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Responsive Media Course

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[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBAR 2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive image techniques for adaptive web design. It covers using fluid grids with percentages instead of pixels, media queries to load different CSS stylesheets for different screen widths, and setting image max-widths to 100% so they scale responsively. It also discusses feature testing browser width with JavaScript instead of browser sniffing, handling high pixel density "Retina" displays, and techniques like .htaccess rewriting, <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries to serve the most appropriate image assets. The focus is on delivering the right image for each device or screen size to optimize for bandwidth, performance, and user experience.

cssresponsive web designcss3
High Performance Images
High Performance ImagesHigh Performance Images
High Performance Images

The document discusses various image formats (GIF, PNG, JPEG), optimization tools, responsive image techniques (srcset, picture), lazy loading, icon fonts versus SVG sprites, and video optimization. It provides information on each topic and examples of how to implement the different techniques for optimizing images and other assets for faster page loads.

Responsive and Fast
Responsive and FastResponsive and Fast
Responsive and Fast

This document discusses strategies for improving website performance. It begins by showing examples of slow loading pages and notes that responsive web design (RWD) does not inherently improve performance—proper implementation is important. Several tips for optimizing performance are provided, such as concatenating files, minifying code, compressing images, using responsive images, optimizing font and image sizes, and inlining critical CSS. The document also covers topics like bandwidth versus latency, measuring performance, and how HTTP/2 may impact current best practices. The overarching message is that performance should be a priority considered throughout the design and development process.

[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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Responsive Enhancement
Responsive EnhancementResponsive Enhancement
Responsive Enhancement

Responsive Webdesign is much more than squishing containers and setting breakpoints. Performance is often a big problem. How to achieve performance with progressive enhancement, conditional loading and RESS. Original Slideshow:

rwdresponsive web designress
Mehr Performance für WordPress - WPFra
Mehr Performance für WordPress - WPFraMehr Performance für WordPress - WPFra
Mehr Performance für WordPress - WPFra

Vortrag zum WP Meetup Frankfurt am 14.04.2105

Responsive Design: Mehr als CSS
Responsive Design: Mehr als CSSResponsive Design: Mehr als CSS
Responsive Design: Mehr als CSS

The document discusses techniques for optimizing responsive web design for mobile devices, including downloading and hiding/resizing unnecessary elements based on screen width, using lightweight JavaScript libraries conditionally, responsive images with srcset, and serving different content for mobile using server-side device detection. It provides examples and links to resources for implementing these techniques.

responsive designcsshtml5
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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Keypoints html5
Keypoints html5Keypoints html5
Keypoints html5

20100807 OSC Nagoya での講演資料 # スライドのみで見やすいよう若干整理 P5〜 Agenda P17〜 "HTML5" って何? P56〜 HTML5 の範囲は? P67〜 ブラウザのサポートは? P94〜 IE6 はどうするの? P118〜 使用上の注意 P147〜 便利なツールは? P152〜 One Point Q&A P186〜 追加資料

A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019

The document discusses using Angular Schematics to simplify development tasks. It covers creating a basic schematic, adding templates, testing schematics, publishing to NPM, and integrating with Angular CLI. Schematics can generate code and files and are useful for tasks like authentication, routing, and application shell generation. The document provides examples of building schematics that generate components and applications.

implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflowimplement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow
implement lighthouse-ci with your web development workflow

This presentation is about implementing the performance as first approach in web development and a bit of real case study. Then implement the Lighthouse-CI in the development workflow to keep the site performance high.

[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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Video.js - How to build and HTML5 Video Player
Video.js - How to build and HTML5 Video PlayerVideo.js - How to build and HTML5 Video Player
Video.js - How to build and HTML5 Video Player

From the 'HTML5 player showcase/How to Build an HTML5 player' given at the Open Video Conference in October 2010.

javascripthtml5 video
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019
A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Angular SF 2019

You might’ve heard of Angular Schematics, but do you know what they do? Learn how you can use this powerful tool to develop workflows and simplify configurations for your Angular projects. Blog post: Source code: Screencast:

Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom MenaceBrowser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Browser Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

This document summarizes the history and evolution of web browsers and internet technologies from the early 1990s to the late 1990s. It traces the development of key browsers like Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. It also outlines the introduction of important web standards like HTML, CSS, JavaScript and XML. Major events included the commercialization of the web in the mid-1990s, the browser wars between Netscape and Microsoft in the late 90s, and the consolidation of online services providers toward the end of the decade.

alert("User-agent header sent: " + navigator.userAgent);

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Clojure Web Development
Clojure Web DevelopmentClojure Web Development
Clojure Web Development

This document discusses Clojure web development and describes a web-based project management system called Trakr that was created using Clojure. Trakr uses a MongoDB database and has a modern friendly UI. The architecture involves a Clojure HTTP server with a Ring middleware pipeline and Compojure routing to map requests to handlers. Testing is done with clojure.test and clojure.contrib.mock. Performance is around 70ms average latency.

High Performance JavaScript - WebDirections USA 2010
High Performance JavaScript - WebDirections USA 2010High Performance JavaScript - WebDirections USA 2010
High Performance JavaScript - WebDirections USA 2010

This document summarizes Nicholas C. Zakas' presentation on high performance JavaScript. It discusses how the browser UI thread handles both UI updates and JavaScript execution sequentially. Long running JavaScript can cause unresponsive UIs. Techniques to ensure responsive UIs include limiting JavaScript execution time, using timers or web workers to break up processing, reducing repaints and reflows, and grouping style changes. Hardware acceleration and optimizing JavaScript engines have improved performance but responsive UIs still require discipline.

The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #scd14
The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #scd14The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #scd14
The Big Picture: Responsive Images in Action #scd14

Although responsive designs are already state-of-the-art in web development the whole trend still is in its infancy. When it comes to images, a lot of responsive websites just load the same big image on every viewport. Because of this, people judge responsive design as being detrimental to performance. New markup elements like &lt;picture> are in development right now but what are the alternatives, what is the best to use right now, and how do they work? I will lead you through the different techniques and polyfills and show you their pros and cons. After this talk you should be able to choose the best fitting responsive image solution for your project.

responsive designresponsive imagespicturefill
alert("User-agent header sent: " + navigator.userAgent);
Mozilla/1.0 (Win3.1)
Mozilla/1.0 (Win3.1)
Mozilla/1.22 (compatible;
MSIE 2.0; Windows 95)
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac
OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/
534.55.3 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Version/5.1.5 Safari/534.55.3

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WordPress-Templates mit Twig erstellen - PHPUGFFM
WordPress-Templates mit Twig erstellen - PHPUGFFMWordPress-Templates mit Twig erstellen - PHPUGFFM
WordPress-Templates mit Twig erstellen - PHPUGFFM

This document provides information about using Twig as a templating language for WordPress projects. It discusses advantages of Twig like separation of HTML and PHP. It also covers how to install and configure Twig, use Twig syntax in templates, integrate Twig with plugins like Timber, extend Twig functionality, and lists some WordPress projects that use Twig. Finally, it provides some resources for getting started with WordPress development using Composer and Twig.

Technical Tips: Visual Regression Testing and Environment Comparison with Bac...
Technical Tips: Visual Regression Testing and Environment Comparison with Bac...Technical Tips: Visual Regression Testing and Environment Comparison with Bac...
Technical Tips: Visual Regression Testing and Environment Comparison with Bac...

As a Front End Web Developer, experimenting with new tools to add to your workflow (and going down the rabbit hole with them!) is all part and parcel of refining your craft. Chris Eccles, Technical Manager at Building Blocks has been doing just this and has some invaluable insight into CSS Visual Regression using Backstop.JS. CSS Visual Regression testing is the process of running automated visual test comparisons on pages or elements in your projects. Using Backstop.JS, Chris has discovered that this tool is intuitive, allowing quick configuration to allow you to get up and rolling quickly. Backstop.JS serves your tests via a webpage which gives you the visual feedback needed for targeting bugs caused from CSS related issues. These comparisons can uncover bugs you’d otherwise not learn about until it’s too late. A very useful tool to have in your Front End arsenal, wouldn’t you agree? Chris has been sharing his insights with the BB team and wanted to share with our blog readers also. So, sit back and enjoy the ride through the wonderful world of Backstop.JS.

web developmentbackstop.jsvisual regression testing
[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It covers techniques like using the browser width and screen resolution to determine the appropriate image size via JavaScript or media queries. It also discusses checking bandwidth and using techniques like picture, srcset, .htaccess rewriting, and single pixel GIFs to serve the right image. The document recommends using CSS media queries for design and covers workaround techniques like background-size, SVG, and font-based solutions.

htmlhtml5responsive web design
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac
OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/
534.55.3 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Version/5.1.5 Safari/534.55.3
1 Browser width

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Christopher Schmitt, "Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design"
Christopher Schmitt, "Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design"Christopher Schmitt, "Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design"
Christopher Schmitt, "Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design"

The open web doesn't stop at our desktop. Smart phones and tablets not only contain more computing power and better browsers than the computers that started the Internet economy, they have better displays. Presented at WebVisions Barcelona 2013.

christopher schmittadaptive imageswvbcn
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

1. The document discusses various techniques for implementing adaptive images in responsive web design, including using the browser's user agent string, feature testing dimensions with JavaScript, and CSS media queries. 2. It describes approaches like modifying .htaccess files and using the <picture> element to serve different image sizes, as well as libraries that simplify the process like HiSRC. 3. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVG images, font-based solutions, and compressed JPEG files to improve performance on different devices.

html5cssresponsive web design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses various techniques for responsive images in web design, including browser sniffing versus feature testing, image sizes for different screen resolutions and bandwidths, and different implementation methods like .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like using the browser width to determine layouts, screen resolution detection, and bandwidth testing. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVGs, icon fonts, and compressed JPEGs. The document advocates a mobile-first approach and using CSS media queries to adapt designs based on screen size.

A scripting approach
var myWidth = 0, myHeight = 0;
if( typeof( window.innerWidth ) == 'number' ) {
myWidth = window.innerWidth;
myHeight = window.innerHeight;
} else if( document.documentElement &&
( document.documentElement.clientWidth ||
document.documentElement.clientHeight ) ) {
//IE 6+ in 'standards compliant mode'
myWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
myHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
The jQuery approach
// returns width of browser viewport
// returns height of browser viewport
// returns width of HTML document
// returns height of HTML document
$(document).height(); &
CSS media queries
// default, mobile-1st CSS rules devices go here
@media screen and (min-width: 480px) { ... }
@media screen and (min-width: 600px) { ... }
@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { ... }
@media screen and (min-width: 910px) { ... }

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[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD

This document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by explaining why the browser should be asked about screen resolution and bandwidth instead of sniffing the browser. It then demonstrates using feature testing to determine browser width and screen resolution. Next, it covers issues with higher resolution retina displays like larger file sizes. The document proposes solutions like using .htaccess files, srcset, and JavaScript libraries to serve the appropriate image based on screen details without browser sniffing. It emphasizes that CSS media queries are still important for responsive design.

cssresponsive web designcss3
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Slides from my talk at HTML5tx 2013. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers at HTML5tx for putting on the event!

mobilemobile webrwdimg
[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[rwdsummit2012] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by explaining why the browser should be asked for information like screen resolution and bandwidth instead of doing speed tests. It then covers different techniques for adaptive images like using the browser width, screen resolution, bandwidth tests, feature testing vs browser sniffing, and CSS media queries. It also discusses workarounds like using the .htaccess file, <picture> element, and HiSRC plugin to serve responsive images. The document advocates for newer approaches that provide a simple user experience while allowing the browser and server to communicate information.

responsive web designimagesweb design and development
1 Browser width
2 Screen resolution
72 points-per-inch =
72 pixels-per-inch

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Mume HTML5 Intro
Mume HTML5 IntroMume HTML5 Intro
Mume HTML5 Intro

This document discusses HTML5 multimedia capabilities including canvas, audio, video, local storage and web applications. It provides code examples for drawing shapes and images on canvas, embedding audio and video, and using local storage. It also lists additional resources for learning HTML5 and thanks those who have helped with learning HTML5. The document appears to be from a presentation on HTML5 multimedia given by Erik Duval of KU Leuven.

Design+Performance Velocity 2015
Design+Performance Velocity 2015Design+Performance Velocity 2015
Design+Performance Velocity 2015

Which would you rather have: A rich design or a fast user experience? Users want both, but sometimes the interplay between design and performance feels like a fixed sum game: One side’s gain is the other side’s loss. Design and performance are indeed connected, but it’s more like the yin and yang. They aren’t opposing forces, but instead complement each other. Users want an experience that is rich and fast. The trick for us as designers and developers is figuring out how to do that. The answer is to adopt an approach that considers both design and performance from the outset. With this approach, designs are conceived by teams of designers and developers working together. Developers benefit by participating in the product definition process. Designers benefit from understanding more about how designs are implemented. There’s an emphasis on early prototyping and tracking performance from the get-go. With new metrics that focus on what a user actually sees as the page loads, we can now bridge the technical and language gaps that have hindered the seamless creation of great user experiences. In this presentation, Steve Souders, former Chief Performance Yahoo! and Google head performance engineer, explains how promoting a process that brings design and performance together at the beginning of a project helps deliver a web experience that is both fast and rich.

Business of Front-end Web Development
Business of Front-end Web DevelopmentBusiness of Front-end Web Development
Business of Front-end Web Development

1) Rachel Andrew discusses considerations when choosing tools and frameworks for front-end development projects, emphasizing progressive enhancement and ensuring the core experience works for all. 2) She argues against over-reliance on frameworks, which can mask issues and prevent learning core skills. Frameworks should be used lightly and evaluated on a case-by-case basis. 3) Andrew talks about the importance of standards-based development and contributing to emerging specifications like CSS Grid Layout, rather than depending entirely on pre-processors. Her goal is to encourage continued progress of the open web.

72 points-per-inch
x [1+(1/3)]
= 96 PPI
“RETINA” DISPLAYS300ppi at 12 inches from the eyes
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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Responsive Responsive Design
Responsive Responsive DesignResponsive Responsive Design
Responsive Responsive Design

The document discusses responsive web design and performance. It covers topics like building flexible and fast sites, embracing constraints of different devices, conditional loading of content, lazy loading of images, and optimizing assets like CSS and JavaScript. Key aspects of responsive design like media queries, flexible layouts, and responsive images are presented alongside techniques to improve page performance like prioritizing content, conditional loading, and lazy loading of non-critical assets.

Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015
Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015
Design & Performance - Steve Souders at Fastly Altitude 2015

Fastly Altitude - June 25, 2015. Chief SpeedCurver Steve Souders explains how design and web performance are more interconnected than ever before. Users want a fast website with a rich design, but sometimes the interplay between design and performance feels like a fixed sum game: one side's gain is the other side's loss. Design and performance are indeed connected, but it's more like the yin and yang. They aren't opposing forces, but instead complement each other. Bringing these processes together produces experiences that are rich and fast. Video from the talk: Steve's bio: Steve Souders is a co-founder at SpeedCurve, where he develops web performance services. His book, High Performance Web Sites, explains his best practices for performance; it was #1 in Amazon's Computer and Internet bestsellers. His follow-up book, Even Faster Web Sites, provides performance tips for today's Web 2.0 applications. Steve is the creator of many performance tools and services including YSlow, the HTTP Archive, Cuzillion, Jdrop, SpriteMe, ControlJS, and Browserscope. He serves as co-chair of Velocity, the web performance and operations conference from O'Reilly, and is co-founder of the Firebug Working Group.

high performance websiteweb performancewebsite acceleration
JavaScript front end performance optimizations
JavaScript front end performance optimizationsJavaScript front end performance optimizations
JavaScript front end performance optimizations

No one wants a slow loading, slow reacting application. As page weight has increased so has the dependency on JavaScript to drive rich user experiences. Today many pages load over 2MBs of JavaScript, but is this healthy? Do your scripts and dependencies perform well? In this session we will review common JavaScript performance bottlenecks, how to detect them and how to eliminate them. This session will review common bad coding syntax, architecture and how to replace them with better alternatives. You will also be exposed to caching, code organization, build and deployment best practices that produce the best user experiences. Finally, you will see how to use the navigation timing and performance timing APIs to fine tune your applications to produce a fast, lean application your customers will love.

web performancejavascript
[In 2013, Intel sees their
product line] offer a higher
resolution experience than a
top-of-the-line 1080p HDTV.”
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
72 PPI

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The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014
The things browsers can do! SAE Alumni Convention 2014

This document discusses various features that browsers can do. It covers CSS selectors and properties, DOM manipulation using JavaScript, media queries, Canvas API, and more. Code examples are provided to demonstrate how to use these features. The document emphasizes that browsers continue to evolve and new opportunities exist where there is lack of support for emerging features.

Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...
Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...
Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...

Content Security Policies (CSP) are an additional layer of security that you can add to your websites to protect your users from XSS attacks, but it is only used by about 2% of the Internet. This presentation was given at WordCamp Europe 2018 and explains the threats posted to website visitors, how CSPs can help, and how they work. #wceu

securityinformation securitywebsites
Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...
Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...
Content Security Policies: A whole new way of securing your website that no o...

Content Security Policies (CSP) are an additional layer of security that you can add to your websites to protect your users from XSS attacks, but it is only used by about 2% of the Internet. This presentation was given at WordCamp Europe 2018 and explains the threats posted to website visitors, how CSPs can help, and how they work. #wceu

information securitysecuritywordpress
240 PPI
240 PPI
72 PPI
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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20111014 mu me_html5
20111014 mu me_html520111014 mu me_html5
20111014 mu me_html5

The document discusses HTML5 multimedia capabilities including canvas, video, audio, and local storage. It provides code examples of drawing on a canvas using JavaScript, playing video and audio, and using local storage to create a simple counter. The document recommends resources for learning more about HTML5 and thanks others for their contributions. It promotes HTML5 as a way to add multimedia without plugins like Flash.

Testing web application with Python
Testing web application with PythonTesting web application with Python
Testing web application with Python

Testing web mapping applications and services using Python provides concise summaries in 3 sentences or less: The document discusses using Python for testing web mapping applications and services, including unit, integration, and system testing. It provides an example of using Selenium to test a web map application, writing tests to interact with elements and assert expected behavior. Implementing tests in Python makes the process easy and allows new programmers to get involved, helping to catch bugs and improve software quality.

software testinggispython
VizEx View HTML5 Workshop
VizEx View HTML5 WorkshopVizEx View HTML5 Workshop
VizEx View HTML5 Workshop

The Evolution of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Viewing. The objective of the workshop is to provide you with all the information required to implement our evolutionary technology.

1 Browser width
2 Screen resolution
3 Bandwidth
Testing for speed of an internet
connection is like stepping in
front of a car to see how fast it

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VizEx View HTML5 Workshop
VizEx View HTML5 WorkshopVizEx View HTML5 Workshop
VizEx View HTML5 Workshop

The Evolution of CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) Viewing. The objective of the workshop is to provide you with all the information required to implement our evolutionary technology.

Keeping Colors from Killing Your Product
Keeping Colors from Killing Your ProductKeeping Colors from Killing Your Product
Keeping Colors from Killing Your Product

This document discusses best practices for using color in web design to ensure accessibility and avoid accessibility issues related to color contrast. It provides an overview of color theory terms, different color schemes, and examples of how top companies use color on their websites. It also reviews guidelines for sufficient color contrast from the WCAG and tools for checking color contrast. The key recommendations are to use color thoughtfully following principles of contrast and accessibility, apply sufficient contrast ratios to all elements, and proactively test color accessibility.

coloraccessibilityproduct design
[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code
[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code
[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code

This document provides an overview of GitHub and version control using Git. It discusses how GitHub allows for cloud-based code repositories that enable social coding and collaboration. Key Git commands are explained such as add, commit, status, log, branch, merge. Remote repositories are covered, including cloning repositories and pushing code to GitHub. Conflict resolution during merges is demonstrated. Examples of open source projects and tools hosted on GitHub are provided.

Testing for speed of an internet
connection is like stepping in
front of a car to see how fast it
But, Christopher, you only have
to test it once.”“
Speed test image
Speed test image
Native speed test
// @Modernizr's network-connection.js
connection = navigator.connection || {
type: 0 }, // polyfill
isSlowConnection = connection.type == 3
|| connection.type == 4
		 	 	 	 | /^[23]g$/.test(connection.type);

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[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design
[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design
[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. It discusses using feature testing versus browser sniffing to determine the appropriate image to serve, including testing browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth. It then covers various techniques for serving adaptive images, such as using .htaccess files, the <picture> element, srcset attributes, and JavaScript libraries. It emphasizes using a mobile-first approach and progressive enhancement to provide the best experience for all devices.

html5cssresponsive web design
GitHub for People Who Don't Code
GitHub for People Who Don't CodeGitHub for People Who Don't Code
GitHub for People Who Don't Code

The document discusses how GitHub can be used by non-technical people. It provides an overview of version control and Git basics such as forking a repository, making commits, and merging changes. It also covers how to set up Git on your local machine and connect to GitHub to share code. GitHub features like issues, milestones, apps and Pages are mentioned. An example is given of its use on President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign with 240 code repositories.

htmlweb designgithub
[sxsw2013] Extremely Compressed JPEGs
[sxsw2013] Extremely Compressed JPEGs[sxsw2013] Extremely Compressed JPEGs
[sxsw2013] Extremely Compressed JPEGs

The document appears to be a presentation about designing web and mobile graphics. It discusses using different sized image assets and the <picture> element to serve the optimal image based on screen size. It shows examples of image sizes for different screen densities and dimensions. It also discusses compressing images to reduce file size while maintaining quality.

sxsw2013htmlweb design
1 Browser width
2 Screen resolution
3 Bandwidth
1 srcset & sizes
Basic Image Swap
<img src="headshot_500px.jpg"
	srcset="headshot_650px.jpg 1.5x,
	 	 	 	 	headshot_1000px.jpg 2x"
	width="500" alt="Headshot">

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[amigos] HTML5 and CSS3
[amigos] HTML5 and CSS3[amigos] HTML5 and CSS3
[amigos] HTML5 and CSS3

This document discusses HTML5 and CSS3 and whether they are ready for mainstream use. It provides an overview of the new HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>. It also covers HTML5 video and audio capabilities and supporting different video codecs. The document recommends tools for encoding video files into supported formats and discusses using text tracks for basic captioning support.

[convergefl] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergefl] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[convergefl] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[convergefl] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It covers using the browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth to determine the appropriate image size to serve. Feature testing methods like media queries and JavaScript are outlined as alternatives to browser sniffing. Higher resolution displays are also discussed, and how they require larger image files. Serving different images based on these criteria can optimize the experience for users.

csshtml5responsive web design
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)

Chrome 4+ IE9+ Opera 10.5+ Safari 3.1+ (H.264 video requires QuickTime) Mobile Safari 3.2+ Android 2.2+ BlackBerry 7+ Opera Mobile 10.1+ Firefox Mobile 4+ Chrome for Android 18+ Internet Explorer Mobile 10+ 61 HTML5 VIDEO 62 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML5 Video Demo</title> </head> <body> <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.

[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
Basic Image Swap
<img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw,
		 	 (max-width: 50em) 50vw"
	srcset="swing-200.jpg 200w,
		 	 swing-400.jpg 400w,
		 	 swing-800.jpg 800w,
		 	 swing-1600.jpg 1600w"
	src="swing-400.jpg" alt="Kettlebell Swing">
Basic Image Swap
<img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw,
		 	 (max-width: 50em) 50vw"
	srcset="swing-200.jpg 200w,
		 	 swing-400.jpg 400w,
		 	 swing-800.jpg 800w,
		 	 swing-1600.jpg 1600w"
	src="swing-400.jpg" alt="Kettlebell Swing">
Basic Image Swap
<img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw,
		 	 (max-width: 50em) 50vw"
	srcset="swing-200.jpg 200w,
		 	 swing-400.jpg 400w,
		 	 swing-800.jpg 800w,
		 	 swing-1600.jpg 1600w"
	src="swing-400.jpg" alt="Kettlebell Swing">

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[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design
[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design
[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design

The document discusses new elements and syntax in HTML5 for building web pages. It covers using the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, specifying character encodings and languages, including <script> and <style> elements, and bringing back semantic HTML tags like <b>, <i>, and <abbr>. It also discusses new structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>. Finally, it covers other new features in HTML5 like figures, details, drag and drop, and microformats.

[heweb11] CSS3 Makeover
[heweb11] CSS3 Makeover[heweb11] CSS3 Makeover
[heweb11] CSS3 Makeover

This document provides an agenda and overview for a presentation on CSS3 features including new selectors, properties, and techniques for cross-browser compatibility. It explores CSS3 modules like color, opacity, text effects, fonts, shadows, borders, and images. The presentation examines properties such as RGBA, text-overflow, text-selection, columns, @font-face, text-shadow, box-shadow, border-image, and techniques for implementing these features across browsers. Lessons are provided on browser support and workarounds for older browsers.

[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover

This document provides an agenda and overview for an HTML5 and CSS3 workshop. The agenda includes explaining differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>, bringing back semantic HTML tags, figures and captions, editable elements, drag and drop, HTML5 metadata like microformats, and page structure. It discusses syntax changes in HTML5 and introducing new elements and attributes to improve semantics and accessibility.

Basic Image Swap
<img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw,
		 	 (max-width: 50em) 50vw"
	srcset="swing-200.jpg 200w,
		 	 swing-400.jpg 400w,
		 	 swing-800.jpg 800w,
		 	 swing-1600.jpg 1600w"
	src="swing-400.jpg" alt="Kettlebell Swing">
Basic Image Swap
<img sizes="(max-width: 30em) 100vw,
		 	 (max-width: 50em) 50vw”
	srcset="swing-200.jpg 200w,
		 	 swing-400.jpg 400w,
		 	 swing-800.jpg 800w,
		 	 swing-1600.jpg 1600w"
	src="swing-400.jpg" alt="Kettlebell Swing">
* Science

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[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop

This document provides an agenda for an HTML5 workshop. The agenda includes discussions of differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 syntax like DOCTYPEs and character sets, and features like audio/video, geolocation, forms, and accessibility. It also outlines exercises for validating HTML5 markup and exploring new HTML5 elements.

Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENGPortfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG
Portfolio of Family Coat of Arms, devised by Kasyanenko Rostyslav, ENG

The Ukrainian and German journalist Rostyslav Kasyanenko has dedicated himself to genealogical research and heraldry. Originally Ukrainian, now living in Munich (Bavaria) he working in Ukrainian Free University (Est. 1921) as archivist. Curator of Heraldic Teams, Member of Ukrainian Heraldry Society (UHS) R.Kasyanenko is Deviser of the Family and Municipal Coat of Arms and Author of the exhibition concept project: “Maritime flags and arms of the Black Sea countries vs. Mediterranean: what has changed in 175 years?” Author of scientific articles (2023-24): Parallels between the meaning of Symbol and Myth according to Hryhorii Skovoroda and heraldic systems Heraldry as a marker of evolution of national identity in Ukraine and Slovakia: from the Princely era to the "Spring of Nations" (XI-XIX centuries) Historical parallels in the formation of national awareness in Ukraine and Slovakia in modern times (1848-1992) Proto-heraldry of Kievan Rus': dynastic symbols of the Princely era, and how does the Palatine Lion relate to this? Symbols of the House of Romanovyches: the Bavarian influence in Ukrainian heraldry Participant of Scientific Conferences (2023-24): - XXХІІІ Heraldic Conference of the Ukrainian Heraldry Society, October 13, 2023, Lviv - International Conference “Slovak-Ukrainian Relations in the Field of Language, Literature, and Culture in Slovakia and the Central European Space”, University of Prešov, Institute of Ukrainian Studies, Faculty of Arts, 18-20.10.2023 - International Conference „The Past, Present, and Future of Heraldry: Universality and Interdisciplinarity“, Vilnius, 12-13.06.24 - International Conference "Coats of Arms as Weapons – Heraldic Symbols in Political, Dynastic, Military, and Legal Conflicts of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period”, Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. According to the heraldist, he has worked with many heraldic artists over the years. However, he developed the ideas for all the coats of arms himself, except for his own. The case of the Kasyanenko (from the Shovkoplias clan) family coat of arms — featuring an audacious Cossack riding a rhinoceros — deserves special attention. "After all, one could talk about one's own crest, just like one's ancestors, for an eternity," he says.

coat of armsheraldrywappen
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A Green City is an urban area that prioritizes sustainability

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1 srcset & sizes
2 <picture>
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
<img src="small.jpg" alt=“That awesome Saints’ touchdown.">

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Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model SafeGreater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model Safe
Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model Safe

Greater Kailash @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Vishakha Singla Top Model Safe

Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model SafeMahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe
Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe

Mahipalpur @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Arti Singh Top Model Safe

<source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large.jpg">
<source media="(min-width: 32em)" srcset="cropped.jpg">
<img src="small.jpg" alt=“That awesome Saints’ touchdown.">
25+38+ 33+ ? ?
<source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large.jpg">
<source media="(min-width: 32em)" srcset="cropped.jpg">
<img src="small.jpg" alt=“That awesome Saints’ touchdown.">
25+38+ 33+ ? ?
<source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large.jpg">
<source media="(min-width: 32em)" srcset="cropped.jpg">
<img src="small.jpg" alt=“That awesome Saints’ touchdown.">
25+38+ 33+ ? ?
<source media="(min-width: 45em)" srcset="large.jpg">
<source media="(min-width: 32em)" srcset="med.jpg">
<img src="small.jpg" alt=“That awesome Saints’ touchdown.">
25+38+ 33+ ? ?

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Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...
Right Choice Landscaping offers exceptional villa landscape maintenance servi...

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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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Ghaziabad @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Jya Khan Top Model Safe
Ghaziabad @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Jya Khan Top Model SafeGhaziabad @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Jya Khan Top Model Safe
Ghaziabad @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Jya Khan Top Model Safe

Ghaziabad @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Jya Khan Top Model Safe

$.hisrc.devicePixelRatio = 1;
if(window.devicePixelRatio !== undefined)
$.hisrc.devicePixelRatio =
Check pixel density...
Force speed test

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Dive into the dynamic world of web design with our comprehensive guide that covers everything from foundational principles to advanced techniques. Whether you're a beginner looking to understand the basics or a seasoned designer aiming to refine your skills, this article offers invaluable insights. Explore topics such as responsive design, user experience (UX) optimization, color theory, typography essentials, and the latest trends shaping the digital landscape. Gain practical knowledge and actionable tips to create visually appealing, functional, and user-friendly websites that stand out in today's competitive online environment. Perfect for designers, developers, and anyone passionate about crafting compelling web experiences, this guide equips you with the tools needed to elevate your web design proficiency to new heights.

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Project on computer by saurabh very good 😊Project on computer by saurabh very good 😊
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Project on computer ...... By saurabh........


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background-size: 100%
<a href="">Download on Github</a>
.download a {
padding: .095em .8em;
background: url(../img/arrow.png) no-repeat;
background-size: 100%;
margin-left: .4em;
-webkit-transition: margin 0.15s ease-out;
-moz-transition: margin 0.15s ease-out;
text-decoration: none;
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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
Native SVG
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Modernizr check
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for(var i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
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images[i].src = src[0] + ".png";

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1 background-size: auto
3 font-based solutions
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charset="utf-8"> (you should be
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like ♫ and ✆, and you don’t
need a specific font’s version...
just copy and paste them into
your HTML.”
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
Font-based RWD
Font-based RWD
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Font-based icons
[data-icon]:before {
font-family: 'icon-font';
content: attr(data-icon);
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<span data-icon="C" aria-hidden="true"></span>
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4 compressed JPEGs
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
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One Image, One IMG
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alt="Mountain Climber" />

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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

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<link rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"
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Project on computer by saurabh very good 😊
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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design