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HTML5 and CSS3:
Ready for Prime Time?
Christopher Schmitt

Christopher Schmitt


Christopher Schmitt



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Html5 Open Video Tutorial
Html5 Open Video TutorialHtml5 Open Video Tutorial
Html5 Open Video Tutorial

The document provides an outline and overview of HTML5 video including: 1) Basics of setting up HTML5 video including recommended software, codecs supported by browsers, and standards being developed. 2) Details on editing and preparing video for the web including transcoding, publishing video on a webpage, and using JavaScript to control the video player. 3) Expert topics covering cross-platform publishing using fallback options, hosting video online, and considerations for accessibility.

firefoxaccessibilityhtml5 video
JS Days Mobile Meow
JS Days Mobile MeowJS Days Mobile Meow
JS Days Mobile Meow

This is the story of the glory and struggle of bringing a high quality YouTube experience to the mobile web. Once upon a time there was a web developer who wanted to play videos on the web. So he filmed a cat and wrote a Flash and a HTML5 player. He spent many hours making it work on his favorite desktop browsers and even the one his grandfather still used. People could watch his cat video, he smiled, and the world was good. Then one day someone put a browser in a phone and soon there were many phones with many different browsers. This new set of environments were even harder to develop for and had a slew of new terrifying bugs. The web developer was miserable knowing people couldn’t watch his cat video. With much time and effort he figured out many of the secrets needed to combat the evils of the different mobile platforms. Once again people could watch his cat video, he smiled, and the world was good. The end.

Getting Started with HTML5 in Tech Com (STC 2012)
Getting Started with HTML5 in Tech Com (STC 2012)Getting Started with HTML5 in Tech Com (STC 2012)
Getting Started with HTML5 in Tech Com (STC 2012)

The document discusses an HTML5 presentation given by Peter Lubbers at STC12. It provides an agenda for the presentation that includes discussing what HTML5 is, its features, tools for HTML5, and a Q&A. It also shares quotes about the growing adoption of HTML5 and discusses several HTML5 topics like new elements, forms, multimedia, and CSS3.

techcomtechnical writinghtml5 boilerplate

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Keypoints html5
Keypoints html5Keypoints html5
Keypoints html5

20100807 OSC Nagoya での講演資料 # スライドのみで見やすいよう若干整理 P5〜 Agenda P17〜 "HTML5" って何? P56〜 HTML5 の範囲は? P67〜 ブラウザのサポートは? P94〜 IE6 はどうするの? P118〜 使用上の注意 P147〜 便利なツールは? P152〜 One Point Q&A P186〜 追加資料

Web Apps
Web AppsWeb Apps
Web Apps

In this lecture, I provide an overview of what it takes to create amazing Web Apps : rich media, the Canvas API, local storage and offline persistence are covered.

html5web applications
5 Thing You're Not Doing, 4 Things You Should Stop Doing & 3 Things You Shoul...
5 Thing You're Not Doing, 4 Things You Should Stop Doing & 3 Things You Shoul...5 Thing You're Not Doing, 4 Things You Should Stop Doing & 3 Things You Shoul...
5 Thing You're Not Doing, 4 Things You Should Stop Doing & 3 Things You Shoul...

5 Thing You're Not Doing, 4 Things You Should Stop Doing & 3 Things You Should Keep Doing in Your Plugin Matt Ryall, Atlassian

summit 2010atlassian

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Brave new world of HTML5 - Interlink Conference Vancouver 04.06.2011
Brave new world of HTML5 - Interlink Conference Vancouver 04.06.2011Brave new world of HTML5 - Interlink Conference Vancouver 04.06.2011
Brave new world of HTML5 - Interlink Conference Vancouver 04.06.2011

The document discusses the new features of HTML5 including improved semantics, forms, and multimedia capabilities. Some key points: 1. HTML5 adds new semantic elements like <header>, <footer>, <nav> that more accurately describe content. It also simplifies the doctype to <!DOCTYPE html>. 2. HTML5 introduces richer built-in form controls without JavaScript like date/time pickers, number sliders, and improved validation. 3. Multimedia is enhanced with <video>, <audio>, and <canvas> elements, allowing native playback of audio/video without plugins and scriptable drawing on <canvas>.

Building an HTML5 Video Player
Building an HTML5 Video PlayerBuilding an HTML5 Video Player
Building an HTML5 Video Player

Slides from my talk discussing my experience rebuilding a video player I previously developed in Flash. I gave this talk on March 18th, at the Brisbane Web Design Meetup.

Whats New In Roller5
Whats New In Roller5Whats New In Roller5
Whats New In Roller5

In this talk, we'll cover the features of Apache Roller 5.0, and how it compares to other blog server options. We'll also look at typical deployment architectures, and examples of Roller sites in production today. The talk will discuss in detail some of the ongoing, student-driven work on OpenID and on better Media Blogging support.

apacheroller blogging apache opensource



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Vietnam Mobile Day 2013: How to build video streaming server in 15 mins
Vietnam Mobile Day 2013: How to build video streaming server in 15 minsVietnam Mobile Day 2013: How to build video streaming server in 15 mins
Vietnam Mobile Day 2013: How to build video streaming server in 15 mins

Bài chia sẻ của anh Nguyễn Kim Tuyến, CTO Minh Châu Corp tại hội thảo Vietnam Mobile Day 2013 tổ chức tại TP.Hồ Chí Minh vào ngày 18/05/2013.

vietnam mobile day 2013
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2013] - How to build video streaming server in 15 minutes
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2013] - How to build video streaming server in 15 minutes[Vietnam Mobile Day 2013] - How to build video streaming server in 15 minutes
[Vietnam Mobile Day 2013] - How to build video streaming server in 15 minutes

This document provides step-by-step instructions for building a video streaming server in 15 minutes using open source tools. It discusses selecting MP4 as the video format, installing the H264 streaming module for Apache, configuring the server, managing user authentication using HTTP basic authentication, and encoding videos to the proper format. The full process is broken down into sections for each minute of the 15 minute period to quickly get a basic video streaming server operational.

vietnam mobile day 2013
Automated ui-testing
Automated ui-testingAutomated ui-testing
Automated ui-testing

Demo features testing XPages and Domino Web Applications, although Selenium is not concerned with your back end technology.

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[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[peachpit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. The presentation discusses: 1) Using feature testing and media queries to determine screen width and resolution instead of browser sniffing 2) Techniques for serving adaptive images, including .htaccess redirects, srcset, picture, and JavaScript libraries 3) Workarounds like background-size: 100% and SVG when native image solutions don't work

adaptive imageshtml5css
Building an HTML5 Video Player
Building an HTML5 Video PlayerBuilding an HTML5 Video Player
Building an HTML5 Video Player

The document discusses building an HTML5 video player. It covers the history of HTML5 video, including different formats and how they have evolved over time. It also discusses coding an HTML5 video player, including embedding video, handling different browsers and devices, and future developments like adaptive streaming. Resources for learning more about HTML5 video are provided at the end.

brightcovehtml5online video
JBoss Enterprise Maven Repository
JBoss Enterprise Maven RepositoryJBoss Enterprise Maven Repository
JBoss Enterprise Maven Repository

EAP 6 comes with a Maven Repository - this means that you can now easily migrate from JBoss AS 7 to EAP 6 if your project follows good best practices concerning use of Maven dependencies. But it is about much more than just easy migration. The best practices we applied to the use of Enterprise Maven Repository is some that many projects could and should consider using since it allows the projects to be easily available for productization and be easy to consume by users in tools like JBoss Tools, Forge and the many Quickstarts built around the Maven best practices. In this talk I'll present how the Maven repository came to be, what concerns we wanted to address, how you as a user utilizes this maven repository best and how projects can benefit from its best practices too.


THINGS ARE GOOD         else



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audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010
audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010
audio, video and canvas in HTML5 - standards>next Manchester 29.09.2010

Part II of the workshop on HTML5 with Bruce Lawson, concentrating on audio, video and canvas (plus hints of additional HTML5 API niceness)

htmlaudioweb standards
Enterprise Maven Repository BOF
Enterprise Maven Repository BOFEnterprise Maven Repository BOF
Enterprise Maven Repository BOF

Red Hat Enterprise Application Platform 6 comes with Maven repository, meaning customers can now easily migrate from JBoss Application Server 7 to Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6. The Maven repository best practices can be used by many Maven-based projects and should be considered as they enable easy upgrades and migrations regardless of using Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform, Red Hat JBoss SOA Platform, or Red Hat JBoss Data Grid. In this session, Max Rydahl Andersen will discuss these best practices and their benefits, as well as: How the Maven repository came to be What concerns the repository addresses How a user can best utilize Maven repository

jbossmavenjboss way
Brand You Online
Brand You OnlineBrand You Online
Brand You Online

- The document discusses how individuals can brand themselves professionally online through social media and networking. It emphasizes connecting with others through shared interests, listening to online conversations, setting up complete profiles on sites like LinkedIn, and consistently publishing high-quality content to establish expertise and influence. Harnessing weak social ties and less obvious connections can help novel information and opportunities flow your way. Tools, groups, and online communities can help you participate and become findable to others. The goal is to position yourself as a knowledgeable authority and build your own personal brand online.

brandbrandingsocial media
       DIDN’T WORK.”




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Importance of leadership for career development
Importance of leadership for career developmentImportance of leadership for career development
Importance of leadership for career development

Leadership is influencing others towards achieving a shared goal. The document discusses various leadership skills and tools for developing leadership abilities. It emphasizes self-awareness through personality assessments. Leaders focus on motivating people and challenging the status quo, while managers focus on processes and stability. Developing leadership requires lifelong learning, networking, public speaking to expand influence, having clear goals and resilience in the face of challenges through effort and discipline.

career developmentleadership
Brand You, Online
Brand You, OnlineBrand You, Online
Brand You, Online

Presentation at AIGA, Orlando, FL, April 24, 2010 on developing a personal brand through the use of social media platforms and tools

brandsocial media
Digital Tsunami: Breaking News at Breakneck Speeds
Digital Tsunami: Breaking News at Breakneck SpeedsDigital Tsunami: Breaking News at Breakneck Speeds
Digital Tsunami: Breaking News at Breakneck Speeds

The news about the earthquakes in China broke on Twitter. How is the modern media landscape affecting humanitarian crisis?

crisishumanitariansocial media

WEB 2.0





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Social Media Throughout The Product Lifecycle
Social Media Throughout The Product LifecycleSocial Media Throughout The Product Lifecycle
Social Media Throughout The Product Lifecycle

The document discusses how social media can be used throughout a drug's lifecycle from discovery to sales. It notes that companies often fail to listen on social media to understand customers, issues, and competitors. The document outlines key questions social media can help answer at each stage from clinical trials to post-approval. It also discusses how the drug development model has shifted from blockbusters to specialties, requiring constant social media strategy adjustments. The art of listening on social media allows companies to constantly monitor discussions and adjust their approach throughout a drug's lifecycle.

Mesh Conference on Influence
Mesh Conference on InfluenceMesh Conference on Influence
Mesh Conference on Influence

The document discusses how to measure online influence through various metrics like retweets, follower ratio, favorites, and quality of connections on social media platforms like Twitter. It also mentions measuring influence through content sharing and engagement metrics like views, shares, clicks, and subscribers. The document recommends using analytics tools to measure reach, resonance, relevance, and other influence metrics over time to improve online strategies.

influencebrand strategymarketing
Looking into HTML5 + CSS3
Looking into HTML5 + CSS3Looking into HTML5 + CSS3
Looking into HTML5 + CSS3

The document discusses HTML5 and CSS3. It begins by looking at Flash and XHTML. It then covers new HTML5 elements like article, aside, audio and video. It discusses HTML5 audio and video formats and browser support. It provides examples of using Canvas, geolocation, offline applications and local databases in HTML5. It also discusses using CSS3 properties like fonts, shadows, gradients and rounded corners. Finally, it notes some criticisms of HTML5 and looks at the future of CSS3.

htmlweb designhtml5





DIV ID=“header”
                   DIV ID=“nav”

DIV ID=“section”

                                  DIV ID=“sidecolumn”
DIV ID=“article”

              DIV ID=“footer”


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[In Control 2010] HTML5
[In Control 2010] HTML5[In Control 2010] HTML5
[In Control 2010] HTML5

This document discusses HTML5 and provides examples of new HTML5 elements and features such as audio, video, and the canvas element. It demonstrates how to add audio and video to a basic HTML5 page structure and provides code samples using the canvas element to draw shapes. It also discusses HTML5 support in different browsers and techniques for improving compatibility, such as using JavaScript to add support for new elements in older browsers.

[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design
[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design
[PSU Web 2011] HTML5 Design

Even though the specification is still being written, HTML5 can be implemented for your website today. In this workshop presented by Christopher Schmitt focused on real world solutions, attendees will learn about the new HTML elements and their semantics, HTML5 form elements, incorporate audio and video without Flash, new JavaScript API like geolocation, and more.

[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)
[HEWEBAR 2012] Beyond Desktop Browsing (HTML5)

Chrome 4+ IE9+ Opera 10.5+ Safari 3.1+ (H.264 video requires QuickTime) Mobile Safari 3.2+ Android 2.2+ BlackBerry 7+ Opera Mobile 10.1+ Firefox Mobile 4+ Chrome for Android 18+ Internet Explorer Mobile 10+ 61 HTML5 VIDEO 62 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>HTML5 Video Demo</title> </head> <body> <video width="320" height="240" controls> <source src="movie.






• Molly   Holzschlag, Opera standards evangelist, says:

  • <section>    clarifies <div>

  • <article>   'replaces' <div id="content">

  • <aside>    'replaces' <div id="sidebar">

• Chris Mills, Opera browser employee, plays it safe:



• Marc   Grabanski, jQuery and HTML5 guy:

 • “div   has no meaning whatsoever, so there is nothing semantic about divs”

• Bruce   Lawson, Opera browser employee:

 • “Likeall semantic questions, it depends on the context. If your only
   reason for wanting an element is to group stuff for styling, it's a div.”


 <h1>Heading </h1>
 <h3>Site Navigation</h3>

 <h3>Weblog Entry</h3>

  <p>You are reading "Chocolate Rain", an entry posted on <time
datetime="2009-03-05">5 March, 2009</time>, to the <a href="#">Misty
collection</a>. See other posts in <a href="#">this collection</a>.</p>



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[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop[edUi] HTML5 Workshop
[edUi] HTML5 Workshop

This document provides an agenda for an HTML5 workshop. The agenda includes discussions of differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 syntax like DOCTYPEs and character sets, and features like audio/video, geolocation, forms, and accessibility. It also outlines exercises for validating HTML5 markup and exploring new HTML5 elements.

[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover
[heweb11] HTML5 Makeover

This document provides an agenda and overview for an HTML5 and CSS3 workshop. The agenda includes explaining differences between HTML5 and XHTML, building with HTML5 elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>, bringing back semantic HTML tags, figures and captions, editable elements, drag and drop, HTML5 metadata like microformats, and page structure. It discusses syntax changes in HTML5 and introducing new elements and attributes to improve semantics and accessibility.

WebGL Awesomeness
WebGL AwesomenessWebGL Awesomeness
WebGL Awesomeness

This document provides an overview of WebGL capabilities including: - Code can be written in JavaScript and shader languages - Data can be loaded from HTTP or bundled in the DOM - Textures like PNGs and JPEGs can be used - Networking APIs allow features like Comet and WebSockets - WebGL runs on the GPU avoiding bottlenecks It also shares several demos of WebGL and provides resources for learning WebGL.



<script type="text/javascript">




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[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design
[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design
[O'Reilly] HTML5 Design

The document discusses new elements and syntax in HTML5 for building web pages. It covers using the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, specifying character encodings and languages, including <script> and <style> elements, and bringing back semantic HTML tags like <b>, <i>, and <abbr>. It also discusses new structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <section>, <article>, <aside>, and <footer>. Finally, it covers other new features in HTML5 like figures, details, drag and drop, and microformats.

StoryCode Immersion #5 - Popcorn.JS Deep Dive
StoryCode Immersion #5 - Popcorn.JS Deep DiveStoryCode Immersion #5 - Popcorn.JS Deep Dive
StoryCode Immersion #5 - Popcorn.JS Deep Dive

Popcorn.js is a JavaScript framework that allows for synchronizing HTML5 media like video and audio with interactive elements on a webpage, making media the "conductor" of an experience. It provides a plugin system and normalizes media properties and events to provide an easy API for building interactive narratives. The document outlines how Popcorn.js works, provides examples of plugins and sample code, and gives resources for learning more about developing with the framework.

popcorn.js storycode transmedia
HTML5 video & Amazon elastic transcoder - FCIP August 2014
HTML5 video & Amazon elastic transcoder - FCIP August 2014HTML5 video & Amazon elastic transcoder - FCIP August 2014
HTML5 video & Amazon elastic transcoder - FCIP August 2014

An intro to implementing HTML5 video in HTML files, as well as using the WordPress short code to embed HTML5 video. A brief description of the Flash approach that still works better for transparent video, and how to embed that Flash content with SWFObject 2 and include fallback content using the HTML5 video techniques covered. This allows use of Flash for video with a transparent background for all users & browsers that have Flash installed, and uses an HTML5 fallback for devices and users that don't have an appropriate version of the Flash Player installed. A few key items are also listed with regard to using Amazon's Elastic Transcoder to convert videos into the needed formats for HTML5 video.

html5 videoflashamazon elastic transcoder


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Basic HTML5 Web Document Structure</title>


<h1>Video Example</h1>
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://"></param><param
name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param
name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://" type="application/x-
shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Basic HTML5 Web Document Structure</title>


<h1>Video Example</h1>
<video src="html5test.ogg"

 width="320" height="240" controls


 <a href="html5testvideo.ogg">Download movie</a>




• WIDTH   and HEIGHT should be required, IMO, but movie plays anyway
  based on the values in the video file itself.

• Video  formats may have their own posterframe. The browser should use
  that by default unless overridden by valid POSTER attribute value.

• Text can be included within VIDEO element to allow user to download
  video if their browser doesn’t support.

• If   you want to give users control, use CONTROL attribute.



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Fundamentals of HTML5
Fundamentals of HTML5Fundamentals of HTML5
Fundamentals of HTML5

HTML5 has changed the Web as we know it. The newest markup language has some exciting features that, for example, make it easy to embed and play multimedia content on the web without having to use proprietary plugins like Adobe’s Flash. In this webinar, learn: What HTML5 is and what it can do New HTML5 tags Useful coding examples Testing and validation of your site Future of HTML5 Participants will be given server space to create their own page and will be required to have a basic HTML editor like Notepad, Notepad++ or Eclipse.

WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)
WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)
WHAT IS HTML5? (at CSS Nite Osaka)

This document discusses HTML5 and provides an overview of its key features. It explains that HTML5 is not just the HTML language, but also includes related APIs that allow richer functionality. Some of the major areas covered include semantics and accessibility, rich internet applications using new APIs, and specific technologies like canvas, video/audio, web storage, and web workers. The document emphasizes that HTML5 is still evolving and aims to unify web development across browsers.

The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5
The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5
The Rich Standard: Getting Familiar with HTML5

HTML 5 may take some time to find full support in all major browsers, but you may be surprised to discover how many of HTML 5’s features are available today! HTML 5 is the next generation standard for web applications, and it promises to give plug-in based RIAs a serious challenge. In this demo heavy session, you’ll see HTML 5 in action and learn what you can do with today’s browser support for the new standard. If you’re building rich web applications and you’ve never touched HTML 5, this session is a must see.


• Video   can start automatically if using the AUTOPLAY=”1” attribute and

• Spec   provides for LOOP, AUTOBUFFER which also take a value of O or 1.

• Codecs   support...



     “It would be helpful for interoperability if all browsers could
  support the same codecs. However, there are no known codecs
that satisfy all the current players: we need a codec that is known to
 not require per-unit or per-distributor licensing, that is compatible
    with the open source development model, that is of sufficient
   quality as to be usable, and that is not an additional submarine
  patent risk for large companies. This is an ongoing issue and this
     section will be updated once more information is available.”

• Ogg    (or “Vorbis”)

 • No     need to worry about patents

• H.264

 • Created     by the MPEG group

 • If   you have blu-ray disc player, you are using it

• WebM

 •A     wrapper for the VP8 video and Ogg audio streams



         FF3.6+    S        Ch5+     Op10.6+   IE9

Ogg        Y                  Y        Y

H.264              Y         Y*                Y

WebM    (W4.02+)            (Ch6+)     Y



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Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (revised)
Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (revised)Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (revised)
Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3 (revised)

Joseph R. Lewis of Sandia National Laboratories gave a presentation on HTML5 and CSS3 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The presentation provided an overview of the history that led to the development of HTML5, described new HTML5 semantic elements and attributes, and covered features of HTML5 like Canvas, SVG, and MathML. It also covered new CSS3 properties and exercises for attendees to experiment with the new technologies.

HTML5 History & Features
HTML5 History & FeaturesHTML5 History & Features
HTML5 History & Features

HTML5 presented at the Fox Valley Computing Professionals on December 14, 2010. Explores the history, philosophy, and drama behind this popular new spec for the web, and looks at some of the key new features.

CSS3 3D Workshop
CSS3 3D WorkshopCSS3 3D Workshop
CSS3 3D Workshop

The document provides an agenda for a CSS3 workshop that explores new CSS3 selectors and properties. The agenda includes an introduction to CSS3, exploring new features like color opacity, text effects, columns, fonts, shadows, borders and border images. The presentation provides examples and lessons learned for implementing these new CSS3 features across browsers.

cascading stylesheetscsscss3






• Use VLC     or Firefogg to encode common movie files types to OGG

• H.264    encoding? Use Handbrake

• Ifyou are hot to trot for HTML5 Video, like, right now, check out Mark
  Pilgrim’s tutorial:

   • Good     primer:



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Html5 intro
Html5 introHtml5 intro
Html5 intro

The document provides an introduction and overview of HTML5. It discusses the structure of an HTML5 page, including updates to the doctype, removal of xmlns, and addition of the meta charset tag. New HTML5 elements like article, aside, audio, canvas, and video are presented. Updates to HTML5 forms, including new input types and attributes, are covered. The use of video and audio elements is explained. Finally, the canvas element is introduced and basic drawing using the canvas context is demonstrated.

html5 video canvas
Intro to html5 Boilerplate
Intro to html5 BoilerplateIntro to html5 Boilerplate
Intro to html5 Boilerplate

Introduction to Paul Irish and Divya Manian's HTML5 Boilerplate project. HTML5 Boilerplate helps you to quickly get up and running with front-end web project.

html5 boilerplatehtml5media queries
HTML5 Video Presentation
HTML5 Video PresentationHTML5 Video Presentation
HTML5 Video Presentation

The document discusses the <video> tag in HTML5 for embedding video on web pages. It describes the <video> tag, the supported video formats H.264 and Theora, and compatibility issues around browser support and patent licensing. It recommends using H.264 due to broader support from browsers and devices, and providing fallback options like the <object> tag for browsers that do not support <video>. JavaScript can be used to control video playback and handle events. While <video> is not fully compatible across all platforms yet, its support is growing and it allows for richer web content compared to other options.




   function playPause() {

     var myVideo = document.getElementsByTagName('video')[0];

     if (myVideo.paused)






<input type=button onclick="playPause()" value="Play/Pause"
tabindex="0" />



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HTML5: A brave new world of markup
HTML5: A brave new world of markupHTML5: A brave new world of markup
HTML5: A brave new world of markup

The document provides an overview of HTML5, including: - A brief history of HTML and the development of HTML5. - An explanation of new HTML5 semantic elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, and <footer> and how they improve the structure and readability of pages. - A discussion of new HTML5 form controls, validation, and output mechanisms like <progress>, <meter>, and <output>. - Introductions to new canvas scripting capabilities and native <video> and <audio> elements in HTML5.

Keeping Colors from Killing Your Product
Keeping Colors from Killing Your ProductKeeping Colors from Killing Your Product
Keeping Colors from Killing Your Product

This document discusses best practices for using color in web design to ensure accessibility and avoid accessibility issues related to color contrast. It provides an overview of color theory terms, different color schemes, and examples of how top companies use color on their websites. It also reviews guidelines for sufficient color contrast from the WCAG and tools for checking color contrast. The key recommendations are to use color thoughtfully following principles of contrast and accessibility, apply sufficient contrast ratios to all elements, and proactively test color accessibility.

coloraccessibilityproduct design
[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[funka] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Smartphones and tablets not only contain more computing power and better browsers than the computers that started the Internet economy. They also have better displays, which demands more of us when we use images. This session will work through tips and tricks to develop future friendly images in our sites and apps.



[Captioning] has been shown to improve
reading skills among adults who are non-





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[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[Austin WordPress Meetup] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images and responsive web design. It covers using srcset and sizes attributes, the <picture> element, and feature testing versus browser sniffing to determine the best image to display based on factors like screen width, resolution, and bandwidth. It also discusses workarounds like background-size, SVG, and font-based solutions for responsive images.

[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014
[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014
[CSSDevConf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design 2014

The web doesn't stop at the desktop anymore. Our image assets need to do more than look good in one context. In this talk, I look at how images like JPEG, GIFs, SVG, Icons, Unicode, and more can be used in a multi-device environment.

cssweb design and developmentweb design
[rwdsummit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[rwdsummit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[rwdsummit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[rwdsummit] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation at RWD Summit 2014 on adaptive images in responsive web design. It discusses using feature testing over browser sniffing to determine screen resolution and bandwidth. It presents techniques like srcset, picture, and JavaScript solutions to serve appropriately sized images. It also covers workarounds like background-size, SVG, and font-based solutions when native techniques are not supported. The focus is on building responsive images that scale with the device and load quickly.

htmladaptive imageshtml5



• SRTfiles are text files used in video playback; therefore, they do not
 contain any video data.

• Text
     file containing subtitles used by various video playback programs;
 supported by DivX, DVD, and other video formats;

 • Includes the time each subtitle should be displayed followed by the
   text of the subtitles.

 • Subtitle files are often named according to the language of the
   subtitles, i.e. "" for English and "moviename-" for German subtitles.


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[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code
[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code
[artifactconf] Github for People Who Don't Code

This document provides an overview of GitHub and version control using Git. It discusses how GitHub allows for cloud-based code repositories that enable social coding and collaboration. Key Git commands are explained such as add, commit, status, log, branch, merge. Remote repositories are covered, including cloning repositories and pushing code to GitHub. Conflict resolution during merges is demonstrated. Examples of open source projects and tools hosted on GitHub are provided.

[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. The presentation covered: 1. Using the browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth to determine the appropriate image to serve through feature testing rather than browser sniffing. 2. Techniques for serving responsive images including using .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries like HiSRC that select images based on various tests. 3. Workarounds for older browsers including using background-size: 100%, SVG images, and font-based solutions.

[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[parisweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses responsive images and various techniques for implementing responsive images, including: 1. Using .htaccess files to serve different image sizes based on screen resolution. 2. Implementing the <picture> element and srcset attribute to serve different image sources based on media queries. 3. Using JavaScript solutions like HiSRC to programmatically swap image sources based on screen properties like pixel density and connection speed. 4. Various workarounds and tricks for responsive images, including using background-size: 100% for images, optimizing images as SVGs, and using font-based solutions.

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:6,000
Allow me to introduce myself My name is Tay It's T-A-Y, T-A-Y to the Z

00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:9,000
This is the web and it's gonna murder your TV It was Chocolate Rain

00:00:09,500 --> 00:00:11,500
Wrote a song about that history Chocolate Rain

00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:15,000
Now I'm paid a hefty hefty fee Chocolate Rain

<script src="">
<script src="jquery.jcap.js"></script>


 <video id="myVid" width="400" src="cherry-chocolate-
rain.ogv" autobuffer controls>
  <track src="" type="text/srt" language="en"
  <track src="" type="text/srt" language="gr"
  <p>Alternative text...</p>


 <video id="myVid" width="400" src="cherry-chocolate-rain.ogv" autobuffer
  <track src="" type="text/srt"
language="en" role="textaudesc"></track>
  <track src="" type="text/srt"
language="gr" role="textaudesc"></track>
  <p>Alternative text...</p>



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[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design
[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design
[jqconatx] Adaptive Images for Responsive Web Design

This document summarizes Christopher Schmitt's presentation on adaptive images in responsive web design. It discusses using feature testing versus browser sniffing to determine the appropriate image to serve, including testing browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth. It then covers various techniques for serving adaptive images, such as using .htaccess files, the <picture> element, srcset attributes, and JavaScript libraries. It emphasizes using a mobile-first approach and progressive enhancement to provide the best experience for all devices.

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[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wvbcn] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses techniques for responsive images on the web. It begins by explaining how to use browser width, screen resolution, and bandwidth detection to serve appropriately sized images. It then discusses .htaccess and JavaScript solutions like Filament Group's responsive images and HiSRC. It argues that CSS media queries are best for layout, while these techniques focus on images. Background-size, SVG, and Modernizr checks are presented as workarounds. Overall, the document provides an overview of different responsive image implementation strategies.

html5cssresponsive web design
[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[drupalcampatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It covers using the browser's user agent string and feature testing to determine screen resolution and bandwidth instead of browser sniffing. Methods presented include using viewport width with JavaScript, jQuery, and CSS media queries; checking screen resolution directly and considering retina displays; and avoiding bandwidth speed tests. Workarounds discussed are using background-size: 100% with images, SVG, and a "Clown Car" SVG technique loading different image files via CSS media queries.

~50 CSS3 Modules
              CSS3 COMING?
• The
    specification is divided into different chunks,

  • Transformations

  • Animations

  • Media   Queries
  • and   so on, and so on...
  • at   a glacial pace ever towards yesterday
              CSS3 COMING?
• The
    specification is divided into different chunks,

• The   specification is being written by W3C


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[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshpitt] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Christopher Schmitt presented on adaptive images in responsive web design. He discussed using browser features like width, resolution and bandwidth to determine the best image to serve rather than browser sniffing. Feature testing methods included JavaScript, jQuery and CSS media queries. Workarounds for older browsers included background images, SVGs and font-based solutions. Compressed JPEG images were also suggested to reduce file sizes.

[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[psuweb] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

The document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It covers techniques like using the browser width and screen resolution to determine the appropriate image size via JavaScript or media queries. It also discusses checking bandwidth and using techniques like picture, srcset, .htaccess rewriting, and single pixel GIFs to serve the right image. The document recommends using CSS media queries for design and covers workaround techniques like background-size, SVG, and font-based solutions.

htmlhtml5responsive web design
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GitHub for People Who Don't Code

The document discusses how GitHub can be used by non-technical people. It provides an overview of version control and Git basics such as forking a repository, making commits, and merging changes. It also covers how to set up Git on your local machine and connect to GitHub to share code. GitHub features like issues, milestones, apps and Pages are mentioned. An example is given of its use on President Obama's 2012 reelection campaign with 240 code repositories.

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              CSS3 COMING?
• The
    specification is divided into different chunks,

• The   specification is being written by W3C

• Browservendors (like Firefox, Safari, and Opera) are
 implementing their own versions of these unfinished
 • IE9
     is “bringing the power of PC hardware and


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[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[wcatx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by introducing the speaker, Christopher Schmitt, and his credentials. It then explores using the browser's user agent string and feature detection to determine screen resolution and bandwidth rather than browser sniffing. The document discusses using CSS media queries, jQuery, and the picture element to serve adaptive images. It also proposes some workaround techniques like background sizing and SVG to improve responsive images.

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[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[HEWEBFL] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

1. The document discusses various techniques for implementing adaptive images in responsive web design, including using the browser's user agent string, feature testing dimensions with JavaScript, and CSS media queries. 2. It describes approaches like modifying .htaccess files and using the <picture> element to serve different image sizes, as well as libraries that simplify the process like HiSRC. 3. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVG images, font-based solutions, and compressed JPEG files to improve performance on different devices.

html5cssresponsive web design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses various techniques for responsive images in web design, including browser sniffing versus feature testing, image sizes for different screen resolutions and bandwidths, and different implementation methods like .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like using the browser width to determine layouts, screen resolution detection, and bandwidth testing. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVGs, icon fonts, and compressed JPEGs. The document advocates a mobile-first approach and using CSS media queries to adapt designs based on screen size.


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The document appears to be a presentation about designing web and mobile graphics. It discusses using different sized image assets and the <picture> element to serve the optimal image based on screen size. It shows examples of image sizes for different screen densities and dimensions. It also discusses compressing images to reduce file size while maintaining quality.

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[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[html5tx] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

Slides from my talk at HTML5tx 2013. Thanks to all the staff and volunteers at HTML5tx for putting on the event!

mobilemobile webrwdimg
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD
[cssdevconf] Adaptive Images in RWD

This document discusses adaptive images in responsive web design. It begins by explaining why the browser should be asked about screen resolution and bandwidth instead of sniffing the browser. It then demonstrates using feature testing to determine browser width and screen resolution. Next, it covers issues with higher resolution retina displays like larger file sizes. The document proposes solutions like using .htaccess files, srcset, and JavaScript libraries to serve the appropriate image based on screen details without browser sniffing. It emphasizes that CSS media queries are still important for responsive design.

cssresponsive web designcss3

<div id="column">

#column {
 -moz-column-gap: 3em;
 -moz-column-width: 11em;
 -webkit-column-gap: 3em;
 -webkit-column-width: 11em;
 padding: 10px;	



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These fighter aircraft have uses outside of traditional combat situations. They are essential in defending India's territorial integrity, averting dangers, and delivering aid to those in need during natural calamities. Additionally, the IAF improves its interoperability and fortifies international military alliances by working together and conducting joint exercises with other air forces.

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As a popular open-source library for analytics engineering, dbt is often used in combination with Airflow. Orchestrating and executing dbt models as DAGs ensures an additional layer of control over tasks, observability, and provides a reliable, scalable environment to run dbt models. This webinar will cover a step-by-step guide to Cosmos, an open source package from Astronomer that helps you easily run your dbt Core projects as Airflow DAGs and Task Groups, all with just a few lines of code. We’ll walk through: - Standard ways of running dbt (and when to utilize other methods) - How Cosmos can be used to run and visualize your dbt projects in Airflow - Common challenges and how to address them, including performance, dependency conflicts, and more - How running dbt projects in Airflow helps with cost optimization Webinar given on 9 July 2024

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#column {
 -moz-column-gap: 3em;
 -moz-column-width: 11em;
 -moz-column-rule: 1px solid #ccc;
 -webkit-column-gap: 3em;
 -webkit-column-width: 11em;
 -webkit-column-rule: 1px solid #ccc;
 padding: 10px;	


• Proprietary   CSS extensions in Firefox and Safari.

• JavaScriptsolution through a jQuery plugin:



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• Web  designer Faruk Ateş’s personal site (see uses
 the transition property to change the color of the element.

 • As   well as the color, width, box shadow, text shadow, and opacity.

#web20 li a {
 text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0) 1px 1px 2px;
-moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0) 2px 2px 2px;
-webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0, 0) 2px 2px 2px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 31px;
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 31px;
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 31px;
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 31px;
-webkit-transition: background-color .25s ease,
  color .5s ease,
  width .2s ease-out,
  -webkit-box-shadow .25s ease,
  text-shadow .2s ease,
  opacity .2s ease;

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// default, mobile-1st CSS rules devices go

@media screen and (min-width: 480px) { ... }

@media screen and (min-width: 600px) { ... }

@media screen and (min-width: 768px) { ... }

@media screen and (min-width: 910px) { ... }


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