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Browser Performace Analysis
Yasmine M. Gaber
What is dynaTrace ?
Why should you use dynaTrace ?
dynaTrace Capabilities
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Instant Test
dynaTrace AJAX Edition
Best Practices to improve performance
What is dynaTrace ?
Offers the most advanced deep-dive web
performance diagnostics into JavaScript execution,
DOM access, rendering activities and network traffic
for analyzing and troubleshooting web applications.
Quickly trace and profile web apps to understand
performance characteristics.
Identify hotspots and isolate performance problems.
Works with browsers: Internet Explorer (6 – 10) and
Firefox (3.6 – 20) on Windows (XP, 7 , 8).
Why should you use dynaTrace ?
Find What's Causing Web
Performance Issues
Investigate Potential Web
Performance Improvements
Build More Interactive Web Apps Faster
Understand Exactly What Is Happening in the

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ZIO: Powerful and Principled Functional Programming in ScalaZIO: Powerful and Principled Functional Programming in Scala
ZIO: Powerful and Principled Functional Programming in Scala

This is an introduction of purely functional programming type safe abstractions that provide a variety of features for building asynchronous and concurrent applications data structures built on ZIO. You'll learn by examples about the power of functional programming to solve the hard problems of software development in a principled, without compromises.

Php Tutorials for Beginners
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PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be embedded into HTML. It is used to dynamically generate client-side code sent as the HTTP response. PHP code is executed on the web server and allows variables, conditional statements, loops, functions, and arrays to dynamically output content. Key features include PHP tags <?php ?> to delimit PHP code, the echo command to output to the client, and variables that can store different data types and change types throughout a program.

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Apache Mahout Architecture Overview
Apache Mahout Architecture OverviewApache Mahout Architecture Overview
Apache Mahout Architecture Overview

Mahout is an open source machine learning java library from Apache Software Foundation, and therefore platform independent, that provides a fertile framework and collection of patterns and ready-made component for testing and deploying new large-scale algorithms. With these slides we aims at providing a deeper understanding of its architecture.

dynaTrace Capabilities
Cross-Browser Diagnostics
Code-Level Visibility Into Frameworks
Speed Up Page Load Times
Optimize Page Rendering
Compare Website To Peers
Deep Javascript And Dom Tracing
Share Data With Your Peers
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
Tell you how fast or slow your web site is to
the end user.
Driven by efforts from web performance
specialists such as Steve Souders and
companies like Google and Yahoo!
Divided into:
a) KPI’s on Load Time
b) KPI’s on Resources
c) KPI’s on Network Connections
KPI’s on Load Time
Time to First Impression
Time to onLoad Event
Time to Fully Loaded
KPI’s on Load Time

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Step by step how to create database with phpmyadmin
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This document provides instructions for creating a login database and user table in PHPMyAdmin using XAMPP on a local host. It outlines opening XAMPP, starting Apache and MySQL, accessing phpMyAdmin through the local host URL, creating a database called "login1", then creating a user table within that database with 3 columns. The instructions state to create each field one by one and then the table creation will be finished.

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Go is a statically typed, compiled programming language designed for building simple, reliable, and efficient software. Some key points: - Go is natively compiled and uses static typing with type inference. It is targeted for system programming and server-side applications. - It was created at Google in 2007 to address issues with other languages like dependency management, garbage collection, and support for concurrency. - Popular users include Google, Docker, Dropbox, SoundCloud, and MongoDB. Domains it is used include distributed systems, cloud, web development, and systems programming. - Key features include built-in concurrency and networking support, a rich standard library, and fast compilation. It aims to be

Apache web server
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Apache web server

The document provides information about the Apache web server including: - Apache is an open-source web server software widely used on Unix-like operating systems. It creates a new thread for each connection and supports modules to extend functionality. - It uses multi-processing modules like Prefork, Worker, and Event to handle requests via multiple child processes and threads. - Directories like conf, htdocs, and logs contain configuration files, server content, and logs respectively. - Configuration is done by directives in text files like httpd.conf covering aspects like timeouts, modules, and virtual hosts.

KPI’s on Resources
Total Number of Requests
Total Number of HTTP 300s/400s/500s
Total Size of Web Site
Total Size of Images/CSS/JS
Total Number of XHR Requests
KPI’s on Resources
KPI’s on Network Connections
DNS Time
Connect Time
Server Time
Transfer Time
Wait Time
Number of Domains / Single Resource
KPI’s on Network Connections

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tcp ip protocols.ppt
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tcp ip protocols.ppt

TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols used to connect devices on the internet and private networks. It includes the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP). TCP provides reliable data transmission and IP provides routing of packets between networks. TCP/IP was adopted by the internet and became popular due to its early development and support in UNIX. It uses port numbers and IP addresses to allow multiple applications to operate over the same network connection. Domain names are used to make IP addresses easier for humans to remember.

Data Types In PHP
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Data Types In PHP

Correctly understanding the eight data types in PHP is essential to a solid foundation in development. Come refresh your knowledge of the scalar types, compound types, and special data types used in PHP, and learn about proper usage of each. Review type juggling, learn some common data type traps to avoid, and how to code defensively to prevent having the data type of a variable change unexpectedly. Finally learn how unit tests can help verify that code is handling data types correctly.

data typesunit testssoftware engineering
Let's read code: the python-requests library
Let's read code: the python-requests libraryLet's read code: the python-requests library
Let's read code: the python-requests library

- The document discusses reading through the python-requests codebase by cloning the requests repository, setting up a local development environment, and examining unit tests and code snippets. - It demonstrates using the requests.get method in a unit test, looking at the HTTPDigestAuth class definition, and using the httpbin fixture and site to test authentication. - Key points are that httpbin is used extensively in unit tests to make requests, sessions persist request parameters and use connection pooling, and the requests documentation provides helpful references.

readingpythonsoftware development
Rank Calculations
Time to First Impression: great if < 1s, acceptable if
< 2.5s, slow if > 2.5s
Time to onLoad: great if < 2s, acceptable if < 4s,
slow if > 4s
Time to Fully Loaded: great if < 2s, acceptable if <
5s, slow if > 5s
Number of total HTTP Requests: great sites if < 40
requests, acceptable sites if < 100 requests, bad sites
if > 100 requests
Browser Caching, Network Resources,
JavaScript/AJAX and Server-Side Activities.
Instant Test
Instant Test
Instant Test

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This document provides information about PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), including its history, uses, syntax, variables, data types, operators, conditional statements, arrays, loops, functions, and more. Some key points: - PHP is a widely-used scripting language for building dynamic web pages and applications. It was created in 1995 and runs on web servers. - PHP code is embedded into HTML files and interpreted by the server before the page is sent to the browser. It allows for the creation of dynamic content. - PHP is free, runs on most servers, and provides tools for database connectivity, security, and dynamic web page creation. It has advantages over competitors like ASP.

Php using variables-operators
Php using variables-operatorsPhp using variables-operators
Php using variables-operators

1) The document provides an introduction to PHP basics including variables, data types, operators, and form handling. It explains how to store data in variables, assign values, destroy variables, and inspect variable contents. 2) Various PHP data types are covered such as integers, floats, strings, booleans, and NULL. Arithmetic, comparison, logical and assignment operators are also explained. 3) The document demonstrates how to manipulate variables using operators, perform arithmetic operations, concatenate strings, compare variables, and perform logical tests.

php slidesharephp lessonphp variables
Design Beautiful REST + JSON APIs
Design Beautiful REST + JSON APIsDesign Beautiful REST + JSON APIs
Design Beautiful REST + JSON APIs

Les Hazlewood, Stormpath co-founder and CTO and the Apache Shiro PMC Chair demonstrates how to design a beautiful REST + JSON API. Includes the principles of RESTful design, how REST differs from XML, tips for increasing adoption of your API, and security concerns. Presentation video: More info: Further reading: Sign up for Stormpath: Stormpath is a user management and authentication service for developers. By offloading user management and authentication to Stormpath, developers can bring applications to market faster, reduce development costs, and protect their users. Easy and secure, the flexible cloud service can manage millions of users with a scalable pricing model.

rest designrestfulhow to design and api
Instant Test
dynaTrace AJAX Edition
Best Practices to improve
Best Practices on Browser Caching
Best Practices on Network Requests and
Best Practices on JavaScript and AJAX
Best Practices on Server-Side Performance
Best Practices on Browser Caching
HTTP Caching Headers
− Expires Headers
− Cache-Control using max-age setting in seconds
Rank Calculations
− Page scores a 100 if there are fewer than 5
resources with missing cache settings or a setting in
the past.
− Calculate the ratio of cached and short-cached
resources to the overall number of resources on that
− Penalize objects with NO cache settings or an expires
date in the past by multiplying the ratio with 1.5

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Apache web service
Apache web serviceApache web service
Apache web service

Here I covered the cores of Apache and also discuss each and every core. Virtual host, resistance server process some protocols like HTTP, SMTP, DNS FTP, are also be highlighted. Focus on some installing part of apache.

apacheapache namename based virtual host
PHP Security
PHP SecurityPHP Security
PHP Security

The document provides an overview of various PHP security topics including input validation, cross-site scripting, SQL injection, code injection, session security, and concerns regarding shared hosting environments. It discusses best practices for securing PHP applications such as validating all user inputs, using prepared statements, secure session handling, and restricting file system access.

Php with MYSQL Database
Php with MYSQL DatabasePhp with MYSQL Database
Php with MYSQL Database

This document discusses connecting to and interacting with MySQL databases from PHP. It covers connecting to a MySQL database server, selecting databases, executing SQL statements, working with query results, and inserting, updating and deleting records. Functions covered include mysql_connect(), mysql_query(), mysql_fetch_row(), mysql_affected_rows(), and mysql_info(). The document provides examples of connecting to MySQL, selecting databases, executing queries, and accessing and manipulating data.

vijay sharma
Best Practices on Network
Requests and Round-trips
Avoid Redirects, HTTP 400s and HTTP 500s
− Images (CSS Sprites and Compacting)
− Style Sheets (Merge CSS Files)
− JavaScript (Merge and Minimize JavaScript Files)
Rank Calculations
− Page scores a 100 if there are no redirects, 400s or 500s
and no images, css and js files that could be merged.
− Allows up to 1 css, 6 images and 2 js file from the same
− Penalize rank by 1 for each extra file
Best Practices on JavaScript and
AJAX Performance
Blocking and long running script tags
− Delay Loading JavaScript Files
− Optimizing JavaScript Execution
Slow CSS Selectors with jQuery/Prototype
− Use Unique ID when possible (95% faster than using
class name)
− Specify a Tag name if you have to use the Class
− Specify a parent context
− Cache Lookup Results
− Reduce the DOM Size
Best Practices on JavaScript and
AJAX Performance
Optimize XHR calls when applicable
Manipulating the DOM
Rank Calculations
− Allow 2 JavaScript files. Penalize the Rank for
every additional file
− Sum the overall execution time of blocks that
execute longer than 20ms. Every 50ms reduces
the Page Rank by 1 point
− Penalize the page for more than 5 XHR calls
Best Practices on Server-Side
Performance Optimization
Server requests:
− First request on the page
− Requests that return HTML
− Requests that send GET or POST parameters
− All XHR/AJAX Requests
Rank Calculations
− Allow up to 6 Server-Side requests. Every additional
request is penalized by 1 rank
− For each request, penalize rank by
1 if server time from 200ms to 400ms
2 if server time between 400ms and 1000s
4 if server time longer than 1s.

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Introduction to PowerShell
Introduction to PowerShellIntroduction to PowerShell
Introduction to PowerShell

This document provides an overview of PowerShell, including what it is, how it solves security issues with existing scripting languages, basic commands, how to get help in PowerShell, variables, operators, regular expressions, arrays, hash tables, XML handling, snap-ins, the PowerShell IDE, and resources for learning more about PowerShell.

JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How A C# Developer Learned To Stop Worrying An...
JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How A C# Developer Learned To Stop Worrying An...JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How A C# Developer Learned To Stop Worrying An...
JavaScript: The Good Parts Or: How A C# Developer Learned To Stop Worrying An...

We rarely dive into current programming languages, touting the next new framework or the new features that will be out next year. This is about JavaScript the language as it exists today, what I picked up in going from C# to JS, and what C# picked up from JS along the way as well. It is based on Douglas Crockford's seminal book "JavaScript: The Good Parts".

Using dynaTrace to optimise application performance
Using dynaTrace to optimise application performanceUsing dynaTrace to optimise application performance
Using dynaTrace to optimise application performance

The document discusses Nisa Retail's use of dynaTrace to improve service and cut costs. It provides an overview of Nisa Retail and Intechnica, and how dynaTrace was implemented at Nisa Retail to deliver business value. dynaTrace provided end-to-end application monitoring across all tiers, full transaction tracing, and proactive service level engineering to help optimize performance. This improved the user experience and helped Nisa Retail do more with less staff and budget.

software testingapplication performance managementperformance management
Questions ?
Thank You !
Twitter: @yasmine_mohamed

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Dyna trace

  • 2. Agenda  What is dynaTrace ?  Why should you use dynaTrace ?  dynaTrace Capabilities  Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)  Instant Test  dynaTrace AJAX Edition  Best Practices to improve performance
  • 3. What is dynaTrace ?  Offers the most advanced deep-dive web performance diagnostics into JavaScript execution, DOM access, rendering activities and network traffic for analyzing and troubleshooting web applications.  Quickly trace and profile web apps to understand performance characteristics.  Identify hotspots and isolate performance problems.  Works with browsers: Internet Explorer (6 – 10) and Firefox (3.6 – 20) on Windows (XP, 7 , 8).
  • 4. Why should you use dynaTrace ?  Find What's Causing Web Performance Issues  Investigate Potential Web Performance Improvements  Build More Interactive Web Apps Faster  Understand Exactly What Is Happening in the Browser
  • 5. dynaTrace Capabilities  Cross-Browser Diagnostics  Code-Level Visibility Into Frameworks  Speed Up Page Load Times  Optimize Page Rendering  Compare Website To Peers  Deep Javascript And Dom Tracing  Share Data With Your Peers
  • 6. Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)  Tell you how fast or slow your web site is to the end user.  Driven by efforts from web performance specialists such as Steve Souders and companies like Google and Yahoo!  Divided into: a) KPI’s on Load Time b) KPI’s on Resources c) KPI’s on Network Connections
  • 7. KPI’s on Load Time  Time to First Impression  Time to onLoad Event  Time to Fully Loaded
  • 9. KPI’s on Resources  Total Number of Requests  Total Number of HTTP 300s/400s/500s  Total Size of Web Site  Total Size of Images/CSS/JS  Total Number of XHR Requests
  • 11. KPI’s on Network Connections  DNS Time  Connect Time  Server Time  Transfer Time  Wait Time  Number of Domains / Single Resource Domains
  • 12. KPI’s on Network Connections
  • 13. Rank Calculations  Time to First Impression: great if < 1s, acceptable if < 2.5s, slow if > 2.5s  Time to onLoad: great if < 2s, acceptable if < 4s, slow if > 4s  Time to Fully Loaded: great if < 2s, acceptable if < 5s, slow if > 5s  Number of total HTTP Requests: great sites if < 40 requests, acceptable sites if < 100 requests, bad sites if > 100 requests  Browser Caching, Network Resources, JavaScript/AJAX and Server-Side Activities.
  • 19. Best Practices to improve performance  Best Practices on Browser Caching  Best Practices on Network Requests and Round-trips  Best Practices on JavaScript and AJAX Performance  Best Practices on Server-Side Performance Optimization
  • 20. Best Practices on Browser Caching  HTTP Caching Headers − Expires Headers − Cache-Control using max-age setting in seconds  Rank Calculations − Page scores a 100 if there are fewer than 5 resources with missing cache settings or a setting in the past. − Calculate the ratio of cached and short-cached resources to the overall number of resources on that page − Penalize objects with NO cache settings or an expires date in the past by multiplying the ratio with 1.5
  • 21. Best Practices on Network Requests and Round-trips  Avoid Redirects, HTTP 400s and HTTP 500s  Optimize: − Images (CSS Sprites and Compacting) − Style Sheets (Merge CSS Files) − JavaScript (Merge and Minimize JavaScript Files)  Rank Calculations − Page scores a 100 if there are no redirects, 400s or 500s and no images, css and js files that could be merged. − Allows up to 1 css, 6 images and 2 js file from the same domain − Penalize rank by 1 for each extra file
  • 22. Best Practices on JavaScript and AJAX Performance  Blocking and long running script tags − Delay Loading JavaScript Files − Optimizing JavaScript Execution  Slow CSS Selectors with jQuery/Prototype − Use Unique ID when possible (95% faster than using class name) − Specify a Tag name if you have to use the Class Name − Specify a parent context − Cache Lookup Results − Reduce the DOM Size
  • 23. Best Practices on JavaScript and AJAX Performance  Optimize XHR calls when applicable  Manipulating the DOM  Rank Calculations − Allow 2 JavaScript files. Penalize the Rank for every additional file − Sum the overall execution time of blocks that execute longer than 20ms. Every 50ms reduces the Page Rank by 1 point − Penalize the page for more than 5 XHR calls
  • 24. Best Practices on Server-Side Performance Optimization  Server requests: − First request on the page − Requests that return HTML − Requests that send GET or POST parameters − All XHR/AJAX Requests  Rank Calculations − Allow up to 6 Server-Side requests. Every additional request is penalized by 1 rank − For each request, penalize rank by  1 if server time from 200ms to 400ms  2 if server time between 400ms and 1000s  4 if server time longer than 1s.
  • 27. Thank You ! Twitter: @yasmine_mohamed Email: