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Microservices for building an IDE
The innards of JetBrains Rider
Maarten Balliauw
JetBrains Rider
Cross-platform, full-stack .NET IDE
All languages, all frameworks
Even WinForms (on Windows)
Rider C++ in preview
Lightweight, fast & yet a full IDE!
Built on IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper
Helps you be more productive as a developer
Free trial!

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Android application model
Android application modelAndroid application model
Android application model

The document summarizes key concepts about the Android application model including application components, intents, activities and tasks, processes and threads, and component lifecycles. It explains that an Android application consists of fundamental components like activities, services, broadcast receivers and content providers. Activities display the user interface, services run in the background, broadcast receivers respond to system-wide broadcasts, and content providers manage shared data.

Android : How Do I Code Thee?
Android : How Do I Code Thee?Android : How Do I Code Thee?
Android : How Do I Code Thee?

Dan Morrill discusses the different ways to code applications for Android, including managed Dalvik code, Ajax/web apps, and native code. He outlines what each approach is capable of and not capable of. He demonstrates k-means clustering implemented in each approach. Morrill concludes that there are benefits to different approaches and developers should choose based on their app's specific needs and the developer's skills.

Rider - Taking ReSharper out of Process
Rider - Taking ReSharper out of ProcessRider - Taking ReSharper out of Process
Rider - Taking ReSharper out of Process

A look at how Rider, a new .NET IDE from JetBrains, uses IntelliJ to provide a cross platform, fully featured UI for ReSharper.

Founded 2000 in Prague (Czech Republic)
2000 IntelliJ Renamer
2001 IntelliJ
2004 ReSharper
2020 20+ IDE’s and other developer tools
Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrains Rider - NDC Oslo 2020
ReSharper IDE
Project was halted (but not gone to waste)
Keep functionality separate from the actual IDE
Same core, IDE interoperability layer on top
Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019
ReSharper command line tools (CLI)
Several concepts and architecture remained
“When will JetBrains come
with its own .NET IDE?”

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Dependency Injections in Kotlin
Dependency Injections in KotlinDependency Injections in Kotlin
Dependency Injections in Kotlin

Доклад Антона Минашкина для Съесть собаку #15, 27/11/18 Тезисы: - Почему DI – такой популярный design pattern в Android; - Что особенного в DI для Kotlin; - Практическая польза и опции DI.

Java basic
Java basicJava basic
Java basic

The document provides an overview of the Java programming language. It discusses that Java was developed in the early 1990s by Sun Microsystems. It then summarizes some of Java's main features, including that it is a simple, object-oriented, robust, distributed, platform independent, secured, architecture-neutral, portable, high-performance, multi-threaded, and dynamic language. It also briefly discusses the Java Virtual Machine, Java Runtime Environment, Java Development Kit, Java bytecode, and the main method.

jvmjava buzzwordsjava basic
Creating Great REST and gRPC API Experiences (in Swift)
Creating Great REST and gRPC API Experiences (in Swift)Creating Great REST and gRPC API Experiences (in Swift)
Creating Great REST and gRPC API Experiences (in Swift)

Protocol Buffers are a language-neutral, platform-neutral mechanism for serializing structured data. They can be used to define interfaces for APIs and exchange data between systems. Protocol Buffers include a data definition language to define message types, a serialization format to encode structured data in a compact binary form, and code generation plugins to generate data access code in multiple languages. Protocol Buffers provide a flexible and efficient method for serializing structured data for storage or network transmission.

Why build a .NET IDE?
In 2017…
“When will JetBrains come with its own .NET IDE?”
ReSharper constrained by Visual Studio environment
32-bit process resource constraints
Changes in VS impact ReSharper
.NET Core
No good and consistent cross-platform IDE
...means a cross-platform UI toolkit is needed!
ReSharper UI built with WinForms and WPF
Existing ReSharper UI would need converting
WinForms? (Mono sort of has it)
IntelliJ Platform
Foundation of all of our IDE’s
Project view, code completion, UI toolkit
+ Platform plugins such as version control, terminal, ...
+ JetBrains <product name> IDE plugins
Open source (build your own IDE – e.g. Android Studio, Comma IDE & others)
Windows, Linux, Mac – already cross-platform thanks to JVM
IntelliJ Platform + R# ?
IntelliJ Platform
Great foundation to build on
Windows, Linux, Mac
ReSharper (R#)
All of those .NET inspections, refactorings, code
generation, project model, ...

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Integration of java ee applications on c – based implementations

This academic article discusses integrating Java applications with C/C++ implementations using the Java Native Interface (JNI). It describes developing JNI code with IBM WebSphere Integration Developer. The key steps are: 1. Create a Java class with methods to expose to native code. Compile to generate a C header file. 2. Implement the native methods in a shared library, allowing calls to other C APIs. 3. Configure the shared library in the WebSphere runtime. This allows integrating existing C/C++ applications like scientific software with Java programs through the JNI bridge in an enterprise environment.

Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrains Rider - TechDays...
Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrains Rider - TechDays...Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrains Rider - TechDays...
Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrains Rider - TechDays...

Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together, both in-process and across those microservices. Let’s geek out!

jetbrainsriderlanguage server
NDC Sydney 2019 - Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrain...
NDC Sydney 2019 - Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrain...NDC Sydney 2019 - Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrain...
NDC Sydney 2019 - Microservices for building an IDE – The innards of JetBrain...

Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together, both in-process and across those microservices. Let’s geek out!

ndc sydneyjetbrainsjetbrains rider
Rewrite R# in Java?
16 years of implementation and knowledge
Would bring 2 R# implementations... Automatic conversion?
Run R# as a command-line process
Already possible (thanks, 2004!)
“Just need our own UI on top”
IntelliJ Platform + R# !
Headless R# as a language server
Cross-platform (.NET on Windows, .NET Core on macOS/Linux)
No constraints
It is ReSharper! 2 products, 1 code base
IntelliJ as a thin UI
Control the R# process
Both sides are an IDE...
Is IntelliJ IDEA really a thin UI? Three sorts of features...
IJ handles everything
R# handles almost everything
Both IDE’s make a more awesome IDE
1 + 1 = 3

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ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrain...
ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrain...ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrain...
ConFoo Montreal - Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrain...

Ever wondered how IDE’s are built? In this talk, we’ll skip the marketing bit and dive into the architecture and implementation of JetBrains Rider. We’ll look at how and why we have built (and open sourced) a reactive protocol, and how the IDE uses a “microservices” architecture to communicate with the debugger, Roslyn, a WPF renderer and even other tools like Unity3D. We’ll explore how things are wired together, both in-process and across those microservices. Let’s geek out!
Silverlight 2 for Developers - TechEd New Zealand 2008
Silverlight 2 for Developers - TechEd New Zealand 2008Silverlight 2 for Developers - TechEd New Zealand 2008
Silverlight 2 for Developers - TechEd New Zealand 2008

The document is a presentation about Silverlight 2 for developers. It includes an agenda covering CRUD, designers, patterns and testing. It discusses using Silverlight 2 for building applications with a dive log app as an example. It covers using services, securing applications, HTTP requests and using Blend. It also discusses using MVC patterns, separation of concerns, the presentation model pattern and implementing data binding, commands and value converters in applications.

Whidbey old
Whidbey old Whidbey old
Whidbey old

This document provides an overview of new features and enhancements in Visual Studio 2005, also known as Whidbey. It summarizes improvements to languages like Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#, C++, and Visual J#, the .NET Framework, data access, web services, and mobile development. Key areas of focus include increased productivity, simplified development, and better integration across languages, frameworks, and platforms.

How to make them talk?
Inter-process communication
Example: Context actions (Alt+Enter)
Text editor, caret(s)
Alt+Enter key binding
“Language infrastructure” + C# facade
C# language, inspections, actions
Render actions, may add own entries
Data: a tree of id, name and icon nodes
1. Bi-directional
User can be typing
A refactoring or completion may be injecting code at the same time
2. Can be implemented with delta’s
IntelliJ pushes delta to R#
R# pushes delta to IntelliJ
Can’t really do RPC (user experience would be bad)
How to handle concurrency?
Data: a delta (from line + column, to line + column, text to insert)
Example: Writing code
Data types aren’t that complex...
Context actions
A tree of id, name and icon nodes
A set of name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range
Writing code
Delta with from line + column, to line + column, text to insert
Fairly simple messages! We can make this generic enough!
e.g. make one inspection work  make them all work

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Code Analysis and Refactoring with CDT
Code Analysis and Refactoring with CDTCode Analysis and Refactoring with CDT
Code Analysis and Refactoring with CDT

The document discusses the C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin for Eclipse, including what the CDT is used for, how it parses code and generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) to facilitate code analysis and refactoring, and how the CDT uses an index to improve parsing performance for large projects.

Csharp dot net
Csharp dot netCsharp dot net
Csharp dot net

This document summarizes a presentation on Microsoft .NET and C#. It discusses .NET as a set of technologies for connecting information and as an emphasis on web services. C# is presented as a language that combines the safety of Java, ease of Visual Basic, and power of C++. Key aspects of .NET like the Common Language Runtime and class libraries are defined. The document also provides a brief comparison between .NET and J2EE frameworks and languages. notes

The document discusses HTML5 as a platform for user interfaces. It outlines several new features of HTML5, including the <canvas> element for drawing, WebGL for 3D graphics, multi-touch support, local storage with Web SQL databases, real-time updates with Web Sockets, improved file handling, and offline application caching. The document argues that HTML5 provides many of the capabilities of native applications and recommends using HTML5 and JavaScript for cross-platform user interface development.

Which protocol do we use?
Re-use Language Server Protocol (LSP)?
Great in itself – IDE concepts like window, editor, language, diagnostics, ...
We would need customizations for R# feature set
Or build a custom REST-like protocol?
Experimented with JSON, ProtoBuf, request/response style
LSP and custom protocol are mostly request/response
Every call needs context (which solution, project, file, location in code, ...)
Realization: Why use this “request-action-response” flow? Why RPC?
Both IDE’s share a similar model and architecture
Messages are simple, but for RPC they would need context
(which solution, which file, state info, ...) – overhead!
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
IntelliJ is our view, ReSharper provides the model
Protocol is the ViewModel, sharing lightweight data
"Possible null reference", "Warning", 20, 30, 20, 42);
Both processes can react to such change (observable + observer)
Conflict resolution...
Changes to data in shared model can come from IJ and R#
Can still cause conflicts due to features or timing/GC issues
IntelliJ: “I just deleted file foo.cs”
R#: “I just refactored foo.cs”
Locking? (freezes, how to handle deadlocks?)

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VB.Net Mod1.pptx
VB.Net Mod1.pptxVB.Net Mod1.pptx
VB.Net Mod1.pptx

This document provides an overview of Visual Basic .NET, including an introduction to the .NET framework, Visual Studio integrated development environment, VB.NET language basics like variables, data types, operators, arrays, and enumerations. It concludes with details on creating a simple "Hello World" console application in VB.NET.

Framework engineering JCO 2011
Framework engineering JCO 2011Framework engineering JCO 2011
Framework engineering JCO 2011

Framework design involves balancing many considerations, such as: - Managing dependencies between components to allow for flexibility and evolution over time. Techniques like dependency injection and layering help achieve this. - Designing APIs by first writing code samples for key scenarios and defining object models to support these samples to ensure usability. - Treating simplicity as a feature by removing unnecessary requirements and reusing existing concepts where possible.

jc011jco2011framework engineering
MSDN Presents: Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, SharePoint 2010 for Developers
MSDN Presents: Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, SharePoint 2010 for DevelopersMSDN Presents: Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, SharePoint 2010 for Developers
MSDN Presents: Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, SharePoint 2010 for Developers

This is the slide deck I presented at the recent MSDN Events series showcasing Visual Studio 2010, .NET 4, and SharePoint 2010 for Developers.

vbdevelopervisual studio
Conflict conventions!
View + Model (or client: IntelliJ + server: ReSharper)
Each value stored in the view model has a version
Updates by the view/client increment the version
Updates by the model/server do not
Only accept changes if version is the same or newer
If not, the change is discarded
Rider protocol
Obligatory diagram
Ideally, our developers do not have
to know the details of this.
Just create view models.
Rider protocol
“Reactive Distributed communication framework for .NET, Kotlin, JS, C++”
Open source -
1. Include protocol libraries
and build tools on all sides
2. Write view model in special DSL
3. Generate code
4. Work with generated model
.NET/Kotlin/JS/... code generator
Model definition DSL
Conflict resolution, serialization, ...
Sockets, batching, binary wire protocol

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Introduction to Software Development
Introduction to Software DevelopmentIntroduction to Software Development
Introduction to Software Development

Software development has shifted focus from efficiency to productivity, reusability, and user-friendliness. Object-oriented programming (OOP) models objects that contain data and methods. Key OOP concepts include inheritance, where subclasses extend and modify superclass features. An integrated development environment (IDE) combines tools like editors, compilers, linkers, and debuggers. Java uses a hybrid approach of compiling to bytecode, then interpreting for platform independence. Console applications use text input/output. Graphical user interface (GUI) applications use menus and buttons. Applets run in web browsers.

Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc Day2
Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc Day2Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc Day2
Daniel Egan Msdn Tech Days Oc Day2

This document summarizes a presentation on building VSTO applications using LINQ. The presentation covers the fundamentals of VSTO development, how and why to use LINQ, and includes demos. Reasons for using VSTO over VBA are discussed, as well as how to add LINQ to a VSTO application.

Overview of VS2010 and .NET 4.0
Overview of VS2010 and .NET 4.0Overview of VS2010 and .NET 4.0
Overview of VS2010 and .NET 4.0

Visual Studio 2010 includes many new features to improve the developer experience such as breakpoint grouping, parallel debugging tools, and a more extensible architecture. It can be used both as a robust code editor and as a platform for extensions. .NET 4.0 focuses on four main areas: better component integration, improved performance through parallelism and concurrency, enhanced language features, and reducing bugs. It includes new libraries like PLINQ and TPL for parallel programming and MEF for extensibility.

vs2010 net 40 code contracts plinq mef
Rider protocol
Only need to know about a few data types & create model
Conflict resolution, wire protocol, timeouts, ... handled by protocol
Code generated based on the defined view model
Bonus points: no reflection/introspection needed on every run
Hierarchical + lifetimes
Primitive Description
Signal Event that is fired when something happens
Property Observable value
List/set/map Observable collections
Field Immutable value
Call/callback RPC-style call, needed from time to time
byte, short, int, long, float,
double, char, boolean, string,
securestring, void, enum, ...
Primitives and special types
Aggregatedef/classdef/structdef A node in the viewmodel
Signal (event)
Using lifetime to manage subscription
// Produceevent
voidFire(T value);
// Subscribetoevent
interfaceISink<T> {
voidAdvise(Lifetimel,Action<T> handler);
// Event
interfaceISignal<T>:ISource<T>,ISink<T> { }
Signal implementation
Lifetime to manage subscription
// Observableproperty
interfaceIProperty<T>: ISink<T> {
T Value{ get;set;}
voidAdvise(Lifetimel,Action<T> handler);
voidView(Lifetime l,Action<Lifetime,T>handler);

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Easing offline web application development with GWT
Easing offline web application development with GWTEasing offline web application development with GWT
Easing offline web application development with GWT

At this current time, HTML5 APIs are mature enough so that the web browser can now be a very good platform for applications that were before only implemented as native applications : offline applications with locally stored data, embedded SQL engines, etc. Although there are many good Javascript frameworks out there, the Java language allows to build, maintain, debug and work with ease on really big applications (> 100,000 LOC). You'll discover in this presentation all the tools we assembled to make an application available with its data 100% of the time, even without internet!

offline gwt java web local storage application cac
Android Deep Dive
Android Deep DiveAndroid Deep Dive
Android Deep Dive

This document provides an overview and summary of the Android deep dive presentation given by Marko Gargenta at Sprint Dev Con 2010. It discusses the Android stack including the Linux kernel, native libraries like WebKit and SQLite, the Dalvik VM, and the application framework. It also covers building a basic "Hello World" Android app, common app components like activities, services, content providers and broadcasts receivers. The document summarizes the Android user interface approach using XML layouts and views, and operating system features such as security, files system, and cloud integration.

htcandroidsprint developer conference
iOS overview
iOS overviewiOS overview
iOS overview

The document provides an overview of the iOS development platform. It describes the core components of iOS including Cocoa Touch, Core OS, Core Services, and Media frameworks. It explains concepts like the Model-View-Controller pattern and the iOS application structure and life cycle. Key topics like Objective-C classes, methods, properties, dynamic binding, and common frameworks like Foundation are also summarized.

ios overviewdevelopmenttutorial
Hierarchical + lifetimes
Cleanup and resource management
Objects attach to lifetime
Lifetime destroys attached objects
Parent lifetime destroys children
NuGet: JetBrains.Lifetimes
publicclassLifetime: IDisposable{
privateStack<Action> resources
= newStack<Action>();
while(resources.Count> 0) {
varresource= resources.Pop();
Hierarchical + lifetimes
PSI (Program StructureInterface)
Local history
NuGettool window
Editor tab
Editor tab
Rider protocol
Rider protocol
Kotlin-based DSL - easy to work with for our developers
Update view model, generate code, work with generated code
Find Usages, Navigation, ... work while crafting model
No need to think about multiple processes, state, conflict resolution, ...
Cross-language, cross-platform
Plugin model for Rider is more complex (IJ and R# parts may be needed)

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Developing on Windows 8
Developing on Windows 8Developing on Windows 8
Developing on Windows 8

This document provides an overview and introduction to developing applications for the Windows 8 platform. It covers WinRT basics, best practices for architecture and patterns like MVVM, using pickers and contracts to integrate app functionality, tiles and notifications for live updates and notifications, and resources for further information.

The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React
The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose ReactThe fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React
The fundamental problems of GUI applications and why people choose React

Instead of asking people which JavaScript framework to learn, let's look back into GUI application architecture (which Web Front-end is a case). Then you will understand why people created those library & frameworks and why React became so popular.

Android Introduction on Java Forum Stuttgart 11
Android Introduction on Java Forum Stuttgart 11 Android Introduction on Java Forum Stuttgart 11
Android Introduction on Java Forum Stuttgart 11

Lars Vogel gives an overview of Android programming. Android uses the Java programming language but runs applications on the Dalvik virtual machine instead of the Java Virtual Machine. The main Android programming constructs are activities, views, intents, broadcast receivers, services, and content providers. Activities provide user interfaces, services run in the background, and broadcast receivers listen for system events.

Two processes!
Each has their own 64 bit memory space
Also their own, separate GC
Multi-core machines
Start/stop independently
Debugging? Four processes.
Rider (IntelliJ + ReSharper)
Debugger worker process
Your application
Multiple processes...
What if certain features were
running in their own process?
No need to run all the time
Own memory constraints
Start/stop/crash independently

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Bringing nullability into existing code - dammit is not the answer.pptx
Bringing nullability into existing code - dammit is not the answer.pptxBringing nullability into existing code - dammit is not the answer.pptx
Bringing nullability into existing code - dammit is not the answer.pptx

The C# nullability features help you minimize the likelihood of encountering that dreaded System.NullReferenceException. Nullability syntax and annotations give hints as to whether a type can be nullable or not, and better static analysis is available to catch unhandled nulls while developing your code. What's not to like? Introducing explicit nullability into an existing code bases is a Herculean effort. There's much more to it than just sprinkling some `?` and `!` throughout your code. It's not a silver bullet either: you'll still need to check non-nullable variables for null. In this talk, we'll see some techniques and approaches that worked for me, and explore how you can migrate an existing code base to use the full potential of C# nullability.

Nerd sniping myself into a rabbit hole... Streaming online audio to a Sonos s...
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After buying a set of Sonos-compatible speakers at IKEA, I was disappointed there's no support for playing audio from a popular video streaming service. They stream Internet radio, podcasts and what not. Well, not that service I want it to play! Determined - and not knowing how deep the rabbit hole would be - I ventured on a trip that included network sniffing on my access point, learning about UPnP and running a web server on my phone (without knowing how to write anything Android), learning how MP4 audio is packaged (and has to be re-packaged). This ultimately resulted in an Android app for personal use, which does what I initially wanted: play audio from that popular video streaming service on Sonos. Join me for this story about an adventure that has no practical use, probably violates Terms of Service, but was fun to build!

Building a friendly .NET SDK to connect to Space
Building a friendly .NET SDK to connect to SpaceBuilding a friendly .NET SDK to connect to Space
Building a friendly .NET SDK to connect to Space

Space is a team tool that integrates chats, meetings, git hosting, automation, and more. It has an HTTP API to integrate third party apps and workflows, but it's massive! And slightly opinionated. In this session, we will see how we built the .NET SDK for Space, and how we make that massive API more digestible. We will see how we used code generation, and incrementally made the API feel more like a real .NET SDK.

Shared view model
Pass around a shared view model
to interested parties
Example: Roslyn analyzers/inspections
Pass around “reference” of
{ name, icon, severity,
tooltip, text range }
Shared view model
Multiple machines
Socket-based wire protocol
Sockets can be on multiple machines
Docker debugging
Remote debugging
Unity game engine
Extension to view model
Rider plugin
Unity editor plugin

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Which NuGet package was that type in again? In this session, let's build a "reverse package search" that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result.

azure functionsazureserverless
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This document discusses .NET memory management and the garbage collector. It explains that the CLR manages memory in a heap and the garbage collector reclaims unused memory. It describes how objects are allocated in generations and discusses how to help the garbage collector perform better by reducing allocations, using value types when possible, and properly disposing of objects. The document also provides examples of hidden allocations and demonstrates tools for analyzing memory usage like ClrMD and dotMemory Unit.

.netmemory managementjetbrains
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Which NuGet package was that type in again? In this session, let's build a "reverse package search" that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result.

.net conf
Model the view as well
public CSharpInteractiveOptionsPage(Lifetime lifetime, ...)
: base(lifetime, ...) {
AddHeader("Tool settings");
AddToolPathFileChooserOption(lifetime, commonFileDialogs);
AddStringOption((CSIOptions s) => s.ToolArguments,
"Tool arguments:", "Additional tool arguments");
AddHeader("Tool window behavior");
AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnOpenToolWindow,
"Focus tool window on open");
AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnSendLineText,
"Focus tool window on Send Line");
AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.MoveCaretOnSendLineText,
"Move caret down on Send Line");
// ...
Multiple machines
WPF on macOS/Linux
Rendering on Windows
Front-end on one machine,
back-end on another

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CloudBurst 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and S...

Which NuGet package was that type in again? In this session, let's build a "reverse package search" that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result.

NDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search
NDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and SearchNDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search
NDC Oslo 2019 - Indexing and searching with Azure Functions and Search

Which NuGet package was that type in again? In this session, let's build a "reverse package search" that helps finding the correct NuGet package based on a public type. Together, we will create a highly-scalable serverless search engine using Azure Functions and Azure Search that performs 3 tasks: listening for new packages on (using a custom binding), indexing packages in a distributed way, and exposing an API that accepts queries and gives our clients the best result.

azurendc oslonuget
Approaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days Poland
Approaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days PolandApproaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days Poland
Approaches for application request throttling - Cloud Developer Days Poland

Speaking from experience building a SaaS: users are insane. If you are lucky, they use your service, but in reality, they probably abuse. Crazy usage patterns resulting in more requests than expected, request bursts when users come back to the office after the weekend, and more! These all pose a potential threat to the health of our web application and may impact other users or the service as a whole. Ideally, we can apply some filtering at the front door: limit the number of requests over a given timespan, limiting bandwidth, ... In this talk, we’ll explore the simple yet complex realm of rate limiting. We’ll go over how to decide on which resources to limit, what the limits should be and where to enforce these limits – in our app, on the server, using a reverse proxy like Nginx or even an external service like CloudFlare or Azure API management. The takeaway? Know when and where to enforce rate limits so you can have both a happy application as well as happy customers.

Every IDE as both a client and server
Front-end and back-end: separate process & memory
Whatever happens in the backend, the frontend can process the user's typing
Bring this technology to other IDE’s?
Reuse WebStorm's HTML/CSS/JS functionality in ReSharper
(e.g. Visual Studio + R# using WebStorm in back-end mode)
Rider is an IDE built on
two IDE’s
two technology stacks
Rich and easy programming model was needed to bridge the two
Protocol gave rise to
more than two processes
more than one machine
micro UI
Free trial!
Thank you!

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This document discusses indexing NuGet packages using Azure Functions and Azure Search to power search capabilities in ReSharper and Rider. It proposes using Functions triggered by changes to the catalog to download packages, index them using reflection metadata, and upload the results to an Azure Search index. Each step would be a separate function to allow independent scaling. The final system would watch the catalog, index new/updated packages, and provide APIs for searching packages by type or namespace.

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Speaking from experience building a SaaS: users are insane. If you are lucky, they use your service, but in reality, they probably abuse. Crazy usage patterns resulting in more requests than expected, request bursts when users come back to the office after the weekend, and more! These all pose a potential threat to the health of our web application and may impact other users or the service as a whole. Ideally, we can apply some filtering at the front door: limit the number of requests over a given timespan, limiting bandwidth, ... In this talk, we’ll explore the simple yet complex realm of rate limiting. We’ll go over how to decide on which resources to limit, what the limits should be and where to enforce these limits – in our app, on the server, using a reverse proxy like Nginx or even an external service like CloudFlare or Azure API management. The takeaway? Know when and where to enforce rate limits so you can have both a happy application as well as happy customers.

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Microservices for building an IDE - The innards of JetBrains Rider - NDC Oslo 2020

  • 1. Microservices for building an IDE The innards of JetBrains Rider Maarten Balliauw @maartenballiauw
  • 3. Rider Cross-platform, full-stack .NET IDE All languages, all frameworks Even WinForms (on Windows) Rider C++ in preview Lightweight, fast & yet a full IDE! Built on IntelliJ IDEA and ReSharper Helps you be more productive as a developer Free trial!
  • 5. JetBrains Founded 2000 in Prague (Czech Republic) 2000 IntelliJ Renamer 2001 IntelliJ 2004 ReSharper 2020 20+ IDE’s and other developer tools
  • 7. ReSharper IDE Project was halted (but not gone to waste) Keep functionality separate from the actual IDE Same core, IDE interoperability layer on top Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019 ReSharper command line tools (CLI) Several concepts and architecture remained
  • 8. “When will JetBrains come with its own .NET IDE?”
  • 9. Why build a .NET IDE? In 2017… “When will JetBrains come with its own .NET IDE?” ReSharper constrained by Visual Studio environment 32-bit process resource constraints Changes in VS impact ReSharper .NET Core No good and consistent cross-platform IDE
  • 10. Cross-platform... ...means a cross-platform UI toolkit is needed! ReSharper UI built with WinForms and WPF Existing ReSharper UI would need converting WinForms? (Mono sort of has it) GTKSharp? Qt?
  • 11. IntelliJ Platform Foundation of all of our IDE’s Project view, code completion, UI toolkit + Platform plugins such as version control, terminal, ... + JetBrains <product name> IDE plugins Open source (build your own IDE – e.g. Android Studio, Comma IDE & others) Windows, Linux, Mac – already cross-platform thanks to JVM
  • 12. IntelliJ Platform + R# ? IntelliJ Platform Great foundation to build on Windows, Linux, Mac JVM ReSharper (R#) All of those .NET inspections, refactorings, code generation, project model, ... .NET
  • 13. Options! Rewrite R# in Java? 16 years of implementation and knowledge Would bring 2 R# implementations... Automatic conversion? Run R# as a command-line process Already possible (thanks, 2004!) “Just need our own UI on top”
  • 14. IntelliJ Platform + R# ! Headless R# as a language server Cross-platform (.NET on Windows, .NET Core on macOS/Linux) No constraints It is ReSharper! 2 products, 1 code base IntelliJ as a thin UI Control the R# process
  • 15. Both sides are an IDE... Is IntelliJ IDEA really a thin UI? Three sorts of features... IJ handles everything R# handles almost everything Both IDE’s make a more awesome IDE
  • 16. 1 + 1 = 3 demo
  • 17. How to make them talk? Inter-process communication
  • 18. Example: Context actions (Alt+Enter) IntelliJ Text editor, caret(s) Alt+Enter key binding “Language infrastructure” + C# facade ReSharper C# language, inspections, actions IntelliJ Render actions, may add own entries Data: a tree of id, name and icon nodes
  • 19. 1. Bi-directional User can be typing A refactoring or completion may be injecting code at the same time 2. Can be implemented with delta’s IntelliJ pushes delta to R# R# pushes delta to IntelliJ Can’t really do RPC (user experience would be bad) How to handle concurrency? Data: a delta (from line + column, to line + column, text to insert) Example: Writing code
  • 20. Data types aren’t that complex... Context actions A tree of id, name and icon nodes Inspections A set of name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range Writing code Delta with from line + column, to line + column, text to insert Fairly simple messages! We can make this generic enough! e.g. make one inspection work  make them all work
  • 21. Which protocol do we use? Re-use Language Server Protocol (LSP)? Great in itself – IDE concepts like window, editor, language, diagnostics, ... We would need customizations for R# feature set Or build a custom REST-like protocol? Experimented with JSON, ProtoBuf, request/response style
  • 22. Request-action-response LSP and custom protocol are mostly request/response Every call needs context (which solution, project, file, location in code, ...) Realization: Why use this “request-action-response” flow? Why RPC? Both IDE’s share a similar model and architecture Messages are simple, but for RPC they would need context (which solution, which file, state info, ...) – overhead!
  • 23. Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) IntelliJ is our view, ReSharper provides the model Protocol is the ViewModel, sharing lightweight data Project.Files.Add("Foo.cs") Project.Files["Foo.cs"].Inspections.Add( "Possible null reference", "Warning", 20, 30, 20, 42); Both processes can react to such change (observable + observer)
  • 24. Conflict resolution... Changes to data in shared model can come from IJ and R# Can still cause conflicts due to features or timing/GC issues IntelliJ: “I just deleted file foo.cs” R#: “I just refactored foo.cs” Solutions! Locking? (freezes, how to handle deadlocks?) Conventions!
  • 25. Conflict conventions! View + Model (or client: IntelliJ + server: ReSharper) Each value stored in the view model has a version Updates by the view/client increment the version Updates by the model/server do not Only accept changes if version is the same or newer If not, the change is discarded
  • 27. Obligatory diagram Ideally, our developers do not have to know the details of this. Just create view models.
  • 28. Rider protocol “Reactive Distributed communication framework for .NET, Kotlin, JS, C++” Open source - 1. Include protocol libraries and build tools on all sides 2. Write view model in special DSL 3. Generate code 4. Work with generated model .NET/Kotlin/JS/... code generator Model definition DSL Primitives Conflict resolution, serialization, ... Sockets, batching, binary wire protocol
  • 29. Rider protocol Only need to know about a few data types & create model Conflict resolution, wire protocol, timeouts, ... handled by protocol Code generated based on the defined view model Bonus points: no reflection/introspection needed on every run Hierarchical + lifetimes
  • 30. Primitives Primitive Description Signal Event that is fired when something happens Property Observable value List/set/map Observable collections Field Immutable value Call/callback RPC-style call, needed from time to time byte, short, int, long, float, double, char, boolean, string, securestring, void, enum, ... Primitives and special types Aggregatedef/classdef/structdef A node in the viewmodel
  • 31. Signal (event) Producers/subscribers Observable/observer Using lifetime to manage subscription // Produceevent interfaceISource<T>{ voidFire(T value); } // Subscribetoevent interfaceISink<T> { voidAdvise(Lifetimel,Action<T> handler); } // Event interfaceISignal<T>:ISource<T>,ISink<T> { }
  • 32. Property Signal implementation Lifetime to manage subscription // Observableproperty interfaceIProperty<T>: ISink<T> { T Value{ get;set;} voidAdvise(Lifetimel,Action<T> handler); voidView(Lifetime l,Action<Lifetime,T>handler); }
  • 33. Hierarchical + lifetimes Cleanup and resource management Objects attach to lifetime Lifetime destroys attached objects Parent lifetime destroys children NuGet: JetBrains.Lifetimes publicclassLifetime: IDisposable{ privateStack<Action> resources = newStack<Action>(); publicvoidAttach(Actionresource){ resources.Push(resource); } publicvoidAttach(IDisposabledisposable){ resources.Push(disposable.Dispose); } publicvoidDispose(){ while(resources.Count> 0) { varresource= resources.Pop(); resource(); } } }
  • 34. Hierarchical + lifetimes Solution NuGethost Project Document Inspections PSI (Program StructureInterface) Class Field Method Document Inspections ... Project Local history NuGettool window Project Editor tab Inspections Language Editor tab Inspections Language viewmodel(Riderprotocol)
  • 36. Rider protocol Kotlin-based DSL - easy to work with for our developers Update view model, generate code, work with generated code Find Usages, Navigation, ... work while crafting model No need to think about multiple processes, state, conflict resolution, ... Cross-language, cross-platform Plugin model for Rider is more complex (IJ and R# parts may be needed)
  • 38. Two processes! Isolation! Each has their own 64 bit memory space Also their own, separate GC Multi-core machines Start/stop independently
  • 39. Debugging? Four processes. Rider (IntelliJ + ReSharper) Debugger worker process Your application
  • 40. Multiple processes... What if certain features were running in their own process? No need to run all the time Own memory constraints Start/stop/crash independently
  • 41. Shared view model Pass around a shared view model to interested parties Example: Roslyn analyzers/inspections Pass around “reference” of [ { name, icon, severity, tooltip, text range } ]
  • 43. Multiple machines Socket-based wire protocol Sockets can be on multiple machines Example: Docker debugging Remote debugging
  • 44. Unity game engine Extension to view model Rider plugin Unity editor plugin
  • 47. Model the view as well public CSharpInteractiveOptionsPage(Lifetime lifetime, ...) : base(lifetime, ...) { AddHeader("Tool settings"); AddToolPathFileChooserOption(lifetime, commonFileDialogs); AddEmptyLine(); AddStringOption((CSIOptions s) => s.ToolArguments, "Tool arguments:", "Additional tool arguments"); AddHeader("Tool window behavior"); AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnOpenToolWindow, "Focus tool window on open"); AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.FocusOnSendLineText, "Focus tool window on Send Line"); AddBoolOption((CSIOptions s) => s.MoveCaretOnSendLineText, "Move caret down on Send Line"); // ... }
  • 48. Multiple machines WPF on macOS/Linux Rendering on Windows Front-end on one machine, back-end on another ...
  • 49. Every IDE as both a client and server Front-end and back-end: separate process & memory Whatever happens in the backend, the frontend can process the user's typing Bring this technology to other IDE’s? Reuse WebStorm's HTML/CSS/JS functionality in ReSharper (e.g. Visual Studio + R# using WebStorm in back-end mode)
  • 51. Conclusion Rider is an IDE built on two IDE’s two technology stacks Rich and easy programming model was needed to bridge the two Protocol gave rise to more than two processes more than one machine micro UI Free trial!

Editor's Notes

  1. This talk is about: How Rider came to be How protocol allowed us to gain additional knowledge and ideas of separating parts of our IDEs and building TOWARDS microservices This talk is also about building a new product based on many years of previous investments
  2. Open ContosoUniversity in Rider Show solution explorer Show editor where you can type, show inspections, navigation, refactoring Mention debugging Mention tools like database Mention cross platform
  3. Now that we have seen a bit of the IDE, let’s look at some history first.
  4. Talk about history of JetBrains a bit, mention Eclipse in 2002, need for a new product. Mention ReSharper plugin to VS..
  5. ReSharper 1.0 -> 2.0 – let’s do a full IDE Rely on being a plugin to VS? Or build a full .NET IDE? It was never released, but a fully functional prototype. Provided a solution explorer, an editor, find usages, code completion and refactorings. Built on .NET WinForms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) wasn’t around. Project halted – VS plugin seemed best way to go
  6. Project halted (but not gone to waste) Concepts and architecture remained Action system Text control implementation Several tool windows and toolbar controls Unit test runner ReSharper command line tools (CLI) Keep functionality separate from the actual IDE Helped future versions of ReSharper: Visual Studio 2010, 2013, 2015 and 2017 Same core, IDE interoperability layer on top
  7. Headless R# as a language server Cross-platform (.NET on Windows, Mono on Linux and macOS) No constraints (64 bit process, and its own memory space) It is ReSharper! 2 products, 1 code base IntelliJ as a thin UI Control the R# process Client/server or IPC communication
  8. Is IntelliJ really a thin UI? Full IDE for its own languages, no need for R# there Combined languages (e.g. JS/TS/HTML in IJ and R#) Change tracking, VCS, REST client, tool windows, ... Three cases... Features where IJ handles everything Features where R# handles almost everything Features where both IDE’s make an awesome IDE Both sides are an IDE! Same concepts, but not the same knowledge about the project
  9. Open ContosoUniversity in Rider Navigate to *.html – Navigation already includes all flows! Files in IJ, symbols in IJ, symbols in R# HTML editor is purely IntelliJ Navigate to *.cshtml – Again both IDE’s at work CSHTML is both C# and HTML – now what? Both IDE’s! Navigate to HomeController C# is al ReSharper. Or is it? Show database tools + language injection with database query. Mention local history – tracked by IJ but R# needs to know about this too, e.g. in a big refactoring
  10. If we are going to make them talk, let’s look at how we could model the data that goes over the wire.
  11. Re-use Language Server Protocol (LSP)? Great in itself – IDE concepts like window, editor, language, diagnostics, ... Built for/with VS Code and the ideas in that IDE. Not bad! PoSh plugin uses this, and works fine! But feature set is a bit more limited than what we have in R#. We would need customizations... LSP is lowest common denominator – some R# refactorings can not be done Mixed languages? e.g. CSHTML which can be HTML + CSS + JS + C#/VB.NET Build a custom REST-like protocol? Experimented with JSON, ProtoBuf, request/response style Slow, hard to customize, hard to develop with when all is in motion
  12. Objects bind to other objects, instead of parent keeping track of just direct children
  13. Open empty project in Rider, install a NuGet package, show log tab Open Rider in IntelliJ IDEA NuGetModel.kt – explain it Extends the solution node in the model Has a bunch of inner classes, and properties Interesting is sink(“log”) Generated version: RdNuGetHost – Kotlin implementation of our view model In RiderNuGetLogPanel – init -> Open ReSharperHost.Generated.sln in Rider Generated version: RdNuGetHost – C# implementation of our model In NuGetNativeLogger, public override void Log(ILogMessage message) => myHost.Log.Fire( new NuGetLogMessage(message.Time, NuGetLogContext.NuGet, Convert(message.Level), message.Message)); Open Rider in IntelliJ IDEA NuGetModel.kt – find property("configFiles", immutableList(classdef("RdNuGetConfigFile") { RiderNuGetSourcesPanel – init - { newFiles -> Similar construct to subscribe to sources being added to the view model Open ReSharperHost.Generated.sln in Rider In NuGetCredentialProviderHost, show lifetime example – when solution closes the lifetime closes, so this thing cleans up as well
  14. Mention WPF, WinForms
  15. Thought experiments: WPF/XAML renderer
  16. Rider and Unity Editor can be started independently, but this does not prevent us from both processes to look for each other’s Rider Protocol connection. When both are launched and the connection is allowed, Rider can share its view model with Unity Editor and vice-versa. This lets Rider control play/pause/and stop buttons in Unity, and also provides the ability to debug code in Rider, even though it is running in the Unity Editor.
  17. Rider and Unity Editor can be started independently, but this does not prevent us from both processes to look for each other’s Rider Protocol connection. When both are launched and the connection is allowed, Rider can share its view model with Unity Editor and vice-versa. This lets Rider control play/pause/and stop buttons in Unity, and also provides the ability to debug code in Rider, even though it is running in the Unity Editor.
  18. Also way forward with R# OOP
  19. Thought experiments: WPF/XAML renderer