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Web Apps for Non Developers
Oliver Penman , Liz Irvine – Glasgow City Council GIS
ESRI Scottish Conference
Perth 4th October 2016
Glasgow City Council GIS
• GIS since late 80s, ESRI seat since 1993
• GIS in all services governed by corporate user group
• Approximately 250 desktop users (floating)
• Web mapping applications first launched in 2003
utilising ArcIMS
• Currently at ArcGIS 10.2.2, ArcSDE 10.1, ArcGIS for
Server 10.1
• 2015 upgrade to ArcGIS 10 and retirement of
ArcIMS requires existing web apps to be
developed in a relatively short space of time
• Phasing out of LocalView Fusion and IT
infrastructure influence decision to create new apps
using ArcGIS Online (AGOL)
• Previous experience of sharing data with partners
using AGOL during 2014 Commonwealth Games
Pre application development
• Data owner and user involvement
• Familiarisation with AGOL and ArcGIS Server
Manager consisting of an initial mentoring day
with ESRI (another would follow after a few
• Opened dialogue with council web team. Advised
that over 65% of public use a phone device to
access apps and ours should be designed to suit –
responsive web design

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Network Mapping - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
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Network Mapping - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

This document discusses how NM Group uses geospatial technology and mapping to provide solutions for infrastructure projects. It outlines their process of taking infrastructure data from proprietary formats and converting it into mapbooks, GIS layers, reports and web services using ArcGIS tools. This streamlines their workflow compared to other software, allowing them to produce maps, reports and deliverables for infrastructure corridors more quickly and with less manual effort and errors. The mapping solutions provide spatial context and relationships that spreadsheets alone cannot, and make the data more accessible and usable for clients.

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Energy Saving Trust - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
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Energy Saving Trust - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

This document summarizes a project using ArcGIS software to analyze and map home energy performance data across Devon, UK. The project involved collecting Energy Performance Certificate data, modeling it spatially to determine key property variables for each home, building an address-level housing database, and creating an online mapping platform to visualize the data. Challenges included developing a replicable spatial model and creating a high-performance web app with low ongoing costs. These were overcome by automating tasks in ArcMap and hosting map services on ArcGIS Online. The final solution allowed users to conduct queries and explore data layers to inform energy efficiency strategies. Lessons learned included effective use of Esri tools and cloud hosting for web mapping large datasets.

arcgisarcgis online
Designing and Using Cached Map
Designing and Using Cached Map Designing and Using Cached Map
Designing and Using Cached Map

This document provides an overview of designing and publishing cached map services to ArcGIS Server. It discusses: - What cached maps are and their primary purpose of pre-rendering map images for fast display and reducing server load. - The key steps for publishing an image service to ArcGIS Server, including designing data, creating a file geodatabase and mosaic dataset, publishing the image service, and creating a cache at various scales and formats. - Designing mosaic datasets to manage and serve large image collections while reducing processing time and storage needs. - Using ArcGIS Desktop and Server software to author image services from desktop data and publish them to ArcGIS Server with caches for improved performance.

• Original remit of project to replace existing
web mapping applications ‘as-is’
• Main criteria to keep applications as simple and
user friendly as possible i.e.
• Internal versions of apps replacing AtOM
(access to online mapping) and external public
facing apps replacing e-Citizen
App your Gran could use!
Even the more IT
challenged users!
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS for
Web Adaptor
Glasgow City Council
Public Mapping Applications
Ad-hoc web
applications /
embedded maps
Internal Mapping
Central GIS Server
Create and
host maps and
web design
• Initial stage is to create web map services
(WMS) and web feature services (WFS)
• MXD created for each WMS and WFS , decision
to be made which layers can be grouped and
which require a unique service
• Symbology, thresholds and field properties
were managed at this stage . Alternative to
carrying this out in AGOL

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NDGISUC2017 - Introducing ArcGIS Pro
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NDGISUC2017 - Introducing ArcGIS Pro

This document provides an overview of ArcGIS Pro, a new desktop GIS application from Esri. The summary includes: - ArcGIS Pro is a 64-bit application with improved performance for mapping, visualization, editing, and analysis tasks. - It is integrated with ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise and allows combined 2D/3D experiences. - ArcGIS Pro has additional capabilities over ArcMap like improved charting and runs alongside ArcMap as part of the ArcGIS Desktop application.

Esri UK - Annual Conference 2016 Transport for london
Esri UK - Annual Conference 2016 Transport for londonEsri UK - Annual Conference 2016 Transport for london
Esri UK - Annual Conference 2016 Transport for london

The document discusses a mobile GIS trial conducted by Transport for London to test using tablets and mobile technology for field data collection and spatial analysis. The trial aimed to provide users with maps and data on-site to record observations and photos flexibly. It tested a collector app and situational awareness web app using low-cost tablets. Feedback was positive, noting ease of use, time savings, and increased flexibility compared to traditional field data collection methods.

arcgisarcgis onlineesri uk annual conference
Creative Ways to Leverage Operational Data
Creative Ways to Leverage Operational DataCreative Ways to Leverage Operational Data
Creative Ways to Leverage Operational Data

The seamless integration between Cartegraph OMS and ArcGIS fuels high-performance organizations with powerful spatial data and flexible workflows. Our Cartegraph + GIS expert share ideas for maps and apps that will help your team work smarter and provide a new level of transparency to your citizens.

ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS for
Internal Mapping
Glasgow City Council
Public Mapping Applications
Ad-hoc web
applications /
embedded maps
Web Adaptor
Central GIS Server
• The WMS or WFS is published from the MXD to
ArcGIS for Server using the ‘Share as Service’
dialogue / wizard. Data source must be
registered with ArcGIS for Server
• Important to have a ‘naming system; for
services and enter as much description and
tags as possible
• Once the service is published the REST URL is
noted for upload to AGOL
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS for
Internal Mapping
Glasgow City Council
Public Mapping Applications
Ad-hoc web
applications /
embedded maps
Web Adaptor
Central GIS Server
• A folder to host layers should be set up under
‘My Content’ in your AGOL Organization
• The services are then added to AGOL from the
web using the REST URL from ArcGIS for Server
taking steps to make the service ‘secure’

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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPAEsri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - SEPA

SEPA needs flood event data for flood risk mapping, assessments, and management. The document describes a trial of using ESRI Collector App and ArcGIS Online to capture flood event data (FEDCAP), finding it improved data quality and reduced collection/processing time compared to traditional methods. The winter trial period saw many flood events across Scotland and successful testing of FEDCAP. The methodology, trial results, and future improvements are discussed. Feedback was positive about FEDCAP being a simple, flexible, and secure way to effectively capture flood data.

HERE - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
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HERE - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

HERE Reality Lens gives enterprise customers access to HERE's Reality Capture data to gather high accuracy geospatial data on a global scale. The Reality Capture data comes from hundreds of HERE True vehicles and is used to generate automotive-grade maps. Reality Lens provides intuitive access to this 3D data through tools like an ArcGIS Desktop add-in and Reality Lens widget for ArcGIS WebApp Builder. This can help industries like transportation, utilities, telecommunications, and public sectors with applications such as asset management, construction, emergency response, and more.

arcgisarcgis online
Arcadis - Improving Ground Engineering Data Flows - Smart Infrastructure - AC18
Arcadis - Improving Ground Engineering Data Flows - Smart Infrastructure - AC18Arcadis - Improving Ground Engineering Data Flows - Smart Infrastructure - AC18
Arcadis - Improving Ground Engineering Data Flows - Smart Infrastructure - AC18

As part of the digital engineering solution for Lower Thames Crossing a targeted three-step process has been developed to collect, manage and validate ground information for dissemination across the project. Join this session to understand how Arcadis are using the ArcGIS platform to provide a system of engagement across the project from data capture in the field to dissemination of relevant information to all stakeholders.

esri uk
WMS / WFS shared publically
• GCC took the decision to create individual apps
each covering an area of council business e.g.
Parking , as opposed to a single generic app
containing all layers
• The applications can be displayed in a
customisable gallery template available in
• Two galleries – one for internal applications
and one for public facing
Initially an attempt was made to use a selection of
default templates available in AGOL each selected
to suit the nature of the content
This was abandoned in favour of using Web App Builder for the majority of
applications for several reasons
• It proved difficult to create a consistent look and feel for all apps using
different templates
• Functionality and widgets available to each template is not consistent
• Using functionality for purposes it was not intended for
• Became evident we were trying to squeeze apps into customised
Decision made after some trial and error to use Web App Builder for the majority
of applications creating a consistent look and feel. Further influenced by
enhancements made to web app builder around this time

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Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016
Smart Mapping - How to Create Stunning Maps - Esri UK Annual Conference 2016

Smart Mapping is a new Esri technology that creates maps automatically by using intelligent defaults, visible scale ranges, and scale-aware styling to simplify the map making process. It analyzes data and applies the right symbology and visualization at the appropriate map scale, allowing users to generate stunning maps quickly without compromising cartographic design. The presentation demonstrated how Smart Mapping works across Esri platforms and concluded with information on upcoming Smart Mapping features and resources for learning more.

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Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...
Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...
Developer’s Guide to the ArcGIS Portal API, Esri, Julie Powell, Antoon Uijtd...

The European Developer Summit in Rotterdam will provide information about developing applications using the ArcGIS Platform APIs. The presentations will cover the ArcGIS Portal API for accessing portal content and services, ArcGIS web and runtime APIs for building customized web and mobile mapping applications, and developing applications from ArcGIS Online web maps. Demos will show working with the ArcGIS REST API to search, manage content and users, and add new items. Security best practices for applications that access secured user or application content will also be discussed.

Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017
Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017
Visualising Lidar Data in ArcGIS Pro - Training - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017

This document summarizes a presentation on visualizing lidar data in ArcGIS Pro. It introduces lidar as an optical remote sensing technique that generates point cloud data, mostly from airborne collection systems. It outlines different lidar returns and data sources and formats, including ASCII, LAS, and others. The presentation demonstrates tools in ArcGIS Pro for processing lidar data, including geoprocessing tools and LAStools. It describes a hands-on exercise using Environment Agency ASCII data to process, symbolize, and view lidar data in 3D. Resources for further lidar training in ArcGIS Pro are also provided.

Approach taken to create a template using Web App Builder and simply using the
‘save as’ function to create applications for each desired council operation
Take time to plan these e.g. which fields should be included? Should links open in
a new page
Pop-up configuration
configuration can
be carried out at
• MXD level i.e.
‘hiding fields’
• Map stage in
• Layer stage in
AGOL (If layer
is able to have
a default pop-
up for each
app it is
included in)
Not all proposed apps were suitable for the functionality available in web app
builder. The MyNearest Builder was purchased from ArcGIS Marketplace to
create the minority of apps requiring a ‘Find my nearest …….’ function.
AtOM – Internal version,
includes 21 applications
including a generic
application with all layers
Gallery template (several
available in AGOL) used to
display applications, can be
changed to icons

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Collector for ArcGIS
Collector for ArcGISCollector for ArcGIS
Collector for ArcGIS

This document discusses using Collector for ArcGIS to enable field data collection and empower utility operations. Collector allows users to collect data using mobile devices and publish it to ArcGIS Online or Portal for use across the organization. While Collector currently only supports connected access, Esri is working on offline support which is not yet suitable for most utility workflows due to limitations like an inability to use dynamic map services. The document provides recommendations for implementing Collector, including publishing editable feature services and creating web maps for use in the app.

Imagery and beyond - BK 2016
Imagery and beyond - BK 2016Imagery and beyond - BK 2016
Imagery and beyond - BK 2016

This document discusses the power of imagery in GIS platforms and ArcGIS specifically. It highlights that imagery is at the heart of many GIS systems and the ArcGIS platform is highly capable for imagery. ArcGIS allows users to see imagery, find patterns within imagery remotely, and share imagery and insights with others. New products like Drone2Map for ArcGIS help turn drone imagery into enterprise tools for tasks like orthomosaicking, 3D modeling, and inspections.

Architecting the ArcGIS Platform - Technical - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017
Architecting the ArcGIS Platform - Technical - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017Architecting the ArcGIS Platform - Technical - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017
Architecting the ArcGIS Platform - Technical - Esri UK Annual Conference 2017

The document discusses ArcGIS deployment options and patterns. It begins with an overview of traditional desktop, server, and web GIS deployment patterns. It then covers the transformation to web GIS using ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Key topics covered include the anatomy of a web GIS, infrastructure considerations, planning concepts like applications, content, and security, and deployment patterns like on-premises vs cloud. The document also provides overviews of ArcGIS Enterprise components and deployment options, scaling options, and automated deployment techniques.

Typical standard application
Public facing version
• No generic app
• Less datasets
• Less attribution
available in pop-ups
• Less widgets and
Although there are various basemaps available in AGOL it was decided to create a
WMS consisting of the core OS products with thresholds at suitable scales. This
can be made default for all applications within your organization’s settings
Although there are various gazetteers available in AGOL it was decided to use
GCC Corporate Address Gazetteer utilising LocatorHub. This can be made default
for all applications within your organization’s settings

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ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...
ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...
ArcGIS JavaScript API (build a web layer-based map application with html5 and...

The "ArcGIS JavaScript API", sits directly on top of Dojo framework, providing developers with access to Dojo user interface widgets and all the other benefits of Dojo core. Whit this ArcGIS you can build a html5/javascript mapping applications and the api allows you to easily embed maps in your web pages. An ArcGIS application utilizes a layer-based (TiledLayer, DynamicLayer, FeatureLayer, etc...) geographic information model for characterizing and describing our world. An ArcGIS application asks what it need, through a http/rest service (the service will return images or json data - for example) hosted on the ArcGIS server. In this simple html5/javascript demo project ( you can find five examples that show the basic functionality of the mapping framework "ArcGIS API for JavaScript" (will be shown the basic functionality of the ArcGIS classes layer). You can download the demo code at this link: - There is also a video on YouTube:

Building ArcGIS Mobile Solutions in the Cloud
Building ArcGIS Mobile Solutions in the CloudBuilding ArcGIS Mobile Solutions in the Cloud
Building ArcGIS Mobile Solutions in the Cloud

Navteq Developer Days presentation that illustrates how to build a complete cloud-based mapping solution. A mobile app is used to monitize the platform by allowing customers to check-in (similar to foursquare).

arcgis; mobile; solutions; cloud; arcgis online
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 South Ayrshire Council
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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 South Ayrshire Council

The organization wanted to improve engagement around their local development plan (LDP) by creating an interactive story map that combined maps, photos, text, and videos to tell the story of the LDP in an easy to use format. The story map was immediately more engaging than a PDF and increased unique views by over 4000 in just 6 months compared to views of the PDF in a year. Feedback on the story map was positive and other organizations are looking to replicate the innovative engagement approach.

Usage functionality in AGOL
Lessons learned
• Data clean and up-to-date
• Stakeholder involvement
• Regular testing of applications by proposed users during development
• Keep up-to-date with ESRI updates via newsletter etc. and be aware that
changes to templates can affect your applications
• Keep applications as simple as possible
• Document your work
• Test your applications in a variety of browsers and versions
• If possible arrange mentoring day with ESRI
Future Applications
• City Plan
• Nature and Biodiversity
• Street Cleansing and Litter Bins
• Water Safety Features
• Structures
• Roads Inspections
• Cemetery Inventory
• Street Furniture
• …………………………
Links also available
from relevant pages

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Esri Scotland Conf 2016   Mobile SolutionsEsri Scotland Conf 2016   Mobile Solutions
Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Mobile Solutions

The document discusses Esri UK's 2016 Scottish Conference and focuses on their mobile solutions including Collector, Navigator, Survey123, and Workforce. It provides an overview of the capabilities of each tool such as collecting map data, navigation, online/offline functionality, and managing worker status. The document also lists several demo sessions that were part of the conference to showcase these mobile solutions.

Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - Atmos
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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 - Atmos

This document discusses using theoretical modelling of bird activity and behavior to assess the potential impacts of wind farm development on bird populations. It describes a model developed by Atmos Consulting to predict bird activity levels and transit times within wind farm airspace based on nest locations and species-specific ranging behavior. The model has been used successfully in several wind farm development cases to substitute for observed activity levels where survey data was limited, allowing projects to reduce survey requirements and receive approval while demonstrating low risk to bird populations. The modelling approach is also being expanded to incorporate habitat suitability.

Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Network Rail
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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Network Rail

Network Rail manages over 190,000 earthwork assets across the UK's 16,000 route km of track. Traditionally, earthwork inspections cost between £50-£120 per five chain length and were conducted on around 55,000 sites. However, the document describes how GIS analysis of aerial imagery and contour data allowed Network Rail to automatically extract geometry data on over 150,000 cross-sections and identify locations of 80% of sites previously marked as "never inspected", removing the need for on-site visits and saving around £1.2 million. The methodology is now being applied nationwide to generate a complete and consistent record of all earthwork assets for the first time.

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Esri Scotland Conf 2016 Glasgow City Council

  • 1. Keep it simple – Web Apps for Non Developers Oliver Penman , Liz Irvine – Glasgow City Council GIS ESRI Scottish Conference Perth 4th October 2016
  • 2. Glasgow City Council GIS • GIS since late 80s, ESRI seat since 1993 • GIS in all services governed by corporate user group • Approximately 250 desktop users (floating) • Web mapping applications first launched in 2003 utilising ArcIMS • Currently at ArcGIS 10.2.2, ArcSDE 10.1, ArcGIS for Server 10.1
  • 3. • 2015 upgrade to ArcGIS 10 and retirement of ArcIMS requires existing web apps to be developed in a relatively short space of time • Phasing out of LocalView Fusion and IT infrastructure influence decision to create new apps using ArcGIS Online (AGOL) • Previous experience of sharing data with partners using AGOL during 2014 Commonwealth Games
  • 4. Pre application development • Data owner and user involvement • Familiarisation with AGOL and ArcGIS Server Manager consisting of an initial mentoring day with ESRI (another would follow after a few weeks) • Opened dialogue with council web team. Advised that over 65% of public use a phone device to access apps and ours should be designed to suit – responsive web design
  • 5. • Original remit of project to replace existing web mapping applications ‘as-is’ • Main criteria to keep applications as simple and user friendly as possible i.e. • Internal versions of apps replacing AtOM (access to online mapping) and external public facing apps replacing e-Citizen
  • 6. App your Gran could use! Even the more IT challenged users!
  • 7. Infrastructure ArcGIS Online ArcGIS for Server ArcMap MXD Web Adaptor Glasgow City Council Public Mapping Applications Ad-hoc web mapping applications / embedded maps AtOM Internal Mapping Applications Central GIS Server (SDE) WMS/WFS Data Create and host maps and applications Responsive web design
  • 8. • Initial stage is to create web map services (WMS) and web feature services (WFS) • MXD created for each WMS and WFS , decision to be made which layers can be grouped and which require a unique service • Symbology, thresholds and field properties were managed at this stage . Alternative to carrying this out in AGOL
  • 9. Infrastructure ArcGIS Online ArcGIS for Server AtOM Internal Mapping Applications Glasgow City Council Public Mapping Applications Ad-hoc web mapping applications / embedded maps ArcMap MXD Web Adaptor Central GIS Server (SDE)
  • 10. • The WMS or WFS is published from the MXD to ArcGIS for Server using the ‘Share as Service’ dialogue / wizard. Data source must be registered with ArcGIS for Server • Important to have a ‘naming system; for services and enter as much description and tags as possible • Once the service is published the REST URL is noted for upload to AGOL
  • 11. Infrastructure ArcGIS Online ArcGIS for Server AtOM Internal Mapping Applications Glasgow City Council Public Mapping Applications Ad-hoc web mapping applications / embedded maps ArcMap MXD Web Adaptor Central GIS Server (SDE)
  • 12. • A folder to host layers should be set up under ‘My Content’ in your AGOL Organization • The services are then added to AGOL from the web using the REST URL from ArcGIS for Server taking steps to make the service ‘secure’
  • 13. WMS / WFS shared publically
  • 14. • GCC took the decision to create individual apps each covering an area of council business e.g. Parking , as opposed to a single generic app containing all layers • The applications can be displayed in a customisable gallery template available in AGOL • Two galleries – one for internal applications and one for public facing
  • 15. Initially an attempt was made to use a selection of default templates available in AGOL each selected to suit the nature of the content
  • 16. This was abandoned in favour of using Web App Builder for the majority of applications for several reasons • It proved difficult to create a consistent look and feel for all apps using different templates • Functionality and widgets available to each template is not consistent • Using functionality for purposes it was not intended for • Became evident we were trying to squeeze apps into customised templates Decision made after some trial and error to use Web App Builder for the majority of applications creating a consistent look and feel. Further influenced by enhancements made to web app builder around this time
  • 17. Approach taken to create a template using Web App Builder and simply using the ‘save as’ function to create applications for each desired council operation
  • 18. Take time to plan these e.g. which fields should be included? Should links open in a new page Pop-up configuration Pop-up configuration can be carried out at • MXD level i.e. ‘hiding fields’ • Map stage in AGOL • Layer stage in AGOL (If layer is able to have a default pop- up for each app it is included in)
  • 19. Not all proposed apps were suitable for the functionality available in web app builder. The MyNearest Builder was purchased from ArcGIS Marketplace to create the minority of apps requiring a ‘Find my nearest …….’ function.
  • 20. AtOM – Internal version, includes 21 applications including a generic application with all layers available Gallery template (several available in AGOL) used to display applications, can be changed to icons
  • 22. Public facing version • No generic app • Less datasets • Less attribution available in pop-ups • Less widgets and functionality
  • 23. Basemapping Although there are various basemaps available in AGOL it was decided to create a WMS consisting of the core OS products with thresholds at suitable scales. This can be made default for all applications within your organization’s settings
  • 24. Gazetteer Although there are various gazetteers available in AGOL it was decided to use GCC Corporate Address Gazetteer utilising LocatorHub. This can be made default for all applications within your organization’s settings
  • 26. Lessons learned • Data clean and up-to-date • Stakeholder involvement • Regular testing of applications by proposed users during development • Keep up-to-date with ESRI updates via newsletter etc. and be aware that changes to templates can affect your applications • Keep applications as simple as possible • Document your work • Test your applications in a variety of browsers and versions • If possible arrange mentoring day with ESRI
  • 27. Future Applications • City Plan • Nature and Biodiversity • Street Cleansing and Litter Bins • Water Safety Features • Structures • Roads Inspections • Cemetery Inventory • Street Furniture • …………………………

Editor's Notes

  1. Restricted symbology when publishing, stick to relatively simple symbology
  2. Links also available from relevant pages