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Introduction to an ICT based cross curricular resource
for Secondary Geography PGDE students
The Barony, University of Strathclyde
October 2015
Anne Robertson & Carol Blackwood
EDINA, University of Edinburgh
EDINA: serving research & education across the UK
• @ the University of Edinburgh
Other Digimap(s)
Digimap for Schools – Key Features
• Online mapping service designed for schools
• Print maps anywhere in GB at many different zoom
• Historic mapping 1890s and 1950s
• Pupils can annotate maps by adding labels, markers,
photos, graphs, uploading points from a file
• Measure areas and distances
• Creating buffers around points/lines
• Annotations can be saved and retrieved
• Create print A3 & A4 print files
• Create image files for use in ppt/docs

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Research Data Management at Edinburgh: Effecting Culture Change
Research Data Management at Edinburgh: Effecting Culture ChangeResearch Data Management at Edinburgh: Effecting Culture Change
Research Data Management at Edinburgh: Effecting Culture Change

Stuart Macdonald gave a presentation on research data management at the University of Edinburgh. He discussed the work of EDINA and the Data Library in providing data services and developing tools like Edinburgh DataShare. The university implemented a research data management policy and projects like Data Audit Framework and MANTRA to help researchers with data management best practices and culture change. The goal is to help researchers comply with funder requirements and enable secondary use of research data.

data libraryjiscedina
The Go-Geo! Spatial Data Portal: A Data Discovery and Research Tool for UK Ac...
The Go-Geo! Spatial Data Portal: A Data Discovery and Research Tool for UK Ac...The Go-Geo! Spatial Data Portal: A Data Discovery and Research Tool for UK Ac...
The Go-Geo! Spatial Data Portal: A Data Discovery and Research Tool for UK Ac...

The Go-Geo! Spatial Data Portal provides a discovery and research tool for UK academics to find geospatial resources. It includes over 2,820 searchable geospatial datasets and metadata records. Go-Geo! also provides geospatial metadata best practices and guidelines, metadata editing and publishing tools, workshops and training to support the use and sharing of spatial data across UK academia.

Agile Data Access Initiative
Agile Data Access InitiativeAgile Data Access Initiative
Agile Data Access Initiative

The document proposes the AGILE Data Access Initiative to address issues researchers face in accessing core geospatial data from National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies across Europe. Surveys of NMCAs and academic users found that while most NMCAs make data available, barriers include cost, licensing restrictions, and difficulties obtaining cross-border data. The initiative seeks to negotiate national agreements for academic access and develop reciprocal licenses and access controls to enable easier transnational research.

Digimap for Schools set up
• Online service, no software installation or data
• Browser based – PC, laptop, iPad, Smartboard
• One login per school – limitless number of users per
• Can be used out of school (e.g. at home or outdoor
learning centre)
• Easy online registration process with immediate
• Annual subscription charge
Service uptake
• 2436 schools across GB
• 183 Scottish secondaries
• 787 English secondaries
Our key messages
• Superb resource for Geography Nat
and 5 Value Added Units
• Relevant to many broad areas within
the Curriculum for Excellence
- Numeracy (measurement)
- Social Studies (Geography History)
- Sciences (Biology)
- Outdoor Learning
- Health & Well Being (Walk a Mile)
- Innovative learning through ICT
Experiences and Outcomes
• SOC 3-14a I can use a range of maps and geographical information
systems to gather, interpret and present conclusions and can locate a
range of features within Scotland, UK, Europe and the wider world.
• SOC 4-05b I can evaluate the changes which have taken place in an
industry in Scotland’s past and can debate their impact.
• SOC 4-10b I can explain the development of the main features of an
urban area in Scotland or elsewhere and can evaluate the implications
for the society concerned.
• SOC 4-14a I can use specialized maps and geographical information
systems to identify patterns of human activity and physical processes.
• MNU 3-11a I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of
measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the
task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required.

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Introduction to data support services and resources for public policy

presentaiton as part of Introductory Analysis of Policy course, Academy of Government's MSc public policy program, University of Edinburgh

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Piloting an E-Journals Preservation Registry Service (PEPRS)
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Piloting an E-Journals Preservation Registry Service (PEPRS)

Presented by Peter Burnhill, Director of EDINA, at PARSE.insight workshop on Preservation, Access and Re-use of Scientific Data, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 September 2009.

peter burnhille-journalspeprs
Introduction to data and support services for Political Data Analysis
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Introduction to data and support services for Political Data Analysis

Guest lecture on the University of Edinburgh School of Social and Political Science’s Introduction to Political Data Analysis course, 12 January 2016

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What you can do with Digimap for Schools
Measurement, presentation of data & change over time
Use at Barrhead Academy
Looking at land use change
n Making
• Relief
• Landscapes
• Land use
• Measuring
Rural Land Use

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Finding, managing and using the right MediaHub content
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Finding, managing and using the right MediaHub content

An overview of using the Jisc multimedia service at EDINA. Presented at two e-Resources breakout sessions being held at the West College Scotland Information Technology Symposium, at Erskine Bridge Hotel, on Wednesday 12th August 2015.

The EU INSPIRE Directive and what it might mean for UK academia
The EU INSPIRE Directive and what it might mean for UK academiaThe EU INSPIRE Directive and what it might mean for UK academia
The EU INSPIRE Directive and what it might mean for UK academia

The document discusses the EU INSPIRE Directive and its implications for UK academia. The INSPIRE Directive aims to create a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to improve sharing of spatial information between public authorities and accessibility for the public. This will allow better environmental policies and outcomes. While initially for environmental policy, INSPIRE intends to extend to other domains. The directive may apply to UK universities as they are considered public authorities. This could mean universities would need to make certain spatial datasets available according to INSPIRE specifications. The directive presents both obligations and opportunities for UK academia as data providers and data users.

james reideuinspire
Common ground: A view of the open education landscape in Scotland
Common ground: A view of the open education landscape in Scotland Common ground: A view of the open education landscape in Scotland
Common ground: A view of the open education landscape in Scotland

This document summarizes the open education landscape in Scotland. It outlines several open initiatives happening across different education sectors, including higher education, further education, schools, and the third sector. These initiatives involve open educational resources, MOOCs, open badges, Wikimedia projects, and open knowledge groups. The document also discusses the Open Scotland initiative, which aims to promote open education practices across Scotland. It describes the Scottish Open Education Declaration, a statement of principles to guide open education policy and strategy. While the Declaration received positive responses, fully implementing and supporting it remains a challenge that will require commitment from the Scottish government and other stakeholders.

Rural Land Use
Urban Land
Use Mapping
Flow line

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COBWEB - Chris Higgins, EDINA
COBWEB - Chris Higgins, EDINACOBWEB - Chris Higgins, EDINA
COBWEB - Chris Higgins, EDINA

COBWEB presentation given at the Citizens' Observatories: Empowering European Society Open Conference, which took place on 4th December 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

#citobsconf2014citizen observatorycitizen science
Library roles in research data management
Library roles in research data management Library roles in research data management
Library roles in research data management

The document summarizes a meeting at the University of Edinburgh about library roles in research data management. It includes: - Welcome and introduction from Robin Rice about data library services and projects related to research data management. - A talk from Sam Searle of Monash University about library roles in research data management based on experiences at Monash. - A discussion session. - A presentation by Sheila Cannell about getting a research data management policy for the University of Edinburgh. - A presentation by Jeff Haywood about the University of Edinburgh's storage strategy.

AddressingHistory - Crowdsourcing historical data and maps
AddressingHistory - Crowdsourcing historical data and mapsAddressingHistory - Crowdsourcing historical data and maps
AddressingHistory - Crowdsourcing historical data and maps

Presenter: Stuart Macdonald Presentation first given at Open Knowledge Scotland event at Inspace in Edinburgh, 13 May 2010. EDINA project to create an online crowdsourcing tool which will combine data from digitised Scottish Post Office Directories (PODs) with contemporaneous historical maps

iassistpost office directoriesdata
You can use it!
• You can access it during your studies to familiarise
yourself with the service and plan lessons
• You can use it when you go into schools on
• Use it at the front of the class on smartboard or with
pupils accessing it themselves on pcs/laptops
• If the school (and staff) you are placed at likes it,
ask them to contact EDINA to find out about
• Carol for demo …..

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EDINA, University of Edinburgh
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Digimap for Schools for Secondary School

  • 1. Introduction to an ICT based cross curricular resource for Secondary Geography PGDE students The Barony, University of Strathclyde 27th October 2015 Anne Robertson & Carol Blackwood EDINA, University of Edinburgh
  • 2. EDINA: serving research & education across the UK • @ the University of Edinburgh
  • 4. Digimap for Schools – Key Features • Online mapping service designed for schools • Print maps anywhere in GB at many different zoom levels • Historic mapping 1890s and 1950s • Pupils can annotate maps by adding labels, markers, photos, graphs, uploading points from a file • Measure areas and distances • Creating buffers around points/lines • Annotations can be saved and retrieved • Create print A3 & A4 print files • Create image files for use in ppt/docs
  • 5. Digimap for Schools set up • Online service, no software installation or data management • Browser based – PC, laptop, iPad, Smartboard • One login per school – limitless number of users per school • Can be used out of school (e.g. at home or outdoor learning centre) • Easy online registration process with immediate access • Annual subscription charge
  • 6. Service uptake • 2436 schools across GB • 183 Scottish secondaries • 787 English secondaries
  • 7. Our key messages • Superb resource for Geography Nat and 5 Value Added Units • Relevant to many broad areas within the Curriculum for Excellence - Numeracy (measurement) - Social Studies (Geography History) - Sciences (Biology) - Outdoor Learning - Health & Well Being (Walk a Mile) - Innovative learning through ICT
  • 8. Experiences and Outcomes • SOC 3-14a I can use a range of maps and geographical information systems to gather, interpret and present conclusions and can locate a range of features within Scotland, UK, Europe and the wider world. • SOC 4-05b I can evaluate the changes which have taken place in an industry in Scotland’s past and can debate their impact. • SOC 4-10b I can explain the development of the main features of an urban area in Scotland or elsewhere and can evaluate the implications for the society concerned. • SOC 4-14a I can use specialized maps and geographical information systems to identify patterns of human activity and physical processes. • MNU 3-11a I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required.
  • 9. What you can do with Digimap for Schools Measurement, presentation of data & change over time
  • 10. Use at Barrhead Academy Looking at land use change
  • 11. Planning/Decisio n Making • Relief • Landscapes • Land use • Measuring
  • 13. Rural Land Use Mapping Urban Land Use Mapping  
  • 17. You can use it! • You can access it during your studies to familiarise yourself with the service and plan lessons • You can use it when you go into schools on placement • Use it at the front of the class on smartboard or with pupils accessing it themselves on pcs/laptops • If the school (and staff) you are placed at likes it, ask them to contact EDINA to find out about subscribing • Carol for demo …..