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Microservices for building an IDE
The innards of JetBrains Rider
Maarten Balliauw
JetBrains Rider
Cross-platform, full-stack .NET IDE
C#, VB.NET, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, TypeScript, …
.NET full framework, .NET Core, Mono
Lightweight, fast & yet a complete IDE!
ReSharper built-in
Helps you be more productive
Editor, code assistance, navigation, refactoring
Built in tools, e.g. NuGet, unit testing, DB tools, source control, REST client, …
Tons of plugins!
Free trial!
Founded 2000 in Prague (Czech Republic)
2000 IntelliJ Renamer
2001 IntelliJ
2004 ReSharper
2019 20+ IDE’s and other developer tools
ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrains Rider
ReSharper IDE
Project halted (but not gone to waste)
Several concepts and architecture remained
Keep functionality separate from the actual IDE
Same core, IDE interoperability layer on top
Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017
ReSharper command line tools (CLI)
“When will JetBrains come
with its own .NET IDE?”
Why build a .NET IDE?
Many reasons!
“When will JetBrains come with its own .NET IDE?”
ReSharper constrained by Visual Studio environment
32 bit process resource constraints
Changes in VS impact ReSharper
.NET Core
No good cross-platform IDE existed at the time
Cross-platform means a cross-platform UI toolkit is needed
ReSharper UI elements in WinForms and WPF
Existing ReSharper UI would need converting, new UI to be built
WinForms? (Mono sort of has it)
IntelliJ Platform
Foundation of all of our IDE’s
Provides base infrastructure
Project view, code completion, UI toolkit
+ Platform plugins such as version control, terminal, ...
+ JetBrains <product name> IDE plugins
Open source (build your own IDE – e.g. Android Studio & others)
Windows, Linux, Mac – cross-platform thanks to JVM
JVM and .NET?
Rewrite R# in Java?
14 years of implementation and knowledge
Would bring 2 R# implementations... Automatic conversion?
Run R# as a command-line process?
Already possible (thanks, 2004!)
“Just need our own UI on top”  thin IntelliJ Platform UI process?
IntelliJ Platform + R# !
Headless R# as a language server
Cross-platform (.NET / Mono)
No constraints
It is ReSharper! 2 products, 1 code base
IntelliJ as a thin UI
Control the R# process
We’re not there yet...
Is IntelliJ really a thin UI?
Three cases...
Features where IJ handles everything
Features where R# handles almost everything
Features where both IDE’s make an awesomer IDE
Both sides are an IDE!
1 + 1 = 3
How to make them talk?
Inter-process communication
Example: Context actions (Alt+Enter)
1. IntelliJ provides text editor, caret(s) and lets us Alt+Enter
2. Ask current document’s language for items to display in Alt+Enter menu
For C#, this language is a facade to the R# process
3. IntelliJ renders list of items, may add its own entries
List of completion items can be a tree of names and icons.
1. IntelliJ provides text editor and plumbing to display squiggles
2. IntelliJ notifies R# that a document was opened (or modified)
3. R# does its thing (analyze, inspect, summarize that data)
4. R# publishes this to IntelliJ
5. IntelliJ displays this info
List of inspections can be a set of name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range
Not RPC-style! Analysis can take any amount of time, so IJ should not wait for it.
Example: Inspections and highlighting
1. Bi-directional
User can be typing
A refactoring or completion may be injecting code at the same time
2. Can be implemented with delta’s
IntelliJ pushes delta to R#
R# pushes delta to IntelliJ
Data is a delta (from line + column, to line + column, text to insert)
Example: Writing code
Types of data
Context actions
A tree of names and icons
A set of name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range
Writing code
Delta with from line + column, to line + column, text to insert
Fairly simple messages! Can we make this generic enough?
Make one inspection work  make them all work
Which protocol do we use?
Re-use Language Server Protocol (LSP)?
Great in itself – IDE concepts like window, editor, language, diagnostics, ...
We would need customizations for R# feature set
Or build a custom REST-like protocol?
Experimented with JSON, ProtoBuf, request/response style
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
Realization: Why a “request-action-response” flow? Why RPC?
Both IDE’s share a similar model and architecture
Protocol could serve as the view model that shares lightweight data
"Possible null reference", "Warning", 20, 30, 20, 42);
Both processes can react to such change (observable + observer)
Conflict resolution...
Changes to data in shared model can come from IJ and R#
Can still cause conflicts due to features or timing/GC issues
IntelliJ: “Deleted file foo.cs”
R#: “I just refactored foo.cs”
Conflict resolution!
View + Model (or client: IntelliJ + server: ReSharper)
Each value stored in the view model has a version
Updates by the view/client increment the version
Updates by the model/server do not
Only accept changes if version is the same or newer
If not, the change is discarded
Rider protocol
Obligatory diagram
Ideally, our developers do not have
to know the details of this.
Just create view models.
Rider protocol
“Reactive Distributed communication framework for .net, kotlin, js”
Open source -
1. Include protocol libraries
and build tools on all sides
2. Write view model in special DSL
3. Generate code
4. Work with generated model
.NET/Kotlin/JS/... code generator
Model definition DSL
Conflict resolution, serialization, ...
Sockets, batching, binary wire protocol
Rider protocol
Only need to know about a few primitives
Conflict resolution, wire protocol, timeouts, ... handled by protocol
Code generated based on the defined view model
Bonus points: no reflection/introspection needed on every run
Support for hierarchy and lifetimes
Hierarchy and lifetimes
Cleanup and resource management
Objects attach to lifetime
Lifetime destroys attached objects
Parent lifetime destroys children
public class Lifetime : IDisposable {
private Stack<Action> resources = new Stack<Action>();
public void Attach(Action resource) {
public void Attach(IDisposable disposable) {
public void Dispose() {
while (resources.Count > 0) {
var resource = resources.Pop();
Hierarchy and lifetimes
NuGet host
PSI (Program Structure Interface)
Local history
NuGet tool window
Editor tab
Editor tab
Signal (event)
Using lifetime to manage subscription
// Produce event
interface ISource<T> {
void Fire(T value);
// Subscribe to event
interface ISink<T> {
void Advise(Lifetime l, Action<T> handler);
// Event
interface ISignal<T> : ISource<T>, ISink<T> { }
Signal implementation
Using lifetime to manage subscription
To changes to propery in general
To changes to specific value
// Observable property
interface IProperty<T> : ISink<T> {
T Value { get; set; }
void Advise(Lifetime l, Action<T> handler);
void View(Lifetime l, Action<Lifetime, T> handler);
Primitive Description
Signal Event that is fired when something happens
Property Observable value
List/set/map Observable collections
Field Immutable value
Call/callback RPC-style call, needed from time to time
byte, short, int, long, float,
double, char, boolean, string,
securestring, void, enum, ...
Primitives and special types
Aggregatedef/classdef/structdef A node in the viewmodel
Rider protocol
Rider protocol
Very extensible through Kotlin-based DSL
Easy to work with for our developers
Update view model, generate code, work with generated code
No need to think about things being multiple processes, state, conflict
resolution, ...
Having the Kotlin-based DSL means Find Usages, Navigation, ... work
Cross-language, cross-platform
Plugin model for Rider is more complex (IJ and R# parts may be needed)
Two processes!
Each has their own 64 bit memory space
Also their own, separate GC
Multi-core machines
Start/stop independently
Debugging? Four processes.
Rider (IntelliJ + ReSharper)
Debugger worker process
Your application
Multiple processes...
What if certain features were
running in their own process?
Own memory constraints
Start/stop independently
Crash independently
Shared view model
Pass around a shared view model
to interested parties
Example: Roslyn analyzers/inspections
Pass around “reference” of
{ name, icon, severity,
tooltip, text range }
Multiple machines
Socket-based wire protocol
Sockets can be on multiple machines
Docker debugging
Remote debugging
Unity game engine
Extension to view model
Rider plugin
Unity editor plugin
Model the view as well
public CSharpInteractiveOptionsPage(Lifetime lifetime, ...)
: base(lifetime, ...) {
AddHeader("Tool settings");
AddToolPathFileChooserOption(lifetime, commonFileDialogs);
AddStringOption((CSIOptions s) => s.ToolArguments,
"Tool arguments:", "Additional tool arguments");
AddHeader("Tool window behavior");
AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnOpenToolWindow,
"Focus tool window on open");
AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnSendLineText,
"Focus tool window on Send Line");
AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.MoveCaretOnSendLineText,
"Move caret down on Send Line");
// ...
Every IDE as both a client and server
Front-end and back-end: separate process & memory
Whatever happens in the backend, the frontend can process the user's typing
Every IDE as both a client and server (“contributor to the model”)
Bring this technology to other IDE’s?
Reuse WebStorm's HTML/CSS/JS functionality in ReSharper?
Pair programming on the same ReSharper back-end?
Rider is an IDE built on
two IDE’s
two technology stacks
Rich and easy programming model was needed to bridge: Rider protocol
Protocol gave rise to
more than two processes
more than one machine
micro UI
Free trial!
Thank you!

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ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrains Rider

  • 1. Microservices for building an IDE The innards of JetBrains Rider Maarten Balliauw @maartenballiauw
  • 3. Rider Cross-platform, full-stack .NET IDE C#, VB.NET, F#, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, TypeScript, … .NET full framework, .NET Core, Mono Lightweight, fast & yet a complete IDE! ReSharper built-in Helps you be more productive Editor, code assistance, navigation, refactoring Built in tools, e.g. NuGet, unit testing, DB tools, source control, REST client, … Tons of plugins! Free trial!
  • 5. JetBrains Founded 2000 in Prague (Czech Republic) 2000 IntelliJ Renamer 2001 IntelliJ 2004 ReSharper 2019 20+ IDE’s and other developer tools
  • 7. ReSharper IDE Project halted (but not gone to waste) Several concepts and architecture remained Keep functionality separate from the actual IDE Same core, IDE interoperability layer on top Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017 ReSharper command line tools (CLI)
  • 8. “When will JetBrains come with its own .NET IDE?”
  • 9. Why build a .NET IDE? Many reasons! “When will JetBrains come with its own .NET IDE?” ReSharper constrained by Visual Studio environment 32 bit process resource constraints Changes in VS impact ReSharper .NET Core No good cross-platform IDE existed at the time
  • 10. Hurdles... Cross-platform means a cross-platform UI toolkit is needed ReSharper UI elements in WinForms and WPF Existing ReSharper UI would need converting, new UI to be built WinForms? (Mono sort of has it) GTKSharp? Qt?
  • 11. IntelliJ Platform Foundation of all of our IDE’s Provides base infrastructure Project view, code completion, UI toolkit + Platform plugins such as version control, terminal, ... + JetBrains <product name> IDE plugins Open source (build your own IDE – e.g. Android Studio & others) Windows, Linux, Mac – cross-platform thanks to JVM
  • 12. JVM and .NET? Rewrite R# in Java? 14 years of implementation and knowledge Would bring 2 R# implementations... Automatic conversion? Run R# as a command-line process? Already possible (thanks, 2004!) “Just need our own UI on top”  thin IntelliJ Platform UI process?
  • 13. IntelliJ Platform + R# ! Headless R# as a language server Cross-platform (.NET / Mono) No constraints It is ReSharper! 2 products, 1 code base IntelliJ as a thin UI Control the R# process
  • 14. We’re not there yet... Is IntelliJ really a thin UI? Three cases... Features where IJ handles everything Features where R# handles almost everything Features where both IDE’s make an awesomer IDE Both sides are an IDE!
  • 15. 1 + 1 = 3 demo
  • 16. How to make them talk? Inter-process communication
  • 17. Example: Context actions (Alt+Enter) 1. IntelliJ provides text editor, caret(s) and lets us Alt+Enter 2. Ask current document’s language for items to display in Alt+Enter menu For C#, this language is a facade to the R# process 3. IntelliJ renders list of items, may add its own entries List of completion items can be a tree of names and icons.
  • 18. 1. IntelliJ provides text editor and plumbing to display squiggles 2. IntelliJ notifies R# that a document was opened (or modified) 3. R# does its thing (analyze, inspect, summarize that data) 4. R# publishes this to IntelliJ 5. IntelliJ displays this info List of inspections can be a set of name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range Not RPC-style! Analysis can take any amount of time, so IJ should not wait for it. ~~~~~~ Example: Inspections and highlighting
  • 19. 1. Bi-directional User can be typing A refactoring or completion may be injecting code at the same time 2. Can be implemented with delta’s IntelliJ pushes delta to R# R# pushes delta to IntelliJ Concurrency? Data is a delta (from line + column, to line + column, text to insert) Example: Writing code
  • 20. Types of data Context actions A tree of names and icons Inspections A set of name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range Writing code Delta with from line + column, to line + column, text to insert Fairly simple messages! Can we make this generic enough? Make one inspection work  make them all work
  • 21. Which protocol do we use? Re-use Language Server Protocol (LSP)? Great in itself – IDE concepts like window, editor, language, diagnostics, ... We would need customizations for R# feature set Or build a custom REST-like protocol? Experimented with JSON, ProtoBuf, request/response style
  • 22. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Realization: Why a “request-action-response” flow? Why RPC? Both IDE’s share a similar model and architecture Protocol could serve as the view model that shares lightweight data Project.Files.Add("Foo.cs") Project.Files["Foo.cs"].Inspections.Add( "Possible null reference", "Warning", 20, 30, 20, 42); Both processes can react to such change (observable + observer)
  • 23. Conflict resolution... Changes to data in shared model can come from IJ and R# Can still cause conflicts due to features or timing/GC issues IntelliJ: “Deleted file foo.cs” R#: “I just refactored foo.cs”
  • 24. Conflict resolution! View + Model (or client: IntelliJ + server: ReSharper) Each value stored in the view model has a version Updates by the view/client increment the version Updates by the model/server do not Only accept changes if version is the same or newer If not, the change is discarded
  • 26. Obligatory diagram Ideally, our developers do not have to know the details of this. Just create view models.
  • 27. Rider protocol “Reactive Distributed communication framework for .net, kotlin, js” Open source - 1. Include protocol libraries and build tools on all sides 2. Write view model in special DSL 3. Generate code 4. Work with generated model .NET/Kotlin/JS/... code generator Model definition DSL Primitives Conflict resolution, serialization, ... Sockets, batching, binary wire protocol
  • 28. Rider protocol Only need to know about a few primitives Conflict resolution, wire protocol, timeouts, ... handled by protocol Code generated based on the defined view model Bonus points: no reflection/introspection needed on every run Support for hierarchy and lifetimes
  • 29. Hierarchy and lifetimes Cleanup and resource management Objects attach to lifetime Lifetime destroys attached objects Parent lifetime destroys children public class Lifetime : IDisposable { private Stack<Action> resources = new Stack<Action>(); public void Attach(Action resource) { resources.Push(resource); } public void Attach(IDisposable disposable) { resources.Push(disposable.Dispose); } public void Dispose() { while (resources.Count > 0) { var resource = resources.Pop(); resource(); } } }
  • 30. Hierarchy and lifetimes Solution NuGet host Project Document Inspections PSI (Program Structure Interface) Class Field Method Document Inspections ... Project Local history NuGet tool window Project Editor tab Inspections Language Editor tab Inspections Language viewmodel(Riderprotocol)
  • 31. Signal (event) Producers/subscribers Observable/observer Using lifetime to manage subscription // Produce event interface ISource<T> { void Fire(T value); } // Subscribe to event interface ISink<T> { void Advise(Lifetime l, Action<T> handler); } // Event interface ISignal<T> : ISource<T>, ISink<T> { }
  • 32. Property Signal implementation Using lifetime to manage subscription To changes to propery in general To changes to specific value // Observable property interface IProperty<T> : ISink<T> { T Value { get; set; } void Advise(Lifetime l, Action<T> handler); void View(Lifetime l, Action<Lifetime, T> handler); }
  • 33. Primitives Primitive Description Signal Event that is fired when something happens Property Observable value List/set/map Observable collections Field Immutable value Call/callback RPC-style call, needed from time to time byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean, string, securestring, void, enum, ... Primitives and special types Aggregatedef/classdef/structdef A node in the viewmodel
  • 35. Rider protocol Very extensible through Kotlin-based DSL Easy to work with for our developers Update view model, generate code, work with generated code No need to think about things being multiple processes, state, conflict resolution, ... Having the Kotlin-based DSL means Find Usages, Navigation, ... work Cross-language, cross-platform Plugin model for Rider is more complex (IJ and R# parts may be needed)
  • 37. Two processes! Isolation! Each has their own 64 bit memory space Also their own, separate GC Multi-core machines Start/stop independently
  • 38. Debugging? Four processes. Rider (IntelliJ + ReSharper) Debugger worker process Your application
  • 39. Multiple processes... What if certain features were running in their own process? Isolation Own memory constraints Start/stop independently Crash independently
  • 40. Shared view model Pass around a shared view model to interested parties Example: Roslyn analyzers/inspections Pass around “reference” of [ { name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range } ]
  • 41. Multiple machines Socket-based wire protocol Sockets can be on multiple machines Example: Docker debugging Remote debugging
  • 42. Unity game engine Extension to view model Rider plugin Unity editor plugin
  • 45. Model the view as well public CSharpInteractiveOptionsPage(Lifetime lifetime, ...) : base(lifetime, ...) { AddHeader("Tool settings"); AddToolPathFileChooserOption(lifetime, commonFileDialogs); AddEmptyLine(); AddStringOption((CSIOptions s) => s.ToolArguments, "Tool arguments:", "Additional tool arguments"); AddHeader("Tool window behavior"); AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnOpenToolWindow, "Focus tool window on open"); AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnSendLineText, "Focus tool window on Send Line"); AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.MoveCaretOnSendLineText, "Move caret down on Send Line"); // ... FinishPage(); }
  • 46. Every IDE as both a client and server Front-end and back-end: separate process & memory Whatever happens in the backend, the frontend can process the user's typing Every IDE as both a client and server (“contributor to the model”) Bring this technology to other IDE’s? Reuse WebStorm's HTML/CSS/JS functionality in ReSharper? Pair programming on the same ReSharper back-end?
  • 48. Conclusion Rider is an IDE built on two IDE’s two technology stacks Rich and easy programming model was needed to bridge: Rider protocol Protocol gave rise to more than two processes more than one machine micro UI Free trial!

Editor's Notes

  1. This talk is about: How Rider came to be How protocol allowed us to gain additional knowledge and ideas of separating parts of our IDEs and building TOWARDS microservices This talk is also about building a new product based on many years of previous investments
  2. Open ContosoUniversity in Rider Show solution explorer Show editor where you can type, show inspections, navigation, refactoring Mention debugging Mention tools like database Mention cross platform
  3. Obligatory marketing sldie
  4. Now that we have seen a bit of the IDE, let’s look at some history first.
  5. Talk about history of JetBrains a bit, mention Eclipse in 2002, need for a new product. Mention ReSharper plugin to VS..
  6. ReSharper 1.0 -> 2.0 – let’s do a full IDE Rely on being a plugin to VS? Or build a full .NET IDE? It was never released, but a fully functional prototype. Provided a solution explorer, an editor, find usages, code completion and refactorings. Built on .NET WinForms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) wasn’t around. Project halted – VS plugin seemed best way to go
  7. Project halted (but not gone to waste) Concepts and architecture remained Action system Text control implementation Several tool windows and toolbar controls Unit test runner ReSharper command line tools (CLI) Keep functionality separate from the actual IDE Helped future versions of ReSharper: Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017 Same core, IDE interoperability layer on top
  8. Headless R# as a language server Cross-platform (.NET on Windows, Mono on Linux and macOS) No constraints (64 bit process, and its own memory space) It is ReSharper! 2 products, 1 code base IntelliJ as a thin UI Control the R# process Client/server or IPC communication
  9. Is IntelliJ really a thin UI? Full IDE for its own languages, no need for R# there Combined languages (e.g. JS/TS/HTML in IJ and R#) Change tracking, VCS, REST client, tool windows, ... Three cases... Features where IJ handles everything Features where R# handles almost everything Features where both IDE’s make an awesome IDE Both sides are an IDE! Same concepts, but not the same knowledge about the project
  10. Open ContosoUniversity in Rider Navigate to *.html – Navigation already includes all flows! Files in IJ, symbols in IJ, symbols in R# HTML editor is purely IntelliJ Navigate to *.cshtml – Again both IDE’s at work CSHTML is both C# and HTML – now what? Both IDE’s! Navigate to HomeController C# is al ReSharper. Or is it? Show database tools + language injection with database query. Mention local history – tracked by IJ but R# needs to know about this too, e.g. in a big refactoring
  11. If we are going to make them talk, let’s look at how we could model the data that goes over the wire.
  12. Re-use Language Server Protocol (LSP)? Great in itself – IDE concepts like window, editor, language, diagnostics, ... Built for/with VS Code and the ideas in that IDE. Not bad! PoSh plugin uses this, and works fine! But feature set is a bit more limited than what we have in R#. We would need customizations... LSP is lowest common denominator – some R# refactorings can not be done Mixed languages? e.g. CSHTML which can be HTML + CSS + JS + C#/VB.NET Build a custom REST-like protocol? Experimented with JSON, ProtoBuf, request/response style Slow, hard to customize, hard to develop with when all is in motion
  13. Objects bind to other objects, instead of parent keeping track of just direct children
  14. Open empty project in Rider, install a NuGet package, show log tab Open Rider in IntelliJ IDEA NuGetModel.kt – explain it Extends the solution node in the model Has a bunch of inner classes, and properties Interesting is sink(“log”) Generated version: RdNuGetHost – Kotlin implementation of our view model In RiderNuGetLogPanel – init -> Open ReSharperHost.Generated.sln in Rider Generated version: RdNuGetHost – C# implementation of our model In NuGetNativeLogger, public override void Log(ILogMessage message) => myHost.Log.Fire( new NuGetLogMessage(message.Time, NuGetLogContext.NuGet, Convert(message.Level), message.Message)); Open Rider in IntelliJ IDEA NuGetModel.kt – find property("configFiles", immutableList(classdef("RdNuGetConfigFile") { RiderNuGetSourcesPanel – init - { newFiles -> Similar construct to subscribe to sources being added to the view model Open ReSharperHost.Generated.sln in Rider In NuGetCredentialProviderHost, show lifetime example – when solution closes the lifetime closes, so this thing cleans up as well
  15. Thought experiments: WPF/XAML renderer
  16. Rider and Unity Editor can be started independently, but this does not prevent us from both processes to look for each other’s Rider Protocol connection. When both are launched and the connection is allowed, Rider can share its view model with Unity Editor and vice-versa. This lets Rider control play/pause/and stop buttons in Unity, and also provides the ability to debug code in Rider, even though it is running in the Unity Editor.
  17. Rider and Unity Editor can be started independently, but this does not prevent us from both processes to look for each other’s Rider Protocol connection. When both are launched and the connection is allowed, Rider can share its view model with Unity Editor and vice-versa. This lets Rider control play/pause/and stop buttons in Unity, and also provides the ability to debug code in Rider, even though it is running in the Unity Editor.