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NGINX High-performance 
Introduced by Andrew Alexeev 
Presented by Owen Garrett 
Nginx, Inc.
About this webinar 
Content Caching is one of the most effective ways to dramatically improve 
the performance of a web site. In this webinar, we’ll deep-dive into 
NGINX’s caching abilities and investigate the architecture used, debugging 
techniques and advanced configuration. By the end of the webinar, you’ll 
be well equipped to configure NGINX to cache content exactly as you need.
Basic Principles 
GET /index.html 
GET /index.html 
Used by: Browser Cache, Content Delivery Network and/or Reverse Proxy Cache

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BPF - in-kernel virtual machine
BPF - in-kernel virtual machineBPF - in-kernel virtual machine
BPF - in-kernel virtual machine

BPF of Berkeley Packet Filter mechanism was first introduced in linux in 1997 in version 2.1.75. It has seen a number of extensions of the years. Recently in versions 3.15 - 3.19 it received a major overhaul which drastically expanded it's applicability. This talk will cover how the instruction set looks today and why. It's architecture, capabilities, interface, just-in-time compilers. We will also talk about how it's being used in different areas of the kernel like tracing and networking and future plans.

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BPF Internals (eBPF)

USENIX LISA2021 talk by Brendan Gregg ( This talk is a deep dive that describes how BPF (eBPF) works internally on Linux, and dissects some modern performance observability tools. Details covered include the kernel BPF implementation: the verifier, JIT compilation, and the BPF execution environment; the BPF instruction set; different event sources; and how BPF is used by user space, using bpftrace programs as an example. This includes showing how bpftrace is compiled to LLVM IR and then BPF bytecode, and how per-event data and aggregated map data are fetched from the kernel.

The Apache Spark File Format Ecosystem
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In a world where compute is paramount, it is all too easy to overlook the importance of storage and IO in the performance and optimization of Spark jobs.

spark + ai summit
Mechanics of HTTP Caching 
• Origin server declares cacheability of content 
Expires: Tue, 6 May 2014 02:28:12 GMT 
Cache-Control: public, max-age=60 
X-Accel-Expires: 30 
Last-Modified: Tue, 29 April 2014 02:28:12 GMT 
ETag: "3e86-410-3596fbbc“ 
• Requesting client honors cacheability 
– May issue conditional GETs
What does NGINX cache? 
• Cache GET and HEAD with no Set-Cookie response 
• Uniqueness defined by raw URL or: 
proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args; 
• Cache time defined by 
– X-Accel-Expires 
– Cache-Control 
– Expires
NGINX Config 
proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=one:10m levels=1:2 inactive=60m; 
server { 
listen 80; 
server_name localhost; 
location / { 
proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; 
proxy_cache one; 

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Linux Performance Analysis: New Tools and Old Secrets
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Talk for USENIX/LISA2014 by Brendan Gregg, Netflix. At Netflix performance is crucial, and we use many high to low level tools to analyze our stack in different ways. In this talk, I will introduce new system observability tools we are using at Netflix, which I've ported from my DTraceToolkit, and are intended for our Linux 3.2 cloud instances. These show that Linux can do more than you may think, by using creative hacks and workarounds with existing kernel features (ftrace, perf_events). While these are solving issues on current versions of Linux, I'll also briefly summarize the future in this space: eBPF, ktap, SystemTap, sysdig, etc.

Performance Troubleshooting Using Apache Spark Metrics
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Luca Canali, a data engineer at CERN, presented on performance troubleshooting using Apache Spark metrics at the UnifiedDataAnalytics #SparkAISummit. CERN runs large Hadoop and Spark clusters to process over 300 PB of data from the Large Hadron Collider experiments. Luca discussed how to gather, analyze, and visualize Spark metrics to identify bottlenecks and improve performance.

apache spark

 *big data


Vectorized Query Execution in Apache Spark at Facebook
Vectorized Query Execution in Apache Spark at FacebookVectorized Query Execution in Apache Spark at Facebook
Vectorized Query Execution in Apache Spark at Facebook

This document summarizes Chen Yang's presentation on vectorized query execution in Apache Spark at Facebook. The key points are: 1) Spark is the largest SQL query engine at Facebook and uses columnar formats like ORC to improve storage efficiency. 2) Vectorized processing can improve performance over row-at-a-time processing by reducing per-row overhead and improving cache locality. 3) Facebook has implemented a vectorized ORC reader and writer in Spark that shows up to 8x speedup on microbenchmarks compared to the row-at-a-time approach.

Caching Process 
Read request Wait? 
Check Cache 
Respond from 
Stream to disk 
NGINX can use stale content under the following circumstances: 
proxy_cache_use_stale error | timeout | invalid_header | 
updating | http_500 | http_502 | http_503 | http_504 | 
http_403 | http_404 | off
Caching is not just for HTTP 
• FastCGI 
– Functions much like HTTP 
• Memcache 
– Retrieve content from memcached 
server (must be prepopulated) 
• uwsgi and SCGI 
NGINX is more than 
just a reverse proxy
Cache Instrumentation 
add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; 
MISS Response not found in cache; got from upstream. Response may have been 
saved to cache 
BYPASS proxy_cache_bypass got response from upstream. Response may have 
been saved to cache 
EXPIRED entry in cache has expired; we return fresh content from upstream 
STALE takes control and serves stale content from cache because upstream is not 
responding correctly 
UPDATING serve state content from cache because cache_lock has timed out and 
proxy_use_stale takes control 
REVALIDATED proxy_cache_revalidate verified that the current cached content was still 
valid (if-modified-since) 
HIT we serve valid, fresh content direct from cache

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Staring into the eBPF Abyss
Staring into the eBPF AbyssStaring into the eBPF Abyss
Staring into the eBPF Abyss

eBPF (extended Berkeley Packet Filters) is a modern kernel technology that can be used to introduce dynamic tracing into a system that wasn't prepared or instrumented in any way. The tracing programs run in the kernel, are guaranteed to never crash or hang your system, and can probe every module and function -- from the kernel to user-space frameworks such as Node and Ruby. In this workshop, you will experiment with Linux dynamic tracing first-hand. First, you will explore BCC, the BPF Compiler Collection, which is a set of tools and libraries for dynamic tracing. Many of your tracing needs will be answered by BCC, and you will experiment with memory leak analysis, generic function tracing, kernel tracepoints, static tracepoints in user-space programs, and the "baked" tools for file I/O, network, and CPU analysis. You'll be able to choose between working on a set of hands-on labs prepared by the instructors, or trying the tools out on your own test system. Next, you will hack on some of the bleeding edge tools in the BCC toolkit, and build a couple of simple tools of your own. You'll be able to pick from a curated list of GitHub issues for the BCC project, a set of hands-on labs with known "school solutions", and an open-ended list of problems that need tools for effective analysis. At the end of this workshop, you will be equipped with a toolbox for diagnosing issues in the field, as well as a framework for building your own tools when the generic ones do not suffice.

Linux Profiling at Netflix
Linux Profiling at NetflixLinux Profiling at Netflix
Linux Profiling at Netflix

This talk discusses Linux profiling using perf_events (also called "perf") based on Netflix's use of it. It covers how to use perf to get CPU profiling working and overcome common issues. The speaker will give a tour of perf_events features and show how Netflix uses it to analyze performance across their massive Amazon EC2 Linux cloud. They rely on tools like perf for customer satisfaction, cost optimization, and developing open source tools like NetflixOSS. Key aspects covered include why profiling is needed, a crash course on perf, CPU profiling workflows, and common "gotchas" to address like missing stacks, symbols, or profiling certain languages and events.

Linux kernel tracing
Linux kernel tracingLinux kernel tracing
Linux kernel tracing

This document discusses tracing in the Linux kernel. It describes various tracing mechanisms like ftrace, tracepoints, kprobes, perf, and eBPF. Ftrace allows tracing functions via compiler instrumentation or dynamically. Tracepoints define custom trace events that can be inserted at specific points. Kprobes and related probes like jprobes allow tracing kernel functions. Perf provides performance monitoring capabilities. eBPF enables custom tracing programs to be run efficiently in the kernel via just-in-time compilation. Tracing tools like perf, systemtap, and LTTng provide user interfaces.

Cache Instrumentation 
map $remote_addr $cache_status { $upstream_cache_status; 
default “”; 
server { 
location / { 
proxy_pass http://localhost:8002; 
proxy_cache one; 
add_header X-Cache-Status $cache_status; 
Extended Status 
Check out:
How it works... 
• NGINX uses a persistent disk-based cache 
– OS Page Cache keeps content in memory, with hints from 
NGINX processes 
• We’ll look at: 
– How is content stored in the cache? 
– How is the cache loaded at startup? 
– Pruning the cache over time 
– Purging content manually from the cache

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Security Monitoring with eBPF
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Security Monitoring with eBPF

Using the new extended Berkley Packet Filter capabilities in Linux to the improve performance of auditing security relevant kernel events around network, file and process actions.

eBPF - Observability In Deep
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eBPF - Observability In Deep

In the Cloud Native community, eBPF is gaining popularity, which can often be the best solution for solving different challenges with deep observability of system. Currently, eBPF is being embraced by major players. Mydbops co-Founder, Kabilesh P.R (MySQL and Mongo Consultant) illustrates on debugging linux issues with eBPF. A brief about BPF & eBPF, BPF internals and the tools in actions for faster resolution.

The linux networking architecture
The linux networking architectureThe linux networking architecture
The linux networking architecture

The document discusses Linux networking architecture and covers several key topics in 3 paragraphs or less: It first describes the basic structure and layers of the Linux networking stack including the network device interface, network layer protocols like IP, transport layer, and sockets. It then discusses how network packets are managed in Linux through the use of socket buffers and associated functions. The document also provides an overview of the data link layer and protocols like Ethernet, PPP, and how they are implemented in Linux.

linux kernel networking
How is cached content stored? 
proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=one:10m levels=1:2 
• Define cache key: 
proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args; 
• Get the content into the cache, then check the md5 
$ echo -n "httplocalhost:8002/time.php" | md5sum 
6d91b1ec887b7965d6a926cff19379b4 - 
• Verify it’s there: 
$ cat /tmp/cache/4/9b/6d91b1ec887b7965d6a926cff19379b4
Loading cache from disk 
• Cache metadata stored in shared memory segment 
• Populated at startup from cache by cache loader 
proxy_cache_path path keys_zone=name:size 
[loader_files=number] [loader_threshold=time] [loader_sleep=time]; 
(100) (200ms) (50ms) 
– Loads files in blocks of 100 
– Takes no longer than 200ms 
– Pauses for 50ms, then repeats
Managing the disk cache 
• Cache Manager runs periodically, purging files that 
were inactive irrespective of cache time, deleteing 
files in LRU style if cache is too big 
proxy_cache_path path keys_zone=name:size 
[inactive=time] [max_size=size]; 
– Remove files that have not been used within 10m 
– Remove files if cache size exceeds max_size
Purging content from disk 
• Find it and delete it 
– Relatively easy if you know the key 
• NGINX Plus – cache purge capability 
$ curl -X PURGE -D – "http://localhost:8001/*" 
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content 
Server: nginx/1.5.12 
Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 16:33:04 GMT 
Connection: keep-alive 
X-Cache-Key: httplocalhost:8002/*

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Understanding eBPF in a Hurry!
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Understanding eBPF in a Hurry!

eBPF is an exciting new technology that is poised to transform Linux performance engineering. eBPF enables users to dynamically and programatically trace any kernel or user space code path, safely and efficiently. However, understanding eBPF is not so simple. The goal of this talk is to give audiences a fundamental understanding of eBPF, how it interconnects existing Linux tracing technologies, and provides a powerful aplatform to solve any Linux performance problem.

LSFMM 2019 BPF Observability
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Here is a bpftrace program to measure scheduler latency for ICMP echo requests: #!/usr/local/bin/bpftrace kprobe:icmp_send { @start[tid] = nsecs; } kprobe:__netif_receive_skb_core { @diff[tid] = hist(nsecs - @start[tid]); delete(@start[tid]); } END { print(@diff); clear(@diff); } This traces the time between the icmp_send kernel function (when the packet is queued for transmit) and the __netif_receive_skb_core function (when the response packet is received). The

Delayed caching 
proxy_cache_min_uses number; 
• Saves on disk writes for very cool caches 
Cache revalidation 
proxy_cache_revalidate on; 
• Saves on upstream bandwidth and disk writes
Control over cache time 
proxy_cache_valid 200 302 10m; 
proxy_cache_valid 404 1m; 
• Priority is: 
– X-Accel-Expires 
– Cache-Control 
– Expires 
– proxy_cache_valid 
Set-Cookie response header 
means no caching
Cache / don’t cache 
proxy_cache_bypass string ...; 
proxy_no_cache string ...; 
• Bypass the cache – go to origin; may cache result 
• No_Cache – if we go to origin, don’t cache result 
proxy_no_cache $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache $http_authorization; 
• Typically used with a complex cache key, and only if the 
origin does not sent appropriate cache-control reponses

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Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL
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Building a SIMD Supported Vectorized Native Engine for Spark SQL

Spark SQL works very well with structured row-based data. Vectorized reader and writer for parquet/orc can make I/O much faster. It also used WholeStageCodeGen to improve the performance by Java JIT code. However Java JIT is usually not working very well on utilizing latest SIMD instructions under complicated queries. Apache Arrow provides columnar in-memory layout and SIMD optimized kernels as well as a LLVM based SQL engine Gandiva. These native based libraries can accelerate Spark SQL by reduce the CPU usage for both I/O and execution.

Velocity 2015 linux perf tools
Velocity 2015 linux perf toolsVelocity 2015 linux perf tools
Velocity 2015 linux perf tools

Video: and . Tutorial slides for O'Reilly Velocity SC 2015, by Brendan Gregg. There are many performance tools nowadays for Linux, but how do they all fit together, and when do we use them? This tutorial explains methodologies for using these tools, and provides a tour of four tool types: observability, benchmarking, tuning, and static tuning. Many tools will be discussed, including top, iostat, tcpdump, sar, perf_events, ftrace, SystemTap, sysdig, and others, as well observability frameworks in the Linux kernel: PMCs, tracepoints, kprobes, and uprobes. This tutorial is updated and extended on an earlier talk that summarizes the Linux performance tool landscape. The value of this tutorial is not just learning that these tools exist and what they do, but hearing when and how they are used by a performance engineer to solve real world problems — important context that is typically not included in the standard documentation.

linux performance tools tracing
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Cisco Meraki クラウド ネットワーキング

Multiple Caches 
proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache1 keys_zone=one:10m levels=1:2 inactive=60s; 
proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache2 keys_zone=two:2m levels=1:2 inactive=20s; 
• Different cache policies for different tenants 
• Pin caches to specific disks 
• Temp-file considerations – put on same disk!: 
proxy_temp_path path [level1 [level2 [level3]]];
Why is page speed important? 
• We used to talk about the ‘N second rule’: 
– 10-second rule 
• (Jakob Nielsen, March 1997) 
– 8-second rule 
• (Zona Research, June 2001) 
– 4-second rule 
• (Jupiter Research, June 2006) 
– 3-second rule 
• (PhocusWright, March 2010) 
Google changed the rules 
“We want you to be able to get 
from one page to another as 
quickly as you turn the page on 
a book” 
Urs Hölzle, Google

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Highlights of Velocity 2010:

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Tips on High Performance Server Programming
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Tips on High Performance Server Programming

This document provides tips and best practices for high performance server programming. It discusses avoiding blocking, using efficient algorithms and data structures, separating I/O from business logic, and tuning for bottlenecks. It also covers various I/O models like blocking, non-blocking, and asynchronous I/O. Key aspects of designing high performance servers include using non-blocking I/O, event-driven architectures, and avoiding excessive threading.


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open source
The costs of poor performance 
• Google: search enhancements cost 0.5s page load 
– Ad CTR dropped 20% 
• Amazon: Artificially increased page load by 100ms 
– Customer revenue dropped 1% 
• Walmart, Yahoo, Shopzilla, Edmunds, Mozilla… 
– All reported similar effects on revenue 
• Google Pagerank – Page Speed affects Page Rank 
– Time to First Byte is what appears to count
NGINX Caching lets you 
Improve end-user performance 
Consolidate and simplify your web infrastructure 
Increase server capacity 
Insulate yourself from server failures
Closing thoughts 
• 38% of the world’s busiest websites use NGINX 
• Check out the blogs on 
• Future webinars: 
Try NGINX F/OSS ( or NGINX Plus (

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NGINX High-performance Caching

  • 1. NGINX High-performance Caching Introduced by Andrew Alexeev Presented by Owen Garrett Nginx, Inc.
  • 2. About this webinar Content Caching is one of the most effective ways to dramatically improve the performance of a web site. In this webinar, we’ll deep-dive into NGINX’s caching abilities and investigate the architecture used, debugging techniques and advanced configuration. By the end of the webinar, you’ll be well equipped to configure NGINX to cache content exactly as you need.
  • 4. Basic Principles Internet N GET /index.html GET /index.html Used by: Browser Cache, Content Delivery Network and/or Reverse Proxy Cache
  • 5. Mechanics of HTTP Caching • Origin server declares cacheability of content Expires: Tue, 6 May 2014 02:28:12 GMT Cache-Control: public, max-age=60 X-Accel-Expires: 30 Last-Modified: Tue, 29 April 2014 02:28:12 GMT ETag: "3e86-410-3596fbbc“ • Requesting client honors cacheability – May issue conditional GETs
  • 6. What does NGINX cache? • Cache GET and HEAD with no Set-Cookie response • Uniqueness defined by raw URL or: proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args; • Cache time defined by – X-Accel-Expires – Cache-Control – Expires
  • 8. NGINX Config proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=one:10m levels=1:2 inactive=60m; server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8080; proxy_cache one; } }
  • 9. Caching Process Internet MISS Read request Wait? Check Cache Respond from cache cache_lock_timeout Response cacheable? HIT Stream to disk NGINX can use stale content under the following circumstances: proxy_cache_use_stale error | timeout | invalid_header | updating | http_500 | http_502 | http_503 | http_504 | http_403 | http_404 | off
  • 10. Caching is not just for HTTP • FastCGI – Functions much like HTTP • Memcache – Retrieve content from memcached server (must be prepopulated) • uwsgi and SCGI N HTTP FastCGI memcached uwsgi SCGI NGINX is more than just a reverse proxy
  • 12. Cache Instrumentation add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; MISS Response not found in cache; got from upstream. Response may have been saved to cache BYPASS proxy_cache_bypass got response from upstream. Response may have been saved to cache EXPIRED entry in cache has expired; we return fresh content from upstream STALE takes control and serves stale content from cache because upstream is not responding correctly UPDATING serve state content from cache because cache_lock has timed out and proxy_use_stale takes control REVALIDATED proxy_cache_revalidate verified that the current cached content was still valid (if-modified-since) HIT we serve valid, fresh content direct from cache
  • 13. Cache Instrumentation map $remote_addr $cache_status { $upstream_cache_status; default “”; } server { location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:8002; proxy_cache one; add_header X-Cache-Status $cache_status; } }
  • 14. Extended Status Check out:
  • 16. How it works... • NGINX uses a persistent disk-based cache – OS Page Cache keeps content in memory, with hints from NGINX processes • We’ll look at: – How is content stored in the cache? – How is the cache loaded at startup? – Pruning the cache over time – Purging content manually from the cache
  • 17. How is cached content stored? proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache keys_zone=one:10m levels=1:2 max_size=40m; • Define cache key: proxy_cache_key $scheme$proxy_host$uri$is_args$args; • Get the content into the cache, then check the md5 $ echo -n "httplocalhost:8002/time.php" | md5sum 6d91b1ec887b7965d6a926cff19379b4 - • Verify it’s there: $ cat /tmp/cache/4/9b/6d91b1ec887b7965d6a926cff19379b4
  • 18. Loading cache from disk • Cache metadata stored in shared memory segment • Populated at startup from cache by cache loader proxy_cache_path path keys_zone=name:size [loader_files=number] [loader_threshold=time] [loader_sleep=time]; (100) (200ms) (50ms) – Loads files in blocks of 100 – Takes no longer than 200ms – Pauses for 50ms, then repeats
  • 19. Managing the disk cache • Cache Manager runs periodically, purging files that were inactive irrespective of cache time, deleteing files in LRU style if cache is too big proxy_cache_path path keys_zone=name:size [inactive=time] [max_size=size]; (10m) – Remove files that have not been used within 10m – Remove files if cache size exceeds max_size
  • 20. Purging content from disk • Find it and delete it – Relatively easy if you know the key • NGINX Plus – cache purge capability $ curl -X PURGE -D – "http://localhost:8001/*" HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Server: nginx/1.5.12 Date: Sat, 03 May 2014 16:33:04 GMT Connection: keep-alive X-Cache-Key: httplocalhost:8002/*
  • 22. Delayed caching proxy_cache_min_uses number; • Saves on disk writes for very cool caches Cache revalidation proxy_cache_revalidate on; • Saves on upstream bandwidth and disk writes
  • 23. Control over cache time proxy_cache_valid 200 302 10m; proxy_cache_valid 404 1m; • Priority is: – X-Accel-Expires – Cache-Control – Expires – proxy_cache_valid Set-Cookie response header means no caching
  • 24. Cache / don’t cache proxy_cache_bypass string ...; proxy_no_cache string ...; • Bypass the cache – go to origin; may cache result • No_Cache – if we go to origin, don’t cache result proxy_no_cache $cookie_nocache $arg_nocache $http_authorization; • Typically used with a complex cache key, and only if the origin does not sent appropriate cache-control reponses
  • 25. Multiple Caches proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache1 keys_zone=one:10m levels=1:2 inactive=60s; proxy_cache_path /tmp/cache2 keys_zone=two:2m levels=1:2 inactive=20s; • Different cache policies for different tenants • Pin caches to specific disks • Temp-file considerations – put on same disk!: proxy_temp_path path [level1 [level2 [level3]]];
  • 27. Why is page speed important? • We used to talk about the ‘N second rule’: – 10-second rule • (Jakob Nielsen, March 1997) – 8-second rule • (Zona Research, June 2001) – 4-second rule • (Jupiter Research, June 2006) – 3-second rule • (PhocusWright, March 2010) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Jan-14
  • 28. Google changed the rules “We want you to be able to get from one page to another as quickly as you turn the page on a book” Urs Hölzle, Google
  • 29. The costs of poor performance • Google: search enhancements cost 0.5s page load – Ad CTR dropped 20% • Amazon: Artificially increased page load by 100ms – Customer revenue dropped 1% • Walmart, Yahoo, Shopzilla, Edmunds, Mozilla… – All reported similar effects on revenue • Google Pagerank – Page Speed affects Page Rank – Time to First Byte is what appears to count
  • 30. NGINX Caching lets you Improve end-user performance Consolidate and simplify your web infrastructure Increase server capacity Insulate yourself from server failures
  • 31. Closing thoughts • 38% of the world’s busiest websites use NGINX • Check out the blogs on • Future webinars: Try NGINX F/OSS ( or NGINX Plus (

Editor's Notes

  1. Why cache – three reasons – performance improvements, capacity improvements, and resilience to failures in backends
  2. Cool because is trivial to configure
  3. Error: an error occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header; Timeout: a timeout has occurred while establishing a connection with the server, passing a request to it, or reading the response header; invalid_header: a server returned an empty or invalid response; Updating – content is being refreshed and a lock is in place http_500: a server returned a response with the code 500; http_502: a server returned a response with the code 502; http_503: a server returned a response with the code 503; http_504: a server returned a response with the code 504; http_403: a server returned a response with the code 403; http_404: a server returned a response with the code 404; Off: disables passing a request to the next server.
  4. Complex. We make it really easy
  5. It uses same tech as static content that nginx is renowned for
  6. Get smart
  7. What does performance really mean to you? Revenue Ad CTR Employee and partner satisfaction What devices do your users use? What network conditions are they under?
  8. 1. Deliver all content at the speed of nginx 2. Compared to multiple point solutions 3. Cache for one second example 4. proxy_cache_use_stale