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Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content

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Load Balancing with Nginx
Load Balancing with NginxLoad Balancing with Nginx
Load Balancing with Nginx

Nginx is a popular tool for load balancing and caching. It offers high performance, reliability and flexibility for load balancing through features like upstream modules, health checks, and request distribution methods. It can also improve response times and handle traffic spikes through caching static content and supporting techniques like stale caching.

load balancingloadbalancerload balancer
Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]
Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]
Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]

(Surge 2014) This is a longer version of our Velocity 2014 slides around caching dynamic content. Topic: In the past, CDNs have been used to cache and distribute static objects. But issues around invalidation, staleness, and lack of visibility have prevented us from using CDNs to fully leverage the benefits of caching when it comes to dynamic content. Today, using a real-time, modern CDN that provides instant cache invalidation and real-time analytics allows for instantaneous control over dynamic content caching.

cdncaching contentcontent delivery network
Usenix LISA 2012 - Choosing a Proxy
Usenix LISA 2012 - Choosing a ProxyUsenix LISA 2012 - Choosing a Proxy
Usenix LISA 2012 - Choosing a Proxy

The document provides a summary and comparison of various proxy caching servers including Apache Traffic Server (ATS), Nginx, Squid, and Varnish. It discusses the pros and cons of each in terms of HTTP/1.1 support, performance, scalability, ease of use, features, and extensibility. While each has strengths, the document concludes that ATS and Squid have the most complete HTTP protocol support according to independent tests, but ATS has better performance and is easier to configure than Squid. Nginx is good for web serving but its caching capabilities are limited. Varnish has the best performance but more limited protocol support.

Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content

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HTTP caching with Varnish
HTTP caching with VarnishHTTP caching with Varnish
HTTP caching with Varnish

With the Varnish caching proxy you can make websites blazingly fast. The basics are quite simple once you understand how cache handling in HTTP works. For starters, we will look into HTTP and Varnish configuration. The main course is going to be test-driven cache invalidation and the cache tagging strategy. For desserts, there will be an introduction to Edge Side Includes (ESI). All of this will be liberally sprinkled with examples from the FOSHttpCache library and some ideas from the FOSHttpCacheBundle for Symfony2.

Building your own CDN using Amazon EC2
Building your own CDN using Amazon EC2Building your own CDN using Amazon EC2
Building your own CDN using Amazon EC2

October 14 2009 New York Web Performance Group Session. Rusty Conover is talking about his experience at InfoGears building Content Delivery Network (CDN) on top of Amazon EC2

web performance web performance amazon ec2 cdn
Supercharging Content Delivery with Varnish
Supercharging Content Delivery with VarnishSupercharging Content Delivery with Varnish
Supercharging Content Delivery with Varnish

You have amazing content and you want to get it to your users as fast as possible. In today’s industry, milliseconds matter and slow websites will never keep up. You can use a CDN but they are expensive, make you dependent on a third party to deliver your content, and can be notoriously inflexible. Enter Varnish, a powerful, open-source caching reverse proxy that lives in your network and lets you take control of how your content is managed and delivered. We’ll discuss how to install and configure Varnish in front of a typical web application, how to handle sessions and security, and how you can customize Varnish to your unique needs. This session will teach you how Varnish can help you give your users a better experience while saving your company and clients money at the same time.

•  Serving	
– Lack	
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content

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London devops logging
London devops loggingLondon devops logging
London devops logging

Tomas Doran presented on their implementation of Logstash at TIM Group to process over 55 million messages per day. Their applications are all Java/Scala/Clojure and they developed their own library to send structured log events as JSON to Logstash using ZeroMQ for reliability. They index data in Elasticsearch and use it for metrics, alerts and dashboards but face challenges with data growth.

How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides
How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - SlidesHow To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides
How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides

We continuously see great interest in MySQL load balancing and HAProxy, so we thought it was about time we organised a live webinar on the topic! Here is the replay of that webinar! As most of you will know, database clusters and load balancing go hand in hand. Once your data is distributed and replicated across multiple database nodes, a load balancing mechanism helps distribute database requests, and gives applications a single database endpoint to connect to. Instance failures or maintenance operations like node additions/removals, reconfigurations or version upgrades can be masked behind a load balancer. This provides an efficient way of isolating changes in the database layer from the rest of the infrastructure. In this webinar, we cover the concepts around the popular open-source HAProxy load balancer, and show you how to use it with your SQL-based database clusters. We also discuss HA strategies for HAProxy with Keepalived and Virtual IP. Agenda: * What is HAProxy? * SQL Load balancing for MySQL * Failure detection using MySQL health checks * High Availability with Keepalived and Virtual IP * Use cases: MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster and MySQL Replication * Alternative methods: Database drivers with inbuilt cluster support, MySQL proxy, MaxScale, ProxySQL

virtual ipkeepalivedgalera cluster

This document summarizes a talk given at ApacheCon 2015 about replacing Squid with Apache Traffic Server (ATS) as the proxy server at Yahoo. It discusses the history of using Squid at Yahoo, limitations with Squid that led to considering ATS, key differences in configuration between the two, how features like caching, logging, and peering are implemented in each, and lessons learned from the migration process.

Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content
•  Serving	
– Lack	
•  Serving	
– Lack	
•  Real-­‐+me	
– Real-­‐+me	
– Real-­‐+me	

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5 things you didn't know nginx could do
5 things you didn't know nginx could do5 things you didn't know nginx could do
5 things you didn't know nginx could do

NGINX is a well kept secret of high performance web service. Many people know NGINX as an Open Source web server that delivers static content blazingly fast. But, it has many more features to help accelerate delivery of bits to your end users even in more complicated application environments. In this talk we'll cover several things that most developers or administrators could implement to further delight their end users.

web performancewebservernginx
How to monitor NGINX
How to monitor NGINXHow to monitor NGINX
How to monitor NGINX

Joined by Rick Nelson, Technical Solutions architect from NGINX Server Density take you though the do's and don'ts of monitoring NGINX. Critical and non critical metrics to monitor, important alerts to configure and the best monitoring tools available.

Extending functionality in nginx, with modules!
Extending functionality in nginx, with modules!Extending functionality in nginx, with modules!
Extending functionality in nginx, with modules!

A presentation about module-writing for nginx. Example code can be found at github:

•  Generally,	
– Op+mize	
– “DSA”	
– Middle	
– TCP	
•  We	
–  Short	
–  Not	
•  Ex:	
•  ESI	
–  Par+al	
–  Hard	

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Interactive web. O rly?
Interactive web. O rly?Interactive web. O rly?
Interactive web. O rly?

The document discusses the history and fundamentals of interactive web technologies. It begins with HTTP and its limitations for pushing data from server to client. It then covers early techniques like meta refresh and AJAX polling. It discusses longer polling, HTTP chunked responses, and forever frames. It introduces Comet and web sockets as solutions providing true real-time bidirectional communication. It also covers server-sent events. In conclusion, it recommends using all these techniques together and frameworks like Socket.IO and SignalR that abstract the complexities and provide high-level APIs.

Building Scalable Websites with Perl
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Building Scalable Websites with Perl

This document discusses techniques for building scalable websites with Perl, including: 1) Caching at various levels (page, partial page, and database caching) to improve performance and reduce load on application servers. 2) Using job queuing and worker processes to distribute processing-intensive tasks asynchronously instead of blocking web requests. 3) Leveraging caching and queueing libraries like Cache::FastMmap, Memcached, and Spread::Queue to implement caching and job queueing in Perl applications.

Introduction to performance tuning perl web applications
Introduction to performance tuning perl web applicationsIntroduction to performance tuning perl web applications
Introduction to performance tuning perl web applications

This document provides an introduction to performance tuning Perl web applications. It discusses identifying performance bottlenecks, benchmarking tools like ab and httperf to measure performance, profiling tools like Devel::NYTProf to find where time is spent, common causes of slowness like inefficient database queries and lack of caching, and approaches for improvement like query optimization, caching, and infrastructure changes. The key messages are that performance issues are best identified through measurement and profiling, database queries are often the main culprit, and caching can help but adds complexity.

•  Dynamic	
•  Sta+c	
•  Unpredictable	
–  Standard	
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content

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I can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and Spring
I can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and SpringI can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and Spring
I can't believe it's not a queue: Kafka and Spring

Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that allows for publishing and subscribing to streams of records. It provides functionality for building real-time data pipelines and streaming apps. The document discusses Kafka concepts like producers, consumers, topics, partitions and offsets. It also provides examples of using Kafka with Java and Spring, and describes how Heroku uses Kafka for logging and metrics aggregation.

Using NGINX as an Effective and Highly Available Content Cache
Using NGINX as an Effective and Highly Available Content CacheUsing NGINX as an Effective and Highly Available Content Cache
Using NGINX as an Effective and Highly Available Content Cache

In this presentation we take a look at the basics of content caching with NGINX as well as advanced configuration and implantation.

CDN 2.0
CDN 2.0CDN 2.0
CDN 2.0

CDN 2.0 aims to be a platform that efficiently controls and utilizes diverse resources. CDNs have evolved from primarily delivering content over distribution and networking infrastructure to now providing computing power for tasks like security, cryptography, big data processing and media transcoding using resources like GPU/RAM, SSDs and advanced protocols. This allows CDNs to take on more complex workloads beyond basic content delivery.

cdnfog computingwaf
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content
•  Performance	
–  Faster	
–  Faster	
–  Happy	
•  Offload	
–  Less	
–  Less	

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Introduction to chinacache services
Introduction to chinacache servicesIntroduction to chinacache services
Introduction to chinacache services

ChinaCache is a leading content delivery network (CDN) and internet data center (IDC) provider that has been serving global brands since 1998. It has over 11,000 servers globally and delivers over 6 billion pages and 60 million unique IP visits daily. ChinaCache provides fast content delivery, video streaming, file downloads, and other services to customers across industries such as media, gaming, automotive and government agencies. It aims to be the global gateway to growth by leveraging its local strength in China and global experience.

china cdn idc icp
China cache IDC Services 201611
China cache IDC Services 201611 China cache IDC Services 201611
China cache IDC Services 201611

The document provides information about ChinaCache, a Nasdaq-listed company that operates data centers (DCs) in China. It discusses ChinaCache's DC infrastructure and operations, including an introduction to their Atecsys campus in Beijing, which has 9,000 racks across 9 buildings and is one of ChinaCache's largest DCs. The document also reviews ChinaCache's network architecture, fiber connectivity, power and cooling systems, and their ability to provide colocation solutions to customers in DCs with tier 3+ reliability.

hostingidcchina idc
How Content Delivery Networks Work
How Content Delivery Networks WorkHow Content Delivery Networks Work
How Content Delivery Networks Work

In MicroMarketMonitor’s recent report, it was noted that the North American content delivery network market is expected to grow from $1.95 billion in 2013 to $7.83 billion in 2019. One significant factor driving this growth is end user interaction with online content. The interaction between a user and online content is far more complex today than it was a few years ago. Today’s users are much more likely to be streaming a longer video from a mobile phone or accessing a SaaS portal when working from home. These are far more complex experiences that did not exist five or so years ago. Given the expected growth of the CDN market in the coming years, this post will define exactly what a CDN is and how it operates. A content delivery network, also called a CDN, improves the performance, security and reliability of a website. Since the start of the internet, websites have evolved in how they deliver content to the end user. In the example below, you will see the CDNetworks’ Twitter stream. Highlighted in red, is what is known as static content. The CDNetworks logo and profile descriptions are basic graphics and HTML text that rarely change. Highlighted in yellow, is what is known as dynamic content. The Twitter stream represents content that is always changing and moving.

cdnetworkscontent delivery networkcdn
•  Invalida+on	
•  Granular	
•  Instantaneous	
– Big	
•  Instant	
– As	
– Instant	
•  Purge	
– Surrogate	
– Using	

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Developing a Globally Distributed Purging System
Developing a Globally Distributed Purging SystemDeveloping a Globally Distributed Purging System
Developing a Globally Distributed Purging System

(Surge 2014) How do you build a distributed cache invalidation system that can invalidate content in 150 milliseconds across a global network of servers? Fastly CTO Tyler McMullen and engineer Bruce Spang will discuss the process of constructing a production-ready distributed system built on solid theoretical foundations. This talk will cover using research to design systems, the bimodal multicast algorithm, and the behavior of this system in production.

content delivery networkcontent deliverydynamic content
What we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and Performance
What we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and PerformanceWhat we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and Performance
What we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and Performance

CDNs provide caching and delivery of web content but are often misused. CDNs can cache more dynamic content than typically done and improve performance. Precise measurement is still difficult, such as determining cache hit rates and impacts of memory versus disk hits. Overall, CDNs have more potential for optimization and caching improvements remain an ongoing challenge.

software testingcontent delivery networksoftware
Advanced VCL Workshop - Rogier Mulhuijzen and Stephen Basile at Fastly Altitu...
Advanced VCL Workshop - Rogier Mulhuijzen and Stephen Basile at Fastly Altitu...Advanced VCL Workshop - Rogier Mulhuijzen and Stephen Basile at Fastly Altitu...
Advanced VCL Workshop - Rogier Mulhuijzen and Stephen Basile at Fastly Altitu...

Fastly Altitude - June 25, 2015. Want to integrate Fastly with a paywall, or learn how to efficiently do a large amount of redirects from VCL? This workshop with Fastly engineers Rogier Mulhuijzen and Stephen Basile is a deep dive into six advanced use cases and the VCL needed for them. Rogier's bio: Rogier “Doc” Mulhuijzen is a Varnish wizard and senior professional services engineer at Fastly where he focuses on performance tuning and troubleshooting. When he’s not helping customers, he sits on the Varnish Governance Board, where he helps give direction and solve issues for the Varnish open source project. Formerly an Oracle DBA and Unix admin, Rogier learned scaling while working for Ziggo, a major Dutch ISP.

advanced vclfastly altitudevarnish
•  The	
•  No	
•  Real-­‐+me	
•  Infrastructure	
– Your	
•  Programmability	
– Configura+on	
– Invalida+on	
– Instantaneous	
– Granular	
•  Ex:	
•  Moving	
•  VCL	
– Varnish	
– Script-­‐like	
•  Real	
–  Network	
–  HTTP	
–  Caching	
–  Stats	
•  Logging	
–  Real	
–  Streaming	

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It Probably Works
It Probably WorksIt Probably Works
It Probably Works

Probabilistic algorithms exist to solve problems that are either impossible or unrealistic (too expensive, too time consuming, etc.) to solve precisely. In an ideal world, you would never actually need to use probabilistic algorithms. For programmers who are not familiar with them, the concept can be positively nerve-racking: “How do I know it will actually work? What if it is inexplicably wrong? How can I debug it? Maybe we should just punt on this problem or buy a whole lot more servers. . .” However, for those who either deeply understand probability theory or at least have used and observed the behavior of probabilistic algorithms in large-scale production environments, these algorithms are not only acceptable but also worth using at any opportunity. This is because they can help solve problems, create systems that are less expensive and more predictable, and do things that could not be done otherwise.

software developmentalgorithmsopen source software
The Fallacy of Fast - Ines Sombra at Fastly Altitude 2015
The Fallacy of Fast - Ines Sombra at Fastly Altitude 2015The Fallacy of Fast - Ines Sombra at Fastly Altitude 2015
The Fallacy of Fast - Ines Sombra at Fastly Altitude 2015

Fastly Altitude - June 25, 2015. Ines Sombra, a Systems Engineer at Fastly, talks about lessons learned in rapid systems development. Video of the talk: Ines' bio: Ines Sombra is a Systems Engineer at Fastly, where she spends her time helping the Web go faster. Ines holds an M.S. in Computer Science and an M.S. in Information Management from Washington University in Saint Louis. Being a true Argentine, she has a fondness for steak, fernet, and a pug named Gordo.

rapid systems developmentcontent delivery networkfastly altitude
Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015
Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015
Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015

Fastly Altitude - June 25, 2015. Chief SpeedCurver Steve Souders explains how design and web performance are more interconnected than ever before. Users want a fast website with a rich design, but sometimes the interplay between design and performance feels like a fixed sum game: one side's gain is the other side's loss. Design and performance are indeed connected, but it's more like the yin and yang. They aren't opposing forces, but instead complement each other. Bringing these processes together produces experiences that are rich and fast. Video from the talk: Steve's bio: Steve Souders is a co-founder at SpeedCurve, where he develops web performance services. His book, High Performance Web Sites, explains his best practices for performance; it was #1 in Amazon's Computer and Internet bestsellers. His follow-up book, Even Faster Web Sites, provides performance tips for today's Web 2.0 applications. Steve is the creator of many performance tools and services including YSlow, the HTTP Archive, Cuzillion, Jdrop, SpriteMe, ControlJS, and Browserscope. He serves as co-chair of Velocity, the web performance and operations conference from O'Reilly, and is co-founder of the Firebug Working Group.

high performance websiteweb performancewebsite acceleration

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Fallacy of Fast
Fallacy of FastFallacy of Fast
Fallacy of Fast

The document discusses common mistakes made when prioritizing speed over quality, such as de-emphasizing testing, releases, operations, insights, security, and knowledge. It recommends focusing on system design, configurations, limits, growth, processes, resources, and building resilience through redundancies and documentation. Testing the full system, having playbooks, and minding assumptions and dependencies are emphasized.

software developmentsoftware engineeringsoftware testing
Performance Measuring & Monitoring - Catchpoint CEO Mehdi Daoudi at Fastly Al...
Performance Measuring & Monitoring - Catchpoint CEO Mehdi Daoudi at Fastly Al...Performance Measuring & Monitoring - Catchpoint CEO Mehdi Daoudi at Fastly Al...
Performance Measuring & Monitoring - Catchpoint CEO Mehdi Daoudi at Fastly Al...

Fastly Altitude - June 25, 2015. Catchpoint CEO Mehdi Daoudi talks about performance measuring and monitoring. Video from the talk: Mehdi's bio: Mehdi is the founder and CEO of Catchpoint, the fastest-growing Web Performance Monitoring Solution. The Catchpoint vision is to provide the best IT analytics & intelligence to help companies improve their end user performance and keep an eye on their infrastructure and vendors. Before Catchpoint, Mehdi spent 10+ years at DoubleClick and Google, where he was responsible for Quality of Services, buying, building, deploying and using various internal and external monitoring solutions to keep an eye on the DART infrastructure delivering billions of transactions a day using thousands of servers, routers, and various other web performance systems.

high performance websiteperformance monitoringperformance measuring
Applying Varnish
Applying VarnishApplying Varnish
Applying Varnish

This document discusses applying Varnish, including topics like the VCL (Varnish Configuration Language), request flow, sticky origins, localized site redirects, token authentication, and third party authentication. It concludes by inviting any questions from the audience.

varnish configuration languagevarnishfastly
Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content

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Top 5 Things I've Messed Up in Live Streaming
Top 5 Things I've Messed Up in Live StreamingTop 5 Things I've Messed Up in Live Streaming
Top 5 Things I've Messed Up in Live Streaming

June 24, 2014 - SF Video Technology Meetup. Live streaming can be difficult and challenging, yet extremely rewarding. In the video gaming world, it has become the most powerful way of reaching your audience. It combines traditional web technologies with even more traditional broadcast video stacks in a "it's going live now" environment. In this presentation Lee Chen, head of product at Fastly, goes over the top 5 things that have lost him sleep, made his eyebrows go up, and sometimes even made him fail -- what he did to correct it.

video streaminglive videofastly
Confident Refactoring - Ember SF Meetup
Confident Refactoring - Ember SF MeetupConfident Refactoring - Ember SF Meetup
Confident Refactoring - Ember SF Meetup

This document discusses refactoring techniques for Ember applications. It describes using tests to guide refactoring, including custom test helpers for things like finding elements. An example shows refactoring a service for making requests by version into a more generic resource service. The recap encourages relying on tests, writing targeted helpers, addressing code smells, adding features, applying the "three times rule" of repetition, and refactoring during upgrades.

open source softwaretechnologysoftware development
It Probably Works - QCon 2015
It Probably Works - QCon 2015It Probably Works - QCon 2015
It Probably Works - QCon 2015

The document discusses probabilistic algorithms and their use for solving count-distinct problems. It explains that probabilistic algorithms provide probabilistically bounded error rates rather than exact answers. The count-distinct problem aims to estimate the number of unique elements in a large dataset and is used in applications like estimating unique website visitors. The document presents the LogLog algorithm as a probabilistic solution that partitions data and tracks the maximum number of leading zeros seen to estimate the count in a memory-efficient way.

software developmenttechnologysoftware
HTTP/1.1 200 OK	
Content-Type: text/html	
Content-Length: 55,666	
Cache-Control: Long Time, totally!

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Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis
Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic AnalysisBeyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis
Beyond Breakpoints: A Tour of Dynamic Analysis

Despite advances in software design and static analysis techniques, software remains incredibly complicated and difficult to reason about. Understanding highly-concurrent, kernel-level, and intentionally-obfuscated programs are among the problem domains that spawned the field of dynamic program analysis. More than mere debuggers, the challenge of dynamic analysis tools is to be able record, analyze, and replay execution without sacrificing performance. This talk will provide an introduction to the dynamic analysis research space and hopefully inspire you to consider integrating these techniques into your own internal tools.

software testingopen source softwaredynamic content
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The physical, logical, and economic topology of the Internet is ever changing due to new network to network interconnections, the planned or accidental disconnection of existing interconnections, and the ever growing needs for more network capacity. As a multi-Terabit traffic source, Fastly must regularly evaluate its needs for network capacity against performance and operating costs. This talk will examine the capacity planning models, scalability concerns, and economic drivers used to make key business decisions regarding connectivity, emphasizing the needs for metrics collection, analysis, and constant iterative tuning involving a distributed, international team.

Rails Caching: Secrets From the Edge
Rails Caching: Secrets From the EdgeRails Caching: Secrets From the Edge
Rails Caching: Secrets From the Edge

This document discusses caching strategies for Rails applications, including: 1. Using Rails caching for queries, pages, assets, and fragments to improve performance. 2. Configuring Cache-Control headers, compression, and CDNs like Fastly for efficient caching. 3. Techniques for caching dynamic content at the edge using surrogate keys and purging cached responses.

content delivery networkcontent deliverycache dynamic content
HTTP/1.1 200 OK	
Content-Type: text/html	
Content-Length: 55,666	
Cache-Control: Long Time, totally!

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The future of the edge
The future of the edge The future of the edge
The future of the edge

The internet and how people interact with content online has evolved, with event-driven and personalized experiences becoming more common. Content delivery networks (CDNs) are struggling to meet new demands. While edge computing addresses some issues, true personalization and interactivity require data as well. For the next phase of the internet, data must also move to the edge to power personalized, real-time experiences globally. However, distributing and keeping data consistent across all edge locations presents significant technical challenges.

cdnfuture of cdnsservers
Extending Your Applications to the Edge with CDNs
Extending Your Applications to the Edge with CDNsExtending Your Applications to the Edge with CDNs
Extending Your Applications to the Edge with CDNs

CDNs have traditionally been considered "black box" services with lack of control and visibility. Modern applications and DevOps culture require more flexibility, customization, and insight into your infrastructure, and how content is being served. In this talk, we'll explore how you can use content delivery networks as an extension of your applications, with full control, flexibility, and transparency at the network edge.

salesforce developersdreamforcedf15
SPA2015: Hooman Beheshti – The Future of CDNs
SPA2015: Hooman Beheshti – The Future of CDNsSPA2015: Hooman Beheshti – The Future of CDNs
SPA2015: Hooman Beheshti – The Future of CDNs

Fastly VP of Technology Hooman Beheshti gives a keynote on The Future of CDNs at Software Practice Advancement Conference 2015. More resources:

content delivery networkcontent deliverycaching content
HTTP/1.1 200 OK	
Pragma: no-cache	
Expires: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:43:00 GMT	
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store	
Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:51:30 GMT	
Content-Type: image/gif	
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:22:20 GMT	
Server: Apache	
Content-Length: 35
HTTP/1.1 200 OK	
Pragma: no-cache	
Expires: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:43:00 GMT	
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store	
Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:51:30 GMT	
Content-Type: image/gif	
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:22:20 GMT	
Server: Apache	
Content-Length: 35

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Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...

Traditionally, content delivery networks (CDNs) were known to accelerate static content. Amazon CloudFront has come a long way and now supports delivery of entire websites that include dynamic and static content. In this session, we introduce you to CloudFront’s dynamic delivery features that help improve the performance, scalability, and availability of your website while helping you lower your costs. We talk about architectural patterns such as SSL termination, close proximity connection termination, origin offload with keep-alive connections, and last-mile latency improvement. Also learn how to take advantage of Amazon Route 53's health check, automatic failover, and latency-based routing to build highly available web apps on AWS.

aws cloudparviz deyhim2014 aws summit san francisco
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 (ARC309) ...

Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Route 53 can help optimize web application performance and availability. CloudFront improves performance by caching static and reusable content at edge locations and optimizing delivery of dynamic content through features like keep-alive connections and latency-based routing. Route 53 provides fast, reliable DNS services and can health check origins to improve high availability. Together, CloudFront and Route 53 provide a global network that caches content close to users and routes traffic based on network conditions to optimize performance and design for failure.

aws cloudarc309acceleration
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...
Dynamic Content Acceleration: Lightning Fast Web Apps with Amazon CloudFront ...

Traditionally, content delivery networks (CDNs) were known to accelerate static content. Amazon CloudFront has come a long way and now supports delivery of entire websites that include dynamic and static content. In this session, we introduce you to CloudFront’s dynamic delivery features that help improve the performance, scalability, and availability of your website while helping you lower your costs. We talk about architectural patterns such as SSL termination, close proximity connection termination, origin offload with keep-alive connections, and last-mile latency improvement. Also learn how to take advantage of Amazon Route 53's health check, automatic failover, and latency-based routing to build highly available web apps on AWS.

awsaws cloudaws summit 2014
HTTP/1.1 200 OK	
Pragma: no-cache	
Expires: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:43:00 GMT	
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store	
Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:51:30 GMT	
Content-Type: image/gif	
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:22:20 GMT	
Server: Apache	
Content-Length: 35
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content	
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 23:21:12 GMT	
Server: Awesome Server	
Content-Length: 0

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Tips for a Faster Website
Tips for a Faster WebsiteTips for a Faster Website
Tips for a Faster Website

The document provides tips for optimizing various aspects of a website including the front end, application and database, web server, and miscellaneous topics. It recommends techniques such as minimizing HTTP requests, leveraging caching, optimizing databases and queries, offloading processing, and load balancing between web servers to improve page loading speeds and site performance. The overall goal is to analyze bottlenecks and apply solutions such as file compression, caching, and leveraging CDNs or reverse proxies to make websites faster and more scalable.

AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)
AWS Summit London 2014 | Dynamic Content Acceleration (300)

This session is recommended for people who are new to content distribution networks (CDNs) and have a need to decrease server load and speed up their website’s load time. In this mid-level technical session you will be able to learn more about improving the performance of web sites and web applications using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Router 53. Learn how to assess whether your web applications will benefit from caching and how to optimize the delivery of static and dynamic content to boost performance and improve your customers' experience in using your applications.

cdncloudfrontcontent distribution network
What we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and Performance
What we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and PerformanceWhat we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and Performance
What we can learn from CDNs about Web Development, Deployment, and Performance

CDNs have become a core part of internet infrastructure, and application owners are building them into development and product roadmaps for improved efficiency, transparency and performance. In his talk, Hooman shares recent learnings about the world of CDNs, how they're changing, and how Devs, Ops, and DevOps can integrate with them for optimal deployment and performance. Hooman Beheshti is VP of Technology at Fastly, where he develops web performance services for the world's smartest CDN platform. A pioneer in the application acceleration space, Hooman helped design one of the original load balancers while at Radware and has held senior technology positions with Strangeloop Networks and Crescendo Networks. He has worked on the core technologies that make the Internet work faster for nearly 20 years and is an expert and frequent speaker on the subjects of load balancing, application performance, and content delivery networks.

web performancewebperfwpo
{ ‘datacenter’ : ‘SJC’ }

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PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson
PAC 2019 virtual Mark TomlinsonPAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson
PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson

This document discusses web performance optimization techniques. It is a summary of rules for web performance by Mark Tomlinson, who has 27 years of experience in performance. Some of the key techniques discussed include reducing HTTP requests, optimizing file compression, minimizing code, improving web font and image performance, prefetching resources, avoiding unnecessary redirects, and optimizing infrastructure and databases. The document emphasizes measuring performance through load testing and monitoring to identify bottlenecks.

Extending your applications to the edge with CDNs
Extending your applications to the edge with CDNsExtending your applications to the edge with CDNs
Extending your applications to the edge with CDNs

The document discusses how content delivery networks (CDNs) have evolved to better handle dynamic and unpredictable content. Traditionally, CDNs focused on static content and treated dynamic content as uncacheable. However, some dynamic content can actually be cached for periods of time. Modern CDNs now provide more granular caching controls and real-time APIs to allow custom caching configurations specified by the application. This improves cache hit ratios, offloads origin servers, and enhances performance even for long-tail content that changes infrequently.

cdnwpoweb performance
Challenges behind the scenes of the large Swiss e-Commerce shop
Challenges behind the scenes of the large Swiss e-Commerce shop behind the scenes of the large Swiss e-Commerce shop
Challenges behind the scenes of the large Swiss e-Commerce shop

Challenges behind the scenes of the large Swiss e-Commerce shop and the role of CloudFlare - Sven Härtwig, CTO narf-studios GmbH Full video recording of the Talk:

by nine
•  Caching	
–  hRp://­‐to-­‐cache-­‐with-­‐
•  API	
–  hRp://­‐caching-­‐part-­‐iii	
•  Log	
–  hRp://­‐for-­‐streaming-­‐logs	
•  Dynamic	
–  We	
–  We	
•  Real-­‐+me	
–  Extensive/granular	
–  Control	
•  Never	
  “Long Time, totally!” in	

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Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance

This document discusses ways to improve web performance for mobile users. It outlines goals like achieving a speed index between 1,100-2,500 and first meaningful paint within 1-3 seconds. Various techniques are presented for hacking first load times, data transfer, resource loading, images and user experience. These include avoiding redirects, using HTTP/2 and service workers, modern cache controls, responsive images, preloading resources, and ensuring consistent frame rates. The overall message is that mobile performance needs more attention given average load times and high bounce rates on slow mobile sites.

web performance
Building Lightning Fast Websites (for Twin Cities .NET User Group)
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Building Lightning Fast Websites (for Twin Cities .NET User Group)

1. A website is loaded by a browser through a multi-step process involving DNS lookups, TCP connections, downloading resources like HTML, CSS, JS, and images. This process can be slow due to the number of individual requests and dependencies between resources. 2. Ways to optimize the loading process include making the server fast, inlining critical resources, gzip compression, an optimized caching strategy, optimizing file delivery through techniques like CDNs and HTTP/2, bundling resources, optimizing images, avoiding unnecessary domains, minimizing web fonts, and JavaScript techniques like PJAX. Minifying assets can also speed up loading.

Enterprise WordPress - Performance, Scalability and Redundancy
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Enterprise WordPress - Performance, Scalability and Redundancy

Slides on how to build your WordPress site so that it performs like an enterprise application. Associated video:


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Caching the Uncacheable: Leveraging Your CDN to Cache Dynamic Content

  • 1. Caching  The   Uncacheable:     Leveraging  Your  CDN  to  Cache  Dynamic   Content   Hooman  Behesh+,  VP  Technology  
  • 2. Dynamic  Content  Is  Really   Interes=ng!  
  • 3. What  Is  Dynamic  Content?   •  Stuff  that’s  not  sta+c!   •  With  web  traffic,  generally  the  base  HTML   –  Big  deal  because  it’s  blocking   –  And  some+mes  the  largest  object  à  longer  download   •  Could  be  other  things  too   –  AJAX  calls   –  API  calls   •  More…  
  • 8. Classically,  with  dynamic  content…   Caching  
  • 9. Dynamic  Content  Caching  Problems   •  Serving  stale  pages   – Lack  of  good  invalida+on  framework    
  • 10. Caching     vs.     Invalida=on  
  • 15. Dynamic  Content  Caching  Problems   •  Serving  stale  pages   – Lack  of  good  invalida+on  framework    
  • 16. Dynamic  Content  Caching  Problems   •  Serving  stale  pages   – Lack  of  good  invalida+on  framework   •  Real-­‐+me  visibility   – Real-­‐+me  analy+cs/stats   – Real-­‐+me  logging    
  • 17. CDNs  and  Dynamic  Content   •  Generally,  handling  dynamic  content  has  been   a  maRer  of  transport   – Op+mize  from-­‐origin  delivery   – “DSA”  (Dynamic  Site  Accelera+on)   – Middle  mile  op+miza+ons   – TCP  tweaks  
  • 18. Dynamic  Content,  Tradi=onally   CDN  Node   Client   Origin   Some  TCP  Tweaks  
  • 19. Dynamic  Content,  Tradi=onally   CDN  Node   CDN  Node   Client   Origin   Lots  of  TCP  Tweaks  
  • 20. Dynamic  Content,  Tradi=onally   •  We  some+mes  do  micro  caching  of  HTML   –  Short  TTL  for  HTML  content   –  Not  full  proof   •  Ex:  news  stories  faux-­‐pas!   •  ESI  (Edge  Side  Includes)   –  Par+al  caching   –  Hard  and  onerous    
  • 21. Actually…   •  Dynamic  content  is  more  cacheable  than  we   think   •  Sta+c  for  short  periods  of  +me   •  Unpredictable  invalida+on   –  Standard  HTTP  caching  rules  aren’t  good  enough  
  • 22. A  Lot  BeMer!   CDN  Node   CDN  Node   Client   Origin  
  • 27. So  Many  Benefits!   •  Performance   –  Faster  +me  to  first  byte   –  Faster  start  render   –  Happy  users!   •  Offload   –  Less  work  for  our  servers   –  Less  bandwidth  at  origin  
  • 28. What  would  make  it  beMer?  
  • 29. Programma=c  Invalida=on   •  Invalida+on  API   •  Granular   •  Instantaneous   – Big  problem  with  classic  CDNs  (mul+-­‐minute   purges)  
  • 30. Power  of  the  Purge!   •  Instant  purging:   – As  a  page  gets  published,  a  purge  command  also   gets  published   – Instant  means:  predictable  and  determinis+c   behavior    
  • 31. Power  of  the  Purge!   •  Purge  dependencies   – Surrogate  Keys   – Using  tags  to  purge  en+re  chunks  of  content  at   once    
  • 32. More  than  just  Invalida=on…  
  • 33. The  Influence  of  Clouds   •  The  CDN  is  an  extension  of  the  app   •  No  longer  a  black  box   •  Real-­‐+me  integra+on  with  the  app   •  Infrastructure  as  code   – Your  content  =>  You  need  control  
  • 34. Control   •  Programmability   – Configura+on  API   – Invalida+on  API   – Instantaneous  and  real  +me   – Granular  caching   •  Ex:  Geo-­‐based  caching  
  • 35. Control  at  the  Edge   •  Moving  app  logic  to  the  edge   •  VCL   – Varnish  Configura+on  Language   – Script-­‐like  configura+on  for  func+onality  at  the   edge  
  • 36. Visibility   •  Real  +me  analy+cs   –  Network  stats   –  HTTP  stats  (status  codes  ,  etc)   –  Caching  stats  (hits,  misses,  etc)   –  Stats  API   •  Logging   –  Real  +me  logs   –  Streaming  to  various  log  des+na+ons  
  • 37. Example:   CMS  +  Purge  
  • 42. WordPress:  Before   CDN  Node   Cache  
  • 45. WordPress:  AWer   CDN  Node   HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 55,666 Cache-Control: Long Time, totally!
  • 48. WordPress:  AWer   CDN  Node   PURGE  
  • 49. WordPress:  AWer   CDN  Node   PURGE  
  • 50. WordPress:  AWer   CDN  Node   PURGE   (Has  to  be  instantaneous!)  
  • 51. WordPress:  AWer   CDN  Node   HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 55,666 Cache-Control: Long Time, totally!
  • 52. Example:   Beacon  Termina=on  at  the  Edge  
  • 53. Before   CDN  Node   Origin   Log  Analysis
  • 54. Before   CDN  Node   Origin   Log  Analysis
  • 55. Before   CDN  Node   Origin   Log  Analysis   HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache Expires: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:43:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:51:30 GMT Content-Type: image/gif Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:22:20 GMT Server: Apache Content-Length: 35
  • 56. Before   CDN  Node   Origin   Log  Analysis   HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache Expires: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:43:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:51:30 GMT Content-Type: image/gif Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:22:20 GMT Server: Apache Content-Length: 35
  • 57. AWer   CDN  Node   Origin
  • 58. AWer   CDN  Node   Origin   HTTP/1.1 200 OK Pragma: no-cache Expires: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 11:43:00 GMT Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store Last-Modified: Wed, 21 Jan 2004 19:51:30 GMT Content-Type: image/gif Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 12:22:20 GMT Server: Apache Content-Length: 35
  • 59. AWer   CDN  Node   Origin   HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 23:21:12 GMT Server: Awesome Server Content-Length: 0
  • 60. AWer   CDN  Node   Origin   Syslog  /  S3  /  FTP/etc
  • 62. JSON  Data  Center  ID   CDN  Node   Origin
  • 63. JSON  Data  Center  ID   CDN  Node   Origin   { ‘datacenter’ : ‘SJC’ }
  • 65. More  Examples   •  Caching  with  tracking  cookies:   –  hRp://­‐to-­‐cache-­‐with-­‐ tracking-­‐cookies   •  API  Caching:   –  hRp://­‐caching-­‐part-­‐iii  (part   3,  with  links  to  previous  two  parts)   •  Log  Streaming:   –  hRp://­‐for-­‐streaming-­‐logs    
  • 67. Summary   •  Dynamic  content  can  be  cached   –  We  need  instant  purging   –  We  need  real-­‐+me  logs  and  stats   •  Real-­‐+me  integra+on  of  our  CDN  with  our  app  is  cool!   –  Extensive/granular  API  to  control  the  CDN   –  Control  and  visibility  at  the  edge  lets  us  be  really  crea+ve   •  Never  use  “Long Time, totally!” in  a  Cache-Control header!