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It will be like electricity”.
“…[technology] will just be seamless. It will just be there.
The web will be everything and it will be nothing.
by 2020...
– Eric Schmidt, Google
it can be hard to visualise
what this will truly mean...
with computation + connectivity…
with each day that goes by we find
new ways to augment everyday things

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Understanding UX: Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 18 Jan 2013
Understanding UX: Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 18 Jan 2013Understanding UX: Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 18 Jan 2013
Understanding UX: Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 18 Jan 2013

Slides from my 1 hour class on January 18th at General Assembly in London during the Understanding UX day. ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 14 Jan 2013
Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 14 Jan 2013Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 14 Jan 2013
Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 14 Jan 2013

Slides from my class on January 14 at General Assembly in London about designing for multiple devices. ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02
Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02
Lettinggo 110902081541-phpapp02

The document discusses how rapid technological disruption and the democratization of knowledge through the Internet have challenged traditional models of design, business, and control over products and ideas. It argues that successful design going forward will require flexibility, simplicity, enabling user customization and experiences rather than strictly defined products, and building platforms that can evolve beyond their original contexts. Complexity and interdependence may no longer confer advantages if they limit responsiveness to constant change.

networked societyfuturecommunication
the results can be
both magical and disturbing
self driving cars that collect
gigabytes of data per second…
Twitter: Bill Gross
Almax - EyeSee Mannequin
mannequins that watch, listen
and analyse who you are
to “build” a better suit…
mobile stores with 3D scanners
Kickstarter: Tailor truck

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When responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real worldWhen responsive web design meets the real world
When responsive web design meets the real world

The document discusses responsive web design and some of the challenges it faces. It recommends adopting a mobile first approach where the mobile styles are defined first before desktop styles, allowing for a progressive enhancement. It also emphasizes the importance of performance and ensuring responsive designs are not just focused on layout but also on optimizing for speed. Key techniques discussed include building mobile first, reordering media queries, keeping basic styles outside queries, and scoping images within media queries to avoid unnecessary downloads.

Best of GA: Designing For Multiple Devices - Google Campus, 26 Feb 2013
Best of GA: Designing For Multiple Devices - Google Campus, 26 Feb 2013Best of GA: Designing For Multiple Devices - Google Campus, 26 Feb 2013
Best of GA: Designing For Multiple Devices - Google Campus, 26 Feb 2013

Slides from my 1 hour class on February 26th at Google Campus in London during the 'Best of GA' event. ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 19 Nov 2012
Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 19 Nov 2012Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 19 Nov 2012
Designing for multiple devices - GA London, 19 Nov 2012

Slides from my class on November 19th 2012 at General Assembly in London about designing for multiple devices. ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
recharge electric buses…
smart roads that wirelessly
KAIST OLEV project: YouTube
Proteus Digital Health - Digital health feedback system
stomach acid powered sensors that communicate
with applications on your smartphone…
senses how you eat…
a fork that
Hapi Fork by Hapi Labs
Proteus Digital Health - Digital health feedback system
Apple Gives Share-
holders More Input;
Will Facebook Get the
At its annual shareholders meet-
ing on Thursday, Apple’s man-
agement bowed to pressure
from key investors and agreed to
allow shareholders to elect
board directors by a simple ma-
jority vote.
Now any new or current director
standing for election who fails to
receive support from a majority
of shareholders must resign his
By Tim Carmody
February 24, 2012 | 4:26 pm
and smart toilets that help you track
what comes out…

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Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010
Ubiquitous Information Architecture - OZ IA 2010

The document discusses the need for ubiquitous and holistic information architecture across channels to create integrated experiences for users. It notes that information is blurring the lines between digital and physical experiences, and that users expect consistency as they transition between platforms. To meet these expectations, information architecture must be designed holistically rather than by channel, and must focus on the overall user journey rather than individual touchpoints. Bridges between experiences like on-ramps and off-ramps are needed to make information architecture truly integrated.

iauxcross channel
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013
Live streaming: Designing For Multiple Devices - GA, New York, 14 March 2013

Slides from my 1 hour live streaming class on March 14th at GA in New York ABSTRACT The rise in mobiles and tablets have changed the way we consume and interact with content, but also the way we design and what we base our design approach on. This class will teach you about the shift in user expectations, behaviour- and consumption patterns and what that means for designing products that will be used on multiple devices. Coming out of it you'll be equipped with guiding principles and tools to tackle the multiple device jungle.

user experience designresponsive designux
Design Analysis
Design AnalysisDesign Analysis
Design Analysis

The document provides details on various designs for mobility aids and crutches. It includes classifications for different types of crutches from the US Patent Classification system, including crutches that have pivoting or non-pivoting movement, curved or straight bases, means for grasping objects, and those that can convert between arm and forearm models or between crutch and cane. It also notes classifications for crutch tips, shock absorbers, arrangements for storing crutches, and wheeled walking aids. The document gives an overview of different categories and sub-categories of mobility aid designs.

designproduct designindustrial design
sensors data
A real-time web (or app) based
progress report is available.
The fork gathers data
as you eat.
Fork vibrates if you’re
eating too fast
they are systems…
these aren’t just smart connected objects,
Hapi Fork by Hapi Labs
of these systems…
it’s not always obvious where the web fits in,
but it has an important role to play in each
the pathways from today’s web to apps
and things are anything but…
but while the future may be seamless,
to communicate with hardware…
our current approach to building the future web
is to develop APIs that enable the web

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Where will current trends take learning?
Where will current trends take learning?Where will current trends take learning?
Where will current trends take learning?

This document summarizes Carol Skyring's presentation on emerging trends in learning. She discusses how learning is becoming more social, collaborative, personalized and visual. New tools like social media, virtual worlds, and mobile devices are enabling more personalized and self-directed learning anytime, anywhere through personal learning networks. Future learning will blend virtual and real-world experiences using augmented reality and location-based technologies. Learning management systems are also evolving to incorporate richer media, social features and collaborative capabilities in secure online environments.

learning technologiesfuturelearning
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...
UCD14 Talk - Anna Dahlstrom - Device Agnostic Design: How to get your content...

The document discusses device agnostic design, which aims to create content that can be accessed and displayed well on any device. It emphasizes building with reusable modular components rather than bespoke designs for each device. The key aspects are understanding content stacking strategies across screens, using content-based rather than device-based breakpoints, and designing interactive elements that work for both touch and non-touch interfaces. The goal is to provide users with a continuous experience regardless of the device they use.

anna dahlstromhow totablet
Ok Glass, Now what?
Ok Glass, Now what?Ok Glass, Now what?
Ok Glass, Now what?

This document discusses Google Glass and the future of wearable technology. It begins with an overview of the shift towards an "era of context" driven by sensors and ubiquitous connectivity. It then provides details on Google Glass, including its hardware specifications, main functions, and architecture. Several use cases for Glass are presented, such as augmented reality applications, Google Now cards, navigation, and enterprise solutions. The document concludes with a discussion of expected future developments and challenges for wearable devices like improved versions of Glass and addressing privacy and security issues.

google glasswearablesaugmented reality
…the theory being that only a more capable and
powerful web can compete with native apps...
or maybe replace them altogether…
I’m not suggesting this is the wrong path,
but I think we may be missing part of the story…
(being “born of tech” doesn’t exempt us from these growing pains)
…we’re far from the only industry that’s been
challenged by the power of new technologies…

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Social, Digital & Mobile Around The World (January 2014)
Social, Digital & Mobile Around The World (January 2014)Social, Digital & Mobile Around The World (January 2014)
Social, Digital & Mobile Around The World (January 2014)

This report presents all the key statistics, data and behavioural indicators for social, digital and mobile channels around the world. Alongside regional pictures that capture the stats for every nation on Earth, we also present in-depth analyses for 24 of the world's largest economies: Argentina, Australia, Brazile, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, Thailand, the UAE, the UK, and the USA. For other reports in this series, please visit

The future of media queries?
The future of media queries?The future of media queries?
The future of media queries?

A brief exploration of proposed Level 4 Media Queries and some thoughts about the future of the web. Presented at Responsive Day Out in Brighton on June 27 2014.

future of the webmobilew3c
Designing for diversity - how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revol...
Designing for diversity -  how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revol...Designing for diversity -  how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revol...
Designing for diversity - how to stop worrying and embrace the Android revol...

It took 16 years for smartphone penetration to reach 1 billion people. Analysts believe it will take only 3 years to reach the next billion. The devices these consumers buy will be incredibly diverse, yet many will run on Android; a platform that now sees more than 1.5 million activations per day. In this presentation, we explore the fascinating rise of Android around the globe. From dual SIM phones in Indonesia, to dual screen e-ink devices in Russia and crowd-sourced platform modifications in China, we will discover the role open source has played in Android's popularity and how to design for such a diverse environment.

appsresponsive designmediatek
be the best path…
it’s natural to want to compete with them,
but history suggests this may not
rethink how we relate to them…
…rather than compete, we need to adapt,
embrace new technologies and completely
Online journalism and blogging
workshop in Jalalabad
a first step is to accept that
native software isn’t going away…
…we need native software
to power complex experiences,
3D rendering
video & audio

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Exploring the physical web
Exploring the physical webExploring the physical web
Exploring the physical web

Today’s 'smart devices' are a product of the technology and mental models of our past. From a connected lightbulb to a robot vacuum, using most of these devices requires a native app. This in turn greatly limits their contexts of use. Can we really expect users to download an app to interact with a random ’thing’ they encounter at the mall, a space they explore for an hour at the museum, or a city they will only visit for a day? What devices could we build, what 'smart' environments could we enable if users could simply discover, “walk up and use”(and then if needed, abandon) these objects and environments as they do a web site? This workshop will discuss two new technologies--Physical Web and Web Bluetooth--that can enable on-demand interaction with physical things and spaces using no more than a browser.

bluetooth lemobile marketingbluetooth
Everything old is new again
Everything old is new againEverything old is new again
Everything old is new again

Presentation by Stephanie Rieger of Yiibu at the MobX Conference in Berlin, Germany November 17, 2012.

The internet of things is for people
The internet of things is for peopleThe internet of things is for people
The internet of things is for people

If your job is to make things for the web, and the company you work for doesn’t build fitness trackers, or robots, or smart light bulbs, or a cloud service that aims to connect all these things, you could be forgiven for not caring all that much about today's Internet of Things. My aim with this talk is to shift the conversation away from things and back to people. In doing so, I hope to also arm you with tools to better understand, and find your place, within this complex but fascinating landscape. First presented at Generate Conference in San Francisco on July 15, 2016.

web standardsiotcalm technology
at the last web standards round...
access bits of hardware or software that didn’t exist
“Motes” are Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)
devices that can broadcast data on
behalf of things in the real world.
There still no Bluetooth API for the web
(LE or otherwise...)
Source: EstimoteRead Scott Jenson’s W3C article proposing we extend web discovery to objects
...and take full advantage of
powerful new chipsets
The Moto X includes a low-power core
whose only job is to listen for the
passphrase "OK, Google Now”.
(This plus another core devoted to sensors
enables, Touchless Control to run in the
background without the need to power up
the entire processor, which would
drain your battery.
and technologies
Photo: Mashable
increasingly...out in the real world
…and native software needs the web to power discovery,
not just through search—but social media and
a world of “things” you may want to chat with
but not care enough about to start a full-on relationship
For more on this, read Scott
Jenson’s seminal article on just-in-
time interactions.

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Designing for conversation
Designing for conversationDesigning for conversation
Designing for conversation

The document discusses the current state of conversational interfaces such as chatbots and voice assistants, noting that while early versions were limited, recent advances in artificial intelligence, data availability, and user expectations have created new opportunities for conversational interfaces to become more useful. However, conversational interfaces still have limitations and work best when focused on simple, well-defined tasks rather than attempting to replace more complex interactions or functions better suited to humans. Designing effective conversational interfaces requires keeping interactions simple, clearly setting user expectations, and in some cases, involving human assistance.

interaction designartificial intelligencebots
The Emerging Global Web
The Emerging Global WebThe Emerging Global Web
The Emerging Global Web

The web was first conceived 25 years ago, by an Englishman. Fifteen years later, as the first crop of dot.coms were going bust, close to 60% of its users (and all Alexa "top 20" sites) came from developed nations. Fast forward to today, and the picture is strikingly different. Almost half the Alexa "top 20" now comes from emerging economies. Economies where close to 3 billion people have yet to use the web, but thanks to mobile--won't have to wait much longer to discover it. This presentation will introduce you to fascinating and innovative services that are re-shaping the web to serve the consumers of tomorrow. Driven by mobile, the power of personal relationships, and the breakneck pace of globalisation, these services provide a glimpse into the business models, opportunities and challenges we will face, when growing a truly global web.

appsomnichannelqr code
Your browser can see and hear and ...
Your browser can see and hear and ...Your browser can see and hear and ...
Your browser can see and hear and ...

New sensor based Web Standards developments have punched a hole in the web that is letting the real world leak into the browser. The getUserMedia API now lets us access cameras and microphones and JSARToolkit and javascript based Natural Feature Tracking like the examples from ICG Graz University have shown that browsers can now be taught to perceive the world around them. Combine this with the <canvas> and WebGL and you have a real working model for a Web Standards based Augmented Reality. On top of this we also have OGCs Sensor Web Enablement and new developments like the Sensor API and the rapid spread of networked sensors and wireless Arduino-ised devices. Massively distributed dynamic immersive visualisation is now the new structural form for the modern web.

augmented realityweb3ar
a veritable superpower that will only increase
once everyone is connected…
the web is the ubiquitous pathway,
…so how do we
make the web even better?
progressive enhancement
but not the way we’ve known it…
providing an enhanced version to those
“…using web technologies in a layered fashion that allows
everyone to access the basic functionality…while also
with more advanced capabilities”.
Progressive enhancement:

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Mobiles Can Make Your Business Fly
Mobiles Can Make Your Business FlyMobiles Can Make Your Business Fly
Mobiles Can Make Your Business Fly

The document discusses mobile trends and how businesses can develop mobile strategies. It notes that over 1.7 billion people use internet on PCs while over 4.1 billion use mobile phones. Further, over 1 million iPhones have been sold in Australia in less than 2 years and iPhone users frequently upgrade the operating system. The document suggests that the key difference mobile brings is context, contact and community and asks how these mobile trends impact a business' model and value chain. It recommends that a mobile strategy focus on context, contact and community.

e is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentation
e is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentatione is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentation
e is for everywhere - Interactive Mobile Web Presentation

This presentation at Web Directions South 2007 captures the screens from an interactive poll held during the presentation. 67 people in the audience joined in and a dynamic profile of their phones, browsers, operating system and network providers is also include. A more involved analysis of the results will be available soon...

Generational Differences In Workplace [Supervisory Training}
Generational Differences In Workplace [Supervisory Training}Generational Differences In Workplace [Supervisory Training}
Generational Differences In Workplace [Supervisory Training}

This is a presentation I did for a group of 15 supervisors. It is an interactive training session which requires an experienced facilitator. It is a great way to present generational differences using input from the group you are training. You can send the survey to participants in advance and add your company's demographics to the presentation to make it even more effective

traininggeneration xgeneration y
if we truly value the ideas
behind progressive enhancement…
some see an escalator...others see a highly enhanced
and gracefully degrading staircase...
everyone is different…
…if we truly believe that creating great experiences
begins with an acknowledgement that
different contexts, with different
intents and capabilities…
experiencing the web in
…we must accept that enhancement
may sometimes lie beyond the web
Source: Nymi
Nymi lets you use your unique cardiac rhythm
to authenticate your identity.

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Beyond the mobile web
Beyond the mobile webBeyond the mobile web
Beyond the mobile web

The document discusses how the internet and mobile technology have become integrated into everyday life. Key points include: - The internet is no longer an activity confined to desktop computers, but something that people access constantly through mobile devices. - There are now over 5 billion mobile subscribers globally, and mobile phones are becoming as powerful as computers were a few years ago. - People use their mobile devices to engage in many activities like chatting, scheduling, shopping, and following up on things looked up on other devices. - Mobile internet usage is shifting from just short activities to complementing and facilitating longer tasks like research, transactions, and important decisions.

Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu 110412113255 Phpapp01

Mobile internet access is becoming ubiquitous, with over 1.3 billion people now using their mobile devices to access the internet. Context for how the internet is accessed has changed dramatically, with people now commonly using their phones, tablets, and other devices to engage in many online activities both brief and extended. This has disrupted traditional models of web design which focused on desktop access with predictable contexts. A new approach is needed to create engaging mobile content in this environment of tremendous diversity and unpredictability.

Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu
Beyond The Mobile Web By YiibuBeyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu
Beyond The Mobile Web By Yiibu

The document discusses how the internet and mobile technology have become integrated into everyday life. Key points include: - The internet is no longer an activity confined to desktop computers, but something that people access constantly through mobile devices. - There are now over 5 billion mobile subscribers globally, and mobile phones are becoming as powerful as computers were a few years ago. - People use their mobile devices to engage in many activities like chatting, scheduling, shopping, and following up on things looked up on other devices. - Mobile internet usage is shifting from just short activities to complementing and facilitating longer tasks like research, transactions, and important decisions.

paymentsdigital commercemobile
weave the web in and out
of their day…
that (thanks to mobile), people
research already shows
in doing so, they dip in and out
of the web content we create…
the choices they make are complex,
sometimes irrational, and uniquely personal…
“ aren’t made on an assembly can’t
predict precisely which [touchpoint] each user will
need, in what order she will encounter them, and
who will help her along the way.
The service is experienced differently by every
person, because every person is different."
- Andy Polaine
the services we create must embrace
that complexity...

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The trouble with context
The trouble with contextThe trouble with context
The trouble with context

The document discusses how the context in which mobile devices are used has become increasingly complex and unpredictable. Guidelines from a few years ago around mobile design being context-driven are now outdated, as mobile and Internet-connected devices have proliferated and their uses have diversified. Over 5 billion people now own mobile devices, which for many are their primary or only means of Internet access. This shift has dramatically changed user behavior and expectations.

Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014
Device Agnostic Design - UCD2014, London 25 Oct 2014

Slides from my Device Agnostic Design talk at UCD London ABSTRACT: There was a time when we did glossy page designs and when those designs were pretty much what we saw in our desktop browsers. With the introduction and rise of smartphones, tablets, phablets there isn’t one view of our designs anymore. Instead, what we create needs to be able to adapt in a way that is suitable for the device as well as where and how it’s being used. With responsive design we’ve learnt the basics of how to adapt content, interactions and layouts so that it works across devices. But with further developments in technology and screens, our content is going to go anywhere. As a result we need to move away from designing for specific devices to solutions that are device agnostic. For us as UX designers this means means letting content rather than devices guide layouts, and also increasingly moving away from designing and wireframing pages to focusing on the modules that those views are made up of. But there are other aspects to consider in device agnostic design. In this talk I walk through why device agnostic design matters, what it means and how we go about it.

user experience designuxstrategy
Letting Go
Letting GoLetting Go
Letting Go

The document discusses how rapid technological disruption and the democratization of knowledge through the Internet have challenged traditional models of design, production and consumption. It notes that users can now easily adapt, improve and compete with products in ways that were previously impossible. As a result, the most successful designs going forward may be those that are simple, flexible and enable users to create their own experiences, rather than fully defining the experience themselves. Complex, tightly controlled systems may be more vulnerable to abrupt changes, so the best designs will set the stage for users but not dictate every aspect of the experience.

graphic designishraq dhaly
it’s natural for us to want to coax users
towards the open web…
it’s also natural for our app-making colleagues
to want to drag them the other way…
…and who knows what direction
may come along next
all this jostling for attention is

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How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some key principles of cross-channel design such as providing a consistent, convenient, connected, and contextual experience across different channels over time. The document provides examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences. It concludes by outlining five methods for designing cross-channel experiences, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, sharing resources between teams, starting with small experiments, embracing challenges, and focusing on why changes are being made rather than just what is being changed.

customer experience managementuser experiencecross channel
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience DesignHow to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design
How to Design for the Future - Cross Channel Experience Design

This document discusses cross-channel experience design. It begins by asking who the audience members are and what they hope to learn. It then discusses some of the key challenges of designing experiences across multiple channels like websites, mobile apps, physical stores, etc. The document presents five principles for cross-channel design: providing a consistent experience, making the experience convenient across channels, ensuring transitions between channels are connected, tailoring the experience to the user's current context, and designing experiences that span time across different touchpoints. It concludes by offering five methods for approaching cross-channel design, such as thinking in terms of services rather than individual channels, collaborating across organizational boundaries, testing designs by observing user behaviors, being comfortable with ambiguity and iteration

information architectureuser experiencecustomer experience
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 WorkshopDesign for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop
Design for Cross Channel - UX Week 2012 Workshop

Slides 18-66 used in prior presentations, slides 77-160 largely from other presentations, but a few new examples.

iauxcross channel
through technology…
…it doesn’t help us gain trust, create engagement,
increase loyalty or enable users to improve their lives
web vs apps, print vs digital,
or bricks + mortar vs online…
the work we do is not about
it’s about leveraging technology to
build relationships and enable conversations
to make this happen, we have to
stop thinking in silos…

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IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel WorkshopIA Summit Cross Channel Workshop
IA Summit Cross Channel Workshop

The document describes the need for designing cross-channel experiences that are consistent, convenient, connected, contextual, and span different touchpoints and times. It discusses examples of both good and bad cross-channel experiences, and outlines five principles for designing holistic experiences. Tools mentioned for mapping cross-channel experiences include stakeholder interviews, field research, touchpoint matrices, service inventories, and experience maps. The overall message is that users interact with brands through many different channels, so the design must consider the entire experience across all touchpoints.

user experience designservice designcustomer experience
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011

The document discusses designing holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels. It recommends designing for the "space between" interactions by considering the full customer journey. Five principles are outlined for cross-channel design: convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and cross-time. Five methods and tools are also presented: thinking in terms of services; sharing design work; starting with observations; embracing discomfort; and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. The overall message is that customers experience brands through all touchpoints, so design must consider the integrated experience.

iauxcross channel
The skills implications of Cognitive Computing
The skills implications of Cognitive ComputingThe skills implications of Cognitive Computing
The skills implications of Cognitive Computing

1) Cognitive computing systems learn from interactions with people and data to perform tasks like thinking and making complex decisions with large amounts of information. 2) These systems will change how people interact with technology and require new skills like designing systems that can learn to solve problems and access necessary data. 3) Cognitive computing will be highly disruptive and enable new combinations of human and computer intelligence beyond what either could do alone.
often referred to as “digital”…
not just the technologies we use,
but the culture around what is still
...we need to evolve
If I buy a TV online
while in-store on my
mobile, which channel
am I using...?
here’s an example of a company that is slowly taking steps
to disentangle itself from silos and legacy thinking…
Dixons (owner of electronics giants Curry’s and PC
World) recently scrapped individual sales commissions
in favour of store-wide schemes linked to measures
of customer satisfaction.
To overcome managers’ reluctance to refer customers
to the website, stores are now credited with all sales
in their catchment area...regardless of whether
a buyer entered the premises.
- The Economist
–not where and how the interactions occurred
this approach makes sense because in the end,
what’s most valuable to the company is a satisfied customer

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Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011
Designing Cross Channel Experiences - MX 2011

The gap between physical and digital has blurred: we use Wiis to get in shape, computers to order a pizza, or our smartphone’s GPS to find hot dates. People want to interact with products and services when they want to and how they want to – and that’s not always on the web. The future of design is everywhere the customer touches our product or service - digital or physical. User experience practitioners must move beyond the screen to designing a holistic customer experience that is seamless across channels and devices.

service designinformation architectureuser experience
It's not just about Apps
It's not just about AppsIt's not just about Apps
It's not just about Apps

The document discusses that the value of technology is not just about apps, but how people configure platforms and connect them together in new ways to solve specific problems. It notes that niche user groups can deliver more value than mass production models. Structuring configurations can help with re-use while still allowing for expression. The most important things are learning from each other and sharing stories of both success and failure.

localbysociallbyssocial media
Mobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp Manchester
Mobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp ManchesterMobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp Manchester
Mobile UX 101 @ Flash Camp Manchester

An overview of the current state of Mobile UX, presented to attendees of Flash Camp Manchester by Jerome and Antony from Ribot

it’s probably also more efficient as the entire company
can work towards a common goal…
than what we’re doing today
what’s possible, and why embracing it might be better
shifting culture can be hard, but the first step is to understand
more seamless, honest and future-friendly…
i’m going to walk you through some technologies that
I believe can help us create experiences that are
weaving the web in and out of everyday life
none of these examples exclusively involve the web –
they can however play a role in more seamlessly
a friendly warning:

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Cross-channel design aims to provide a seamless experience for customers across digital and physical touchpoints. The document discusses the need for designing experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, and contextual across channels over time. It provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design, including thinking in terms of services, sharing design processes, starting with small experiments, embracing discomfort, and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. Discovery activities like interviews, research, and experience mapping are recommended to understand the current customer journey. Solution techniques include mental models, storytelling, service blueprints, and touchpoint matrices to holistically design experiences across channels.

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The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It recommends designing for the holistic customer experience across channels rather than any single channel. It provides 5 principles for cross-channel design including convenience, consistency, and experiences that span time. It also offers 5 methods like thinking in terms of customer services and 5 tools including documenting experiences and experience mapping. The document advocates letting customers' experiences guide design rather than technology or design disciplines.

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The document discusses how responsive design begins on the server by adapting to different devices. It notes that as more devices have become capable of accessing the web, including lower-cost smartphones and basic phones, the definition of what constitutes a "smartphone" has expanded. It argues that while there is diversity in mobile devices, many lower-end devices still provide web access and basic smartphone functionality at an affordable price for many users.

iOS smart app banners
URLs that (kinda) open apps
The call to action adapts to suit the
• OPEN if the app is installed,
• VIEW if it’s not
The banner also won’t appear if the
app isn’t supported ( that region,
on that particular model)
iOS Smart App Banners can
prompt users to open or
install your app, and are easy
to implement using a meta-tag
in the head of each page.
They are less obtrusive than
modal windows and are native
components so won’t impact
performance or suffer from
usability problems as a modals
often can.
Source: Apple developer
While less intrusive than other methods, smart app banners
can still send mixed messages. Don’t use them “simply because
you can”. Make sure they are truly useful.
If the user already has the app installed, generically linking to it
is about as useful as generically dumping all smartphone users
on your (mobile) home page. You can do better...
<a href=”http://
Clicking OPEN passes
that page’s URL...
...which the app
parses and resolves
to display the content
This is sadly a mythical example. Amazon could do this, but so far hasn’t.

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The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It begins by explaining that customers experience brands across multiple touchpoints and channels, both digital and physical. The key is to design experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and span across time. The document then provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design. The principles are to make experiences convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and spanning across time. The methods are to think in terms of services, share design work across teams, start by observing customer behaviors, be comfortable with ambiguity, and focus on customer needs rather than specific solutions. Finally, the document discusses various discovery and solution activities for cross-channel design, such as stakeholder interviews

xchannelservice designcross-channel
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01Mobxbeyondthehamburgermenu13sep2014 140916040153-phpapp01
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The document discusses designing experiences for multiple devices. It notes that users now own and switch between multiple devices throughout the day, from phones to tablets to wearables. As such, designers must consider how to provide equal, continuous experiences across different platforms and prioritize building modular content that can be adapted for any device or input method. Navigation and usability must work seamlessly regardless of screen size or input type.

anna dahlström
Quality Patents: Patents That Stand the Test of Time
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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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Bottom line:
If used well, Smart app banners can deliver a good experience.
It’s a shame however that their content can’t be customized to
make them feel a bit less like an advert in cases where users
already have the app installed.
Custom URI schemes
more URLs that (kinda) open apps
URI schemes are a mechanism through which third-party apps
can communicate with each other.
They are supported on iOS, BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone 8
and Android (using the far more robust intents).
The user clicks a link
within a web page
The native app (that’s
already installed)
recognises the scheme
The app developer
registers the scheme
within the native app
<a href=”polar://
The app opens and (if it’s been
well designed) resolves the full
URL to display the content or
activity the user requested
using a web link
to launch an app in iOS
Luke’s case study: Linking mobile web and native app experiences

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Boo...the user is on
another platform
(Mac, PC, Android etc.)
...if only it were that simple :-(
(a complicated error prone process using cookies ensued to make this work...see the case study)
Boo...the native
app isn’t installed
Luke’s case study: Linking mobile web and native app experiences
<a href=”polar://
The app developer
registers the scheme
within the native app
The user clicks a link
within a web page
Bottom line:
For the moment at least...schemes are a bit of a hack.
They don’t gracefully degrade, so it takes a lot of work to
ensure everyone gets a good experience.
intents on Android
outsource tasks to other apps
Intents are the glue between application components,
both within an app, and across different apps. They allow
apps to outsource tasks to other apps (that they may not
even know about!) using predetermined interfaces.
“ - Roman Nurik

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Why is this useful?
Intents enable users to choose the app they prefer to use
when completing a task, such as sharing a link, saving a file or
opening a URL.
(In contrast to the typical scenario where the platform owner, app
developer or designer decides what people should use (and often how they
should use it) and in some way hard-codes the functionality into the app.)
An intent is simply a
combination of an action,
and a piece of data.
Source: Nick Butcher, Google
EDIT Contact “Bryan Rieger”
Android apps can register
their ability to handle
each type of intent.
Source: Nick Butcher, Google
I can....
“ image, file etc. URL, photo etc.
...a photo, document etc.
...just about anything

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Pick me!!
Two apps respond
“I can handle ”view”
intents on”
browser resolves
the URL
app resolves
the URL
user is
prompted to
the user clicks a link
within a web page, in an
email, or in another app...
<a href=”http://
the intent is
Amazon Chrome
Clicking a hyperlink is one of the many user actions that
triggers an intent.
It’s therefore possible for brands with both an app, and a mobile
optimised site to enable behaviours like this....
Once again a mythical example. Amazon could do this, but so far hasn’t.
Reminder: The beauty here is this is an enhancement. The web
page simply contains a URL. If there’s no Amazon app installed,
the URL simply opens in a browser.
(If the user has two browsers installed (for example, a text to speech browser), and hasn’t
designated a default, both will respond...and the user can make a choice).
click “share”
...completing the action automatically brings you back to the Twitter app
choose an app
your note
Intents also enable out-of-the-box seamless experiences.
Once a task is complete, the user automatically ends up back
where they initiated that task.
Twitter does use intents. Yay!
The more apps support intents, the more users can chain apps
and activities together to complete very personal experiences...
Share (i.e. open)
using Google Translate
...then Share in an SMS
hardware Back
open Tweet
using your
chosen “app”
click a URL in the
Tweet and open using
your favourite “app” seamless auto Back
seamless auto Back
hardware Back

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Intents are pretty cool.
It’s a shame they’re just
an Android thing...
Detailed instructions on and try this out in Pocket on iOS
user clicks a link
from within the
Pocket iOS app
offers the usual
web view
roundtrip enabled using the x-callback-url scheme
enjoy content in your
favourite browser
Google has implemented a variant of intents enabling apps to
delegate viewing web content to Chrome on iOS. While a bit
contrived, it incorporates feature detection so can be used as an
unobtrusive progressive enhancement.
“open in Chrome”
option is offered
“back” button
added at runtime
Mozilla has also developed the web activities API for Firefox
(mobile) and Firefox OS. Web activities enable (web) apps to
delegate activities to other (web) apps.
three apps respond
“I can pick a photo”
user picks a photo...
the app gets the photo back as a file blob, and does something with it...
invokes the
pick activity
Select Crop
...does other useful
stuff with their
favourite app...
More on Web Activities and a comparison of Web Activities and the far broader Web Intents
Mozilla hopes that web
activities will be
adopted as a standard.
The development of
web intents–a similar,
but more complex W3C
standard–is now on
hold as the various
groups discuss how
best to proceed.
Before the web intents working group was disbanded, web intents were available behind
a Chrome flag. This highly stylised and non-official visualization provides a glimpse of
how these worked on a Chromebook.
Which service should be used for saving?
App suggestions from Chrome Web Store:
Evernote Add to Chrome

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Profile portofolio

The last couple scenarios
all began (and ended) with an
app (the browser is also an app :-)
Next we’ll talk about ways to
enable interactions between
other users, devices and
connected “things”?
easily exchange all sorts of data
(and much more...)
NFC is a simple but powerful wireless technology that
makes it easy to complete transactions, exchange digital
content, and connect electronic devices.
Apple doesn’t yet support NFC :-(
Supported on most BlackBerry
and Windows Phone devices.
1 million NFC-enabled Android
devices activated each week*.
*Source: Google I/O 2013. Also of interest are the Mozilla NFC web API, a PhoneGap plugin, and the W3C NFC working group.
Apple appears to have no plan to support NFC and may instead focus
on Bluetooth LE. These technologies overlap but each has its
strengths. It’s a shame that Apple is as usual going its own way.

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Receive small amounts of data
from an unpowered object
the NFC tag is
powered by the
device’s NFC field
NFC enabled devices operate at a very short range (max. 4”/10cm)
and can communicate with two types of “things.”
Exchange data of any size
with another powered device
The word “data” downplays the power of a potential
NFC data exchange. Here are a few examples...
Touch the poster
(which contains a
passive NFC tag) to
receive a product-
related URL.
(...similar to a QR code but at
least you don’t need to own,
open and activate a separate
QR code reader app)
Share a URI
opens and
loads the URI
Share a dataset
While using the British Airways
app, tap your NFC device to an
NFC-enabled (e-ink display)
luggage tag to transfer your
luggage and flight data.
(Currently in Beta. This is a basic guess of how it will
work. The e-ink image can last for weeks and only
requires power when the tag is being written. )
Source: British Airways to offer NFC luggage tags

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While playing a video using the
YouTube app, touch your phone
to a Smart TV’s NFC logo...
Share a context
2 Loads the video
3 Sets the playhead location
4 Adjusts any other settings
1 Opens the TV’s YouTube app
(This is easy to demonstrate using two smartphones
but not sure if the YouTube app on any NFC-
enabled TV’s support this functionality.
In cases where the app isn’t yet installed, the device
automatically takes you to the page on Google Play
where you can download it.)
Tap to send the file
1 Activates Bluetooth (if not already on)
2 Pairs the devices
3 Initiates Bluetooth streaming
Share media
4 Disconnects Bluetooth once complete
Progress is visible in the
notification window
e.g. PDF, mp3, mp4, MPEG
(or Wi-fi Direct)
Play using your
favourite app...
(uses a ”view”
intent on Android!)
Touching the headphone’s
NFC logo to your NFC phone...
2 Activates Bluetooth
3 Pairs the devices
4 Initiates streaming of the
song that’s currently open
on your phone
1 Powers up the headphones
Initiate a connection
things get even more interesting,
once you consider how users
may chain these behaviours together...

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share voucher with a friend
and so on...
in-store offer:
Facebook for
10% off
....later that day
10% off
grab QR code
voucher from web
loyalty app
see something
you like! share a photo
tell 20 of your
best friends...
ensues...questions arise
friends say
go for it!
tap POP
display to
get reviews
tearing down silos isn’t just good
for the web, it’s good for all of us…
we’re not just build apps,
or web sites...
we’re building strong, sustainable
companies and brands…

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…in a world where everything is connected
every company is now a technology company
“’s really rather simple, in the future, app development is
going to be just as important as property development.”
- Philip Clarke, CEO, Tesco supermarkets
the entire service,
the entire the app
smart POP
global supply chain
big data
open data
the web is by far its most ubiquitous
and resilient access point…
but the others also have a place in creating
wonderful, diverse and future-friendly experiences…

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they’re simply tools that help us tell stories
about our products
...technologies aren’t solutions,
and devices that surround us…
our job is to tear down the walls, build bridges, and
fill the gaps between the people, spaces
…only then can we tell the stories
our customers deserve
for what, for whom, where and most importantly, why.”
- Bill Buxton (in a great many contexts)
for something else. The trick is knowing what is what,
“Everything is best for something and worst
A one-handed ergonomic keyboard from the Buxton collection

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thank you
many thanks to the
amazing photographers on
contact us
Presentation deck available @

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