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Securing Access to Your Kubernetes Applications
Using Dex for Authentication
Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Authorization
Deepika Dixit
Software Engineer
Onkar Bhat
Engineering Manager
Securing Access to Your K8 Application
● You are the administrator of an IT department who wants to deploy an application in a Kubernetes cluster.
● You want to avoid adopting a new authentication workflow.
● Users in your organization are accustomed to using their existing Active Directory credentials for accessing apps.
● Can you authenticate users against it when they access applications in Kubernetes?
Dex can help you!
● You’ve solved the authentication piece of the puzzle.
● Do you have different types of users?
○ Cluster administrators
○ App administrators
○ Read only users
● How do you grant varying levels of access to these users
Kubernetes has your RBAC!
What is Dex ?
● Dex is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps.
● Dex acts as a portal to other identity providers through “connectors.”

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Versioning strategy for a complex internal API (Konstantin Yakushev)
Versioning strategy for a complex internal API (Konstantin Yakushev)Versioning strategy for a complex internal API (Konstantin Yakushev)
Versioning strategy for a complex internal API (Konstantin Yakushev)

This is a session given by Konstantin Yakushev at Nordic APIs 2016 Platform Summit on October 25th, in Stockholm Sweden. Description: API versioning is a very heated topic in API design world. Common approaches are passing version number explicitly (with a lot of fairly useless discussion on where exactly to put that number) or only introducing backwards-compatible changes. When creating internal API for Badoo applications we found those approaches to be too limiting. Passing version number requires implementers to accommodate for all breaking changes when bumping version – even when it’s not required for business goals of that application at the time. Instead of driving value for business, application developers are in constant race to keep up with the API. Never introducing incompatible changes is also not an option. After several feature redesigns (something that may happen at Badoo once every few weeks) protocol becomes bloated and half of the fields transmitted over the wire start being useless. This talk is about our approach to versioning as part of client-server component negotiation. Client announces features and capabilities it supports and server replies with features status: whether they are enabled or disabled and whether they can be enabled by some user action (e. g. by buying some paid product). Beside those componentized features, client also sends support flags such as SUPPORT_IMAGE_SIZE_VIA_URL which affects how API works. We use those flags where in typical API a version number bump would be required. This approach allows both server and client to understand their current state and adjust their code accordingly – essentially, a tailor-made API for every client. Gathering data on feature and flag support among clients allows us to remove old code branches while continuing to evolve the API. As a result, we are not afraid to change something when that change is required. Old clients continue to work while protocol rot is kept at low level. In this talk I will give details on how exactly this versioning scheme work, how we test those changes, how and when we deprecate our old clients and note some stats and insights from using this scheme at Badoo for several years.

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Continuous Integration and Delivery at Shapeways (Matt Boyle)
Continuous Integration and Delivery at Shapeways (Matt Boyle)Continuous Integration and Delivery at Shapeways (Matt Boyle)
Continuous Integration and Delivery at Shapeways (Matt Boyle)

This is a session given by Matt Boyle at Nordic APIs 2016 Platform Summit on October 25th, in Stockholm Sweden. Description: We’ve spent a lot of time over the years at Shapeways building, honing, and improving our deployment and test process for our web properties and API. We started with straight-to-prod commits (which caused quite a bit of downtime!), graduated to working in two- and then one-week release cycles (which caused a lot of anxiety!), to where we are today: releasing 5-15 times a day, with automated testing, using continuous improvement and delivery best practices and tools. We’ve taken the complexity and anxiety out of our deployment process by implementing ChatOps, or using a bot to handle the sorts of tasks computers are great at, namely performing complex tasks repeatedly without error. This enables humans to focus on tasks that we’re uniquely suited for, namely solving complex problems and architecting reliable, resilient, and scalable solutions for our users. We’d love to share some of what we’ve learned along the way, from building automated testing tools, to selecting and implementing open-source solutions, to how we took our global deployment process from one hour to 4 minutes. We’d also like to share our vision of the future: what inspires us, what we hope to achieve in the coming weeks, months, and years, and how we’re going about doing it.

2016 platform summitapiscontinuous integration
What is a connector?
Implements the logic for authenticating against an upstream IDP
● Openshift OAuth
● GitHub
● Google
Install Dex Using Helm
● helm repo add dex
● helm install dex dex/dex -f dex-values.yaml
NAME: dex
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar 17 21:06:49 2021
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
1. Get the application URL by running these commands:
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o
export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace default $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
echo "Visit to use your application"
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT
Dex Configuration

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JavaLand, March 2021, online: Talk by Mario-Leander Reimer (@LeanderReimer, Principal Software Architect at QAware) Abstract: Good APIs are the center piece of any successful digital product and cloud native application architecture. But for complex systems with many API consumers the proper management of these APIs is of utmost importance. The API gateway pattern is well established to handle and enforce concerns like routing, versioning, rate limiting, access control, diagnosability or service catalogs in a microservice architecture. So this session will have a closer look at the cloud native API gateway ecosystem: Ambassador, Gloo, KrakenD, Envoy, But which one of these is the right one to use in your next project? Let's find out. We will start off by briefly explaining the API gateway pattern and some basic criteria. We then continue by showcasing the most promising ones.

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Client Registration
LDAP Connector
Port Forwarding
kubectl --namespace dex port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT
Forwarding from -> 5556
Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 5556
Install and Run the Example Application
● git clone
● cd dex/examples/example-app
● go build
● ./example-app --issuer
2021/03/16 20:52:02 listening on

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This document provides information about an upcoming MuleSoft Meetup event on Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) with MuleSoft. The meetup will include a deep dive on CI/CD workflows using tools like Jenkins, Anypoint CLI, and Groovy scripts to automate API deployment and configuration. The agenda covers manual deployment processes, enabling CI/CD with Anypoint Platform, Jenkins pipeline orchestration, deploying APIs with Anypoint CLI via a connected app, and automatically discovering and configuring APIs and policies within the CD flow. The meetup hosts will also demonstrate setting up API policies and auto discovery within a CI/CD pipeline from Jenkins using Groovy scripts.

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1. The document discusses the need for an integration specification to manage APIs that use multiple protocols and styles at large companies. 2. An integration specification would provide a single source of truth for technical metadata about APIs, including how they are structured, the data they manage, and how they relate to each other and enterprise data. 3. This would enable automated API discovery, integration, and management processes by describing APIs and their access to data products at an enterprise level.

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API Creation to Iteration without the Frustration
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This is a session given by Steve Rice at Nordic APIs 2016 Platform Summit on October 26th, in Stockholm Sweden. Description: Once you have an API out in the wild (be it one that’s well designed, or one that grew organically), how do you evolve that API in the future? How do you take something everyone is using in a variety of ways, and distill those needs down into improvements? This talk will walk through a recent major API version update we went through at PagerDuty from beginning to end. This will include details on what kinds of usage data we gathered, how we engaged with users of the API to understand what worked well and what didn’t, and how to break out of some of the existing antipatterns we had. Audience members of this talk will be able to walk away with strategies they can apply to their own APIs (internal or external), testing patterns to consider, and ways to communicate engineering efforts in terms of business and customer value.

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"iss": "",
"sub": "CgVvbmthchIEbGRhcA",
"aud": "example-app",
"exp": 1616037593,
"iat": 1615951193,
"at_hash": "S9b817ZpFhdA6Ezw-nEEdA",
"email": "onkar",
"email_verified": true,
"groups": [
"name": "onkar",
"preferred_username": "onkar"
What is Kubernetes RBAC?
1. Kubernetes defines RBAC as “Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method of regulating access
to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users within your organization.”
2. RBAC is a flexible and powerful method, where you define rules once and use them multiple times.
3. Allows access control over resources not just within a cluster but within the application as well.
4. Defines clearly “who” has access to “what”.
5. Allows for dynamically calculating access as applications change and grow.
Why do you need RBAC?
✓ Multi-tenancy is an important concern, especially as clusters and applications mature after the initial
hurdles of infrastructure and setup.
✓ How to restrict users access to just their applications and components within their applications is a
crucial administrative decision.
✓ Users can have their own setup and be unaware of other users in the same cluster/system.
✓ Allows separation and security between users and applications.

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Roles and ClusterRoles
kind: Role
namespace: default
name: example-role
Rules: # multiple rules can be added
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["pods"]
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["secrets"]
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
kind: ClusterRole
# "namespace" omitted since ClusterRoles
are not namespaced
name: example-clusterole
- apiGroups: [""]
resources: ["secrets"]
verbs: ["create", "get"
, "watch", "list"]
Rules and Resources
kind: Role
namespace: default
name: example-role
- apiGroups: [""
resources: ["pods"]
resourceNames: ["mypod"]
verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]
kind: Role
namespace: default
name: example-role-all
- apiGroups: ["*"]
resources: ["*"]
verbs: ["*"]
- kind: User
- kind: Group
Service Account
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: default
kind: RoleBinding
name: read-pods
namespace: default
subjects: # You can specify more than one "subject"
- kind: User
name: jane # "name" is case sensitive
roleRef: # "roleRef" specifies the binding to a Role / ClusterRole
kind: Role #this must be Role or ClusterRole
name: pod-reader # this must match the name of the Role or ClusterRole you wish to bind to

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This document summarizes an upcoming webinar on evolving API development and testing. The webinar will discuss: - Getting started with the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) and functional API testing using open source tools - The challenges of OAS development at scale including having specs in multiple places, collaboration needs, and integrating development into delivery pipelines - When open source tools are no longer sufficient and it's time to move to pro tools, such as when dynamic test data is needed, testing multiple environments, and including tests in CI/CD pipelines

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kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: read-secrets-global
- kind: Group
name: manager # Name is case sensitive
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: test-sa
namespace: default
kind: ClusterRole
name: secret-reader
How, What, When?
Role v/s ClusterRole?
● Use Roles when rules are limited to a certain namespace
● Use ClusterRoles when rules are to be be defined across multiple namespaces and span
Resources/APIGroups not limited to a certain namespaces or if runtime namespace is not known in
RoleBinding v/s ClusterRoleBinding?
● Use RoleBindings to limit subjects to a particular namespace
● Use ClusterRoleBindings to give cluster-wide access to subjects
Users v/s Groups?
● Use Users when specific user is known
● Use Groups to give all users belonging to the same group the same access level
How can I check what access a user has?
Kubectl auth can-i
✓ Kubectl tool to check user access
✓ Checks roles and bindings across the cluster to verify access
✓ Allows impersonation as user or group to verify access control across the list of subjects

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This document discusses API design collaboration and proposes a solution to common problems that occur when teams design APIs in silos. The proposed solution standardizes API design templates, implements a design gap detector and centralized user management. It also automates the generation of API stubs, test cases and pipelines to enable early validation of API contracts across environments. This facilitates more automated collaboration, reduces delays and production fixes, and makes troubleshooting easier through blameless culture adoption and transparency across the end-to-end process.

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Kasten securing access to your kubernetes applications

  • 1. Securing Access to Your Kubernetes Applications Using Dex for Authentication & Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for Authorization
  • 3. Securing Access to Your K8 Application ● You are the administrator of an IT department who wants to deploy an application in a Kubernetes cluster. ● You want to avoid adopting a new authentication workflow. ● Users in your organization are accustomed to using their existing Active Directory credentials for accessing apps. ● Can you authenticate users against it when they access applications in Kubernetes? Dex can help you! ● You’ve solved the authentication piece of the puzzle. ● Do you have different types of users? ○ Cluster administrators ○ App administrators ○ Read only users ● How do you grant varying levels of access to these users Kubernetes has your RBAC!
  • 4. What is Dex ? ● Dex is an identity service that uses OpenID Connect to drive authentication for other apps. ● Dex acts as a portal to other identity providers through “connectors.”
  • 5. What is a connector? Implements the logic for authenticating against an upstream IDP ● LDAP ● Openshift OAuth ● GitHub ● Google
  • 6. Install Dex Using Helm ● helm repo add dex ● helm install dex dex/dex -f dex-values.yaml NAME: dex LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Mar 17 21:06:49 2021 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: 1. Get the application URL by running these commands: export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}") export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace default $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}") echo "Visit to use your application" kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT
  • 8. Dex
  • 11. Port Forwarding kubectl --namespace dex port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:$CONTAINER_PORT Forwarding from -> 5556 Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 5556
  • 12. Install and Run the Example Application ● git clone ● cd dex/examples/example-app ● go build ● ./example-app --issuer 2021/03/16 20:52:02 listening on
  • 13. demo
  • 14. Demo Claims: { "iss": "", "sub": "CgVvbmthchIEbGRhcA", "aud": "example-app", "exp": 1616037593, "iat": 1615951193, "at_hash": "S9b817ZpFhdA6Ezw-nEEdA", "email": "onkar", "email_verified": true, "groups": [ "K10admins" ], "name": "onkar", "preferred_username": "onkar" }
  • 15. What is Kubernetes RBAC? 1. Kubernetes defines RBAC as “Role-based access control (RBAC) is a method of regulating access to computer or network resources based on the roles of individual users within your organization.” 2. RBAC is a flexible and powerful method, where you define rules once and use them multiple times. 3. Allows access control over resources not just within a cluster but within the application as well. 4. Defines clearly “who” has access to “what”. 5. Allows for dynamically calculating access as applications change and grow.
  • 16. Why do you need RBAC? ✓ Multi-tenancy is an important concern, especially as clusters and applications mature after the initial hurdles of infrastructure and setup. ✓ How to restrict users access to just their applications and components within their applications is a crucial administrative decision. ✓ Users can have their own setup and be unaware of other users in the same cluster/system. ✓ Allows separation and security between users and applications.
  • 17. Roles and ClusterRoles apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: namespace: default name: example-role Rules: # multiple rules can be added - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["pods"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: # "namespace" omitted since ClusterRoles are not namespaced name: example-clusterole rules: - apiGroups: [""] resources: ["secrets"] verbs: ["create", "get" , "watch", "list"]
  • 18. Rules and Resources apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: namespace: default name: example-role rules: - apiGroups: ["" ] resources: ["pods"] resourceNames: ["mypod"] verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"] apiVersion: kind: Role metadata: namespace: default name: example-role-all rules: - apiGroups: ["*"] resources: ["*"] verbs: ["*"]
  • 19. Subjects Users subjects: - kind: User name: "" Groups subjects: - kind: Group name: "frontend-admins" Service Account subjects: - kind: ServiceAccount name: default namespace: kube-system
  • 20. RoleBindings apiVersion: kind: RoleBinding metadata: name: read-pods namespace: default subjects: # You can specify more than one "subject" - kind: User name: jane # "name" is case sensitive apiGroup: roleRef: # "roleRef" specifies the binding to a Role / ClusterRole kind: Role #this must be Role or ClusterRole name: pod-reader # this must match the name of the Role or ClusterRole you wish to bind to apiGroup:
  • 21. ClusterRoleBindings apiVersion: kind: ClusterRoleBinding metadata: name: read-secrets-global subjects: - kind: Group name: manager # Name is case sensitive apiGroup: - kind: ServiceAccount name: test-sa namespace: default apiGroup: roleRef: kind: ClusterRole name: secret-reader apiGroup:
  • 22. How, What, When? Role v/s ClusterRole? ● Use Roles when rules are limited to a certain namespace ● Use ClusterRoles when rules are to be be defined across multiple namespaces and span Resources/APIGroups not limited to a certain namespaces or if runtime namespace is not known in advance RoleBinding v/s ClusterRoleBinding? ● Use RoleBindings to limit subjects to a particular namespace ● Use ClusterRoleBindings to give cluster-wide access to subjects Users v/s Groups? ● Use Users when specific user is known ● Use Groups to give all users belonging to the same group the same access level
  • 23. How can I check what access a user has? Kubectl auth can-i ✓ Kubectl tool to check user access ✓ Checks roles and bindings across the cluster to verify access ✓ Allows impersonation as user or group to verify access control across the list of subjects
  • 24. demo