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Introduction to data and support
services for Political Data
Stuart Macdonald
Associate Data Librarian
IPDA, School of Social and Political Science
University of Edinburgh
12 January, 2016
 Background
 Data Library consultancy
 Political science data resources
 UK Data Archive
 Online data analysis
 National statistical agencies
 Upskilling
 A data future!
 EDINA and Data Library (EDL) together are a division within
Information Services (IS) of the University of Edinburgh.
 EDINA is a Jisc centre for digital expertise providing national online
resources for education and research.
 The Data Library assists Edinburgh University users in the discovery,
access, use and management of research datasets. Data Library
forms part of the newly formed Research Data Service
Data Library Services:
What is a data library?
A data library refers to both the content and the services that
foster use of collections of numeric and/or geospatial data sets
for secondary use in research. A data library is normally part of a
larger institution (academic, scientific, medical, governmental,
etc.) established to serve the data users of that organisation.
The data library tends to house local data collections and
provides access through various means (online or central server
for download). A data library may also maintain subscriptions to
licensed data products.

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The EU INSPIRE Directive and what it might mean for UK academia

The document discusses the EU INSPIRE Directive and its implications for UK academia. The INSPIRE Directive aims to create a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) to improve sharing of spatial information between public authorities and accessibility for the public. This will allow better environmental policies and outcomes. While initially for environmental policy, INSPIRE intends to extend to other domains. The directive may apply to UK universities as they are considered public authorities. This could mean universities would need to make certain spatial datasets available according to INSPIRE specifications. The directive presents both obligations and opportunities for UK academia as data providers and data users.

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Presentation given by Peter Burnhill, director of EDINA, at #ReCon_15 : Beyond the paper: publishing data, software and more. Edinburgh, 19 June 2015 Peter Burnhill

Data Library & consultancy
 Finding…
“I need to analyse some data for a project, but all I can find are published papers
with tables and graphs, not the original data source.”
 Accessing …
“I’ve found the data I need, but I’m not sure how to gain access to it.”
 Using …
“I’ve got the data I need, but I’m not sure how to analyse it in my chosen software.”
 Managing …
“I have collected my own data and I’d like to document and preserve it and make it
available to others.”
 Reference interviews
Data Library resources
 Large-scale social science survey data
 Country and regional level time series data
 Population and agricultural census data
 Financial data
 Data for mapping
 Resources for teaching
 Opening hours: 9.30am – 5.30pm (Tues, Weds,Thurs)
Lower Ground Floor East, Main Library
Tel.: 0131 651 1431 or 0131 651 1744
Data Library catalogue:
• Scottish Referendum Survey, 1997; Scottish Election Study, 1979 & 2007;
Scottish Election Survey, 1997; Electoral Commission / ICM Scottish Elections
Survey, 2003 – available from UKDA
• Scottish Local Election Results, 1973-2003 (part of the British Local Election
Database, 1889 – 2003) – available from UKDA
• Scottish Politics - The almanac of Scottish elections and politics - contains
detailed results for all Scottish Westminster elections since 1983, Scottish parliamentary
elections since 1999 and European elections since 1979, along with information on by-
elections, local government elections, referendum results -
• Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 1999 – 2013 – available via UKDA

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Presented by Stuart Macdonald at RDM Training, 7/11/2012, University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences

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Presentation given by Chris Higgens at the Annual Infrastructure for Spatial Information in European (INSPIRE) Conference Krakow, Poland. 22 June 2010.

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What's So Special about the Social Sciences
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What's So Special about the Social Sciences

Presentation given by Peter Burnhill at the Fourth Bloomsbury Conference on E-Publishing and E-Publications, London. 24 & 25 June 2010.

United Kingdom
• British Election Studies Information System (BESIS) -
• British Election Study (BES) -
• British Electoral Data, 1885-1949 -
• – open data available from all central government departments and a number of
other public sector bodies and local authorities
• Electoral Commission - independent electoral watchdog and regulator of party and election
finance -
• Ipsos MORI Research Archive - https://www.ipsos-
• Populus - the official opinion pollster of The Times. Key topics covered include attitude towards
British political parties, attitudes towards the European Union and EU constitution, and voting
intentions and trends in UK elections -
Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) -
• collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world
• participating countries include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies
• resultant data are deposited along with voting, demographic, and spatial variables
• merged into a single, free, public dataset for use in comparative study and analysis
European Election and Referendum Database - provides election results on a regional level for
European countries from 1990 until present. EERD publishes results from parliamentary elections, European
Parliament elections, presidential elections, as well as EU-related referendums for a total of 35 European
countries -
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) - resources include
the Voter Turnout Website which presents voter turnout figures for 171 independent states, covering national
presidential and parliamentary elections since 1945 -
World Bank Institute's (WDI) Governance program - links to a range of governance and anti-
corruption databases including: Interactive Web Access to Worldwide Governance Research Indicators Dataset
covering 212 countries.
UK Data Archive
UK Data Archive
Founded in 1967 and based at the University of Essex
ESRC / Jisc-funded
Houses several thousand social science and humanities datasets
Provides resource discovery and support for secondary use of
quantitative and qualitative data in learning, teaching and research.
More recently it has worked with environmental and medical data
Host to the UK Data Service which provides the following incorporated facilities:
• History data Service
• Survey Resources Network (SRN) Question Bank
• Secure Lab
• Qualibank
• Histpop

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The Data Library at the University of Edinburgh was established in the early 1980s to provide access to datasets like UK census data. It has since evolved to support research data management across its lifecycle through services like consultancy, a dataset catalogue, and training. The Data Library is now part of a research data management program that includes an institutional data repository called Edinburgh DataShare that has deposited around 250 datasets so far. A key part of training is the open online Research Data Management course called MANTRA.

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Addy Pope demonstrates how a suite of EDINA and Edinburgh University Data Library tools and apps can make curating your spatial data a breeze. Presented at the Open Repositories 2014, June 9-13, Helsinki, Finland

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UK Data Service (UKDS)
£17 million investment over 5 years
Funded by ESRC – new service is structured to support researchers in
academia, business, third sector and all levels of government
Commenced 1 October 2012 – integrated elements of the data service
infrastructure provided by ESRC, including UKDA
A single point of access to economic and social data – free at the point
of use for registered academic users
Distributed service led by Univ. of Essex in collaboration with:
Jisc Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census & Survey Research (Univ. of Manchester)
School of Geography (Univ. of Leeds)
Geography and Environment (Univ. of Southampton)
EDINA (Univ. of Edinburgh)
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL)
UKDS features include:
Data – free to download for academic purposes upon registration in formats
conversant with statistical analysis packages, full/partial catalogue search, browse by
subject, also links to major studies, new releases
Support – finding data, online guides, learning and teaching resources, online data
analysis tools (Nesstar, Qualibank, UKDS.Stat), external statistical sources, FAQ
Resources – Online data browsing tools, metadata tools, qualitative tools
Advice for managing, depositing, sharing research data - best
practice for ESRC researchers and beyond, preservation guidelines
News & Events – workshops, new data, publications (incl. good practice guides)
Key data –

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The Research Data MANTRA (MANagementTRAining) project at the University of Edinburgh created open online learning materials for research data management. The materials were developed for postgraduate students and early career researchers, grounded in best practices for specific disciplines like social science and geosciences. The course includes video interviews, data exercises, and will be embedded in university graduate programs and available openly online. Key to the project's success will be positive user feedback and increased advocacy for research data management practices across the university. The university also approved a new research data policy to provide guidelines and support for proper data management.

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Stuart Macdonald talks about the Research Data Management programme at the University of Edinburgh Data Library, delivered at the ADP Workshop for Librarians: Open Research Data in Social Sciences and Humanities (ADP), Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18 June 2014

stuart macdonaldedinburgh university data libraryresearch data management
Online data analysis
Nesstar -
 A data exploration system providing access to a wide variety of social
science datasets. Registered users can create simple online cross-
tabulations, produce graphs, and download subsets of variables in a
variety of formats.
 Support for exploring data online using the ESDS Nesstar Catalogue -
UKDS.Stat -
UKDS.Stat enables you to extract information from a range of large socio-economic
international datasets. The interface hosts many features, including data
downloading, animated time series charts, the ability to display data as choropleth
maps, to save and share queries and to search across all datasets
Eurostat new chronos

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RDM Programme@Edinburgh
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RDM Programme@Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh implemented a research data management policy and programme to provide services and support for researchers. Key services include DataStore for active data storage, DataShare for publishing data, and DataVault for long-term preservation. Training, guidance on data management planning, and support staff help researchers comply with funder requirements and best practices. The multi-phase programme establishes critical services while pursuing interoperability and engaging the research community.

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Presented by Peter Burnhill and Stuart Macdonald at CERN Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication (OAI7), Geneva Switzerland, 23 June 2011.

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The University of Edinburgh has taken several steps to improve research data management: 1. They developed the first research data management policy in the UK to provide guidelines for storing, sharing, and preserving research data. 2. They created online training and guidance materials called MANTRA to teach researchers best practices for data organization, documentation, and long-term access. 3. They are developing research data services including a data library, repository, and storage strategies to support researchers in managing their data throughout the research lifecycle and ensuring access over time.

mantraresearch data managementdata repositories
UK Data Service Census Support -
Government data sources
 National Records of Scotland (NRS) –
 Scottish Census 2011 – Data Explorer –
 Office for National Statistics (ONS) –
 ONS Neighbourhood Statistics –
 ONS Open Geography Portal
 Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics (SNS) – (to be replaced soon by
the Scottish Statistics website)
 Welsh Government Statistics -
 Data.Gov.UK -
 Eurostat –
Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) -
 Original aim was to build capacity in the use of quantitative methods
amongst Scotland’s social science community and beyond (2009-2012).
 Funded by ESRC (2013-2016) AQMeN is a research centre and has three
primary strands of research involving a multidisciplinary team of researchers
from the UK and abroad :
• Crime and victimisation
• Education and social stratification
• Urban segregation and inequality
 AQMeN offer practical quantitative methods training on a range of
techniques developed as part of their programme of research
 Data Library host and manage the AQMeN website

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Introduction to data and support services for Political Data Analysis
Q-Step –
Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, ESRC & HEFCE the Edinburgh Q-Step Centre is one
of the only 15 universities in the UK chosen and funded to develop degree
programmes and a series of other projects aimed to develop Quantitative Skills in the
Social Sciences.
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A Data future
“The ability to take data - to be able to understand it, to
process it, to extract value from it, to visualise it, to
communicate it –that’s going to be a hugely important skill
in the next decades.”
Hal Varian, Google’s chief economist.
“Data is the new oil!”
Clive Humby, Assoc. of National Advertisers
Senior marketer’s summit, 2006
“The coolest thing to do with your data will be thought of by
someone else”
Rufus Pollock , Founder and President of Open
Know edge Foundation
Based on a slide by Marieke Guy, UKOLN
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Introduction to data and support services for Political Data Analysis

  • 1. Introduction to data and support services for Political Data Analysis Stuart Macdonald Associate Data Librarian IPDA, School of Social and Political Science University of Edinburgh 12 January, 2016
  • 2. Outline  Background  Data Library consultancy  Political science data resources  UK Data Archive  Online data analysis  National statistical agencies  Upskilling  A data future!
  • 3. Background  EDINA and Data Library (EDL) together are a division within Information Services (IS) of the University of Edinburgh.  EDINA is a Jisc centre for digital expertise providing national online resources for education and research.  The Data Library assists Edinburgh University users in the discovery, access, use and management of research datasets. Data Library forms part of the newly formed Research Data Service Data Library Services: EDINA:
  • 4. What is a data library? A data library refers to both the content and the services that foster use of collections of numeric and/or geospatial data sets for secondary use in research. A data library is normally part of a larger institution (academic, scientific, medical, governmental, etc.) established to serve the data users of that organisation. The data library tends to house local data collections and provides access through various means (online or central server for download). A data library may also maintain subscriptions to licensed data products.
  • 5. Data Library & consultancy  Finding… “I need to analyse some data for a project, but all I can find are published papers with tables and graphs, not the original data source.”  Accessing … “I’ve found the data I need, but I’m not sure how to gain access to it.”  Using … “I’ve got the data I need, but I’m not sure how to analyse it in my chosen software.”  Managing … “I have collected my own data and I’d like to document and preserve it and make it available to others.”  Reference interviews
  • 6. Data Library resources  Large-scale social science survey data  Country and regional level time series data  Population and agricultural census data  Financial data  Data for mapping  Resources for teaching  Opening hours: 9.30am – 5.30pm (Tues, Weds,Thurs) Lower Ground Floor East, Main Library Tel.: 0131 651 1431 or 0131 651 1744 Email:
  • 8. Scotland • Scottish Referendum Survey, 1997; Scottish Election Study, 1979 & 2007; Scottish Election Survey, 1997; Electoral Commission / ICM Scottish Elections Survey, 2003 – available from UKDA • Scottish Local Election Results, 1973-2003 (part of the British Local Election Database, 1889 – 2003) – available from UKDA • Scottish Politics - The almanac of Scottish elections and politics - contains detailed results for all Scottish Westminster elections since 1983, Scottish parliamentary elections since 1999 and European elections since 1979, along with information on by- elections, local government elections, referendum results - • Scottish Social Attitudes Survey, 1999 – 2013 – available via UKDA
  • 9. United Kingdom • British Election Studies Information System (BESIS) - • British Election Study (BES) - • British Electoral Data, 1885-1949 - • – open data available from all central government departments and a number of other public sector bodies and local authorities • Electoral Commission - independent electoral watchdog and regulator of party and election finance - referendums • Ipsos MORI Research Archive - https://www.ipsos- • Populus - the official opinion pollster of The Times. Key topics covered include attitude towards British political parties, attitudes towards the European Union and EU constitution, and voting intentions and trends in UK elections -
  • 10. International Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES) - • collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world • participating countries include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies • resultant data are deposited along with voting, demographic, and spatial variables • merged into a single, free, public dataset for use in comparative study and analysis European Election and Referendum Database - provides election results on a regional level for European countries from 1990 until present. EERD publishes results from parliamentary elections, European Parliament elections, presidential elections, as well as EU-related referendums for a total of 35 European countries - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) - resources include the Voter Turnout Website which presents voter turnout figures for 171 independent states, covering national presidential and parliamentary elections since 1945 - World Bank Institute's (WDI) Governance program - links to a range of governance and anti- corruption databases including: Interactive Web Access to Worldwide Governance Research Indicators Dataset covering 212 countries.
  • 12. UK Data Archive Founded in 1967 and based at the University of Essex ESRC / Jisc-funded Houses several thousand social science and humanities datasets Provides resource discovery and support for secondary use of quantitative and qualitative data in learning, teaching and research. More recently it has worked with environmental and medical data sources. Host to the UK Data Service which provides the following incorporated facilities: • History data Service • • Survey Resources Network (SRN) Question Bank • Secure Lab • Qualibank • Histpop
  • 13. UK Data Service (UKDS) £17 million investment over 5 years Funded by ESRC – new service is structured to support researchers in academia, business, third sector and all levels of government Commenced 1 October 2012 – integrated elements of the data service infrastructure provided by ESRC, including UKDA A single point of access to economic and social data – free at the point of use for registered academic users Distributed service led by Univ. of Essex in collaboration with: Jisc Manchester, Cathie Marsh Centre for Census & Survey Research (Univ. of Manchester) School of Geography (Univ. of Leeds) Geography and Environment (Univ. of Southampton) EDINA (Univ. of Edinburgh) Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (UCL)
  • 14. UKDS features include: Data – free to download for academic purposes upon registration in formats conversant with statistical analysis packages, full/partial catalogue search, browse by subject, also links to major studies, new releases Support – finding data, online guides, learning and teaching resources, online data analysis tools (Nesstar, Qualibank, UKDS.Stat), external statistical sources, FAQ Resources – Online data browsing tools, metadata tools, qualitative tools Advice for managing, depositing, sharing research data - best practice for ESRC researchers and beyond, preservation guidelines News & Events – workshops, new data, publications (incl. good practice guides)
  • 18. Nesstar -  A data exploration system providing access to a wide variety of social science datasets. Registered users can create simple online cross- tabulations, produce graphs, and download subsets of variables in a variety of formats.  Support for exploring data online using the ESDS Nesstar Catalogue -
  • 19. UKDS.Stat - UKDS.Stat enables you to extract information from a range of large socio-economic international datasets. The interface hosts many features, including data downloading, animated time series charts, the ability to display data as choropleth maps, to save and share queries and to search across all datasets
  • 21. UK Data Service Census Support -
  • 22. Government data sources  National Records of Scotland (NRS) –  Scottish Census 2011 – Data Explorer –  Office for National Statistics (ONS) –  ONS Neighbourhood Statistics –  ONS Open Geography Portal  Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics (SNS) – (to be replaced soon by the Scottish Statistics website)  NISRA -  Welsh Government Statistics -  Data.Gov.UK -  Eurostat –
  • 24. Applied Quantitative Methods Network (AQMeN) -  Original aim was to build capacity in the use of quantitative methods amongst Scotland’s social science community and beyond (2009-2012).  Funded by ESRC (2013-2016) AQMeN is a research centre and has three primary strands of research involving a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the UK and abroad : • Crime and victimisation • Education and social stratification • Urban segregation and inequality  AQMeN offer practical quantitative methods training on a range of techniques developed as part of their programme of research  Data Library host and manage the AQMeN website
  • 26. Q-Step – Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, ESRC & HEFCE the Edinburgh Q-Step Centre is one of the only 15 universities in the UK chosen and funded to develop degree programmes and a series of other projects aimed to develop Quantitative Skills in the Social Sciences.
  • 27. The Guardian Datastore has loads of examples of telling stories with data
  • 28. OKF- School of Data -
  • 29. A Data future “The ability to take data - to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualise it, to communicate it –that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.” Hal Varian, Google’s chief economist. “Data is the new oil!” Clive Humby, Assoc. of National Advertisers Senior marketer’s summit, 2006 “The coolest thing to do with your data will be thought of by someone else” Rufus Pollock , Founder and President of Open Know edge Foundation Based on a slide by Marieke Guy, UKOLN
  • 30. Ask us about data