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Managing add-ons across clusters
CNCF Webinar – April 2021
About Us
Damien Toledo
Co-founder and VP of Engineering
Nirmata, @damien_toledo
Ritesh Patel
Co-founder and VP of Products
Nirmata, @riteshdp
About Nirmata
🗹 Creators of Kyverno (now a CNCF project)
🗹 Delivering Day 2 management for Kubernetes
clusters and workloads
🗹 Active member of the CNCF and Kubernetes
🗹 Global production deployments at multiple
Fortune 1000 enterprises
• Inside a Kubernetes Cluster
• What are Add-ons
• GitOps
• Automating Add-on Management
• Demo

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Distributed Storage in the Cloud

Presented by: Peter Zaitsev Presented at the All Things Open 2021 Raleigh, NC, USA Raleigh Convention Center Abstract: Cloud brought many innovations - one of them is inexpensive, scalable and sometimes secure Distributed Storage options. In this presentation we will talk about distributed storage Options modern clouds offers ranging from elastic block devices and object storage to sophisticated transactional data stores. We will discuss the benefits and new architecture options such distibuted storage systems enable as well as the challenges pitfals you need to be aware about.

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Going Serverless with Kubeless In Google Container Engine (GKE)
Going Serverless with Kubeless In Google Container Engine (GKE)Going Serverless with Kubeless In Google Container Engine (GKE)
Going Serverless with Kubeless In Google Container Engine (GKE)

If you'd like to watch along with the recording of the webinar, visit: Serverless computing has given back loads of time and money to developers whose focus is to create new, popular and disruptive applications. Without serverless computing, developers would still be spending most of their time on infrastructure rather than building new features to improve their users' experience. With the move to containers and increased market share for Kubernetes, Bitnami has wanted to stay one step ahead by providing a serverless tool that is also Kubernetes-native, ... Kubeless! Kubeless tackles the challenge of integrating cloud services through small logical units. When creating your new project or application on Kubernetes, Kubeless will allow you to focus on creating a great application with a lightweight and flexible infrastructure. In this video, you will watch and learn: -The benefits of serverless computing on Kubernetes - How to link several cloud services together with small, lightweight pieces of code - How to install Kubeless into your GKE cluster - How to deploy Python and Node.js functions with a straightforward CLI call - An introduction to the Kubeless UI and how to write, update, delete, and deploy functions through it

Fundamentos do containerd docker con live 2021 jorge arteiro
Fundamentos do containerd docker con live 2021 jorge arteiroFundamentos do containerd docker con live 2021 jorge arteiro
Fundamentos do containerd docker con live 2021 jorge arteiro

Venha conhecer sobre umas das mais importantes technologias usadas na área de containers. Docker e Kubernetes utilizam containerd como uma biblioteca de alto nível para gerenciar containers, imagens, snapshoters e toda integração com os containers runtimes e tools.

What’s Inside Your Kubernetes Cluster?
Kubernetes Cluster
Core Services
Custom or third-party
CNI, CSI, DNS, Ingress etc.
Monitoring, Logging, Security etc.
e.g. Vault agent, Datadog agent,
Prisma cloud, etc.
What are Add-ons?
• Set of standardize services that need to be available in every cluster
e.g. Security, Monitoring, Logging, Backup, Secrets Management etc.
• Different teams may own these services
• Used by developers or central teams
• Operations and compliance requirements
• Require on-going managent to ensure availability (monitoring,
upgrades, updates etc.)
Cluster Operations using Git
Ops managed and performed in a
declarative manner with Git as the
“source-of-truth” system.
• Single source of truth
• Developer self-service
• Observability
• Disaster Recovery
git push
Limitations of GitOps
• Not designed for automatic updates
• Proliferation of Git repositories/branches
• Doesn’t solve centralized
secret management
• Lack of visibility
• No validation

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Canary Releases on Kubernetes w/ Spinnaker, Istio, and Prometheus

In a microservices world, applications consist of dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of components. Manually deploying and verifying deployment quality in production is virtually impossible. Kubernetes, which natively supports rolling updates, enables blue-green application deployments with Spinnaker. However, gradual rollouts is a feature that doesn't come out-of-the-box but can be achieved by adding Istio and Prometheus to the equation. During this meetup, Slava Koltovich, CEO of Kublr, and Oleg Atamanenko, Senior Software Architect, discussed canary release implementations on Kubernetes with Spinnaker, Istio, and Prometheus. They examined the role of each tool in the process and how they are all connected. During a demo, they demonstrated a successful and a failed canary release, and how these tools enable IT teams to properly roll out changes to their customer base without any downtime.

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Building Cloud Native Applications Using Azure Kubernetes Service
Building Cloud Native Applications Using Azure Kubernetes ServiceBuilding Cloud Native Applications Using Azure Kubernetes Service
Building Cloud Native Applications Using Azure Kubernetes Service

This document provides an overview of building cloud-native applications using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). It discusses key concepts like containers, Docker, container registries, Kubernetes, and AKS. It also covers modern application architecture principles and 12-factor applications. Additionally, it defines common Kubernetes objects like pods, services, deployments and explains how to secure applications and monitor clusters deployed to AKS. The document recommends getting started with AKS by deploying sample applications from Azure DevOps to an AKS cluster created in the Azure portal or with the Azure CLI.

Ricardo Fiel - Microsoft - OSL19
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Ricardo Fiel - Microsoft - OSL19

Title: Making Kubernetes Easier Kubernetes. Wonderful technology but the learning curve to production may be long. In this session we'll look at how we partnered with the community to make it easier, from setting up collaborative development environments and ensuring DevOps, to scaling production in unpredictable scenarios, while keeping it under good monitoring from the moment you spin it up. Demos and code heavy.

GitOps Controller
• Responsible to applying Git changes to the cluster
• Can address multi-cluster deployments by applying Kustomizations
per target
• Provides visibility and state
• Enables advanced progressive delivery workflows
o Approvals
o Rollbacks
o Etc…
Automating Add-On Management
• Reducing the number of Git repositories/branches
o Using `kustomize`
o Selecting target-based kustomization
• Centralized secret management for ids, tokens, certificates, licenses
o Using Vault as central secrets store
o Using Vault agent injector to dynamically inject secrets
o Using target-based Kustomization to configure specific labels/annotations
• Easy to reproduce final YAMLs for any target using Kustomize
Kustomization files

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Crane is a tool for migrating applications between Kubernetes clusters. It can migrate state like persistent volumes and secrets, reconstruct Kubernetes manifests, and automate deployment by generating pipelines. Crane addresses a need for migrating both automated and manually deployed applications, and can help customers improve their situations by adopting continuous delivery during a migration. intro and pitch deck intro and pitch intro and pitch deck intro and pitch deck

56K.Cloud is a future technologies company that focuses on developer enablement across public and private cloud, IoT, and machine learning. They provide training, workshops, and consulting services for application development on public cloud platforms, IoT deployments, and more. Their team includes experts in DevOps engineering, cloud architecture, containers, infrastructure automation, and embedded systems. For customers, 56K.Cloud follows an engagement process that includes discovery, definition, and implementation modules to define the scope of work and implement solutions in an agile manner.

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Brandon Chavis, Solutions Architect at AWS, shares why CoreOS Tectonic works so well with AWS. 12/12/16

kubernetestectonic summit 2016aws
• GitOps has become a preferred approach for continuous delivery of
Kubernetes workloads and add-ons
• GitOps has limitations especially when using it to deploy across
multiple clusters (e.g. deploying add-ons)
• Kustomize along with a central secret management solution can be
used to fully automate add-on management
• GitOps controllers like Nirmata, Fleet, etc. streamline add-on
management enabling Clusters-as-a-Service for enterprises
Thank you!

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Managing add-ons across clusters

  • 1. nirmata Managing add-ons across clusters CNCF Webinar – April 2021
  • 2. nirmata 2 About Us Damien Toledo Co-founder and VP of Engineering Nirmata, @damien_toledo Ritesh Patel Co-founder and VP of Products Nirmata, @riteshdp
  • 3. About Nirmata 🗹 Creators of Kyverno (now a CNCF project) 🗹 Delivering Day 2 management for Kubernetes clusters and workloads 🗹 Active member of the CNCF and Kubernetes community 🗹 Global production deployments at multiple Fortune 1000 enterprises 3
  • 4. 4 Agenda • Inside a Kubernetes Cluster • What are Add-ons • GitOps • Automating Add-on Management • Demo
  • 5. 5 What’s Inside Your Kubernetes Cluster? Kubernetes Cluster Core Services Add-ons Applications Custom or third-party applications CNI, CSI, DNS, Ingress etc. Monitoring, Logging, Security etc. e.g. Vault agent, Datadog agent, Prisma cloud, etc.
  • 6. 6 What are Add-ons? • Set of standardize services that need to be available in every cluster e.g. Security, Monitoring, Logging, Backup, Secrets Management etc. • Different teams may own these services • Used by developers or central teams • Operations and compliance requirements • Require on-going managent to ensure availability (monitoring, upgrades, updates etc.)
  • 7. 7 GitOps Cluster Operations using Git Ops managed and performed in a declarative manner with Git as the “source-of-truth” system. Benefits: • Single source of truth • Developer self-service • Observability • Disaster Recovery GitOps Controller git push
  • 8. 8 Limitations of GitOps • Not designed for automatic updates • Proliferation of Git repositories/branches • Doesn’t solve centralized secret management • Lack of visibility • No validation
  • 9. 9 GitOps Controller • Responsible to applying Git changes to the cluster • Can address multi-cluster deployments by applying Kustomizations per target • Provides visibility and state • Enables advanced progressive delivery workflows o Approvals o Rollbacks o Etc…
  • 10. 10 Automating Add-On Management • Reducing the number of Git repositories/branches o Using `kustomize` o Selecting target-based kustomization • Centralized secret management for ids, tokens, certificates, licenses etc. o Using Vault as central secrets store o Using Vault agent injector to dynamically inject secrets o Using target-based Kustomization to configure specific labels/annotations • Easy to reproduce final YAMLs for any target using Kustomize
  • 12. Demo
  • 13. 13 Summary • GitOps has become a preferred approach for continuous delivery of Kubernetes workloads and add-ons • GitOps has limitations especially when using it to deploy across multiple clusters (e.g. deploying add-ons) • Kustomize along with a central secret management solution can be used to fully automate add-on management • GitOps controllers like Nirmata, Fleet, etc. streamline add-on management enabling Clusters-as-a-Service for enterprises