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Measuring What Matters
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Cliff Crocker
Buddy Brewer
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Three eras of modern performance measurement
2001-2006 Basically one browser
2007-2010 Transitional period
2011-2016 WTF just happened
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2001-2006: Internet Explorer 6
2001 - 2006

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Edge 2016 service workers and other front end techniques
Edge 2016 service workers and other front end techniquesEdge 2016 service workers and other front end techniques
Edge 2016 service workers and other front end techniques

This document discusses using service workers and other front-end techniques to create a secure and optimal site. It describes how service workers can be used to control third-party content, such as by implementing client reputation strategies to block requests from untrusted sources. Examples are given of how service workers could maintain counters to throttle requests to third-party domains that exceed timeout thresholds, and serve cached or error responses when thresholds are exceeded. The document also discusses how service workers could be leveraged for offline analytics reporting and metric monitoring to reduce risks compared to traditional third-party JavaScript techniques.

NYC WebPerf Meetup Feb 2020 - Measuring the Adoption of Web Performance Techn...
NYC WebPerf Meetup Feb 2020 - Measuring the Adoption of Web Performance Techn...NYC WebPerf Meetup Feb 2020 - Measuring the Adoption of Web Performance Techn...
NYC WebPerf Meetup Feb 2020 - Measuring the Adoption of Web Performance Techn...

Performance optimization is a cyclical process. We are constantly learning new ways to optimize, while simultaneously adopting new technologies and techniques that negatively impact performance. The HTTP Archive provides a great historical record of the technical side of the web, with almost 10 years of history and an ever growing dataset of sites. During this session Paul will provide a brief overview of the HTTP Archive and then dive into some insights into the adoption of common web performance techniques and some of their measurable impacts.

webperfperformanceweb performance
Hacking Web Performance @ ForwardJS 2017
Hacking Web Performance @ ForwardJS 2017Hacking Web Performance @ ForwardJS 2017
Hacking Web Performance @ ForwardJS 2017

Talk about Web Performance and what to do after the basics taking place at ForwardJS 2017 in San Francisco, USA.

mobile webweb performance
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2007-2010: Transitional period
Firefox 2
2008 2009 2010
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2007-2010: Transitional period
Firefox 2
iPhone 3G
Firefox 3
Chrome 1
2009 2010
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2007-2010: Transitional period
Firefox 2
iPhone 3G
Firefox 3
Chrome 1
iPhone 3GS
Firefox 3
Android 2.1
Chrome 1
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2007-2010: Transitional period
Firefox 2
iPhone 3G
Firefox 3
Chrome 1
iPhone 3GS
Firefox 3
Android 2.1
Chrome 1
iPhone 3GS
Firefox 3
Android 2.1
Chrome 1
Nav Timing

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Velocity spa faster_092116
Velocity spa faster_092116Velocity spa faster_092116
Velocity spa faster_092116

Making Single Page (SPA) Faster was a presentation done at Velocity NY 2016 It covers 3 main points: - selecting the right framework (performance oriented) - best practices and optimizations - monitoring

spa single page appsspavelocity conference
17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About
17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About
17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About

This document discusses 17 key web performance metrics across four categories: front-end user experience metrics, backend performance metrics, content complexity metrics, and advanced monitoring tips. It provides descriptions and average metrics for each, including time to title, time to start render, DNS time, connection time, asset weights, counts, and number of domains. The document emphasizes that measuring these metrics through continuous monitoring provides knowledge to optimize performance and improve the user experience. Advanced monitoring tips include setting service level agreements, defining performance issues, and automating alerts.

metricsweb design and developmentanalytics
Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...
Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...
Real User Monitoring: Getting Real Data from Real Users in the Real World - S...

Improvements to user experience translate directly to real business metrics and the bottom line. To guide the business to making wise choices on user experience, you need an accurate picture of site performance for real users. In this talk, Steve Lerner will describe how eBay’s performance monitoring strategy has evolved, how the insights gained from real user monitoring have impacted eBay’s business, and some of the considerations that have shaped their in house implementation of Real User Monitoring to serve eBay’s massive global scale. See Steve Lerner's Edge Presentation: The Akamai Edge Conference is a gathering of the industry revolutionaries who are committed to creating leading edge experiences, realizing the full potential of what is possible in a Faster Forward World. From customer innovation stories, industry panels, technical labs, partner and government forums to Web security and developers' tracks, there’s something for everyone at Edge 2013. Learn more at

akamai edgeakamai technologiesebay
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2011-2016: WTF just happened
How many browsers in a
typical Thanksgiving
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2011-2016: WTF just happened
How many browsers in a
typical Thanksgiving
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016

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Edge 2016 your hero images need you
Edge 2016 your hero images need youEdge 2016 your hero images need you
Edge 2016 your hero images need you

Images have a high correlation to page load time. Optimizing image delivery through compression alone is a daunting task. Using HTTP2's superpowers, we can optimize images to ship faster, increasing the perceived performance and initiating users' emotional responses to visuals earlier. HTTP2-powered image delivery leads to lower bounce rates and higher conversions.

Common Traits of High Performing Websites, WebPerfDays Amsterdam 07-Nov-2018
Common Traits of High Performing Websites, WebPerfDays Amsterdam 07-Nov-2018Common Traits of High Performing Websites, WebPerfDays Amsterdam 07-Nov-2018
Common Traits of High Performing Websites, WebPerfDays Amsterdam 07-Nov-2018

The document discusses key metrics for measuring web performance and identifies common traits of high performing websites. It analyzes data from sources like HTTP Archive, Google BigQuery, and Akamai mPulse to show correlations between page load times and various performance factors. Some best practices recommended are reducing page weight by optimizing images, compressing text assets, limiting third parties and custom web fonts, and ensuring resources in the critical rendering path are optimized.

httparchivechrome user experience reportmpulse
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology - of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -

Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archeology There are a lot of books, articles, and online tutorials out there with fantastic advice on how to make your websites performant. It all seems easy in theory, but applying best practices to real-world code is anything but straightforward. Diagnosing and fixing frontend performance issues on a large legacy codebase is like being an archaeologist excavating the remains of a lost civilization. You don’t know what you will find until you start digging! Pick up your trowels and come along with Etsy’s Frontend Systems team as we become archaeologists digging into frontend performance on our large, legacy mobile codebase. I’ll share real-life lessons you can use to guide your own excavations into legacy code: What tools and metrics we used to diagnose issues and track progress. How we went beyond server-driven best practices to focus on the client. Which fixes successfully increased conversion, and which didn’t. Our work, like all good archaeology, went beyond artifacts and unearthed new insights into our culture. We at Etsy pride ourselves on our culture of performance, but, like all cultures, it needs to adapt and reinvent itself to account for changes to the landscape. Based on what we’ve learned, we are making the case for a new, organization-wide, frontend-focused performance culture that will solve the problems we face today.

© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
So what can I measure?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What is available today - Synthetic Tooling
CPU metrics
Test environments & other places without real users
Access to everything including headers
Gaps in: Geos, browsers, pages
Impossible to precisely match user demo- & technographics
No way to realistically measure browser cache impact
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What is available today - RUM
Near perfect coverage of browsers, geos, pages
Ability to understand impact to performance
Realistic measurement of browser cache impact
Gaps in: Geos, browsers, pages
Impossible to precisely match user demo- & technographics
No access to HTTP header data
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Page details

Recommended for you fast but not furious   fast but not   fast but not furious fast but not furious

A talk on interaction performance that was presented at conference in Amsterdam on 8th November 2018

Edge 2016 barbarians at the gateway
Edge 2016 barbarians at the gatewayEdge 2016 barbarians at the gateway
Edge 2016 barbarians at the gateway

This talk will examine the tools, methods and data behind the DDoS attacks that are prevalent in the news headlines and the impacts they can have on companies. I will look at the motivations and rationale that they have and try to share some sort of understanding as to what patterns to be aware of for their own protection.

Synthetic web performance testing with Selenium
Synthetic web performance testing with SeleniumSynthetic web performance testing with Selenium
Synthetic web performance testing with Selenium

This document discusses using Selenium to perform synthetic performance monitoring of web applications. It proposes running Selenium tests to simulate user workflows and transactions, sending timestamps via UDP to Splunk at each step to combine into transactions. Screenshots and HAR files are captured when tests fail to help debug issues. While this provides monitoring with existing Selenium tests, it requires significant effort to support and doesn't always provide enough debug information.

© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
W3C - Performance Working Group
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Navigation Timing API
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Resource Timing API

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Fluent 2018: Measuring What Matters
Fluent 2018: Measuring What MattersFluent 2018: Measuring What Matters
Fluent 2018: Measuring What Matters

Cliff Crocker discusses best practices for measuring what matters and applying an understandable methodology that achieves what we are all after: happier users.

Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training
Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 TrainingMeasuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training
Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training

This document discusses various methods for measuring front-end performance, including synthetic testing, active testing, real user measurement, and measuring the visual experience. Synthetic testing provides consistent results but may not reflect actual user performance, while real user measurement captures real user experiences but with limited detail. The document also covers specific tools like Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, User Timing, SpeedIndex, and services from companies like Soasta, New Relic, and WebPageTest that can help with performance measurement.

Dyna trace
Dyna traceDyna trace
Dyna trace

This document discusses the browser performance analysis tool dynaTrace. It provides an overview of dynaTrace's capabilities such as cross-browser diagnostics, code-level visibility, and deep JavaScript and DOM tracing. It also covers key performance indicators (KPIs) like load time, resource usage, and network connections that dynaTrace measures. Best practices for improving performance, such as browser caching, network optimization, JavaScript handling and server-side performance are outlined. The document aims to explain why and how dynaTrace can help users find and address web performance issues.

performance analysisdynatraceperformance indicator
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Coming soon to a browser
near you! Measure the size of
assets in addition to
Resource Timing (2.0) - Transfer Size
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
● Measure performance using high-precision
● Consists of “marks” and “measures”
● PerformanceMark: Timestamp
● PerformanceMeasure: Duration between two given
Browser Support - User Timing API
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Browser Support - Navigation Timing API
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Browser Support - Resource Timing API

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Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...
Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...
Deploy Faster Without Failing Faster - Metrics-Driven - Dynatrace User Groups...

Do it like the "DevOps Unicorns" Etsy, Facebook and Co: Deploy more frequently. But how and why? Challenges? Deploying Software Faster without Failing Faster is possible through Metrics driven Engineering. Identify problems early on using a "Shift-Left in Quality". This requires a Level-Up of Dev, Test, Ops, Biz See some of the metrics that I think you need to look at and how to upgrade your engineering team to produce better quality right from the start

application performance managementcontinuous integrationuser experience
Core web Vitals: Web Performance and Usability
Core web Vitals: Web Performance and UsabilityCore web Vitals: Web Performance and Usability
Core web Vitals: Web Performance and Usability

This document summarizes a presentation on optimizing websites for Google's Core Web Vitals. The presentation discusses the three Core Web Vitals metrics: Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) measures interruptions due to waiting, First Input Delay (FID) measures responsiveness to user input, and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) measures errors from instability. It provides tips on optimizing for each metric, such as improving server response times and resource load times to optimize LCP, reducing JavaScript execution time to optimize FID, and defining image dimensions to prevent layout shifts for CLS. The presentation was given at the Cologne Web Performance Optimization Meetup.

Real User Measurement Insights, London WebPerf 2018-Nov-06
Real User Measurement Insights, London WebPerf 2018-Nov-06Real User Measurement Insights, London WebPerf 2018-Nov-06
Real User Measurement Insights, London WebPerf 2018-Nov-06

Many websites use real user measurement (RUM) data to analyze their performance, as well as to validate the impact of optimizations. During this session, we’ll discuss how RUM is used and then explore some of the fascinating insights into the web that we can learn from it. Video:

akamairumreal user measurment
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Browser Support - User Timing API
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
So what should I measure?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters depends on you

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Real User Measurement Insights, NYWebPerf 2018-Aug-09
Real User Measurement Insights, NYWebPerf 2018-Aug-09Real User Measurement Insights, NYWebPerf 2018-Aug-09
Real User Measurement Insights, NYWebPerf 2018-Aug-09

Many websites use real user measurement data to analyze their performance, as well as to validate that optimizations are having the desired effect on end user experience and business metrics. Akamai's mPulse service is a popular commercial RUM solution that is used by thousands of websites, and it gives us a unique panoptic view of web performance. This is not your typical RUM talk. I won't be talking about implementations, product features, etc. Instead we are going to dive deep into the data and try to answer some interesting questions about the web.

rumreal user measurmentakamai
Making Single Page Applications (SPA) faster
Making Single Page Applications (SPA) faster Making Single Page Applications (SPA) faster
Making Single Page Applications (SPA) faster

This document discusses strategies for improving the performance of single page applications (SPAs). It begins by introducing common SPA frameworks and trends. It then discusses challenges like framework overhead and constant reinstallation that can degrade performance. Solutions presented include light first visits using skeleton pages, server-side rendering, virtual DOM libraries, JavaScript packaging, resource deferral, caching optimizations, and monitoring SPA-specific metrics. The document emphasizes the importance of choosing the right framework, designing for performance, and testing SPAs using modern techniques.

interactivefront endjmeter
Optimizing your API to Perform at Scale
Optimizing your API to Perform at ScaleOptimizing your API to Perform at Scale
Optimizing your API to Perform at Scale

The document discusses optimizing APIs to perform at scale. It emphasizes taking a consumer-focused approach to API design by considering how the API will be consumed and performing from the client's perspective. The three pillars of API optimization are: 1) account for geographical differences, 2) review the data being sent, and 3) negate the need to send data by leveraging caching. Action items include enabling compression, adopting HTTP/2, normalizing responses to increase cacheability, and deploying APIs closer to end users.

© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to an ops engineer?
● Preference for binary metrics
● Looks for indicators of system performance
● Affinity to network and back-end metrics
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to an ops engineer?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to an ops engineer?
function getPerf() {
var timing = window.performance.timing;
return {
dns: timing.domainLookupEnd -
connect: timing.connectEnd -
ttfb: timing.responseStart -
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Help answers questions like...
● Do I have an issue with an upstream DNS resolver?
● Am I having Tier1 connectivity issues?
● How fast is my application server responding?

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Site Managing Performance
Site Managing PerformanceSite Managing Performance
Site Managing Performance

Metrics, Best Practices and Tools used in managing site performance. Understand usage of NAV timing metrics, synthetic versus real user monitoring, and performance budgeting.

App-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai Easy
App-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai EasyApp-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai Easy
App-solute Testing: Making App Testing with Akamai Easy

In this world of myriad devices, having fast, reliable and secure mobile apps is of utmost importance for every business. Fast-paced development is the need of the hour and as businesses are building apps quicker, it is crucial to make sure that mobile apps are tested and reviewed at the same pace to ensure an enhanced end-user experience. In this session, you will learn to test or review whether the Akamai features are working correctly on your mobile apps. We will share troubleshooting tools and best practices to empower you to quickly identify and resolve Akamai-related issues on your mobile apps.

Cloudlets and DevOps - A Dangerously Powerful Combination to Extend Capabilit...
Cloudlets and DevOps - A Dangerously Powerful Combination to Extend Capabilit...Cloudlets and DevOps - A Dangerously Powerful Combination to Extend Capabilit...
Cloudlets and DevOps - A Dangerously Powerful Combination to Extend Capabilit...

"Are you looking to harness the power of Akamai to make your systems smarter? This hands on session will dive deep into how to orchestrate control of the phased release, application load balancer cloudlets through our Luna Control Center or APIs to improve speed to market through automation and reduce risk of frequent code releases. Specifically, we'll explore use cases to teach you: -How to use the phased release cloudlet to rapidly deploy code to a small percentage of users in production, monitor the deployment, and then immediately roll back to the previous code if an unexpected problem occurs. -Leverage intelligence built into Akamai's distribute platform to load balance your Origin. If you automatically scale your Origin servers, find out how to automate the deployment of front end web servers with edge load balancing."

© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to an ops engineer?
Don’t be misled by “super fast” responses
● DNS Caching
● Prefetching
● Connection reuse
● Pages served from browser cache
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to an ops engineer?
Object Level
● Resource timing API
● Binary metric for testing infrastructure
● Measure performance of a third-party
● CDN healthcheck
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to an ops engineer?
Object Timing
var rUrl =
var me =
var timings = {
loadTime: me.duration,
dns: me.domainLookupEnd -
tcp: me.connectEnd - me.connectStart,
waiting: me.responseStart -
fetch: me.responseEnd -
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a front-end developer?
Load Times
● “Do no harm”
● Looks for indicators of application performance
● Looks to measure a “fully loaded” page
● Affinity for front-end metrics

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Akamai as Code
Akamai as CodeAkamai as Code
Akamai as Code

This document discusses Akamai's developer tools and APIs. It describes the Akamai CLI as a command line package manager for automating Akamai API workflows. It also outlines several tools built by Akamai or the community that leverage Akamai APIs, such as tools for auditing origins, global traffic management configurations, and updating rules. Finally, it compares accessing Akamai functionality via the Luna portal GUI versus via APIs.

Holiday Retail Readiness: Preparing For Peak
Holiday Retail Readiness: Preparing For PeakHoliday Retail Readiness: Preparing For Peak
Holiday Retail Readiness: Preparing For Peak

This document summarizes a webinar about preparing for the holiday retail season peak. The webinar discussed how mobile traffic and page sizes are growing, performance impacts sales, and distributed technologies can help optimize the user experience. It also covered evolving security threats from DDoS attacks and how a content delivery network provides holistic protection and intelligence. The webinar aimed to help retailers ensure fast, secure experiences during the busy holiday period.

akamairetail touchpoints#holidayccs
UI5 with Akamai - Introduction to the Content Delivery Network
UI5 with Akamai - Introduction to the Content Delivery NetworkUI5 with Akamai - Introduction to the Content Delivery Network
UI5 with Akamai - Introduction to the Content Delivery Network

A content delivery network (CDN) is a system of distributed servers that deliver web content to users based on their geographic location. This presentation discusses CDNs and Akamai's CDN services. It defines what a CDN is, why businesses need them to improve performance, how CDNs work by caching content at edge servers close to users, and demonstrates these concepts through tools and performance tests comparing content delivery from origins versus Akamai. The presentation also provides an overview of Akamai's products and services, and tips for optimizing UI5 and SAP applications for faster loading when using a CDN.

© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a front-end developer?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a front-end developer?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a front-end developer?
function getPerf() {
var timing = window.performance.timing;
return {
Basepage: timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart,
DLoading: timing.domLoading – timing.navigationStart,
DInt: timing.domIneractive – timing.navigationStart,
DContLoaded: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd –
DContLoadTime: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd –
DComplete: timing.domComplete - timing.navigationStart,
PLoad: timing.loadEventStart - timing.navigationStart
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Be wary of onload...
~1s OnLoad ~3.5s visibly complete

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Continuous Testing vs Test Automation Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Sha...
Continuous Testing vs Test Automation Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Sha...Continuous Testing vs Test Automation Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Sha...
Continuous Testing vs Test Automation Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn Sha...

This document discusses continuous testing versus test automation. It defines continuous testing as executing automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to rapidly obtain feedback on business risks. Three key differences from traditional test automation are that continuous testing focuses on risk, requires testing the breadth of applications, and emphasizes speed due to time-to-market pressures rather than just enabling faster development releases. The document then outlines several key testing practices needed for continuous testing, such as risk-based prioritization, test case design, test automation, test data management, service virtualization, and integration with continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

continuous testingtest autmationtricentis
Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web
Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile webBuilding for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web
Building for, perceiving and measuring performance for mobile web

This document discusses strategies for improving the performance of single-page applications (SPAs). It notes that SPAs can provide a more native-like user experience compared to traditional multi-page applications. The document outlines several ways to enhance SPA performance, including optimizing APIs, reducing payload size, enabling HTTP/2 and offline functionality. It also discusses techniques for measuring and monitoring performance using tools like the Chrome DevTools and performance metrics. The key message is that performance must be measured to be improved.

performancemobile webui
Improving mobile performance
Improving mobile performanceImproving mobile performance
Improving mobile performance

As mobile device usage has skyrocketed in recent years, mobile applications have emerged as the key engagement channel for businesses to connect with their most valuable customers. Mobile app usage represents more than 85% of total mobile device time, and users now spend more time with apps than they do with television. This makes it imperative to think from a mobile-first perspective and ensure consistent user experience.

mobile performancemobile appsimages
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a designer?
● Performance by design (D4P)
● Looks for indicators of human perception
● How quickly the page renders
● Affinity for custom metrics and render metrics
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
RUM first paint and start render
Chrome - “First Paint” Visual Start Render
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
User perception
Courtesy of the filament group:
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Custom Metrics

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[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio

Know everything right from gaining erudition about exploring the future prospects of the Progressive Web Apps. We’re here to make you familiar with: - The global impact of PWAs on mobile commerce - The way CedCommerce is increasing the scope of Magento PWA Studio - Exploring the future prospects of PWA - Ways to increase the conversion rates using PWA These features will benefit the eCommerce merchants, and the customers as well. Click To Watch Our Full Webinar Here:

pwa magentopwapwa studio
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce WebsitesCutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites
Cutting-edge Performance Testing on eCommerce Websites

Having problems with your website’s performance? Does it take too much time and effort to determine the cause of a particular page’s poor performance? Would you like to find the root cause of client-side issues in an automated way? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this session is for you. At GSI Commerce, an eBay company, Ron Woody manages a large team of performance engineers working on nearly nearly 100 eCommerce websites. Ron and his team have developed cutting-edge approaches for automating client- and server-side performance testing. Learn the specific approaches Ron’s team uses today for pre-release performance tests, production performance management, and website optimization. Find out the ways they’ve automated cross-browser performance testing—and analysis—to increase productivity and efficiency. Covering these and additional topics Ron shares a toolkit of performance testing ideas and approaches your team can use to ensure optimal application performance and a better user experience.

Rock the activity stream api
Rock the activity stream api Rock the activity stream api
Rock the activity stream api

IBM Connections is more than a social application, it is a highly evolved social enterprise platform. With this comes a high degree of integrability and the opportunity for end users to act in a contextual manner on business applications from within their collaboration environment, where their network of experts and shared knowledge can help them make better business decisions. This session will demonstrate some real world examples working both for IBM Connections on premises and on cloud. It will explain how this integration can be achieved through components such as the hompage's Activity Stream and how these integrations can come together for organisations to get the most out of this social enterprise platform

apiactivitystreamibm connections
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Custom Metrics - User Timing API
//Some stuff you want to measure happens here
//Measure the duration between the two marks
//Measure the load of an image
<img src=”image1.gif” onload=”performance.mark(‘image1’)”>
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a business executive?
● Business impact analysis
● Simplified/lean metrics
● Actionable data
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a business executive?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a business executive?

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Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16
Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16
Best Practices and Advanced Insights on Browser RUM Users - AppSphere16

AppDynamics Browser RUM is a handy tool for getting insight into customers and their experience. In this session we'll explore aggregated data collected from AppDynamics' SaaS cloud that will give you insight into the end-user experience across the customer base. Then we'll show you how you can use end-user monitoring tools to see how you measure up against your peers and identify opportunities to optimize your performance. As an added bonus we'll share some data on you, AppDynamics users. It's always valuable to understand how you are like and not like your customers. Key takeaways: o The typical page load time of an end user across the AppDynamics customer base o How AppDynamics Browser RUM can be used to understand how your application performs now and make it go faster o The adoption of major browsers and devices of enterprise customers in different geographies vs. AppDynamics users For more information, go to:

as16 - all slidesas16 - product deep divesas16 - appdynamics presentation
API Management - Practical Enterprise Implementation Experience
API Management - Practical Enterprise Implementation ExperienceAPI Management - Practical Enterprise Implementation Experience
API Management - Practical Enterprise Implementation Experience

The document discusses Capgemini's experience implementing API management for a client. It describes choosing IBM API Connect and building APIs using microservices and a factory model. Key elements included establishing an agile project team, test-driven development, and transitioning APIs to offshore support. Lessons learned include recognizing APIs enable business change, following rigorous development practices, and establishing architecture governance.

api management landscapeapi connectapi integration
The Muda, Mura and Muri of DevOps
The Muda, Mura and Muri of DevOpsThe Muda, Mura and Muri of DevOps
The Muda, Mura and Muri of DevOps

How to achieve 'Flow' in your delivery pipeline. This was an 'Ignite' session at DevOpsDaysDC 2018. Ignite sessions are 5 minutes long with 20 slides auto-advancing every 15 seconds.

devopstoyota production systemmura
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What matters to a business executive?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Don’t create unintended silos
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Don’t create unintended silos
The success of my
business is a
reflection of...
The digital experience I
provide, which depends
how quickly I can render
content in the browser,
which is impacted by...
the performance and
stability of my infrastructure.
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
“I just want to buy my Mom’s
birthday present.”
“I just want to know if it will
rain today.”
“I just want to share pictures
of my vacation”

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Client-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance TestingClient-Side Performance Testing
Client-Side Performance Testing

Slides from my 4-hour workshop on Client-Side Performance Testing conducted at Phoenix, AZ in STPCon 2017 (March). Workshop Takeaways: Understand difference between is Performance Testing and Performance Engineering. Hand’s on experience of some open-source tools to monitor, measure and automate Client-side Performance Testing. Examples / code walk-through of some ways to automate Client-side Performance Testing. See blog for more details -

Walmart Web Performance Circa 2013
Walmart Web Performance Circa 2013Walmart Web Performance Circa 2013
Walmart Web Performance Circa 2013

This is the original presentation presented by myself, Aaron Kulick and Balaji Ram at the San Francisco Web Performance meetup in 2013

Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance. It begins by noting that there are many metrics to consider and no single metric tells the whole story. It then discusses several key metrics for measuring different aspects of performance, including: - Front-end metrics like start render, DOM loading/ready, and page load that can isolate front-end from back-end performance. - Network metrics like DNS and TCP timings that provide insight into connectivity issues. - Resource timing metrics that measure individual assets to understand impacts of third parties and CDNs. - User timing metrics like measuring above-the-fold content that capture user experience. It emphasizes the importance of considering real user monitoring data alongside

user experienceperformancewebperf
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
How do I collect it?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Real users are not normal
What do I do with it?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What do I do with it?

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Synthetic and RUM - Best of bo
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RUM and synthetic monitoring each provide valuable but different performance data. RUM captures real user behavior but numbers vary greatly depending on user environments, while synthetic provides consistent baseline data but doesn't reflect real users. Both data sets are needed to understand a site's true performance across different user scenarios. There is no single performance number, and the right metrics depend on the intended audience and business goals.

Velocity NY 2014 - The Natives are Getting Restless
Velocity NY 2014 - The Natives are Getting RestlessVelocity NY 2014 - The Natives are Getting Restless
Velocity NY 2014 - The Natives are Getting Restless

The document discusses the growing use of mobile devices and native mobile applications. It notes that tablets are popular for couch surfing but their size makes them unsuitable for mobile sites. The document also covers various aspects of mobile performance like speed by geography and network, as well as quality metrics like crash reports and engagement metrics like user adoption rates. It then reviews several vendors that provide mobile monitoring and analytics solutions to measure these performance aspects.

Managing the unmanageable - Third Party RUM
Managing the unmanageable - Third Party RUMManaging the unmanageable - Third Party RUM
Managing the unmanageable - Third Party RUM

These slides accompanied the SOASTA Webinar found here: ""

© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
2.9s - p50 (median)
4.4s - Average
10.4s - p95
What do I do with it?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What should I throw out?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Load Time =
3500 years
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Load Time =

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Rum first london web perf meetup
Rum first   london web perf meetupRum first   london web perf meetup
Rum first london web perf meetup

This document discusses real user monitoring (RUM) which involves collecting performance metrics directly from end user browsers through JavaScript instrumentation. It provides a brief history of RUM including key contributors. The challenges with RUM including data volume are presented, as well as how RUM compares to synthetic monitoring. The importance of understanding business metrics and mapping performance data to key performance indicators is emphasized.

"Rum First" NYC Webperf Meetup
"Rum First" NYC Webperf Meetup"Rum First" NYC Webperf Meetup
"Rum First" NYC Webperf Meetup

This document discusses Real User Monitoring (RUM) which involves collecting performance metrics directly from end user browsers. RUM uses JavaScript instrumentation to measure page load times and other metrics which are sent to a collection point as small data requests. The document outlines some benefits of RUM like reducing convincing around performance and measuring actual user experience. It notes challenges of RUM including dealing with large amounts of data and getting internal acceptance. It compares RUM to synthetic monitoring and argues they should be used together. Finally, it provides some free and open source RUM tools and visualization options.

BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdfBT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf
BT & Neo4j: Knowledge Graphs for Critical Enterprise Systems.pptx.pdf

Presented at Gartner Data & Analytics, London Maty 2024. BT Group has used the Neo4j Graph Database to enable impressive digital transformation programs over the last 6 years. By re-imagining their operational support systems to adopt self-serve and data lead principles they have substantially reduced the number of applications and complexity of their operations. The result has been a substantial reduction in risk and costs while improving time to value, innovation, and process automation. Join this session to hear their story, the lessons they learned along the way and how their future innovation plans include the exploration of uses of EKG + Generative AI.

neo4jneo4j webinarsgraph database
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
What should I keep?
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
Other opportunities for bots...
1. How does performance impact bot behavior?
2. Are bots skewing the numbers I’m reporting?
3. Am I providing an optimal experience for search bots?
4. Does any of this impact SEO?

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Solar Storms (Geo Magnetic Storms) are the motion of accelerated charged particles in the solar environment with high velocities due to the coronal mass ejection (CME).

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Sustainability requires ingenuity and stewardship. Did you know Pigging Solutions pigging systems help you achieve your sustainable manufacturing goals AND provide rapid return on investment. How? Our systems recover over 99% of product in transfer piping. Recovering trapped product from transfer lines that would otherwise become flush-waste, means you can increase batch yields and eliminate flush waste. From raw materials to finished product, if you can pump it, we can pig it.

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© AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
● We have amazing tools at our disposal - your users are
wired for sound!
● Measuring what matters is situation independent
● Important to look at all metrics from the same context
● Use robust statistics when looking at your data

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Measuring what matters

  • 2. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Introductions Cliff Crocker Akamai Buddy Brewer SOASTA
  • 3. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Three eras of modern performance measurement 2001-2006 Basically one browser 2007-2010 Transitional period 2011-2016 WTF just happened
  • 4. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2001-2006: Internet Explorer 6 2001 - 2006
  • 5. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2007-2010: Transitional period 2007 IE7 iPhone Firefox 2 2008 2009 2010
  • 6. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2007-2010: Transitional period 2007 IE7 iPhone Firefox 2 2008 IE7 iPhone 3G Firefox 3 Android Chrome 1 2009 2010
  • 7. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2007-2010: Transitional period 2007 IE7 iPhone Firefox 2 2008 IE7 iPhone 3G Firefox 3 Android Chrome 1 2009 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 2010
  • 8. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2007-2010: Transitional period 2007 IE7 iPhone Firefox 2 2008 IE7 iPhone 3G Firefox 3 Android Chrome 1 2009 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 2010 IE8 iPhone 3GS Firefox 3 Android 2.1 Chrome 1 iPad Nav Timing
  • 9. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2011-2016: WTF just happened ? How many browsers in a typical Thanksgiving weekend?
  • 10. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2011-2016: WTF just happened 572 How many browsers in a typical Thanksgiving weekend?
  • 11. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Meanwhile...
  • 12. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
  • 13. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 So what can I measure?
  • 14. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What is available today - Synthetic Tooling Pros CPU metrics Test environments & other places without real users Access to everything including headers Cons Gaps in: Geos, browsers, pages Impossible to precisely match user demo- & technographics No way to realistically measure browser cache impact
  • 15. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What is available today - RUM Pros Near perfect coverage of browsers, geos, pages Ability to understand impact to performance Realistic measurement of browser cache impact Cons Gaps in: Geos, browsers, pages Impossible to precisely match user demo- & technographics No access to HTTP header data
  • 16. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Engagement Revenue Coverage Caching CPU Pre-prod Availability Page details Resources Headers SyntheticReal
  • 17. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
  • 18. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 W3C - Performance Working Group
  • 19. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Navigation Timing API
  • 20. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Resource Timing API
  • 21. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Coming soon to a browser near you! Measure the size of assets in addition to performance. Resource Timing (2.0) - Transfer Size
  • 22. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 ● Measure performance using high-precision timestamps ● Consists of “marks” and “measures” ● PerformanceMark: Timestamp ● PerformanceMeasure: Duration between two given marks Browser Support - User Timing API
  • 23. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Browser Support - Navigation Timing API
  • 24. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Browser Support - Resource Timing API
  • 25. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Browser Support - User Timing API
  • 26. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 So what should I measure?
  • 27. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
  • 28. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters depends on you
  • 29. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to an ops engineer? ● Preference for binary metrics ● Looks for indicators of system performance ● Affinity to network and back-end metrics MTTR
  • 30. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to an ops engineer? Network Server
  • 31. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to an ops engineer? Network Server function getPerf() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { dns: timing.domainLookupEnd - timing.domainLookupStart, connect: timing.connectEnd - timing.connectStart }; } ttfb: timing.responseStart - timing.connectEnd};
  • 32. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Help answers questions like... ● Do I have an issue with an upstream DNS resolver? ● Am I having Tier1 connectivity issues? ● How fast is my application server responding?
  • 33. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to an ops engineer? Don’t be misled by “super fast” responses ● DNS Caching ● Prefetching ● Connection reuse ● Pages served from browser cache
  • 34. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to an ops engineer? Object Level Timing ● Resource timing API ● Binary metric for testing infrastructure ● Measure performance of a third-party ● CDN healthcheck
  • 35. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to an ops engineer? Object Timing var rUrl = ‘ ia/images/edge/akamai-edge-conference-s peaker-buddy-brewer.jpg’; var me = performance.getEntriesByName(rUrl)[0]; var timings = { loadTime: me.duration, dns: me.domainLookupEnd - me.domainLookupStart, tcp: me.connectEnd - me.connectStart, waiting: me.responseStart - me.requestStart, fetch: me.responseEnd - me.responseStart }
  • 36. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a front-end developer? Optimized Load Times ● “Do no harm” ● Looks for indicators of application performance ● Looks to measure a “fully loaded” page ● Affinity for front-end metrics
  • 37. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a front-end developer? Client
  • 38. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a front-end developer?
  • 39. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a front-end developer? function getPerf() { var timing = window.performance.timing; return { Basepage: timing.responseEnd - timing.responseStart, DLoading: timing.domLoading – timing.navigationStart, DInt: timing.domIneractive – timing.navigationStart, DContLoaded: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd – timing.navigationStart, DContLoadTime: timing.domContentLoadedEventEnd – timing.domContentLoadedEventStart, DComplete: timing.domComplete - timing.navigationStart, PLoad: timing.loadEventStart - timing.navigationStart }; } Client
  • 40. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Be wary of onload... ~1s OnLoad ~3.5s visibly complete
  • 41. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a designer? UX ● Performance by design (D4P) ● Looks for indicators of human perception ● How quickly the page renders ● Affinity for custom metrics and render metrics
  • 42. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 RUM first paint and start render Chrome - “First Paint” Visual Start Render
  • 43. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 User perception Courtesy of the filament group:
  • 44. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Custom Metrics
  • 45. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Custom Metrics - User Timing API performance.mark(“startTask”); //Some stuff you want to measure happens here performance.mark(“stopTask”); //Measure the duration between the two marks performance.measure(“taskDuration”,“startTask”,“stopTask”); //Measure the load of an image <img src=”image1.gif” onload=”performance.mark(‘image1’)”>
  • 46. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a business executive? $$$$$$$ ● Business impact analysis ● Simplified/lean metrics ● Actionable data
  • 47. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a business executive?
  • 48. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a business executive?
  • 49. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What matters to a business executive?
  • 50. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Don’t create unintended silos Biz Ops Dev Design
  • 51. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Don’t create unintended silos The success of my business is a reflection of... The digital experience I provide, which depends on... how quickly I can render content in the browser, which is impacted by... the performance and stability of my infrastructure. 1 2 3 4 Biz Design Ops Dev
  • 52. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 “I just want to buy my Mom’s birthday present.” “I just want to know if it will rain today.” “I just want to share pictures of my vacation”
  • 53. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 How do I collect it?
  • 54. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
  • 55. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Real users are not normal What do I do with it?
  • 56. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What do I do with it?
  • 57. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 2.9s - p50 (median) 4.4s - Average 10.4s - p95 What do I do with it?
  • 58. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What should I throw out?
  • 59. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Load Time = 3500 years
  • 60. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Load Time = -(10years)
  • 61. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 What should I keep?
  • 62. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
  • 63. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016
  • 64. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Other opportunities for bots... 1. How does performance impact bot behavior? 2. Are bots skewing the numbers I’m reporting? 3. Am I providing an optimal experience for search bots? 4. Does any of this impact SEO?
  • 65. © AKAMAI - EDGE 2016 Summary ● We have amazing tools at our disposal - your users are wired for sound! ● Measuring what matters is situation independent ● Important to look at all metrics from the same context ● Use robust statistics when looking at your data