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Measuring What Matters
Focusing on Perception Metrics
Cliff Crocker, Product Line Director
Web Performance at Akamai
Measuring What Matters - Fluent Conf 2018
per day, people log
into their phones
more than half of
smartphone sessions
are 30secs or less
Waiting for slow
pages to load
Being shown
unplayable videos
redirected to the
Source: @lukew
User Experience Focus
Mobile User Behavior
Google Data, Aggregated, anonymized Google Analytics data from a sample of mWeb sites opted into sharing benchmark data, n=3.7K, Global, March 2016
are abandoned if it takes
longer than 3 seconds
to load
of mobile
site visits
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performance
Page Speed Update
User Experience Focus
Google ranking to factor mobile perf - July ‘18

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Edge 2014: Increasing Control with Property Manager with eBay
Edge 2014: Increasing Control with Property Manager with eBayEdge 2014: Increasing Control with Property Manager with eBay
Edge 2014: Increasing Control with Property Manager with eBay

Increasing Control with Property Manager by Steve Lerner Senior Member of Technical Staff, Network Engineering, eBay & Jay Sikkeland, Senior Technical Project Manager, Akamai Technologies Property Manager, Akamai's next generation configuration tool, enables engineers a new level of control and visibility for Akamai configurations. Steve Lerner, Sr. Member of Technical Staff from eBay Network Engineering, will demonstrate advanced techniques available in Property Manager designed for a new level of use-cases for Content Delivery Network monitoring and control. He will also demonstrate how key Property Manager settings and Akamai services impact eBay's own metrics and performance. Akamai Edge is the premier event for Internet innovators, tech professionals and online business pioneers who together are forging a Faster Forward World. At Edge, the architects, experts and implementers of the most innovative global online businesses gather face-to-face for an invaluable three days of sharing, learning and together pushing the limits of the Faster Forward World. Learn more at:

cloud computingcloud networkingsaas fast but not furious   fast but not   fast but not furious fast but not furious

A talk on interaction performance that was presented at conference in Amsterdam on 8th November 2018

Measuring what matters
Measuring what mattersMeasuring what matters
Measuring what matters

Metrics are everywhere! We’ve done a great job of keeping pace with measuring the output of our applications, but how are we doing with measuring what really matters? This talk will explore the various metrics available to application owners today, highlight what’s coming tomorrow and level-set on the relative importance as it relates to the user experience.

Foundational Metrics
Get Ready for the Firehose
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Navigation Timing
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Navigation Timing
Browser Events Front End
TTFB Server/Back End
DNS Connect NetworkSSL
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Resource Timing

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Edge 2016 barbarians at the gateway

This talk will examine the tools, methods and data behind the DDoS attacks that are prevalent in the news headlines and the impacts they can have on companies. I will look at the motivations and rationale that they have and try to share some sort of understanding as to what patterns to be aware of for their own protection.

Walmart pagespeed-slide
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Walmart proves the obvious, devknob wonders why people don't understand why page speed matters. This has been true and known to be true since the beginning of the internet. Do you think people won't get distracted easily and bounce when they're surfing on 2g, 3g and even 4g connections? Page speed matters, devknob is probably the best page speed optimizer in the world so if you need conversion optimization, you may want to visit devknob online at

wal-martpage speedcase study
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology - of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -

Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archeology There are a lot of books, articles, and online tutorials out there with fantastic advice on how to make your websites performant. It all seems easy in theory, but applying best practices to real-world code is anything but straightforward. Diagnosing and fixing frontend performance issues on a large legacy codebase is like being an archaeologist excavating the remains of a lost civilization. You don’t know what you will find until you start digging! Pick up your trowels and come along with Etsy’s Frontend Systems team as we become archaeologists digging into frontend performance on our large, legacy mobile codebase. I’ll share real-life lessons you can use to guide your own excavations into legacy code: What tools and metrics we used to diagnose issues and track progress. How we went beyond server-driven best practices to focus on the client. Which fixes successfully increased conversion, and which didn’t. Our work, like all good archaeology, went beyond artifacts and unearthed new insights into our culture. We at Etsy pride ourselves on our culture of performance, but, like all cultures, it needs to adapt and reinvent itself to account for changes to the landscape. Based on what we’ve learned, we are making the case for a new, organization-wide, frontend-focused performance culture that will solve the problems we face today.

Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Resource Timing
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Resource Timing 2
-> Encoded
-> Decoded
-> Transfer
Size Matters
How we talk about it ->
In reality ->
Real User Measurements 101
What’s happening on the backend?
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Server Timing

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Cliff from SOASTA and Steve from Staples discuss the three questions: How fast are you? How fast should you be? How do you get there? An overview of real world performance optimization and RUM.

Edge 2016 solving everyday problems with next generation mapping
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In this session we look under the covers of Akamai’s Mapping system to show how data and control combine to improve performance across the internet, in local geographies, and in mobile networks.

Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...
Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...
Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...

Improvements to user experience translate directly to real business metrics and the bottom line. To guide the business to making wise choices on user experience, you need an accurate picture of site performance for real users. In this talk, Steve Lerner will describe how eBay’s performance monitoring strategy has evolved, how the insights gained from real user monitoring have impacted eBay’s business, and some of the considerations that have shaped their in house implementation of Real User Monitoring to serve eBay’s massive global scale. See Steve Lerner's Edge Presentation: The Akamai Edge Conference is a gathering of the industry revolutionaries who are committed to creating leading edge experiences, realizing the full potential of what is possible in a Faster Forward World. From customer innovation stories, industry panels, technical labs, partner and government forums to Web security and developers' tracks, there’s something for everyone at Edge 2013. Learn more at

akamai edgeakamai technologiesebay
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Server Timing
Server-Timing: <name>; duration="<duration>"; description="<description>"
Server-Timing: cache-hit
Server-Timing: auth; duration=75
Server-Timing: bytes-on-disk; description=17000
Server-Timing: db; duration=120; description="database access"
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Time to First Paint
First Paint entry contains a DOMHighResTimeStamp reporting the time when the browser first
rendered after navigation. This excludes the default background paint, but includes non-default
background paint. This is the first key moment developers care about in page load – when the
browser has started to render the page.
First Contentful Paint entry contains a DOMHighResTimeStamp reporting the time when the
browser first rendered any text, image (including background images), non-white canvas or SVG.
This includes text with pending webfonts. This is the first time users could start consuming page
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Time to First Paint

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Talk at Smashing Conf - 7th Feb 2018 (Video - Explores some of the issues that 3rd-party tags introduce when we add them to our sites, some ways of measuring the impact, and challenges we still have

AB Testing, Ads and other 3rd party tags - London WebPerf - March 2018
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Talk at Smashing Conf - 7th Feb 2018 (Video - Explores some of the issues that 3rd-party tags introduce when we add them to our sites, some ways of measuring the impact, and challenges we still have

Lazy load Website Assets
Lazy load Website AssetsLazy load Website Assets
Lazy load Website Assets

Website speed is a crucial aspect of on page SEO everyone can control. Your goal is to be interactive in under 3 seconds, even on a basic phone over a 3G connection. However, most web sites have so many requests and large payloads this time limit or budget cannot be achieved. In fact, the average web page takes 22 seconds to load, according to Google's research. But what if I told you there is a way to offload or even avoid loading page assets until they are needed? This can give your website a distinct advantage over your competition because not only will Google like your pages better so will your visitors!

seowebsiteweb design and development
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Long Tasks API
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101
Long Tasks API
Long Task: An event loop task that exceeds 50ms
Often contributing to:
Delayed interaction, “jankiness” in scrolling and animations
Measuring Perception
Server Network Browser User
Back end
Traditional RUM
RUM w/ Perceived Performance
Do you really know when the
page is ready for use?
Are deferred elements blocking
Impacted by CPU
limitations on mobile?
Back-end Time Network Time Page Load Time
Focus on Customer Experience
What does perception really mean?

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Dyna traceDyna trace
Dyna trace

This document discusses the browser performance analysis tool dynaTrace. It provides an overview of dynaTrace's capabilities such as cross-browser diagnostics, code-level visibility, and deep JavaScript and DOM tracing. It also covers key performance indicators (KPIs) like load time, resource usage, and network connections that dynaTrace measures. Best practices for improving performance, such as browser caching, network optimization, JavaScript handling and server-side performance are outlined. The document aims to explain why and how dynaTrace can help users find and address web performance issues.

performance analysisdynatraceperformance indicator
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The Web Experience Foundry will be dedicated to researching and prototyping projects and technologies that the Web Experience business unit feels are potentially important for the future of its product lines. The primary goals will be: - Gain a solid understanding of new technology and how it could (or could not) be used in Web Experience products (Discovery). - Prototype new technologies and create proof of concepts to validate or invalidate a technologies potential utility. - Research new concepts and look for ways they can improve our existing product lines.”

foundryakamai technologieshttp2
Velocity spa faster_092116
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Velocity spa faster_092116

Making Single Page (SPA) Faster was a presentation done at Velocity NY 2016 It covers 3 main points: - selecting the right framework (performance oriented) - best practices and optimizations - monitoring

spa single page appsspavelocity conference
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performance
Time to Visually Ready
Time to Interactive
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements
Time to Visually Ready (TTVR)
TTVR: When the page appears to be ready.
Signals used:
1. Time to first paint (if available)
2. domContentLoadedEventEnd
3. Hero Image (if defined)
4. Framework ready (if defined)
Highest signal = TTVR
1 2
Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018
Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements
Time to Interactive (TTI)
TTI: After TTVR, when would they have a good experience?
Signals used - “page is interactive if…”
1. Frames per second (FPS) > 20 FPS -> All modern browsers
2. No long task events that are frame blocking -> Chrome only
3. Page Busy (request idle callback polling) -> All browsers
TTVR + point when 1-3 are true for 500ms = TTI

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The document discusses the importance of website load time and performance optimization. It explains that slow load times can negatively impact user experience, bounce rates, conversion rates, and search engine rankings. It then provides tips and strategies for measuring and improving load time, including optimizing images, CSS/HTML, critical rendering path, caching assets, and content delivery strategies.

uxsite speed
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.

This document summarizes a presentation about using Chrome DevTools to test and optimize websites for Google's upcoming Page Experience update. It discusses the components of the update like mobile-friendliness and core web vitals. It provides guidance on using DevTools to test for issues in areas like intrusive interstitials, HTTPS security, and core web vitals metrics. The presentation emphasizes that field data may differ from lab tests in DevTools, and it outlines many resources for further information on the Page Experience update and related topics.

core web vitalspage experience update
Are you there Page Experience? It's me, DevTools
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Are you there Page Experience? It's me, DevTools

BrightonSEO, March 2021 With Google's Page Experience ranking signal update rolling out in May 2021, you're running out of time to put in the budget line items for all the fancy SEO tools you'll need! Don't panic. Rachel Anderson and Jamie will show you how to optimize for humans (and algorithm updates) using an underestimated SEO ally: Chrome DevTools.

technical seoseodevtools
©2018 AKAMAI
Page Load Time
what we’ve been optimizing
Time to Visually Ready
Time to Interactive
Time to First
Application Looks Ready
Application is Actually Ready
Actual User Interaction (key, click, scroll)
Focus on Customer Experience
Is there a gap in your understanding of performance?
©2018 AKAMAI
mPulseInform Your Performance Budget
Tune your application and delivery for performance
How heavy is my page?
How much of that is HTML?
Are my images overweight?
Is JS contributing to page
Am I leveraging browser
cache effectively?
Too many http requests?

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Measuring What Matters - Fluent Conf 2018

  • 1. @Akamai Measuring What Matters Focusing on Perception Metrics Cliff Crocker, Product Line Director Web Performance at Akamai @cliffcrocker
  • 3. 80x 30s per day, people log into their phones more than half of smartphone sessions are 30secs or less Waiting for slow pages to load Being shown interstitials Encountering unplayable videos Getting redirected to the homepage Other 46% 16% 16% 13% 11% Source: @lukew User Experience Focus Mobile User Behavior
  • 4. Google Data, Aggregated, anonymized Google Analytics data from a sample of mWeb sites opted into sharing benchmark data, n=3.7K, Global, March 2016 53% are abandoned if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load of mobile site visits Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performance Page Speed Update User Experience Focus Google ranking to factor mobile perf - July ‘18
  • 5. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Foundational Metrics Get Ready for the Firehose
  • 6. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Navigation Timing
  • 7. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Navigation Timing Browser Events Front End TTFB Server/Back End DNS Connect NetworkSSL
  • 8. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Resource Timing
  • 9. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Resource Timing
  • 10. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Resource Timing 2 -> Encoded -> Decoded -> Transfer Size Matters
  • 11. How we talk about it -> In reality -> Real User Measurements 101 What’s happening on the backend?
  • 12. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Server Timing
  • 13. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Server Timing Server-Timing: <name>; duration="<duration>"; description="<description>" Examples: Server-Timing: cache-hit Server-Timing: auth; duration=75 Server-Timing: bytes-on-disk; description=17000 Server-Timing: db; duration=120; description="database access"
  • 14. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Time to First Paint First Paint entry contains a DOMHighResTimeStamp reporting the time when the browser first rendered after navigation. This excludes the default background paint, but includes non-default background paint. This is the first key moment developers care about in page load – when the browser has started to render the page. First Contentful Paint entry contains a DOMHighResTimeStamp reporting the time when the browser first rendered any text, image (including background images), non-white canvas or SVG. This includes text with pending webfonts. This is the first time users could start consuming page content.
  • 15. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Time to First Paint
  • 17. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Long Tasks API
  • 18. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements 101 Long Tasks API Long Task: An event loop task that exceeds 50ms Often contributing to: Delayed interaction, “jankiness” in scrolling and animations
  • 19. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Measuring Perception
  • 20. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Server Network Browser User Back end APM Traditional RUM RUM w/ Perceived Performance Do you really know when the page is ready for use? Are deferred elements blocking interactivity? Impacted by CPU limitations on mobile? Back-end Time Network Time Page Load Time Focus on Customer Experience What does perception really mean? Interactivity
  • 21. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performance
  • 22. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Time to Visually Ready Time to Interactive
  • 23. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements Time to Visually Ready (TTVR) TTVR: When the page appears to be ready. Signals used: 1. Time to first paint (if available) 2. domContentLoadedEventEnd 3. Hero Image (if defined) 4. Framework ready (if defined) Highest signal = TTVR 1 2
  • 24. ©2014 AKAMAI | FASTER FORWARDTM Google ”Speed Update” – July 2018 Google’s search ranking will begin factoring in mobile performanceReal User Measurements Time to Interactive (TTI) TTI: After TTVR, when would they have a good experience? Signals used - “page is interactive if…” 1. Frames per second (FPS) > 20 FPS -> All modern browsers 2. No long task events that are frame blocking -> Chrome only 3. Page Busy (request idle callback polling) -> All browsers TTVR + point when 1-3 are true for 500ms = TTI
  • 25. ©2018 AKAMAI mPulse Page Load Time what we’ve been optimizing for Time to Visually Ready Time to Interactive Time to First Interaction Application Looks Ready Application is Actually Ready Actual User Interaction (key, click, scroll) Focus on Customer Experience Is there a gap in your understanding of performance? Gapinperceived performance
  • 26. ©2018 AKAMAI mPulseInform Your Performance Budget Tune your application and delivery for performance How heavy is my page? How much of that is HTML? Are my images overweight? Is JS contributing to page weight? Am I leveraging browser cache effectively? Too many http requests?