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ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison

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Managing state in Angular 1.x with Redux
Managing state in Angular 1.x with ReduxManaging state in Angular 1.x with Redux
Managing state in Angular 1.x with Redux

In Angular1, each component / page manages its own internal state. In modern web apps, that approach just doesn't cut it. Different components need to share state, sometimes even across pages. Redux is one solution that solves this, but rarely do we see it being used with Angular1.X. It is more commonly used in React & Angular2 apps. In this talk we will go over the choices you have for managing an application-wide state in Angular1, and examine the integration of Angular1 with Redux.

React JS part 1
React JS part 1React JS part 1
React JS part 1

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that allows developers to create reusable UI components. It uses a virtual DOM for efficient re-rendering when data changes, and can render components on both the client-side and server-side. Key aspects of React include JSX syntax that resembles HTML, the component model for building encapsulated components, and tools like NPM, Webpack and Babel that help support React projects.

Workshop React.js
Workshop React.jsWorkshop React.js
Workshop React.js

The document provides an introduction and overview of ES6, React, and Redux. It begins with an in-depth section about new features and syntax in ES6, including variable types, arrow functions, modules, classes, and more. It then discusses React, explaining concepts like the virtual DOM, one-way data flow, JSX syntax, props, nested components, conditionals, and state/setState. Finally, it briefly introduces Redux and mentions using React components on the server and in mobile apps with React Native.

Nir Kaufman Boris Dinkevich
Frameworks Overview
Round 1
Round 2
Q&A Panel
Live Coding
Prepare Questions

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The evolution of Angular 2 @ AngularJS Munich Meetup #5
The evolution of Angular 2 @ AngularJS Munich Meetup #5The evolution of Angular 2 @ AngularJS Munich Meetup #5
The evolution of Angular 2 @ AngularJS Munich Meetup #5

The evolution of Angular 2 Angular 1 was born in 2009. Since that a lot of web standards are born and supported by most of the browsers natively. So it's time to use the new possibilities. That's how Angular 2 started. It's not just a major update. It's a whole rewrite! The key theme of this talk it to get an overview of Angular 2. I’ll walk you through what you need to know to stay up to date, explain the main concepts behind A2 and the current state. It is rounded off with some practical suggestions on how to proceed today - to make the transition from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.x easier. Original slides with animated gifs can be found here:

Reactjs workshop
Reactjs workshop Reactjs workshop
Reactjs workshop

The document outlines a React workshop covering what React is, its core concepts, and coding with React. It begins with an introduction and overview of React. It then covers key React concepts like components, the virtual DOM, JSX, state and props. Finally, it demonstrates how to start coding with React by rendering a component, using state, and working with forms. Resources for further learning are also provided at the end.

AngularJS with RequireJS
AngularJS with RequireJSAngularJS with RequireJS
AngularJS with RequireJS

These are the slides from Johannes Weber's talk which were presented on AngularJS Lightning Talks #2 (2014-06-26) in Munich. More details about the event:

Released in 2013
Production version from day one
Dedicated teams at Facebook
Game engine
Study React
Add TodoTodos
Study Redux Win! Todo
Update the state
Update the UI

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Angular vs React: Building modern SharePoint interfaces with SPFx
Angular vs React: Building modern SharePoint interfaces with SPFxAngular vs React: Building modern SharePoint interfaces with SPFx
Angular vs React: Building modern SharePoint interfaces with SPFx

This document compares AngularJS and React for building modern interfaces in SharePoint. It provides an overview of each including concepts, pros/cons and considerations for choosing between them. AngularJS is a full framework using MVC pattern while React is a library using one-way data flow. AngularJS may be better for full page experiences while React is better for component-based apps. Support and a project's needs are key factors in determining which to use.

Introduction to React JS
Introduction to React JSIntroduction to React JS
Introduction to React JS

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses virtual DOM which improves performance and can render on both client and server. React encourages a component-based approach where UI is broken into independent reusable pieces that accept external data through properties. Components manage their own state which allows the UI to update over time in response to user input. This makes React code more predictable and easier to debug than traditional two-way data binding.

reactjsreactuser experience
Introduction to react_js
Introduction to react_jsIntroduction to react_js
Introduction to react_js

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and is best for building dynamic websites like chat applications. React uses a virtual DOM for efficiently updating the view after data changes. Components are the building blocks of React and can contain state and props. The document provides an example of a simple component class and demonstrates how to add state and props. It also includes links to example code and MicroPyramid's social media profiles.

Only make browser do the changes
Never worry about $watch
Support super element-heavy pages
Virtual DOM
Browser DOM
React Native
Our code React
Virtual DOM
Just a simple diff!
Update the state…
Once in a galaxy far far away…

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Angular1x and Angular 2 for Beginners
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Angular1x and Angular 2 for Beginners

This fast-paced overview for beginners discusses some aspects of AngularJS 1.x and 2.x, which versions to learn (and why), and the technologies that you need to learn. We'll delve into examples of combining AngularJS with other technologies (such as BackboneJS and D3.js), and also address the +/- of AngularJS.

angularjs angular2 typescript d3 backbonejs
Introduction to react
Introduction to reactIntroduction to react
Introduction to react

The document summarizes Kiran Abburi's presentation on React. It covers: 1. The agenda includes basics of React, composition, data flow, JSX, React APIs, and building a todo app. 2. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and uses a component-based approach to build encapsulated pieces. 3. Data in React flows in a uni-directional way through properties (props) and state, where props are passed from parent to child components and state is internal to a component.

reactweb developmentjavascript
Starting with Reactjs
Starting with ReactjsStarting with Reactjs
Starting with Reactjs

This document provides an introduction and overview of ReactJS. It discusses that React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook and Instagram for building user interfaces. It introduces key React concepts like components, props, state, lifecycles, and differences between imperative and declarative programming. It also covers setting up a basic React project using tools like Webpack and Babel and references additional React resources.

Service Service
Service Service Service
Service Service Service

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React js basics
React js basicsReact js basics
React js basics

This document provides an introduction to ReactJS, including what it is, why people use it, and some basic concepts. It discusses how React is a declarative, efficient JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It also highlights some common use cases for React like building presentations, virtual reality experiences, shopping carts, online editors, and mobile apps. The document then covers prerequisites for learning React and introduces some of the main components that make up the React ecosystem like JSX, Babel, and module bundlers. It concludes with a quick "Hello World" example and outlines further topics to explore like components, state management, and other advanced React patterns.

Its time to React.js
Its time to React.jsIts time to React.js
Its time to React.js

ReactJS is arguably the most popular Javascript framework around for web development today. With more and more teams exploring and adopting React, here is TechTalks presentation elaborating fundamentals of React, in a code along session

Tech Talk on ReactJS
Tech Talk on ReactJSTech Talk on ReactJS
Tech Talk on ReactJS

This document provides an overview of React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It discusses what React is, why it is useful, when to use it, and its key features and components. React allows building of reusable UI components in a declarative way. It uses a virtual DOM for better performance and can render on both client and server sides. Key advantages include high performance with large data changes, reusability, and ease of building large, complex UIs. The document also provides examples of building a simple React app in steps and references for further information.

atlogysreactjsatlogys academy
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Introduction to Angular 2
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Introduction to Angular 2

Video: New language, new framework, new tools and new concepts. Angular 2 beta is ready and gives developers a solid ground to build their applications. This talk will go through the core concepts of Angular 2 including components, directives, observables and more!

Internal workshop react-js-mruiz
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Internal workshop react-js-mruiz

This document provides an introduction to React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It discusses React's fundamentals like components and unidirectional data flow. It also covers topics like JSX, props, state, lifecycles, and demos creating a component. The document aims to explain what React is, its core concepts, and how to get started using it to build user interfaces.

Angular 2 vs React
Angular 2 vs ReactAngular 2 vs React
Angular 2 vs React

This document provides an overview and comparison of Angular and React frameworks from the perspective of an experienced AngularJS and React developer. Key points of comparison addressed include React being more lightweight and modular while Angular provides more out-of-the-box functionality. Performance benchmarks generally show React as faster while Angular's testing and routing capabilities are more robust. The document avoids making definitive conclusions and emphasizes choosing based on individual needs and preferences.

User Interface

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ReactJS or Angular
ReactJS or AngularReactJS or Angular
ReactJS or Angular

Some slides I put together about some differences between Reacts eco system and Angular2. Hopefully you can use this information and links to help you decide what framework/ecosystem is best for you.

Vuejs Angularjs e Reactjs. Veja as diferenças de cada framework!
Vuejs Angularjs e Reactjs. Veja as diferenças de cada framework!Vuejs Angularjs e Reactjs. Veja as diferenças de cada framework!
Vuejs Angularjs e Reactjs. Veja as diferenças de cada framework!

Vuejs, Angularjs e Reactjs são os três principais três frameworks front-end do momento. Veja algumas semelhanças e diferenças entre cada um. Palestra no meetup de vue.js

React vs Angular: ups & downs (speaker Oleksandr Kovalov, Binary Studio)
React vs Angular: ups & downs (speaker Oleksandr Kovalov, Binary Studio)React vs Angular: ups & downs (speaker Oleksandr Kovalov, Binary Studio)
React vs Angular: ups & downs (speaker Oleksandr Kovalov, Binary Studio)

Binary Studio MEET FOR IT gatherings in Lviv, Ukraine: 5th of March 2016 our meetup was devoted to .NET platform and partly JS frameworks. ,

The leader in Flux frameworks
One single store of state!

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React Vs AnagularJS
React Vs AnagularJSReact Vs AnagularJS
React Vs AnagularJS

This document provides an overview of ReactJS and Angular, comparing their key features. It discusses their different architectural approaches, with Angular following MVVM and React following Flux. It also covers important React concepts like JSX, components, props, state, the virtual DOM, and React's event system. The document aims to help understand the core differences between these two popular frontend frameworks.

React vs angular
React vs angularReact vs angular
React vs angular

I miss my days in the army, doing C++ over Unix, without internet connection. Back then we had very primitive tools, but very limited choice. Choosing a stack for a webapp today is a mission impossible, and it just gets worse and worse. Angular 1 swept us away from Backbone completely, but now Angular 2 is a totally new framework, and React has started filling in the gap. In this talk I will discuss the principal differences of the top frameworks and their approaches In terms of style of code, community, performance, core team, typescript vs. ES6, immutable objects, flux and more.

javascriptangular 2.0architecture
Angular vs Angular 2 vs React. Сергей Александров
Angular vs Angular 2 vs React. Сергей АлександровAngular vs Angular 2 vs React. Сергей Александров
Angular vs Angular 2 vs React. Сергей Александров

Съесть собаку#2. 21/04/2016

#js #angular #angular2 #react
Easy to re-render
Easy to debug
Easy to do server rendering
Current State
Next State
Update UI…Event…

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React + Redux Introduction

Introduction to React in combination with Redux. Redux helps you to develop applications in a simple way while having features like time-travel available during development.

Getting Started with Angular 2
Getting Started with Angular 2Getting Started with Angular 2
Getting Started with Angular 2

FITC events. For digital creators. Save 10% off ANY FITC event with discount code 'slideshare' See our upcoming events at Getting Started with Angular 2 with Rob McDiarmid OVERVIEW Angular 2 is a powerful framework that lets you create fast and scalable web apps with clean and readable code. With the lessons learned from previous web frameworks and the advantages of modern web technologies, the Angular team has created a framework that will push the limits of what SPAs are capable of. In this session we’ll go through building an Angular 2.0 app from the ground up. In the process, you will learn how it handles core concepts like components, templates, services, and routing. You’ll also see how angular takes advantage of ES6 modules, Web Components, and TypeScript. By the end of the session, you’ll have a good understanding of why you might want to use Angular 2 for your next project and how to get started. OBJECTIVE Demonstrate what Angular 2 has to offer and reduce the barrier to entry. TARGET AUDIENCE Web Developers interested in learning Angular 2. ASSUMED AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE Intermediate experience with JavaScript. FIVE THINGS AUDIENCE MEMBERS WILL LEARN 1. Core concepts of the Angular 2 framework 2. How to use ES6 modules 3. The benefits of TypeScript annotations 4. How to setup an Angular 2 project from scratch 5. The ecosystem of tools that Angular 2 apps will be built on

React + Flux = Joy
React + Flux = JoyReact + Flux = Joy
React + Flux = Joy

This document introduces React and Flux, describing them as a view rendering engine and design pattern respectively that can be used together to build large web applications that maintain conceptual simplicity. It provides overviews of React's virtual DOM rendering and component-based architecture. It also summarizes Flux's unidirectional data flow pattern and role of stores, dispatcher and actions. Key aspects of using React like props, state, lifecycles and JSX syntax are outlined at a high-level.

fluxdesign patternvermont code camp
- built from scratch to be a development platform
- dedicated team at google and around the world
- currently in BETA 3
- Abstract rendering layer
- Server side rendering
- Natural native-script support
- Use of WebWorkers
- Shadow DOM components
- server-side pre-rendering, offline compile

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This document discusses using the MVVM pattern with iOS development. It introduces MVVM as an alternative to massive view controllers in MVC that is easy to test, flexible, and can provide good test coverage. It recommends using protocols, KVO, and third-party libraries like RxSwift for binding views to view models. Sample code is provided using protocols and RxSwift for unit testing. Libraries like RxSwift and ReactiveCocoa are suggested for implementing MVVM and reactive programming. References are included for further reading on using MVVM with protocol-oriented iOS and unit testing with RxSwift.

Front-End Tools and Workflows
Front-End Tools and WorkflowsFront-End Tools and Workflows
Front-End Tools and Workflows

The document discusses various tools for web development including text editors like Sublime Text and Atom, package managers like NPM and Bower, frontend frameworks like Angular and React, and asset preparation tools like Grunt and Gulp. It provides brief descriptions of the purpose and usage of each.

Customising civicrm
Customising civicrmCustomising civicrm
Customising civicrm

The various methods to customise your CiviCRM installation to meet your needs and requirements. From Melbourne CiviCRM, Oct 29th 2012

- build-tool agnostic: webpack, gulp, grunt etc..
- language support: ES5, ES6, TypeScript, Dart
- Object oriented style: plain classes
- Reactive style: RxJS built-in
- MV* style: build your data model layer with services
- Flux / Redux: uni-direction data-flow
Current State
Next State
Update UI…Event…

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MV(C, mvvm) in iOS and ReactiveCocoa
MV(C, mvvm) in iOS and ReactiveCocoaMV(C, mvvm) in iOS and ReactiveCocoa
MV(C, mvvm) in iOS and ReactiveCocoa

First, introduce about MVC and MVVM in iOS, and how to use them. Second, introduce about ReactiveCocoa in iOS and some simple example.

El combate del siglo: AngularJS vs ReactJS
El combate del siglo: AngularJS vs ReactJSEl combate del siglo: AngularJS vs ReactJS
El combate del siglo: AngularJS vs ReactJS

En 2013, Facebook lanzó una nueva librería llamada React para competir contra Google y su framework Angular. Ambos están basados en Javascript y teóricamente están hechos para desarrollar páginas web. Sin embargo, con el paso del tiempo, sobre todo Angular, se han ido utilizando para hacer aplicaciones móviles cross-platform. Por eso, hacía falta ver qué nos ofrece Angular comparado con React y ver si se podría aprovechar una combinación de los dos para poder hacer proyectos aprovechando los beneficios de ambos.

Porównanie architektur MVVM i MVC (iOS)
Porównanie architektur MVVM i MVC (iOS)Porównanie architektur MVVM i MVC (iOS)
Porównanie architektur MVVM i MVC (iOS)

Prezentacja wyjaśnia różnice pomiędzy wzorcami MVVM oraz MVC w kontekście iOS'a. Znajduje się w niej analiza dwóch prostych aplikacji: jedna korzysta ze wzorca MVVM, druga MVC

MVC Style
- Animation module (js, css & Web animation API)
- Internationalization (I18N) & accessibility
- Powerful component router
- Form system - (two-way data binding, 

change tracking, validation, and error handling)
- Http module for server-side communication
- Dependency injection for modularity and testability
- Core directives for declarative dynamic templates

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Beginner's Guide to Frontend Development: Comparing Angular, React, Ember, an...
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Beginner's Guide to Frontend Development: Comparing Angular, React, Ember, an...

Over the past several years, as the role of the browser has grown, rich desktop-like apps have emerged built entirely in the browser. To enable this movement, a new generation of powerful JavaScript frameworks have emerged including EmberJS, AngularJS, BackboneJS, and React. In this 30 minute crash course on front end frameworks, Bloc co-founder and CTO Dave Paola will cover the history of front end web development, the recent emergence of these new Javascript frameworks, and go over some of the pros and cons for learning them. We'll hear from Bloc co-founder and CTO Dave Paola and Bloc Developer Christian Schlensker. Prior to Bloc, Dave was a developer at Kontagent, has over 15 years of software development experience, and has founded numerous other companies. Christian comes to Bloc from Pinchit and TAG where he was a developer. Prior to that, Christian was also a graphic designer. In our experience, beginners are often overwhelmed by buzz words like "HTML5," "JavaScript," and "Ruby." Without an experienced guide, they can spend months going down rabbit-holes drilling into specific languages, and emerge frustrated that they can't build a real website. Dave will start by helping you visualize the front end web development landscape. Comparing Angular, Ember, Backbone, and React 2 Once you understand the landscape, Dave will introduce the four major front end frameworks that have emerged over the past two years. He'll discuss the pros and cons of learning each one, from the point of view of a beginner. These four frameworks are: AngularJS, EmberJS, BackboneJS, and ReactJS.

web developmenthtml5fronted developer
Choosing Javascript Libraries to Adopt for Development
Choosing Javascript Libraries to Adopt for DevelopmentChoosing Javascript Libraries to Adopt for Development
Choosing Javascript Libraries to Adopt for Development

"Sorting out the JS Mess" was the title of my sample presentation I led at @Red Academy, talking about how the history of the development workflow with Javascript and how it influences what tools, libraries and steps we take to develop web and mobile apps. I featured a demo using React, and discussed Angular 2, JQuery, Meteor, and other Javascript libraries and frameworks from the context of my development experience.

programmingcodeweb design and development
Released 2013 (2+ years)
Used extensively in production
Beta 3 Released in 2016
currently used in production only
inside of Google
• Massive adoption abroad by startups
and companies
• Initial adoption in Israel
• Active and growing React community
• Multiple companies started PoC
the technology
• Initial adoption in Israel
• Community interest exploding
• Active and growing React community
• Huge amounts of quality Courses &
• Community interest exploding
• official conferences in Europe &
• large amount of angular local
communities around the world
• massive amount of Books, Videos,
Tutorials, Courses and posts

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React vs-angular-mobile
React vs-angular-mobileReact vs-angular-mobile
React vs-angular-mobile

This document compares Angular and React frameworks for mobile development, discussing hybrid solutions using Ionic and native solutions using React Native. It provides an overview of Angular and React, describing Angular as an MVC framework with two-way binding and React as a component-based library with unidirectional data flow. It then discusses Ionic as an Angular-based hybrid framework that allows access to some native APIs and React Native, which compiles JavaScript to native code for better performance and full native API access. In the comparison section, it summarizes that Ionic shares more code with the web but has limited performance and native capabilities, while React Native requires more platform-specific code but has native performance and full feature support.

React.js at Cortex
React.js at CortexReact.js at Cortex
React.js at Cortex

How Cortex used Facebook's React.js and Flux architecture to turn our webapp into a super-fast single-page application.

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In this slidedeck learn how Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit web components enable a higher level of productivity, agility, and maintainability of rich client web applications. The reusable components can be shared across pages, applications, and teams—and even across the global community. The components can be developed separately from the applications that consume them and can be deployed and updated independently. They are also well-suited to be used as the user interface for a microservice that is mashed up in a larger web application or portal. Learn the why and how of Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit web components, tooling to use for productivity and agility, and a proven approach for microservice UI implementation.

oracle jetweb componentmicroservices
ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison
ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison
ReactJS vs AngularJS - Head to Head comparison
• Gradual small improvements
• Easy upgrade path (angular hah!)
• milestones and development
process (public)
• tutorials and tools for easier
migration from angular 1.x
• dedicate team of 28 google
engineers +community

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React js basics


This document provides an introduction to React and teaches how to build a basic React application. It outlines prerequisites like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. The learning objectives are to explore React and JSX, create a React project, make components, and add styling. Key concepts covered include what JSX is, using components, and displaying dynamic data. Exercises guide setting up a project and component.


This document provides an introduction to React and teaches how to build a basic React application. It outlines prerequisites like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge. The learning objectives are to explore React and JSX, create a React project, make components, and add styling. Key concepts covered include what JSX is, how to create and render components, and displaying dynamic data. Exercises guide setting up a project and component.

• Extensive eco system
• Components for every need
• Growing eco system
• Angular 1.x components are
currently in migration process
• Easy integration with components
made in other frameworks /
• ES6/7 Focused
• TypeScript adding extensive JSX
• ES6 / TypeScript focused (ES5 and
Dart as well)
• Standart HTML / CSS (react??)
• Webpack & Babel • Webpack /gulp / grunt / etc…
• TSC or Babel
• Angular CLI (game changer!)

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O365 Developer Bootcamp NJ 2018 - Material
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This document provides information about a Global Office 365 Bootcamp 2018 event being held in Iselin, New Jersey. It introduces the organizers Tom Daly, Paul Galvin, and Adnan Rafique. It then provides an overview of topics that will be covered, including setting up an Office 365 tenant and development environment, an introduction to SharePoint client-side web parts and extensions, building "Hello World" examples, connecting to SharePoint APIs, an introduction to React, and other important React concepts like components, props, state, and lifecycle methods. Links are provided to Microsoft documentation for many of the code examples and tutorials that will be shown.

spfxoffice 365 developerdeveloper
React Native and the future of web technology (Mark Wilcox) - GreeceJS #15
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What's all the hype about React Native? What is it? How does it work? Why does it matter and what clues does it give us about the future of web development? Did you know there's a React Native for the Web? What's that all about? It can't be all good, what's wrong with it? Where should you go to find out more?


The document provides an overview of React including its introduction, prerequisites, installation, fundamentals, components, life cycle, routing, hooks, Redux, projects, testing, comparison to Angular, and tips for React developers. It discusses key React concepts such as JSX, props, state, events, DOM, and virtual DOM.

• What is VirtualDOM • encapsulated structure and style
• part of web components spec
• exciting technology (not invented..)
• JSX - Next slide • Standart JavaScript - (.js or .ts)
• Standard HTML - can be written as
a separate file, valid, (.html)
• Standard CSS - can be written as a
separate file, valid (.css)
• directives - declarative abstractions,
extends element behaviour.
• bind to native element properties
and events - no wrappers!
<Component />
<h1>Regular HTML tags</h1> 

<Hello title=‘React rules!’/>
<StuffInside />
Some text with { 4 - 3 } expressions in it.


const Hello = ({ title }) => <h1>{ title }</h1>;
h1 {

font-weight: bold;


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React && React Native workshop
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React && React Native workshop

This document provides an introduction to React and React Native. It begins with an overview of ReactJS, including its motivation as a library for building user interfaces and key concepts like components, the virtual DOM, JSX, immutability, and one-way data flow. It then covers React Native, explaining how it uses native components to render interfaces for mobile rather than HTML/CSS. The document concludes with exercises for creating basic React and React Native apps.

Red Hat JBoss BRMS and BPMS Workbench and Rich Client Technology
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Red Hat JBoss BRMS and BPMS Workbench and Rich Client Technology

This is an overview video that shows the scope of work and technology used within the Red Hat JBoss BRMS and BPMS platforms. The technology presented builds with GWT, Errai and UberFire as the foundation. Over 2015 we'll be working to make it for end users to consume the bits they need, paying for only what they use, so others can make power web platforms like BRMS and BPMS.

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Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]
Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]
Full Stack React Workshop [CSSC x GDSC]

React FUNdamentals Jarrod Servilla, Daniel Laufer, and Milind Vishnoi on October 27, 2021 Learn the fundamentals of React!

import {Component} from 'angular2/core';


selector: 'hello-angular',

templateUrl: 'hello.html',

styleUrls: ['hello.css']


class HelloAngular { . . . }
h1 {

font-weight: bold;

<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
• FLUX • Zone.js - proxy for all the async
methods in the browser
• two-way, one-way, one-time
binding mechanism
• Flux, RxJS (streaming) and ‘classic’
Model style data flows
• No $digest, $apply, $scope,
• No need for browser
• Mocking tools
• Build in E2E (click())
(next slide)
• No need for browser
• Mocking tools out of the box
• Testable from the ground up thanks
to dependency injection
React Tests
const component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(

<MyComponent />


const button = component



const label = component




.toEqual('I have been clicked!');

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Introduction to web application development with Vue (for absolute beginners)...Introduction to web application development with Vue (for absolute beginners)...
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In this slide deck I show you how you can easily and quickly create quite rich web applications with Vue 3 – without having to study complex concepts or understand many technical details. I have only recently learned how to work with Vue 3 myself and now is the best time for me to share my learning experience (and my enthusiasm) with you. I know what I found essential to understand and what most got me excited in these early steps (what was a little bit hard to grasp). I believe that I can present my steps and guide you to experience the same fun and have a similarly gratifying experience. I am not an expert in this subject – I have barely learned how to walk and that is why I can help you with these first steps with Vue. In this deck, I do not explain how Vue works. I do not really know that. I will show you how to work with it and how to create web applications that are functional, appealing, fast and responsive. The approach I am taking is straightforward: • I will tell you a little bit about web development, browsers and reactive frameworks • I will show the hello world of Vue applications • I will explain about components and nesting, events, data binding and reactive behavior and demonstrate these concepts • I will introduce Vue UI Component libraries – and with no effort at all we will launch our application to the next level – with rich components to explore, manipulate, visualize data collections • We will publish the web application from our development environment to where the whole world could see it – using GitHub Pages • As bonus topic – we discuss state management At the end of this session you will be able to quickly create a simple yet rich web application with Vue 3. You have a starting point to further evolve your skills with the many online resources I am convinced that you will enjoy your newfound powers and the simplicity and power of Vue 3. Note: a tutorial accompanies this slide deck - see

vueweb developmentreactive
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
MongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch TutorialMongoDB.local Seattle 2019: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
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Turbocharge your development efforts your with a "hands on" introduction to quickly building apps using the MongoDB database as a service offering known as Atlas and the serverless / REST based application development environment known as Stitch. We'll begin with a brief introduction to MongoDB, Atlas, and Stitch. You will learn about 3 real world examples of two day prototypes and rapid production cycles. You will then create your own free MongoDB Atlas database as a service cluster. Then you will write your first Stitch application to put data into your database and query data out of it. You will learn how to enhance your application with serverless stitch functions and triggers. At the end of the 90 minute session you will have a hands on experience and good grasp of how to write custom serverless applications with MongoDB.

mongodbmongodb.localmongodb stitch
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...
The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and ...

This slide deck was used in support of BTE 102 - The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular.js and domino at IBMConnectED 2015 Presentation was given with Mark Leusink

ibm ibmconnected angularjs domino xpages sharepoin
(next slide)
Server Rendering
• Server rendering support (angular
• WebWorker support
Server rendering
import { renderToString } from ‘react-dom/server';

// Render the component to a string

const html = renderToString(


<h1>Hello from the server!</h1>



import { render } from ‘react-dom';



<h1>Hello from the server!</h1>



• React Native
• Same code on Android & iOS
• Using Native Components!
• No crappy WebView wrappers (ionic/
• Server side rendering for web-
• Natural integration with native-
script (native components, no
• React Chrome extension
• Easy “state” inspection
• Great action replay with redux
• redux dev tool for redux
• built-in inspection tool
• TypeScript support through IDE’s
and sourceMaps

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The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular js an...
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The future of web development write once, run everywhere with angular js an...

This document provides a summary of a presentation on using AngularJS and IBM Domino to build modern web applications. The presentation introduces AngularJS, an open-source JavaScript framework, and how it uses a model-view-controller architecture. It also discusses using IBM Domino as a RESTful backend service via Domino Access Services or a custom REST API. The presentation demonstrates a sample conference scheduling app built with AngularJS, Bootstrap, and data from an IBM Domino database. The app runs entirely on the client-side and shows how AngularJS allows building portable web apps that can run on any device or platform.

Introduction to React Native
Introduction to React NativeIntroduction to React Native
Introduction to React Native

React has been named the front-end library to learn in 2016! React Native has also picked up tremendous steam as a way to build cross-platform apps with React. In this talk, Rami will do a quick 5 minute introduction to React's core concepts. Following, Rami will introduce React Native, discuss the differences between React & React Native, and show you how to build a simple Android application. By the end of this talk, you will have a greater grasp of the ecosystem and leave with new tools in your developer arsenal.

mobilemobile application developmentwebdev

This document discusses React.js and its use for frontend development. It covers the key features and advantages of React, how it works, its architecture including components and the virtual DOM, comparisons to other frameworks like Angular, and examples of companies that use React like Facebook and Netflix. The summary is: React.js is a popular library for building user interfaces that uses reusable components and a virtual DOM for improved performance. It has advantages over frameworks like Angular in being easier to learn and use due to its simpler architecture and unidirectional data flow. Major companies like Facebook use React for significant parts of their applications, demonstrating its widespread adoption.

Angular is a development platform
aimed for modern most demanding
web and mobile applications.
Angular2 built from several modules
working together to supply high level
abstractions and API’s for building
complex applications with ease.
Nuth said
We are looking for
rockstars to join our band

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HTML5 Comprehensive Guide

HTML 5 is the 5th revision of the core HTML language specification defined by the W3C. It introduces many new features including native multimedia support through elements like <video> and <audio>, canvas element for 2D drawing, offline web applications, and more. The WHATWG and W3C jointly oversee the standardization process, with the specification being implemented across modern browsers though some features have uneven support. HTML5 aims to enhance the web platform with native functionality that was previously only available through plug-ins like Flash.

MongoDB.local Atlanta: MongoDB Stitch Tutorial
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This document summarizes a MongoDB "Hands On" Stitch tutorial presentation. The presentation provided an overview of MongoDB Atlas and Stitch, demonstrated a basic blog tutorial to show how quickly applications can be built, and had attendees complete a hands-on tutorial creating an Atlas cluster and Stitch application. It discusses how the tutorial enabled developers at various companies and events.

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Reconciling ReactJS as a View Layer Replacement (MidwestJS 2014)

This document discusses React, a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It notes that React uses virtual DOM for faster rendering. React components render on state changes and use props and state as inputs. Scaling with React involves using Flux architecture and stores instead of MVC controllers. React can also be integrated with other frameworks like Backbone and Angular by triggering re-renders on data changes.

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