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November 13, 2018
CloudEXPO 2018
Emil Sayegh, CEO, Hostway Services, Inc.
@esayegh | @Hostway
© 2018 Hostway
Discussion Points
Economics of the Cloud
83% of enterprise workloads
will be in the cloud by 2020.1
41% of surveyed organizations anticipate
overspending on public cloud services
over the next 90 days.2
1. LogicMonitor, 2018. 2. 451 Research, 2018.
on Public Cloud
in the Cloud
by 2020
© 2018 Hostway
Misuse of the Cloud Leads to Waste
Organizations estimate
30% of wasted public cloud spend,
but experts estimate an additional 15% is wasted.1
1. RightScale, 2017.
Wasted Spend
© 2018 Hostway

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What IT Transformation Really Means for the Enterprise
What IT Transformation Really Means for the EnterpriseWhat IT Transformation Really Means for the Enterprise
What IT Transformation Really Means for the Enterprise

The document discusses the challenges facing enterprises and how transformation is needed. It outlines both the disadvantages enterprises currently face, such as high customer expectations and constant change, as well as advantages they have like existing customer bases and resources. It then discusses how enterprises can transform by adopting new mechanisms, architectures, cultures and organizations that promote innovation, such as developing minimum viable products, using microservices architectures, and establishing small autonomous teams. New technologies like serverless computing and machine learning are also enabling this transformation. Overall, the document argues that enterprises of all kinds must transform to keep up with the changing environment.

digital transformationcloudaws

One of the biggest misconceptions we hear from IT leaders is the belief that not having the right people on staff stops you from moving faster, saving money, and expanding your business on the cloud. You already have the people you need to succeed in the cloud, and these highly skilled, experience and dedicated employees have the ability to learn AWS cloud skills and become certified experts. Transforming your talent has a profound impact on workforce productivity and satisfaction, and in this session we will walk through best practices and AWS capabilities to help you along the way.

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Migrating Data to the Cloud: Explore Your Options From AWS
Migrating Data to the Cloud: Explore Your Options From AWSMigrating Data to the Cloud: Explore Your Options From AWS
Migrating Data to the Cloud: Explore Your Options From AWS

AWS offers a variety of data migration services and tools to facilitate moving gigabytes to petabytes of data using your networks, our networks, or even email. Learn about the available data migration options, including the AWS Snowball family, AWS Storage Gateway, Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration, and other approaches. We provide the guidance to help you find the right service or tool to fit your requirements, and share relevant customers use cases to inspire your first steps with the cloud.

A Cautionary Note From the Pundits
…business leaders may fall
into the trap of believing
that public cloud (IaaS) will
always be better and less
expensive than running
their own data centers.
Don't assume you will save
money unless you have
done the hard work of
honestly analyzing the
Lydia Leong
VP & Distinguished Analyst, Gartner
David Smith
VP & Distinguished Analyst, Gartner
© 2018 Hostway
What Started It All: The Case For Cloud (Circa 2008)
Classic, two-tiered architecture
One DC
© 2018 Hostway
One DC
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Firewall Proxy
Nice, Easy Growth Phase
© 2018 Hostway
The App is Trending!
One DC
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
DB Server
DB Server
© 2018 Hostway

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How to Success in Cloud Adoption 遷移到雲端的成功秘訣 Level: 200, 中文演講 講師: Max Chyu, Senior Business Development Manager; Wilfred Wah, Senior Engagement Manager, AWS ProServe 企業利用公有雲來進行創新與擴展已經是新常態,但是實務上在擬定雲端策略與效益評估時��是遇到來自成本,技術與組織上的困難。我們經從實務的角度,從管理面來分享多數客戶的成功經驗與最佳實踐。 1. 業務服務移轉到雲端的六個策略選擇 2. 揭開雲端的成本效益計算的神秘面紗 3. 雲端化組織的新樣貌 4. 如何規劃企業雲端化策略 聯繫銷售: 與銷售線上聊天:

AWS for Manufacturing: Digital Transformation throughout the Value Chain (MFG...
AWS for Manufacturing: Digital Transformation throughout the Value Chain (MFG...AWS for Manufacturing: Digital Transformation throughout the Value Chain (MFG...
AWS for Manufacturing: Digital Transformation throughout the Value Chain (MFG...

The document discusses how various manufacturing companies are using AWS to drive digital transformation across their value chains. It provides examples of Airbus using AWS to build a global data platform to gather aircraft performance data and SKF using AWS IoT services to connect smart products with smart factories. It also shares how Georgia-Pacific is establishing an "enterprise data lake" on AWS to power advanced analytics across its manufacturing operations.

re:invent 2018amazonaws re:invent
Democratizing AI
Democratizing AIDemocratizing AI
Democratizing AI

The document discusses Amazon Web Services' (AWS) efforts to democratize artificial intelligence (AI). It summarizes AWS's mission to put machine learning in the hands of every developer. It then describes some of AWS's AI services like Amazon SageMaker and Amazon Rekognition, and how customers are using these services.

Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Firewall Proxy
Multiple DCs
Web Server DB Server DB Server
DB Server
DB Server
DB Server DB Server
Quick! Fix the Database!
© 2018 Hostway
DC 1
DC 2
DB Server
© 2018 Hostway
But…IT is Hundreds of Applications…
Mobile Apps
Shopping Carts
Big Data
Health Data
Photo Galleries
Test Dev
Many More…
© 2018 Hostway
With Hundreds of Requirements
© 2018 Hostway

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Financial Services Industry Forum
Financial Services Industry ForumFinancial Services Industry Forum
Financial Services Industry Forum

Independientemente de que usted sea un banco inversor mundial o una startup emergente del sector tecnológico-financiero, AWS puede ayudarlo a reinventar y optimizar su relación con la tecnología para disminuir los plazos de ingreso al mercado, automatizar y fortalecer la seguridad, aumentar los beneficios de los accionistas, mejorar las experiencias de los clientes y reducir los costos.

awsamazon web servicesservicios financieros en la nube

Millions of active customers are using AWS each month in over 190 countries around the world, including hundreds of thousands of customers in Asia Pacific, and thousands of customers in Hong Kong. Hear from Hong Kong Disneyland on how they start their cloud journey with AWS, moving their mission-critical workloads to AWS to drive cost savings, accelerate innovation, and reduce time-to-market.

amazon web servicesawsaws cloud
ISV Best Practices - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdf
ISV Best Practices - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdfISV Best Practices - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdf
ISV Best Practices - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdf

Presentation on ISV Best Practices by Stanley Chan, Head of Technology Partners, APAC, AWS and Pete Yamasaki, Regional Director, APAC, Druva, at AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018

Market Trend
© 2018 Hostway
Cost Optimization is Essential…But Still Hard!
Where and how do you start?
© 2018 Hostway
The choices for
hosting this data
have become
confusing and
Still, Too Many Choices
© 2018 Hostway
The Public Cloud Has Lots of
 Easy to get started
 No systems expertise required
 Pay per use
 Retain cash
 Scalability built-in
 Lets customer focus on application
 Unique ancillary services available
 Technologies are always up to date
 Greater agility and speed
 Strong ecosystem emerging
© 2018 Hostway

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Keynote: Introduction to AWS
Keynote: Introduction to AWS Keynote: Introduction to AWS
Keynote: Introduction to AWS

The document discusses Impact Computing at Amazon Web Services (AWS) and how it supports customers in solving complex global challenges at scale using AWS. It provides examples of AWS public sector events and initiatives in 2018 that engaged with over 20,000 customers. It also outlines AWS services, capabilities, and benefits for customers in areas such as security, compliance, cost optimization, and innovation. Real customer stories demonstrate how organizations are leveraging AWS to drive digital transformation, research, fundraising, skills development, and more.

Strengthen Your Organizations Security and Privacy.pdf
Strengthen Your Organizations Security and Privacy.pdfStrengthen Your Organizations Security and Privacy.pdf
Strengthen Your Organizations Security and Privacy.pdf

Security is top priority at AWS. All Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers benefit from a data center and network architecture built to satisfy the requirements of the most security-sensitive organizations. In this session, Ryan Jaeger, senior solutions architect and security specialist, AWS, will discuss the four common challenges that CISOs and their security teams struggle with and why cybersecurity is becoming a driving force behind commercial cloud adoption. We will also share best practices and learnings from our customers on additional security measures organizations should explore to meet regulatory and compliance requirements and safeguard their environment.

Welcome Address - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdf
Welcome Address - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdfWelcome Address - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdf
Welcome Address - AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018.pdf

Welcome Address by Amitabh Jacob, Head of India, Channels and Alliances, AISPL, at AWS Partner Summit Mumbai 2018

But Ignore Challenges at
Your Own Risk!
 More expensive for constant workloads
 Ancillary services may be expensive
 Hidden expenses compromise cost savings
 Migration costs may be high
 Cloud pricing discounts may be short-lived
 Cost agility and benefits difficult to quantify
 Regulatory and compliance limitations
 Limited software flexibility
 Less maturity and control than dedicated
 Security tied to the platform
 Must trust provider uptime, performance &
© 2018 Hostway
It’s All About Trade-Offs
Home Owner Rental Home Apartment Hotel
Own DC, DIY Colocation Managed Hosting Public Cloud
It’s All About Trade-Offs
Putting the right app in the right place
Only Large Scale and
Highly Confidential
ERP, OSS, Workflow,
SW Apps (custom),
Website (complex),
Database, Big Data
Blogs, Wikis, Subversion,
Test/Dev, SaaS, Website,
Regulatory Compliance
Email, Workspaces
Chat, IM, CRM,
Test/Dev, AI/ML,
Highly Variable IOPS
© 2018 Hostway
Home Owner
(Own DC, DIY)
Rental Home
(Managed Hosting)
(Public Cloud)
Expertise, Maturity, and Scale Matter
Startup SMB &
Hyper Growth
Large Scale
Cloud  Dedicated
 Cloud
 Dedicated
 Cloud
 In-House
 Colo
 Dedicated
 Cloud
 In-House
 Colo
 In-House
 Colo
 In-House
 Colo
 Colo
 Dedicated
 Cloud
 Dedicated
 Cloud
 Dedicated
 Cloud
 Dedicated
 Cloud
 Dedicated
 Cloud
© 2018 Hostway

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Mass Migrations to AWS
Mass Migrations to AWSMass Migrations to AWS
Mass Migrations to AWS

We’ve partnered with hundreds of customers on their large-scale migrations to AWS. This session outlines some of the common challenges that our customers face and how they’ve overcome these challenges. The session also describes the patterns we’ve observed that make legacy migrations successful and the mechanisms we’ve created to help customers migrate faster.

awscloudcloud computing
Building the business case for AWS
Building the business case for AWSBuilding the business case for AWS
Building the business case for AWS

The document discusses building a business case for adopting AWS. It explains that establishing an effective business case process can help remove adoption friction and identify costs. The summary will cover: types of business cases; collecting infrastructure, application, and other cost data; and analyzing the data to create outputs like total cost of ownership comparisons and financial models. Building a thorough business case requires discovery of current environments and workloads followed by normalizing and analyzing the collected data.

AWS Summit Singapore 2019 | Enterprise Migration Journey Roadmap
AWS Summit Singapore 2019 | Enterprise Migration Journey RoadmapAWS Summit Singapore 2019 | Enterprise Migration Journey Roadmap
AWS Summit Singapore 2019 | Enterprise Migration Journey Roadmap

Speaker: Sanjay Yadave, Head of Enterprise & Migrations Acceleration Team, ASEAN, AWS This session takes the learnings and best practices from AWS's enterprise cloud migrations and combines them into a prescriptive model (roadmap) to accelerate the cloud journey. It describes streams of activities and deliverables that are required to drive a successful migration. This roadmap is targeted to help all enterprise customers irrespective of where they are at in their cloud transformation journey.

aws summit singapore 2019awssummitaws
Needs Can Change!
Cloud Cloud &
“More flexibility
and save
money,” says
the CEO!
of scale,”
says the CFO!
Cloud &
Dedicated Cloud &
says the CRO!
Hosting /
Cloud &
“Less CAPEX,”
says the CFO!
scalability,” says
the CTO!
© 2018 Hostway
The Five Pillars of Cost Optimization
• Track / tag all systems to
ensure usage
• Set benchmark KPIs and
compare usage daily,
weekly, monthly
• Establish budget
• Adjust solutions
• Get help. Don’t have to
do this alone!
• Automation to
dynamically adjust
• Use spot compute for
additional cost
• Use multiple cloud
and hosting providers
• Architect for hybrid
cloud and to enable
• Use reserved &
Infrastructure for
predictable, long-
term use
• Place high IOPS /
applications on
Reserving Capacity
• Monitor utilization
and size compute and
storage accordingly
• Based on cost, select
type of IAAS, cloud, &
• Optimize Code
• Shutdown temporary
• Consolidate storage
Right-Sizing Increase Elasticity
Automate, Measure,
• Minimize bandwidth
charges by tuning
architecture to
eliminate outside calls
• Investigate moving
certain RDS
workloads to a
dedicated data base
• Move media rich
workloads to bare
Optimize Ancillary
© 2018 Hostway
Putting It All Together
© 2018 Hostway
© 2018 Hostway
Decreasing Spend While
Improving Performance
• Multimedia organization that provides
live nature cams, wildlife photos, and
educational films
The Situation
• Very high costs ($160K/month)
• Growth limitations
• Public cloud only
• Multiple countries
• Application performance challenges
© 2018 Hostway

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How Different Large Organizations are Approaching Cloud Adoption
How Different Large Organizations are Approaching Cloud AdoptionHow Different Large Organizations are Approaching Cloud Adoption
How Different Large Organizations are Approaching Cloud Adoption

The implementation of highly scalable, easy-to-deploy technology is transforming enterprises, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Organizations begin their cloud adoption journeys in many ways. Some start with pilot projects and others jump into mission-critical programs, but they are all starting with an existing infrastructure. Adopting cloud doesn’t mean scrapping it all and starting over. This session explores how organizations are using cloud while building on their existing technology and lessons they’ve learned along the way. In this session we will discuss when and how to leverage hybrid cloud computing to meet the needs of the enterprise. We will cover popular hybrid cloud use cases in enterprises, pillars to design a secure hybrid cloud environment and how to get started with AWS.

amazon web servicesawsaws cloud
Security Framework Shakedown
Security Framework ShakedownSecurity Framework Shakedown
Security Framework Shakedown

The document discusses National Australia Bank's cloud security strategy and journey in adopting AWS security best practices. It outlines NAB's objectives to extend existing security services to the cloud and implement integrated and secure-by-default solutions with continuous security governance. The document also discusses AWS security frameworks like the Cloud Adoption Framework and Well-Architected Framework to help organizations define security strategies and implement best practices for identity and access management, infrastructure security, data protection, and incident response.

How Cloud Providers are Playing with Traditional Data Center
How Cloud Providers are Playing with Traditional Data CenterHow Cloud Providers are Playing with Traditional Data Center
How Cloud Providers are Playing with Traditional Data Center

The keynote presentation discusses how cloud providers are impacting traditional data centers. It notes that as companies grow from startups to established enterprises, their hosting needs change from fully public cloud to hybrid models. The presentation outlines the tradeoffs of different hosting options like owning your own data center, colocation, managed hosting, and public cloud. It argues that a hybrid multi-cloud approach combining on-premises, dedicated, managed, public and other specialty clouds provides the most flexibility, cost savings, and ability to put the right workload in the right environment. Case studies are presented showing how hybrid cloud delivered major cost reductions and performance gains for and enabled critical security and compliance requirements for Samsung. The presentation concludes that

data centercloudhybrid cloud
© 2018 Hostway
Decreasing Spend While
Improving Performance
The Solution
• Hybrid solution managed globally across
three continents
• Managed dedicated GPU servers
The Results
• Decreased IT spend with 69% lower costs
• Increased business agility
• 20% performance improvement
• On-demand scale architecture
• Embedded advertisement capabilities
© 2018 Hostway
© 2018 Hostway
Making History Via Smart Security
and Compliance Strategies
About Samsung
• Leading provider of Smart TVs
The Situation
• One of the largest IoT deployments
• Needed a solution that could scale based on
unique traffic patterns
• Needed a global security and compliance
solution to enable PCI accreditation and safely
sell content through the Smart TV app
Image from Samsung© 2018 Hostway
© 2018 Hostway
Making History Via Smart Security
and Compliance Strategies
The Solution
• Fully-managed hybrid cloud
• Fully-managed security and compliance
The Results
• Decreased IT spend and improved performance
• Enabled PCI accreditation—a first for any Smart
TV; announced at CES in January 2018
• 3 billion packets inspected and 600 cases
reviewed with zero escalations to Samsung
Image from Samsung© 2018 Hostway
The Experts Favor Hybrid Cloud
The landscape of cloud adoption is
one of hybrid clouds and
multiclouds. By 2020, 75% of
organizations will have deployed a
multicloud or hybrid cloud model.*
Using both public and private
infrastructure,…are the endgame for
most organizations today. This
approach avoids vendor lock-in and
enables enterprises to leverage the
best attributes of each platform…
*Gartner: Making Lots of Money in the New World of Hybrid Cloud
and Multicloud Published: 7 September 2018© 2018 Hostway

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Achieve True Hybrid Cloud with Azure - Built for Scale, Security and Interope...
Achieve True Hybrid Cloud with Azure - Built for Scale, Security and Interope...Achieve True Hybrid Cloud with Azure - Built for Scale, Security and Interope...
Achieve True Hybrid Cloud with Azure - Built for Scale, Security and Interope...

The Azure cloud has been building their latest features and advancements to handle complex , large-scale systems, all while taking into account the security considerations enterprises face. This session will dive into how Azure is uniquely positioning itself to respond to the growing needs of today's businesses, and specifically the financial services industry, all while building a strategy around open source collaboration, to enable a hybrid stack approach - from their container offering, through data center management and migration.

hybrid cloud orchestrationazure cloudhybrid cloud
Red Hat Summit 2018 - 3 pitfalls everyone should avoid with hybrid multicloud
Red Hat Summit 2018 - 3 pitfalls everyone should avoid with hybrid multicloudRed Hat Summit 2018 - 3 pitfalls everyone should avoid with hybrid multicloud
Red Hat Summit 2018 - 3 pitfalls everyone should avoid with hybrid multicloud

The daily hype is all around you. From cloud, hybrid cloud, to hybrid multicloud, you’re told this is the way to ensure a digital future for your business. These choices you’ve got to make don’t preclude the daily work of enhancing your customer's experience and agile delivery of those applications. Let us take you on a journey, looking closely at what hybrid multicloud means for your business, the decisions being made about delivering applications, and dealing with legacy applications, likely the most important resources to your business. Join us for an hour of power, where real customer experiences are used to highlight the three top lessons learned as they transitioned into hybrid multicloud environments.

cloudmulticloudopen hybrid cloud
The future of hybrid IT models
The future of hybrid IT modelsThe future of hybrid IT models
The future of hybrid IT models

The term hybrid IT or hybrid cloud is an approach which allows an enterprise to maintain a traditional or centralized approach to IT governance while experimenting with cloud computing.

hybrid it modelscloud computing
for digital business.”
“Hybrid cloud is the foundation
$317 billion
will be spent on hybrid cloud in 2022
Source: Gartner, 2018.© 2018 Hostway
$209 billion
will be spent on hybrid cloud in 2019
Meet the Hybrid Multi-Cloud
 Decreases Spend
 Delivers Choice
 Increases Flexibility
 Accelerates Deployment
 Improves Reusability
 Speeds Innovation
© 2018 Hostway
Why is Hybrid the Answer?
© 2018 Hostway
The Best of Both Worlds
Choice & Scalability
Right Tool, Right Workload
© 2018 Hostway

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Secure Clouds are Happy Clouds
Secure Clouds are Happy CloudsSecure Clouds are Happy Clouds
Secure Clouds are Happy Clouds

Palo Alto Networks and 2nd Watch DevOps and security experts discuss protecting your applications and data in the cloud: -DevOps: laying a foundation for secure architectures -A look at how DevOps practices can ensure security -Setting up the proper security foundation -Review/white board different Security Architectures -Approach to automating your security deployments

devopscloud computingcloud security
Business in 2020 and the Top Technology Trends
Business in 2020 and the Top Technology TrendsBusiness in 2020 and the Top Technology Trends
Business in 2020 and the Top Technology Trends

In near future, Digital Transformation and Technologies like IoT, AI, Cloud and DevOps are going to change the Industry by 2020.

digital transformationtechnologycloud
Postgres Vision 2018: Taking Postgres Everywhere
Postgres Vision 2018: Taking Postgres EverywherePostgres Vision 2018: Taking Postgres Everywhere
Postgres Vision 2018: Taking Postgres Everywhere

EnterpriseDB CEO and President Ed Boyajian opened Postgres Vision 2018 with this presentation providing a look at enterprise activity in the cloud and how Postgres can extend across the IT infrastructure, from on-premises to the cloud.

by EDB
postgres visionenterprisedbedb postgres
Hybrid Eliminates Public
Cloud Concerns
© 2018 Hostway
Developing Your Strategy
► Not focusing on where you deliver value
► Overspending based on cloud hype
► Locking into false choices
► Spending valuable time on wrong details
► Delayed thinking about scale & architecture
► Not partnering with experts across technologies
It is critical to find the right home where your
applications can grow safely and economically.
© 2018 Hostway
years of technology
state-of-the-art data
centers across the globe
Proven global leader in managed Hybrid IT
infrastructure for compliant, mission-critical
applications, serving thousands of top brands
with solutions that:
• Decrease IT Spend
• Mitigate Risk
• Increase Business Agility
Brands Worldwide Trust Hostway
for Compliant, Mission-Critical Hosting
Recognized by Gartner for Managed Hybrid Cloud Hosting
© 2018 Hostway
© 2018 Hostway
Come See Us in Booth 220

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Hashicorp Corporate Pitch Deck Stenio_v2
Hashicorp Corporate Pitch Deck Stenio_v2 Hashicorp Corporate Pitch Deck Stenio_v2
Hashicorp Corporate Pitch Deck Stenio_v2

This document provides an overview of a presentation about HashiCorp's cloud infrastructure automation tools. It includes an agenda, background on the presenter, and sections on HashiCorp as a company, digital transformation and the transition to multi-cloud, an overview of the HashiCorp suite of tools including Terraform, Vault, Consul, and Nomad, and two case studies on how EllieMae and Adobe have used Terraform and Vault respectively.

Connecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud Platform
Connecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud PlatformConnecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud Platform
Connecta Event: Big Query och dataanalys med Google Cloud Platform

Avancerad dataanalys och ”big data” har under de senaste åren klättrat på trendlistorna och är nu ett av de mest prioriterade områdena i utvecklingen av nya tjänster och produkter för ledarföretag i det digitala landskapet. Informationen som byggs upp i systemen när kundmötena digitaliseras har visat sig vara guld värt. Här finns allt vi behöver veta för att göra våra affärer mer effektiva. Sedan sommaren 2013 har Connecta tillsammans med Google ett etablerat samarbete för att hjälpa våra kunder med övergången till moln-tjänster för bland annat avancerad dataanalys. För att göra oss själva redo att hjälpa våra kunder har vi under ett antal år utvecklat såväl kunskaper som skaffat oss erfarenheter kring Googles olika moln-produkter, som exempelvis ”Big Query”. Big Query är ett molnbaserat analysverktyg och en del av Google Cloud Platform. Big Query gör det möjligt att ställa snabba frågor mot enorma dataset på bara någon sekund. Big Query och Google Cloud Platform erbjuder färdiga lösningar för att sätta upp och underhålla en infrastruktur som med enkla medel gör allt detta möjligt. På Connecta Digital Consultings tredje event för våren introducerade vi våra kunder och partners i koncepten dataanalys och Big Query. Under eventet berördes följande punkter: - Big Data och Business Intelligence (BI) - “The Google Big Data tools” – framgångsfaktorer och hur man kommer igång - Google Cloud Platform och hur man genomför en framgångsrik molnsatsning Vi presenterade case och berättade om viktiga lärdomar vi dragit i samarbetet med Google och våra kunder.

CIO Playbook on Cloud Computing
CIO Playbook on Cloud ComputingCIO Playbook on Cloud Computing
CIO Playbook on Cloud Computing

The document provides an overview of cloud computing and outlines considerations for adopting cloud services. It defines cloud computing, discusses the various types of cloud services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), and explains how cloud computing provides benefits like reduced costs, flexibility and scalability compared to traditional IT infrastructure. The document also covers important factors for organizations to consider when developing a cloud strategy including security, developing business cases and experimenting with cloud services.

cloud computing

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Economics of the Cloud: Don't Aim for the Sky on Everything

  • 1. DON'T AIM FOR THE SKY ON EVERYTHING ECONOMICS OF THE CLOUD: November 13, 2018 CloudEXPO 2018 Emil Sayegh, CEO, Hostway Services, Inc. @esayegh | @Hostway © 2018 Hostway
  • 3. Economics of the Cloud 3 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020.1 41% of surveyed organizations anticipate overspending on public cloud services over the next 90 days.2 1. LogicMonitor, 2018. 2. 451 Research, 2018. 41% Overspending on Public Cloud Services 83% Workloads in the Cloud by 2020 © 2018 Hostway
  • 4. Misuse of the Cloud Leads to Waste 4 Organizations estimate 30% of wasted public cloud spend, but experts estimate an additional 15% is wasted.1 1. RightScale, 2017. Estimated Wasted Spend 15% 30% © 2018 Hostway
  • 5. A Cautionary Note From the Pundits 5 …business leaders may fall into the trap of believing that public cloud (IaaS) will always be better and less expensive than running their own data centers. Don't assume you will save money unless you have done the hard work of honestly analyzing the situation. Lydia Leong VP & Distinguished Analyst, Gartner David Smith VP & Distinguished Analyst, Gartner © 2018 Hostway
  • 6. What Started It All: The Case For Cloud (Circa 2008) Classic, two-tiered architecture 6 YOUR TRAFFIC Firewall Server Server Server One DC START UP © 2018 Hostway
  • 7. 7 One DC Web Server Web Server Web Server Web Server Firewall Proxy YOUR TRAFFIC Nice, Easy Growth Phase START UP EASY GROWTH © 2018 Hostway
  • 8. The App is Trending! 8 Firewall One DC Web Server Web Server Web Server Web Server DB Server DB Server Proxy YOUR TRAFFIC START UP EASY GROWTH TRENDING © 2018 Hostway
  • 9. 9 Web Server Web Server Web Server Firewall Proxy Multiple DCs Web Server DB Server DB Server DB Server DB Server DB Server DB Server YOUR TRAFFIC Quick! Fix the Database! START UP EASY GROWTH TRENDING CRUNCH © 2018 Hostway
  • 10. Panic! 10 START UP EASY GROWTH TRENDING CRUNCH PANIC!!! DC 1 DC 2 DB Server Firewall YOUR TRAFFIC © 2018 Hostway
  • 11. But…IT is Hundreds of Applications… 11 Mobile Apps Blogs Shopping Carts Forums CMS Wikis Streaming Big Data Security Health Data Crypto CRM ERP Email/Webmail Databases Ticket/Support Photo Galleries Accounting Test Dev Many More… © 2018 Hostway
  • 12. With Hundreds of Requirements 12 PIPEDA © 2018 Hostway
  • 14. Cost Optimization is Essential…But Still Hard! Where and how do you start? 14 © 2018 Hostway
  • 15. The choices for hosting this data have become confusing and daunting. Still, Too Many Choices 15 © 2018 Hostway
  • 16. The Public Cloud Has Lots of Strengths  Easy to get started  No systems expertise required  Pay per use  Retain cash  Scalability built-in  Lets customer focus on application  Unique ancillary services available  Technologies are always up to date  Greater agility and speed  Strong ecosystem emerging 16 © 2018 Hostway
  • 17. But Ignore Challenges at Your Own Risk!  More expensive for constant workloads  Ancillary services may be expensive  Hidden expenses compromise cost savings  Migration costs may be high  Cloud pricing discounts may be short-lived  Cost agility and benefits difficult to quantify  Regulatory and compliance limitations  Limited software flexibility  Less maturity and control than dedicated  Security tied to the platform  Must trust provider uptime, performance & scale 17 © 2018 Hostway
  • 18. 18 It’s All About Trade-Offs Home Owner Rental Home Apartment Hotel Own DC, DIY Colocation Managed Hosting Public Cloud
  • 19. It’s All About Trade-Offs Putting the right app in the right place 19 SCALE (LTD) Only Large Scale and Highly Confidential CUSTOM APPS ERP, OSS, Workflow, SW Apps (custom), Website (complex), Database, Big Data PACKAGED APPS Blogs, Wikis, Subversion, Test/Dev, SaaS, Website, Regulatory Compliance COMMODITY (SAAS) Email, Workspaces Chat, IM, CRM, NEW / BURST Test/Dev, AI/ML, Highly Variable IOPS © 2018 Hostway Home Owner (Own DC, DIY) Rental Home (Colocation) Apartment (Managed Hosting) Hotel (Public Cloud)
  • 20. Expertise, Maturity, and Scale Matter 20 Ideal Avoid OK Startup SMB & Departments Hyper Growth Company Large Scale COMPANY TYPE EXPERTISE Cloud  Dedicated  Cloud  Dedicated  Cloud  In-House  Colo  Dedicated  Cloud  In-House  Colo  In-House  Colo  In-House  Colo  Colo  Dedicated  Cloud  Dedicated  Cloud Software Development Sys-Admin Large Infrastructure Expertise + +  Dedicated  Cloud  Dedicated  Cloud  Dedicated  Cloud SCALE © 2018 Hostway
  • 21. Needs Can Change! 21 Cloud Cloud & Dedicated DIY START-UP “More flexibility and save money,” says the CEO! “Find economies of scale,” says the CFO! Cloud & Dedicated Dedicated Cloud & Dedicated ESTABLISHED “More scalability,” says the CRO! Colo/DIY Managed Hosting / Dedicated Cloud & Dedicated DEPARTMENT “Less CAPEX,” says the CFO! “More scalability,” says the CTO! © 2018 Hostway
  • 22. The Five Pillars of Cost Optimization • Track / tag all systems to ensure usage • Set benchmark KPIs and compare usage daily, weekly, monthly • Establish budget enforcement • Adjust solutions regularly • Get help. Don’t have to do this alone! • Automation to dynamically adjust VMs • Use spot compute for additional cost savings • Use multiple cloud and hosting providers • Architect for hybrid cloud and to enable portability 22 • Use reserved & dedicated Infrastructure for predictable, long- term use • Place high IOPS / bandwidth applications on dedicated infrastructure Reserving Capacity • Monitor utilization and size compute and storage accordingly • Based on cost, select type of IAAS, cloud, & region • Optimize Code • Shutdown temporary workloads • Consolidate storage islands Right-Sizing Increase Elasticity Carefully Automate, Measure, Improve • Minimize bandwidth charges by tuning architecture to eliminate outside calls • Investigate moving certain RDS workloads to a dedicated data base • Move media rich workloads to bare metal Optimize Ancillary Services © 2018 Hostway
  • 23. 23 Putting It All Together © 2018 Hostway
  • 24. © 2018 Hostway 24 Decreasing Spend While Improving Performance About • Multimedia organization that provides live nature cams, wildlife photos, and educational films The Situation • Very high costs ($160K/month) • Growth limitations • Public cloud only • Multiple countries • Application performance challenges © 2018 Hostway
  • 25. © 2018 Hostway 25 Decreasing Spend While Improving Performance The Solution • Hybrid solution managed globally across three continents • Managed dedicated GPU servers The Results • Decreased IT spend with 69% lower costs • Increased business agility • 20% performance improvement • On-demand scale architecture • Embedded advertisement capabilities © 2018 Hostway
  • 26. © 2018 Hostway 26 Making History Via Smart Security and Compliance Strategies About Samsung • Leading provider of Smart TVs The Situation • One of the largest IoT deployments • Needed a solution that could scale based on unique traffic patterns • Needed a global security and compliance solution to enable PCI accreditation and safely sell content through the Smart TV app Image from Samsung© 2018 Hostway
  • 27. © 2018 Hostway 27 Making History Via Smart Security and Compliance Strategies The Solution • Fully-managed hybrid cloud • Fully-managed security and compliance The Results • Decreased IT spend and improved performance • Enabled PCI accreditation—a first for any Smart TV; announced at CES in January 2018 • 3 billion packets inspected and 600 cases reviewed with zero escalations to Samsung Image from Samsung© 2018 Hostway
  • 28. The Experts Favor Hybrid Cloud 28 The landscape of cloud adoption is one of hybrid clouds and multiclouds. By 2020, 75% of organizations will have deployed a multicloud or hybrid cloud model.* Using both public and private infrastructure,…are the endgame for most organizations today. This approach avoids vendor lock-in and enables enterprises to leverage the best attributes of each platform… *Gartner: Making Lots of Money in the New World of Hybrid Cloud and Multicloud Published: 7 September 2018© 2018 Hostway
  • 29. 29 for digital business.” “Hybrid cloud is the foundation $317 billion will be spent on hybrid cloud in 2022 Source: Gartner, 2018.© 2018 Hostway $209 billion will be spent on hybrid cloud in 2019
  • 30. Meet the Hybrid Multi-Cloud 30 PRIVATE PUBLIC ON PREMISES DEDICATED MANAGED COLOCATION  Decreases Spend  Delivers Choice  Increases Flexibility  Accelerates Deployment  Improves Reusability  Speeds Innovation SPECIALTY PUBLIC HYBRID © 2018 Hostway
  • 31. Why is Hybrid the Answer? 31 © 2018 Hostway
  • 32. The Best of Both Worlds 32 Choice & Scalability Flexibility Right Tool, Right Workload Cost © 2018 Hostway
  • 33. Hybrid Eliminates Public Cloud Concerns OVER PAYING DATA ISOLATION PERFORMANCE CUSTOMIZATION REGULATORY 33 © 2018 Hostway
  • 34. 34 Developing Your Strategy TOO EASY TO GET LOST BY: ► Not focusing on where you deliver value ► Overspending based on cloud hype ► Locking into false choices ► Spending valuable time on wrong details ► Delayed thinking about scale & architecture ► Not partnering with experts across technologies It is critical to find the right home where your applications can grow safely and economically. © 2018 Hostway
  • 35. 20 years of technology experience 10 state-of-the-art data centers across the globe Proven global leader in managed Hybrid IT infrastructure for compliant, mission-critical applications, serving thousands of top brands with solutions that: • Decrease IT Spend • Mitigate Risk • Increase Business Agility Brands Worldwide Trust Hostway for Compliant, Mission-Critical Hosting Recognized by Gartner for Managed Hybrid Cloud Hosting © 2018 Hostway
  • 36. Questions? 36 © 2018 Hostway Come See Us in Booth 220