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Startup Metrics for Pirates

•     Acquisition: users come to site from various channels
•     Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: quot;happy” experience
•     Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times
•     Referral: users like product enough to refer others
•     Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior


     Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats

AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model
                                        SEO          Campaigns,
                           SEM                 PR     Contests          Biz
          Networks                                                      Dev
                               Blogs                  Affiliates
         Apps &                                                       Direct, Tel,
         Widgets                       Email                              TV

                                         1. ACQUISITION                                         Viral 

        Emails & Alerts                                Homepage /                                           Emails &
                                                      Landing Page

Blogs, RSS, 
                                    on                                                         Affiliates, 
News Feeds 
                     e     t   enti                          Features                          Contests 
                3. R

                                                    Ads, Lead Gen,                   Biz Dev
            System Events &                         Subscriptions, 
          Time‐based Features 

Why Be a Web 2.0 Entrepreneur?

•    Low Cost
•    Lots of Users
•    Online Advertising / E-Commerce
•    Online Metrics
•    It’s Cool.
•    Make MONEY.
Q: What’s My Business Model?

Can be one of the following:
   1.  Get Users (= Acquisition, Referral)
   2.  Drive Usage (= Activation, Retention)
   3.  Make Money (= Revenue*)
     * ideally profitable revenue

Note: eventually need to turn Users/Usage -> Money

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (FOWA/Miami, Feb 2009)

Updated "Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR!" presentation by Dave McClure from the Future of Web Apps conference in Miami, February 2009.

Growth Hacking / Marketing 101: It's about process
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Growth Hacking / Marketing 101: It's about process

Growth hacking is a marketing technique used by startups that focuses on low-cost and innovative alternatives to traditional marketing. It involves using creativity, analytics, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure through techniques like SEO, website analytics, content marketing, and A/B testing. Growth hackers prioritize growth over budgets by analyzing the customer acquisition funnel to identify opportunities to improve conversion rates at each stage - acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referrals. The goal is to brainstorm experiments, prioritize ideas, develop hypotheses, test changes, and systematize optimized processes into a repeatable "growth machine" approach focused on continuous improvement.

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Growth Hacking for Startups
Growth Hacking for StartupsGrowth Hacking for Startups
Growth Hacking for Startups

Andy Young discusses growth hacking strategies for startups. He defines growth hacking as experiment-driven marketing to achieve measurable, repeatable and scalable growth. Some key growth hacking tactics include SEO, content marketing, performance marketing, conversion optimization, viral loops and strategic pricing. He emphasizes the importance of testing ideas with customers pre-launch, focusing on key metrics, prioritizing high-impact areas of the customer funnel like top-of-funnel acquisition and bottom-of-funnel conversion and retention, and continually experimenting to optimize growth.

500 startupsstartupsgrowth hacking
Role: Founder/CEO

Q: Which Metrics? Why?
A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics
     (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable)

•    Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle
•    Target ~3-5 Conversion Metrics (tip: Less = More)
•    Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve
•    Delegate Each Key Metric to someone to OWN
Role: Product / Engineering
Q: What to Build? Why?
A: Build Features that Increase Conversion

•  Wireframes = Conversion Steps
•  Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly)
•  Optimize for Conversion Improvement
    –  80% on existing feature optimization
    –  20% on new feature development
Example Conversion Metrics
              (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary)

Category               Conversion Status                      Conv %   Est. Value
Acquisition                      Visit Site                    100%       $.01
                   (or landing page, or external widget)
Acquisition                Doesn't Abandon                     70%        $.05
                (views 2+ pages, stays 10+ sec, 2+ clicks)
Activation                   Happy 1st Visit                   30%        $.25
                  (views X pages, stays Y sec, Z clicks)
Activation       Email/Blog/RSS/Widget/Acct Signup              5%         $2
                 (anything that could lead to repeat visit)
Retention            Length of Session / # of Clicks           10%         $1
                 (length/intensity of engaged visit, >180s)
Retention     Email Open/ RSS view -> Click/Repeat Visit        3%         $5
                       (3+ visits in first 30 days)
 Referral             Refer 1+ users who visit site             2%         $1
 Referral            Refer 10+ users who activate              0.2%       $10
 Revenue           User generates minimum revenue               2%         $5
 Revenue          User generates break-even revenue             1%        $25
Role: Marketing / Sales

Q: What channels? Which users? Why?
A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%)

•     Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns
•     Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes
•     Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page
•     Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential
•     Grab the Low-Hanging Fruit:
     –  Blogs
     –  SEO/SEM
     –  Landing Pages
     –  Automated Emails

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Example Marketing Channels
disclaimer: estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are subjective – actual costs are dependent on your specific business

   Channel          Volume                                Cost/user   Time to implement                          Mktg       Prod Effort
   Viral /          depends on CTA; size of accessible    low/zero    Low for FB social networks;                low        low/med
   Referral         social networks / # users                         med/hi for normal sites
   Email            depends on CTA, size of your house    low/med     Low                                        low/med    low/med
                    lists, email signups                                                                                    (med = create
   Blogs /          Depends on # blogs in your            low/med     Low (if just you blogging);                low/med    low/zero
   Bloggers         segment, competitive scenario                     med (if you're setting up big CMS /                   (med = CMS, prof
                                                                      evangelizing to other bloggers)                       design)
   SEO              depends on your keywords              Low/zero    Medium                                     low/zero   med/hi
                                                                      (depends on your search geeks)
   SEM              depends on your keywords              Depends     Low/med                                    Low/med    low/med
                                                                      (depends on your marketing)                           (landing pages = med)
   Contest          small unless big prize $              low/med     low/med                                    Med        low/zero
                    (don’t, keep it under $5K)                        (depends on contest, site, campaign)                  (med = prof contest site)
   Widget           Depends on CTA; size of accessible    low/med     Low/med                                    med        med/hi (depends on
                    sites, level of adoption + bloggers                                                                     complexity)
   domains          depends on keywords, domain costs     depends     low                                        low        Low (redirects/co-
   PR               depends on your business &            Med/hi      medium (develop story, build contacts)     med        low/zero
                    audience & news
   Biz Dev /        depends on partner, size of           med-high    med/hi (capture metrics, generate          Med/hi     med/hi
   Partner          customer base, conversion                         reports)                                              (reports, co-branding)
   Affiliate /      depends on economics                  Med/hi      med/hi (need to build affiliate program,   med/hi     med/hi (depends on rqd
   Lead Gen                                                           capture metrics, generated reports)                   tracking & reporting)
   Direct / radio   depends on geography                  Med/hi      medium                                     Med/hi     low/zero

   Telemktg         depends on target demographics        med-high    med-high                                   High       low/zero if no system;
                                                                                                                            Med/hi if integrated SFA
   TV               Potentially large (if you spend)      High        Med-high                                   High       Med/hi (production cost)
                         SEO          Campaigns,
              SEM               PR     Contests
Networks                                              Dev
                Blogs                  Affiliates
Apps &                                              Direct, Tel,
Widgets                 Email                           TV

                          1. ACQUISITION 

                                                    Marketing Channels:
                                                       •  largest-volume (#)
                                                       •  lowest-cost ($)
                                                       •  best-performing (%)

        Where are users coming from?

Acquisition Methods
 Blogs
 Email
 Social Media &
  Social Networks
 Domains
                         SEO          Campaigns,
              SEM                PR    Contests        Biz
Networks                                               Dev
                Blogs                   Affiliates                      Activation Criteria:
Apps &                                               Direct, Tel,
Widgets                 Email                            TV             •  10-30+ seconds
                          1. ACQUISITION 
          Domains                                                       •  2-3+ page views
                                                                        •  3-5+ clicks
                                                                        •  1 key feature usage
                                       Homepage /
                                      Landing Page


                                                                    do LOTS of landing page
                                                                    & A/B tests –
                                                                    make lots of dumb
                                                                    guesses & iterate FAST

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The document provides 29 tips for growth hacking and quick wins that companies should be testing, but often aren't. Some of the key tips include measuring customer happiness with Net Promoter Score, creating more targeted landing pages, using paid ads to test headlines and images, removing distracting links from landing pages, and testing different calls to action copy. It encourages testing unconventional approaches to improve conversions and growth.

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The document discusses startup metrics and provides a model called AARRR for measuring key metrics. It describes the AARRR model as having 5 steps - Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. It emphasizes the importance of measuring metrics to optimize conversions at each step and determining which marketing channels and features deliver the highest conversions at the lowest cost.

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Startup Metrics for Pirates
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Startup Metrics for Pirates

This is a 5-step model for creating a metrics framework for your business & customers, and how to apply it to your product & marketing efforts. The "pirate" part comes from the 5 steps: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, & Revenue (AARRR!)

          What do users do on their first visit?

Example Activation Goals
   •  Click on something!
   •  Account sign up / Emails
   •  Referrals / Tell a friend
   •  Widgets / Embeds
   •  Low Bounce Rate

Activation Tips
    •  Less is more
    •  Focus on user experience / usability
    •  Provide incentives & call to actions
    •  Test and iterate continuously
                                                                              SEO            Campaigns,
Automated emails are simple & easy                                  SEM              PR       Contests       Biz
retention (but don’t overdo it)                    Networks                                                  Dev
                                                                     Blogs                    Affiliates
•  lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d                Apps &                                                   Direct, Tel,
                                                  Widgets                    Email                             TV
•  status emails weekly/monthly
                                                                               1. ACQUISITION 
•  event-based emails as they occur
•  make it easy to unsubscribe
                                           Emails & Alerts                                 Homepage /
                                                                                          Landing Page

                                   Blogs, RSS, 
                                   News Feeds 
                                                          et   enti                           Features
                                                   3. R
Tip on emails:
•  > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE
                                               System Events & 
•  < 20% or less on BODY TEXT                Time‐based Features 

                  How do users come back?

Retention Methods
  Automated Emails
   * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity
  RSS / News Feeds
   * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity
  Widgets / Embeds
   * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity
                                     SEO          Campaigns,
                           SEM              PR     Contests
          Networks                                                Dev
                            Blogs                  Affiliates
         Apps &                                                 Direct, Tel,
         Widgets                    Email                           TV                  Viral 

                                      1. ACQUISITION                                   Loops 

                                                                                                    Emails &
        Emails & Alerts                             Homepage /
                                                   Landing Page
                                                          Product                      Contests 
Blogs, RSS,                       n
News Feeds 
                     e     tentio                         Features
                3. R

                                                                               Focus on driving referrals
            System Events & 
          Time‐based Features 
                                                                               *after* users have a
                                                                               “happy�� experience;
                                                           avg score >= 8 out of 10

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The document provides tips and strategies for optimizing the user funnel, from acquiring first users to optimizing retention. It emphasizes testing optimizations through small experiments and using data to identify bottlenecks. Key recommendations include focusing first on learning rather than the funnel, using blogs and social media to acquire early users, and segmenting users to improve activation, onboarding and retention.

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GrowthHackers holds weekly AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions with Growth experts from around the world. Andrew Chen a writer, entrepreneur and investor focused on mobile products, metrics and user growth. He has been an advisor to companies like Angelist, Product Hunt and Dropbox. Find more great growth resources on Join the community and have your own questions answered by professionals like Andrew today.

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1. The document discusses strategies for building and operating effective growth marketing teams, including building engineering-heavy teams, separating traditional marketing, and implementing an experimentation framework. 2. It notes that growth teams take more risks than product teams and emphasize a high pace of experimentation over individual successes or failures. 3. Metrics like click-through rates become less useful over time, so the document advocates keeping revenue forecasting as the single key metric to evaluate growth team priorities, impact, and resource allocation.

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          How do users refer others?

Referral Methods
 Send to Friend:
  Email / IM
 Social Media
 Widgets / Embeds
 Affiliates
                       Viral Growth Factor

  Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z
     X = % of users who invite other people
     Y = average # of people that they invited
     Z = % of users who accepted an invitation

A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
                                        SEO          Campaigns,
                           SEM                 PR     Contests          Biz
          Networks                                                      Dev
                               Blogs                  Affiliates
         Apps &                                                       Direct, Tel,
         Widgets                       Email                              TV

                                         1. ACQUISITION                                         Viral 

        Emails & Alerts                                Homepage /                                           Emails &
                                                      Landing Page

Blogs, RSS, 
                                    on                                                         Affiliates, 
News Feeds 
                     e     t   enti                          Features                          Contests 
                3. R

                                                    Ads, Lead Gen,                   Biz Dev
            System Events &                         Subscriptions, 
          Time‐based Features 

       This is the part *you*              
       still have to figure out…
       (we don’t know jack
       about your business)
                How do you make money?

Revenue Tips
  •    Don’t rely on AdSense
  •    Start Free -> Go Freemium
  •    Subscription / Recurring transactions
  •    Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage)
  •    Sell something! (physical or virtual)

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Apresentação de proposta comercial, para oferecer serviços gestão de tráfego pago como google ads e facebook ads

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  Any Questions, Ye Scurvy Dogs?

Additional References:
•  “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”, Robert Cialdini (book)
•  “Putting the Fun in Functional”, Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso)
•  “Futuristic Play”, Andrew Chen (blog)
•  “Don’t Make Me Think”, Steve Krug (book)
•  “A Theory of Fun”, Raph Koster (book, website)
Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats

Hiten Shah, CrazyEgg / ACS / KISSmetrics
                     Keyword Vocabulary

Top 10 - 100 words
    •  Your Brand / Products
    •  Customer Needs / Benefits
    •  Competitor’s Brand / Products
    •  Semantic Equivalents
    •  Misspellings

Things to analyze
    •  Sources
    •  Volume
    •  Cost
    •  Conversion
         Where are users coming from?

Key Metrics to Track           Example
   Quantity (#)
   Cost ($)
   Conversions (%)

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The document discusses building a growth process for a company. It advocates focusing first on establishing a repeatable process for experimentation and growth, rather than individual tactics. The process involves setting goals, brainstorming growth ideas, prioritizing experiments, testing hypotheses through minimum viable tests, implementing experiments, analyzing results, and systematizing successful experiments. Establishing this type of process allows a company to continuously run experiments, learn, and scale growth over time through an organized and data-driven approach.


The document provides an overview of startup metrics using the AARRR framework. It discusses how to measure key metrics around user acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. For each stage, it outlines example metrics to track, tools to use, and tips for improving performance. The goal is to help startups understand their customer lifecycle and focus on metrics that provide actionable insights to optimize their business model.

   Google Analytics (web analytics)
   Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool)
   SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools)

   SEO Book Blog
   The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play
   Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
        What do users do on their first visit?
Key Metrics to Track
   Pages per visit
   Time on site
   Conversions

                             Before              After
   Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping)
   Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management)

   Experimentation and Testing: A Primer
   Landing Page Tutorials and Case Studies
   101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
                 How do users come back?

Example Retention Goals
   •  1 - 3+ visits per month
   •  20% open rate / 2% CTR
   •  High deliverability / Low spam rating
   •  Long customer life cycle / Low decay
   •  Identify fanatics and cheerleaders

Retention Tips
   •  Email is simple and it works
   •  BUT make unsubscribe easy
   •  80% subject line / 20% body text
   •  ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text
   •  Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?)

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This document discusses metrics for product marketing and management. It introduces the AARRR framework for understanding the customer lifecycle, which stands for Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue. Each step of the lifecycle is defined. The document also provides examples of conversion metrics and percentages at different stages, and discusses qualitative and quantitative measurement approaches. It emphasizes testing marketing channels and features to improve conversion rates.

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Metrics-oriented approach on how to design [internet] marketing strategy, how to select customer acquisition channels. Plus a little bit on product strategy too.

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This document discusses metrics-driven marketing strategies and focuses on three key factors for marketing channels: volume, cost, and conversion. It emphasizes measuring conversion as deep down the conversion funnel as possible and estimating customer lifecycle, conversion, and revenue potential when designing marketing plans. Three scenarios are presented as examples to brainstorm marketing channel strategies based on factors like target customers, customer lifetime value, company funding, and marketing budgets.

               How do users come back?

Key Metrics to Track                Example
     Source
     Quantity
     Conversions
     Visitor Loyalty
     Session Length
   Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) /
   TriggerMail (site-centric email management)
   Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers)

   30 free HTML email templates
   Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines
   Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
   Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool)
   ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) /
   GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software)

   Seven Ways to GO VIRAL
   What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption
   Metrics: Where Users Come From

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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)
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Dave McClure
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
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Dave McClure
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Dave McClure
Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF 2008)
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Dealmaker Media
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)
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Dave McClure
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Kelly Schwedland
How to be a Web 2.0 Metrics Jedi (Web 2.0 Expo, April 2009)
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Dan Olsen
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
Dave McClure
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (July 2010)
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Dave McClure

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Startup Metrics for Pirates (SeedCamp 2008)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2012)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Nov 2010)
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Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (May 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Hawaii Nov 2009)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Startonomics Hawaii Nov 2009)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (DogPatch Labs, Boston, March 2010)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Sept 2010, Vancouver)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics 4 Pirates (Montreal, May 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Twiistup, Jan 2010)
Startup Metrics for Pirates: AARRR! (Startonomics SF 2008)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (Chicago, Aug 2010)
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Startup Metrics for Pirates (SF, Jan 2010)
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Startup Metrics (Ignite Velocity)

  • 1. Startup Metrics for Pirates •  Acquisition: users come to site from various channels •  Activation: users enjoy 1st visit: quot;happy” experience •  Retention: users come back, visit site multiple times •  Referral: users like product enough to refer others •  Revenue: users conduct some monetization behavior AARRR! Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats
  • 2. AARRR!: 5-Step Startup Metrics Model SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains 1. ACQUISITION  Viral  Loops  Emails & Alerts  Homepage / Emails & widgets Landing Page Product Blogs, RSS,  on Affiliates,  News Feeds  e t enti Features Contests  3. R Ads, Lead Gen,  Biz Dev System Events &  Subscriptions,  Time‐based Features  ECommerce
  • 3. Why Be a Web 2.0 Entrepreneur? •  Low Cost •  Lots of Users •  Online Advertising / E-Commerce •  Online Metrics •  It’s Cool. •  Make MONEY.
  • 4. Q: What’s My Business Model? Can be one of the following: 1.  Get Users (= Acquisition, Referral) 2.  Drive Usage (= Activation, Retention) 3.  Make Money (= Revenue*) * ideally profitable revenue Note: eventually need to turn Users/Usage -> Money
  • 5. Role: Founder/CEO Q: Which Metrics? Why? A: Focus on Critical Few Actionable Metrics (if you don’t use the metric to make a decision, it’s not actionable) •  Hypothesize Customer Lifecycle •  Target ~3-5 Conversion Metrics (tip: Less = More) •  Test, Measure, Iterate to Improve •  Delegate Each Key Metric to someone to OWN
  • 6. Role: Product / Engineering Q: What to Build? Why? A: Build Features that Increase Conversion •  Wireframes = Conversion Steps •  Measure, A/B Test, Iterate FAST (daily/weekly) •  Optimize for Conversion Improvement –  80% on existing feature optimization –  20% on new feature development
  • 7. Example Conversion Metrics (note: *not* actuals… your mileage may vary) Category Conversion Status Conv % Est. Value Acquisition Visit Site 100% $.01 (or landing page, or external widget) Acquisition Doesn't Abandon 70% $.05 (views 2+ pages, stays 10+ sec, 2+ clicks) Activation Happy 1st Visit 30% $.25 (views X pages, stays Y sec, Z clicks) Activation Email/Blog/RSS/Widget/Acct Signup 5% $2 (anything that could lead to repeat visit) Retention Length of Session / # of Clicks 10% $1 (length/intensity of engaged visit, >180s) Retention Email Open/ RSS view -> Click/Repeat Visit 3% $5 (3+ visits in first 30 days) Referral Refer 1+ users who visit site 2% $1 Referral Refer 10+ users who activate 0.2% $10 Revenue User generates minimum revenue 2% $5 Revenue User generates break-even revenue 1% $25
  • 8. Role: Marketing / Sales Q: What channels? Which users? Why? A: High Volume (#), Low Cost ($), High Conv (%) •  Design & Test Multiple Marketing Channels + Campaigns •  Select & Focus on Best-Performing Channels & Themes •  Optimize for conversion to target CTAs, not just site/landing page •  Match/Drive channel cost to/below revenue potential •  Grab the Low-Hanging Fruit: –  Blogs –  SEO/SEM –  Landing Pages –  Automated Emails
  • 9. Example Marketing Channels disclaimer: estimates of vol, cost/user, time & effort are subjective – actual costs are dependent on your specific business Channel Volume Cost/user Time to implement Mktg Prod Effort Effort Viral / depends on CTA; size of accessible low/zero Low for FB social networks; low low/med Referral social networks / # users med/hi for normal sites Email depends on CTA, size of your house low/med Low low/med low/med lists, email signups (med = create templates) Blogs / Depends on # blogs in your low/med Low (if just you blogging); low/med low/zero Bloggers segment, competitive scenario med (if you're setting up big CMS / (med = CMS, prof evangelizing to other bloggers) design) SEO depends on your keywords Low/zero Medium low/zero med/hi (depends on your search geeks) SEM depends on your keywords Depends Low/med Low/med low/med (depends on your marketing) (landing pages = med) Contest small unless big prize $ low/med low/med Med low/zero (don’t, keep it under $5K) (depends on contest, site, campaign) (med = prof contest site) Widget Depends on CTA; size of accessible low/med Low/med med med/hi (depends on sites, level of adoption + bloggers complexity) domains depends on keywords, domain costs depends low low Low (redirects/co- brand?) PR depends on your business & Med/hi medium (develop story, build contacts) med low/zero audience & news Biz Dev / depends on partner, size of med-high med/hi (capture metrics, generate Med/hi med/hi Partner customer base, conversion reports) (reports, co-branding) Affiliate / depends on economics Med/hi med/hi (need to build affiliate program, med/hi med/hi (depends on rqd Lead Gen capture metrics, generated reports) tracking & reporting) Direct / radio depends on geography Med/hi medium Med/hi low/zero Telemktg depends on target demographics med-high med-high High low/zero if no system; Med/hi if integrated SFA TV Potentially large (if you spend) High Med-high High Med/hi (production cost)
  • 10. Acquisition SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains 1. ACQUISITION  Marketing Channels: •  largest-volume (#) •  lowest-cost ($) •  best-performing (%)
  • 11. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Acquisition Methods  SEO / SEM  Blogs  Email  Social Media & Social Networks  Domains
  • 12. Activation SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Activation Criteria: Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV •  10-30+ seconds 1. ACQUISITION  Domains •  2-3+ page views •  3-5+ clicks •  1 key feature usage Homepage / Landing Page Product Features do LOTS of landing page & A/B tests – make lots of dumb guesses & iterate FAST
  • 13. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Example Activation Goals •  Click on something! •  Account sign up / Emails •  Referrals / Tell a friend •  Widgets / Embeds •  Low Bounce Rate Activation Tips •  Less is more •  Focus on user experience / usability •  Provide incentives & call to actions •  Test and iterate continuously
  • 14. Retention SEO Campaigns, Automated emails are simple & easy SEM PR Contests Biz Social retention (but don’t overdo it) Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates •  lifecycle emails @ +3, +7, +30d Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV •  status emails weekly/monthly Domains 1. ACQUISITION  •  event-based emails as they occur BUT: •  make it easy to unsubscribe Emails & Alerts  Homepage / Landing Page Product Blogs, RSS,  on News Feeds  et enti Features 3. R Tip on emails: •  > 80% or more on SUBJECT LINE System Events &  •  < 20% or less on BODY TEXT Time‐based Features
  • 15. Retention How do users come back? Retention Methods   Automated Emails * Track open rate / CTR / Quantity   RSS / News Feeds * Track % viewed / CTR / Quantity   Widgets / Embeds * Track impressions / CTR / Quantity
  • 16. Referral SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Viral  Domains 1. ACQUISITION  Loops  Emails & widgets Emails & Alerts  Homepage / Landing Page Affiliates,  Product Contests  Blogs, RSS,  n News Feeds  e tentio Features 3. R Focus on driving referrals System Events &  Time‐based Features  *after* users have a “happy” experience; avg score >= 8 out of 10
  • 17. Referral How do users refer others? Referral Methods  Send to Friend: Email / IM  Social Media  Widgets / Embeds  Affiliates
  • 18. Referral Viral Growth Factor Viral Growth Factor = X * Y * Z X = % of users who invite other people Y = average # of people that they invited Z = % of users who accepted an invitation A viral growth factor > 1 means an exponential organic user acquisition.
  • 19. Revenue SEO Campaigns, SEM PR Contests Biz Social Networks Dev Blogs Affiliates Apps & Direct, Tel, Widgets Email TV Domains 1. ACQUISITION  Viral  Loops  Emails & Alerts  Homepage / Emails & widgets Landing Page Product Blogs, RSS,  on Affiliates,  News Feeds  e t enti Features Contests  3. R Ads, Lead Gen,  Biz Dev System Events &  Subscriptions,  Time‐based Features  ECommerce  This is the part *you* still have to figure out… (we don’t know jack about your business)
  • 20. Revenue How do you make money? Revenue Tips •  Don’t rely on AdSense •  Start Free -> Go Freemium •  Subscription / Recurring transactions •  Qualify your customers -> Lead generation (arbitrage) •  Sell something! (physical or virtual)
  • 21. AARRR! Any Questions, Ye Scurvy Dogs? Additional References: •  “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”, Robert Cialdini (book) •  “Putting the Fun in Functional”, Amy Jo Kim (etech 2006 preso) •  “Futuristic Play”, Andrew Chen (blog) •  “Don’t Make Me Think”, Steve Krug (book) •  “A Theory of Fun”, Raph Koster (book, website)
  • 22. Dave McClure, Master of 500 Hats Hiten Shah, CrazyEgg / ACS / KISSmetrics
  • 23. Acquisition Keyword Vocabulary Top 10 - 100 words •  Your Brand / Products •  Customer Needs / Benefits •  Competitor’s Brand / Products •  Semantic Equivalents •  Misspellings Things to analyze •  Sources •  Volume •  Cost •  Conversion
  • 24. Acquisition Where are users coming from? Key Metrics to Track Example  Quantity (#)  Cost ($)  Conversions (%)
  • 25. Acquisition Tools Google Analytics (web analytics) Google Keyword Tool (keyword research tool) SEO Book Tools (SEO related tools) Resources SEO Book Blog The Social Media Manual: Read Before You Play Strategies to ruthlessly acquire users
  • 26. Activation What do users do on their first visit? Key Metrics to Track  Pages per visit  Time on site  Conversions Before After
  • 27. Activation Tools Crazy Egg (Visual Click Mapping) Google Website Optimizer (A/B & Multivariate Testing) (B2B Lead Generation Management) Resources Experimentation and Testing: A Primer Landing Page Tutorials and Case Studies 101 Easy Easy to use Google Website Optimizer
  • 28. Retention How do users come back? Example Retention Goals •  1 - 3+ visits per month •  20% open rate / 2% CTR •  High deliverability / Low spam rating •  Long customer life cycle / Low decay •  Identify fanatics and cheerleaders Retention Tips •  Email is simple and it works •  BUT make unsubscribe easy •  80% subject line / 20% body text •  ACTUALLY 99% subject line / 1% body text •  Fanatics = virality + affiliate channel (bloggers?)
  • 29. Retention How do users come back? Key Metrics to Track Example   Source   Quantity   Conversions   Visitor Loyalty   Session Length
  • 30. Retention Tools Campaign Monitor / MailChimp (email newsletter software) / TriggerMail (site-centric email management) Litmus (email and website design testing - clients / browsers) Resources 30 free HTML email templates Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines Learning Viral: Viral Emails of
  • 31. Referral Tools Gigya (social media distribution & tracking tool) ShareThis / AddThis (sharing buttons) / GetMyContacts (PHP contacts importing & invitation software) Resources Seven Ways to GO VIRAL What’s your viral loop? Understanding the engine of adoption Metrics: Where Users Come From