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Convince your boss to go
by Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH
Vadym Kazulkin
ip.labs GmbH Bonn, Germany
Co-Organizer of the Java User Group Bonn
and Serverless Bonn Meetup
@ServerlessBonn (Meetup)
ip.labs GmbH
Let’s talk about the
challenges of the
software development in
general first

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EBE 2020 How METRO & Ciklum built a new B2B marketplace

Arvind Sharma Global Head - Retail & CPG Vertical Ciklum AG Arvind has over 20 years of industry experience in leading the delivery of business transformation programs in a digital ecosystem. With strong business engagement and consulting credentials, he creates a climate of collaboration and knowledge sharing, ensuring talent, irrespective of the location, is aligned with business goals and demonstrating exceptional user experience, from conception through to the delivery. He is versatile and proficient at building trust and developing relationships, from field personnel to the C-suite.

Production machine learning: Managing models, workflows and risk at scale
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Production machine learning: Managing models, workflows and risk at scale

Explainability for machine learning (ML) algorithms is essential when moving to production, but it’s notoriously difficult to achieve transparency and navigate changing regulations, like the EU’s new AI legislation. In this session, Seldon CEO Alex Housley dives into what recent legislation means for organisations deploying ML, how they can protect their deployments with powerful monitoring capabilities and what to consider when building a robust ML deployment pipeline. With the support of real-world use cases, Alex also gives a practical guide to approaching deployment responsibly, and how to bake monitoring into ML pipelines to minimise risk and future-proof organisations.

How to monitor all aspects of Citrix NetScaler usage and performance within t...
How to monitor all aspects of Citrix NetScaler usage and performance within t...How to monitor all aspects of Citrix NetScaler usage and performance within t...
How to monitor all aspects of Citrix NetScaler usage and performance within t...

This document discusses monitoring Citrix environments with eG Enterprise. It describes how eG Enterprise integrates with Citrix NetScaler/ADC to monitor every layer from code to bare metal across public, private and hybrid clouds. The presentation demonstrates how eG Enterprise provides visibility into Citrix environments, NetScaler appliances, user sessions, and geo-specific troubleshooting. It highlights the importance of NetScaler monitoring and common NetScaler problems. Dashboards, alerts, and mobile apps are shown to provide actionable insights for improved digital experiences.

Cognitive Load –
the total amount of mental effort
being used in the working memory
• Intrinsic
• Extraneous
• Germane
Cognitive Load
• Intrinsic
• How to write a Java class or use a framework
• Extraneous
• Germane
Cognitive Load
• Intrinsic
• Extraneous
• How to automate tests (unit, integration, end-to-end, web, desktop, mobile)
• How to build, package, deploy and run my application
• How to configure monitoring, alerting, auto-scaling, logging and tracing
• How to operate and maintain infrastructure
• How to build-in fault-tolerance and resiliency
• How to make the hardware, networking and application secure
• Germane
Cognitive Load
• Intrinsic
• Extraneous
• Germane
• Domain Knowledge (payment, e-commerce)
• Business processes and workflows

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SQL In Hadoop: Big Data Innovation Without the Risk
SQL In Hadoop: Big Data Innovation Without the RiskSQL In Hadoop: Big Data Innovation Without the Risk
SQL In Hadoop: Big Data Innovation Without the Risk

The Briefing Room with Dr. Robin Bloor and Actian Live Webcast July 14, 2015 Watch the Archive: Innovation often implies risk, which is why businesses have many issues to weigh when considering change. Yet the remarkable growth of data is driving many traditional systems into the ground, forcing information workers to take a critical look at their existing tools. Technologies like Hadoop offer economical solutions to big data management, but to truly take advantage of its capabilities, organizations must modernize their infrastructure. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor as he explains how and why organizations should improve legacy systems. He’ll be briefed by Todd Untrecht of Actian, who will tout his company’s Actian Vortex, a SQL-in-Hadoop solution. He will show how integrating a SQL engine directly in the Hadoop cluster can lead to faster analytics and greater control, while still maintaining existing investments. Visit for more information.

A proposed framework for Agile Roadmap Design and Maintenance
A proposed framework for Agile Roadmap Design and MaintenanceA proposed framework for Agile Roadmap Design and Maintenance
A proposed framework for Agile Roadmap Design and Maintenance

Maintaining a relevant and meaningful roadmap while adopting a state of the art Agile methodology is challenging and somewhat antonymous. This presentation proposes a framework for designing and maintaining an Agile Roadmap.

roadmapagileagile software development
Introduction to PlanGrid
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Introduction to PlanGrid

This document summarizes the benefits of PlanGrid, a construction project management app. It highlights how PlanGrid allows teams to access the latest plans and documents in real-time, reducing time wasted searching for information. It claims PlanGrid saves time and money by avoiding rework through better coordination and issue tracking. Customer testimonials praise how PlanGrid streamlines processes and keeps teams connected in the field and office.

subcontractorconstruction softwareconstruction plans
Cognitive Load
• Intrinsic ->
become fluent in it
• Extraneous ->
minimize amount of what we
implement/operate/support/own by ourselves
• Germane ->
minimize amount of what we have to implement
by ourselves
What our boss wants from us?
… that we are productive
We are productive if we regularly ship products,
which are successfully used by our customers
What is holding us back from
being productive?
Technical Debt - reflects the implied cost
of additional rework caused by choosing an
easy (limited) solution now instead of using
a better approach that would take longer
”The Cost of Poor Quality Software in the US: A 2018 Report”

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Digital Transformation with 2 Speed IT & Agile Scrum
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Digital Transformation with 2 Speed IT & Agile Scrum

Amit Kumar and Amit Anand discuss digital transformation at an enterprise using a 2 speed IT approach. They describe challenges faced including resistance to change and outdated architectures. Their solution was to create an elite development team using agile practices, innovation-ready architecture, and DevOps. This allowed for weekly releases and one-click deployments. It improved conversion rates, reduced time to market, and increased productivity.

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Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at AWS Co...
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The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

awsserverlesscloud computing
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...
Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at JCON 2...

The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

serverlesscloud computingcloud
Technical Debt
• Even a perfect solution can become the
technical debt over the time
• Version of programming language comes
out of support (Java 8)
• Security considerations forces us to
upgrade one of our dependencies (library
or web application server version)
• One of our dependencies (e.g. to open
source project) is discontinued
Technical Debt
Think of what can happen to your software over
the entire life cycle of our product
Technical Debt
• is related to amount of code written
• is related to amount of dependencies used
• open source projects, programming
languages, databases, (web) application
Legacy Systems are systems that can’t
”The Cost of Poor Quality Software in the US: A 2018 Report”
Legacy System

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This document discusses increasing developer productivity through serverless computing. It begins by outlining various types of cognitive load on developers and how serverless can help minimize extraneous load. It then discusses how technical debt and inability to evolve can reduce productivity. Serverless is presented as helping reduce technical debt through writing less code and fewer dependencies. The total cost of ownership advantages of serverless are covered, including no infrastructure maintenance, built-in auto-scaling, ability to do more with fewer resources, lower technical debt, and faster time to market. Best practices like evolutionary architecture, DevOps, and chaos engineering are discussed for effectively leveraging serverless. Recent improvements to serverless offerings from AWS are summarized.

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Measure and Increase Developer Productivity with Help of Serverless at Server...

The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

awscloudcloud computing
Measure and increase developer productivity with help of Severless by Kazulki...
Measure and increase developer productivity with help of Severless by Kazulki...Measure and increase developer productivity with help of Severless by Kazulki...
Measure and increase developer productivity with help of Severless by Kazulki...

The goal of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload everything else to your trusted partners (like Cloud providers or SaaS vendors). You want to iterate quickly and today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt. In this talk we will show why Serverless adoption increases the developer productivity and how to measure it. We will also go through AWS Serverless architectures where you only glue together different Serverless managed services relying solely on configuration, minimizing the amount of the code written.

Evolutionary Architecture –
supports guided, incremental
change across multiple dimensions
• Incremental change
• Appropriate architectural coupling
• Fitness functions
”Architectural Coupling”
Evolutionary Architecture –
Fitness functions
• Source code metrics (such as measuring
cyclomatic complexity)
• Unit tests (% of coverage and % of success)
• Performance metrics (such as API latency or
• Security (encryption at rest, e.g. checking that all S3
buckets have encryption enabled, or automatic key rotation
for all external APIs, with tools such as the AWS Secrets
• ArchUnit, Sonar, CI/CD Tools
• CodeCommit,…CodeDeploy, Jenkins
Danilo Poccia „ Serverless + Evolutionary Architectures + Safe Deployments = Speed in the Right Direction”
The Value Proposition of
But let’s talk about of Total Cost of Ownership of
the Serverless paradigm
TCO Full Picture
No Infrastructure
Operation and
Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”

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Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at FrOSCon 2021

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

awscloudcloud computing
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group Nairobi
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group NairobiWriting less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group Nairobi
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS User Group Nairobi

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

awscloudcloud computing
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS Community Day DACH 2021
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS Community Day DACH 2021Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS Community Day DACH 2021
Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at AWS Community Day DACH 2021

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

awscloudcloud computing
No Infrastructure Maintenance
Is infrastructure maintenance and
operation your core competency ?
TCO Full Picture
No Infrastructure
Operation and
Auto Scaling and
Fault Tolerance
Built in
Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
Auto Scaling And Fault Tolerance
Built In
• Can you get capacity planning
and auto scaling right?
• Do you want to solve the hard problem
of fault tolerance by yourself?
TCO Full Picture
No Infrastructure
Operation and
Auto Scaling and
Fault Tolerance
Built in
Do more with less
Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”

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TCO of Serverless application. How Serverless helps us to be productive, write less code and implement evolutionary architectures. How to measure productivity to see you're on track with Serverless

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Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at OOP 2022
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Writing less code with Serverless on AWS at OOP 2022

The purpose of Serverless is to focus on writing the code that delivers business value and offload undifferentiated heavy lifting to the Cloud providers or SaaS vendors of your choice. Today’s code quickly becomes tomorrow’s technical debt even if you meet the perfect decision. The less you own, the better it is from the maintainability point of view. In this talk I will go through examples of the various Serverless architectures on AWS where you glue together different Serverless managed services relying mostly on configuration, significantly reducing the amount of the code written to perform the task. Own less, build more!

FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

When we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

awscloudcloud computing
Do more with less
By heavily relying on the managed
Serverless services you
• Need fewer engineers to start
implementing your new product idea
• Can do more with the same amount of
TCO Full Picture
No Infrastructure
Operation and
Auto Scaling and
Fault Tolerance
Built in
Do more with less
Lower technical
Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
Lower technical debt
• Whatever code you write today is always tomorrow’s technical
debt © Paul Johnston
• Less code means lower technical debt
• Time and effort required for maintaining the solution over its whole
lifecycle is by far much more than for developing it
Jeff Atwood „The Best Code is No Code At All”
Paul Johnston “Cloud 2.0: Code is no longer King — Serverless has dethroned it”
TCO Full Picture
No Infrastructure
Operation and
Auto Scaling and
Fault Tolerance
Built in
Do more with less
Lower technical
Focus on Business
Value and Innovation
Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”

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Confoo-Montreal-2016: Controlling Your Environments using Infrastructure as Code
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Slides from my talk at ConFoo Montreal, February 2016. A presentation on how to apply configuration management (CM) principles for your various environments, to control changes made to them. You apply CM on your code, why not on your environments content? This presentation will present the infrastructure as code principles using Chef and/or Ansible. Topics discussed include Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery/Deployment principles, Infrastructure As Code and DevOps.

Implementing Service Oriented Architecture
Implementing Service Oriented ArchitectureImplementing Service Oriented Architecture
Implementing Service Oriented Architecture

SaaS architectures can be deployed onto AWS in a number of ways, and each optimizes for different factors from security to cost optimization. Come learn more about common deployment models used on AWS for SaaS architectures and how each of those models are tuned for customer specific needs. We will also review options and tradeoffs for common SaaS architectures, including cost optimization, resource optimization, performance optimization, and security and data isolation.

aws cloud2015 enterprise summitcloud computing
Implementing Service Oriented Architecture
Implementing Service Oriented ArchitectureImplementing Service Oriented Architecture
Implementing Service Oriented Architecture

Migrations of existing enterprise applications to the cloud can be complex. There are no migration methodologies or magic bullets that enable a simple lift and shift or automated migration. Typical migration projects take a great deal of discovery work, re-architecture, and refactoring. In this session, we will share known challenges and considerations that must be accounted for when designing, planning, and executing a migration. Topics will include: scale-out and distributed architectures, geographic dispersion, leveraging existing cloud services, and logging & monitoring. In addition, this session will address how in-depth discovery efforts can be paired with configuration management, automation, and source control to minimize the risk of future technical debt. Finally, we’ll cover the business and technical factors the affect the complexity of application refactoring.

chicago summitcloud computing2015 aws summit chicago
Focus On Business Value and
Every organization wants exactly this!
TCO Full Picture
No Infrastructure
Operation and
Auto Scaling and
Fault Tolerance
Built in
Do more with less
Lower technical
Faster Time to
Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
Focus on Business
Value and Innovation
Faster Time To Market
• Time To Market is the key differentiator in
today’s business!
• Ask yourself: what is core for your business
and what you can get as Commodity +(Utility)
as a Service?
Serverless Mindset at ip.labs
“Accelerate Innovation and Maximize Business Value with Serverless Applications”

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Implementing Service Oriented Architecture
Implementing Service Oriented Architecture Implementing Service Oriented Architecture
Implementing Service Oriented Architecture

Migrations of existing enterprise applications to the cloud can be complex. There are no migration methodologies or magic bullets that enable a simple lift and shift or automated migration. Typical migration projects take a great deal of discovery work, re-architecture, and refactoring. In this session, we will share known challenges and considerations that must be accounted for when designing, planning, and executing a migration. Topics will include: scale-out and distributed architectures, geographic dispersion, leveraging existing cloud services, and logging & monitoring. In addition, this session will address how in-depth discovery efforts can be paired with configuration management, automation, and source control to minimize the risk of future technical debt. Finally, we’ll cover the business and technical factors the affect the complexity of application refactoring.

2015entnysummitaws summitamazon web services
Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]
Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]
Agility and Control from AWS [FutureStack16]

The document discusses how DevOps practices can help organizations operate at hyper scale with AWS. It notes that software delivery has changed and disruption is faster than ever. It outlines some key DevOps tools needed like CI/CD pipelines for managing releases, testing, and deploying applications. The document discusses how Amazon transformed its development practices using microservices and pipelines to allow for faster delivery. It provides examples of how other companies have benefited from DevOps. Finally, it highlights some key AWS services that can help with DevOps practices like monitoring, infrastructure as code, and continuous integration/delivery pipelines.

futurestack16new relicaws
Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017
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Cloud Computing101 Azure, updated june 2017

Modelos de Cloud Computing - IAAS - PAAS . SAAS - Arquitecturas Serverless- Nubes Privadas y Públicas - Estrategias Híbridas

serverlessazure stackpaas
How to measure success
See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
Software Delivery and
Operational Performance
See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
Example: strategies to reduce
time to restore service
See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
“Win-Win Deployment Strategies for Modern Apps”

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FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

hen we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...
FaaS or not to FaaS. Visible and invisible benefits of the Serverless paradig...

When we talk about prices, we often only talk about Lambda costs. In our applications, however, we rarely use only Lambda. Usually we have other building blocks like API Gateway, data sources like SNS, SQS or Kinesis. We also store our data either in S3 or in serverless databases like DynamoDB or recently in Aurora Serverless. All of these AWS services have their own pricing models to look out for. In this talk, we will draw a complete picture of the total cost of ownership in serverless applications and present a decision-making list for determining if and whether to rely on serverless paradigm in your project. In doing so, we look at the cost aspects as well as other aspects such as understanding application lifecycle, software architecture, platform limitations, organizational knowledge and plattform and tooling maturity. We will also discuss current challenges adopting serverless such as lack of high latency ephemeral storage, unsufficient network performance and missing security features.

Technology insights: Decision Science Platform
Technology insights: Decision Science PlatformTechnology insights: Decision Science Platform
Technology insights: Decision Science Platform

Presentazione dello speech tenuto da Carmine Spagnuolo (Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Università degli Studi di Salerno/ ACT OR) dal titolo "Technology insights: Decision Science Platform", durante il Decision Science Forum 2019, il più importante evento italiano sulla Scienza delle Decisioni.

decision sciencedecision science communitydecision science forum
AWS Lambda Deployment
Best Practices:
• API Gateway Stage variables and Lambda
• Lambda Alias Traffic Shifting
Chris Munns: “Testing and Deployment Best Practices for AWS Lambda-Based Applications”
AWS Lambda Deployment
Best Practices
• AWS Lambda Alias Canary and Linear Traffic
Shifting & AWS SAM Safe Deployments
• CloudWatch Rollback Alarms & Lambda hooks
Chris Munns: “Testing and Deployment Best Practices for AWS Lambda-Based Applications”
Time Spent
See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
Using Serverless ecosystem will
with the right engineering practices in place will
significantly reduce
• extraneous and germane cognitive load
• the amount of code written

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ip.labs is the world's leading white label e-commerce software imaging company and processes millions of images every day. The workflows of our users consist of designing, saving, loading, ordering and delivering to the printing facilities the photo products like prints, photobooks, calendars, gift products among others. In this talk we'll explore the challenges of our previous solution based on ALB, EC2, EBS and EFS, our motivation and architecture behind the reimplementation of our image storage solution based on AWS Serverless services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, SNS, EventBridge and others, benefits that we've got with this new solution but also challenges we needed to overcome and trade-offs we had to make.

awsserverlessaws lambda
High performance Serverless Java on AWS- JavaDays Lviv 2024
High performance Serverless Java on AWS- JavaDays Lviv 2024High performance Serverless Java on AWS- JavaDays Lviv 2024
High performance Serverless Java on AWS- JavaDays Lviv 2024

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless community. Java is known for its high cold start times and high memory footprint, comparing to other programming languages like Node.js and Python. In this talk I'll look at the general best practices and techniques we can use to decrease memory consumption, cold start times for Java Serverless development on AWS including GraalVM (Native Image) and AWS own offering SnapStart based on Firecracker microVM snapshot and restore and CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) runtime hooks. I'll also provide a lot of benchmarking on Lambda functions trying out various deployment package sizes, Lambda memory settings, Java compilation options and HTTP (a)synchronous clients and measure their impact on cold and warm start times.

awsaws lambdajava
High performance Serverless Java on AWS- GoTo Amsterdam 2024
High performance Serverless Java on AWS- GoTo Amsterdam 2024High performance Serverless Java on AWS- GoTo Amsterdam 2024
High performance Serverless Java on AWS- GoTo Amsterdam 2024

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless community. Java is known for its high cold start times and high memory footprint, comparing to other programming languages like Node.js and Python. In this talk I'll look at the general best practices and techniques we can use to decrease memory consumption, cold start times for Java Serverless development on AWS including GraalVM (Native Image) and AWS own offering SnapStart based on Firecracker microVM snapshot and restore and CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) runtime hooks. I'll also provide a lot of benchmarking on Lambda functions trying out various deployment package sizes, Lambda memory settings, Java compilation options and HTTP (a)synchronous clients and measure their impact on cold and warm start times.

javaawsaws lambda
How to write less code with
AWS Serverless services 1/3
• Write fewer Lambda functions
• use direct AWS service integrations in case the Lambda only
calls the AWS service itself
Less Lambda functions means less:
• code to write, test, run and maintain
• CI/CD (deploy, rollback strategies) to maintain
• Infrastructure as a Code (IAM policies, permission) to write and test
• cold-start worries
• point of failures and retries
• security concerns
• worries about Lambda limits (e.g. concurrency settings per AWS account)
• spending on Lambda, CloudWatch and 3rd party SaaS on (AWS) (monthly) bill
Sheen Brisals “Don’t wait for Functionless. Write less Functions instead”
How to write less code with
AWS Serverless services 2/3
• Write fewer Lambda functions
• use more direct service integrations in case the Lambda only calls the
Service itself
• Write less Infrastructure as a Code
• applies not only for Lambda but also to other services like AppSync
• Use (AWS) Services/Frameworks which provide meaningful abstractions
• Amplify Framework or Serverless Framework Components
How to write less code with
AWS Serverless services 3/3
• API Gateway Service Integration
• HTTP APIs Storage-First Service
• Step Functions Service Integration
• Event Bridge Filtering and Routing
• Lambda Destinations
• AppSync and Direct Lambda
• Amplify Framework
• Serverless Framework

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High performance Serverless Java on AWS at GeeCon 2024 KrakowHigh performance Serverless Java on AWS at GeeCon 2024 Krakow
High performance Serverless Java on AWS at GeeCon 2024 Krakow

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless community. Java is known for its high cold start times and high memory footprint, comparing to other programming languages like Node.js and Python. In this talk I'll look at the general best practices and techniques we can use to decrease memory consumption, cold start times for Java Serverless development on AWS including GraalVM (Native Image) and AWS own offering SnapStart based on Firecracker microVM snapshot and restore and CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) runtime hooks. I'll also provide a lot of benchmarking on Lambda functions trying out various deployment package sizes, Lambda memory settings, Java compilation options and HTTP (a)synchronous clients and measure their impact on cold and warm start times.

javaawsaws lambda
Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless Applications at DevOpsCon 2024 London
Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless Applications at DevOpsCon 2024 LondonAmazon DevOps Guru for Serverless Applications at DevOpsCon 2024 London
Amazon DevOps Guru for Serverless Applications at DevOpsCon 2024 London

In this talk, we’ll use a standard serverless application that uses API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, Step Functions (and other AWS-managed services). We'll explore how Amazon DevOps Guru recognizes operational issues and anomalies like increased latency and error rates (timeouts, throttling, and resource limits) and integrate DevOps Guru with PagerDuty to provide even better incident management. Amazon DevOps Guru analyzes data like application metrics, logs, events, and traces to establish baseline operational behavior and then uses ML to detect anomalies. The service uses pre-trained ML models that are able to identify spikes in application requests, so it knows when to alert and when not to.

Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...
Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...
Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...

There is a misunderstanding that everything is possible with the Serverless Services in AWS. For example, the misunderstanding that your Lambda function may scale without limitations. But each AWS service (not only Serverless) has a big list of quotas that everybody needs to be aware of, understand, and take into account during the development. In this talk, I'll explain the most important quotas (in terms of scaling, but not only that) of Serverless services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, and Aurora Serverless and how to architect your solution with these quotas in mind.

awsserverlessaws lambda
Sheen Brisals “Don’t wait for Functionless. Write less Functions instead”
API Gateway Service Integration
API Gateway Service Integration with
Dynamo DB : Example ID generator 1/2
Sheen Brisals “Sequence Numbering in Serverless via API Gateway”
API Gateway Service Integration with
Dynamo DB : Example ID generator
Sheen Brisals “Sequence Numbering in Serverless via API Gateway”
Eric Johnson “”
HTTP APIs Storage-First Service
• Event Bridge
• Kinesis Data Streams
• AppConfig
• Step Functions

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How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at JCON Wor...

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless Community. Java is known for its high cold start times which may heavily impact the latencies of your application. But the times change: Community and AWS as a cloud providers improve things steadily for Java developers. In this talk we look at the best practices, features and possibilities AWS offers for the Java developers to reduce the cold start times like GraalVM Native Image and AWS Lambda SnapStart based on CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) project.

How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at Serverle...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at Serverle...How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at Serverle...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at Serverle...

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless Community. Java is known for its high cold start times which may heavily impact the latencies of your application. But the times change: Community and AWS as a cloud providers improve things steadily for Java developers. In this talk we look at the best practices, features and possibilities AWS offers for the Java developers to reduce the cold start times like GraalVM Native Image and AWS Lambda SnapStart based on on FirecrackerVM snapshot and CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) project.

Revolutionize DevOps lifecycle with Amazon CodeCatalyst and DevOps Guru at De...
Revolutionize DevOps lifecycle with Amazon CodeCatalyst and DevOps Guru at De...Revolutionize DevOps lifecycle with Amazon CodeCatalyst and DevOps Guru at De...
Revolutionize DevOps lifecycle with Amazon CodeCatalyst and DevOps Guru at De...

This document summarizes Amazon CodeCatalyst and DevOps Guru, which help revolutionize the DevOps lifecycle. Amazon CodeCatalyst allows developers to create serverless projects that include code, development environments, CI/CD pipelines, and issue/report tracking. DevOps Guru uses machine learning to detect operational issues in services like DynamoDB, API Gateway, and Lambda by analyzing metrics to find anomalies and reduce human intervention. It provides both reactive insights for existing issues and proactive insights to predict future problems.

Step Functions Service Integration
“Service Integrations with AWS Step Functions”
Event Bridge Filtering and Routing
“Reducing custom code by using advanced rules in Amazon EventBridge”
Lambda Destinations
“Introducing AWS Lambda Destinations”
AppSync and Direct Lambda
“Introducing Direct Lambda Resolvers: AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs without VTL”

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Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at AWS Community Day NL 2023
Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at AWS Community Day NL 2023Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at AWS Community Day NL 2023
Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at AWS Community Day NL 2023

In this talk we’ll use a standard Serverless application which uses of API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS, Step Functions (and other AWS managed services) and explore how Amazon DevOps Guru recognizes operational issues like increased latency and error rates (timeouts, throttling and resource limits) and integrate DevOps Guru with PagerDuty for providing even better incident management. Amazon DevOps Guru analyzes data like application metrics, logs, events, and traces to establish baseline operational behavior and then uses ML to detect anomalies. The service uses pre-trained ML models that are able to identify spikes in application requests, so it knows when to alert and when not to.

Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...
Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...
Making sense of service quotas of AWS Serverless services and how to deal wit...

There is a misunderstanding, that everything is possible with the Serverless Services in AWS, for example that your Lambda function may scale without limitations . But each AWS service (not only Serverless) has a big list of quotas that everybody needs to be aware of, understand and take into account during the development. In this talk I'll explain the most important quotas of the Serverless Services like API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, SQS and Aurora Serverless and how to architect your solution with these quotas in mind.

awsserverlessaws lambda
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...
How to reduce cold starts for Java Serverless applications in AWS at InfoShar...

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless Community. Java is known for its high cold start times which may heavily impact the latencies of your application. But the times change: Community and AWS as a cloud providers improve things steadily for Java developers. In this talk we look at the best practices, features and possibilities AWS offers for the Java developers to reduce the cold start times like GraalVM Native Image and AWS Lambda SnapStart based on CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) project.

Amplify Framework
Serverless Framework Components
Using Serverless ecosystem will
with the right engineering practices in place will
significantly reduce
• extraneous and germane cognitive load
• the amount of code written
• amount of dependencies (no execution runtime and web
application server to take care of)
Serverless with the focus on you
core domains will enable
• iterative development mind set
• experimentation culture
• focus on business value innovation and
faster time to market
• evolutionary architectures

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Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at Voxxed Days Bruxelles 2023

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless Community. Java is known for its high cold start times and high memory footprint. For both you have to pay to the cloud providers of your choice. That's why  most developers tried to avoid using Java for such use cases. But the times change: Community and cloud providers improve things steadily for Java developers. In this talk we look at the features and possibilities AWS cloud provider offers for the Java developers and look the most popular Java frameworks, like Micronaut, Quarkus and Spring (Boot) and look how (AOT compiler and GraalVM Native Image play a huge role) they address Serverless challenges and enable Java for broad usage in the Serverless world. We'll also look into AWS Lambda SnapStart feature based on CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) project which also reduces the cold start time of Java Serverless application on AWS. We also look into the tools which help us figure out the optimal balance between Lambda memory footprint, invocation time and execution cost.

Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023
Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023
Github Copilot vs Amazon CodeWhisperer for Java developers at JCON 2023

The document compares GitHub Copilot, Amazon CodeWhisperer, and ChatGPT for Java developers. It provides an overview of each tool, compares their programming language support, IDE support, and pricing. It demonstrates their abilities for general tasks, simple functions, more complex algorithms, JUnit testing, and Spring Boot web development. It concludes that while the tools provide helpful suggestions, developers are still needed to ensure correctness and efficiency. GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT benefit from OpenAI, while Amazon CodeWhisperer needs quality improvements for Java but may leverage AWS services.

aicode complitionjava
AWS Lambda SnapStart: Why, How and What AWS Serverless Meetup New York Boston...
AWS Lambda SnapStart: Why, How and What AWS Serverless Meetup New York Boston...AWS Lambda SnapStart: Why, How and What AWS Serverless Meetup New York Boston...
AWS Lambda SnapStart: Why, How and What AWS Serverless Meetup New York Boston...

Vadym Kazulkin presented on AWS Lambda SnapStart, which aims to reduce cold start times for Java functions on AWS Lambda. SnapStart works by saving snapshots of the JVM state during a "priming" invocation and restoring it on subsequent cold starts. This can reduce cold start times from seconds to milliseconds. However, SnapStart currently only supports Java 11/17 runtimes and some limitations remain around deployment time and full cold start measurement. Priming the application before taking snapshots can further reduce cold starts but with tradeoffs around additional Lambda costs and optimization time.

…or not to FaaS ?
1. Application lifecycle
2. Workloads
3. Programming Model
4. Platform limitations
5. Cost at scale
6. Organizational environment
7. Platform and tooling maturity
Decision Checklist: understand your…
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
1. Application lifecycle
2. Workloads
3. Programming Model
4. Platform limitations
5. Cost at scale
6. Organizational environment
7. Platform and tooling maturity
Decision Checklist: understand your…
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH

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Revolutionize DevOps with ML capabilities. Deep dive into Amazon CodeGuru and...
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Revolutionize DevOps with ML capabilities. Deep dive into Amazon CodeGuru and...

I will introduce two AWS services: CodeGuru and DevOps Guru. CodeGuru Reviewer uses ML and automated reasoning to automatically identify critical issues, security vulnerabilities, and hard-to-find bugs during application development. DevOps Guru analyzes data like application metrics, logs, events, and traces to establish baseline operational behavior and then uses ML to detect anomalies. It does this by having the ability to correlate and group metrics together to understand the relationships between those metrics, so it knows when to alert.

Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at AWS Community Day Bene...
Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at  AWS Community Day Bene...Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at  AWS Community Day Bene...
Amazon DevOps Guru for the Serverless Applications at AWS Community Day Bene...

In this talk we’ll build a standard Serverless application which uses of API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB and explore how Amazon DevOps Guru recognizes operational issues like increased latency and error rates (timeouts and throttles) and integrate DevOps Guru with PagerDuty for providing even better incident management Amazon DevOps Guru analyzes data like application metrics, logs, events, and traces to establish baseline operational behavior and then uses ML to detect anomalies. The service uses pre-trained ML models that are able to identify spikes in application requests, so it knows when to alert and when not to.

awsserverlessmachine learning
Amazon CodeGuru vs SonarQube for Java Developers at JCon 2022
Amazon CodeGuru vs SonarQube for Java Developers at JCon 2022Amazon CodeGuru vs SonarQube for Java Developers at JCon 2022
Amazon CodeGuru vs SonarQube for Java Developers at JCon 2022

In this talk I will compare 2 services which aim at automatically identifing critical issues, security vulnerabilities, and hard-to-find bugs during application development: Amazon CodeGuru and SonarQube from the perspective of the Java developer on AWS. Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer uses ML and automated reasoning to provide recommendations to developers on how to fix issues to improve code quality and dramatically reduce the time it takes to fix bugs before they reach customer-facing applications and result in a bad experience. SonarQube is an open-source platform for continuous inspection of code quality to perform automatic reviews with static analysis of code to detect bugs, code smells, and security vulnerabilities on 20+ programming languages. SonarQube offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, code complexity, comments, bugs, and security vulnerabilities

awsci-cdmachine learning
Christian Posta „Be as serverless as you can, but not more than that”
Explore phase
• Quickly validate
• Rapidly experiment
• Run experiments as
cheaply as possible
Serverless is a perfect fit
Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Exploit phase
• Built something that does
provide customer value
• Build it on scale
• Build a profitable product
around it
partly serverless and partly not
serverless architecture
Image: Robert Scoble via Flickr Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Application lifecycle
• How much of my stack should I own
to be able to deliver business value?
• Outsource SLA, regulatory
compliance, price, and roadmap to
my service provider?
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH

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Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Saxony Day 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Saxony Day 2022Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Saxony Day 2022
Adopting Java for the Serverless World at JUG Saxony Day 2022

Java is for many years one of the most popular programming languages, but it used to have hard times in the Serverless Community. Java is known for its high cold start times and high memory footprint. For both you have to pay to the cloud providers of your choice. That's why most developers tried to avoid using Java for such use cases. But the times change: Community and cloud providers improve things steadily for Java developers. In this talk we look at the features and possibilities AWS cloud provider offers for the Java developers and look the most popular Java frameworks, like Micronaut, Quarkus and Spring (Boot) and look how (AOT compiler and GraalVM native images play a huge role) they address Serverless challenges and enable Java for broad usage in the Serverless world.

Projects Valhalla and Loom DWX 2022
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Projects Valhalla and Loom DWX 2022

This document discusses Projects Valhalla and Loom in Java. Project Valhalla aims to introduce value types to improve memory usage and performance. It plans to unify the Java type system by introducing value classes, primitive classes, and reference projections. Project Loom introduces virtual threads and continuations to enable simple and scalable concurrent programming using structured concurrency. Both projects are currently in preview stages in JDK 19.

javaconcurrencyhardware architecture
Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection
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Advanced Techniques for Cyber Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection

Cybersecurity is a major concern in today's connected digital world. Threats to organizations are constantly evolving and have the potential to compromise sensitive information, disrupt operations, and lead to significant financial losses. Traditional cybersecurity techniques often fall short against modern attackers. Therefore, advanced techniques for cyber security analysis and anomaly detection are essential for protecting digital assets. This blog explores these cutting-edge methods, providing a comprehensive overview of their application and importance.

cybersecurityanomaly detectionadvanced techniques
• You can’t magically move
that all off to service
• You can try to modernize
parts of them
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
• Add a proxy (API
Gateway or Application
Loadbalancer), which
sits between the legacy
application and the user
• Add new services and
link it to the proxy
Marin Fowler „StrangerFigApplication” Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
FinDev Concept
Activity-based costing on a
digital operation-by-operation
• Figure out features which deliver
business value comparing to their
Aleksander Simovic & Mark Schwarz „FinDev and Serverless Microeconomics: Part 1”
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
1. Application lifecycle
2. Workloads
3. Programming Model
4. Platform limitations
5. Cost at scale
6. Organizational environment
7. Platform and tooling maturity
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH

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Today’s digitally connected world presents a wide range of security challenges for enterprises. Insider security threats are particularly noteworthy because they have the potential to cause significant harm. Unlike external threats, insider risks originate from within the company, making them more subtle and challenging to identify. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of insider security threats, including their types, examples, effects, and mitigation techniques.

insider securitycybersecurity threatsenterprise security
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference
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UiPath Community Day Kraków: Devs4Devs Conference

We are honored to launch and host this event for our UiPath Polish Community, with the help of our partners - Proservartner! We certainly hope we have managed to spike your interest in the subjects to be presented and the incredible networking opportunities at hand, too! Check out our proposed agenda below 👇👇 08:30 ☕ Welcome coffee (30') 09:00 Opening note/ Intro to UiPath Community (10') Cristina Vidu, Global Manager, Marketing Community @UiPath Dawid Kot, Digital Transformation Lead @Proservartner 09:10 Cloud migration - Proservartner & DOVISTA case study (30') Marcin Drozdowski, Automation CoE Manager @DOVISTA Pawel Kamiński, RPA developer @DOVISTA Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 09:40 From bottlenecks to breakthroughs: Citizen Development in action (25') Pawel Poplawski, Director, Improvement and Automation @McCormick & Company Michał Cieślak, Senior Manager, Automation Programs @McCormick & Company 10:05 Next-level bots: API integration in UiPath Studio (30') Mikolaj Zielinski, UiPath MVP, Senior Solutions Engineer @Proservartner 10:35 ☕ Coffee Break (15') 10:50 Document Understanding with my RPA Companion (45') Ewa Gruszka, Enterprise Sales Specialist, AI & ML @UiPath 11:35 Power up your Robots: GenAI and GPT in REFramework (45') Krzysztof Karaszewski, Global RPA Product Manager 12:20 🍕 Lunch Break (1hr) 13:20 From Concept to Quality: UiPath Test Suite for AI-powered Knowledge Bots (30') Kamil Miśko, UiPath MVP, Senior RPA Developer @Zurich Insurance 13:50 Communications Mining - focus on AI capabilities (30') Thomasz Wierzbicki, Business Analyst @Office Samurai 14:20 Polish MVP panel: Insights on MVP award achievements and career profiling

The reality is…
Lambda is often just a
small percentage
of your total cost
Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin
$ 3.50
Per million API calls
API Gateway
Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin
HTTP APIs in Beta
70% cheaper as API Gateway
• Fewer configuration options
• Well-suited for most use-cases
DynamoDB On-Demand
Image: Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin

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accommodate the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of autonomous vehicles

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a11yaccessibilityalt text
The Rise of Supernetwork Data Intensive Computing
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Invited Remote Lecture to SC21 The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis St. Louis, Missouri November 18, 2021

distributed supercomputerdistributed machine learning
Provisioned vs
• Use On-Demand for
spiky workloads
• Use Provisioned for
constantly high
Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin
Understand your cost at scale
• Lambda
• API Gateway
• Dynamo DB capacity choices
• Logging costs
• Monitoring costs
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Understand your cost at scale
• Data transfer costs
• Step functions
• Remote API calls
• 3rd party Services price models
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
1. Application lifecycle
2. Workloads
3. Programming Model
4. Platform limitations
5. Cost at scale
6. Organizational environment
7. Platform and tooling maturity
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH

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This is a slide deck that showcases the updates in Microsoft Copilot for May 2024

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The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

cloudcloud native observabilitycloud native
Understand organizational
environment (structure,
reponsibilities, knowledge,
• Do you already embrace
DevOps best practices?
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Charity Majors: „The Future of Ops careers“
• Advocates for the internal observability team (even if you pay for
SaaS observability solution and you use Serverless-first approach)
• team should write libraries, generate examples, and drive
standardization; ushering in consistency, predictability, and usability
• team should partner with internal teams to evaluate use cases. They
might also write glue code and helper modules to connect different
data sources and create cohesive visualizations
• team becomes an integration point between your organization and the
outsourced work
Charity Majors „The Future of Ops Careers”
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Tom McLaughlin Talk: „What do we do
when the server goes away?“
• Observability (Monitoring,
Logging, Tracing & Alerting)
• Chaos Engineering & Game Days
• Infrastructure as Code & Testing
• Help understand constraints
of AWS services & choose the right
Tom McLaughlin „What do we do when the server goes away”
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Help understand constraints of AWS services &
choose the right one. Example Event Sources:
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH

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Simon Wardley
Wardley Map
Co-evolution of practices with
Serverless 1/2
• True DevOps (even DevSecOps)
• FinDev responsibilities in the teams
• Complete infrastructure automation
• Chaos Engineering
Sheen Brisals “Why the ‘WHY’ matters more than the ‘WHAT’ in Serverless!”
DevOps Topologies:
Co-evolution of practices with
Serverless 2/2
• Each team or even developer can get its
own (AWS) test account
• No local testing environment or only for
quick functional tests
• Testing in production
Michael Bryzek “What do you know about testing in production?”
Invest in Software Delivery and
Operational Performance Excellence
See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports

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user modelinguser profilinguser model
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creationCookies program to display the information though cookie creation
Cookies program to display the information though cookie creation

Java Servlet programs

Calgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptx
Calgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptxCalgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptx
Calgary MuleSoft Meetup APM and IDP .pptx

MuleSoft Meetup on APM and IDP

1. Application lifecycle
2. Workloads
3. Programming Model
4. Platform limitations
5. Cost at scale
6. Organizational environment
7. Platform and tooling maturity
Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Serverless platform and tooling maturity
• Infrastructure-as-a-Code
solutions maturity (e.g. Cloud
Formation, CDK, Terraform)
• Development environment &
framework maturity (e.g. AWS
SAM, AWS Amplify,
Serverless Framework)
• Integration with 3rd party SaaS
Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Serverless platform and tooling maturity
• Observability (Logging,
Monitoring, Tracing)
• Alerting
• Security
Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
Convince your boss to go Serverless at serverless week Brazil

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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How do we build an IoT product, and make it profitable? Talk from the IoT meetup in March 2024.

Thank You!

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Convince your boss to go Serverless at serverless week Brazil

  • 1. Convince your boss to go Serverless by Vadym Kazulkin, ip.labs GmbH
  • 2. Contact Vadym Kazulkin ip.labs GmbH Bonn, Germany Co-Organizer of the Java User Group Bonn and Serverless Bonn Meetup @VKazulkin @ServerlessBonn (Meetup)
  • 4. Let’s talk about the challenges of the software development in general first
  • 5. Cognitive Load – the total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory • Intrinsic • Extraneous • Germane
  • 6. Cognitive Load • Intrinsic • How to write a Java class or use a framework (Spring) • Extraneous • Germane
  • 7. Cognitive Load • Intrinsic • Extraneous • How to automate tests (unit, integration, end-to-end, web, desktop, mobile) • How to build, package, deploy and run my application • How to configure monitoring, alerting, auto-scaling, logging and tracing • How to operate and maintain infrastructure • How to build-in fault-tolerance and resiliency • How to make the hardware, networking and application secure • Germane
  • 8. Cognitive Load • Intrinsic • Extraneous • Germane • Domain Knowledge (payment, e-commerce) • Business processes and workflows
  • 9. Cognitive Load • Intrinsic -> become fluent in it • Extraneous -> minimize amount of what we implement/operate/support/own by ourselves • Germane -> minimize amount of what we have to implement by ourselves
  • 10. What our boss wants from us? … that we are productive
  • 11. Productivity We are productive if we regularly ship products, which are successfully used by our customers
  • 12. What is holding us back from being productive? Technical Debt - reflects the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer ”The Cost of Poor Quality Software in the US: A 2018 Report”
  • 13. Technical Debt • Even a perfect solution can become the technical debt over the time • Version of programming language comes out of support (Java 8) • Security considerations forces us to upgrade one of our dependencies (library or web application server version) • One of our dependencies (e.g. to open source project) is discontinued
  • 14. Technical Debt Think of what can happen to your software over the entire life cycle of our product
  • 15. Technical Debt • is related to amount of code written • is related to amount of dependencies used • open source projects, programming languages, databases, (web) application servers
  • 16. Legacy Systems are systems that can’t evolve ”The Cost of Poor Quality Software in the US: A 2018 Report” Legacy System
  • 17. Evolutionary Architecture – supports guided, incremental change across multiple dimensions • Incremental change • Appropriate architectural coupling • Fitness functions ”Architectural Coupling”
  • 18. Evolutionary Architecture – Fitness functions • Source code metrics (such as measuring cyclomatic complexity) • Unit tests (% of coverage and % of success) • Performance metrics (such as API latency or throughput) • Security (encryption at rest, e.g. checking that all S3 buckets have encryption enabled, or automatic key rotation for all external APIs, with tools such as the AWS Secrets Manager) • ArchUnit, Sonar, CI/CD Tools • CodeCommit,…CodeDeploy, Jenkins Danilo Poccia „ Serverless + Evolutionary Architectures + Safe Deployments = Speed in the Right Direction”
  • 19. The Value Proposition of Serverless But let’s talk about of Total Cost of Ownership of the Serverless paradigm
  • 20. TCO Full Picture No Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
  • 21. No Infrastructure Maintenance Is infrastructure maintenance and operation your core competency ?
  • 22. TCO Full Picture No Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Auto Scaling and Fault Tolerance Built in Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
  • 23. Auto Scaling And Fault Tolerance Built In • Can you get capacity planning and auto scaling right? • Do you want to solve the hard problem of fault tolerance by yourself?
  • 24. TCO Full Picture No Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Auto Scaling and Fault Tolerance Built in Do more with less Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
  • 25. Do more with less By heavily relying on the managed Serverless services you • Need fewer engineers to start implementing your new product idea • Can do more with the same amount of people
  • 26. TCO Full Picture No Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Auto Scaling and Fault Tolerance Built in Do more with less Lower technical debt Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
  • 27. Lower technical debt • Whatever code you write today is always tomorrow’s technical debt © Paul Johnston • Less code means lower technical debt • Time and effort required for maintaining the solution over its whole lifecycle is by far much more than for developing it Jeff Atwood „The Best Code is No Code At All” Paul Johnston “Cloud 2.0: Code is no longer King — Serverless has dethroned it”
  • 28. TCO Full Picture No Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Auto Scaling and Fault Tolerance Built in Do more with less Lower technical debt Focus on Business Value and Innovation Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless”
  • 29. Focus On Business Value and Innovation Every organization wants exactly this!
  • 30. TCO Full Picture No Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance Auto Scaling and Fault Tolerance Built in Do more with less Lower technical debt Faster Time to Market Forrest Brazeal „The Business Case For Serverless” Focus on Business Value and Innovation
  • 31. Faster Time To Market • Time To Market is the key differentiator in today’s business! • Ask yourself: what is core for your business and what you can get as Commodity +(Utility) as a Service?
  • 32. Serverless Mindset at ip.labs “Accelerate Innovation and Maximize Business Value with Serverless Applications”
  • 33. How to measure success See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
  • 34. Software Delivery and Operational Performance See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
  • 35. Example: strategies to reduce time to restore service See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
  • 36. Blue-Green deployment “Win-Win Deployment Strategies for Modern Apps” Canary deployment
  • 37. AWS Lambda Deployment Best Practices: • API Gateway Stage variables and Lambda Aliases • Lambda Alias Traffic Shifting Chris Munns: “Testing and Deployment Best Practices for AWS Lambda-Based Applications”
  • 38. AWS Lambda Deployment Best Practices • AWS Lambda Alias Canary and Linear Traffic Shifting & AWS SAM Safe Deployments • CloudWatch Rollback Alarms & Lambda hooks Chris Munns: “Testing and Deployment Best Practices for AWS Lambda-Based Applications”
  • 39. Time Spent See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
  • 40. Using Serverless ecosystem will with the right engineering practices in place will significantly reduce • extraneous and germane cognitive load • the amount of code written
  • 41. How to write less code with AWS Serverless services 1/3 • Write fewer Lambda functions • use direct AWS service integrations in case the Lambda only calls the AWS service itself
  • 42. Less Lambda functions means less: • code to write, test, run and maintain • CI/CD (deploy, rollback strategies) to maintain • Infrastructure as a Code (IAM policies, permission) to write and test • cold-start worries • point of failures and retries • security concerns • worries about Lambda limits (e.g. concurrency settings per AWS account) • spending on Lambda, CloudWatch and 3rd party SaaS on (AWS) (monthly) bill Sheen Brisals “Don’t wait for Functionless. Write less Functions instead”
  • 43. How to write less code with AWS Serverless services 2/3 • Write fewer Lambda functions • use more direct service integrations in case the Lambda only calls the Service itself • Write less Infrastructure as a Code • applies not only for Lambda but also to other services like AppSync • Use (AWS) Services/Frameworks which provide meaningful abstractions • Amplify Framework or Serverless Framework Components
  • 44. How to write less code with AWS Serverless services 3/3 • API Gateway Service Integration • HTTP APIs Storage-First Service Integration • Step Functions Service Integration • Event Bridge Filtering and Routing • Lambda Destinations • AppSync and Direct Lambda Resolvers • Amplify Framework • Serverless Framework Components
  • 45. Sheen Brisals “Don’t wait for Functionless. Write less Functions instead” API Gateway Service Integration
  • 46. API Gateway Service Integration with Dynamo DB : Example ID generator 1/2 Sheen Brisals “Sequence Numbering in Serverless via API Gateway”
  • 47. API Gateway Service Integration with Dynamo DB : Example ID generator Sheen Brisals “Sequence Numbering in Serverless via API Gateway”
  • 48. Eric Johnson “” HTTP APIs Storage-First Service Integration • Event Bridge • Kinesis Data Streams • SQS • AppConfig • Step Functions
  • 49. Step Functions Service Integration “Service Integrations with AWS Step Functions”
  • 50. Event Bridge Filtering and Routing “Reducing custom code by using advanced rules in Amazon EventBridge”
  • 51. Lambda Destinations “Introducing AWS Lambda Destinations”
  • 52. AppSync and Direct Lambda Resolvers “Introducing Direct Lambda Resolvers: AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs without VTL”
  • 55. Using Serverless ecosystem will with the right engineering practices in place will significantly reduce • extraneous and germane cognitive load • the amount of code written • amount of dependencies (no execution runtime and web application server to take care of)
  • 56. Serverless with the focus on you core domains will enable • iterative development mind set • experimentation culture • focus on business value innovation and faster time to market • evolutionary architectures
  • 59. 1. Application lifecycle 2. Workloads 3. Programming Model 4. Platform limitations 5. Cost at scale 6. Organizational environment 7. Platform and tooling maturity Decision Checklist: understand your… Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 60. 1. Application lifecycle 2. Workloads 3. Programming Model 4. Platform limitations 5. Cost at scale 6. Organizational environment 7. Platform and tooling maturity Decision Checklist: understand your… Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 61. Understand Application lifecycle Christian Posta „Be as serverless as you can, but not more than that”
  • 62. Explore phase • Quickly validate hypotheses • Rapidly experiment • Run experiments as cheaply as possible Serverless is a perfect fit Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 63. Exploit phase • Built something that does provide customer value • Build it on scale • Build a profitable product around it partly serverless and partly not serverless architecture Image: Robert Scoble via Flickr Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 64. Application lifecycle • How much of my stack should I own to be able to deliver business value? • Outsource SLA, regulatory compliance, price, and roadmap to my service provider? Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 65. Existing applications • You can’t magically move that all off to service providers • You can try to modernize parts of them Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 66. Strangler Pattern • Add a proxy (API Gateway or Application Loadbalancer), which sits between the legacy application and the user • Add new services and link it to the proxy Marin Fowler „StrangerFigApplication” Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 67. FinDev Concept Activity-based costing on a digital operation-by-operation basis • Figure out features which deliver business value comparing to their cost Aleksander Simovic & Mark Schwarz „FinDev and Serverless Microeconomics: Part 1” Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 68. 1. Application lifecycle 2. Workloads 3. Programming Model 4. Platform limitations 5. Cost at scale 6. Organizational environment 7. Platform and tooling maturity Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 69. The reality is… Lambda is often just a small percentage of your total cost Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin
  • 70. $ 3.50 Per million API calls API Gateway Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin
  • 71. HTTP APIs in Beta 70% cheaper as API Gateway • Fewer configuration options • Well-suited for most use-cases
  • 73. Provisioned vs On-Demand • Use On-Demand for spiky workloads • Use Provisioned for constantly high workload Vadym Kazulkin, @VKazulkin
  • 74. Understand your cost at scale • Lambda • API Gateway • Dynamo DB capacity choices • Logging costs • Monitoring costs Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 75. Understand your cost at scale • Data transfer costs • Step functions • Remote API calls • 3rd party Services price models Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 76. 1. Application lifecycle 2. Workloads 3. Programming Model 4. Platform limitations 5. Cost at scale 6. Organizational environment 7. Platform and tooling maturity Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 77. Understand organizational environment (structure, reponsibilities, knowledge, culture) • Do you already embrace DevOps best practices? Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 78. Charity Majors: „The Future of Ops careers“ • Advocates for the internal observability team (even if you pay for SaaS observability solution and you use Serverless-first approach) • team should write libraries, generate examples, and drive standardization; ushering in consistency, predictability, and usability • team should partner with internal teams to evaluate use cases. They might also write glue code and helper modules to connect different data sources and create cohesive visualizations • team becomes an integration point between your organization and the outsourced work Charity Majors „The Future of Ops Careers” Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 79. Tom McLaughlin Talk: „What do we do when the server goes away?“ • Observability (Monitoring, Logging, Tracing & Alerting) • Chaos Engineering & Game Days • Infrastructure as Code & Testing • Help understand constraints of AWS services & choose the right one Tom McLaughlin „What do we do when the server goes away” Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 80. Help understand constraints of AWS services & choose the right one. Example Event Sources: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 82. Co-evolution of practices with Serverless 1/2 • True DevOps (even DevSecOps) • FinDev responsibilities in the teams • Complete infrastructure automation • Chaos Engineering Sheen Brisals “Why the ‘WHY’ matters more than the ‘WHAT’ in Serverless!” DevOps Topologies:
  • 83. Co-evolution of practices with Serverless 2/2 • Each team or even developer can get its own (AWS) test account • No local testing environment or only for quick functional tests • Testing in production Michael Bryzek “What do you know about testing in production?”
  • 84. Invest in Software Delivery and Operational Performance Excellence See DORA State of DevOps 2018-2019 Reports
  • 85. 1. Application lifecycle 2. Workloads 3. Programming Model 4. Platform limitations 5. Cost at scale 6. Organizational environment 7. Platform and tooling maturity Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 86. Serverless platform and tooling maturity • Infrastructure-as-a-Code solutions maturity (e.g. Cloud Formation, CDK, Terraform) • Development environment & framework maturity (e.g. AWS SAM, AWS Amplify, Serverless Framework) • Integration with 3rd party SaaS Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH
  • 87. Serverless platform and tooling maturity • CI/CD • Observability (Logging, Monitoring, Tracing) • Alerting • Security Image: Christian Bannes and Vadym Kazulkin @VKazulkin , ip.labs GmbH