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Crossrail - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
Stand Back from the Platform Edge!
Sharing Geographic Information on a Construction Project
Dan Irwin
GIS Manager
Crossrail - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
• Overview
– What is Crossrail?
– Challenges
– Where does GIS fit in?
• Sharing
– Why Share?
– Stakeholders
• Implementation
– Architecture
– Delivery
– Customisations
• What’s Next?

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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Forestry Commission
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Forestry CommissionEsri Scotland Conf 2016   Forestry Commission
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Forestry Commission

This document outlines the challenges faced by the Forestry Commission in facilitating collaboration among staff. It describes the evolution of their platforms from individual PCs in district offices in the 1990s to a modern "Forester" platform that allows all staff access to content from any device. The vision is for Forester to be a centralized hub containing all spatial data, enabling easy search, sharing and updating of content to support collaboration. It provides configurable collaboration tools to streamline the process and aims to make data accessible everywhere by everyone on the Forestry Commission team.

Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

Smart Mapping is a new Esri technology that creates maps automatically by using intelligent defaults, visible scale ranges, and scale-aware styling to simplify the map making process. It analyzes data and applies the right symbology and visualization at the appropriate map scale, allowing users to generate stunning maps quickly without compromising cartographic design. The presentation demonstrated how Smart Mapping works across Esri platforms and concluded with information on upcoming Smart Mapping features and resources for learning more.

arcgisarcgis online
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPAEsri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA

SEPA needs flood event data for flood risk mapping, assessments, and management. The document describes a trial of using ESRI Collector App and ArcGIS Online to capture flood event data (FEDCAP), finding it improved data quality and reduced collection/processing time compared to traditional methods. The winter trial period saw many flood events across Scotland and successful testing of FEDCAP. The methodology, trial results, and future improvements are discussed. Feedback was positive about FEDCAP being a simple, flexible, and secure way to effectively capture flood data.

Section 1:
1World class
5Tunnel main
passed through
40Upgraded or
new stations
2x2KM of tunnel
under London
Overview: What is Crossrail?
• Engineering• Contractual
Overview: Challenges (Complexity)
Overview: Challenges (Accuracy)
London Survey Grid

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Cartogrammar Poster
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Cartogrammar Poster

The Cartogrammar project aimed to increase access and use of cartograms by developing an easy-to-use online cartogram generation tool. It created a robust application programming interface (API) and accompanying website to allow non-experts to generate and customize cartograms without needing specialized software or computational resources. The site includes an interface for generating bespoke cartograms, a gallery of user-submitted cartograms, and an embeddable widget so users can add cartogram generation to their own websites. This overcomes previous barriers to cartogram use related to complexity and computing requirements.

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HERE - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
HERE - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016HERE - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
HERE - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

HERE Reality Lens gives enterprise customers access to HERE's Reality Capture data to gather high accuracy geospatial data on a global scale. The Reality Capture data comes from hundreds of HERE True vehicles and is used to generate automotive-grade maps. Reality Lens provides intuitive access to this 3D data through tools like an ArcGIS Desktop add-in and Reality Lens widget for ArcGIS WebApp Builder. This can help industries like transportation, utilities, telecommunications, and public sectors with applications such as asset management, construction, emergency response, and more.

arcgisarcgis online
Analysing Web GIS apps
Analysing Web GIS appsAnalysing Web GIS apps
Analysing Web GIS apps

This document discusses integrating web GIS applications with monitoring tools for analysis and reporting. It provides an overview of GIS applications and web GIS, demonstrates a web GIS map application, and discusses monitoring the availability, performance, and usage of GIS services. The architecture of monitoring tools is explained, including data collection from GIS servers, windows performance counters, and log files. Examples of dashboard reports on summary data, uptime, usage, and performance from the monitoring tools are also shown.

Overview: How does GIS fit in?
Section 2:
Sharing: Why Share?
• Integrated Delivery
• Better Decision Making
• Openness
• Collaboration
Lifecycle Information Management
Sharing: Stakeholders
Public Access (~7bn)
Third Parties
Internal Staff (~500)
GI Power Users
GIS Team (4)

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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Glasgow City Council
Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Glasgow City CouncilEsri Scotland Conf 2016   Glasgow City Council
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Glasgow City Council

This document summarizes Glasgow City Council's process for creating simple web mapping applications in ArcGIS Online for non-GIS users. Key steps included: publishing services from ArcMap to ArcGIS for Server; adding services to AGOL and organizing in folders; using Web AppBuilder templates to create consistent applications; and configuring pop-ups, basemaps, and address lookup. This approach allowed over 20 internal applications and public-facing maps to be developed quickly without requiring developer skills.

Severn Trent Water - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
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Severn Trent Water - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

This document discusses Severn Trent Water's use of hydrant caps to control access to their water network assets and reduce discolored water incidents. It describes how unauthorized access using improper equipment can send discolored water to customers. Severn Trent installed plastic caps that can only be opened with a special key on hydrants and assets at risk of affecting water quality. This gives them more control over asset use and helps lower sediment levels and keep water clear. Maps showing capped locations were created and shared digitally to aid the installation process.

arcgis onlinearcgis
Digimap Update - Guy McGarva
Digimap Update - Guy McGarvaDigimap Update - Guy McGarva
Digimap Update - Guy McGarva

Presentation given by Guy McGarva, EDINA, as part of the EDINA Geoforum 2014 event on Thursday 19th June 2014 at the Informatics Forum, University of Edinburgh.

Section 3:
Implementation: Architecture
Implementation: Delivery (Portal)
Implementation: Crossrail Maps Portal
Implementation: Internal Delivery
• 53 Services
~ 300 map layers
• 12 Maps
• 8 Apps
• 80 Named users
~ 250 Anonymous
Users / month

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Designing and Using Cached Map
Designing and Using Cached Map Designing and Using Cached Map
Designing and Using Cached Map

This document provides an overview of designing and publishing cached map services to ArcGIS Server. It discusses: - What cached maps are and their primary purpose of pre-rendering map images for fast display and reducing server load. - The key steps for publishing an image service to ArcGIS Server, including designing data, creating a file geodatabase and mosaic dataset, publishing the image service, and creating a cache at various scales and formats. - Designing mosaic datasets to manage and serve large image collections while reducing processing time and storage needs. - Using ArcGIS Desktop and Server software to author image services from desktop data and publish them to ArcGIS Server with caches for improved performance.

Digimap Update - Geoforum 2016 - Guy McGarva
Digimap Update - Geoforum 2016 - Guy McGarvaDigimap Update - Geoforum 2016 - Guy McGarva
Digimap Update - Geoforum 2016 - Guy McGarva

This document summarizes new and enhanced features in Digimap services from 2015-2016. Key updates include a refreshed homepage, responsive design for tablets, a new historic downloader application, marine chart roam with updated data, additions to ancient roam, land cover vector data, and improvements to geology, marine, and OS data. Usability and performance enhancements were also made, such as improved geo-referencing, easier use of 3D data, and a more reliable backend system. Feedback from users helped inform priority quality improvements.

helpjiscdata download
Digimap and GIS teaching at Lancaster University - Geoforum 2016 - Duncan Why...
Digimap and GIS teaching at Lancaster University - Geoforum 2016 - Duncan Why...Digimap and GIS teaching at Lancaster University - Geoforum 2016 - Duncan Why...
Digimap and GIS teaching at Lancaster University - Geoforum 2016 - Duncan Why...

This talk describes how Digimap and the data it provides has been important to the teaching of GIS at Lancaster University.

digimapspatial datalancaster university
Implementation: Delivery (Mobile)Implementation: Mobile GIS
Implementation: Delivery (Public)
Implementation: Near You
Implementation: Delivery (Public)
Implementation: Open Data Portal
• Near You
– 35 Map Services
– 2 Maps
– 23,000
• Open Data Portal
– 4 Datasets
Implementation: Public Delivery

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Smooth, Interactive Rendering and On-line Modification of Large-Scale, Geospa...

This document discusses techniques for interactively rendering and modifying large-scale geospatial LiDAR point set data. It proposes a rendering-on-budget approach that combines importance-based streaming with a PID controller to balance load. This allows for smooth rendering while modifying streamed data online without quality loss. Proof of concepts demonstrate modifying attributes like color via polygons or textures, and displacing vertices using displacement maps. Performance is improved over traditional level-of-detail approaches.

flood visualisation; out-of-core; pbr modification
Whats new in IC 2016?
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Whats new in IC 2016?

The document summarizes the new features in IC 2016 software for geological data analysis and visualization. Key updates include a redesigned map toolbox for improved mapping functionality, performance enhancements from being a 64-bit application, importing of 3D seismic fault data, expanded gridding algorithms, and expanded data export tools to common formats like CSV and Excel.

GeoForum EDINA report 2017
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GeoForum EDINA report 2017

An Update on what EDINA has done to the Digimap service in the last 12 months, and what it plans to do in the next 12.

Implementation: Customisations
• London Survey Grid
– Embedded as well known projection
– Part of core product from 10.5
– Enables sharing of LSG data sources
Implementation: Customisations
Widgets: Dynamic App Layers
Implementation: Customisations
Widgets: Ground Movement Reporting
Implementation: Timeline
On-board new
Jan 2015
Jun 2015
Public Web Maps
Jul 2015
Open Data Portal
Oct 2015
App Migration /
Mobile Apps
Dec 2015
Feb 2016

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What's new in IP 4.4
What's new in IP 4.4What's new in IP 4.4
What's new in IP 4.4

This document provides a summary of new functionality and updates in IP 4.4 software for interactive petrophysics analysis. It includes new tools like a database query tool, graphical workflow designer, logplot and crossplot highlighting, log header editor, and plot composer. It also describes updates to existing modules for NMR analysis, saturation height modeling, mineral solving, and production logging of array tool data. The updates allow for improved querying of multiple databases, creation of analysis workflows, interactive log highlighting, custom log header editing, concatenated log plotting, and advanced reservoir modeling and production data analysis.

Geoverse Case Study: Using LiDAR to perform statewide inventory of sign assets
Geoverse Case Study: Using LiDAR to perform statewide inventory of sign assetsGeoverse Case Study: Using LiDAR to perform statewide inventory of sign assets
Geoverse Case Study: Using LiDAR to perform statewide inventory of sign assets

This document discusses a project by Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. (GPI) to use LiDAR technology to inventory all traffic signage along 14,000 lane miles of state-owned routes in Massachusetts. GPI proposed using high-resolution LiDAR and imagery collected from vehicles to extract sign data more efficiently than previous manual methods. GPI developed custom extraction software called HyRoad that integrates with the Geoverse point cloud visualization platform to allow navigating LiDAR data and extracting over 250,000 signs from over 50 terabytes of data. The project is currently over 40% complete.

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Crossrail - Big Maps for a Big Project - Smart Infrastructure - Esri UK Annua...

Crossrail is a major infrastructure project building a new railway line across London. GIS plays a key role in managing the large amount of spatial data and sharing information across the many stakeholders. The GIS system uses a federated database architecture to integrate data from various systems. Crossrail shares information publicly and internally which provides benefits like reduced costs and improved collaboration. Lessons from Crossrail can help future large infrastructure projects.

esri uk
Section 4:
What’s Next: Linear Referencing
What’s Next?
What’s Next: 3D Model Integration
What’s Next: Facility Spaces

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The document discusses harmonizing and linking conceptual models of geospatial information from Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), and Building Information Modeling (BIM). It addresses research questions on the state of information modeling approaches in each domain, improving information exchange between GIS and ITS, integrating GIS and BIM information models, and implementing models as ontologies for linking with semantic web technologies. Prototypes were developed to test a proposed joint modeling approach using unified modeling language (UML) profiles for the three domains. The research contributes a framework for a common modeling language and terminology to facilitate reuse of geospatial information across application areas.

Aalto University Mobile Management in SDN
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This document discusses software defined mobility management for mobile internet. It begins with an overview of existing mobility management solutions and their shortcomings. It then discusses how software defined networking (SDN) could help address issues with existing solutions by providing programmable devices and centralized control. The document proposes a SDN-based architecture for internet mobility management using OpenFlow. It describes an algorithm for optimally placing binding cache entries to minimize routing path stretch and handoff latency. Experimental results on test networks demonstrate advantages of the SDN approach through flexible, adaptive mobility management.

software defined networksmobile networksaalto univesity
BCS Geospatial SG - Usability of GIS and GI
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BCS Geospatial SG - Usability of GIS and GI

Maps and GIS have historically been difficult for users due to their complexity, requiring technical knowledge and exposing internal structures rather than using intuitive interfaces. While web mapping has improved usability with features like responsive design and simplified interfaces, issues remain around communicating uncertainty, adjusting to different platforms, and ensuring data is fit for various uses and users, from administrators to developers to general audiences. Continued focus on user-centered design principles is needed to make geographic information and systems truly usable.

usabilitygeographical informationhci
What’s Next?
What’s Next: Web Scene Integration
What’s Next: Handover
• New Functionality
– Rail ‘Streetview’
– Site Verification
• Handover
– Provision for London
– GI Integration with
Rail for London
Thank You for your time!
Crossrail - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

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My presentation "From Systems to Services: Creating a Service-oriented, Space-Based Infrastructure" during the Space Horizons 2014 Workshop at Brown University.

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This document summarizes a presentation on geospatial BIM (GeoBIM). The presentation discusses: 1) The role of geospatial data in design, construction, and maintenance of built assets including its use on mega-projects and for planning and decision making. 2) How GeoBIM and BIM convergence can support intelligent location information and urban density. 3) Future opportunities for GeoBIM including its role in digital transformation, smart cities, and emerging technologies like IoT, big data, and artificial intelligence.

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On/Off Road Cycle Infrastructure Review - Urban Venue: Glasgow - Cycling Scotland Office Site Visit: Glasgow Connect 2 Cycle Infrastructure Presentation about the use of segregated cycle facilities designed and built in Glasgow.

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Crossrail - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

Editor's Notes

  1. Name Crossrail / Bentley Brief History
  2. Victoria – Eight 1,000 tonne tunnelling machines have bored 26 miles or 42 km of new 6.2m diameter Farringdon
  3. Crossrail is the largest civil engineering project in Europe at the moment: 8 new sub-surface, £14.8bn funding envelope 90km surface network upgraded It will increase London’s rail capacity by10%,
  4. Complexity – Engineering / tunnels 40m below urban landscape Complexity – Contractual / Transport for London – 120 contracts? Complexity – engineering design, assets, utilities, property, monitoring and traffic
  5. Federated Server / Portal Accessibility Apps Mobility Public Access Near You Open Data Portal
  6. Federated Server / Portal Accessibility Apps Mobility Public Access Near You Open Data Portal
  7. Federated Server / Portal Accessibility Apps Mobility Public Access Near You Open Data Portal
  8. Parliamentary commitment to share information Developed with web hosting partner
  9. Parliamentary commitment to share information Developed with web hosting partner
  10. Parliamentary commitment to share information Developed with web hosting partner
  11. London Survey Grid Embedded as well known projection Part of core product from 10.4.1 Enables sharing of LSG data sources Custom Widgets Dynamic App Content Ground Settlement Reporting
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  13. Custom Widgets Ground Settlement Reporting
  14. New Data Linear Referencing / Schematics 3D / Spaces New Functionality Rail ‘Streetview’ Verification Assurance Handover Provision for London Underground Integration with Rail for London
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