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Y the YUI? Christian Heilmann,  GeekUp Leeds, February 2008
Why any library?
Because not everybody likes pain.
Browsers have shifty eyes and will steal your lunch money!

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Introduction to YUI
Introduction to YUIIntroduction to YUI
Introduction to YUI

My small presentation at Web Directions North 2009 introducing YUI as part of the "JavaScript Libraries Super Session"

Essential YUI
Essential YUIEssential YUI
Essential YUI

Brief introduction to Yahoo's YUI library. Given as a presentation to college students who were new to JavaScript. Discusses DOM manipulation,

jQuery in the [Aol.] Enterprise
jQuery in the [Aol.] EnterprisejQuery in the [Aol.] Enterprise
jQuery in the [Aol.] Enterprise

Last year, AOL adopted a new content strategy and has positioned itself as a premier destination for original content. Core to this strategy is having reusable, highly efficient and optimized common code and experiences at scale, which is where jQuery comes in. Check in with Dave Artz to see how jQuery has helped his front-end standards team tackle unique challenges like optimizing 3rd party widget performance, overriding plugin functionality, and managing dependencies and updates across 100+ sites spanning multiple back-end platforms.

jquery javascript jscon jqcon webdesign webdevelop
Memory leaks, creative standards support and syntax oddities make your life less fun
So why the YUI?
First of all, please stop the fanboy fights.
All good libraries want to do the same thing: make your life easier.

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Hack with YUI
Hack with YUIHack with YUI
Hack with YUI

This presentation will be a quick introduction to YUI version 3.3.0 and some of its core functions that should be most useful for building your hacks. We'll cover DOM manipulation and event subscription, animations, drag and drop, Ajax and YQL, and how to use CSS Grids for layout.

Technical Introduction to YDN
Technical Introduction to YDNTechnical Introduction to YDN
Technical Introduction to YDN

The Yahoo Developer Network provides APIs and services for many Yahoo products and services, including search, answers, Flickr, and more. It allows developers to access Yahoo's data through RESTful APIs. It also provides tools for mixing and matching data as well as UI frameworks. The document discusses several Yahoo APIs and services that can be used to build applications that incorporate Yahoo data and functionality.

YUI for control freaks - a presentation at The Ajax Experience
YUI for control freaks - a presentation at The Ajax ExperienceYUI for control freaks - a presentation at The Ajax Experience
YUI for control freaks - a presentation at The Ajax Experience

Christian Heilmann discusses how the Yahoo! User Interface (YUI) library provides control for developers. YUI offers modular components that deal with specific tasks like DOM manipulation, events, animation, and debugging. It provides standards-based solutions with separation of concerns. YUI gives developers control through features like custom events, namespaces, validation, and debugging tools. It helps avoid issues across browsers and situations outside a developer's control.

YUI has one big benefit though:
It is Dr.Martens for the web: Industrial strength for your solutions.
Safety and Maintainability.
Namespacing included.

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Purple Hack Fodder - my presentation at mashed08
Purple Hack Fodder - my presentation at mashed08Purple Hack Fodder - my presentation at mashed08
Purple Hack Fodder - my presentation at mashed08

My presentation at mashed in London describing the pains I went to to get there and the things Yahoo offers for developers.

YSlow 2.0
YSlow 2.0YSlow 2.0
YSlow 2.0

My slides from the "Exceptional Website Performance with YSlow 2.0" show at CSDN (China Software Developers Network) in Beijing, Dec 6, 2008

3 UIs for the price of one code
3 UIs for the price of one code3 UIs for the price of one code
3 UIs for the price of one code

The document discusses libyui, a library that provides abstraction from GUI and TUI toolkits to allow creating user interfaces that can run on multiple platforms from a single codebase. It demonstrates a simple "Hello World" application in C++, Perl, and Python using libyui. It also covers libyui internals, language bindings, debugging tips, and places to find documentation.

Let’s guess what the  following things are...
YAHOO.util.Dom YAHOO.util.Event YAHOO.widget.ColorPicker
Roll your own: YAHOO.namespace(‘GeekUp’); YAHOO.GeekUp.getRoundIn = function(){...}
Mess around with JavaScript:  YAHOO.lang. ...

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Clipboard support on Y! mail
Clipboard support on Y! mailClipboard support on Y! mail
Clipboard support on Y! mail

1) The document discusses various approaches for implementing copy and paste functionality for contacts in email applications using the Yahoo! UI library (YUI). 2) Key challenges include inconsistent browser clipboard APIs and security restrictions that require user-initiated actions for copying content. 3) The proposed solution is a YUI node plugin called "gallery-clipboard" that provides a normalized event interface between JavaScript and Flash to allow copying in response to user events like mouse clicks or key presses.

Creating Custom Dojo Widgets Using WTP
Creating Custom Dojo Widgets Using WTPCreating Custom Dojo Widgets Using WTP
Creating Custom Dojo Widgets Using WTP

This document provides an introduction to creating custom widgets using the Web Tools Platform (WTP) and the Dojo JavaScript library. It discusses loading Dojo, using modules and classes, and creating a custom widget with a class and template. The document encourages readers to get involved by joining a newsgroup or filing bugs to provide feedback on WTP.

JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture
JavaScript Libraries: The Big PictureJavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture
JavaScript Libraries: The Big Picture

This document provides an overview of popular JavaScript libraries including Dojo Toolkit, YUI, Prototype, and jQuery. It discusses problems they aim to solve like cross-browser inconsistencies. Key features of each library are mentioned like Dojo's widgets, YUI's controls, Prototype's Ruby-like syntax, and jQuery's chaining and node selection. The document also covers ideas from the libraries like progressive enhancement, animation APIs, and leveraging hosting on CDNs.

OO-goodness for JS, Testing for types:   isArray, isBoolean, isFunction, isNull, isNumber isObject, isString, isUndefined, isValue
React to User Agents: if( === 5){  alert(“you hate developers,right?”); }
OMG! It is so HUGE!
Hosting by YAHOO  (CDN, gzipped, minified)

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JavaScript Library Overview
JavaScript Library OverviewJavaScript Library Overview
JavaScript Library Overview

The document discusses different approaches to using JavaScript libraries, including plug-and-play widgets, libraries that require some coding, and writing raw JavaScript from scratch. It then examines popular open-source JavaScript libraries like Prototype, jQuery, Yahoo UI, and Dojo, comparing their features, functionality, and widgets. The ideal library should have a robust core feature set along with user interface widgets, active development and support, and good documentation.


The document introduces Django, an open-source web framework written in Python. It provides an overview of Django, including its MVC structure, status updates, installation guide, basic tutorials, and features such as forms, generic views, sessions, caching, middleware, and its standard library. The document encourages learning additional skills like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL to become a strong web developer using Django.

jQuery Features to Avoid
jQuery Features to AvoidjQuery Features to Avoid
jQuery Features to Avoid

jQuery 1.9 will be cleaning up the library's API, but even so there are still features that should be used with care--or avoided completely.

jquery deprecated
Include on-demand, either with YAHOO loader, get or YAHOO_config.
Take control with Custom Events.
You do know what happens when and how and you can react to it.
Yes, you can use CSS selectors!  (as a query and as a filter)

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2009 Hackday Taiwan Yui
2009 Hackday Taiwan Yui2009 Hackday Taiwan Yui
2009 Hackday Taiwan Yui

The document discusses the evolution of the YUI JavaScript framework architecture. Some key changes include a modular design that allows discrete modules to be loaded independently, a common component foundation using attributes and events, and a Node API that provides a normalized way to interact with DOM elements.

Intro to jQuery
Intro to jQueryIntro to jQuery
Intro to jQuery

The document introduces jQuery, an open source JavaScript library that simplifies HTML and JavaScript interaction. It allows selecting elements, traversing DOM trees, manipulating elements, handling events, and adding effects. jQuery is extensible through thousands of plugins and the official jQuery UI includes widgets and interactions. The document recommends learning jQuery through books, blogs, Twitter accounts, and experimenting with the many demos and examples available.

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Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019
Develop, Debug, Learn? - Dotjs2019

We are obsessed with coding and creating automated workflows and optimisations. And yet our final products aren't making it easy for people to use them. Somewhere, we lost empathy for our end users and other developers. Maybe it is time to change that. Here are some ideas.

You have full API documentation, examples and cheatsheets - even offline! (Elephants, Tigers and Bears are extra.)
Oh, and the YUI is *not* a JavaScript library!
It is a framework of JS, CSS, Design Patterns and Widgets.
Developed and tested for use in Yahoo! properties, and handed over to you for free! (BSD license FTW)

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This document discusses ways to improve how web developers learn best practices through browser and tooling improvements. It suggests that linting and inline insights directly in code editors could help prevent mistakes by flagging issues early. A tool called webhint is highlighted that provides one-stop checking and explanations of hints related to performance, accessibility, security and more. The document advocates for customizing hints based on a project's specific needs and environment. Overall, it argues for accelerated learning through context-sensitive, customizable best practices integrated into development workflows.

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social mediaprivilege
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Seven ways to be a happier JavaScript developer - NDC Oslo

JavaScript is a bigger world than a language these days. Time to take stock and find happiness in that world.

Go, fetch!
Tips for quick YUI development:
Get an IDE that supports it (Aptana, Eclipse, TextMate Bundle)
Make your own shortcuts and nest them in a module pattern.

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This document discusses artificial intelligence and how it can help humans. It covers that AI is not new, having originated in the 1950s, and is now more advanced due to increased computing power. It also discusses how AI utilizes pattern recognition and machine learning. The document then covers several applications of AI including computer vision, natural language processing, sentiment analysis, speech recognition/conversion and moderation. It notes both the benefits of AI in automating tasks and preventing errors, as well as the responsibilities of ensuring transparency and allowing people to opt-in to algorithms.

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PWA are a hot topic and it is important to understand that they are a different approach to apps than the traditional way of packaging something and letting the user install it. In this keynote you'll see some of the differences.

YAHOO.namespace('geekup'); YAHOO.geekup.doStuff = function(){ function handler(){ if(YAHOO.util.Dom.hasClass(this, 'hl')){ YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(this, 'hl'); } else { YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(this, 'hl'); } } var nav = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('nav'); var lis = YAHOO.util.Selector.query('#nav li') for(var i=0;lis[i];i++){ YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(lis[i], 'click', handler); } }();
YAHOO.namespace('geekup'); YAHOO.geekup.doStuff = function(){ var YD = YAHOO.util.Dom,  var YE = YAHOO.util.Event; var $ = YAHOO.util.Selector.query; function handler(){ if(YD.hasClass(this, 'hl')){ YD.removeClass(this, 'hl'); } else { YD.addClass(this, 'hl'); } } var lis = $('#nav li') for(var i=0;lis[i];i++){ YE.on(lis[i], 'click', handler); } }();
YAHOO.namespace('geekup'); YAHOO.geekup.doStuff = function(){ var YD = YAHOO.util.Dom,  var YE = YAHOO.util.Event; var $ = YAHOO.util.Selector.query; function handler(){ if(YD.hasClass(this, 'hl')){ YD.removeClass(this, 'hl'); } else { YD.addClass(this, 'hl'); } } var lis = $('#nav li') for(var i=0;lis[i];i++){ YE.on(lis[i], 'click', handler); } }();
YAHOO.namespace('geekup'); YAHOO.geekup.doStuff = function(){ var YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; var YE = YAHOO.util.Event; var $ = YAHOO.util.Selector.query; YE.on($('#nav li'),'click',function(){ if(YD.hasClass(this, 'hl')){ YD.removeClass(this, 'hl'); } else { YD.addClass(this, 'hl'); } }); }();

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Taking the "vile" out of privilege
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Taking the "vile" out of privilege

This document discusses privilege in technology and perceptions of technology workers. It acknowledges the privileges that tech workers enjoy, such as access to resources and high demand in the job market. However, it also notes problems like peer pressure, lack of work-life balance, and imposter syndrome. Both tech workers and the public have skewed perceptions of each other - tech workers feel others do not appreciate or understand their work, while the public sees tech workers as antisocial or caring only about profit. The document encourages taking small steps to improve the situation, such as being kind to oneself, considering others, sharing knowledge, and focusing on quality over quantity of work.

Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developerFive ways to be a happier JavaScript developer
Five ways to be a happier JavaScript developer

The document provides five ways for JavaScript developers to be happier: 1) Concentrate on the present and focus on creating rather than worrying about the past or future. 2) Limit distractions by streamlining your development environment and using an editor like VS Code that consolidates features. 3) Make mistakes less likely by using linters to catch errors as you code. 4) Get to know your tools better like debuggers to avoid console.log and gain insights to build better solutions. 5) Give back to others in the community by being helpful rather than causing drama.

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Taking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWATaking the P out of PWA
Taking the P out of PWA

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and provides suggestions for improving them. It notes that while PWAs aim to have engaging, fast, integrated, and reliable experiences like native apps, they still have room for improvement in areas like speed, integration, and reliability. It emphasizes that PWAs should adhere to web best practices and provide actually useful experiences rather than just focusing on technical features. The document encourages helping the PWA effort by providing feedback, using and contributing to tools, keeping messaging up-to-date, and promoting high-quality examples.

YAHOO.namespace('geekup'); YAHOO.geekup.doStuff = function(){ var YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; var YE = YAHOO.util.Event; var $ = YAHOO.util.Selector.query; YE.on($('#nav li'),'click',function(){ if(YD.hasClass(this, 'hl')){ YD.removeClass(this, 'hl'); } else { YD.addClass(this, 'hl'); } }); }();
YAHOO.namespace('geekup'); YAHOO.geekup.doStuff = function(){ var YD = YAHOO.util.Dom; var YE = YAHOO.util.Event; YE.on(YD.get('nav'),'click',function(e){ var t = YE.getTarget(e); if(t.nodeName.toLowerCase()==='li'){ if(YD.hasClass(t, 'hl')){ YD.removeClass(t, 'hl'); } else { YD.addClass(t, 'hl'); } } }); }();
Thanks, now tell me what you’d like to know.

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