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Data Protection in a
Kubernetes-Native World
A community first technologist for
Kasten by Veeam Software. Based in
the UK with over 16 years of industry
experience with a key focus on
technologies such as cloud native,
automation & data management.
Michael Cade
Container Orchestration:
Automated Deployment, Scaling, &
talk agenda
kubernetes today, futures, providers
Kubernetes Today
Where is Kubernetes today? Why
is it important? How big is it?
Kubernetes Futures
Looking ahead. How has
Kubernetes changed application
deployment and ops?
Kubernetes Storage
Is Kubernetes storage ready? Are
people using it in production?
How do we protect it?
Kubernetes Is
The Next Wave Of
Noisy ecosystem but large
Noisy ecosystem but large
Noisy Ecosystem But
Things are Shaking Out
kubernetes adoption
it’s still early but it feels like 🚀
Source: The State of Kubernetes, 2020, VMware
kubernetes standarization
coming faster than one might think…
Source: Voice of the Enterprise, DevOps, 2H 2019, 451 Research
Length of Time To
Standardize on
developer adoption
they are the key influencers today
Kubernetes Developers
Influencing Buying Decisions
Cloud-Native Developers
Driving Digital Transformation
Source: State of Developer Nation, Aug 2020, DATA/CNCF
Kubernetes “Day 1”
is winding down
The initial challenges to provision, install and roll
out Kubernetes have been addressed
This is visible in the ongoing consolidation for
companies that tackle Day 1 problems
Kubernetes “Day 2” is
the focus now
Day 2 challenges include operationalizing
production deployments at scale
Important areas here include data management,
security, observability
Kubernetes: Storage and Data Management
Exploding Day 2 Use Case
of Top 10
containers running
in Kubernetes are
of monitored
Kubernetes clusters
are running
storage drivers
available for use
2019 Container Usage Report, Sysdig
Kubernetes CSI Project, 2020
of organizations indicate that
half or more of their container
applications are stateful
(451 Research)
30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42%
SQL Databases
Message Queues
NoSQL Databases
Batch/Data Streaming
Stateful Application Type Deployed on Kubernetes
451 Research, Voice of the Enterprise:
DevOps Workloads and Key Projects 2020
Kubernetes Application Survey, 2018
Talk Colored By
Shifting Dev and
Ops Roles
kubernetes-native data management
silo breakdown, self-service, use case merge
Multi-tenancy, RBAC,
Scale, Performance,
Polyglot Persistence
Cluster Upgrades,
Application Transforms,
Test/Dev Clusters
Cross-AZ and Region,
Multi and Hybrid Cloud,
Storage Transforms
Backup and
what’s different?
deployment patterns
• No VM <-> Application Mapping
• Dynamic Rescheduling
• Constant Redeployments
• Multi-Tenant Clusters
Kubernetes Deployment Patterns
where does vm-based backup fall short?
a high-level walkthrough
Virtual Machine
App 1
Virtual Machine
App 2
Virtual Machine
App 3
where does vm-based backup fall short?
a high-level walkthrough
Virtual Machine
App 1
Virtual Machine
App 2
Virtual Machine
App 3
VM-based solutions loses application
visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes
where does vm-based backup fall short?
a high-level walkthrough
Virtual Machine
App 1
Virtual Machine
App 2
Virtual Machine
App 3
App 1 App 2 App 2 App 3
VM-based solutions loses application
visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes
Transition to microservices increases scale by
100X with Kubernetes
where does vm-based backup fall short?
a high-level walkthrough
Virtual Machine
App 1
Virtual Machine
App 2
Virtual Machine
App 3 App 1 App 2
App 2 App 3
VM-based solutions loses application
visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes
Transition to microservices increases scale by
100X with Kubernetes
No single VM has a complete application and
breaks VM-based protection platforms
where does vm-based backup fall short?
a high-level walkthrough
Virtual Machine
App 1
Virtual Machine
App 2
Virtual Machine
App 3 App 1 App 2
App 2 App 3
VM-based solutions loses application
visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes
Transition to microservices increases scale by
100X with Kubernetes
No single VM has a complete application and
breaks VM-based protection platforms
95% of application components are now
Kubernetes resources and not on disk
what’s different?
• Explosion in Application Components
• Dynamic Autoscaling (Clusters and Applications)
• Polyglot Persistence
• Multi-Cluster Use Exploding
Application Scale
required approach: focus on complete application
kubernetes resources and persistent state
Automatic and complete application capture
Consistent data and application resources capture
Namespaced objects + non-namespaced dependencies
Perform coordinated operations
Proper sequencing of resource and data operations
Meaningful applications cannot be restored as-is
Applications as the operational unit
Abstract underlying infrastructure
Seamless support for storage and data services within
and across clusters, regions, and clouds
Ingress Service
Database ConfigMap
StatefulSet Deployment
Kubernetes Application
kubernetes-native backup
must be battle hardened for day 2 scale
700 dev:2 ops ratio
100% transparent to developers
54 nodes, 216 CPUs, 1.7 TB RAM
173 Applications/Projects
Multi-Vendor Storage: 415 Volumes, Multi-TB
Number Component (subset)
2,126 Pods (1,380 workloads)
3,166 Secrets
1,411 Services
3,483 Image Information
768 Service Accounts
915 Configuration
3,484 Role Bindings
5,137 Other Components
18,393 Total (average 112/app)
Top 3 French IT Firm
Disaster Recovery
Application Mobility
what’s different?
rise of devops and “shift left”
• Focus on Applications, Not Infrastructure
• Backup needs to be on Day1 in dev and not just in prod
• Self-Service and Dynamic Provisioning via Infrastructure as
Code (IaC)
• Greater Accidental Risk w/ self-service
DevOps and “Shift Left”
devsecops: shift left for data protection
backup/recovery baked into “golden” stack
AWS GovCloud
Private Subnet
Amazon S3
Availability Zone 1
Amazon EBS
Customer Applications
Private Subnet
Amazon S3
Availability Zone 2
Amazon EBS
Customer Applications
Private Subnet
Amazon S3
Availability Zone 3
Amazon EBS
Customer Applications
1500+ devs, 100+ projects,
multi-tenant accounts, small
ops teams
Easy to deploy via CI/CD
100% automation (backup, DR)
Extensible for custom needs
Encryption, IAM, RBAC, Auth
Compliance: 30+ to 3-5 days
Future-proof multi-app
what’s different?
kubernetes operator challenges
• Skills gap and talent shortage is critical
• Ops has to be application vs. infra-centric
• Must enable self-service for team scaling
• Multi-cluster, GitOps, CI/CD calls for 100% automation
• Must deal with rapidly evolving Kubernetes releases
Operator Challenges
kubernetes moves quickly
upgrade frequently or be left behind
Kubernetes 1.17
Kubernetes 1.18
Kubernetes 1.19
jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec
01/08 31/12
Kubernetes releases minor
(x.Y.z) releases every 3 months.
No official roadmap.
Only 3 versions supported at a
given time. Fixes can only show
up in most recent patch
EOL in 9 Months
Restores must deal with
deprecated API transforms, object
refreshes (e.g., secrets), etc.
Restore Xforms
Patch Support
Full Support
Patch Support
Full Support
Patch Support
Full Support
Full Support
Kubernetes 1.20
Other Data
Concerns To
Watch Out For
data management
cloud-native protection gaps
• Backup vs. replication fault-tolerance differences
• Public cloud annual failure rates (AFR) > 0
• File system freeze typically unavailable or insecure
• Need to understand entire stack: OS, Kubernetes,
application, database, networking, security
Infra. & Software Protection Gaps
data management
• Support for Network Policies
• Authentication (OIDC, Token, etc.) w/ Self-Service
• End-to-End Encryption w/ Customer Managed
• Quick Recovery from Ransomware Attacks
Security and Protection Gaps
data management
ecosystem integration
• Database and NoSQL System Hooks
• Cloud-Native Monitoring and Alerting
• Kubernetes-Native CRD-Based APIs
• Mobility and Freedom of Choice
Ecosystem Integration
Want to learn more?
Download ebooks today!
Want to learn more?
Download “Phippy In Space” today!
Summing Up:
Things to Look for
Backup &
Built for Kubernetes
Purpose-built for Kubernetes using
cloud-native architectural principles.
Rich Ecosystem
Extensive support across the entire application
stack. Select the best tools or infrastructure.
Ease of Use
State-of-the-art management interface;
cloud-native API, easy install, extensible.
End-to-End Security
Support for RBAC, OIDC, Token Auth, IAM,
and industry-standard encryption
Multi & Hybrid
kasten k10
kubernetes backup and mobility made easy
Ease of Use,
Simple UX
Use Our Forever-Free Starter Edition!

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Data protection in a kubernetes-native world

  • 1. Data Protection in a Kubernetes-Native World @MichaelCade1
  • 2. A community first technologist for Kasten by Veeam Software. Based in the UK with over 16 years of industry experience with a key focus on technologies such as cloud native, automation & data management. @MichaelCade1 Michael Cade
  • 4. talk agenda kubernetes today, futures, providers page 04 Kubernetes Today Where is Kubernetes today? Why is it important? How big is it? Kubernetes Futures Looking ahead. How has Kubernetes changed application deployment and ops? Kubernetes Storage Is Kubernetes storage ready? Are people using it in production? How do we protect it?
  • 5. Kubernetes Is The Next Wave Of Infrastructure!
  • 6. Noisy ecosystem but large opportunity
  • 7. Noisy ecosystem but large opportunity Noisy Ecosystem But Things are Shaking Out
  • 8. kubernetes adoption it’s still early but it feels like 🚀 page 08 Source: The State of Kubernetes, 2020, VMware
  • 9. kubernetes standarization coming faster than one might think… page 09 Source: Voice of the Enterprise, DevOps, 2H 2019, 451 Research Length of Time To Standardize on Kubernetes
  • 10. developer adoption they are the key influencers today page 010 Kubernetes Developers Influencing Buying Decisions 2.7M Cloud-Native Developers Driving Digital Transformation 6.5M Source: State of Developer Nation, Aug 2020, DATA/CNCF
  • 11. Kubernetes “Day 1” is winding down The initial challenges to provision, install and roll out Kubernetes have been addressed This is visible in the ongoing consolidation for companies that tackle Day 1 problems
  • 12. Kubernetes “Day 2” is the focus now Day 2 challenges include operationalizing production deployments at scale Important areas here include data management, security, observability
  • 13. Kubernetes: Storage and Data Management Exploding Day 2 Use Case
  • 14. of Top 10 containers running in Kubernetes are stateful 50% of monitored Kubernetes clusters are running StatefulSets 57% Kubernetes storage drivers available for use today! 70+ 2019 Container Usage Report, Sysdig Kubernetes CSI Project, 2020
  • 15. of organizations indicate that half or more of their container applications are stateful (451 Research) 55% 41% 39% 38% 37% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% SQL Databases Message Queues NoSQL Databases Batch/Data Streaming Stateful Application Type Deployed on Kubernetes 451 Research, Voice of the Enterprise: DevOps Workloads and Key Projects 2020 Kubernetes Application Survey, 2018 2020 Data
  • 16. Talk Colored By Shifting Dev and Ops Roles
  • 17. kubernetes-native data management silo breakdown, self-service, use case merge page 017 Multi-tenancy, RBAC, Scale, Performance, Polyglot Persistence Cluster Upgrades, Application Transforms, Test/Dev Clusters Cross-AZ and Region, Multi and Hybrid Cloud, Storage Transforms Backup and Recovery Application Mobility Disaster Recovery
  • 18. what’s different? deployment patterns page 018 • No VM <-> Application Mapping • Dynamic Rescheduling • Constant Redeployments • Multi-Tenant Clusters Kubernetes Deployment Patterns
  • 19. where does vm-based backup fall short? a high-level walkthrough page 019 Virtual Machine App 1 Virtual Machine App 2 Virtual Machine App 3
  • 20. where does vm-based backup fall short? a high-level walkthrough page 020 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 1 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 2 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 3 VM-based solutions loses application visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes
  • 21. where does vm-based backup fall short? a high-level walkthrough page 021 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 1 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 2 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 3 App 1 App 2 App 2 App 3 VM-based solutions loses application visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes Transition to microservices increases scale by 100X with Kubernetes
  • 22. where does vm-based backup fall short? a high-level walkthrough page 022 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 1 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 2 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 3 App 1 App 2 App 2 App 3 VM-based solutions loses application visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes Transition to microservices increases scale by 100X with Kubernetes No single VM has a complete application and breaks VM-based protection platforms
  • 23. where does vm-based backup fall short? a high-level walkthrough page 023 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 1 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 2 Virtual Machine Kubernetes App 3 App 1 App 2 App 2 App 3 VM-based solutions loses application visibility with the introduction of Kubernetes Transition to microservices increases scale by 100X with Kubernetes No single VM has a complete application and breaks VM-based protection platforms 95% of application components are now Kubernetes resources and not on disk
  • 24. what’s different? scale page 024 • Explosion in Application Components • Dynamic Autoscaling (Clusters and Applications) • Polyglot Persistence • Multi-Cluster Use Exploding Application Scale
  • 25. required approach: focus on complete application kubernetes resources and persistent state page 025 Automatic and complete application capture Consistent data and application resources capture Namespaced objects + non-namespaced dependencies Perform coordinated operations Proper sequencing of resource and data operations Meaningful applications cannot be restored as-is Applications as the operational unit Abstract underlying infrastructure Seamless support for storage and data services within and across clusters, regions, and clouds Ingress Service Service Account Persistent Volume Registry Database ConfigMap Secret StatefulSet Deployment Pod Pod Persistent VolumeClaim Kubernetes Application
  • 26. kubernetes-native backup must be battle hardened for day 2 scale DEVOPS RUN 700 dev:2 ops ratio 100% transparent to developers APPLICATION DIVERSITY 54 nodes, 216 CPUs, 1.7 TB RAM 173 Applications/Projects Multi-Vendor Storage: 415 Volumes, Multi-TB Number Component (subset) 2,126 Pods (1,380 workloads) 3,166 Secrets 1,411 Services 3,483 Image Information 768 Service Accounts 915 Configuration 3,484 Role Bindings 5,137 Other Components 18,393 Total (average 112/app) Top 3 French IT Firm AWS EBS USE CASE DIVERSITY Backup Disaster Recovery Application Mobility
  • 27. what’s different? rise of devops and “shift left” page 027 • Focus on Applications, Not Infrastructure • Backup needs to be on Day1 in dev and not just in prod • Self-Service and Dynamic Provisioning via Infrastructure as Code (IaC) • Greater Accidental Risk w/ self-service DevOps and “Shift Left”
  • 28. devsecops: shift left for data protection backup/recovery baked into “golden” stack page 028 AWS GovCloud VPC Private Subnet Amazon S3 Availability Zone 1 Amazon EBS Temporary Credentials Role Customer Applications Private Subnet Amazon S3 Availability Zone 2 Amazon EBS Temporary Credentials Role Customer Applications Private Subnet Amazon S3 Availability Zone 3 Amazon EBS Temporary Credentials Role Customer Applications Keycloack BUILT FOR KUBERNETES 1500+ devs, 100+ projects, multi-tenant accounts, small ops teams BACKUP/DR REQUIREMENTS Easy to deploy via CI/CD 100% automation (backup, DR) Extensible for custom needs END-TO-END SECURITY Encryption, IAM, RBAC, Auth Compliance: 30+ to 3-5 days Future-proof multi-app policies
  • 29. what’s different? kubernetes operator challenges page 029 • Skills gap and talent shortage is critical • Ops has to be application vs. infra-centric • Must enable self-service for team scaling • Multi-cluster, GitOps, CI/CD calls for 100% automation • Must deal with rapidly evolving Kubernetes releases Operator Challenges
  • 30. kubernetes moves quickly upgrade frequently or be left behind page 030 Kubernetes 1.17 Kubernetes 1.18 Kubernetes 1.19 jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec 01/08 31/12 Kubernetes releases minor (x.Y.z) releases every 3 months. No official roadmap. Releases Only 3 versions supported at a given time. Fixes can only show up in most recent patch releases EOL in 9 Months Restores must deal with deprecated API transforms, object refreshes (e.g., secrets), etc. Restore Xforms Patch Support Full Support Patch Support Full Support Patch Support Full Support Full Support Kubernetes 1.20
  • 32. data management cloud-native protection gaps page 032 • Backup vs. replication fault-tolerance differences • Public cloud annual failure rates (AFR) > 0 • File system freeze typically unavailable or insecure • Need to understand entire stack: OS, Kubernetes, application, database, networking, security Infra. & Software Protection Gaps
  • 33. data management security page 033 • Support for Network Policies • Authentication (OIDC, Token, etc.) w/ Self-Service • End-to-End Encryption w/ Customer Managed Keys • Quick Recovery from Ransomware Attacks Security and Protection Gaps
  • 34. data management ecosystem integration page 034 • Database and NoSQL System Hooks • Cloud-Native Monitoring and Alerting • Kubernetes-Native CRD-Based APIs • Mobility and Freedom of Choice Ecosystem Integration
  • 35. Want to learn more? Download ebooks today!
  • 36. Want to learn more? Download “Phippy In Space” today!
  • 37. Summing Up: Things to Look for Backup & Recovery Disaster Recover y Application Mobility Built for Kubernetes Purpose-built for Kubernetes using cloud-native architectural principles. Rich Ecosystem Extensive support across the entire application stack. Select the best tools or infrastructure. Ease of Use State-of-the-art management interface; cloud-native API, easy install, extensible. End-to-End Security Support for RBAC, OIDC, Token Auth, IAM, and industry-standard encryption Multi & Hybrid Cloud Polyglot Persistence Multi- Tenancy RBAC
  • 38. kasten k10 kubernetes backup and mobility made easy Ease of Use, Simple UX Policy-driven Automation End-to-End Security Application Discovery Use Our Forever-Free Starter Edition!