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Exploring .NET
memory management
A trip down memory lane
Maarten Balliauw
CodeStock - Exploring .NET memory management - a trip down memory lane
.NET runtime
Manages execution of programs
Just-in-time compilation: Intermediate Language (IL) ->machine code
Type safety
Exception handling
Thread management
Memory management
Garbage collection (GC)
Garbage Collector

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Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management
Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory ManagementQuantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management
Quantifying the Performance of Garbage Collection vs. Explicit Memory Management

This talk answers an age-old question: is garbage collection faster/slower/the same speed as malloc/free? We introduce oracular memory management, an approach that lets us measure unaltered Java programs as if they used malloc and free. The result: a good GC can match the performance of a good allocator, but it takes 5X more space. If physical memory is tight, however, conventional garbage collectors suffer an order-of-magnitude performance penalty.

Accelerated Machine Learning with RAPIDS and MLflow, Nvidia/RAPIDS
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Accelerated Machine Learning with RAPIDS and MLflow, Nvidia/RAPIDS

Accelerated Machine Learning with RAPIDS and MLflow, Nvidia/RAPIDS Abstract: We will introduce RAPIDS, a suite of open source libraries for GPU-accelerated data science, and illustrate how it operates seamlessly with MLflow to enable reproducible training, model storage, and deployment. We will walk through a baseline example that incorporates MLflow locally, with a simple SQLite backend, and briefly introduce how the same workflow can be deployed in the context of GPU enabled Kubernetes clusters.

High Performance Machine Learning in R with H2O
High Performance Machine Learning in R with H2OHigh Performance Machine Learning in R with H2O
High Performance Machine Learning in R with H2O

This document summarizes a presentation by Erin LeDell from about machine learning using the H2O software. H2O is an open-source machine learning platform that provides APIs for R, Python, Scala and other languages. It allows distributed machine learning on large datasets across clusters. The presentation covers H2O's architecture, algorithms like random forests and deep learning, and how to use H2O within R including loading data, training models, and running grid searches. It also discusses H2O on Spark via Sparkling Water and real-world use cases with customers.

workshopmachine learningbig data
Memory management and GC
“Virtually unlimited memory for our applications”
Big chunk of memory pre-allocated
Runtime manages allocation in that chunk
Garbage Collector (GC) reclaims unused memory, making it available again
.NET memory management 101
Memory allocation
Objects allocated in “managed heap” (big chunk of memory)
Allocating memory is fast, it’s just adding a pointer
Some unmanaged memory is also consumed (not GC-ed)
.NET CLR, Dynamic libraries, Graphics buffer, …
Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC)
Large Object Heap
.NET memory management 101
Memory allocation
Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC)
GC releases objects no longer in use by examining application roots
GC builds a graph of all the objects that are reachable from these roots
Object unreachable? Remove object, release memory, compact heap
Takes time to scan all objects!
Large Object Heap
.NET memory management 101
Memory allocation
Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC)
Large Object Heap
Generation 0 Generation 1 Generation 2
Short-lived objects (e.g. Local
In-between objects Long-lived objects (e.g. App’s
main form)

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Deep learning with kafka
Deep learning with kafkaDeep learning with kafka
Deep learning with kafka

1. The document discusses using Deeplearning4j and Kafka together for machine learning workflows. It describes how Deeplearning4j can be used to build, train, and deploy neural networks on JVM and Spark, while Kafka can be used to stream data for training and inference. 2. An example application is described that performs anomaly detection on log files from a CDN by aggregating the data to reduce the number of data points. This allows the model to run efficiently on available GPU hardware. 3. The document provides a link to a GitHub repository with a code example that uses Kafka to stream data, Keras to train a model, and Deeplearning4j to perform inference in Java and deploy the model.

deep learningkafka
Scale up and Scale Out Anaconda and PyData
Scale up and Scale Out Anaconda and PyDataScale up and Scale Out Anaconda and PyData
Scale up and Scale Out Anaconda and PyData

With Anaconda (in particular Numba and Dask) you can scale up your NumPy and Pandas stack to many cpus and GPUs as well as scale-out to run on clusters of machines including Hadoop.

Understanding Java Garbage Collection
Understanding Java Garbage CollectionUnderstanding Java Garbage Collection
Understanding Java Garbage Collection

Azul Product Manager Matt Schuetze's presentation on JVM memory details to the Philadelphia Java User Group. This session dovetails with the March, 2014 PhillyJUG deep dive session topic focused on Java compiler code transformation and JVM runtime execution. That session exposes myths that Java is slow and Java uses too much memory. In this session we will take a deeper look at Java memory management. The dreaded Out of Memory (OOM) error is one problem. Garbage collector activity and spikes leading to long pauses is another. He covers the foundations of garbage collection and why historically Java gets a bad rap, even though GC provides a marvelous memory management paradigm.

javajava garbage collectionjava virtual machine
.NET memory management 101
Memory allocation
Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC)
Large Object Heap (LOH)
Special segment for large objects (>85KB)
Collected only during full garbage collection
Not compacted (by default) -> fragmentation!
Fragmentation can cause OutOfMemoryException
The .NET garbage collector
Runs very often for gen0
Short-lived objects, few references, fast to clean
Local variable, web request/response
Higher generation
Usually more references, slower to clean
GC pauses the running application to do its thing
Usually short, except when not…
Background GC (enabled by default)
Concurrent with application threads
May still introduce short locks/pauses, usually just for one thread
The .NET garbage collector
When does it run? Vague… But usually:
Out of memory condition – when the system fails to allocate or re-allocate memory
After some significant allocation – if X memory is allocated since previous GC
Failure of allocating some native resources – internal to .NET
Profiler – when triggered from profiler API
Forced – when calling methods on System.GC
Application moves to background
GC is not guaranteed to run
Helping the GC, avoid pauses
Optimize allocations (use struct when it makes sense, Span<T>, object pooling)
Don’t allocate when not needed
Make use of IDisposable / using statement
Clean up references, giving the GC an easy job
Weak references
Allow the GC to collect these objects, no need for checks
Beware! Moved to finalizer queue -> always gen++

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Strata NYC 2015: Sketching Big Data with Spark: randomized algorithms for lar...
Strata NYC 2015: Sketching Big Data with Spark: randomized algorithms for lar...Strata NYC 2015: Sketching Big Data with Spark: randomized algorithms for lar...
Strata NYC 2015: Sketching Big Data with Spark: randomized algorithms for lar...

1) Reynold Xin presented on using sketches like Bloom filters, HyperLogLog, count-min sketches, and stratified sampling to summarize and analyze large datasets in Spark. 2) Sketches allow analyzing data in small space and in one pass to identify frequent items, estimate cardinality, and sample data. 3) Spark incorporates sketches to speed up exploration, feature engineering, and building faster exact algorithms for processing large datasets.

hyperloglogapache sparkbloom filter
Machine learning at scale with Google Cloud Platform
Machine learning at scale with Google Cloud PlatformMachine learning at scale with Google Cloud Platform
Machine learning at scale with Google Cloud Platform

Machine Learning typically involves big datasets and lots of model iterations. This presentation shows how to use GCP to speed up that process with ML Engine and Dataflow. The focus of the presentation is on tooling not on models or business cases.

tensorflowgoogle cloud platformapache beam
Need for Time series Database
Need for Time series DatabaseNeed for Time series Database
Need for Time series Database

This document discusses the need for a time series database and introduces OpenTSDB as an option. Some key points: - Time series data is useful for analyzing metrics and patterns over time but is currently scattered across different databases. - OpenTSDB is an open source time series database that can store trillions of data points, scale using HBase, and never loses precision. - It is optimized for write throughput and can handle thousands of data points per second. Reads depend on the cardinality of metrics but it supports time-based queries. - OpenTSDB uses HBase under the hood and stores tags with metrics to allow for flexible filtering of time series data without affecting performance.

Helping the GC
When is memory allocated?
Not for value types (int, bool, struct, decimal, enum, float, byte, long, …)
Allocated on stack, not on heap
Not managed by garbage collector
For reference types
When you new
When you load data into a variable, object, property, ...
Hidden allocations!
Put an int in a box
Take an int out of a box
Allocate compiler-generated
DisplayClass to capture state
Params arrays
And more!
int i = 42;
// boxing - wraps the value type in an "object box"
// (allocating a System.Object)
object o = i;
// unboxing - unpacking the "object box" into an int again
// (CPU effort to unwrap)
int j = (int)o;

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First steps with Keras 2: A tutorial with Examples
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First steps with Keras 2: A tutorial with Examples

In this presentation, we give a brief introduction to Keras and Neural networks, and use examples to explain how to build and train neural network models using this framework. Talk given as part of an event by Rio Machine Learning Meetup.

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Sun Tzu said “if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.” Those words have never been truer than in our time. We are faced with an avalanche of data. Many believe the ability to process and gain insights from a vast array of available data will be the primary competitive advantage for organizations in the years to come. To make sense of data, you will have to face many challenges: how to collect, how to store, how to process, and how to react fast. Although you can build these systems from bottom up, it is a significant problem. There are many technologies, both open source and proprietary, that you can put together to build your analytics solution, which will likely save you effort and provide a better solution. In this session, Srinath will discuss WSO2’s middleware offering in BigData and explain how you can put them together to build a solution that will make sense of your data. The session will cover technologies like thrift for collecting data, Cassandra for storing data, Hadoop for analyzing data in batch mode, and Complex event processing for analyzing data real time.

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Using Spark ML on Spark Errors - What do the clusters tell us?
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Using Spark ML on Spark Errors - What do the clusters tell us?

If you’re subscribed to, or work in a large company, you may see some common Spark error messages. Even attending Spark Summit over the past few years you have seen talks like the “Top K Mistakes in Spark.” While cool non-machine learning based tools do exist to examine Spark’s logs — they don’t use machine learning and therefore are not as cool but also limited in by the amount of effort humans can put into writing rules for them. This talk will look what happens when we train “regular” clustering models on stack traces, and explore DL models for classifying user message to the Spark list. Come for the reassurance that the robots are not yet able to fix themselves, and stay to learn how to work better with the help of our robot friends. The tl;dr of this talk is Spark ML on Spark output, plus a little bit of Tensorflow is fun for the whole family, but probably shouldn’t automatically respond to user list posts just yet.

apache sparkmlfun
How to find them?
Past experience
Intermediate Language (IL)
“Heap allocations viewer”
ReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin
Roslyn’s Heap Allocation Analyzer
Hidden allocations
ReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin
Roslyn’s Heap Allocation Analyzer
Don’t do premature optimization – measure!
Allocations don’t always matter (that much)
How frequently are we allocating?
How frequently are we collecting?
What generation do we end up on?
Are our allocations introducing pauses? (and
Always Be Measuring

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Chronix Time Series Database - The New Time Series Kid on the Block
Chronix Time Series Database - The New Time Series Kid on the BlockChronix Time Series Database - The New Time Series Kid on the Block
Chronix Time Series Database - The New Time Series Kid on the Block

Chronix is a time series database that can efficiently store billions of time series data points in a small amount of disk space and retrieve data within milliseconds. It works by splitting time series into fixed-size chunks, compressing the chunks, and storing the compressed chunks and associated metadata in Solr/Lucene records. Chronix provides common time series aggregations, transformations, and analyses through its API. The developers tuned Chronix's performance by evaluating different compression techniques and chunk sizes on real-world time series data. Chronix outperformed other time series databases in storage needs and query speeds in their tests.

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Training Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs in the Cloud by Enrique Otero ...
Training Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs in the Cloud by Enrique Otero ...Training Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs in the Cloud by Enrique Otero ...
Training Deep Learning Models on Multiple GPUs in the Cloud by Enrique Otero ...

This document discusses training deep learning models using multiple GPUs in the cloud. It covers the challenges of distributed training including data bottlenecks, communication bottlenecks, and scaling batch sizes and learning rates. It provides benchmarks for frameworks like MXNet and TensorFlow on AWS and discusses the impact of infrastructure like GPU type and interconnect bandwidth on training performance and efficiency. It also analyzes the costs of using different cloud platforms for deep learning training.

big databig data spaincloud
How to use Apache TVM to optimize your ML models
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How to use Apache TVM to optimize your ML models

Apache TVM is an open source machine learning compiler that distills the largest, most powerful deep learning models into lightweight software that can run on the edge. This allows the outputed model to run inference much faster on a variety of target hardware (CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs & accelerators) and save significant costs. In this deep dive, we’ll discuss how Apache TVM works, share the latest and upcoming features and run a live demo of how to optimize a custom machine learning model.

CodeStock - Exploring .NET memory management - a trip down memory lane
{ ... },
"name": "Westmalle Tripel",
"brewery": "Brouwerij der Trappisten van Westmalle",
"votes": 17658,
"rating": 4.7
{ ... }
Object pools / object re-use
Re-use objects / collections (when it makes sense)
Fewer allocations, fewer objects for the GC to scan
Less memory traffic that can trigger a full GC
Object pooling - object pool pattern
Create a pool of objects that can be re-used
“Optimize ASP.NET Core” -
Garbage Collector summary
GC is optimized for high memory traffic in short-lived objects
Use that knowledge! Don’t fear allocations!
Don’t optimize what should not be optimized…
GC is the concept that makes .NET / C# tick – use it!
Know when allocations happen
GC is awesome
Gen2 collection that stop the world not so much…

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ICTER 2014 Invited Talk: Large Scale Data Processing in the Real World: from ...
ICTER 2014 Invited Talk: Large Scale Data Processing in the Real World: from ...ICTER 2014 Invited Talk: Large Scale Data Processing in the Real World: from ...
ICTER 2014 Invited Talk: Large Scale Data Processing in the Real World: from ...

Large scale data processing analyses and makes sense of large amounts of data. Although the field itself is not new, it is finding many usecases under the theme "Bigdata" where Google itself, IBM Watson, and Google's Driverless car are some of success stories. Spanning many fields, Large scale data processing brings together technologies like Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Statistics, and Internet of Things together. It is a multi-billion-dollar industry including use cases like targeted advertising, fraud detection, product recommendations, and market surveys. With new technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), these use cases are expanding to scenarios like Smart Cities, Smart health, and Smart Agriculture. Some usecases like Urban Planning can be slow, which is done in batch mode, while others like stock markets need results within Milliseconds, which are done in streaming fashion. There are different technologies for each case: MapReduce for batch processing and Complex Event Processing and Stream Processing for real-time usecases. Furthermore, the type of analysis range from basic statistics like mean to complicated prediction models based on machine Learning. In this talk, we will discuss data processing landscape: concepts, usecases, technologies and open questions while drawing examples from real world scenarios.

bigdatamachinelearningcomplex event processing
Real time and reliable processing with Apache Storm
Real time and reliable processing with Apache StormReal time and reliable processing with Apache Storm
Real time and reliable processing with Apache Storm

Storm is a framework for reliably processing streaming data. It allows defining topologies composed of spouts (data sources) and bolts (processing components). Spouts emit tuples that are processed by bolts which can emit additional tuples. The document describes a topology for processing tweets in real-time to identify top hashtags and display tweets on a map. It includes spouts to fetch tweets and bolts for filtering, counting hashtags, ranking them and storing results to Redis. Storm provides reliability by tracking processing of tuples through a topology using acknowledgments.

storm apache programming spout bolt
ConFoo - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory lane
ConFoo - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory laneConFoo - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory lane
ConFoo - Exploring .NET’s memory management – a trip down memory lane

The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? It still matters to understand when and where memory is allocated. In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better. Expect profiling, Intermediate Language (IL), ClrMD and more!

Strings are objects
.NET tries to make them look like a value type, but they are a reference type
Read-only collection of char
Length property
A bunch of operator overloading
Allocated on the managed heap
var a = new string('-', 25);
var b = a.Substring(5);
var c = httpClient.GetStringAsync("");
String literals
Are all strings on the heap? Are all strings duplicated?
var a = "Hello, World!";
var b = "Hello, World!";
Console.WriteLine(a == b);
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b));
Prints true twice. So “Hello World” only in memory once?
Portable Executable (PE)

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The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? It still matters to understand when and where memory is allocated. In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better. Expect profiling, Intermediate Language (IL), ClrMD and more!

Exploring .NET memory management - JetBrains webinar
Exploring .NET memory management - JetBrains webinarExploring .NET memory management - JetBrains webinar
Exploring .NET memory management - JetBrains webinar

The .NET Garbage Collector (GC) is really cool. It helps providing our applications with virtually unlimited memory, so we can focus on writing code instead of manually freeing up memory. But how does .NET manage that memory? What are hidden allocations? Are strings evil? It still matters to understand when and where memory is allocated. In this talk, we’ll go over the base concepts of .NET memory management and explore how .NET helps us and how we can help .NET – making our apps better. Expect profiling, Intermediate Language (IL), ClrMD and more!

Java Garbage Collection, Monitoring, and Tuning
Java Garbage Collection, Monitoring, and TuningJava Garbage Collection, Monitoring, and Tuning
Java Garbage Collection, Monitoring, and Tuning

The document discusses Java garbage collection. It explains that garbage collection automatically reclaims memory from objects that are no longer reachable to avoid memory leaks. It describes different garbage collection algorithms and strategies like generational and incremental garbage collection. It also discusses best practices and myths around memory management in Java.

java performance memory tuning
String literals in #US
Compile-time optimization
Store literals only once in PE header metadata stream ECMA-335 standard, section II.24.2.4
Reference literals (IL: ldstr)
var a = Console.ReadLine();
var b = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine(a == b);
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b));
String duplicates
Any .NET application has them (System.Globalization duplicates quite a few)
Are they bad?
.NET GC is fast for short-lived objects, so meh.
Don’t waste memory with string duplicates on gen2
(but: it’s okay to have strings there)
String interning
Store (and read) strings from the intern pool
Simply call String.Intern when “allocating” or reading the string
Scans intern pool and returns reference
var url = "";
var stringList = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++)
stringList.Add(string.Intern(url + "/"));
String interning caveats
Why are not all strings interned by default?
CPU vs. memory
Not on the heap but on intern pool
No GC on intern pool – all strings in memory for AppDomain lifetime!
Rule of thumb
Lot of long-lived, few unique -> interning good
Lot of long-lived, many unique -> no benefit, memory growth
Lot of short-lived -> trust the GC

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The slides for the first ever SnappyData webinar. Covers SnappyData core concepts, programming models, benchmarks and more. SnappyData is open sourced here: We also have a deep technical paper here: We can be easily contacted on Slack, Gitter and more:

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For More information, refer to Java EE 7 performance tuning and optimization book: The book is published by Packt Publishing:

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High Performance With Java
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High Performance With Java

How to approach a problem from a performance standpoint. A small real world application is used as a case study. I\'ve presented &quot;High Performance With Java&quot; at Codebits\'2008 held from 13 to 15 November 2008 (*) Codebits is a programming contest held in Portugal held the spirit of Yahoo Hack! Day

Exploring the heap
for fun and profit
How would you...
…build a managed type system, store in memory, CPU/memory friendly
Store type info (what’s in there, what’s the offset of fieldN, …)
Store field data (just data)
Store method pointers
Inheritance information
Stuff on the Stack
Stuff on the Managed Heap
(scroll down for more...)

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Scope Stack Allocation
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Scope Stack Allocation

Presentation from DICE Coder's Day (2010 November) by Andreas Fredriksson in the Frostbite team. Goes into detail about Scope Stacks, which are a systems programming tool for memory layout that provides • Deterministic memory map behavior • Single-cycle allocation speed • Regular C++ object life cycle for objects that need it This makes it very suitable for games.

Advanced Hibernate Notes
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Advanced Hibernate Notes

Hibernate provides object relational mapping and allows working with data at the object level rather than directly with SQL. It abstracts the underlying database, handles change detection and caching. The session factory handles connection pooling and caching of mappings. The session represents a unit of work and tracks changes to objects, flushing updates to the database at the end of the session. The first level cache tracks changes to objects within a session. Query caching caches query results to improve performance. The second level cache caches objects beyond a single session.

Improving app performance using .Net Core 3.0
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Improving performance of your .NET code using .NET Core 3.0, Span<T> and more. Presented at Sydney Alt.Net, 30 June 2019 core
Theory is nice...
Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime (ClrMD)
“ClrMD is a set of advanced APIs for programmatically inspecting a crash dump of
a .NET program much in the same way that the SOS Debugging Extensions (SOS)
do. This allows you to write automated crash analysis for your applications as well
as automate many common debugger tasks. In addition to reading crash dumps
ClrMD also allows supports attaching to live processes.”
Maarten’s definition
But... Why?
Programmatic insight into memory space of a running project
Unit test critical paths and assert behavior (did we clean up what we expected?)
Capture memory issues in running applications
Other (easier) options in this space
dotMemory Unit (JetBrains)
dotMemory Unit

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dotMemory 4 - What's inside?dotMemory 4 - What's inside?
dotMemory 4 - What's inside?

Even if your program is just a few lines of code, .NET's runtime will create a number of object in memory. Are all objects being destroyed by the garbage collector? Or is there a potential memory leak? And why is the application seemingly slow when having lots of objects in memory? In this webinar, we'll explore the new dotMemory 4 memory profiler. We'll see why we want to use a memory profiler and how easy it is to use JetBrains dotMemory for that.

performance optimization: Memory
performance optimization: Memoryperformance optimization: Memory
performance optimization: Memory

Memory management best practices in Android include using the sparse array family for collections below 1,000 items, avoiding unnecessary object creation, using StringBuilder for string concatenation, properly closing streams to prevent memory leaks, and using patterns like object pools and flyweights to reduce memory usage. The onTrimMemory callback and memory monitoring tools like Memory Monitor and Heap Viewer can help detect memory issues and leaks in an Android application.

Optimizing training on Apache MXNet
Optimizing training on Apache MXNetOptimizing training on Apache MXNet
Optimizing training on Apache MXNet

Find out more about: • Techniques and tips to optimize trainingon Apache MXNet • Infrastructure performance:storage and I/O, GPU throughput, distributed training, CPU-based training, cost • Model performance:data augmentation, initializers, optimizers, etc. • Level 666: you should be familiar with Deep Learning and MXNet

Garbage Collector (GC) optimized for high memory traffic + short-lived objects
Don’t fear allocations! But beware of gen2 “stop the world”
Don’t optimize what should not be optimized…
Using a profiler/memory analysis tool
ClrMD to automate inspections
dotMemory Unit, Benchmark.NET, … to profile unit tests
Blog series:
Thank you!
Maarten Balliauw

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CodeStock - Exploring .NET memory management - a trip down memory lane

  • 1. Exploring .NET memory management A trip down memory lane Maarten Balliauw @maartenballiauw —
  • 3. .NET runtime Manages execution of programs Just-in-time compilation: Intermediate Language (IL) ->machine code Type safety Exception handling Security Thread management Memory management Garbage collection (GC)
  • 5. Memory management and GC “Virtually unlimited memory for our applications” Big chunk of memory pre-allocated Runtime manages allocation in that chunk Garbage Collector (GC) reclaims unused memory, making it available again
  • 6. .NET memory management 101 Memory allocation Objects allocated in “managed heap” (big chunk of memory) Allocating memory is fast, it’s just adding a pointer Some unmanaged memory is also consumed (not GC-ed) .NET CLR, Dynamic libraries, Graphics buffer, … Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC) Generations Large Object Heap
  • 7. .NET memory management 101 Memory allocation Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC) GC releases objects no longer in use by examining application roots GC builds a graph of all the objects that are reachable from these roots Object unreachable? Remove object, release memory, compact heap Takes time to scan all objects! Generations Large Object Heap
  • 8. .NET memory management 101 Memory allocation Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC) Generations Large Object Heap Generation 0 Generation 1 Generation 2 Short-lived objects (e.g. Local variables) In-between objects Long-lived objects (e.g. App’s main form)
  • 9. .NET memory management 101 Memory allocation Memory release or “Garbage Collection” (GC) Generations Large Object Heap (LOH) Special segment for large objects (>85KB) Collected only during full garbage collection Not compacted (by default) -> fragmentation! Fragmentation can cause OutOfMemoryException
  • 10. The .NET garbage collector Runs very often for gen0 Short-lived objects, few references, fast to clean Local variable, web request/response Higher generation Usually more references, slower to clean GC pauses the running application to do its thing Usually short, except when not… Background GC (enabled by default) Concurrent with application threads May still introduce short locks/pauses, usually just for one thread
  • 11. The .NET garbage collector When does it run? Vague… But usually: Out of memory condition – when the system fails to allocate or re-allocate memory After some significant allocation – if X memory is allocated since previous GC Failure of allocating some native resources – internal to .NET Profiler – when triggered from profiler API Forced – when calling methods on System.GC Application moves to background GC is not guaranteed to run
  • 12. Helping the GC, avoid pauses Optimize allocations (use struct when it makes sense, Span<T>, object pooling) Don’t allocate when not needed Make use of IDisposable / using statement Clean up references, giving the GC an easy job Weak references Allow the GC to collect these objects, no need for checks Finalizers Beware! Moved to finalizer queue -> always gen++
  • 15. When is memory allocated? Not for value types (int, bool, struct, decimal, enum, float, byte, long, …) Allocated on stack, not on heap Not managed by garbage collector For reference types When you new When you load data into a variable, object, property, ...
  • 16. Hidden allocations! Boxing! Put an int in a box Take an int out of a box Lambda’s/closures Allocate compiler-generated DisplayClass to capture state Params arrays And more! int i = 42; // boxing - wraps the value type in an "object box" // (allocating a System.Object) object o = i; // unboxing - unpacking the "object box" into an int again // (CPU effort to unwrap) int j = (int)o;
  • 17. How to find them? Past experience Intermediate Language (IL) Profiler “Heap allocations viewer” ReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin Roslyn’s Heap Allocation Analyzer
  • 18. Hidden allocations DEMO ReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin Roslyn’s Heap Allocation Analyzer
  • 19. Measure! Don’t do premature optimization – measure! Allocations don’t always matter (that much) Measure! How frequently are we allocating? How frequently are we collecting? What generation do we end up on? Are our allocations introducing pauses? (and
  • 22. [ { ... }, { "name": "Westmalle Tripel", "brewery": "Brouwerij der Trappisten van Westmalle", "votes": 17658, "rating": 4.7 }, { ... } ]
  • 23. Object pools / object re-use Re-use objects / collections (when it makes sense) Fewer allocations, fewer objects for the GC to scan Less memory traffic that can trigger a full GC Object pooling - object pool pattern Create a pool of objects that can be re-used “Optimize ASP.NET Core” - System.Buffers.ArrayPool
  • 24. Garbage Collector summary GC is optimized for high memory traffic in short-lived objects Use that knowledge! Don’t fear allocations! Don’t optimize what should not be optimized… GC is the concept that makes .NET / C# tick – use it! Know when allocations happen GC is awesome Gen2 collection that stop the world not so much… Measure!
  • 26. Strings are objects .NET tries to make them look like a value type, but they are a reference type Read-only collection of char Length property A bunch of operator overloading Allocated on the managed heap var a = new string('-', 25); var b = a.Substring(5); var c = httpClient.GetStringAsync("");
  • 27. String literals Are all strings on the heap? Are all strings duplicated? var a = "Hello, World!"; var b = "Hello, World!"; Console.WriteLine(a == b); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b)); Prints true twice. So “Hello World” only in memory once?
  • 29. String literals in #US Compile-time optimization Store literals only once in PE header metadata stream ECMA-335 standard, section II.24.2.4 Reference literals (IL: ldstr) var a = Console.ReadLine(); var b = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine(a == b); Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(a, b));
  • 30. String duplicates Any .NET application has them (System.Globalization duplicates quite a few) Are they bad? .NET GC is fast for short-lived objects, so meh. Don’t waste memory with string duplicates on gen2 (but: it’s okay to have strings there)
  • 31. String interning Store (and read) strings from the intern pool Simply call String.Intern when “allocating” or reading the string Scans intern pool and returns reference var url = ""; var stringList = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { stringList.Add(string.Intern(url + "/")); }
  • 32. String interning caveats Why are not all strings interned by default? CPU vs. memory Not on the heap but on intern pool No GC on intern pool – all strings in memory for AppDomain lifetime! Rule of thumb Lot of long-lived, few unique -> interning good Lot of long-lived, many unique -> no benefit, memory growth Lot of short-lived -> trust the GC Measure!
  • 33. Exploring the heap for fun and profit
  • 34. How would you... …build a managed type system, store in memory, CPU/memory friendly Probably: Store type info (what’s in there, what’s the offset of fieldN, …) Store field data (just data) Store method pointers Inheritance information
  • 35. Stuff on the Stack
  • 36. Stuff on the Managed Heap (scroll down for more...)
  • 37. Theory is nice... Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime (ClrMD) “ClrMD is a set of advanced APIs for programmatically inspecting a crash dump of a .NET program much in the same way that the SOS Debugging Extensions (SOS) do. This allows you to write automated crash analysis for your applications as well as automate many common debugger tasks. In addition to reading crash dumps ClrMD also allows supports attaching to live processes.” “LINQ-to-heap” Maarten’s definition
  • 39. But... Why? Programmatic insight into memory space of a running project Unit test critical paths and assert behavior (did we clean up what we expected?) Capture memory issues in running applications Other (easier) options in this space dotMemory Unit (JetBrains) Benchmark.NET
  • 42. Conclusion Garbage Collector (GC) optimized for high memory traffic + short-lived objects Don’t fear allocations! But beware of gen2 “stop the world” Don’t optimize what should not be optimized… Measure! Using a profiler/memory analysis tool ClrMD to automate inspections dotMemory Unit, Benchmark.NET, … to profile unit tests Blog series:

Editor's Notes

  3. Application roots: Typically, these are global and static object pointers, local variables, and CPU registers.
  4. Application roots: Typically, these are global and static object pointers, local variables, and CPU registers.
  5. Application roots: Typically, these are global and static object pointers, local variables, and CPU registers.
  6. Open TripDownMemoryLane.sln Show WeakReferenceDemo (demo “1-1”) Explain weak reference allows GC to collect reference Show Cache object – has weak references to data, we expect these to probably be cleaned up by GC Attach profiler, run demo “1-1”, snapshot, see 20 instances of WeakReference<Data> Snapshot again, compare – see WeakReference<Data> has been regenerated a couple of times Show DisposeObjectsDemo (demo “1-2”) Explain first demo does not dispose and relies on GC + finalizers. This will mean our object remains in memory for two GC cycles! Explain dispose does clean them up and requires only one cycle In SampleDisposable, explain GC.SuppressFinalize -> tell the GC no finalizer queue work is needed here!
  7. Open TripDownMemoryLane.sln Show Demo02_Random Open IL viewer tool window, show what happens in IL for each code sample Explain IL viewer + hovering statements to see what they do BoxingRing() – show boxing and unboxing statements in IL, explain they consume CPU and allocate an object ParamsArray() – the call to ParamsArrayImpl() actually allocates a new string array! CPU + memory AverageWithinBounds() – temporary class is created to capture state of all variables, then passed around IL_0000: newobj instance void TripDownMemoryLane.Demo02.Demo02_Random/'<>c__DisplayClass3_0'::.ctor() Lambdas() – same thing, temporary class to capture state in the loop IL_001f: newobj instance void Allocatey.Talk.Demo02_Random/'<>c__DisplayClass4_0'::.ctor() Show Demo02_ValidateArgumentsDemo – this one is fun! Explain what we want to do: build a guard function – check a condition, show error First one is the easy one, but it allocates a string and runs string.Format Second one is better – does not allocate the string! But does allocate a function and a state capture... Third one – allocates an array (params) Fourth one – no allocations, yay! Using overloads... Show heap allocations viewer!
  8. Open TripDownMemoryLane.sln Show BeersDemoUnoptimized (demo “3-1” and “3-2”) Explain we’re building an application that shows all beers in the world and their ratings Stored in beers.json (show document) with beer name, brewery, number of votes For a view in our application, read this file into a multi-dimensional dictionary that contains breweries, beers, and their rating Show BeerLoader and note the dictionary format Show LoadBeersInsane and explain this is BAD BAD BAD because of the high memory usage Show LoadBeersUnoptimized, explain what it does, optimized against the insane version as we’re streaming over our file Load beers a number of times Inspect snapshots GC is very visible Most memory in gen2 (we keep our beers around) Compare two snapshots: high traffic on dictionary items (Lots of string allocations - JSON.NET) Show LoadBeersOptimized, explain what it does, re-using dictionary and updating items as we read the JSON Load beers a number of times Inspect snapshots GC is almost invisible Less allocations happening Compare two snapshots: almost no traffic Less work for GC, less pauses! Measure and make it look good!
  9. There is an old adage in IT that says “don’t do premature optimization”. In other words: maybe some allocations are okay to have, as the GC will take care of cleaning them up anyway. While some do not agree with this, I believe in the middle ground. The garbage collector is optimized for high memory traffic in short-lived objects, and I think it’s okay to make use of what the .NET runtime has to offer us here. If it’s in a critical path of a production application, fewer allocations are better, but we can’t write software with zero allocations - it’s what our high-level programming language uses to make our developer life easier. It’s not okay to have objects go to gen2 and stay there when in fact they should be gone from memory. Learn where allocations happen, using any of the above methods, and profile your production applications frequently to see if there are large objects in higher generations of the heap that don’t belong there.
  10. Will print “true” twice.
  11. Open our demo application in dotPeek Explain PE headers Show #US table Open StringAllocationDemo class. Jump to IL code, show ldstr statement for strings that are in #US table
  12. Code = trick question, what if we enter same value twice? String equals, reference not equals!
  13. How many strings are stored
  14. How many strings are stored
  15. Open ClrMD.sln Explain: two projects, one target application, one running ClrMD to analyze what we have Open ClrMD.Explorer.Program, show attaching ClrMD Get CLR version – gets info about the current CLR version Get runtime – gets info about the actual runtime hosting our app Show DumpClrInfo – get info, stress DAC data access components location – defines the runtime structures, used by ClrMD and VS Debugger etc to explore runtime while debugging/profiling/... Explore DumpHeapObjects, stress the heap structure Loop object addresses - foreach (var objectAddress in generation) Get type of object at address - var type = heap.GetObjectType(objectAddress.Ptr); Use type info to get value - type.GetValue(objectAddress.Ptr) Explore type autocomplete – structure to get enum, method addresses, ...
  16. Open TestsWithDMU.sln Explain: similar Clock leak as in previous demo Two unit tests that create the clock, and timer. Then run GC.Collect, then use dMU to check whether instances are left in memory. Easy way to test, after investigation, when a memory leak comes back (or not)