
A service mesh provides a
transparent and
way to flexibly and easily
automate application
network functions.

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Service mesh in action with onap
Service mesh in action with onapService mesh in action with onap
Service mesh in action with onap

1. ONAP was evolving from a "SOA-like" architecture to a "pure microservices" architecture. MSB provided transparent service registration and communication for ONAP microservices. 2. Istio is an open source service mesh that provides reliability, security, observability and manageability for microservices. It introduces a centralized control plane to manage distributed sidecars. 3. Integrating Istio with ONAP would provide benefits like distributed tracing, metrics visibility and service graph for ONAP microservices. It is important to address challenges in supporting multiple network interfaces and coarse-grained services.

onapistioservie mesh
APIdays Paris 2019 - Cloud native API Management for Microservices on a Servi...
APIdays Paris 2019 - Cloud native API Management for Microservices on a Servi...APIdays Paris 2019 - Cloud native API Management for Microservices on a Servi...
APIdays Paris 2019 - Cloud native API Management for Microservices on a Servi...

Cloud native API Management for Microservices on a Service Mesh using Istio Stefano Negri, Director - Solution Architecture at WSO2

api managementapiapidays
[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...
[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...
[APIdays Paris 2019] API Management in Service Mesh Using Istio and WSO2 API ...

Stefano discusses how to augment service mesh functionality with API management capabilities, so you can create an end-to-end solution for your entire business functionality — from microservices, to APIs, to end-user applications.

by WSO2
api managementservice meshmicroservices
A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer for handling service-to-
service communication. It’s responsible for the reliable delivery of requests
through the complex topology of services that comprise a modern, cloud
native application. In practice, the service mesh is typically implemented as
an array of lightweight network proxies that are deployed alongside
application code, without the application needing to be aware
Service Mesh defined
applications from
The trends of containerization, microservices
and hybrid/multi-cloud deployments have
created more distributed applications than ever.
Developers, devops and secops personnel need
modern tools to secure, manage and monitor
distributed applications.
Decouple operations from
Separation of concerns

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Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019
Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019
Istio Triangle Kubernetes Meetup Aug 2019

It's been two years since we introduced the Istio project to the Triangle Kubernetes Meetup group. This presentation will be a brief re-introduction of the Istio project, and a summary of the updates to the Istio project since its 1.0 release.

Istio presentation jhug
Istio presentation jhugIstio presentation jhug
Istio presentation jhug

Istio is a service mesh platform that provides service discovery, load balancing, failure recovery, metrics and monitoring for microservices. It consists of Envoy proxies that intercept and manage network communication between services, Pilot which configures the proxies, and Mixer which handles policy enforcement. When a request is made, it is intercepted by Envoy proxies, routed to the appropriate service, and telemetry from the transaction is collected and reported by the proxies and Mixer. Istio provides control and visibility across microservices running on Kubernetes.

Introduction to Istio Service Mesh
Introduction to Istio Service MeshIntroduction to Istio Service Mesh
Introduction to Istio Service Mesh

Provide a high level introduction to Istio Service Mesh. Discuss the problems it addresses, it's architecture and it's use cases

Ok, so then what’s Istio?
What Is Istio?
An open services platform to manage
service interactions across container-
and VM-based workloads
Istio Value Proposition
Istio Observability
● Transparently collect golden signals (traffic, error rates, latency)
● Monitor uniform service level indicators for every service
● Collect logs and traces for deep understanding of service behavior
● Clearly map service interdependencies
● Improved understanding of applications at the service (not
network) level

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Api observability
Api observability Api observability
Api observability

This document provides an overview of service mesh and the Istio observability tool Kiali. It begins with an introduction to service mesh and what problems it addresses in microservices architectures. Istio is presented as an open source service mesh that provides traffic management, observability, and policy enforcement for microservices. Kiali is specifically discussed as a tool for visualizing the topology and traffic flow of services in an Istio mesh. The rest of the document provides an agenda and then a live demo of Kiali's features using the Bookinfo sample application on Istio.

Service Mesh in Practice
Service Mesh in PracticeService Mesh in Practice
Service Mesh in Practice

One of the most complex challenges in realizing microservice architecture is not building the services themselves, but building and governing the communication between services. Most microservices developers have to take care of complex inter-service communication logic as part of their service development. Service Mesh has emerged as a solution to overcome the challenges that we have in microservices communication. Since most of the inter-service communication requirements are quite generic across all microservices implementations, we can think about offloading all such tasks to a different layer, so that we can keep the service code independent. This presentation will discuss the following: 1) Why we need a Service Mesh? 2) Fundamentals of Service Mesh 3) Introduction to Istio 4) What's new in Istio 1.0. 5) Seamless integration of Ballerina and Istio


This document discusses moving a microservices architecture to the next level with service meshes. It introduces Istio as a service mesh for Kubernetes that provides traffic management, observability, and security capabilities. Istio uses the sidecar proxy pattern to enable features like mutual TLS, timeouts, retries, and circuit breakers to help solve challenges of microservices distribution like service discovery, load balancing, and failure handling. The document demonstrates Istio's capabilities and recommends adopting its features incrementally to gain experience before fully implementing a service mesh.

Istio Control
● Change retry, circuit-breaking and routing behavior without changing
● Roll out new versions to canary without worrying about ops
● Apply access control and rate limiting policies to protect services
from bad behavior
Istio Security
● Secure by default - new and existing applications.
● Meet compliance obligations by encrypting data in transit.
● mTLS assures a secure, proven service-based identity for every call
● With strong identity, authorization can be explicitly required
Istio Architecture
Pilot: Control plane to configure and push service
communication policies.
Envoy: Network proxy to intercept communication
and apply policies.
Mixer: Policy enforcement with a flexible plugin model
for providers for a policy.
Citadel: Service-to-service auth[n,z] using mutual TLS,
with built-in identity and credential management.
Control Plane API
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
HTTP/2, gRPC or
TCP -- with or
without mTLS
Pilot Citadel
Config data
to Envoys
TLS certs to
Policy checks,
What’s the life of a
request like in the Mesh?

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Microservices Design Principles.pdf
Microservices Design Principles.pdfMicroservices Design Principles.pdf
Microservices Design Principles.pdf

Microservices design principles establish some standard practices for planning, developing, and implementing a distributed architecture for your application. Read about some of the most common characteristics of design principles, its examples, and implementations carried out by various companies worldwide.

microservicesdevopsmicroservices design pronciple
Istio: Using nginMesh as the service proxy
Istio: Using nginMesh as the service proxyIstio: Using nginMesh as the service proxy
Istio: Using nginMesh as the service proxy

With microservices and containers becoming mainstream, container orchestrators provide much of what the cluster (nodes and containers) needs. With container orchestrators' core focus on scheduling, discovery, and health at an infrastructure level, microservices are left with unmet, service-level needs, such as: - Traffic management, routing, and resilient and secure communication between services - Policy enforcement, rate-limiting, circuit breaking - Visibility and monitoring with metrics, logs, and traces - Load balancing and rollout/canary deployment support Service meshes provide for these needs. In this session, we will dive into Istio - its components, capabilities, and extensibility. Istio envelops and integrates with other open source projects to deliver a full-service mesh. We'll explore these integrations and Istio's extensibility in terms of choice of proxies and adapters, such as nginMesh.

istioservice meshnginmesh
Api Management with Service Mesh
Api Management with Service MeshApi Management with Service Mesh
Api Management with Service Mesh

In a world of disaggregated API-based architectures, developers are increasingly adopting microservices — and Service Mesh is being used to control many service-to-service communications. But Service Mesh is not addressing the concern of how the exploding number of APIs can be exposed in a controlled and secure manner to their API consumers. In this meetup, we will discuss how to augment service mesh functionality with API management capabilities, so you can create an end-to-end solution for your entire business functionality — from microservices to APIs, to end-user applications.

apiservice meshkubernetes
Life of a request in the mesh
Service A comes up. Envoy is deployed with it and
fetches service information, routing and
configuration policy from Pilot. If Citadel is being
used, TLS certs are securely distributed as well.
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Routing and
config to
TLS certs to
Life of a request in the mesh
Service A places a call to service B.
Client-side Envoy intercepts the call.
Envoy consults config to know how/where to route
call to service B (including any dynamic routing
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Life of a request in the mesh
Envoy forwards request to appropriate instance of
service B. There, the Envoy proxy deployed with the
service intercepts the call.
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
HTTP/2, gRPC or
TCP -- with or
without mTLS
Life of a request in the mesh
Server-side Envoy checks with Mixer to validate that
call should be allowed (ACL check, quota check,
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Policy checks,

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Support your modern distributed microservices applications using VMware Tanzu...
Support your modern distributed microservices applications using VMware Tanzu...Support your modern distributed microservices applications using VMware Tanzu...
Support your modern distributed microservices applications using VMware Tanzu...

Support your modern distributed microservices applications using VMware Tanzu Service Mesh If your organization uses a microservices Kubernetes architecture, a service mesh is a valuable tool for coordinating communication and security among services. In our testing, we deployed a microservices application, distributed over two Kubernetes clusters with secure inter-cluster communications for the services. We found that using VMware TSM to carry out this task reduced the amount of time necessary by 74 percent compared to using only Istio. In performance testing of the TSM environment, the TCP bypass optimization reduced request duration by as much as 11.4 percent and the Intel multi-buffer cryptography optimization for Intel 3rd Generation Xeon Scalable processors reduced request duration by up to 47.1 percent while nearly doubling performance.

principled technologiesptvmware
Microservices Interview Questions and Answers pdf by ScholarHat
Microservices Interview Questions and Answers pdf by ScholarHatMicroservices Interview Questions and Answers pdf by ScholarHat
Microservices Interview Questions and Answers pdf by ScholarHat

Microservices Interview Questions and Answers pdf by ScholarHat

microservices interview
All About Microservices and OpenSource Microservice Frameworks
All About Microservices and OpenSource Microservice FrameworksAll About Microservices and OpenSource Microservice Frameworks
All About Microservices and OpenSource Microservice Frameworks

This slide deck explains why we need microservices and how we can develop microservices using opensource microservice frameworks.

Life of a request in the mesh
Mixer checks with appropriate adaptors (policy
engine, quota adaptor) to verify that the call can
proceed and returns true/false to Envoy
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Policy checks,
Life of a request in the mesh
Server-side Envoy forwards request to service B,
which process request and returns response
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Life of a request in the mesh
Envoy forwards response to the original caller, where
response is intercepted by Envoy on the caller side.
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Life of a request in the mesh
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Envoy reports telemetry to Mixer, which in turn
notifies appropriate plugins

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Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...
Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...
Microservices: Where do they fit within a rapidly evolving integration archit...

Do microservices force us to look differently at the way we lay down and evolve our integration architecture, or are they purely about how we build applications? Are microservices a new concept, or an evolution of the many ideas that came before them? What is the relationship between microservices and other key initiatives such as APIs, SOA, and Agile. In this session, we will unpick what microservices really are, and indeed what they are not. We will consider whether there is something unique about this particular point time in technology that has enables microservice concepts to take hold. Finally, we will look at if, when, where and how an enterprise can take on the benefits of microservices, and what products and technologies are applicable for that journey.

Meetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdf
Meetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdfMeetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdf
Meetup 2023 - Gateway API.pdf

The document provides an overview of the Kubernetes Gateway API, which enables robust traffic management in Kubernetes clusters. It describes key concepts like GatewayClasses, Gateways, and Routes that make up the Gateway API model. The API allows infrastructure providers to implement ingress controllers, cluster operators to manage traffic, and application developers to define routing rules in a standardized way. It aims to improve on the Ingress resource and support multiple protocols like HTTP, TLS, and TCP in an integrated manner. There are now over a dozen implementations of the Gateway API by popular API gateways and service meshes.

Meetup 2022 - APIs with Quarkus.pdf
Meetup 2022 - APIs with Quarkus.pdfMeetup 2022 - APIs with Quarkus.pdf
Meetup 2022 - APIs with Quarkus.pdf

This document provides an overview of how to build a full stack API with DevOps integration using Quarkus in under an hour. It discusses APIs in microservice architectures, Quarkus advantages over other frameworks, and includes demos on building the first Quarkus API, adding fault tolerance, observability, logging, persistence, and security. The agenda covers asynchronous and synchronous communication patterns, MicroProfile basics, Quarkus benefits like performance and container support, JAX-RS annotations, and using various Quarkus extensions for fault tolerance, OpenTelemetry, logging, databases, Hibernate ORM with Panache, and OAuth security.

Life of a request in the mesh
Client-side Envoy forwards response to original
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Life of a request in the mesh
Service A Service B
proxy proxy
Pilot Citadel
Client-side Envoy reports telemetry to Mixer
(including client-perceived latency), which in turn
notifies appropriate plugins
Completing the puzzle
Logging Elasticity
Microservices utilities + Istio

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Meetup 2022 - API Gateway landscape.pdf
Meetup 2022 - API Gateway landscape.pdfMeetup 2022 - API Gateway landscape.pdf
Meetup 2022 - API Gateway landscape.pdf

short analysis of the current market trends in the api management market and a review and demo of one of the latest open source api gateway projects

apiopen sourceasyncapi
APIs at the Edge
APIs at the EdgeAPIs at the Edge
APIs at the Edge

describing and comparing different protocols when it come to deploying apis on edge computing devices. 5 different categories are analyzed and 7 protocols are examined

Opa in the api management world
Opa in the api management worldOpa in the api management world
Opa in the api management world

This document provides an overview of authorization models and how Open Policy Agent (OPA) can be used for authorization in microservices. It defines common authorization models like ACL, DAC, MAC, RBAC, and ABAC and provides examples of how they work. It then discusses how OPA uses a declarative policy language called Rego to specify authorization policies and can offload policy decision making through REST APIs. The document demonstrates integrating OPA by evaluating policies and managing policies. It shows a demo of OPA enforcing a simple salary access policy.

Microservices embedding Capabilities
Service B
Service A
Service C
Before Istio
Microservices externalizing Capabilities
Service A
Sidecar Container
Service C
Sidecar Container
Service B
Sidecar Container
After Istio
Microservices externalizing Capabilities
Service A
Sidecar Container
Service C
Sidecar Container
Service B
Sidecar Container
After IstioThe sidecar intercepts all network traffic

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How easy (or hard) it is to monitor your graph ql service performance
How easy (or hard) it is to monitor your graph ql service performanceHow easy (or hard) it is to monitor your graph ql service performance
How easy (or hard) it is to monitor your graph ql service performance

- GraphQL performance monitoring can be challenging as queries can vary significantly even when requesting the same data. Traditional endpoint monitoring provides little insight. - Distributed tracing using OpenTracing allows tracing queries to monitor performance at the resolver level. Tools like Jaeger and plugins for Apollo Server and other GraphQL servers can integrate tracing. - A demo showed using the Apollo OpenTracing plugin to trace a query through an Apollo server and resolver to an external API. The trace data was sent to Jaeger for analysis to help debug performance issues.

Covid impact on digital identity
Covid impact on digital identityCovid impact on digital identity
Covid impact on digital identity

This document outlines a presentation on digital identity and self-sovereign identity (SSI) in the post-Covid world. The presentation discusses how the pandemic has increased digital payments and online activity. It then covers current challenges around digital identity theft, consent management under PSD2 and GDPR. The bulk of the presentation introduces SSI as a portable, lifetime digital identity model not dependent on centralized authorities. It explains the underlying decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and verifiable credentials of SSI. Practical uses of SSI are demonstrated for applying for jobs and loans. Potential benefits are seen for identity verification, preventing phishing, and improving user onboarding processes.

digital identityidentityfinancial services
How do async ap is survive in a rest world
How do async ap is survive in a rest world How do async ap is survive in a rest world
How do async ap is survive in a rest world

The document discusses how asynchronous APIs can survive in a REST-based world. It describes how Async APIs use an event-driven approach compared to the request-reply model of REST. The AsyncAPI specification aims to describe event-driven APIs similarly to how OpenAPI describes REST APIs. The document demonstrates how Async and REST APIs can work together using an example setup with an API gateway, manager, and message broker to connect an HTML page and Node.js client via published topics.

Back to the lab
Setting up an Istio demo
You can find the setup instructions here:
Picked up from
Short break to allow to download the internet
Just some random cliparts ...
… to make sure everybody is
working ...
… if you are reading this, it means
you are done!
Installing a demo application environment
You can find the setup instructions here:
Picked up from

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The new stack everybody is talking about: grpc, protobuffer and golang. How does this compare to REST and what is this about?

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The presentation introduces the Web of Things (WoT) model for connecting IoT devices. It discusses challenges with current IoT frameworks and protocols and outlines the WoT approach of using standardized descriptions and APIs to allow IoT devices and services to communicate independently of their implementations. The WoT model consists of four layers - access, find, share, and compose. A Thing Description format and REST and WebSocket APIs are presented. A demo is shown and the presentation concludes by discussing challenges, opportunities, and key takeaways regarding the WoT approach.

What is the best approach to tdd
What is the best approach to tddWhat is the best approach to tdd
What is the best approach to tdd

The document discusses best practices for test-driven development (TDD) and API contract testing. It introduces TDD foundations like writing tests before code and the red-green-refactor cycle. Tools for TDD like mocking frameworks and behavior-driven development are presented. The concepts of stubs, mocks, and service virtualization are explained. An API contract-first approach is advocated to facilitate automated testing. The key benefits of TDD and resources for further learning are summarized.

What is BookInfo anyway?
Sample application composed of four separate microservices used to demonstrate various Istio
features. The application displays information about a book, similar to a single catalog entry of an
online book store.
The Bookinfo application is broken into four separate microservices:
1. productpage. The productpage microservice calls the details and reviews microservices to
populate the page.
2. details. The details microservice contains book information.
3. reviews. The reviews microservice contains book reviews. It also calls the ratings
4. ratings. The ratings microservice contains book ranking information that accompanies a
book review.
What is BookInfo anyway?
There are 3 versions of the reviews microservice:
1. Version v1 doesn’t call the ratings service.
2. Version v2 calls the ratings service, and displays each rating as 1 to 5 black stars.
3. Version v3 calls the ratings service, and displays each rating as 1 to 5 red stars.
What is BookInfo anyway?
Making good use of everything we installed
Let’s put the service mesh to work!
There are 4 main areas we will explore:
Traffic management

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an introduction to kafka, comparison to traditional messagging technology and an application using ML and Kafka

kafkamachine learningamq
Using Streaming APIs in Production
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This document discusses using streaming APIs like Kafka in production environments. It begins with an introduction to Kafka including topics, partitions, brokers, producers and consumers. It then discusses how Kafka can be used with microservices for improved decoupling and scalability with an event-driven approach. Kafka Streams and streaming APIs are presented as a way to include streaming data. Several use cases from industries like travel, transportation, finance and news are described that demonstrate how companies leverage Kafka for applications such as predictive maintenance, real-time data processing, and serving as a single source of truth. The presentation concludes with a demo of a simple microservices application using Kafka.

The independence facts
The independence factsThe independence facts
The independence facts

This document provides a brief analysis and comparison of the demographics, economy, history, language, status, and any referendums of three regions: Scotland, Catalunya, and Lombardia. For each region, facts are presented on population statistics, GDP contributions, unemployment rates, historical rulers, official and minority languages, autonomy status within their respective countries, and any independence referendums that have been held.

If you wanna cheat
Traffic management
Route based on user identity
Let’s change the route configuration so that all traffic from a specific user is routed to a specific service
version. In this case, all traffic from a user named Jason will be routed to the service reviews:v2.
Note that Istio doesn’t have any special, built-in understanding of user identity. This example is enabled by
the fact that the productpage service adds a custom end-user header to all outbound HTTP requests to the
reviews service.
Traffic management

Recommended for you

Api design best practice
Api design best practiceApi design best practice
Api design best practice

The document discusses API design best practices. It begins with an overview of API lifecycles and introduces two approaches to API design: design first and code first. It then outlines several design principles for APIs, including treating APIs as products and focusing on developer experience. The document also discusses OpenAPI Specification 3.0 and tools for API design like Stoplight, Restlet, and Apicurio. It concludes with complementary tools for API testing, mocking, and design.

apirestbest practices
Certificate complexity
Certificate complexityCertificate complexity
Certificate complexity
santa fe institutecomplexityeducation
Lucamaf1 2949-db--winter2013-accomplishment
Lucamaf1 2949-db--winter2013-accomplishmentLucamaf1 2949-db--winter2013-accomplishment
Lucamaf1 2949-db--winter2013-accomplishment

Luca Mattia Ferrari successfully completed an online introduction to databases course from January to March 2013. He scored 53.5% on quizzes, 37% on exercises, and 30% on exams, for a total scaled score of 217.5 out of 293. The course covered lectures, quizzes, exercises and exams on databases. Jennifer Widom, a professor at Stanford University, thanked Ferrari for his participation in their online education experiment.

stanford universitycertificationdatabase
Extra: Istio adapters
Thank you.
(I know today is El Clasico so extra thank you!)
See you soon!

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Api service mesh and microservice tooling

Editor's Notes

  1. Okey. I am a developer. What do I need ? How can I connect microservices ? Where do I know all microservices available ? How are going to be configured and by whom ? At which level ? Infrastructure / Business ? Now I need to protect the logic of my service with more: “What happens if a microservice call Is slow ? Is not available ? Fails ? Do I need to add more and more try/catch blocks in my code ? Who will orchestrate all of this ?
  2. Not just a service mesh, but a service mesh with published APIs for every interaction, allowing integration at any point.
  3. Sidecar proxies per microservice to handle ingress/egress traffic between services in the cluster and from a service to external services. The proxies form a secure microservice mesh providing a rich set of functions like discovery, rich layer-7 routing, circuit breakers, policy enforcement and telemetry recording/reporting functions.
  4. Talk around APIs in this centerpiece
  11. ./istiooc_linux cluster down