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It’s Not All About the Cloud
It’s Not All About the Cloud
In this webinar you will learn:
• How to integrate a hybrid cloud platform with existing IT infrastructure and
• Why hybrid cloud is the platform to handle the most complex infrastructure and
applications of the future
• The different hybrid cloud considerations for small businesses to large enterprises
• What the third-generation cloud means for the future of cloud implementations
Emil brings over 25 years of leadership experience in
technology…including over a decade as a pioneer in cloud
hosting. Emil has held numerous executive-level positions at
Rackspace, HP, Codero (as CEO and chairman) and most recently
here at Hostway (as CEO).
In addition to those leadership roles, he spent more than 15 years
in successful marketing, product management, and product
development leadership roles at Dell Inc., RLX Technologies
(acquired by HP), and Compaq (acquired by HP).
Emil Sayegh
Hostway CEO
• The webinar will run about 40 minutes
• A recorded version of this webinar will be sent to you & will be
available on our website
• At the end of our presentation, we will have a Q&A, so please enter
your questions in the questions box, or stay connected with us on
• Send us a tweet at @Hostway with #AskEmil, and we will be happy to
answer any of your questions at the end of the webinar

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MT17_Building Integrated and Secure Networks with limited IT Support
MT17_Building Integrated and Secure Networks with limited IT SupportMT17_Building Integrated and Secure Networks with limited IT Support
MT17_Building Integrated and Secure Networks with limited IT Support

Many businesses need a secure and flexible network but are not networking experts.  With Dell Networking and SonicWALL, you can enjoy an easy-to-manage high performance network for wired and wireless connectivity, secured by the award-winning SonicWALL Nextgen Firewall.

data center
MT03 Cloud trends and the Dell Technologies point of view
MT03 Cloud trends and the Dell Technologies point of viewMT03 Cloud trends and the Dell Technologies point of view
MT03 Cloud trends and the Dell Technologies point of view

This document discusses a Dell Technologies cloud trends panel featuring executives from Dell EMC, Virtustream, VMware, and Pivotal Software. The panel provided an overview of their cloud solutions and was followed by a question and answer session with the audience. Attendees were also encouraged to visit the cloud solutions showcase and attend related breakout sessions at the Dell EMC World conference to learn more about Dell's cloud products and services.

clouddata center
Comparing the TCO of Desktops
Comparing the TCO of DesktopsComparing the TCO of Desktops
Comparing the TCO of Desktops

The document compares the total cost of ownership of physical, virtual, and cloud-hosted desktops. It finds that virtual desktops can reduce costs by up to 36% over physical desktops, while cloud desktops deliver further savings of over 20% compared to on-premises virtual desktop infrastructure. On-premises VDI has high upfront infrastructure costs that offset labor savings, while cloud desktops have no infrastructure investment and provide the lowest total cost of ownership through a pay-as-you-go model.

tcovdivirtual desktops
1st Generation
2nd Generation
3rd Generation
 First-generation hard drives were built in 1953 by IBM, disk diameter was 14 inches
and disks were typically mounted in standalone boxes that resembled washing
 Second-generation drives were spinning disk hard drives
 Third-generation solid state drives are sleek, quiet, and high performance
1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
Dedicated Server Hosting
Public Cloud Hybrid Cloud

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Resilient Functional Service Design
Resilient Functional Service DesignResilient Functional Service Design
Resilient Functional Service Design

This slide deck addresses the importance of proper functional design for creating resilient distributed systems (not only, but also microservice-based systems). It starts by explaining the pitfall that many developers fall into when getting started with resilience: Quite often the effects of the fundamentals, i.e., creating bulkheads and choosing the communication paradigm, on system robustness at runtime are heavily underrated. Instead, the pure technical measures like circuit breakers, backpressure, etc. are often overestimated. Unfortunately, all technical measures will not help to create a robust system if the functional design leads to highly coupled services where the availability of one service functionally totally depends on the availability of another service. The same is true if you need to call many services that all need to be available to answer a client request. To make it worse, most of the wide-spread design approaches like functional decomposition, DRY (don't repeat yourself), design for re-use or layered architecture exactly lead to those problems, i.e., they are not suitable for designing distributed systems. This slide deck does not offer any silver bullets to solve the problem (and actually I believe there is no silver bullet), but at least a few guiding principles. Additionally, it shows how the choice of the communication paradigm influences the bulkhead design and this way creates more options to create a good service design that also supports resiliency on a functional level. As always this slide deck is without the voice track, i.e., most of the information is missing. But I hope that the slides on their own also provide some helpful hints. Remark: As the "dismiss reusability" slide tends to get quite some attention, one more remark about that slide: On the voice track I usually add "If you find something that is worth being made reusable, i.e., that it satisfies the commercial constraints of Fred Brooks 'Rule of 9' (see for details), do not put it in a service. Instead create a library and put the functionality in there. And make sure that changes to the library do not mean that all users have to upgrade at the same time, but that any library user can update whenever it fits the user's schedule. Otherwise, you would have introduced tight coupling through the back door again."

distributed computingfunctional designmicroservice
MT01 The business imperatives driving cloud adoption
MT01 The business imperatives driving cloud adoptionMT01 The business imperatives driving cloud adoption
MT01 The business imperatives driving cloud adoption

Cloud adoption has reached an inflection point, pushing organizations into an "adapt or die" state, forcing new operating models, effective management of internal and external resources, and transformation towards an application-centric mentality. Cloud approaches are maturing past the point of public clouds domination, shifting focus to private & hybrid cloud and effective management of a multi-cloud environment. Attend this session to learn how to realize true business value when the friction of the business dynamic is supported by flexible cloud services delivered with predictability & speed.

clouddata center
Real-world consistency explained
Real-world consistency explainedReal-world consistency explained
Real-world consistency explained

This slide deck tries to give an overview about the consistency options we have today and what we can expect in the future. It's an updated version of slide deck I had uploaded to SlideShare before. Unfortunately, SlideShare removed the option to update a slide deck. Thus, I had to remove the old slide deck and create a new one, even if it actually was just an update. It starts with examining RDBMS and ACID transactions - especially looking at the fact that "ACID" does not necessarily mean serializablity (what most developers think of if they reason about consistency). Then it describes the current state of IT affairs concerning Cloud, microservices, NoSQL databases and BASE transactions. It then dives a bit deeper into the topic of polyglot persistence and its challenges by introducing a little "storage dimension model" that may support you in picking the right storage solution that fits your needs. Especially it is pointed out that in the storage world there is no one-size-fits-all solution available and especially that NoSQL databases - definitely having their sweet spots where they shine - are no drop-in replacement for a RDBMS. Afterwards, BASE transactions are examined in more detail - especially the fact that their trade-off for providing us with better availability and scalability is a very hard programming model. To underline that point the typical types of inconsistencies that you often will see with BASE transactions are sketched on what you need to do on the application level in order to cope with them. In the third section, a peek into the future is made by looking at some current research results that will eventually find their way into commercial application development. The core observation is that even in highly available systems there are a lot of options regarding consistency. Yet, most of those options require to reason about consistency explicitly on the application level and no longer solely on the read/write level of the underlying data stores - including building explicit consistency support into the application. In the last section, some recommendation for our daily work are given that can be derived from the former sections. As always the voice track is missing, but hopefully it will give you a few helpful pointers, though. Especially, at the end a lot of references to computer science papers are included that this slide deck is based on.

Classic Two-Tiered Architecture
One DC
One DC
Nice Easy Growth Phase
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Firewall Proxy
Yikes! People Dig it!
One DC
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
DB Server
DB Server
Quick! Fix the Database!
Web Server
Web Server
Web Server
Firewall Proxy
Multiple DCs
Web Server DB Server DB Server
DB Server
DB Server
DB Server DB Server

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Modern times - architectures for a Next Generation of IT
Modern times - architectures for a Next Generation of ITModern times - architectures for a Next Generation of IT
Modern times - architectures for a Next Generation of IT

In this presentation I focus on the architectural aspect of the next generation of enterprise IT topic I already covered in some other presentations. The slide deck starts with a quick motivation. It describes the external drivers that require traditional enterprise IT to change. Based on these drivers, the drivers and requirements for an architecture that supports the external drivers are derived. The second major part of the slide deck then examines some of today's IT hype topics and evaluates them with respect to the architectural requirements derived before. Be aware that the evaluation partially is hard to understand without the voice track. Actually, at some places the explanations on the voice track are more important than the evaluations themselves. Thus, please do not take them too literally. The last major part then tries to sketch a possible architectural style that suits the given requirements. Again, the rationale for picking the respective elements are on the voice track, and it is just one possible style. There are for sure more styles available that suit the needs. Yet I think, the style described makes clear that the upcoming enterprise architectural styles are quite different from the styles that were predominant in the last 10 or 15 years and makes clear that we all have to face new challenges - not only on the architectural level. Sorry again that the voice track is missing. Yet I think, that the presentation provides some helpful ideas even without the voice.

The Virtual Desktop Revolution
The Virtual Desktop RevolutionThe Virtual Desktop Revolution
The Virtual Desktop Revolution

Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) represents the future of enterprise desktop computing and brings with it the detachment of OSs and applications from physical endpoints—a compelling trend that promises greater flexibility, scalability, cost savings and security benefits. The movement also represents radical, and possibly painful, changes in market dynamics for providers of endpoint hardware, software and services. Yankee Group analysts Phil Hochmuth and Zeus Kerravala dissect the future of VDI and discuss what the technology has to offer enterprises today.

itcomputingenterprise it
Client solutions for the modern workforce
Client solutions for the modern workforceClient solutions for the modern workforce
Client solutions for the modern workforce

Businesses and end users today are not just looking for the latest devices or software developments in isolation – they are looking for solutions to help them remain secure, productive and connected in a simple and integrated manner. It's with this insight that Dell is developing innovative client solutions by integrating our range of capabilities, from tablets to PCs and virtualization solutions. Join us in this session as we will discuss how Dell uniquely enables customers to protect data, drive efficiencies in systems management, and deliver a reliable end user device all while saving IT time and money to focus on more strategic projects that can help companies grow.

DC 1
DC 2
DB Server
IT Is Hundreds of Applications…
| Mobile Apps | Blogs | Shopping Carts | Forums | CMS | Wikis | Streaming |
| Big Data | Security | Health | Photo Galleries | CRM | ERP | Email/Webmail |
| Databases | Ticket/Support | Accounting | Test Dev | Many More…
On Premises / Private Off Premises / Private Off Premises / Public

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David Goulden keynote at Dell EMC World
David Goulden keynote at Dell EMC WorldDavid Goulden keynote at Dell EMC World
David Goulden keynote at Dell EMC World

Everything in IT is accelerating exponentially. Moore’s Law continues to hold true, as technology capabilities advance 10X every 5 years. Fast forward 15 years from today and you can expect to see it advance another 1000X. The implication will create a dramatically different era of IT. The Internet-of-Everything is quickly leading us down the path to IT-enabled businesses and economies. There’s another profound shift happening: IT will move from supporting the business, to becoming the business. For IT this presents a dual challenge: accelerate digital transformation to support the requirements of new cloud-native applications, while supporting the traditional applications that run today’s business. IT must be an expert and thought leader in both distinct architectural and operational paradigms. To see the 3 tenets of the clearest path forward to transform IT, see David Goulden’s article: See the session recording at

dell emc worlddata centerkeynotes
The 7 quests of resilient software design
The 7 quests of resilient software designThe 7 quests of resilient software design
The 7 quests of resilient software design

This is basically a "lessons learned" talk. While dealing with resilient software design for several years meanwhile, I realized along the way that implementing a specific pattern like timeout detection, circuit breaker, back-pressure, etc. is the smallest of the challenges. As so often in software development, the actual pitfalls that keep you from being successful with your project - here, creating a robust application - are not to be found in the area of creating code. Based on my experiences, the actual pitfalls are to be found in areas that are at best loosely related to resilient software design. In this talk, I discuss some of those pitfalls that I have experienced more than once along my way. It starts with not understanding the goals of resilient software design, continues from a lack of understanding the characteristics of distributed system, over missing required feedback loops and deficiencies in functional design, to not understanding the trade-offs of applying resilience patterns, and ends with the problem of our continuous collective insight loss. The main objective of the talk is to sensitize for the pitfalls. Wherever possible I also added some suggestions how to deal with the topics. Unfortunately, some topics neither have an obvious nor a simple solutions - at least none that I would know about ... As always the voice track is missing and thus a huge part of the content of the talk. Yet, I hope the slides in themselves are of some use for you and offer some helpful ideas and pointers.

resiliencebusiness casedistributed systemes
MT16 Future-Ready Networking for the Campus
MT16 Future-Ready Networking for the CampusMT16 Future-Ready Networking for the Campus
MT16 Future-Ready Networking for the Campus

Enterprise mobility and multimedia are having a profound impact in the Campus, redefining the desktop experience while driving greater requirements for performance and security. Learn how a Dell One Network solution can help boost performance, simplify management and enhance visibility.

The choices for
hosting this data
have become
confusing and
Home Owner
(Own DC)
Rental Home
(Private Cloud)
Cloud, Elastic Computing, On-Demand
 Flexible cost
 Scalability built-in
 Easy to get started
 Lets customer focus
on application
 No systems expertise
 Overpaying 3X for constant workloads
 Regulatory and compliance limitations
 Limited software flexibility
 Security tied to the platform
 Some control over facility location
 Support for only what’s included in the
 Less maturity than dedicated
 Must trust the cloud for uptime,
performance, and scale
Dedicated Hosting
 Mature, well-
understood platform
that works
 Security compliance
and consulting
 Best support
 Customization to
match needs
 Uptime
 On-demand costing in non-standard
 Works best when combined with
some expertise
 Scale on a per-server basis;
requires foresight and lead time
 Limited control over facility location
 Can be some trouble for start-ups

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MT09 Using Dell’s HPC Cloud Solutions to maximize HPC utilization while reduc...
MT09 Using Dell’s HPC Cloud Solutions to maximize HPC utilization while reduc...MT09 Using Dell’s HPC Cloud Solutions to maximize HPC utilization while reduc...
MT09 Using Dell’s HPC Cloud Solutions to maximize HPC utilization while reduc...

Separate the hype from the reality of Cloud in HPC. Building upon our Dell EMC HPC Portfolio, come deep dive into Dell’s hybrid cloud model for HPC.  Built on private and public cloud models, Dell EMC's Hybrid HPC Cloud Solutions can help you optimize your CapEx and OpEx costs, while creating a flexible computing environment that adapts to dynamic HPC workloads, while ensuring resource availability.  Maximize your RoI through a Hybrid HPC Cloud that enables your innovation and competitiveness.

data centercloud
[Event] Digital transformation : Why it automation is a business necessity - ...
[Event] Digital transformation : Why it automation is a business necessity - ...[Event] Digital transformation : Why it automation is a business necessity - ...
[Event] Digital transformation : Why it automation is a business necessity - ...

This document discusses the business necessity of automation. It argues that automation simplifies application delivery, ensures consistency and compliance, drives security, and ensures tasks are completed even when humans are unavailable. Automation avoids errors from human repetition and prevents adding unnecessary complexity by adding more people. The document advocates focusing valuable human resources on more strategic tasks like innovation through automation. It presents a vision of delivering any IT service on any platform with a single click through automation.

ict experts luxembourgictdigital transformation
Designing Cloud Backup to reduce DR downtime for IT Professionals
Designing Cloud Backup to reduce DR downtime for IT ProfessionalsDesigning Cloud Backup to reduce DR downtime for IT Professionals
Designing Cloud Backup to reduce DR downtime for IT Professionals

IT professionals know that the ultimate test of the data protection process is performing a recovery; whether a single server recovery or recovering an entire data center. That said, we are all guilty of focusing too much on the backup process rather than trying to reduce the amount of downtime following a system failure. In this webinar, George Crump, founder of Storage Switzerland and Ian McChord from Datto will provide you with the five critical questions you need to answer in order to reduce or even eliminate downtime.

datto backupclouddisaster recovery
Colocation / in-house
 Maximum customization
 Security can be as good
as you design it
 Scaling can only be as
good as you design it
 Full control over facility
 Requires significant non-core
in-house expertise
 Requires you to focus on both your
application and your hosting
 Low economies of scale
 Support comes from Google search
 You actually have to design your
scaling and security configuration
Startup SMB &
Hyper Growth
web 2.0
Managed &
Managed &
Dedicated &
Dedicated &/or
Dedicated &/or
Dedicated &
Managed &
Cloud Cloud +
Require More
Flexibility or to
Save Money
Grow to Find
of Scale
Cloud +
Dedicated Cloud +
Require More
Colo/DIY Dedicated
Cloud +
Require Less
Require More
Hybrid Cloud

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MT44 Dell EMC Data Protection: What You Need to Know About Data Protection Ev...
MT44 Dell EMC Data Protection: What You Need to Know About Data Protection Ev...MT44 Dell EMC Data Protection: What You Need to Know About Data Protection Ev...
MT44 Dell EMC Data Protection: What You Need to Know About Data Protection Ev...

Data protection is a critical pillar of any organization’s IT transformation, and Dell EMC is #1 in data protection, offering the industry’s most comprehensive portfolio of solutions.Our ‘Data Protection Everywhere’ strategy provides customers with the ultimate in choice and flexibility and eliminates the need to work with multiple vendors ‘point’ products. In this session learn how we enable you to solve your most difficult data protection challenges of today while laying the foundation to address the challenges of tomorrow. Whether your data is local or in the cloud, Dell EMC has you covered. Join this session and learn how to ensure you are protected. More about Dell EMC World at

data centersecurity
MT41 Dell EMC VMAX: Ask the Experts
MT41 Dell EMC VMAX: Ask the Experts MT41 Dell EMC VMAX: Ask the Experts
MT41 Dell EMC VMAX: Ask the Experts

Dell EMC VMAX All Flash and VMAX3 – powered by the universally trusted Hypermax/Enginuity operating system - continues to revolutionize the ways organizations are deploying, provisioning, protecting, and managing enterprise storage. This interactive session allows attendees to discuss new Dell EMC VMAX features and functionality in an open forum with specialists and engineering leaders. Bring your questions and top of mind discussion topics for this always-lively session.

data centerstoragehighlights
Record labels & permissions
Record labels & permissionsRecord labels & permissions
Record labels & permissions

The document discusses record labels and their responsibilities regarding artist development, copyright protection, and distribution of music recordings. It explains that major record labels are large, well-funded companies that can heavily promote artists, while independent labels have smaller budgets and promotion capabilities. The document also discusses how record labels are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions for artists' music and content. It notes that permission must be obtained before using copyrighted music in order to avoid legal issues like fines. The document emphasizes learning about record labels and copyright is important for properly planning a music video production using licensed content.

Choice & Scalability
Right Tool, Right Workload
► Not focusing on where you deliver value
► Not partnering with experts across technologies
► Overspending based on cloud hype
► Locking into false choices
► Spending valuable time on wrong details
► Delayed thinking about scale & architecture

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robotica Educativa
robotica Educativarobotica Educativa
robotica Educativa

La robótica educativa ayuda a los estudiantes a aprender de manera interdisciplinaria mediante la construcción y programación de pequeños robots. Las nuevas tecnologías como la robótica educativa se pueden usar de tres maneras en la educación: 1) para el aprendizaje de contenidos digitales y técnicos, 2) para facilitar el aprendizaje a través de herramientas como simulaciones, y 3) como apoyo al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje a través de la integración de tecnologías.

Pw user guide
Pw user guidePw user guide
Pw user guide

This document provides a user's guide for PWscf, a plane-wave self-consistent field code within the Quantum ESPRESSO software package. It describes how to compile PWscf, prepare input files specifying the system and calculation parameters, and understand the output. Auxiliary programs are also included to process PWscf output files and generate files for visualization. The guide provides references for citing PWscf and acknowledges key contributors to its development.

cx fb dv
Micro elements powerpoint
Micro elements powerpointMicro elements powerpoint
Micro elements powerpoint

This document analyzes the micro elements used in the opening sequence of the film "Dead Silence" through examining individual camera shots. It discusses how elements like props, lighting, shot types (e.g. high angle, close up), editing, pace, costumes and more are used strategically to set tone and provide meaning and clues about the characters and story to the audience without revealing full details. The analysis of these micro features will help the author construct their own effective film opening by understanding how to manipulate elements like camera work, lighting and more to engage audiences and achieve desired emotional responses.

Customers Across
Diverse Service Offerings
40% of Fortune 500
Service Providers Resell
Hostway Service to SMBs
76 Million
Emails Processed Daily
8 Data Centers
Geographically Dispersed
Across North America
Managed Servers Online
Websites Hosted
Trusted Cloud Experts and Infrastructure
Earn trust through any
and every customer
Bring >19 years expertise
to bear on every customer
Empower customers to
run their apps where they
run best
• Over 500K customers
WW, worlds leading
• All customers work with
a Solutions Engineer
• Industry’s only 90-day
money back satisfaction
• 19 yrs experience,
Microsoft Gold Certified
Hosting Partner
• 100% of our engineering
and support staff is Azure
• Direct line of
communication to a
veteran leadership team
• Public/Private/Hybrid
Virtualized or Traditional
Managed Servers
• Fully Audited and certified
HIPAA compliant service
• 8 SSAE 16 data centers in
4 different countries, 3
continents, 6 cities
Customers Come First In Everything We Do
• Every Hostway customer receives exceptional, personalized service – before, during and after the sale.
• We believe every customer interaction is an opportunity to develop a long term relationship based on trust.
Our Team is Your Team
• We will leverage our expertise to help customers design, build and run the best solution for their specific requirements.
• Working with Hostway means having access to a team of cloud experts, 24x7x365. We provide peace of mind by handling the day-to-
day operational tasks, so customers can focus on running their business.
Industry’s Best Infrastructure and People
• Hostway is a fully audited HIPAA compliant hosting provider. We invest in world-class infrastructure including public/private/hybrid
clouds, virtualized servers and traditional managed hosting – all wrapped in managed support.
• Hostway only hires the best, most committed cloud experts. We’re a Microsoft Gold Certified Hosting Partner with MCSD/MCSE
certified engineers and more extensive experience in Microsoft virtualization than any hosting provider
We innovate for Performance and Value
• Hostway delivers solutions that exceed customer expectations at a fair price. Our flexible hybrid cloud portfolio is designed to allow
customers to run their apps where it runs best – without being forced into a “cookie-cutter” configurations.
We’re Always Fair and Transparent
• In the rare case when an error does occurs, we commit to a quick and transparent resolution. In the very rare case
that we miss an SLA we quickly honor aggressive SLA terms.

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Evaluation five
Evaluation fiveEvaluation five
Evaluation five

The document discusses how the filmmaker attracted and addressed their audience through various techniques in the film opening. Common horror film conventions like dark colors, a full moon, an off-kilter camera shot, not showing the antagonist's face, and graphic violence were used to intrigue the audience and build tension. Unusual shots like the 360 degree shot of the woods and the extreme long shot of the antagonist watching a dog walker from afar also attracted the audience by creating an unsettling atmosphere and making the audience feel like prey. These techniques drew the audience in to continue watching and addressed their expectations of the horror genre.

Record labels & permissions
Record labels & permissionsRecord labels & permissions
Record labels & permissions

Record labels help develop and promote new artists, and protect artists' copyrights. There are two main types: major labels have more funding and resources, while independent labels have less funding but more creative freedom. The document discusses how an independent label called Glassnote Records would be a good fit for the artist Chvrches, as they release synthpop/indie rock music like bands previously signed to Glassnote. It also covers copyright and how the creator needs permission to use other artists' music, even for non-commercial uses. The creator plans to apply this knowledge by creating their own hypothetical record label called Be Unique Records, which would sign bands across many genres including synthpop.

Xander Norval
Xander NorvalXander Norval
Xander Norval

Xander PP Duo ulcer

CEO and President
Hostway Corporation
Web Site:
Toll free. 866.HOSTWAY

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It's Not All About the Cloud

  • 2. WELCOME AND THANK YOU FOR JOINING! 2 It’s Not All About the Cloud In this webinar you will learn: • How to integrate a hybrid cloud platform with existing IT infrastructure and processes • Why hybrid cloud is the platform to handle the most complex infrastructure and applications of the future • The different hybrid cloud considerations for small businesses to large enterprises • What the third-generation cloud means for the future of cloud implementations
  • 3. ABOUT OUR SPEAKER 3 Emil brings over 25 years of leadership experience in technology…including over a decade as a pioneer in cloud hosting. Emil has held numerous executive-level positions at Rackspace, HP, Codero (as CEO and chairman) and most recently here at Hostway (as CEO). In addition to those leadership roles, he spent more than 15 years in successful marketing, product management, and product development leadership roles at Dell Inc., RLX Technologies (acquired by HP), and Compaq (acquired by HP). Emil Sayegh Hostway CEO
  • 4. GENERAL HOUSE RULES • The webinar will run about 40 minutes • A recorded version of this webinar will be sent to you & will be available on our website • At the end of our presentation, we will have a Q&A, so please enter your questions in the questions box, or stay connected with us on Twitter • Send us a tweet at @Hostway with #AskEmil, and we will be happy to answer any of your questions at the end of the webinar 4
  • 5. HUMAN EVOLUTION SO FAR… 5 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
  • 6. THIRD-GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES THIRD-GENERATION TECHNOLOGIES ARE FASTER, CHEAPER, AND BETTER.  First-generation hard drives were built in 1953 by IBM, disk diameter was 14 inches and disks were typically mounted in standalone boxes that resembled washing machines  Second-generation drives were spinning disk hard drives  Third-generation solid state drives are sleek, quiet, and high performance 6 1ST GENERATON 2ND GENERATON 3RD GENERATON
  • 7. CLOUD: THIRD-GENERATION IT 7 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation
  • 8. HYBRID CLOUD IS THE THIRD- GENERATION CLOUD 8 VPS/ Dedicated Server Hosting Public Cloud Hybrid Cloud
  • 9. Classic Two-Tiered Architecture 9 CUSTOMER SCENARIO YOUR TRAFFIC START UP Firewall Server Server Server One DC
  • 10. 10 CUSTOMER SCENARIO START UP EASY GROWTH One DC Nice Easy Growth Phase Web Server Web Server Web Server Web Server Firewall Proxy YOUR TRAFFIC
  • 11. 11 CUSTOMER SCENARIO START UP EASY GROWTH DIG Yikes! People Dig it! Firewall One DC YOUR TRAFFIC Web Server Web Server Web Server Web Server DB Server DB Server Proxy
  • 12. 12 CUSTOMER SCENARIO START UP EASY GROWTH DIG CRUNCH Quick! Fix the Database! Web Server Web Server Web Server Firewall Proxy Multiple DCs YOUR TRAFFIC Web Server DB Server DB Server DB Server DB Server DB Server DB Server
  • 14. 14 IT Is Hundreds of Applications… | Mobile Apps | Blogs | Shopping Carts | Forums | CMS | Wikis | Streaming | | Big Data | Security | Health | Photo Galleries | CRM | ERP | Email/Webmail | | Databases | Ticket/Support | Accounting | Test Dev | Many More…
  • 15. 15 WITH 100s of REQUIREMENTS
  • 16. MARKET TREND 16 On Premises / Private Off Premises / Private Off Premises / Public
  • 17. THE CHOICES 17 The choices for hosting this data have become confusing and daunting.
  • 18. TRADE-OFFS 18 Home Owner (Own DC) Rental Home (Dedicated) Apartment (Private Cloud) Hotel (Cloud)
  • 19. Cloud, Elastic Computing, On-Demand 19 STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Flexible cost  Scalability built-in  Easy to get started  Lets customer focus on application  No systems expertise required  Overpaying 3X for constant workloads  Regulatory and compliance limitations  Limited software flexibility  Security tied to the platform  Some control over facility location  Support for only what’s included in the system  Less maturity than dedicated  Must trust the cloud for uptime, performance, and scale TRADE-OFFS
  • 20. Dedicated Hosting 20 TRADE-OFFS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Mature, well- understood platform that works  Security compliance and consulting services  Best support  Customization to match needs  Uptime  On-demand costing in non-standard  Works best when combined with some expertise  Scale on a per-server basis; requires foresight and lead time  Limited control over facility location  Can be some trouble for start-ups
  • 21. Colocation / in-house 21 TRADE-OFFS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES  Maximum customization  Security can be as good as you design it  Scaling can only be as good as you design it  Full control over facility location  Requires significant non-core in-house expertise  Requires you to focus on both your application and your hosting  Low economies of scale  Support comes from Google search  You actually have to design your scaling and security configuration
  • 22. 22 EXPERTISE & SCALE MATTER Startup SMB & Departments Hyper Growth web 2.0 Company Enterprise/Large Scale COMPANY TYPE EXPERTISE Cloud Managed & Cloud Managed & Cloud In-House/ Colo/ Dedicated /Cloud In-House/ColoIn-House/ColoIn-House/Colo Colo, Dedicated & Cloud Dedicated &/or Cloud Software Development Sys-Admin Large Infrastructure + + Dedicated &/or Cloud Dedicated & Cloud Managed & Cloud SCALE
  • 23. 23 YOUR NEEDS CHANGE! Cloud Cloud + Dedicated DIY Start-up Require More Flexibility or to Save Money Grow to Find Economies of Scale Cloud + Dedicated Dedicated Cloud + Dedicated Established Require More Scalability Colo/DIY Dedicated Cloud + Dedicated Start-up Require Less Capex Require More Scalability
  • 24. 24 MEET THE HYBRID CLOUD Hybrid Cloud Reduces costs Delivers choice Increases flexibility Accelerates deployment Improves reusability Speeds innovation
  • 26. 26 HYBRID CLOUD: BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Choice & Scalability Flexibility Right Tool, Right Workload Cost
  • 28. 28 DEVELOPING YOUR STRATEGY TOO EASY TO GET LOST BY: ► Not focusing on where you deliver value ► Not partnering with experts across technologies ► Overspending based on cloud hype ► Locking into false choices ► Spending valuable time on wrong details ► Delayed thinking about scale & architecture IT IS CRITICAL TO FIND THE RIGHT HOME WHERE YOUR APPLICATIONS CAN GROW SAFELY & ECONOMICALLY
  • 29. 500k Customers Across Diverse Service Offerings 40% of Fortune 500 Service Providers Resell Hostway Service to SMBs 76 Million Emails Processed Daily 8 Data Centers Geographically Dispersed Across North America 9,000+ Managed Servers Online 600,000+ Websites Hosted 29 HOSTWAY AT A GLANCE Trusted Cloud Experts and Infrastructure
  • 30. Earn trust through any and every customer interaction Trusted Relationships Bring >19 years expertise to bear on every customer challenge Expertise Empower customers to run their apps where they run best Trusted Infrastructure • Over 500K customers WW, worlds leading brands • All customers work with a Solutions Engineer • Industry’s only 90-day money back satisfaction guarantee • 19 yrs experience, Microsoft Gold Certified Hosting Partner • 100% of our engineering and support staff is Azure trained • Direct line of communication to a veteran leadership team • Public/Private/Hybrid Virtualized or Traditional Managed Servers • Fully Audited and certified HIPAA compliant service provider • 8 SSAE 16 data centers in 4 different countries, 3 continents, 6 cities 30 HOSTWAY THE TRUSTED CLOUD
  • 31. 31THE HOSTWAY PLEDGE Customers Come First In Everything We Do • Every Hostway customer receives exceptional, personalized service – before, during and after the sale. • We believe every customer interaction is an opportunity to develop a long term relationship based on trust. Our Team is Your Team • We will leverage our expertise to help customers design, build and run the best solution for their specific requirements. • Working with Hostway means having access to a team of cloud experts, 24x7x365. We provide peace of mind by handling the day-to- day operational tasks, so customers can focus on running their business. Industry’s Best Infrastructure and People • Hostway is a fully audited HIPAA compliant hosting provider. We invest in world-class infrastructure including public/private/hybrid clouds, virtualized servers and traditional managed hosting – all wrapped in managed support. • Hostway only hires the best, most committed cloud experts. We’re a Microsoft Gold Certified Hosting Partner with MCSD/MCSE certified engineers and more extensive experience in Microsoft virtualization than any hosting provider We innovate for Performance and Value • Hostway delivers solutions that exceed customer expectations at a fair price. Our flexible hybrid cloud portfolio is designed to allow customers to run their apps where it runs best – without being forced into a “cookie-cutter” configurations. We’re Always Fair and Transparent • In the rare case when an error does occurs, we commit to a quick and transparent resolution. In the very rare case that we miss an SLA we quickly honor aggressive SLA terms.
  • 33. Q&A EMIL SAYEGH CEO and President Hostway Corporation Web Site: Toll free. 866.HOSTWAY E. 33

Editor's Notes

  1. Trusted Relationships Over 500K customers and counting Top web properties (, Samsung, WIX) – 100M’s users over 200 countries World’s largest electronics brand (Samsung) trusts us with their IoT/Smart TV business >40% of Fortune 500 Service Providers’ web portfolio All customers work with a Solutions Engineer, first contact through design and deployment Consultative approach to onboarding and ongoing customer support 24×7 access to real people, solving problems 90 day money back guarantee Trusted Expertise Over 19 years industry leading experience Microsoft Gold Certified Hosting Partner with MCSD/MCSE certified engineers, more experience in Microsoft virtualization than any hosting provider First hosting provider to implement Microsoft virtualization technology, today 100% of engineering and support staff is Azure trained All customers have direct line of communication to a veteran leadership team We want to help and and take pride in answering support calls fast. Our average call response time is consistently less than 30 seconds. Trusted Infrastructure Avail 100% platform uptime guarantee Certifications - SSAE16 SOC1 Type II, ISAE 3402, CSA, EU Model Clause, EU Privacy Shield Public/Private/Hybrid, Virtualized or Traditional Managed Servers - right tool for any job 1.5 x cost advantage for customers with constant/predictable workloads First production Microsoft Public Cloud Audited/certified HIPAA compliant provider with world-class HIPAA compliant solutions All solutions include proven managed support and clearly defined SLAs 8 DC’s in 4 different countries, 3 continents, 6 different cities