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The quickest way
to improve user
What is load time?
1.2 1.6 2.00.6 0.8
Page Load Time
What is load time?
First Contentful Paint Time to interact
Speed Index First Meaningful Paint First CPU Idle
Max Potential First Input
1.2 1.6 2.00.6 0.8
Page Load Time
First Contentful
Time to

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Demystifying Web Vitals
Demystifying Web VitalsDemystifying Web Vitals
Demystifying Web Vitals

Presented web vitals in Bangalore Site Speed Meetup (4th) -

Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...
Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...
Make It Fast - Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve t...

Make It Fast Using Modern Browser Performance APIs to Monitor and Improve the Performance of your Web Apps. Presented at CodeMash 2015. Performance matters. How fast your site loads — not just on your development machine, but from your actual customers, across the globe — has a direct impact on your visitors’ happiness and conversion rate. Today��s browsers provide several new cutting-edge performance APIs that can give you Real User Metrics (RUM) of your live site’s performance. Whether you run a small blog or a top-1K site, monitoring and understanding your performance is the key to giving your visitors a better experience. We will be discussing the NavigationTiming, ResourceTiming and UserTiming performance APIs, which are available in the majority of modern browsers. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of what problem these APIs solve and how to start using them today. We’ll also go through both D.I.Y. and commercial options that utilize these APIs to help you better monitor and improve the performance of your websites.

performance user-timing resource-timing navigation
Core Web Vitals - The Modern Web Experience
Core Web Vitals - The Modern Web ExperienceCore Web Vitals - The Modern Web Experience
Core Web Vitals - The Modern Web Experience

Core Web Vitals is a guidance from Google to delivering a great user experience on the web. There're three new metrics to define the website has a good experience or not. The metrics are Largest Contentful Paint, First Input Delay, and Cumulative Layout Shift.

websitecorewebvitalssearch engine optimization
In users that spent
more than 5 minutes
on the site
User-generated Ad
Ad Clickthroughs
Core engagements
TTI decreased from 26 to 5.6 seconds
Why is it important
to your business?
lower bounce rate
for sites that load in
under 5 seconds
of users that have
encountered slow load
times never return
increase in conversion
for every 1 second
load time reduction
lower bounce rate
for sites that load in
under 5 seconds
of users that have
encounter slow load
times, never return
increase in conversion
for every 1 second
load time reduction
Average Load Time 3 seconds 2 seconds 1 second
Visitors 100k 100k 100k
Average order value £100 £100 £100
Transactions 5,000 5,350 5,724.50
Conversion rate 5% 5.35% 5.72%
Revenue £500,000 £535,000 £572,450
How to measure load time?

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Supercharging Optimizely Performance by Moving Decisions to the EdgeSupercharging Optimizely Performance by Moving Decisions to the Edge
Supercharging Optimizely Performance by Moving Decisions to the Edge

To survive in today’s competitive market, it’s imperative that you drive high-velocity experimentation and maximize site performance. In this talk, Optimizely will be joined by performance experts, Cloudflare to share latest updates to the Optimizely platform to make client-side experimentation blazing fast. In this session you’ll learn: - How to take advantage of the latest performance enhancements to the Optimizely platform - Best practices for implementing Optimizely for maximum performance including how to take advantage of your CDN - How to have an informed conversation with your performance engineering team when it comes to Optimizely

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Google Developer Days Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale Original slides from Arne Roomann-Kurrik & Chris Chabot with a few Zen quotes and references added by me:-)

MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!
MeasureWorks - Why your customers don't like to wait!

My presentation at the Zycko breakfast session... About why your users don't like to wait and why you should care as a site owner. This presentation covers the importance of perception of speed, navigation and how to do proper performance monitoring...

web performance analyticsreal user monitoringend user experience
How to measure load time?
Lab Data Field Data
Lab Data Field Data
● Helpful for debugging performance issues
● End-to-end and deep visibility into the UX
● Reproducible testing and debugging environment
● Might not capture real-world bottlenecks
● Cannot correlate against real-world page KPIs
● Captures true real-world user experience
● Enables correlation to business key performance
● Restricted set of metrics
● Limited debugging capabilities
Lab Data Field DataOur Tool
Field Data used to
validate Lab Data
Node.jsPuppeteer Lighthouse AWS Google Analytics

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My cat gym
My cat gymMy cat gym
My cat gym

The document describes a website called "My CAT Gym" that was created to provide personalized test preparation guidance for the CAT exam using dynamic web design, machine learning, and data analytics. It analyzes users' performance on tests and classifies topics as easy, moderate, or tough for each user to help them focus their studying. Various clustering and classification algorithms were tested, and the Dynamic Average Algorithm was found to be the most efficient with fast performance even as the number of users and data increased. The website provides an improved solution over traditional exam preparation methods by offering personalized recommendations.

Questions Log: Installing Cognos BI 10.2.2
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Questions Log: Installing Cognos BI 10.2.2

Questions collected during Senturus’ webinar entitled, “Cognos 10.2.2 Performance Tuning.” View the webinar video recording and download this deck: In this webinar we review the following: 1) Cognos architecture and the individual components that can be installed in a single or multi-tiered environment, 2) The Cognos Configuration interface and what settings to modify, 3) Internet Information Services (IIS), including virtual directories, handler mappings, application pools and setting up your webpage and Cognos default security and 4) How to set up a third-party authentication provider. Senturus, a business analytics consulting firm, has a resource library with hundreds of free recorded webinars, trainings, demos and unbiased product reviews. Take a look and share them with your colleagues and friends:

cognoscognos 10.2.2 performance tuningibm cognos bi
A Beginner's Guide to Application Load Testing
A Beginner's Guide to Application Load TestingA Beginner's Guide to Application Load Testing
A Beginner's Guide to Application Load Testing

Now you have finished your site and someone asked you the question: How many users can we serve before we need more power and muscle on our server environment? Good question! And if you don't know how to find that out, how to measure it, and find the bottle necks, come to this session. You’ll find out how to get started and learn more about tools for Coldfusion application load testing and how to use them. See Video Recording of Talk at NCDevCon here:

jmeterload testingapache jakarta
Competitor A 2.6s
My Site 3.2s
Competitor B 3.6s
Competitor Analysis
Competitor A 2.6s
My Site 2.8s
Competitor B 3.6s
Competitor Analysis
64% Match
But how do we actually improve
the speed performance?

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20 tips for website performance
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20 tips for website performance

Lets look at an example of what a performant website can look like. This discuss what concepts should we be considering when looking at website performance. Next we will go over two areas pertaining to website performance: 1) website performance tweaks that you as a web developer can directly make 2) website performance tweaks that you may have to work with your hosting provider or IT department to achieve

website performanceweb performance testingweb performance monitoring
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Core Web Vitals to improve your website performance for better SEO results with CWV. CWV Topics include: - Understanding the latest Core Web Vitals including the significance of LCP, INP and CLS + their impact on SEO - Optimisation techniques from our experts on how to improve your CWV on platforms like WordPress and WP Engine - The impact of user experience and SEO

Testing for performance
Testing for performanceTesting for performance
Testing for performance

Dan Shappir is the Performance Tech Lead at Wix. He gave a presentation on testing for performance. Performance is important because users will not wait for slow sites. Wix has over 130 million users and 1 billion monthly visits. The presentation covered why performance is challenging, what metrics to measure like page loading steps, tools for measuring like Lighthouse and WebPageTest, and integrating performance testing into the development and testing cycle like using performance budgets.

Critical Rendering Path
Difficulty: Medium
Critical Rendering Path
1.3 seconds 0.25 seconds
Difficulty: Medium
Defer Images Lazy Loading
Difficulty: Easy
Defer Images Lazy Loading
Difficulty: Easy

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Presemtation Tier Optimizations
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Presemtation Tier Optimizations

Performance is the most important attribute for success of any commercial and Enterprise Software. In a client server environment, developers focus a lot on optimizing the Data and Logical Tiers. Optimization of Presentation Tier which is responsible for more than 30 % of performance is usually ignored. The document is developed with the intension to teach the technical staff on Optimizing the Presentation Tier which significantly improves the performance of the Client Server applications.

Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?) Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance and user experience. It outlines different types of metrics including: - Network metrics like DNS resolution, TCP connection times, and time to first byte. - Browser metrics like start render time, DOM loading/ready times, and page load times. - Resource-level metrics obtained from the Resource Timing API like individual asset load times and response sizes. - User-centric metrics like Speed Index, time to visible content, and metrics for single-page applications without traditional page loads. It emphasizes the importance of measuring real user monitoring data alongside synthetic tests, and looking at higher percentiles rather than just averages due to variability in user environments and network conditions

onlineperformance testingperformance
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
Velocity NYC: Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website performance. It begins by noting that there are many metrics to consider and no single metric tells the whole story. It then discusses several key metrics for measuring different aspects of performance, including: - Front-end metrics like start render, DOM loading/ready, and page load that can isolate front-end from back-end performance. - Network metrics like DNS and TCP timings that provide insight into connectivity issues. - Resource timing metrics that measure individual assets to understand impacts of third parties and CDNs. - User timing metrics like measuring above-the-fold content that capture user experience. It emphasizes the importance of considering real user monitoring data alongside

user experienceperformancewebperf
56kb 34kb
39% reduction
Difficulty: Medium
Difficulty: Easy
Image Formats
Next Gen
Image Formats
Check on:
1.2mb2000px by 1397px @ 90% 554kb4000px by 2794 px @ 30%
Content Delivery Network
Difficulty: Easy
Couple more things

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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)
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Metrics, metrics everywhere (but where the heck do you start?)

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to metrics. In this session, Cliff Crocker and I walk through various metrics that answer performance questions from multiple perspectives — from designer and DevOps to CRO and CEO. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of your options, as well as a clear understanding of how to choose the right metric for the right audience.

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improving the performance of Rails web Applications

This presentation is the first in a series on Improving Rails application performance. This session covers the basic motivations and goals for improving performance, the best way to approach a performance assessment, and a review of the tools and techniques that will yield the best results. Tools covered include: Firebug, yslow, page speed, speed tracer, dom monster, request log analyzer, oink, rack bug, new relic rpm, rails metrics,, msfast, and The upcoming sessions will focus on: Improving sql queries, and active record use Improving general rails/ruby code Improving the front-end And a final presentation will cover how to be a more efficient and effective developer! This series will be compressed into a best of session for the 2010 conference

cachingvrtaactive record
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

Thank you!
This slide is
intentionally blank

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This is a slide deck that showcases the updates in Microsoft Copilot for May 2024

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Impact on your brand
Returning users
Search Engine Rankings
Impact on Mobile Users
Mobile Networks
Mobile Usage Patterns
Mobile Hardware
Designers’ Impact on Performance
The Basics of Page Speed
How Browsers Render Content
Page Weight
Perceived Performance
Critical Rendering Path
Other Impacts on Page Speed
Optimising Images
Choosing an Image Format
Additional Compression
Replacing Image Requests
Image Planning and Iterating
Schedule Routine Checks
Create Style Guides
Optimising Markup and Styles
Cleaning Your HTML
Frameworks and grids
Cleaning Your CSS
Unused Styles
Combine and Condense Styles
Clean Stylesheet Images
Remove Specificity
Optimise Web Fonts
Creating Repurposable Markup
Style Guides
Additional Markup Considerations
CSS and Javascript loading
Minification and gzip
Caching Assets
Responsive Web Design
Deliverately Loading Content
Project Documentation
Mobile First
Measure Everything
Measuring and Iterating on Performance
Browser Tools
Chrome DevTools
Sythetic Testing

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