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Charlie Arehart
Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions
for CF and Lucee (and BoxLang!)
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
“Wha’ happened?”
o Nearly all of us face challenges at some time with CF, Lucee, etc. whether on:
o Our dev environment (whether running on commandbox or not), or
o a server, or a cluster of servers, or
o vm’s, or
o containers, etc.
o Regardless of platform or architecture, this can be challenging
o Is the problem at the OS level? Or some component (cpu, memory, disk, network)
o Is it in CF or Lucee? Some setting? Our code? A bug?
o Is it about our traffic? Whether expected or not, unusual or not?
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
We need SOMETHING to observe
o There are a range of alternatives to watch what’s going on
o At each of those levels
o Whether built-in or as can be added (some free, some paid)
o My 2021 ITB preso covered those in more detail
o What the options are, which are included/how to add them, considerations
o Common causes of problems, more
o In this talk, I just want to demonstrate many of the alternatives
o You can go view the other preso for the details (nearly all are unchanged)

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Java 8 - Lambdas and much more
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Java 8 - Lambdas and much more

The presentation introduces several new features in Java 8 including lambdas, default methods, streams API, and method references. Lambdas allow for anonymous functions and simplify implementing interfaces with single methods. Default methods allow interfaces to define implementations while maintaining backwards compatibility. The streams API provides a functional-style way to process collections through filtering, mapping, matching, and reducing operations. Method references allow referring to methods without anonymous classes.

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Kiwipycon command line
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Kiwipycon command line

Linaro aims to improve Linux support for ARM processors. They created LAVA (Linaro Automated Validation) to automate testing of new kernels on ARM hardware. LAVA needs a way to trigger test runs when kernel builds finish. Linaro implemented an XML-RPC API with HTTPS and token-based authentication to securely allow remote triggering of test runs. They open sourced the server and client code to make it easy for others to add authenticated XML-RPC to projects.

Inside the Android application framework - Google I/O 2009
Inside the Android application framework - Google I/O 2009Inside the Android application framework - Google I/O 2009
Inside the Android application framework - Google I/O 2009

- Android applications are composed of components that can span multiple processes and tasks. Components have managed lifecycles as they transition between states like active, paused, and stopped. - Inter-process communication (IPC) allows components in different processes to share data. The Android Binder system provides efficient IPC using parcelables and bundles to pass data across processes. - Activities represent screens or views within an application. Tasks group related activities that maintain a back stack. By default each application runs in its own process but additional processes can be used to isolate components from one another.

Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o I focus on CF/Lucee server troubleshooting, as an independent consultant
o Assist organizations of all sizes, experience levels
o Work remotely: safe, secure, easy via shared desktop (zoom, meet, teams, etc.)
o Solve most problems in less than an hour, teaching you also as we go
o Satisfaction guaranteed
o More on rates, approach, online calendar, etc at
o But to be clear, I’m not selling anything in this session! 
o Just sharing my experience, and that of others
o Presentation online at
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o CF/Lucee monitoring features
o Simple things built-in
o Alternative monitoring tools
o Java monitoring features
o Java command line tools, Ui’s, and more (built-in or freely added)
o Alternative monitoring tools (APM’s)
o OS monitoring features
o Simple—and more capable—built-in tools
o Alternative monitoring tools
o Other monitoring tools to consider
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
A comment…
o Different people may view some tools/features here as being for:
o Troubleshooting
o Debugging
o Observability (o11y)
o Keep this point in mind when searching for info on them
o One person’s “debugging” is another’s “troubleshooting”
o And one person’s “monitoring” is another’s “observability”
o In this talk, I’m not going to dwell on the distinctions
o And not covering step debugging at all (deserves its own talk)
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
I’ll default showing most of my demos…
o …in Windows
o I know the Mac and Linux folks will grumble
o But you’re used to translating or finding things
o Indeed many things you find are WRITTEN more for *nix folks
o Windows folks often are left feeling like this:

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The document discusses the implementation of processes and threads in an operating system kernel. It covers topics like process control blocks (PCBs) that store process state and metadata, data structures like queues that the kernel uses to manage processes and threads, and how the kernel implements key operations on processes and threads like creation, suspension, activation, and destruction through manipulating the PCBs. It also discusses implementing synchronization mechanisms like semaphores using primitives like test-and-set instructions.

Write a program in C or C++ which simulates CPU scheduling in an opera.pdf
Write a program in C or C++ which simulates CPU scheduling in an opera.pdfWrite a program in C or C++ which simulates CPU scheduling in an opera.pdf
Write a program in C or C++ which simulates CPU scheduling in an opera.pdf

Write a program in C or C++ which simulates CPU scheduling in an operating system. There is only one CPU. The scheduling algorithm you will implement is FCFS. You can implement Round Robin for extra credits. You are suggested but not required to use standard template library data structures such as vector and deque. This program is lengthier than previous assignments. Please allocate sufficient time. Assumptions: (a) We will assume the processes engage in CPU bursts, Input bursts and Output bursts, ignoring other interrupts. (b) We will assume that all processes are doing Input through the same device which can process one Input burst at a time. (b) We will assume that all processes are doing Output through the same device which can process one Output burst at a time. (c) We will assume the system starts out with no processes active. There may be processes ready to start at once. Data structures: You will need a struct or class to represent one process. The program requires 4 queues: Entry, Ready, Input and Output. You can use deque for the queues (unless you prefer to write your own implementation of queue). The items stored on the queues are pointers to processes. You can think of Entry queue as the queue where the processes reside (e.g. on disk swap space) before they are loaded into memory. You can also have variables Active, IActive and OActive (pointers to processes), which points to the active processes on the CPU, the input device and the output device, respectively. Constants: You can declare the following constants: MAX_TIME is an integer = length of the whole run. Use the value 500. IN_USE is an integer = maximum number of processes that can be in play at once (that is, Active/IOActive processes if any, plus those that are in Ready/IO queues). Use the value 5. 2 HOW_OFTEN is an integer indicating how often to reprint the state of the system. Use the value 25. You may declare some other optional constants. They are not necessary if you choose to use STL: QUEUE_SIZE is an integer guaranteed larger than the maximum number of items any queue will ever hold. Use the value 20. ARRAY_SIZE is an integer = size of the array to define in a process. It is the maximum number of bursts for a process. Use the value 10. Feel free to add more constants as you see fit. The process data structure: A process needs to contain (at least) the following data: ProcessName is the name of the process, a string. ProcessID is an integer, the ID number for the process. This is assigned by the system (i.e., your program). Use consecutive values such as 101, 102, 103, etc. History is an array or vector of pairs of the form (letter, value). They are from the supplied input file, described below. Sub is a subscript into the array/vector History CPUTimer counts clock ticks for the process until it reaches the end of the CPU burst for FCFS (or end of the quantum for RR). IOTimer counts clock ticks for the process until it reaches the end of the I/O burst. You need t.


The document discusses operating systems and processes. It defines an operating system as software that controls hardware and manages resources. A process is a program in execution that has a unique ID and state. Processes go through various states like running, ready, blocked/waiting, and terminated. Threads are lightweight processes that can be scheduled independently and share resources within a process. User-level threads are managed in libraries while kernel-level threads are managed by the operating system kernel.

Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Questions we should be able to answer
o Is CF/Lucee/boxlang running?
o What are key resource usage metrics (cpu, memory, etc.)?
o How many requests are running/have recently run?
o What are their key characteristics?
o Are any hung? Slow? WHY?
o Same with respect to queries, cfhttp calls, etc.
o Are errors happening? At what rate? Why happening?
o And more
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Simple things built-into CF/Lucee
o Lucee and CF both offer logs of course
o CF offers a metrics.log, if enabled
o And both offer request debug output (as enabled in CF or Lucee Admin)
o Better than nothing, but not suited to production (or viewing requests of others)
o Lucee Admin shows a bit of monitoring
o Heap use within Lucee instance
o Cpu within Lucee instance
o Count of requests (running and queued), threads
o Counts of memory scopes used
o Count of datasource connections
o Demo…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Simple things built-into CF/Lucee (cont.)
o Consider also:
o getmetricdata() function (CF and Lucee)
o cfstat cli script in CF (cfusion/bin directory)
o Lucee getmemoryusage() function, about JVM heap memory
o Also Lucee get*memory() functions, about system memory
o CF outputs metrics to Windows Performance Monitor
o Of course, these work with CF/Lucee however they are deployed
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Extending CF/Lucee for monitoring
o Lucee Performance Analyzer extension (
o Requires debugging be enabled in Lucee Admin
o Demo…
o CF or Lucee:
o ColdBox Debugger (
o And there are more-complete monitoring solutions for CF/Lucee…

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The document discusses operating systems and processes. It defines an operating system as software that controls hardware and manages resources. A process is a program in execution that has a unique ID and state. Processes go through various states like running, ready, blocked/waiting, and terminated. Threads are lightweight processes that can be scheduled independently and share resources within a process. User-level threads are managed in libraries while kernel-level threads are managed by the operating system kernel.

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Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o Powerful tool with many capabilities
o Can work entirely within JVM (“on-prem”)
o or also pushing data to cloud (“FR Cloud”), separately priced
o Easily added into FusionReactor:
o Could do entire talk on FR, and indeed I have done many
o Just last month:
o My series:
o Works with CF or Lucee (or BoxLang!)
o Commercial, with available developer license (
o Quick demo…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o Came out about same time as FR mid-2000’s
o Offers many basic/key monitoring features
o Not as capable as FR, but has a new advantage…
o Is no longer commercial: now open source,
o Works with both CF and Lucee
o Must implement either as Tomcat valve or servlet filter (vs javaagent)
o Must “wrap” datasources to monitor SQL/JDBC
o CFMeetup session on SeeFusion:
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o Available free in CF2018 and above
o Adobe’s replacement for the CF Server Monitor in CF8-2016
o Offers many capabilities like FR (and each has things the other doesn’t)
o 20-min intro video:
o While the tool is powerful, the take up in the community has been slow
o Due partly to its architecture: PMT and PMT Datastore are apps separate from CF
o Can be run on same machine as CF or another (even separate from each other)
o Tip: Can use FR to monitor PMT and Datastore, as they are java apps!
o Quick demo of PMT…
o (One thing that PMT and FR can do—uniquely--is track cfthread processing)
o But sometimes CF/Lucee tools can’t be added or aren’t sufficient
o Of course, CF and Lucee (and BoxLang) run on Java
o And there are several Java tools we can look to…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Java/JVM command line tools
o Several commands, each having many subfeatures, in JDK versions of Java
o Java 8 and earlier offered option of JRE or JDK, later java versions are JDK only
o Tools located in Java’s bin directory (such as the Java used to run CF/Lucee/BoxLang)
o For local development instances, tools should just work with them (even running as service)
o As long as user running jvm tool is same as user running CF/Lucee/BoxLang
o On Windows, if CF/Lucee runs as service under “LocalSystem” account, run cmdline as admin
o What if instance is not local, or user running tools is not same as user running CF/Lucee/etc?
o Then you need to specify JMXremote args in startup of CF/Lucee/BoxLang
o Plenty of resources online cover doing that, for CF and Lucee (and java in general)
o See also optional related tool called jstatd
o These jvm tools work with CF/Lucee/BoxLang regardless of how deployed

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Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Java command line tools (cont.)
o They’re run by pointing to the OS process id of the running java/CF/Lucee/etc
o Can try to find with jcmd (one of those java commands), with no args
o That will list those java processes YOU started
o (If CF/Lucee/etc is running as a service (Windows or *nix), won’t show those)
o Can use OS commands to find pid of running processes
o Windows: task manager (look for coldfusion.exe, not coldfusionsvc.exe), or
o tasklist | findstr coldfusion (CF typical install)
o tasklist | findstr tomcat (Lucee typical install)
o tasklist | findstr java (Commandbox running CF/Lucee/BoxLang)
o Linux: pgrep java (CF and Lucee always show in Linux as “java” processes)
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Java jcmd
o Can do many things with this tool
o Can get list of features by using jcmd <processid>
o Some examples (assuming CF/Lucee/etc is process id 123)
o jcmd 123 VM.version (args are case-sensitive)
o jcmd 123 VM.uptime (how long jvm/CF/Lucee/etc has been up)
o jcmd 123 GC.heap_info (memory space info)
o jcmd 123 (request garbage collection)
o And more …
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Obtaining thread dumps/stack traces
o Thread dumps identify what running requests (and other threads) are doing
o FusionReactor, PMT, and SeeFusion offer means to create them
o jcmd offers another way to obtain them
o jcmd <pid> Thread.print (request thread dump)
o As does:
o jstack <pid>
o And we’ll see other visual jvm tools that can create/view thread dumps
o Demos…
o For now, on to other java cli tools…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Other Java CLI monitoring tools
o jdb, jinfo, jmap, jps, jstack, jstat
o I’ll leave you to explore those as may interest you
o jhat and hprof were removed with Java 9
o Capabilities now in other tools already mentioned
o Again, jstatd allows allowing remote calls into a host running a JVM
o Including setting it up via ssh
o Will leave that for you to explore if interested
o For now, let’s wrap up with one powerful (and rather new) jvm CLI tool...

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The document discusses different types of looping statements in programming languages. It describes while, do-while, for, and foreach loops. It explains that while and do-while loops check a condition each iteration, for loops allow initializing and changing a counter, and foreach loops iterate over array elements. It also mentions break and continue statements that alter loop execution flow. Examples of each looping statement are provided with links to online code samples.

Operating Systems - A Primer
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The document provides an introduction to operating systems and key concepts such as processes, virtual memory, and multitasking. It discusses how the CPU uses registers to perform computations and access memory. It explains that an operating system allows multiple programs to run simultaneously through time-slicing and context-switching between processes. Each process has its own virtual address space and sees its own "virtual machine" presented by the operating system.

Java Performance and Profiling
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Java Performance and Profiling

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by WSO2
javajava performance and profiling
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
JFR (Java flight recorder)
o JFR is a feature that’s been around for a while, can be very powerful
o Was for a time an Oracle commercial feature, but is now free
o Can create jfr recordings two ways
o Use jfr tool to launch a JVM/app or use jcmd <pid> JFR.start
o Can pass it args to control WHAT it records, which is where power comes in
o Available args also to control saving/viewing JFR info at consle
o Will see GUI tools to create/view JFR recordings soon
o Indeed, while CLI tools can be powerful, many prefer GUI tools for many monitoring tasks
o And there are built-in or easily obtained GUI jvm tools…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o First of 3 available java GUI tools (least capable of the 3)
o But better than nothing, since it’s built-in to Java
o Like CLI tools, found in JDK’s bin folder
o Demo…
o If on headless Linux or debugging a remote machine, use JMXRemoting
o More about JMX: Java management extensions
o Both a way the JVM exposes metric data to tools, and an API to dig into more
o Viewing JMX info supported by this tool and next two, and also by FusionReactor
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
visualvm , formerly jvisualvm
o Has also gone through transition of licensing over years, now free/open source
o Can do many things in its UI, while watching a JVM process (CF/Lucee/etc.)
o obtain thread dumps, heap dumps/analyze them
o profile memory and cpu use (across all threads in the process)
o view JMX info
o read and graph JFR recordings(!)
o and more
o Has community of plugins offering still more
o Demo…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Java Mission Control (JMC)
o Has also gone through transition of licensing over years, now free/open source
o Can do many of same things as visualvm
o Including taking thread dumps, processing JFR recordings, showing JMX info
o Seems to REQUIRE enabling of JMX (port being exposed by CF/Lucee/etc)
o Download:
o JMC 8:
o JMC 9:
o JMC 9 requires Java 17, JMC 8.1 requires Java 11

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The document discusses different types of looping statements in programming languages including while, do-while, for, and foreach loops. It provides examples of the syntax for each loop and explains their usage - while and do-while loops check a condition each iteration, for loops initialize and increment a counter, and foreach loops iterate over array elements. Break and continue statements are also covered which can exit or skip iterations in loops respectively.

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Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Related Java monitoring tools
o I’ve mentioned how JVM (and some CF tools) can create thread dumps
o Check out helpful free online tool to analyze them:
o And free sister online tools:
o Still more java monitoring tools
o See my list at
o But such built-in Java monitoring tools have more capable cousins…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Java APMs
o There’s a whole world of Java Application Performance Monitoring (and
“observability”) tools, which can be added to CF/Lucee/etc
o Across all platforms
o Some free, some commercial
o Like other Java tools, often these APMs don’t easily track page requests
o And they often present low-level java info, hard to relate back to CF/Lucee/etc
o No time to demo them in this talk
o See my list at
o Note that some Java tools and APMs include “system” monitoring features
o Indeed, often problems in our apps really reflect larger system problems
o Several kinds of tools focus on that…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Simple OS-level tools
o Windows
o Task Manager (see Processes and Details, sortable; and Performance)
o tasklist (command)
o Bonus: systeminfo | findstr "Boot time"
o Linux
o top (can sort using “f” key)
o Consider installable variants: htop, atop, vtop, gtop, etc.
o ps -aux (try also -auxf)
o Bonus: uptime
o MacOS
o Activity Monitor (GUI)
o Also Linux (Unix) command line tools above
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
More capable OS tools, built-in
o Windows
o Resource Monitor
o Performance Monitor (tip: switch “graph type” to “report”)
o Linux
o sar (collect system activity over time)
o netstat and ss -tua (network stats)
o Consider adding
o iostat (cpu load, disk activity), iotop (still more disk i/o detail)
o iftop (bandwidth usage on an interface by host)

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Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
System monitoring tools, as add-ons
o As with APMs, a whole world of OS monitoring tools available
o Across all platforms
o Again, some free, some commercial
o See my list at
o Finally, some problems are specific to other aspects of processing…
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Other monitoring tools
o There are also tools for monitoring your:
o Web server
o Database
o Network
o IO
o And more
o I track tools like these and still more at
o And cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP) offer monitoring for their components
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
Finding more
o I’ve held off offering links to more on most of these things
o Most can be found readily via web searching
o Do beware that some resources are old (and may no longer be accurate)
o Again, the PDF of this talk is already online on my site
o And the recordings of these ITB sessions will be offered online soon
o I’ve also pointed to related presentations I’ve done (usually also recorded)
o Certainly feel free to reach out to me if you have trouble finding a resource
Charlie Arehart (, @carehart)
o Problems will happen with your CF/Lucee instances
o Don’t regard them as a black box, or throw darts trying to “fix” things
o We’ve seen there are built-in tools, or tools easily added, to better understand:
o CF/Lucee monitoring capabilities and options
o Java monitoring features and options
o OS monitoring features and options
o Monitoring other components/aspects of architecture
o I hope you feel more empowered to dig into such problems on your own
o If you hit snags/want guiding hand, am available for remote, screenshare consulting
o Can work in as short as 15-min intervals; solve most problems in less than an hour

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Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee

  • 2. BLUE ROOM PRESENTED BY Charlie Arehart Demonstrating Monitoring Solutions for CF and Lucee (and BoxLang!)
  • 3. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) “Wha’ happened?” o Nearly all of us face challenges at some time with CF, Lucee, etc. whether on: o Our dev environment (whether running on commandbox or not), or o a server, or a cluster of servers, or o vm’s, or o containers, etc. o Regardless of platform or architecture, this can be challenging o Is the problem at the OS level? Or some component (cpu, memory, disk, network) o Is it in CF or Lucee? Some setting? Our code? A bug? o Is it about our traffic? Whether expected or not, unusual or not?
  • 4. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) We need SOMETHING to observe o There are a range of alternatives to watch what’s going on o At each of those levels o Whether built-in or as can be added (some free, some paid) o My 2021 ITB preso covered those in more detail o What the options are, which are included/how to add them, considerations o Common causes of problems, more o In this talk, I just want to demonstrate many of the alternatives o You can go view the other preso for the details (nearly all are unchanged) o
  • 5. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Me.about() o I focus on CF/Lucee server troubleshooting, as an independent consultant o Assist organizations of all sizes, experience levels o Work remotely: safe, secure, easy via shared desktop (zoom, meet, teams, etc.) o Solve most problems in less than an hour, teaching you also as we go o Satisfaction guaranteed o More on rates, approach, online calendar, etc at o But to be clear, I’m not selling anything in this session!  o Just sharing my experience, and that of others o Presentation online at
  • 6. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Topics o CF/Lucee monitoring features o Simple things built-in o Alternative monitoring tools o Java monitoring features o Java command line tools, Ui’s, and more (built-in or freely added) o Alternative monitoring tools (APM’s) o OS monitoring features o Simple—and more capable—built-in tools o Alternative monitoring tools o Other monitoring tools to consider
  • 7. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) A comment… o Different people may view some tools/features here as being for: o Troubleshooting o Debugging o Observability (o11y) o Keep this point in mind when searching for info on them o One person’s “debugging” is another’s “troubleshooting” o And one person’s “monitoring” is another’s “observability” o In this talk, I’m not going to dwell on the distinctions o And not covering step debugging at all (deserves its own talk)
  • 8. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) I’ll default showing most of my demos… o …in Windows o I know the Mac and Linux folks will grumble o But you’re used to translating or finding things o Indeed many things you find are WRITTEN more for *nix folks o Windows folks often are left feeling like this: o
  • 9. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Questions we should be able to answer o Is CF/Lucee/boxlang running? o What are key resource usage metrics (cpu, memory, etc.)? o How many requests are running/have recently run? o What are their key characteristics? o Are any hung? Slow? WHY? o Same with respect to queries, cfhttp calls, etc. o Are errors happening? At what rate? Why happening? o And more
  • 10. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Simple things built-into CF/Lucee o Lucee and CF both offer logs of course o CF offers a metrics.log, if enabled o And both offer request debug output (as enabled in CF or Lucee Admin) o Better than nothing, but not suited to production (or viewing requests of others) o Lucee Admin shows a bit of monitoring o Heap use within Lucee instance o Cpu within Lucee instance o Count of requests (running and queued), threads o Counts of memory scopes used o Count of datasource connections o Demo…
  • 11. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Simple things built-into CF/Lucee (cont.) o Consider also: o getmetricdata() function (CF and Lucee) o cfstat cli script in CF (cfusion/bin directory) o Lucee getmemoryusage() function, about JVM heap memory o Also Lucee get*memory() functions, about system memory o CF outputs metrics to Windows Performance Monitor o Of course, these work with CF/Lucee however they are deployed
  • 12. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Extending CF/Lucee for monitoring o Lucee Performance Analyzer extension ( performance-analyzer) o Requires debugging be enabled in Lucee Admin o Demo… o CF or Lucee: o o ColdBox Debugger ( o And there are more-complete monitoring solutions for CF/Lucee…
  • 13. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) FusionReactor o Powerful tool with many capabilities o Can work entirely within JVM (“on-prem”) o or also pushing data to cloud (“FR Cloud”), separately priced o Easily added into FusionReactor: o Could do entire talk on FR, and indeed I have done many o Just last month: o My series: o Works with CF or Lucee (or BoxLang!) o Commercial, with available developer license ( o Quick demo…
  • 14. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) SeeFusion o Came out about same time as FR mid-2000’s o Offers many basic/key monitoring features o Not as capable as FR, but has a new advantage… o Is no longer commercial: now open source, o Works with both CF and Lucee o Must implement either as Tomcat valve or servlet filter (vs javaagent) o Must “wrap” datasources to monitor SQL/JDBC o CFMeetup session on SeeFusion:
  • 15. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) PMT o Available free in CF2018 and above o Adobe’s replacement for the CF Server Monitor in CF8-2016 o Offers many capabilities like FR (and each has things the other doesn’t) o 20-min intro video: o While the tool is powerful, the take up in the community has been slow o Due partly to its architecture: PMT and PMT Datastore are apps separate from CF o Can be run on same machine as CF or another (even separate from each other) o Tip: Can use FR to monitor PMT and Datastore, as they are java apps! o Quick demo of PMT… o (One thing that PMT and FR can do—uniquely--is track cfthread processing) o But sometimes CF/Lucee tools can’t be added or aren’t sufficient o Of course, CF and Lucee (and BoxLang) run on Java o And there are several Java tools we can look to…
  • 16. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Java/JVM command line tools o Several commands, each having many subfeatures, in JDK versions of Java o Java 8 and earlier offered option of JRE or JDK, later java versions are JDK only o Tools located in Java’s bin directory (such as the Java used to run CF/Lucee/BoxLang) o For local development instances, tools should just work with them (even running as service) o As long as user running jvm tool is same as user running CF/Lucee/BoxLang o On Windows, if CF/Lucee runs as service under “LocalSystem” account, run cmdline as admin o What if instance is not local, or user running tools is not same as user running CF/Lucee/etc? o Then you need to specify JMXremote args in startup of CF/Lucee/BoxLang o Plenty of resources online cover doing that, for CF and Lucee (and java in general) o See also optional related tool called jstatd o These jvm tools work with CF/Lucee/BoxLang regardless of how deployed
  • 17. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Java command line tools (cont.) o They’re run by pointing to the OS process id of the running java/CF/Lucee/etc o Can try to find with jcmd (one of those java commands), with no args o That will list those java processes YOU started o (If CF/Lucee/etc is running as a service (Windows or *nix), won’t show those) o Can use OS commands to find pid of running processes o Windows: task manager (look for coldfusion.exe, not coldfusionsvc.exe), or o tasklist | findstr coldfusion (CF typical install) o tasklist | findstr tomcat (Lucee typical install) o tasklist | findstr java (Commandbox running CF/Lucee/BoxLang) o Linux: pgrep java (CF and Lucee always show in Linux as “java” processes)
  • 18. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Java jcmd o Can do many things with this tool o Can get list of features by using jcmd <processid> o Some examples (assuming CF/Lucee/etc is process id 123) o jcmd 123 VM.version (args are case-sensitive) o jcmd 123 VM.uptime (how long jvm/CF/Lucee/etc has been up) o jcmd 123 GC.heap_info (memory space info) o jcmd 123 (request garbage collection) o And more …
  • 19. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Obtaining thread dumps/stack traces o Thread dumps identify what running requests (and other threads) are doing o FusionReactor, PMT, and SeeFusion offer means to create them o jcmd offers another way to obtain them o jcmd <pid> Thread.print (request thread dump) o As does: o jstack <pid> o And we’ll see other visual jvm tools that can create/view thread dumps o Demos… o For now, on to other java cli tools…
  • 20. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Other Java CLI monitoring tools o jdb, jinfo, jmap, jps, jstack, jstat o I’ll leave you to explore those as may interest you o jhat and hprof were removed with Java 9 o Capabilities now in other tools already mentioned o Again, jstatd allows allowing remote calls into a host running a JVM o Including setting it up via ssh o Will leave that for you to explore if interested o For now, let’s wrap up with one powerful (and rather new) jvm CLI tool...
  • 21. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) JFR (Java flight recorder) o JFR is a feature that’s been around for a while, can be very powerful o Was for a time an Oracle commercial feature, but is now free o Can create jfr recordings two ways o Use jfr tool to launch a JVM/app or use jcmd <pid> JFR.start o Can pass it args to control WHAT it records, which is where power comes in o Available args also to control saving/viewing JFR info at consle o Will see GUI tools to create/view JFR recordings soon o Indeed, while CLI tools can be powerful, many prefer GUI tools for many monitoring tasks o And there are built-in or easily obtained GUI jvm tools…
  • 22. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) jconsole o First of 3 available java GUI tools (least capable of the 3) o But better than nothing, since it’s built-in to Java o Like CLI tools, found in JDK’s bin folder o Demo… o If on headless Linux or debugging a remote machine, use JMXRemoting o More about JMX: Java management extensions o Both a way the JVM exposes metric data to tools, and an API to dig into more o Viewing JMX info supported by this tool and next two, and also by FusionReactor
  • 23. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) visualvm , formerly jvisualvm o Has also gone through transition of licensing over years, now free/open source o o Can do many things in its UI, while watching a JVM process (CF/Lucee/etc.) o obtain thread dumps, heap dumps/analyze them o profile memory and cpu use (across all threads in the process) o view JMX info o read and graph JFR recordings(!) o and more o Has community of plugins offering still more o Demo…
  • 24. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Java Mission Control (JMC) o Has also gone through transition of licensing over years, now free/open source o o o Can do many of same things as visualvm o Including taking thread dumps, processing JFR recordings, showing JMX info o Seems to REQUIRE enabling of JMX (port being exposed by CF/Lucee/etc) o Download: o JMC 8: o JMC 9: o JMC 9 requires Java 17, JMC 8.1 requires Java 11
  • 25. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Related Java monitoring tools o I’ve mentioned how JVM (and some CF tools) can create thread dumps o Check out helpful free online tool to analyze them: o o And free sister online tools: o o o o Still more java monitoring tools o See my list at o But such built-in Java monitoring tools have more capable cousins…
  • 26. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Java APMs o There’s a whole world of Java Application Performance Monitoring (and “observability”) tools, which can be added to CF/Lucee/etc o Across all platforms o Some free, some commercial o Like other Java tools, often these APMs don’t easily track page requests o And they often present low-level java info, hard to relate back to CF/Lucee/etc o No time to demo them in this talk o See my list at o Note that some Java tools and APMs include “system” monitoring features o Indeed, often problems in our apps really reflect larger system problems o Several kinds of tools focus on that…
  • 27. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Simple OS-level tools o Windows o Task Manager (see Processes and Details, sortable; and Performance) o tasklist (command) o Bonus: systeminfo | findstr "Boot time" o Linux o top (can sort using “f” key) o Consider installable variants: htop, atop, vtop, gtop, etc. o ps -aux (try also -auxf) o Bonus: uptime o MacOS o Activity Monitor (GUI) o Also Linux (Unix) command line tools above
  • 28. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) More capable OS tools, built-in o Windows o Resource Monitor o Performance Monitor (tip: switch “graph type” to “report”) o Linux o sar (collect system activity over time) o netstat and ss -tua (network stats) o Consider adding o iostat (cpu load, disk activity), iotop (still more disk i/o detail) o iftop (bandwidth usage on an interface by host)
  • 29. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) System monitoring tools, as add-ons o As with APMs, a whole world of OS monitoring tools available o Across all platforms o Again, some free, some commercial o See my list at o Finally, some problems are specific to other aspects of processing…
  • 30. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Other monitoring tools o There are also tools for monitoring your: o Web server o Database o Network o IO o And more o I track tools like these and still more at o And cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP) offer monitoring for their components
  • 31. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Finding more o I’ve held off offering links to more on most of these things o Most can be found readily via web searching o Do beware that some resources are old (and may no longer be accurate) o Again, the PDF of this talk is already online on my site o And the recordings of these ITB sessions will be offered online soon o I’ve also pointed to related presentations I’ve done (usually also recorded) o Certainly feel free to reach out to me if you have trouble finding a resource
  • 32. Charlie Arehart (, @carehart) Summary o Problems will happen with your CF/Lucee instances o Don’t regard them as a black box, or throw darts trying to “fix” things o We’ve seen there are built-in tools, or tools easily added, to better understand: o CF/Lucee monitoring capabilities and options o Java monitoring features and options o OS monitoring features and options o Monitoring other components/aspects of architecture o I hope you feel more empowered to dig into such problems on your own o If you hit snags/want guiding hand, am available for remote, screenshare consulting o Can work in as short as 15-min intervals; solve most problems in less than an hour
  • 33. INTO THE BOX 2024 INTO THE BOX 2024