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Esri UK Scottish Conference 2016
Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS
Emma Sandison
Web AppBuilder
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Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS
40+ widgets
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Sweet - Esri UK
Sweet - Esri UKSweet - Esri UK
Sweet - Esri UK

Sweet is an app built on the ArcGIS platform by Esri UK to streamline workflows and improve productivity by removing manual quality assurance steps. It allows users to design workflows that capture site data, analyze constraints, and calculate development potential or insurance exposure. Sweet saves time over traditional GIS processes, provides higher quality outputs for analysis and decision making, and aims to make GIS easier to use.

esri ukesrigis
Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...
Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...
Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...

The European Developer Summit in Rotterdam will provide information about developing applications using the ArcGIS Platform APIs. The presentations will cover the ArcGIS Portal API for accessing portal content and services, ArcGIS web and runtime APIs for building customized web and mobile mapping applications, and developing applications from ArcGIS Online web maps. Demos will show working with the ArcGIS REST API to search, manage content and users, and add new items. Security best practices for applications that access secured user or application content will also be discussed.

Esri Ireland "ArcGIS - The Platform Story" Roadmap Session - Eamonn Doyle, Es...
Esri Ireland "ArcGIS - The Platform Story" Roadmap Session - Eamonn Doyle, Es...Esri Ireland "ArcGIS - The Platform Story" Roadmap Session - Eamonn Doyle, Es...
Esri Ireland "ArcGIS - The Platform Story" Roadmap Session - Eamonn Doyle, Es...

The document provides a roadmap for the ArcGIS platform in 2014. It outlines Esri's commitment to continued development of the platform with regular updates. The roadmap details planned releases for apps like ArcGIS Pro, Collector, and ArcGIS Online. It discusses drivers like user needs, technology advances, and enterprise readiness. Long term themes are also outlined around 3D capabilities, usability improvements, performance, and offline functionality. The vision is to develop a comprehensive online and offline GIS platform to help businesses solve problems using geographic approaches.

eamonn doyleesrigis developments
Working with Web AppBuilder
1. Within ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS
- Embedded in the web site
- Activate from the map viewer or My Contents
2. Developer Edition
- Separate download and installed locally
- Sign into ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS
- Support for custom widgets and themes
• Both offer the same “builder” user experience, same capabilities
Publically shared examples
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‘Web AppBuilder’
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder

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BIM - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
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BIM - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

GIS can be used throughout the entire building lifecycle from planning and design through to operation. During the planning stage, GIS is useful for understanding geographic context and constraints. In design, GIS allows presentation of concepts to stakeholders and procedural modelling of design options. GIS supports analysis of design options and engagement. It also enables positional quality assurance. During construction, GIS supports site operations management. In operation, GIS facilitates facilities management and operational efficiency through integration with other systems like SAP and SharePoint. The customer's data requirements should be specified to ensure the right digital information assets are delivered.

arcgis onlinearcgis
ArcGIS for Server, Portal for ArcGIS and the Road Ahead - Esri norsk BK 2014
ArcGIS for Server, Portal for ArcGIS and the Road Ahead - Esri norsk BK 2014ArcGIS for Server, Portal for ArcGIS and the Road Ahead - Esri norsk BK 2014
ArcGIS for Server, Portal for ArcGIS and the Road Ahead - Esri norsk BK 2014

The document summarized the key updates and new capabilities in ArcGIS Server 10.2.x, including two new server extensions for real-time event processing and enabling on-premises web GIS via Portal for ArcGIS. It also previewed some of the planned updates for ArcGIS Server and Portal in upcoming 10.3 release, such as new metrics dashboard, stream service, 3D services, and scalable data store tier.

arcgis for serveresriesri norsk brukerkonferanse 2014

ArcGIS Pro is the next generation ArcGIS desktop application that provides a clean, intuitive interface for 2D and 3D GIS workflows. It offers improved performance, productivity and customization over previous ArcGIS desktop applications. ArcGIS Pro can run alongside existing ArcGIS applications like ArcMap. Users with an ArcGIS Desktop license on maintenance are entitled to use ArcGIS Pro as well. Resources and training are available to help users transition to and take advantage of the new application.

Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder
Web AppBuilder Live Sites Showcase

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This session will give you an overview of the Esri Startup Program. The criteria you need to fulfil to get on board and the many benefits of the free, three-year program. An Esri UK Startup called Hawksight SRA will be sharing their experiences on how they’ve found the Startup Program.

Energy Saving Trust - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
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Energy Saving Trust - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

This document summarizes a project using ArcGIS software to analyze and map home energy performance data across Devon, UK. The project involved collecting Energy Performance Certificate data, modeling it spatially to determine key property variables for each home, building an address-level housing database, and creating an online mapping platform to visualize the data. Challenges included developing a replicable spatial model and creating a high-performance web app with low ongoing costs. These were overcome by automating tasks in ArcMap and hosting map services on ArcGIS Online. The final solution allowed users to conduct queries and explore data layers to inform energy efficiency strategies. Lessons learned included effective use of Esri tools and cloud hosting for web mapping large datasets.

arcgisarcgis online
Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017
Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017
Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017

This document summarizes a presentation on visualizing lidar data in ArcGIS Pro. It introduces lidar as an optical remote sensing technique that generates point cloud data, mostly from airborne collection systems. It outlines different lidar returns and data sources and formats, including ASCII, LAS, and others. The presentation demonstrates tools in ArcGIS Pro for processing lidar data, including geoprocessing tools and LAStools. It describes a hands-on exercise using Environment Agency ASCII data to process, symbolize, and view lidar data in 3D. Resources for further lidar training in ArcGIS Pro are also provided.

Demo - Tour o’ the Borders Cycle Challenge
Create informative and functionally rich web
apps for different users using Web AppBuilder
Volunteers Residents
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& Sponsors
Web AppBuilder
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Web AppBuilder

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ArcGIS Online seminar: Bringing GIS to a wider audience
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This document discusses bringing GIS to a wider audience by making it simpler and more accessible. It outlines barriers to adoption like complexity and accessibility. It then describes ArcGIS Online and the ArcGIS platform, which combines data and functionality available both on-premise and as software as a service. Different deployment patterns are shown, including using ArcGIS Online, a hybrid approach, or keeping everything on-premise. The goal is to provide full GIS functionality simply and within context using a subscription and usage-based business model.

Pitkin Maps & More (Mary Lakner)
Pitkin Maps & More (Mary Lakner)Pitkin Maps & More (Mary Lakner)
Pitkin Maps & More (Mary Lakner)

This document summarizes a GIS project to create an online mapping and data portal for Pitkin County. It outlines the project goals of providing easy-to-use GIS data and mapping tools, the timeline and vendor selection process, preparation of maps and data, development of site functions using Geocortex software, and outreach efforts. It concludes with an analysis of the project benefits, including time savings, improved data access, and leveraging of technology, and proposes next steps such as developing department-specific sites and new mapping capabilities.

ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...
ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...
ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...

The "ArcGIS JavaScript API", sits directly on top of Dojo framework, providing developers with access to Dojo user interface widgets and all the other benefits of Dojo core. Whit this ArcGIS you can build a html5/javascript mapping applications and the api allows you to easily embed maps in your web pages. An ArcGIS application utilizes a layer-based (TiledLayer, DynamicLayer, FeatureLayer, etc...) geographic information model for characterizing and describing our world. An ArcGIS application asks what it need, through a http/rest service (the service will return images or json data - for example) hosted on the ArcGIS server. In this simple html5/javascript demo project ( you can find five examples that show the basic functionality of the mapping framework "ArcGIS API for JavaScript" (will be shown the basic functionality of the ArcGIS classes layer). You can download the demo code at this link: - There is also a video on YouTube:


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Automating Regional Data Integration with Python & ArcPy (Heather Widlund)Automating Regional Data Integration with Python & ArcPy (Heather Widlund)
Automating Regional Data Integration with Python & ArcPy (Heather Widlund)

The document discusses automating the integration of regional GIS data using Python and ArcPy. The current process of manual data updates is arduous and results in infrequent updates. The proposed solution is to use scripting tools to automate the standardization, integration, and updating of key GIS datasets such as street centerlines, addresses, and emergency service boundaries. This automation will improve emergency response by ensuring up-to-date mapping and address verification. The project involves developing Python scripts to regularly integrate source data according to standardized schemas and push updates to dispatch software.

Introduction to WebGIS- Esri norsk BK 2014
Introduction to WebGIS- Esri norsk BK 2014Introduction to WebGIS- Esri norsk BK 2014
Introduction to WebGIS- Esri norsk BK 2014

The document summarizes a technical workshop on the ArcGIS platform and web GIS. It outlines the evolution of GIS technology towards more integrated software and services. It then reviews the key components of the ArcGIS platform, including ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS Server. It demonstrates how GIS data and resources can be centralized in a portal and accessed through web apps by users on desktops, web, and mobile devices. The workshop concludes with advice on implementing web GIS within an organization.

gisesri norsk brukerkonferanse 2014esri
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPAEsri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA

SEPA needs flood event data for flood risk mapping, assessments, and management. The document describes a trial of using ESRI Collector App and ArcGIS Online to capture flood event data (FEDCAP), finding it improved data quality and reduced collection/processing time compared to traditional methods. The winter trial period saw many flood events across Scotland and successful testing of FEDCAP. The methodology, trial results, and future improvements are discussed. Feedback was positive about FEDCAP being a simple, flexible, and secure way to effectively capture flood data. or
thank you

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