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Approaches for application
request throttling
Maarten Balliauw
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Approaches for application
request throttling
Maarten Balliauw

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Secrets of Top Pentesters

This document outlines tips and techniques used by penetration testers. It begins with an introduction explaining that penetration testing involves both standardized methodologies as well as improvisation. The document then provides several tips related to reconnaissance, scanning, networking, passwords, and reporting from penetration tests. Each tip is meant to help save time, enable hacks that otherwise wouldn't be possible, or better help clients understand security risks. Overall, the tips suggest using common tools and techniques creatively to find and exploit security vulnerabilities.

Proper passwordhashing
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Android httpclient
Android httpclientAndroid httpclient
Android httpclient

The document provides an overview of popular Android HTTP libraries and image loading libraries. It discusses Apache HTTP Client, HttpURLConnection, OkHttp, and Volley for making HTTP requests. It also covers Picasso and Glide for loading images from URLs. For each library, it describes features like caching, asynchronous requests, error handling. It compares the libraries based on size, speed, ease of use and other factors. Benchmark results are shown for the different HTTP clients. The relationships between the libraries are illustrated in a diagram.

Today - 10 years later
Thanks, VISUG!
Users and traffic patterns
Rate limiting and considerations
Which resources?
Which limits?
Who to limit? Who not to limit?
What when a limit is reached?
Where to limit?

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Insecure Implementation of Security Best Practices: of hashing, CAPTCHA's and...
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Hosted private package repository –
NuGet, NPM, Bower, Maven, VSIX, PHP Composer, Symbols, ...
Web UI for managing things
API for various package managers
PUT/POST – Upload package
DELETE – Delete package via API
GET – Fetch metadata or binary
We’re using background workers
Example: package upload
PUT/POST binary and metadata to front-end
PackageAddedEvent on queue with many handlers handled on back-end
What could possibly go wrong...
Too many uploads incoming!
IIS server needs workers to read the incoming network stream
Application logic has to check credentials, subscription, quota
Delays in queue processing (luckily workers can process at their own pace)
Too many uploads that are too slow!
IIS server needs lots of workers to slowly copy from the network stream
Workers == threads == memory == synchronization == not a happy place
What could possibly go wrong...
Too many downloads!
Application logic has to check credentials, subscription, quota
404’s still need that application logic...
Package managers are crazy!
Total # requests Total # 404’s % 404’s
# of packages in solution 200 800 600
# on 190 200 10 5%
# on MyGet feed 1 5 200 195 97,5%
# on MyGet feed 2 4 200 196 98%
# on company-internal
1 200 199 99,5%

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ConFoo Montreal - Approaches for application request throttling
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Speaking from experience building a SaaS: users are insane. If you are lucky, they use your service, but in reality, they probably abuse. Crazy usage patterns resulting in more requests than expected, request bursts when users come back to the office after the weekend, and more! These all pose a potential threat to the health of our web application and may impact other users or the service as a whole. Ideally, we can apply some filtering at the front door: limit the number of requests over a given timespan, limiting bandwidth, ... In this talk, we’ll explore the simple yet complex realm of rate limiting. We’ll go over how to decide on which resources to limit, what the limits should be and where to enforce these limits – in our app, on the server, using a reverse proxy like Nginx or even an external service like CloudFlare or Azure API management. The takeaway? Know when and where to enforce rate limits so you can have both a happy application as well as happy customers.

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Approaches for application request throttling - dotNetCologne
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Speaking from experience building a SaaS: users are insane. If you are lucky, they use your service, but in reality, they probably abuse. Crazy usage patterns resulting in more requests than expected, request bursts when users come back to the office after the weekend, and more! These all pose a potential threat to the health of our web application and may impact other users or the service as a whole. Ideally, we can apply some filtering at the front door: limit the number of requests over a given timespan, limiting bandwidth, ... In this talk, we’ll explore the simple yet complex realm of rate limiting. We’ll go over how to decide on which resources to limit, what the limits should be and where to enforce these limits – in our app, on the server, using a reverse proxy like Nginx or even an external service like CloudFlare or Azure API management. The takeaway? Know when and where to enforce rate limits so you can have both a happy application as well as happy customers.

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Approaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days Poland
Approaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days PolandApproaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days Poland
Approaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days Poland

Speaking from experience building a SaaS: users are insane. If you are lucky, they use your service, but in reality, they probably abuse. Crazy usage patterns resulting in more requests than expected, request bursts when users come back to the office after the weekend, and more! These all pose a potential threat to the health of our web application and may impact other users or the service as a whole. Ideally, we can apply some filtering at the front door: limit the number of requests over a given timespan, limiting bandwidth, ... In this talk, we’ll explore the simple yet complex realm of rate limiting. We’ll go over how to decide on which resources to limit, what the limits should be and where to enforce these limits – in our app, on the server, using a reverse proxy like Nginx or even an external service like CloudFlare or Azure API management. The takeaway? Know when and where to enforce rate limits so you can have both a happy application as well as happy customers.

Other examples
Web UI requests
Trying to register spam accounts
Trying to brute-force login/password reset
Trying to validate credit card numbers via a form on your site
...cost money in the cloud (e.g. per serverless execution)
Robots / Crawlers
Imagine a spider adding 20k items to a shopping cart
For us, usually fine (e.g. Googlebot by default up to 5 req/sec)
Limiting is easy with rel=“nofollow” and robots.txt crawl-delay
Real-life example
Rate limiting!
(or “throttling”)
Rate limiting – what?
Limits # of requests in a given timeframe
Or limits bandwidth, or another resource – up to you
Helps eliminate:
Unexpected traffic patterns
Unwanted traffic patterns (e.g. script kiddie brute-force login)
Potentiallly damaging traffic patterns
(accidental and malicious)

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Rate limit everything.
- Maarten Balliauw
Rate limiting – everything???
Everything that could slow down or break your application
Typically everything that depends on a scarce or external resource
Disk I/O
External API
So yes, everything...
Let’s do this!
Database with table Events
UserIdentifier – who do we limit
ActionIdentifier – what do we limit
When – event timestamp so we can apply a query
Filter attribute
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Events WHERE UserIdentifier = <user> AND
ActionIdentifier = <action> AND When >= NOW() – X
INSERT INTO Events (<user>, <action>, NOW())
DELETE FROM Events WHERE UserIdentifier = <user> AND
ActionIdentifier = <action> AND When < NOW() – X
Let’s do this!

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Rate measuring
That database was a bad idea!
Very flexible in defining various limits or doing combinations
Very flexible in changing limits, e.g. changing the time period
The database will suffer at scale...
Every request is at least 2 – 3 queries
Constant index churn
We need to manually run DELETE to remove old events
Database size!
That database was a bad idea!
We created a denial of service opportunity!
SELECT, INSERT, DELETE for every request
Consider a simpler technique to limit # of operations
Ideally just a simple counter
Quantized buckets
Create “buckets” per <identifier> and <timespan>
Use incr <bucket> on Redis and get back the current count per <timespan>
public string GetBucketName(string operation, TimeSpan timespan)
var bucket = Math.Floor(
DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / timespan.TotalMilliseconds / 10000);
return $"{operation}_{bucket}";
Console.WriteLine(GetBucketName("someaction", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)));
// someaction_106062120 <-- this will be the key for +/- 10 minutes

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By Andy Wingo. Refreshing your Twitter feed is such a drag over 3G, taking forever to connect and fetch those precious kilobytes. The reasons for this go deep into the architecture of the internet: making an HTTPS connection simply has terrible latency. So let’s fix the internet! MinimaLT is an exciting new network protocol that connects faster than TCP, is more secure than TLS (crypto by DJ Bernstein), and allows mobile devices to keep connections open as they change IP addresses. This talk presents the MinimaLT protocol and a Node library that allows JS hackers to experimentally build a new Internet.

Quantized buckets
Super easy and super cheap (atomic write and read on Redis, auto-expire LRU)
Not accurate... (but that may be ok)
(n-1)x2 / 10 sec
Theoretically: max. 6 / 10 sec
Leaky bucket
“Imagine a bucket where water is
poured in at the top and leaks from the
If the rate at which water is poured in
exceeds the rate at which it leaks, the
bucket overflows.“
Widely used in telecommunications to deal with
Leaky bucket
Get <delta> tokens, with maximum <count> per <timespan>
public int GetCallsLeft() {
if (_tokens < _capacity) {
var referenceTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
var delta = (int)((referenceTime - _lastRefill).Ticks / _interval.Ticks);
if (delta > 0) {
_tokens = Math.Min(_capacity, _tokens + (delta * _capacity));
_lastRefill = referenceTime;
return _tokens;
Cool! That’s it, right?

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Deciding on limits
Things to decide on
Decide on the resources to limit
Decide on a sensible limit
Come up with an identifier to limit on
Decide on exceptions to the rule
Which resources to limit?
Rate limit everything.
- Maarten Balliauw

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What are sensible limits?
Approach 1
1. Figure out current # of requests for a certain resource
2. Set limits
3. Get angry phone calls from customers
Approach 2
1. Figure out current # of requests for a certain resource
2. Set limits, but only log when a request would be limited
3. Analyze logs, set new limits, ...
4. Start rate limiting
5. Keep measuring
Will you allow bursts or not?
Laddering! Different buckets per identifier and resource...
10 requests per second can be 36000 requests per hour.
But 10 requests per second could also be 1000 requests per hour.
Bucket Operation A Operation B Operation C
Per second 10 10 100
Per minute 60 60 500
Per hour 3600 600 500
Steady flow of max.
Steady flow of max.
10/sec, but only
600/hour max.
Bursts of up to 100/sec,
but only 500/hour max.
What will be the identifier?
Per IP address?
But what with NAT/proxy?
Per user?
But how do you limit anonymous users?
Per session?
But what when the user starts a new session for every request?
Or what if there is no such thing as a session?
Per browser?
But everyone uses Chrome!
What will be the identifier?
Probably a combination!
IP address (debatable)
+ User token (or “anonymous”)
+ Session token
+ Headers (user agent + accept-language + some cookie + ...)

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The C# nullability features help you minimize the likelihood of encountering that dreaded System.NullReferenceException. Nullability syntax and annotations give hints as to whether a type can be nullable or not, and better static analysis is available to catch unhandled nulls while developing your code. What's not to like? Introducing explicit nullability into an existing code bases is a Herculean effort. There's much more to it than just sprinkling some `?` and `!` throughout your code. It's not a silver bullet either: you'll still need to check non-nullable variables for null. In this talk, we'll see some techniques and approaches that worked for me, and explore how you can migrate an existing code base to use the full potential of C# nullability.

Decide on exceptions
Do we rate limit all users? Do we have separate limits for certain users?
Dynamic limiting
Do we rate limit all IP addresses?
What about ourselves?
What about our monitoring tools?
What about web crawlers?
What about certain datacenter ranges? (
“IP addresses that end web consumers should not be using"
Responding to limits
What when the user hits the limit?
Do we just “black hole” and close the connection?
Do you tell the user?
API: status code 429 Too Many Requests
Web: error page stating rate limit exceeded / captcha (StackOverflow)
Try to always tell the user
Format? Depends on Accept header (text/html vs. application/json)
Tell them why they were throttled
Can be a simple link to API documentation
Tell them when to retry (e.g. GitHub does this even before rate limiting)
Status: 200 OK
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
X-RateLimit-Reset: 1372700873

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Where do we limit?
Rate limiting – where?
Runs as action filter
Requests per timespan
Per action, user, IP, ... (so knows about actions)
Runs as OWIN middleware
Bandwidth, concurrent requests, ...
No knowledge about application specifics
Many, many others
How far do we allow traffic
before saying no?

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How far do we allow traffic
before saying no?
What options are there?
In our application
ActionFilter / Middleware / HttpModule / ...
Easy to add custom logic, based on request details
On the server
Outside of our server
Outside of our datacenter
What options are there?
In our application
On the server
IIS has dynamic IP restrictions, bit rate throttling, <limits />
Kestrel minimum speed throttle
Found these less flexible in terms of configuraton...
E.g. IIS dynamic IP restrictions returns 403 Forbidden, wth!
Not a big fan, as these are usually HttpModules anyway (and thus hit our app)
Outside of our server
Outside of our datacenter
What options are there?
In our application
On the server
Outside of our server
Reverse proxy (IIS Application Request Routing, NGinx, HAProxy, Squid, ...)
Traffic does not even hit our application server, yay!
Outside of our datacenter

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CloudBurst 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and S...CloudBurst 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and S...
CloudBurst 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and S...

Which NuGet package was that type in again? In this session, let's build a "reverse package search" that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result.

NDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search
NDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and SearchNDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search
NDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search

Which NuGet package was that type in again? In this session, let's build a "reverse package search" that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result.

azurendc oslonuget
Rate limiting with NGinx
What options are there?
In our application
On the server
Outside of our server
Outside of our datacenter
Azure API management, CloudFlare
Filters traffic very early in the request, yay!
Often also handle DDoS attacks
Often more expensive
Rate limiting with
Azure API management
Monitor rate limiting

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Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search - Cloud Deve...
Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search - Cloud Deve...Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search - Cloud Deve...
Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search - Cloud Deve...

This document discusses indexing NuGet packages using Azure Functions and Azure Search to power search capabilities in ReSharper and Rider. It proposes using Functions triggered by changes to the catalog to download packages, index them using reflection metadata, and upload the results to an Azure Search index. Each step would be a separate function to allow independent scaling. The final system would watch the catalog, index new/updated packages, and provide APIs for searching packages by type or namespace.

azurecloudazure functions
CodeStock - Exploring .NET memory management - a trip down memory lane
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The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? It still matters to understand when and where memory is allocated. In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better. Expect profiling, Intermediate Language (IL), ClrMD and more!

ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrain...
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Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together, both in-process and across those microservices. Let’s geek out!
Your marketing team decided to bridge the physical world with the virtual:
“Use our in-store wifi to join this online contest and win!”
Your marketing team decided to bridge the physical world with the virtual:
“Use our in-store wifi to join this online contest and win!”
What if... All those users are NAT-ed from the same IP
And your rate limiting does not allow for 100 simultaneous users from an IP...
Monitor your rate limiting!
Monitor what is happening in your application
Who are we rate limiting, when, why
Allow for circuit breakers (“exceptional exceptions”)
“This flood of requests is fine for now”

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Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrains Rider - TechDays...
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Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrains Rider - TechDays...

Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together, both in-process and across those microservices. Let’s geek out!

jetbrainsriderlanguage server
JetBrains Day Seoul - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory...
JetBrains Day Seoul - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory...JetBrains Day Seoul - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory...
JetBrains Day Seoul - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory...

The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? It still matters to understand when and where memory is allocated. In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better. Expect profiling, Intermediate Language (IL), ClrMD and more!

DotNetFest - Let’s refresh our memory! Memory management in .NET
DotNetFest - Let’s refresh our memory! Memory management in .NETDotNetFest - Let’s refresh our memory! Memory management in .NET
DotNetFest - Let’s refresh our memory! Memory management in .NET

The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? It still matters to understand when and where memory is allocated. In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better. Expect profiling, Intermediate Language (IL), ClrMD and more!

.netdotnetmemory management
Users are crazy! (typically unintended)
We need rate limiting
Decide on the resources to limit (tip: everything)
Decide on a sensible limit (tip: measure)
Come up with an identifier to limit on
Decide on exceptions
What when the user reaches a limit?
Decide where in the request/response flow to limit
Monitor your rate limiting
Thank you!

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VISUG - Approaches for application request throttling

  • 1. 1 Approaches for application request throttling Maarten Balliauw @maartenballiauw
  • 2. Upcoming events • Wednesday, October 3, 2018 ( ) • Confusion In The Land Of The Serverless & Macro challenges of a microservice architecture Sam Newman & Cornell Knulst • @3Square - Gent • Tuesday, October 23, 2018 • Releasing features at the flick of a switch Dimitri Holsteens • @Corda Campus - Hasselt (UgenTec offices)
  • 4. 4 Approaches for application request throttling Maarten Balliauw @maartenballiauw
  • 5. 5 Today - 10 years later #165 Thanks, VISUG!
  • 6. 6
  • 7. 9 Agenda Users and traffic patterns Rate limiting and considerations Which resources? Which limits? Who to limit? Who not to limit? What when a limit is reached? Where to limit?
  • 9. 11 MyGet Hosted private package repository – NuGet, NPM, Bower, Maven, VSIX, PHP Composer, Symbols, ... HTTP-based Web UI for managing things API for various package managers PUT/POST – Upload package DELETE – Delete package via API GET – Fetch metadata or binary
  • 10. 12 We’re using background workers Example: package upload PUT/POST binary and metadata to front-end PackageAddedEvent on queue with many handlers handled on back-end ProcessSymbols UpdateLatestVersion Indexing ...
  • 11. 13 What could possibly go wrong... Too many uploads incoming! Front-end IIS server needs workers to read the incoming network stream Application logic has to check credentials, subscription, quota Back-end Delays in queue processing (luckily workers can process at their own pace) Too many uploads that are too slow! Front-end IIS server needs lots of workers to slowly copy from the network stream Workers == threads == memory == synchronization == not a happy place
  • 12. 14 What could possibly go wrong... Too many downloads! Application logic has to check credentials, subscription, quota 404’s still need that application logic... Package managers are crazy! Total # requests Total # 404’s % 404’s # of packages in solution 200 800 600 # on 190 200 10 5% # on MyGet feed 1 5 200 195 97,5% # on MyGet feed 2 4 200 196 98% # on company-internal TeamCity 1 200 199 99,5%
  • 13. 17 Other examples Web UI requests Trying to register spam accounts Trying to brute-force login/password reset Trying to validate credit card numbers via a form on your site ...cost money in the cloud (e.g. per serverless execution) Robots / Crawlers Imagine a spider adding 20k items to a shopping cart For us, usually fine (e.g. Googlebot by default up to 5 req/sec) Limiting is easy with rel=“nofollow” and robots.txt crawl-delay
  • 16. 20 Rate limiting – what? Limits # of requests in a given timeframe Or limits bandwidth, or another resource – up to you Helps eliminate: Unexpected traffic patterns Unwanted traffic patterns (e.g. script kiddie brute-force login) Potentiallly damaging traffic patterns (accidental and malicious)
  • 17. 21 Rate limit everything. - Maarten Balliauw
  • 18. 22 Rate limiting – everything??? Everything that could slow down or break your application Typically everything that depends on a scarce or external resource CPU Memory Disk I/O Database External API So yes, everything...
  • 19. 23 Let’s do this! Database with table Events UserIdentifier – who do we limit ActionIdentifier – what do we limit When – event timestamp so we can apply a query Filter attribute SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Events WHERE UserIdentifier = <user> AND ActionIdentifier = <action> AND When >= NOW() – X INSERT INTO Events (<user>, <action>, NOW()) DELETE FROM Events WHERE UserIdentifier = <user> AND ActionIdentifier = <action> AND When < NOW() – X
  • 22. 26 That database was a bad idea! Very flexible in defining various limits or doing combinations Very flexible in changing limits, e.g. changing the time period The database will suffer at scale... Every request is at least 2 – 3 queries Constant index churn We need to manually run DELETE to remove old events Database size!
  • 23. 27 That database was a bad idea! We created a denial of service opportunity! SELECT, INSERT, DELETE for every request Consider a simpler technique to limit # of operations Ideally just a simple counter “Buckets”
  • 24. 28 Quantized buckets Create “buckets” per <identifier> and <timespan> Use incr <bucket> on Redis and get back the current count per <timespan> public string GetBucketName(string operation, TimeSpan timespan) { var bucket = Math.Floor( DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks / timespan.TotalMilliseconds / 10000); return $"{operation}_{bucket}"; } Console.WriteLine(GetBucketName("someaction", TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); // someaction_106062120 <-- this will be the key for +/- 10 minutes
  • 25. 29 Quantized buckets Super easy and super cheap (atomic write and read on Redis, auto-expire LRU) Not accurate... (but that may be ok) (n-1)x2 / 10 sec Theoretically: max. 6 / 10 sec
  • 26. 30 Leaky bucket “Imagine a bucket where water is poured in at the top and leaks from the bottom. If the rate at which water is poured in exceeds the rate at which it leaks, the bucket overflows.“ Widely used in telecommunications to deal with bandwidth/bursts.
  • 27. 31 Leaky bucket Get <delta> tokens, with maximum <count> per <timespan> public int GetCallsLeft() { if (_tokens < _capacity) { var referenceTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var delta = (int)((referenceTime - _lastRefill).Ticks / _interval.Ticks); if (delta > 0) { _tokens = Math.Min(_capacity, _tokens + (delta * _capacity)); _lastRefill = referenceTime; } } return _tokens; }
  • 30. 34 Things to decide on Decide on the resources to limit Decide on a sensible limit Come up with an identifier to limit on Decide on exceptions to the rule
  • 31. 35 Which resources to limit? ...
  • 32. 36 Rate limit everything. - Maarten Balliauw
  • 33. 37 What are sensible limits? Approach 1 1. Figure out current # of requests for a certain resource 2. Set limits 3. Get angry phone calls from customers Approach 2 1. Figure out current # of requests for a certain resource 2. Set limits, but only log when a request would be limited 3. Analyze logs, set new limits, ... 4. Start rate limiting 5. Keep measuring
  • 34. 38 Will you allow bursts or not? Laddering! Different buckets per identifier and resource... 10 requests per second can be 36000 requests per hour. But 10 requests per second could also be 1000 requests per hour. Bucket Operation A Operation B Operation C Per second 10 10 100 Per minute 60 60 500 Per hour 3600 600 500 ... Steady flow of max. 10/sec Steady flow of max. 10/sec, but only 600/hour max. Bursts of up to 100/sec, but only 500/hour max.
  • 35. 39 What will be the identifier? Per IP address? But what with NAT/proxy? Per user? But how do you limit anonymous users? Per session? But what when the user starts a new session for every request? Or what if there is no such thing as a session? Per browser? But everyone uses Chrome!
  • 36. 40 What will be the identifier? Probably a combination! IP address (debatable) + User token (or “anonymous”) + Session token + Headers (user agent + accept-language + some cookie + ...)
  • 37. 41 Decide on exceptions Do we rate limit all users? Do we have separate limits for certain users? Dynamic limiting Do we rate limit all IP addresses? What about ourselves? What about our monitoring tools? What about web crawlers? What about certain datacenter ranges? ( “IP addresses that end web consumers should not be using"
  • 39. 43 What when the user hits the limit? Do we just “black hole” and close the connection? Do you tell the user? API: status code 429 Too Many Requests Web: error page stating rate limit exceeded / captcha (StackOverflow)
  • 40. 44 Try to always tell the user Format? Depends on Accept header (text/html vs. application/json) Tell them why they were throttled Can be a simple link to API documentation Tell them when to retry (e.g. GitHub does this even before rate limiting) Status: 200 OK X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000 X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999 X-RateLimit-Reset: 1372700873
  • 41. 45 Where do we limit?
  • 42. 46 Rate limiting – where? MvcThrottle Runs as action filter Requests per timespan Per action, user, IP, ... (so knows about actions) Owin.Limits Runs as OWIN middleware Bandwidth, concurrent requests, ... No knowledge about application specifics Many, many others
  • 44. 48 How far do we allow traffic before saying no? KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE OPERATION RESOURCES SPENT
  • 45. 49 How far do we allow traffic before saying no? KNOWLEDGE ABOUT THE OPERATION RESOURCES SPENT
  • 46. 50 What options are there? In our application ActionFilter / Middleware / HttpModule / ... Easy to add custom logic, based on request details On the server Outside of our server Outside of our datacenter
  • 47. 51 What options are there? In our application On the server IIS has dynamic IP restrictions, bit rate throttling, <limits /> Kestrel minimum speed throttle Found these less flexible in terms of configuraton... E.g. IIS dynamic IP restrictions returns 403 Forbidden, wth! Not a big fan, as these are usually HttpModules anyway (and thus hit our app) Outside of our server Outside of our datacenter
  • 48. 52 What options are there? In our application On the server Outside of our server Reverse proxy (IIS Application Request Routing, NGinx, HAProxy, Squid, ...) Traffic does not even hit our application server, yay! Outside of our datacenter
  • 49. 53 Rate limiting with NGinx Demo
  • 50. 54 What options are there? In our application On the server Outside of our server Outside of our datacenter Azure API management, CloudFlare Filters traffic very early in the request, yay! Often also handle DDoS attacks Often more expensive
  • 51. 55 Rate limiting with Azure API management Demo
  • 53. 57 Imagine... Your marketing team decided to bridge the physical world with the virtual: “Use our in-store wifi to join this online contest and win!”
  • 54. 58 Imagine... Your marketing team decided to bridge the physical world with the virtual: “Use our in-store wifi to join this online contest and win!” What if... All those users are NAT-ed from the same IP And your rate limiting does not allow for 100 simultaneous users from an IP...
  • 55. 59 Monitor your rate limiting! Monitor what is happening in your application Who are we rate limiting, when, why Allow for circuit breakers (“exceptional exceptions”) “This flood of requests is fine for now”
  • 57. 61 Conclusion Users are crazy! (typically unintended) We need rate limiting Decide on the resources to limit (tip: everything) Decide on a sensible limit (tip: measure) Come up with an identifier to limit on Decide on exceptions What when the user reaches a limit? Decide where in the request/response flow to limit Monitor your rate limiting

Editor's Notes

  5. Prerequisites: create database and make sure it works! Open demo 01 - DemoLetsDoThis.sln In Startup.cs explain adding EF context and show how EventsContext is built Next, show RateLimitFilter is applied to every request Implementation of RateLimitFilter Uses an identifier for the user (either User.Identity.Username or “anonymous” + IP address) Uses ControllerActionDescriptor to determine controller + action We then check if there are > 5 requests to this resource We always add an event to the DB – DANGEROUS!!! And drop older events Show in Fiddler, requesting: http://localhost:56983/api/hello/maarten
  6. Open MvcThrottle, in project MvcThrottle.Demo Show HomeController, show EnableThrottling attribute Run the application - http://localhost:53048/Home/About – see it in action after a few refreshes Mention we can respond to throttlign depending on the client type! Open MvcThrottleCustomFilter See filterContext.HttpContext.Request.AcceptTypes.Any(accept => accept.Contains("html")) -> custom view result Mention we can filter based on client IP In FilterConfig.cs, there is an IP whitelist of folks we never want to throttle Same goes with user agents Same goes with endpoints The REALLY nice thing: I can enable/disable per action in MVC Show BlogController REALLY NICE, throttling follows my logic The SAD thing: open 04-snapshot I did a load test – non scientific! This thing has low overhead (did a few thousand requests) but still my aplication spent 12% of its time rate limiting requests
  7. Run the nginx docker container from 05-nginx Show a few requests: http://localhost:8080/ proxies MyGet http://localhost:8080/F/googleanalyticstracker/api/v2 proxies a feed A few refreshes of http://localhost:8080/F/googleanalyticstracker/api/v2 get throttled So we proxy our app, and get to rate limit some calls, sweet! Open nginx.conf and go through some boiler-plate: Worker processes and worker connections (typically == to # cores) http section sets up a web server, we can add SSL etc here as well Under server, we define the different resources / just proxies and injects a header /Content proxies and caches (yay added bonus of NGinx) /F/ is where things get interesting – we limit requests to this one using “mylimit” Defines a key, names a zone, names the timespan, names the limit Can mix and match to create key: limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr$http_authorization zone=mylimit:10m rate=2r/s;
  8. Prerequisites Create Azure API management (!!! Well upfront – takes time !!!) Force-push the 06-apim repo to it git remote add origin .......<new url>....... git push --force --set-upstream origin master Show portal – especially “API” and “PRODUCT” “API” defines API calls. From portal, show we can create this based on a Swagger definition For demo here, created manually and registered /F/* and /* to just pass-through Under products Show anonymous and unlimited Explain the idea of API management is to sell access to your API and allow people to purchase a product to get better/less/… access to an API Anonymous is all I’ll use during the demo Anonymous has policies – show rate limit is 100 per 60 sec From PUBLISHER PORTAL (click), we have a policy for –Feed endpoint as well, which is more strict Show is smooth Show a few refreshes of  limited Requests that are limited never hit my server