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The build tool for the web
for the web-experience

Technical Background

●   Why a build tool is needed for CI ?
●   Why Grunt.js ?
●   Demo
●   Why Yeoman perfects Grunt.js
Supports Development
Continuous integration
aims to improve the quality of software,
and to reduce the time taken to deliver it,
by replacing the traditional practice of
applying quality control   after completing all
The process of
Continous Integration



The process of
 Continous Integration




The process of
 Continous Integration





● node npm package


● node npm package
● 3700++ Watches on Github


● node npm package
● 3700++ Watches on Github
● TestSwarm, modernizr, jQuery,


● node npm package
● 3700++ Watches on Github
● TestSwarm, modernizr, jQuery,

Basic Grunt.js tasks
● init
  Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template
Create Standards with
Bootstrapping/ Templates
Basic Grunt.js tasks
● concat
  Concatenate files
● init
  Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template
● lint
  Validate files with JSHint
● min
  Minify files with UglifyJS.
Basic Grunt.js tasks
● init
  Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template
● lint
  Validate files with JSHint
● min
  Minify files with UglifyJS.
● server
  Start a static node web server
● test
  Run unit tests with nodeunit. (Jasmine support)
● qunit
  Run QUnit unit tests in a headless PhantomJS instance.
● watch
  Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change.
● concat
  Concatenate files
<target name="js-compile-all" description="What does it do?" unless="skip-js-compile">
   <echo>Executing my JS files in ${input.scripts.dir} ...</echo>
   <apply executable="java" dest="${output.scripts.dir}">
     <arg value="-jar"/>
     <arg path="${jar.lib.dir}/closure-compiler.jar"/>
     <arg lmaxine="--js"/>
     <arg line="--js_output_file"/>
     <fileset dir="${output.scripts.dir}" includes="**/*-main.debug.js"/>
     <mapper type="glob" from="*-main.debug.js" to="*-main.min.js"/>
   <echo>Finished manipulating mx JS files</echo>
Rake - Ruby
def uglify(script_file)
 output = `uglifyjs #{script_file}`

 #Did it work?
 if !$?.success?
   puts "Uglify Failed"

  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['dist/built.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'

Easiest Syntax: JavaScript
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['dist/built.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'

JavaScript for everyone
"...even our I’d-rather-not-
backend developers,
speak some JavaScript."
Balance of extendability

     Declarative    Scripting
    Configuration   Approach
Build tool for the Web
Concepts of
 managing tasks
Grunt.js file:

●   grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sample');
●   grunt.loadTasks(tasksPath)
●   grunt.loadTasks('tasks');
●   grunt.registerTask('default', 'lint qunit concat
Enriching Tasks
   taskName, description, taskFunction
Enriching Tasks
grunt.registerHelper("helloWorld", function(){
   return "Hi you!!!";


var done = this.async; // tell grunt to do task async
  var isSuccessful = Math.random() > 0.5;

var done = this.async; // tell grunt to do task async
  var isSuccessful = Math.random() > 0.5;

Utils & Variables & more

●   Warn, Error, Fatal
●   grunt.utils._, grunt.utils.hooker
●   grunt.task.current.file
●   ...
Demo #1
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
Yeoman is a robust and opinionated
set of tools, libraries
and a workflow
that can help developers to build
beautiful, compelling web apps.

@By Paul Irish, Addy Osmani,
Sindre Sorhus, Mickael Daniel,
Eric Bidelman ...
Yeoman builds on top
of Grunt.js

●   package management like apt-get
DRY (Don't repeat yourself)
● Scaffolding & Prototyping
  Coding by convention
  to best practices
  CommonJS Module

Sharing best practices

"I love the backbone

Tony Juli 1, 2012 at 1:25 am
Demo #2
My seamless workflow
Any Questions ?
● Against Grunt.js as a build system

● Reply : Why Grunt.js
Google IO, Better web app development
through tooling

Blog about last commit comments

Grunt-modernizr, builder which runs in TravisCI

Continous Integration in general

Example of grunt usage
Additional Slides
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
● Create a baseline for developers
● Improve existing solutions
● Share knownledge

       Email me:
You are different !
You are different !
Tools to unify development
"I wrote a README the other day for a project ... and as I was writing it,
I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the
hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of
Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and
production builds."...
Many members of the community – myself included – lacked
traditional programming experience. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript –
usually in the form of jQuery – were self-taught skills.’s a new set of baseline skills required in order to be
successful as a front-end developer, and developers who don’t meet
this baseline are going to start feeling more and more left behind as
those who are sharing their knowledge start to assume that certain
things go without saying.
by Rebecca Murphy (+Paul Irish, Mike Taylor, Angus Croll, and Vlad Filippov)

Community rules
Grunt uses async for asynchronous function queue processing, dateformat for formatting dates and temporary for creating temporary files.
But on the other hand, I wanted synchronous globbing, and the excellent glob was async-only at the time… so I wrote my own. I even called it
glob-whatev so that people wouldn’t take it too seriously. Of course, I’d love to switch to glob now that it supports synchronous globbing, but
there’s at least one issue that’s blocking me from using it.
Build tools
ant, maven (Java)
nant (.NET)
make ( C++)
rake / Caphistrano
More responsibility
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
Fun @ work
Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration
ant, maven (Java); nant (.NET) make ( C++) rake / Caphistrano node: buildr.npm Smoosh Gear.js Rivet
ant, maven (Java); nant (.NET) make ( C++) rake / Caphistrano node: buildr.npm Smoosh Gear.js Rivet
Seamless Integration

 ●   Anonymous metrics report to
     Google Analytics
XXX aims to improve the
quality of software, and to
reduce the time taken to deliver it, by
replacing the traditional practice
of applying quality control after completing all

XXX aims to improve the
quality of software, and to
reduce the time taken to deliver it, by replacing
the traditional practice of
quality control after
completing all development.
The process of
 Continous Integration




Continous Integration

●   clean - compile - test - package
●   Continous Delivery
●   Metrics
●   Saving time
Grunt-Contrib tasks
●   bump
●   clean
●   coffee
●   compress
●   copy
●   JST + Jade + Handlebars
●   Mincss, Less, Stylus
●   Require.js
●   Yuidoc
... as well as:
● Confess
    Generate Cache Manifest

●   GrundIcon, OptiPNG & jpegtran
●   Sass & Compass
●   JsTestDriver
●   Ant-Adapter     


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Grunt.js and Yeoman, Continous Integration

  • 1. Grunt.js The build tool for the web for the web-experience
  • 4. Content ● Why a build tool is needed for CI ? ● Why Grunt.js ? ● Demo ● Why Yeoman perfects Grunt.js
  • 5. Supports Development Continuous integration aims to improve the quality of software, and to reduce the time taken to deliver it, by replacing the traditional practice of applying quality control after completing all development.
  • 6. The process of Continous Integration Developer Code CI-Server
  • 7. The process of Continous Integration Cloud Webserver Developer Developer Business/ -Customer Code CI-Server QA-Employee
  • 8. The process of Continous Integration Cloud Webserver Developer Developer Business/ -Customer Code CI-Server QA-Employee
  • 9. Grunt.js ● node npm package
  • 10. Grunt.js ● node npm package ● 3700++ Watches on Github
  • 11. Grunt.js ● node npm package ● 3700++ Watches on Github ● TestSwarm, modernizr, jQuery, jQueryMobile
  • 12. Grunt.js ● node npm package ● 3700++ Watches on Github ● TestSwarm, modernizr, jQuery, jQueryMobile
  • 13. Basic Grunt.js tasks ● init Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template
  • 15. Basic Grunt.js tasks ● concat Concatenate files ● init Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template ● lint Validate files with JSHint ● min Minify files with UglifyJS.
  • 16. Basic Grunt.js tasks ● init Generate project scaffolding from a predefined template ● lint Validate files with JSHint ● min Minify files with UglifyJS. ● server Start a static node web server ● test Run unit tests with nodeunit. (Jasmine support) ● qunit Run QUnit unit tests in a headless PhantomJS instance. ● watch Run predefined tasks whenever watched files change. ● concat Concatenate files
  • 17. Ant <target name="js-compile-all" description="What does it do?" unless="skip-js-compile"> <echo>Executing my JS files in ${input.scripts.dir} ...</echo> <apply executable="java" dest="${output.scripts.dir}"> <arg value="-jar"/> <arg path="${jar.lib.dir}/closure-compiler.jar"/> <arg lmaxine="--js"/> <srcfile/> <arg line="--js_output_file"/> <targetfile/> <fileset dir="${output.scripts.dir}" includes="**/*-main.debug.js"/> <mapper type="glob" from="*-main.debug.js" to="*-main.min.js"/> </apply> <echo>Finished manipulating mx JS files</echo> </target>
  • 18. Rake - Ruby def uglify(script_file) output = `uglifyjs #{script_file}` #Did it work? if !$?.success? puts "Uglify Failed" Process.abort end output end
  • 19. Grunt.js grunt.initConfig({ min: { dist: { src: ['dist/built.js'], dest: 'dist/built.min.js' } } });
  • 20. Easiest Syntax: JavaScript grunt.initConfig({ min: { dist: { src: ['dist/built.js'], dest: 'dist/built.min.js' } } });
  • 21. JavaScript for everyone "...even our I’d-rather-not- touch-JavaScript-even-with-a- very-long-stick backend developers, speak some JavaScript."
  • 22. Balance of extendability Declarative Scripting Configuration Approach
  • 23. Build tool for the Web
  • 24. Concepts of managing tasks Grunt.js file: ● grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-sample'); ● grunt.loadTasks(tasksPath) ● grunt.loadTasks('tasks'); ● grunt.registerTask('default', 'lint qunit concat min');
  • 25. Enriching Tasks grunt.registerMultiTask( taskName, description, taskFunction );
  • 26. Enriching Tasks grunt.registerHelper("helloWorld", function(){ return "Hi you!!!"; }) grunt.helper('helloWorld');
  • 27. Async-Support var done = this.async; // tell grunt to do task async setTimeout(function(){ var isSuccessful = Math.random() > 0.5; done(isSuccessful); }
  • 28. Async-Support var done = this.async; // tell grunt to do task async setTimeout(function(){ var isSuccessful = Math.random() > 0.5; done(isSuccessful); } this.requires('random');
  • 29. Utils & Variables & more ● Warn, Error, Fatal ● grunt.utils._, grunt.utils.hooker ● grunt.task.current.file ● ...
  • 32. Yeoman Yeoman is a robust and opinionated set of tools, libraries and a workflow that can help developers to build beautiful, compelling web apps. @By Paul Irish, Addy Osmani, Sindre Sorhus, Mickael Daniel, Eric Bidelman ...
  • 33. Yeoman builds on top of Grunt.js ● package management like apt-get
  • 34. DRY (Don't repeat yourself) ● Scaffolding & Prototyping Coding by convention Forcing to best practices CommonJS Module
  • 35. Sharing best practices "I love the backbone boilerplate!" Tony Juli 1, 2012 at 1:25 am
  • 38. Any Questions ? ● Against Grunt.js as a build system ● Reply : Why Grunt.js
  • 39. Articles Google IO, Better web app development through tooling Blog about last commit comments Grunt-modernizr, builder which runs in TravisCI Continous Integration in general Example of grunt usage
  • 42. Goals ● Create a baseline for developers ● Improve existing solutions ● Share knownledge Email me:
  • 46. Tools to unify development "I wrote a README the other day for a project ... and as I was writing it, I realized that it was the sort of thing that might have intimidated the hell out of me a couple of years ago, what with its casual mentions of Node, npm, Homebrew, git, tests, and development and production builds."... Many members of the community – myself included – lacked traditional programming experience. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript – usually in the form of jQuery – were self-taught skills.’s a new set of baseline skills required in order to be successful as a front-end developer, and developers who don’t meet this baseline are going to start feeling more and more left behind as those who are sharing their knowledge start to assume that certain things go without saying. by Rebecca Murphy (+Paul Irish, Mike Taylor, Angus Croll, and Vlad Filippov)
  • 48. Community rules Grunt uses async for asynchronous function queue processing, dateformat for formatting dates and temporary for creating temporary files. But on the other hand, I wanted synchronous globbing, and the excellent glob was async-only at the time… so I wrote my own. I even called it glob-whatev so that people wouldn’t take it too seriously. Of course, I’d love to switch to glob now that it supports synchronous globbing, but there’s at least one issue that’s blocking me from using it.
  • 49. Build tools ant, maven (Java) nant (.NET) make ( C++) rake / Caphistrano
  • 55. ant, maven (Java); nant (.NET) make ( C++) rake / Caphistrano node: buildr.npm Smoosh Gear.js Rivet Roto
  • 56. ant, maven (Java); nant (.NET) make ( C++) rake / Caphistrano node: buildr.npm Smoosh Gear.js Rivet Roto
  • 57. Seamless Integration ● Anonymous metrics report to Google Analytics
  • 58. XXX aims to improve the quality of software, and to reduce the time taken to deliver it, by replacing the traditional practice of applying quality control after completing all development.
  • 59. XXX aims to improve the quality of software, and to reduce the time taken to deliver it, by replacing applying the traditional practice of quality control after completing all development.
  • 60. The process of Continous Integration Developer Developer Business/ -Customer Code CI-Webserver QA-Employee
  • 61. Continous Integration ● clean - compile - test - package ● Continous Delivery ● Metrics ● Saving time
  • 62. Grunt-Contrib tasks ● bump ● clean ● coffee ● compress ● copy ● JST + Jade + Handlebars ● Mincss, Less, Stylus ● Require.js ● Yuidoc
  • 63. ... as well as: ● Confess Generate Cache Manifest ● GrundIcon, OptiPNG & jpegtran ● Sass & Compass ● JsTestDriver ● Ant-Adapter