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1Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc.
Pivotal Container Service : la
nuova soluzione per gestire
Kubernetes in azienda
Fabio Chiodini
Advisory Platform Architect –EMEA
Ruggero Citterio
Senior System Engineer
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Container Technology
Key Enabler for Modern Application Development
Create Environments
Moves from Dev/Test to
Production Consistently
Minimal Resources
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Business Value of Containers
Enterprise ROI
Metric Before After Improvement
Code deployment frequency Weekly Daily 5x
more frequently
Time from commit to deploy to
7 days Daily 86%
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) for
security patches
3 days 15 minutes 99x
decrease in MTTR
Time from request to provision
14 days 10-15 minutes 450x
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Business Challenges
Rapidly Evolving Container Ecosystem
✓ Fragmented Ecosystem
✓ High-Touch Integration
✓ Increased Operational
✓ Technology and Business Risk
✓ Shortage of Skill set and
✓ IT silos limiting innovation

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CNCF Live Webinar: Kubernetes 1.23
CNCF Live Webinar: Kubernetes 1.23CNCF Live Webinar: Kubernetes 1.23
CNCF Live Webinar: Kubernetes 1.23

The document summarizes the key enhancements and changes in Kubernetes 1.23, including 11 stable enhancements graduating to general availability, 16 features graduating to beta status, and 19 alpha features being introduced. Major themes include dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 networking, PodSecurity admission control, HorizontalPodAutoscaler v2 API graduating to stable, structured logging becoming beta, and deprecations including FlexVolume and klog flags. The document also provides updates on SIG-level efforts around API machinery, applications, authentication, autoscaling, CLI, cluster lifecycle, instrumentation, networking, and nodes.

Pivotal Platform: A First Look at the October Release
Pivotal Platform: A First Look at the October ReleasePivotal Platform: A First Look at the October Release
Pivotal Platform: A First Look at the October Release

Join Dan Baskette and Jared Ruckle for a first look at the latest Pivotal Platform capabilities with demos and expert Q&A. Attend this session and learn how you can put these new updates to work for your enterprise. Build apps atop Kubernetes with: ● Azure Spring Cloud, a complete runtime for Spring apps atop Azure Kubernetes Service ● Pivotal Build Service, an automated workflow for code-to-container builds ● Container Services Manager for Pivotal Platform, a bridge between Pivotal Application Service and PKS Build apps atop a self-managed platform with: ● Pivotal Application Service 2.7, and its additional app deployment capabilities ● Pivotal Service Instance Manager, a new tool to help you manage backing services at scale Get your apps to production with CI/CD tools like: ● Pivotal Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker ● Pivotal Concourse 5.5 We’ll also review Pivotal Spring Cloud Gateway and Pivotal Cloud Cache 1.9! Presenter : Dan Baskette, Director, Technical Marketing & Jared Ruckle, Director, Product Marketing

Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.1: Making Transformation Real Webinar
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.1: Making Transformation Real WebinarPivotal Cloud Foundry 2.1: Making Transformation Real Webinar
Pivotal Cloud Foundry 2.1: Making Transformation Real Webinar

The Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) platform has expanded and now includes a family of products to rapidly deliver apps, containers and functions. This evolution reflects today's IT reality — you need to use the right abstraction for each scenario. Join us for a discussion of PCF 2.1: the first release that includes updates to the PCF family:Pivotal Application Service (PAS), Pivotal Container Service (PKS), Pivotal Function Service (PFS), and the Services Marketplace. PCF 2.1 release highlights include: PAS for Windows, PKS 1.0, Steeltoe 2.0, Spring Cloud Data Flow for PCF 1.0, and much more. We'll also discuss a slew of highlights to PAS, including essential enhancements to Operations Manager, security, routing, and built-in services. Presenter : Jared Ruckle & Pieter Humphrey, Pivotal

pivotal cloud foundrycloudcloud architecture
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
What are the Top Container Management Platform Preferences?
Source: CNCF, as of December 2017
Kubernetes Docker Swarm Mesos
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Running Kubernetes in Production is Not Easy
Source: Cloud native Computing Foundation User Survey 2017
Difficulty choosing
an orchestration
Reliability Scaling
Logging Complexity Networking Monitoring Storage Security
All solved by VMware & Pivotal
A turnkey solution to run
your containers securely,
reliably, and at scale.
La gestione dei container e Kubernetes
con VMware e Pivotal Container Service

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Continuous Delivery with CloudBees Core
Continuous Delivery with CloudBees CoreContinuous Delivery with CloudBees Core
Continuous Delivery with CloudBees Core

CloudBees Core extends open source Jenkins CI/CD functionality to the needs of enterprises. This is a cloud native solution that leverages Kubernetes and can be hosted locally or on any of the major cloud service providers. Customer benefits include centralized management of Jenkins clusters, granular security, high availability and auto scaling.

kubernetescontinuous deliverycontinuous integration
VMware Developer-Ready Transformation
VMware Developer-Ready TransformationVMware Developer-Ready Transformation
VMware Developer-Ready Transformation

The document discusses how VMware products like NSX, vRealize Operations, and vRealize Log Insight can provide monitoring, logging, and security capabilities for Pivotal Cloud Foundry environments. It highlights how NSX delivers inherently secure infrastructure, high performance distributed networking, and availability for PaaS. The document also notes how NSX can help organizations run things cheaper and be more efficient through improved data center operations and reduced CapEx.

Cloud-Native Patterns and the Benefits of MySQL as a Platform Managed Service
Cloud-Native Patterns and the Benefits of MySQL as a Platform Managed ServiceCloud-Native Patterns and the Benefits of MySQL as a Platform Managed Service
Cloud-Native Patterns and the Benefits of MySQL as a Platform Managed Service

You can’t have cloud-native applications without a modern approach to databases and backing services. Data professionals are looking for ways to transform how databases are provisioned and managed. In this webinar, we’ll cover practical strategies you can employ to deliver improved business agility at the data layer. We’ll discuss the impact that microservices are having in the enterprise, and what this means for MySQL and other popular databases. Join us and learn the answers to these common questions: ● How can you meet the operational challenge of scaling the number of MySQL database instances and managing the fleet? ● Adding to this scale challenge, how can your MySQL instances maintain availability in a world where the underlying IT infrastructure is ephemeral? ● How can you secure data in motion? ● How can you enable self-service while maintaining control and governance? We’ll cover these topics and share how enterprises like yours are delivering greater outcomes with our Pivotal Platform managed MySQL. Now you can scale without fear of failure. Presenters: Judy Wang, Product Management Jagdish Mirani, Product Marketing

cloud nativeclouddatabase
Kubernetes is an Orchestrator for Containerized
K8s ClusterTooling for
➤ kubectl
➤ Kubernetes
Kubernetes Master
But we need more than an Orchestrator
K8s Cluster
Tooling for
➤ kubectl
➤ Kubernetes
Tooling for
Kubernetes Master
PKS is a Complete, Enterprise Grade Kubernetes
K8s Cluster
Tooling for
➤ kubectl
➤ Kubernetes
Tooling for
➤ OpsMan
➤ VRealize
Kubernetes Master
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Kubernetes is Only One Layer of the Container Service Stack
Image Registry
Framework Lifecycle Management
Security and Networking
Virtual Infrastructure
Physical Infrastructure
Cluster Health Monitoring, Healing and Lifecycle
Orchestration, Service Creation
Physical Infrastructure
BOSH (cluster LCM)

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Distribute Your App and Engage Your Community with a Helm Repository
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Distribute Your App and Engage Your Community with a Helm Repository

Tomas Pizarro Moreno presented best practices for maintaining a Helm chart repository. He discussed storing charts in services like AWS S3, GitHub Pages, or Harbor. It is important to thoroughly test charts by running linting, installing with different configurations, and performing verification and functional tests. Charts also need ongoing maintenance like keeping dependent Docker images up-to-date and addressing user feedback. Finally, charts should be published to directories like Helm Hub to make them discoverable.

springone 2020kubernetesdevops
Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...
Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...
Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...

With the growing adoption of Kubernetes, organizations want to take advantage of containerized Microsoft SQL Server 2019 to optimize transactional performance and accelerate time-to-insights from their business-critical data. However, as enterprises embrace hybrid cloud strategy, they need to consider several aspects based on the performance, cost and data protection requirements for running enterprise-grade SQL Server databases. In this webinar, we will compare and contrast various cloud-native platforms for SQL Server that would help CIOs, DevOps engineers, database administrators and applications architects to determine the most suitable platform that fits their business needs. Join us as we explore some exciting results from a recent performance benchmark study conducted by McKnight Consulting Group, an independent consulting firm, to compare the performance of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on the best possible configurations of the following Kubernetes platforms: Diamanti Enterprise Kubernetes Platform Amazon Web Services Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Topics will include: Platform considerations and requirements for running Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance comparison and analysis of running SQL Server on various platform Best practices for running containerized SQL Server databases in Kubernetes environment

Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?
Service Mesh: Two Big Words But Do You Need It?

Today, one of the big concepts buzzing in the app development world is service mesh. A service mesh is a configurable infrastructure layer for microservices application that makes communication flexible, reliable and fast. Let’s take a step back, though, and answer this question: Do you need a service mesh? Join this webinar to learn: What a service mesh is; when and why you need it — or when and why you may not App modernization journey and traffic management approaches for microservices-based apps How to make an informed decision based on cost and complexity before adopting service mesh Learn about NGINX Service Mesh in a live demo, and how it provides the best service mesh option for container-based L7 traffic management

nginxf5service mesh
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
PKS Value Themes
Turnkey Solution
Management and Ops
Latest K8s Features
Networking And Security
High Availability
Developers Productivity
Pivotal Container Service (PKS)
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
PKS on VMware SDDC
Physical Infrastructure
Service Broker
etcd worker
master etcd workermaster
PKS Control Plane
Kubernetes Cluster Kubernetes Cluster
Log Insight
by VMware
Rapidly deliver and operationalize next-generation apps
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Pivotal Container Service (PKS)
A turnkey solution to provision, operate and manage enterprise grade Kubernetes clusters
Constant compatibility with GKE
Fully supported,
production-grade Kubernetes
Deep integration with NSX-T
Runs on vSphere, GCP and AWS
Secure with scanning, notary,
Persistence, monitoring, operations

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Application Security in the Cloud - Best Practices
Application Security in the Cloud - Best PracticesApplication Security in the Cloud - Best Practices
Application Security in the Cloud - Best Practices

RightScale Webinar: May 20, 2010 – This webinar presents security implementation for applications running in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment with the RightScale management platform, using best practices developed by HyperStratus. See the archived video at

computingcloud securitywebinar
Accelerate Digital Transformation with Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Azure
Accelerate Digital Transformation with Pivotal Cloud Foundry on AzureAccelerate Digital Transformation with Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Azure
Accelerate Digital Transformation with Pivotal Cloud Foundry on Azure

Enterprises are looking to leverage the flexibility and elasticity of Azure Cloud to support their business critical applications. Join us to understand how Pivotal Cloud Foundry running on Azure Cloud can dramatically improve developer productivity, accelerate time-to-market, provide feedback loops, and streamline Day 2 operations for improved efficiency and heightened platform security. Presenters : Martin McVay, Platform Architect EMEA, Pivotal & Ruediger Schickhaus, Global Black Belt, Microsoft

pivotal cloud foundryazureproductivity
Java Application Modernization Patterns and Stories from the IBM Garage
Java Application Modernization Patterns and Stories from the IBM GarageJava Application Modernization Patterns and Stories from the IBM Garage
Java Application Modernization Patterns and Stories from the IBM Garage

A set of best practices and anti-patterns based on Java Application Modernization engagements performed by the IBM Garage

Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
PKS 1.2 delivers Kubernetes 1.11
Constant Compatibility with GKE means enterprise access to latest innovations
Kubernetes 1.9
December 2017 March 2018
Kubernetes 1.10
June 2018
Kubernetes 1.11
Sept 2018
Kubernetes 1.12
May 2018
Kubernetes 1.10
June 2018
PKS 1.1
Kubernetes 1.9
Jan 2018
PKS 1.0
February 2018
Beta - Aug
Kubernetes 1.11
Sep 2018
PKS 1.2
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
• Self-healing VMs and monitoring
• Elastic scaling for clusters
• Rolling upgrades to latest Kubernetes release
• High availability and multi-AZ support
PKS Provides “Day 1” and “Day 2” Solutions
• Deploy Kubernetes cluster
via BOSH
• Deploy Kubernetes clusters
on demand
Day 2 “Operate”
Day 1 “Build”
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
• Added Native AWS
• PKS Management
with vRealize
• Optimized cluster
create and scale
• Multi-Master with
Multi-AZ (GA)
• Network Profile -
Load Balancer Size
Selection upon
creation of clusters
• Kubernetes role
binding with LDAP,
integrating LDAP at
cluster level
• TLS Termination for
Load Balancers for
enhanced security
PKS 1.2 Release Theme
Choice of IaaS
Management and
Networking and
• Kubernetes 1.11
• Logging of applications
running in namespaces
Developer Productivity
Pivotal Container Service
Integrazioni con VMware

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OPS Executive insights Webinar - Tanzu Slides

Vmware Tanzu & Accenture Executive Insights for the Ontario Public Sector Webinar Matt Russell & Arni Raghvender September 24, 2020

Swarm Computing Next Generation Clouds and the role of SOA
Swarm Computing Next Generation Clouds and the role of SOASwarm Computing Next Generation Clouds and the role of SOA
Swarm Computing Next Generation Clouds and the role of SOA

Jürgen Kress of Oracle EMEA presented on swarm computing as the next generation of clouds. Current cloud solutions like IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS were discussed. An order to cash process example was used to demonstrate the need for integration across clouds. Swarm computing was defined as the behavior of aggregates of clouds working together to support business processes in a self-organizing manner. Oracle's cloud platform and Exalogic Elastic Cloud were presented as examples of platforms enabling swarm computing.

soa & cloud symposiumswarm computingsoa
Migrating to Cloud Native Solutions
Migrating to Cloud Native SolutionsMigrating to Cloud Native Solutions
Migrating to Cloud Native Solutions

The document discusses migrating to cloud native solutions. It defines cloud native as an approach that exploits the advantages of cloud computing using containers, microservices, and other modern technologies. This allows applications to be scalable, resilient, and manageable. The document outlines the benefits of cloud native and provides a "trail map" to transitioning applications. It also discusses common challenges like technical debt and failing to meet CI/CD expectations, and provides recommendations to address them such as automating processes and simplifying architectures.

Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Pivotal Container Service: Lifecycle Management Using BOSH
VMware GCP Azure Openstack AWS
etcd etcd
worker worker
etcd etcd
worker worker
Road Map
Health Monitor
Health Monitor
worker workerPatch
Day 1
Day 2
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
NSX-T Integration
Bosh PKS
Admin Network
Manager + Controller
Management Network
vCenter Router VM
kube-system PODs – Logical Switch
Namespace ‘foo’ PODs – Logical Switch
Namespace ‘demo’ PODs – Logical Switch
Cluster Management Nodes – Logical Switch
Master ‘VM’
Minion ‘VM’
Minion ‘VM’
Minion ‘VM’
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Harbor – Enterprise-grade Private Registry
Image Pull
PKS Deployed
K8s Cluster
Build Image Push Image
Scan Image
For CVEs
Sign Trusted
‘kubectl run’
Clair Notary
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
vRealize Ops, vRealize Log Insight for Comprehensive Visibility
Structured Data
Metrics Alerts Events
VMware vRealize Operations
Capacity, Performance and
Configuration Management
Launch in Context
Unstructured Data
Logs Messages
VMware vRealize Log Insight
Log analytics, aggregation, and search
Virtual Applications
Virtual SAN NSXTM vSphere Containers
vRealizeTM Suite

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Enterprise Application Migration
Enterprise Application MigrationEnterprise Application Migration
Enterprise Application Migration

SpringOne Platform 2019 Session Title: Enterprise Application Migration Speakers: Ashley Eckard, Senior Systems Engineer, The Home Depot; Michael Wright, Sr Manager, Platform Architects, Pivotal Youtube:

developerpivotalpivotal cloud foundry
Running Persistent Data in a Multi-Cloud Architecture
Running Persistent Data in a Multi-Cloud ArchitectureRunning Persistent Data in a Multi-Cloud Architecture
Running Persistent Data in a Multi-Cloud Architecture

SpringOne 2020 Running Persistent Data in a Multi-Cloud Architecture Aditya Tripathi, Product Manager at VMware Judy Wang, Product Manager at VMware

data/ databasescloud foundryserverless/microservices
Application Modernization with PKS / Kubernetes
Application Modernization with PKS / KubernetesApplication Modernization with PKS / Kubernetes
Application Modernization with PKS / Kubernetes

This document discusses strategies for modernizing applications and replatforming them using Project Kubernetes Service (PKS). It outlines how companies have different options for packaging and running workloads, such as using containers, microservices, serverless functions, and monolithic applications. PKS aims to provide the right runtime for each workload type. The document compares container orchestrators, application platforms, and serverless functions, noting that PKS aims to push workloads higher in the platform hierarchy for more flexibility and less enforcement of standards while lowering development complexity and improving operational efficiency. It provides recommendations for getting started with migrating workloads to PKS, such as lifting and shifting applications with minimal modernization, leveraging platform capabilities, and fully modernizing

Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Introducing Wavefront by VMware
SaaS-Based Metrics Monitoring and Analytics Platform
Iterate and Troubleshoot
Trend and Alert
on Anomalies
Metrics at Scale
Self-Service Metrics
Analytics for All
Engineering and
UI and API Backend
Advanced Analytics Engine
Metrics Collection and Storage
La modernizzazione delle
applicazioni con
Pivotal Container Service
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
PKS Use Cases
Reduces MTTR.
Improves agility.
Cloud-Native Applications
Faster time to market.
Faster innovation.
Enables new features.
Better user experience.
IBM DB2 Sybase
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
● Leverage features in modern cloud platforms
by changing existing code
○ Blue/Green deploys
○ Auto-healing
○ Auto-scaling
○ Advanced routing/networking automation
● Design and build based on known Cloud Native
● Longer term investment in the application
● Likely you have access to the code
● Plus everything mentioned in “replatforming”
● Lift and Shift with “just enough
● You may not have access to the code
● Revisit decisions made in Greenfield time
○ Around CI/CD process
● Get some quick wins through platform
○ Reduced operating and infrastructure
○ Improved speed to scale
○ Faster patching of kernel level
Replatforming vs Modernization for PKS
Lift & Shift / Replatforming Modernization

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Episode 1: Building Kubernetes-as-a-Service
Episode 1: Building Kubernetes-as-a-ServiceEpisode 1: Building Kubernetes-as-a-Service
Episode 1: Building Kubernetes-as-a-Service

The Kubernetes cloud native landscape is vast. Delivering a solution requires managing a puzzling array of required tooling, monitoring, disaster recovery, and other solutions that lie outside the realm of the central cluster. The governing body of Kubernetes, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, has developed guidance for organizations interested in this topic by publishing the Cloud Native Landscape, but while a list of options is helpful it does not give operations and DevOps professionals the knowledge they need to execute.  Learn best practices of setting up and managing the tools needed around Kubernetes. This presentation covers popular open source options (to avoid lock in) and how one can implement and manage these tools on an ongoing basis. Learn from, and do not repeat, the mistakes of previous centralized platforms.  In this session, attendees will learn: 1. Cloud Native Landscape 101 - Prometheus, Sysdig, NGINX, and more. Where do they all fit in Kubernetes solution?  2. Avoiding the OpenStack sprawl of managing a multiverse of required tooling in the Kubernetes world. 3. Leverage technology like Kubernetes, now available on DC/OS, to provide part of the infrastructure framework that helps manage cloud native application patterns.

Kubernetes and Nested Containers: Enhanced 3 Ps (Performance, Price and Provi...
Kubernetes and Nested Containers: Enhanced 3 Ps (Performance, Price and Provi...Kubernetes and Nested Containers: Enhanced 3 Ps (Performance, Price and Provi...
Kubernetes and Nested Containers: Enhanced 3 Ps (Performance, Price and Provi...

Kubernetes enables possibilities to develop cloud native microservices or decompose traditional applications making them more technologically advanced with the help of containers. Currently, most of the Kubernetes solutions are offered on top of VMs and there is a room for further improvements. Implementing nested architecture of application containers running inside system containers opens additional flexibility of resource allocation and management, accelerates provisioning of the clusters and pods, as well as cuts the overall costs. Or in other words it enhances 3 Ps - Provisioning, Performance and Price. During this session Ruslan Synytsky (CEO and co-founder of Jelastic PaaS) reviews the possibilities of running a Kubernetes cluster inside nested containers, what configurations should be taken into account, and how to overcome the barriers on the way to more efficient Kubernetes hosting. Video presentation: Learn more at

kubernetescloud hostingdocker containers
Pivotal Container Service (PKS) at SF Cloud Foundry Meetup
Pivotal Container Service (PKS) at SF Cloud Foundry MeetupPivotal Container Service (PKS) at SF Cloud Foundry Meetup
Pivotal Container Service (PKS) at SF Cloud Foundry Meetup

Overview of Pivotal Container Service (PKS), built on the open source Cloud Foundry Container Runtime (CFCR). Covers what Kubernetes is, how PKS presents a complete platform that includes Kubernetes and much more, and key cloud principles. Presented at the San Francisco-Bay Area Cloud Foundry meetup.

kubernetescloud foundrycloud patterns
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
How to choose which Apps should go to PKS?
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
How to choose which Apps should go to PKS?
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
It’s all about building a Pipeline for Your Apps
Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal
Next events

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Pivotal Container Service Overview
Pivotal Container Service Overview Pivotal Container Service Overview
Pivotal Container Service Overview

Pivotal Container Service (PKS) provides an enterprise-grade Kubernetes platform that can be deployed on any cloud infrastructure using the open source BOSH tool. PKS handles operations tasks like provisioning and upgrading Kubernetes clusters, integrates with VMware technologies for networking and security, and provides a centralized control plane for managing multiple clusters and tenants. It aims to deliver the benefits of Kubernetes to enterprises by adding capabilities for high availability, multi-tenancy, security and automation.

pivotal softwarepkscontainers
Containers and Kubernetes
Containers and KubernetesContainers and Kubernetes
Containers and Kubernetes

The combination of StackPointCloud with NetApp creates NetApp Kubernetes Service, the industry’s first complete Kubernetes platform for multi-cloud deployments and a complete cloud-based stack for Azure, Google Cloud, AWS, and NetApp HCI. Further, Trident is a fully supported open source project maintained by NetApp, designed from the ground up to help meet the sophisticated persistence demands of containerized applications.

Kubernetes Storage Webinar.pptx
Kubernetes Storage Webinar.pptxKubernetes Storage Webinar.pptx
Kubernetes Storage Webinar.pptx

This document provides an agenda and overview for a NetApp competitive webcast on Kubernetes storage competitors. The webcast covers cloud competitive resources available from NetApp, why organizations are adopting containers and Kubernetes, a fireside chat on VMware Tanzu and Pure Storage Portworx, and key takeaways. Presenters include NetApp technical marketing engineers and a senior director of product management.

Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal

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VMware Tanzu
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VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Connect
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VMware Tanzu
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[2017년 5월 정기세미나] IBM에서 바라보는 OpenStack 이야기
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[2017년 5월 정기세미나] IBM에서 바라보는 OpenStack 이야기
From Pivotal to VMware Tanzu: What you need to know
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VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Connect
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Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Strategies for Kubernetes with GitOps
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Pivotal Container Service : la nuova soluzione per gestire Kubernetes in azienda

  • 1. 1Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. Pivotal Container Service : la nuova soluzione per gestire Kubernetes in azienda Fabio Chiodini Advisory Platform Architect –EMEA Pivotal @FabioChiodini Ruggero Citterio Senior System Engineer VMware @RuggeroCitterio
  • 2. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Container Technology Key Enabler for Modern Application Development Fast Create Environments Rapidly Portable Moves from Dev/Test to Production Consistently Light Minimal Resources Needed
  • 3. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Business Value of Containers Enterprise ROI Metric Before After Improvement Code deployment frequency Weekly Daily 5x more frequently Time from commit to deploy to production 7 days Daily 86% faster Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) for security patches 3 days 15 minutes 99x decrease in MTTR Time from request to provision resources 14 days 10-15 minutes 450x faster
  • 4. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Business Challenges Rapidly Evolving Container Ecosystem ✓ Fragmented Ecosystem ✓ High-Touch Integration ✓ Increased Operational Complexity ✓ Technology and Business Risk ✓ Shortage of Skill set and talent ✓ IT silos limiting innovation
  • 5. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal What are the Top Container Management Platform Preferences? Source: CNCF, as of December 2017 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Kubernetes Docker Swarm Mesos
  • 6. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Running Kubernetes in Production is Not Easy Source: Cloud native Computing Foundation User Survey 2017 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% Difficulty choosing an orchestration solution Reliability Scaling Deployments Logging Complexity Networking Monitoring Storage Security All solved by VMware & Pivotal
  • 7. A turnkey solution to run your containers securely, reliably, and at scale. + +
  • 8. La gestione dei container e Kubernetes con VMware e Pivotal Container Service
  • 9. Kubernetes is an Orchestrator for Containerized Workloads K8s ClusterTooling for Managing Workloads: ➤ kubectl ➤ Kubernetes Dashboard App Teams Kubernetes Master
  • 10. But we need more than an Orchestrator K8s Cluster App Teams Tooling for Managing Workloads: ➤ kubectl ➤ Kubernetes Dashboard Compute Storage Networking Routing ImageReg ExternalSvc ... Tooling for Managing Kubernetes and “Plugins”: Platform Team Kubernetes Master
  • 11. PKS is a Complete, Enterprise Grade Kubernetes Platform K8s Cluster App Teams Tooling for Managing Workloads: ➤ kubectl ➤ Kubernetes Dashboard Compute Storage Networking Routing ImageReg ExternalSvc ... Tooling for Managing Kubernetes and “Plugins”: ➤ BOSH ➤ OpsMan ➤ VRealize Platform Team Kubernetes Master
  • 12. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Kubernetes is Only One Layer of the Container Service Stack Image Registry Framework Lifecycle Management Security and Networking Persistence Virtual Infrastructure Physical Infrastructure Monitoring,Logging,Analytics Cluster Health Monitoring, Healing and Lifecycle Management Scheduling, Orchestration, Service Creation vSAN vSphere Physical Infrastructure vRealizeSuite NSX-T BOSH (K8s LCM) BOSH (cluster LCM) Kubernetes Harbor P K S
  • 13. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal PKS Value Themes Turnkey Solution Multi-Cloud Multi-Cluster Management and Ops Latest K8s Features Networking And Security High Availability Developers Productivity
  • 15. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal PKS on VMware SDDC Physical Infrastructure BOSH NSX-T Service Broker vSANvSphere etcd worker Container Registry master etcd workermaster PKS Control Plane Kubernetes Cluster Kubernetes Cluster vRealize Automation vRealize Log Insight vRealize Operations vRealize Network Insight Wavefront by VMware Rapidly deliver and operationalize next-generation apps
  • 16. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Pivotal Container Service (PKS) A turnkey solution to provision, operate and manage enterprise grade Kubernetes clusters Constant compatibility with GKE Fully supported, production-grade Kubernetes Deep integration with NSX-T Runs on vSphere, GCP and AWS Secure with scanning, notary, microsegmentation Persistence, monitoring, operations
  • 17. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal PKS 1.2 delivers Kubernetes 1.11 Constant Compatibility with GKE means enterprise access to latest innovations Kubernetes 1.9 December 2017 March 2018 Kubernetes 1.10 June 2018 Kubernetes 1.11 Sept 2018 Kubernetes 1.12 May 2018 Kubernetes 1.10 June 2018 PKS 1.1 Kubernetes 1.9 Jan 2018 PKS 1.0 February 2018 Beta - Aug Kubernetes 1.11 Sep 2018 PKS 1.2
  • 18. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal • Self-healing VMs and monitoring • Elastic scaling for clusters • Rolling upgrades to latest Kubernetes release • High availability and multi-AZ support PKS Provides “Day 1” and “Day 2” Solutions • Deploy Kubernetes cluster via BOSH • Deploy Kubernetes clusters on demand Day 2 “Operate” Day 1 “Build”
  • 19. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal • Added Native AWS Support • PKS Management with vRealize Automation • Optimized cluster create and scale • Multi-Master with Multi-AZ (GA) • Network Profile - Load Balancer Size Selection upon creation of clusters • Kubernetes role binding with LDAP, integrating LDAP at cluster level • TLS Termination for Load Balancers for enhanced security PKS 1.2 Release Theme Choice of IaaS Management and Operations Networking and Security • Kubernetes 1.11 • Logging of applications running in namespaces Developer Productivity
  • 21. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Pivotal Container Service: Lifecycle Management Using BOSH VMware GCP Azure Openstack AWS Availability Zone master etcd worker etcd etcd master worker worker master etcd worker etcd etcd master worker worker Availability Zone Availability Zone Road Map BOSH Health Monitor Health Monitor worker workerPatch K8s New Ver Release Repair Deploy Scale Upgrade Patch Repair Day 1 Day 2 workerworker PKSControlPlane CVE
  • 22. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal NSX-T Integration Bosh PKS Admin Network Kube DNS POD 1 POD 4 POD 2 POD 3 POD 5 POD 6 Intranet NSX-T Edge NSX-T Manager + Controller T0 Internet/External Network Management Network vCenter Router VM kube-system PODs – Logical Switch Namespace ‘foo’ PODs – Logical Switch Namespace ‘demo’ PODs – Logical Switch Cluster Management Nodes – Logical Switch Master ‘VM’ etcd Kube DNS API Srv Minion ‘VM’ Pod 1 Pod 2 Minion ‘VM’ Pod 3 Pod 4 Minion ‘VM’ Pod 5 Pod 6 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
  • 23. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Harbor – Enterprise-grade Private Registry Development Team RBAC UAA AUTH REPL Image Pull PKS Deployed K8s Cluster Build Image Push Image Scan Image For CVEs Sign Trusted Image ‘kubectl run’ Image Registry Clair Notary Harbor Project(s)
  • 24. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal vRealize Ops, vRealize Log Insight for Comprehensive Visibility Structured Data Metrics Alerts Events VMware vRealize Operations Capacity, Performance and Configuration Management Events Launch in Context Unstructured Data Logs Messages VMware vRealize Log Insight Log analytics, aggregation, and search Virtual Applications VMware SDDC Virtual SAN NSXTM vSphere Containers vRealizeTM Suite
  • 25. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Introducing Wavefront by VMware SaaS-Based Metrics Monitoring and Analytics Platform Iterate and Troubleshoot Issues Trend and Alert on Anomalies Visualize Metrics at Scale Self-Service Metrics Analytics for All Engineering and Business UI and API Backend Advanced Analytics Engine Metrics Collection and Storage
  • 26. La modernizzazione delle applicazioni con Pivotal Container Service
  • 27. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal PKS Use Cases Containerizing Applications IBM Websphere BEA Weblogic MySQL Reduces MTTR. Improves agility. Running Cloud-Native Applications SparkHadoopGolang Faster time to market. Faster innovation. Refactoring Applications Enables new features. Better user experience. Oracle Database IBM DB2 Sybase
  • 28. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal ● Leverage features in modern cloud platforms by changing existing code ○ Blue/Green deploys ○ Auto-healing ○ Auto-scaling ○ Advanced routing/networking automation ● Design and build based on known Cloud Native patterns ● Longer term investment in the application ● Likely you have access to the code ● Plus everything mentioned in “replatforming” ● Lift and Shift with “just enough modernization” ● You may not have access to the code ● Revisit decisions made in Greenfield time ○ Around CI/CD process ● Get some quick wins through platform capabilities ○ Reduced operating and infrastructure cost ○ Improved speed to scale ○ Faster patching of kernel level vulnerabilities Replatforming vs Modernization for PKS Lift & Shift / Replatforming Modernization
  • 29. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal How to choose which Apps should go to PKS?
  • 30. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal How to choose which Apps should go to PKS?
  • 31. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal It’s all about building a Pipeline for Your Apps
  • 32. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal Next events
  • 33. Confidential │ ©2018 VMware, Inc. and Pivotal