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Play framework workshop
January 2014, Tel Aviv

Session One: play for web developers (java)

Templates, URL mapping, reverse mapping


Forms, validation


RIA, REST, async responses (node.js style)


Play web application structure


Session Two: play beyond web app (scala)

Compossible futures


Iteratee with friends (Enumerator and Enumeratee)


Akka actors


Akka dataflow

git clone


cd play-meetup-jan14/youtube-play-java


play (or play debug)


eclipse or idea




Day one workshop steps
1. Replace the generic app home page with ours (hands-on)
2. Add Twitter Bootstrap, upgrade query
3. Add /player action and view (hands-on)
4. Add /remote action, view and HTML form
5. RIA, javascript routes
6. Implement YouTube search, make HTML dynamic with Angular.js
7. Show search results properly (hands-on)
8. ‘Play video’ server side place holder (hands-on)
9. WebSocket
10.Implement ‘Play video’ server side (hands-on)

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Step 1 (hands-on)

Change index.scala.html and/or main.scala.html, save,
refresh browser


Make errors in, routes,
index.scala.html - see the error reporting facilities of


Play with view parameters (add a new one, show it in


Run tests, fix them by editing and
Checkout step1 complete

see your changes


git status
git diff | view -

clean work dir

git stash #put your changes aside, apply them later with git stash apply


git commit -m “any commit message” #will need to merge


git checkout -- . #DANGER: removes all your changes


option - create a local branch: git checkout -b step1


go to step1 complete: git pull origin step1


option - checkout to a separate dir: git clone -b step1 step1
Step 2




Find the documentation for img-rounded, col-lg-5, btn


Change col-lg-5 to col-lg-4, see the effect


Play with styles as you wish
Step 3 (hands-on)

Add a ‘player’ action to, similar to ‘index’


Add a URL mapping to routes


Add an ‘onClick’ event to Player button in HTML, opening /player in a new
browser window


Create a new view player.scala.html, copy content from https://


Generate a random int in the ‘player’ action, and show it in the view at the


After hands-on: how to pass more sections to the main template (in
addition to @contents)

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gradlejava ee7docker
Step 4

HTML forms in Play - MVC + validation + error


Model -


Controller - create, bind, check errors


View - show form, show errors
Step 5

What is a single page application?


REST controllers in Play, producing JSON


javascript routes - why?


javascript routes - how?


Documentation: missing for Java, use Zentask
Step 6

YouTupe search API:


Mandatory parameter ‘part’. We will use ‘part=snippet’


Search parameter ‘q’


API key parameter ‘key’




Get your own key at
Step 6 cont.

AngularJS - why?


MVC in a single page application


<p>1 + 2 = {{ 1 + 2 }}</p>




Two-way binding

• ng-repeat

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Apache DeltaSpike the CDI toolbox
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javajava eejava ee 7
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jbossdeveloper studiored hat
Step 7 (hands-on)

Run queries on


Look at the result JSON


Remove searchResults.push from controllers.js,
substitute results with the real ones


Correct remoteSearch.scala.html to loop on results in
the format, created by controllers.js
Step 8 (hands-on)

Create a new action ‘playVideo’ in


Add it to routes and to javascript routes


Add a videoId and thumbnailUrl parameters to playVideo


add onPlay in controllers.js and ng-click=‘onPlay(…)’ with videoId
and thumbnail


Make AJAX call from onPlay to playVideo on server side.


Return from the server side JSON, including thumbnailUrl


Display “Video is playing” with thumbnail of current video
Step 9

WebSocket - don’t call us, we’ll call you


Player passively waits for the videoId to be sent from


onMessage: make player.loadVideoById call, provided
by YouTube API


Server-side: looks similar (onReady, onMessage,
Step 10 (hands-on)

Add playerId parameter to the Application.playVideo


Do not forget to add playerId also in routes,
remoteSearch.scala.html, controllers.js ;)


Find PlayerInfo by playerId


call playerInfo.outSocket.write with JSON containing videoId


only if that succeeds, return JSON with status “playing”


Bonus question: why there are exceptions on the server
console? (hint: “WS is open” starts with “W”)

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This document provides an agenda and summary for a workshop on developing MongoDB applications on OpenShift presented by Shekhar Gulati. The agenda includes getting started with OpenShift, developing a location-aware Java EE application using JAX-RS and CDI for REST services, and MongoDB for the database. The document discusses OpenShift, JAX-RS, CDI, and MongoDB concepts. It also outlines code samples and steps to create and deploy a sample Twitter-like application on OpenShift that supports creating, finding, and geo-searching statuses.

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This document discusses using the Play Framework for web application development on Google App Engine (GAE). It provides an overview of Play and GAE, how they work together, and some tradeoffs. Specifically, it covers how Play abstracts away the GAE infrastructure, limitations of the GAE sandbox environment, options for running Play 2 applications on GAE including using a WAR file or custom runtime, and the pros and cons of the Play Framework on GAE approach.

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Thank you and let’s stay in




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Play Framework workshop: full stack java web app

  • 2. Agenda • Session One: play for web developers (java) • • Templates, URL mapping, reverse mapping • Forms, validation • RIA, REST, async responses (node.js style) • • Play web application structure WebSocket Session Two: play beyond web app (scala) • Compossible futures • Iteratee with friends (Enumerator and Enumeratee) • Akka actors • Akka dataflow
  • 3. Setup • git clone • cd play-meetup-jan14/youtube-play-java • play (or play debug) • eclipse or idea • run • http://localhost:9000
  • 4. Day one workshop steps 1. Replace the generic app home page with ours (hands-on) 2. Add Twitter Bootstrap, upgrade query 3. Add /player action and view (hands-on) 4. Add /remote action, view and HTML form 5. RIA, javascript routes 6. Implement YouTube search, make HTML dynamic with Angular.js 7. Show search results properly (hands-on) 8. ‘Play video’ server side place holder (hands-on) 9. WebSocket 10.Implement ‘Play video’ server side (hands-on)
  • 5. Step 1 (hands-on) • Change index.scala.html and/or main.scala.html, save, refresh browser • Make errors in, routes, index.scala.html - see the error reporting facilities of Play • Play with view parameters (add a new one, show it in HTML) • Run tests, fix them by editing and
  • 6. Checkout step1 complete • see your changes • • • git status git diff | view - clean work dir • git stash #put your changes aside, apply them later with git stash apply • git commit -m “any commit message” #will need to merge • git checkout -- . #DANGER: removes all your changes • option - create a local branch: git checkout -b step1 • go to step1 complete: git pull origin step1 • option - checkout to a separate dir: git clone -b step1 step1
  • 7. Step 2 • Open • Find the documentation for img-rounded, col-lg-5, btn • Change col-lg-5 to col-lg-4, see the effect • Play with styles as you wish
  • 8. Step 3 (hands-on) • Add a ‘player’ action to, similar to ‘index’ • Add a URL mapping to routes • Add an ‘onClick’ event to Player button in HTML, opening /player in a new browser window • Create a new view player.scala.html, copy content from https:// • Generate a random int in the ‘player’ action, and show it in the view at the top • After hands-on: how to pass more sections to the main template (in addition to @contents)
  • 9. Step 4 • HTML forms in Play - MVC + validation + error reporting • Model - • Controller - create, bind, check errors • View - show form, show errors
  • 10. Step 5 • What is a single page application? • REST controllers in Play, producing JSON • javascript routes - why? • javascript routes - how? • Documentation: missing for Java, use Zentask documentation documentation/2.2.x/JavaGuide6
  • 11. Step 6 �� YouTupe search API: youtube/v3/docs/search/list#try-it • Mandatory parameter ‘part’. We will use ‘part=snippet’ • Search parameter ‘q’ • API key parameter ‘key’ • Read • Get your own key at project
  • 12. Step 6 cont. • AngularJS - why? • MVC in a single page application • <p>1 + 2 = {{ 1 + 2 }}</p> • $scope • Two-way binding • ng-repeat
  • 13. Step 7 (hands-on) • Run queries on youtube/v3/docs/search/list#try-it • Look at the result JSON • Remove searchResults.push from controllers.js, substitute results with the real ones • Correct remoteSearch.scala.html to loop on results in the format, created by controllers.js
  • 14. Step 8 (hands-on) • Create a new action ‘playVideo’ in • Add it to routes and to javascript routes • Add a videoId and thumbnailUrl parameters to playVideo • add onPlay in controllers.js and ng-click=‘onPlay(…)’ with videoId and thumbnail • Make AJAX call from onPlay to playVideo on server side. • Return from the server side JSON, including thumbnailUrl • Display “Video is playing” with thumbnail of current video
  • 15. Step 9 • WebSocket - don’t call us, we’ll call you • Player passively waits for the videoId to be sent from server • onMessage: make player.loadVideoById call, provided by YouTube API • Server-side: looks similar (onReady, onMessage, onClose)
  • 16. Step 10 (hands-on) • Add playerId parameter to the Application.playVideo • Do not forget to add playerId also in routes, remoteSearch.scala.html, controllers.js ;) • Find PlayerInfo by playerId • call playerInfo.outSocket.write with JSON containing videoId • only if that succeeds, return JSON with status “playing” • Bonus question: why there are exceptions on the server console? (hint: “WS is open” starts with “W”)
  • 17. Thank you and let’s stay in touch! • • •