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Load Balancing with HAProxy and MySQL
July 9, 2014
Alex Yu
Copyright Severalnines AB
Webinar Housekeeping
!This webinar is being recorded
!A link to the recording & slides will be posted on
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will respond at the end of the presentation
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Copyright Severalnines AB
!What Is HAProxy?
!SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy
! Failure detection with MySQL
!Fault Tolerance with HAProxy
! Active/Passive setup
!Deployment Scenarios
! MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster and MySQL Replication
!Load Balancing Alternatives
Copyright Severalnines AB
Why Load Balance?
!Optimising server utilisation
! Queuing and throttling
!Maximise availability
!Maximise throughput
! Distribute workload across a set of servers
! Site traffic grows
! Add DB servers to provide more throughput
!Reliable High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
! v1.5 stable released June 2014
! Native SSL support, IPv6, full HTTP keepalive, HTTP Compression …
! v1.4 most deployed and stable version, released Feb 2010
! client-side keep alive, TCP speedups, source base stickiness …
! Single Process Event-Driven. Can easily saturate 10Gb link with a single instance
! 108 000 session/s, (2009)
!Reverse Proxy
! load balancing, scaling out, failover (health checks)
!High traffic sites like
! reddit, DISQUS, GitHub, Imgur, StackOverflow/Server Fault, Instagram …
Copyright Severalnines AB
Copyright Severalnines AB
SQL Load Balancing for MySQL
!Configuration file
! Sections; global, defaults, frontend, backend, listen
! /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
!Global (process wide)
Galera Replication (Synchronous)
Client Client Client

log local0
pidfile /var/run/
user nobody
group nobody
stats socket /tmp/haproxy.socket …
node HAProxy_1
description HAProxy 1
maxconn 40000
spread-checks 3
Copyright Severalnines AB
SQL Load Balancing for MySQL (cont.)
Galera Replication (Synchronous)
Client Client Client
log global
mode tcp
maxconn 40000
option dontlognull
option tcp-smart-accept
option tcp-smart-connect
option redispatch
retries 3
timeout queue 3500ms
timeout connect 3500ms
timeout client 120s
timeout server 120s
Copyright Severalnines AB
SQL Load Balancing for MySQL (cont.)
!listen (frontend + backend)
listen s9s1_33306_defaul_LB
mode tcp

bind *:33306
timeout client 60000ms
timeout server 60000ms
balance leastconn
option httpchk
#option allbackups
default-server port 9200 inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256
maxqueue 128 weight 100
server db1 check
server db2 check
server db3 check
Copyright Severalnines AB
SQL Load Balancing for MySQL (cont.)
!listen (stats ui)
group admin users admin
user admin insecure-password admin
listen admin_page
mode http
stats enable
stats refresh 60s
stats uri /
acl AuthOkay_ReadOnly http_auth(STATSUSERS)
acl AuthOkay_Admin http_auth_group(STATSUSERS) admin
stats http-request auth realm admin_page unless AuthOkay_ReadOnly
Copyright Severalnines AB
!Session rate
! number of new connections per second
! current number of sessions/connections
! health check
! server weight
Copyright Severalnines AB
MySQL Health Checks
!Built-in MySQL health check
! option mysql-check user <username>
! Sends two MySQL packages
! Authentication and Quit
! No errors unless MySQL server is down
!Complete HTTP Request
! option httpchk
! Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
! Check Host and/or MySQL server state
! Galera Node State
Galera Replication (Synchronous)
Client Client Client
Copyright Severalnines AB
MySQL Health Checks (cont.)
!Galera Node
! Check 1: Get node state
! Check 2: If Node is a “DONOR”
! Get the SST method
! xtrabackup
! Return “200 OK”
! rsync or mysqldump
! Return “503 Service Unavailable” Galera Node State
Copyright Severalnines AB
MySQL Health Checks (cont.)
!xinetd service
! (shell script)
! spams syslog by default
! log_on_success =
# default: on
# description: mysqlchk
service mysqlchk
flags = REUSE
socket_type = stream
port = 9200
wait = no
user = nobody
server = /usr/local/bin/
log_on_failure += USERID
disable = no
#only_from =
per_source = UNLIMITED
Copyright Severalnines AB
Network Tuning
!TCP tuning
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 # reuse TIME-WAIT sockets
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65023 # increase max num of ports
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=40000 #Increase the number of outstanding syn requests
net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets=400000 # Maximal number of timewait sockets
net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=40000 # TCP SYN Flood Protection
net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries=3 # TCP SYN Flood Protection
net.core.somaxconn=40000 # burst connection rate
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=5 # how long to keep sockets in FIN-WAIT-2
Copyright Severalnines AB
Fault Tolerance for HAProxy
HAProxy 1

Copyright Severalnines AB
Fault Tolerance for HAProxy (cont.)
!Active/Passive IP failover
! keepalived
! VRRP protocol provides router/IP failover
!VIP, “floating IP”:
! net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1
!Master - HAProxy 1
! IP:
!Backup - HAProxy 2
! IP:
Copyright Severalnines AB
Fault Tolerance for HAProxy (cont.)
!keepalived configuration file
vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
script "killall -0 haproxy" # verify the pid existence
interval 2 # check every 2 seconds
weight 2 # adjust priority by this weight
vrrp_instance VI_1 {
interface eth0
state MASTER
virtual_router_id 51 # ID for this route
priority 101 # 101 on master

# 100 on backup
virtual_ipaddress { # the virtual IP
track_script {
Copyright Severalnines AB
ClusterControl HAProxy + Keepalived
!Install HAProxy with our admin scripts
$ git clone
$ cd s9s-admin/cluster/
# install haproxy1 on listening on 33306
$ ./s9s_haproxy --install -i 1 -n <ip db1>,<ip db2>,<ip db3> -h10.10.10.20
# install haproxy2 on listening on 33306
$ ./s9s_haproxy --install -i 1 -n <ip db1>,<ip db2>,<ip db3> -h10.10.10.30
# scale out db nodes on haproxy1
$ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db4>
$ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db5>
# scale out db nodes on haproxy2
$ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db4>
$ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db5>
Copyright Severalnines AB
ClusterControl HAProxy + Keepalived (cont.)
!Deployment and configuration automated from ClusterControl
Copyright Severalnines AB
ClusterControl HAProxy + Keepalived (cont.)
Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios
!MySQL Cluster / NDB Engine
! Active/Active, Shared nothing architecture
! SQL, Data and MGMT Nodes
! HAProxy co-located with MGMT Nodes
! MGMT is a light weight process
! Re-use “idle” servers
! Connections originate from HAProxy server
! Additional latency
! App Server <-> HAProxy <-> SQL Node <-> Data Node
NDB Data
NDB Data
SQL Node

SQL Node

Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios (cont.)
NDB Data
NDB Data
!MySQL Cluster / NDB Engine
! Active/Active, Shared nothing architecture
! SQL, Data and MGMT Nodes
! HAProxy co-located with App servers
! No extra latency
! Extra load on app servers
! Health check loads on SQL nodes from all LBs
! Alt: MySQL Connector/J’s JDBC driver
! jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://host-1,host-2,…host-n/database?
! Config changes propagate to all app servers
SQL Node

SQL Node

Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios (cont.)
NDB Data
NDB Data
!MySQL Cluster / NDB Engine
! Active/Active, Shared nothing architecture
! SQL, Data and MGMT Nodes
! HAProxy co-located with SQL nodes
! No extra latency
! Extra load on SQL nodes
! Do not use JDBC load balancing
(App) (App)
SQL Node

SQL Node

HAProxy HAProxy
Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios (cont.)
MySQL Slave
!MySQL Replication Master/Slave
! 1 Master for Writes
! N Slaves for Reads
! Separate front and backends configs for Master and Slaves
!ex: backend configuration for Slaves
MySQL Slave
MySQL Slave
frontend front_reads
mode tcp
default_backend cluster_reads

backend cluster_reads
mode tcp
balance roundrobin
server Slave1 check
server Slave2 check
Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios (cont.)
!Galera Cluster
! Synchronous Replication, Read & Write to any Node
! Cluster wide optimistic locking
! Higher probability for “deadlocks”
! Pessimistic locking on the Node
Galera Replication (Synchronous)
Client Client Client
Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios (cont.)
!Galera Cluster
! Synchronous Replication, Read & Write to all Nodes
! Cluster wide optimistic locking
! Higher probability for “deadlocks”
! Pessimistic locking on the Node
Galera Replication (Synchronous)
Client Client Client
Copyright Severalnines AB
Deployment Scenarios (cont.)
Galera Replication (Synchronous)
Client Client Client
listen s9s1_33307_LB1
bind *:33307
mode tcp
timeout client 60000ms
timeout server 60000ms
balance leastconn
option httpchk
default-server port 9200 inter 2s <…>
server db1 check
server db2 check backup
server db3 check backup
!Handle “dead locks”
! Write to only one Node - Use HAProxy
! Expect deadlocks and make sure applications
handles it properly. Retry the transaction.
! wsrep_retry_autocommit=1
! Changes to the App code to minimise data hotspots.
Copyright Severalnines AB
!MySQL’s Connector/J JDBC driver
!PHP mysqlnd
!Oracle’s MySQL Proxy 0.84
!SkySQL’s MaxScale 1.0.0. beta
!Pen 0.24.0
Copyright Severalnines AB
Thank You!
!Tutorial – MySQL Load Balancing with HAProxy
!Severalnines Blog
!s9s-admin tools
!More Questions? Contact us at:

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How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy - Slides

  • 1. Confidential Load Balancing with HAProxy and MySQL ! ! July 9, 2014 Alex Yu
  • 2. Copyright Severalnines AB Webinar Housekeeping !This webinar is being recorded !A link to the recording & slides will be posted on !We welcome questions: enter questions into the chat box and we will respond at the end of the presentation !Think of something later? ! Email Severalnines at 2
  • 3. Copyright Severalnines AB Agenda !What Is HAProxy? !SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy ! Failure detection with MySQL !Fault Tolerance with HAProxy ! Active/Passive setup !Deployment Scenarios ! MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster and MySQL Replication !Load Balancing Alternatives 3
  • 4. Copyright Severalnines AB Why Load Balance? !Optimising server utilisation ! Queuing and throttling !Maximise availability ! No SPOF !Maximise throughput ! Distribute workload across a set of servers !Scalability ! Site traffic grows ! Add DB servers to provide more throughput 4 LB DB DB DB …
  • 5. !Reliable High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer ! v1.5 stable released June 2014 ! Native SSL support, IPv6, full HTTP keepalive, HTTP Compression … ! v1.4 most deployed and stable version, released Feb 2010 ! client-side keep alive, TCP speedups, source base stickiness … ! Single Process Event-Driven. Can easily saturate 10Gb link with a single instance ! 108 000 session/s, (2009) !Reverse Proxy ! load balancing, scaling out, failover (health checks) !High traffic sites like ! reddit, DISQUS, GitHub, Imgur, StackOverflow/Server Fault, Instagram … Copyright Severalnines AB HAProxy? 5
  • 6. Copyright Severalnines AB SQL Load Balancing for MySQL !Configuration file ! Sections; global, defaults, frontend, backend, listen ! /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg !Global (process wide) 6 MySQL [WSREP] Galera Replication (Synchronous) LB MySQL [WSREP] MySQL [WSREP] R/W R/W R/W Client Client Client global
 log local0 pidfile /var/run/ daemon user nobody group nobody stats socket /tmp/haproxy.socket … node HAProxy_1 description HAProxy 1 maxconn 40000 spread-checks 3 quiet
  • 7. Copyright Severalnines AB SQL Load Balancing for MySQL (cont.) !defaults 7 MySQL [WSREP] Galera Replication (Synchronous) LB MySQL [WSREP] MySQL [WSREP] R/W R/W R/W Client Client Client defaults log global mode tcp maxconn 40000 option dontlognull option tcp-smart-accept option tcp-smart-connect option redispatch retries 3 timeout queue 3500ms timeout connect 3500ms timeout client 120s timeout server 120s
  • 8. Copyright Severalnines AB SQL Load Balancing for MySQL (cont.) !listen (frontend + backend) 8 listen s9s1_33306_defaul_LB mode tcp
 bind *:33306 timeout client 60000ms timeout server 60000ms balance leastconn option httpchk #option allbackups default-server port 9200 inter 2s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 60s maxconn 256 maxqueue 128 weight 100 server db1 check server db2 check server db3 check
  • 9. Copyright Severalnines AB SQL Load Balancing for MySQL (cont.) !listen (stats ui) 9 userlist STATSUSERS group admin users admin user admin insecure-password admin ! listen admin_page mode http stats enable stats refresh 60s stats uri / acl AuthOkay_ReadOnly http_auth(STATSUSERS) acl AuthOkay_Admin http_auth_group(STATSUSERS) admin stats http-request auth realm admin_page unless AuthOkay_ReadOnly
  • 10. Copyright Severalnines AB 10 !Session rate ! number of new connections per second !Sessions ! current number of sessions/connections !LastChk ! health check !Wght ! server weight
  • 11. Copyright Severalnines AB MySQL Health Checks 11 !Built-in MySQL health check ! option mysql-check user <username> ! Sends two MySQL packages ! Authentication and Quit ! No errors unless MySQL server is down !Complete HTTP Request ! option httpchk ! Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK ! Check Host and/or MySQL server state ! Galera Node State MySQL [WSREP] Galera Replication (Synchronous) LB MySQL [WSREP] MySQL [WSREP] R/W R/W R/W Client Client Client
  • 12. Copyright Severalnines AB MySQL Health Checks (cont.) 12 !Galera Node ! Check 1: Get node state ! SYNCED or DONOR ! Check 2: If Node is a “DONOR” ! Get the SST method ! xtrabackup ! Return “200 OK” ! rsync or mysqldump ! Return “503 Service Unavailable” Galera Node State
  • 13. Copyright Severalnines AB MySQL Health Checks (cont.) 13 !xinetd service ! (shell script) ! spams syslog by default ! log_on_success = #/etc/xinetd.d/mysqlchk # default: on # description: mysqlchk service mysqlchk { flags = REUSE socket_type = stream port = 9200 wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/local/bin/ log_on_failure += USERID disable = no #only_from = per_source = UNLIMITED }
  • 14. Copyright Severalnines AB Network Tuning !TCP tuning 14 #/etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse=1 # reuse TIME-WAIT sockets net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=1024 65023 # increase max num of ports net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=40000 #Increase the number of outstanding syn requests net.ipv4.tcp_max_tw_buckets=400000 # Maximal number of timewait sockets net.ipv4.tcp_max_orphans=60000 net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=40000 # TCP SYN Flood Protection net.ipv4.tcp_synack_retries=3 # TCP SYN Flood Protection net.core.somaxconn=40000 # burst connection rate net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout=5 # how long to keep sockets in FIN-WAIT-2
  • 15. Copyright Severalnines AB Fault Tolerance for HAProxy 15 Client HAProxy 1 MySQL
  • 16. Copyright Severalnines AB Fault Tolerance for HAProxy (cont.) !Active/Passive IP failover ! keepalived ! VRRP protocol provides router/IP failover !VIP, “floating IP”: ! net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 !Master - HAProxy 1 ! IP: !Backup - HAProxy 2 ! IP: 16
  • 17. Copyright Severalnines AB Fault Tolerance for HAProxy (cont.) !keepalived configuration file 17 #/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf vrrp_script chk_haproxy { script "killall -0 haproxy" # verify the pid existence interval 2 # check every 2 seconds weight 2 # adjust priority by this weight } vrrp_instance VI_1 { interface eth0 state MASTER virtual_router_id 51 # ID for this route priority 101 # 101 on master
 # 100 on backup virtual_ipaddress { # the virtual IP } track_script { chk_haproxy } }
  • 18. Copyright Severalnines AB ClusterControl HAProxy + Keepalived !Install HAProxy with our admin scripts ! 18 $ git clone $ cd s9s-admin/cluster/ # install haproxy1 on listening on 33306 $ ./s9s_haproxy --install -i 1 -n <ip db1>,<ip db2>,<ip db3> -h10.10.10.20 # install haproxy2 on listening on 33306 $ ./s9s_haproxy --install -i 1 -n <ip db1>,<ip db2>,<ip db3> -h10.10.10.30 # scale out db nodes on haproxy1 $ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db4> $ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db5> # scale out db nodes on haproxy2 $ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db4> $ ./s9s_haproxy --add-node -i 1 -h -n <ip db5>
  • 19. Copyright Severalnines AB ClusterControl HAProxy + Keepalived (cont.) !Deployment and configuration automated from ClusterControl 19
  • 20. Copyright Severalnines AB ClusterControl HAProxy + Keepalived (cont.) 20
  • 21. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios 21 !MySQL Cluster / NDB Engine ! Active/Active, Shared nothing architecture ! SQL, Data and MGMT Nodes ! HAProxy co-located with MGMT Nodes ! MGMT is a light weight process ! Re-use “idle” servers ! Connections originate from HAProxy server ! Additional latency ! App Server <-> HAProxy <-> SQL Node <-> Data Node NDB Data Node NDB Data Node (MGMT) HAProxy (MGMT) HAProxy SQL Node
 MySQL Server SQL Node
 MySQL Server
  • 22. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios (cont.) 22 NDB Data Node NDB Data Node !MySQL Cluster / NDB Engine ! Active/Active, Shared nothing architecture ! SQL, Data and MGMT Nodes ! HAProxy co-located with App servers ! No extra latency ! Extra load on app servers ! Health check loads on SQL nodes from all LBs ! Alt: MySQL Connector/J’s JDBC driver ! jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://host-1,host-2,…host-n/database? loadBalanceBlacklistTimeout=5000 ! Config changes propagate to all app servers (App) HAProxy (App) HAProxy SQL Node
 MySQL Server SQL Node
 MySQL Server
  • 23. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios (cont.) 23 NDB Data Node NDB Data Node !MySQL Cluster / NDB Engine ! Active/Active, Shared nothing architecture ! SQL, Data and MGMT Nodes ! HAProxy co-located with SQL nodes ! No extra latency ! Extra load on SQL nodes ! Do not use JDBC load balancing ! VIP (App) (App) SQL Node
 MySQL Server SQL Node
 MySQL Server HAProxy HAProxy …
  • 24. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios (cont.) 24 MySQL Slave MySQL Master !MySQL Replication Master/Slave ! 1 Master for Writes ! N Slaves for Reads ! Separate front and backends configs for Master and Slaves !ex: backend configuration for Slaves HAProxy MySQL Slave MySQL Slave Writes Reads frontend front_reads mode tcp bind default_backend cluster_reads 
 backend cluster_reads mode tcp balance roundrobin server Slave1 check server Slave2 check
  • 25. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios (cont.) 25 !Galera Cluster ! Synchronous Replication, Read & Write to any Node ! Cluster wide optimistic locking ! Higher probability for “deadlocks” ! Pessimistic locking on the Node MySQL [WSREP] Galera Replication (Synchronous) LB MySQL [WSREP] MySQL [WSREP] R/W R/W R/W Client Client Client
  • 26. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios (cont.) 26 !Galera Cluster ! Synchronous Replication, Read & Write to all Nodes ! Cluster wide optimistic locking ! Higher probability for “deadlocks” ! Pessimistic locking on the Node MySQL [WSREP] Galera Replication (Synchronous) LB MySQL [WSREP] MySQL [WSREP] R/W R/W R/W Client Client Client
  • 27. Copyright Severalnines AB Deployment Scenarios (cont.) 27 MySQL [WSREP] Galera Replication (Synchronous) LB MySQL [WSREP] MySQL [WSREP] R/W R/W R/W Client Client Client listen s9s1_33307_LB1 bind *:33307 mode tcp timeout client 60000ms timeout server 60000ms balance leastconn option httpchk default-server port 9200 inter 2s <…> server db1 check server db2 check backup server db3 check backup !Handle “dead locks” ! Write to only one Node - Use HAProxy ! Expect deadlocks and make sure applications handles it properly. Retry the transaction. ! wsrep_retry_autocommit=1 ! Changes to the App code to minimise data hotspots.
  • 28. Copyright Severalnines AB Alternatives !MySQL’s Connector/J JDBC driver !jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://host-1,host-2,… !PHP mysqlnd ! !Oracle’s MySQL Proxy 0.84 ! !SkySQL’s MaxScale 1.0.0. beta ! !ProxySQL ! !Pen 0.24.0 ! 28
  • 29. Copyright Severalnines AB Thank You! !Tutorial – MySQL Load Balancing with HAProxy ! balancing-tutorial !Severalnines Blog ! !s9s-admin tools ! !More Questions? Contact us at: ! 29