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Augmented Reality on the Web:
Building an ARt Gallery
Doug Sillars
May 14, 2019
Contact Me:
Doug Sillars
Freelance Developer Relations
Performance Audits: Web/Native
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality

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A rt gallery webcamp-zg
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This document discusses building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It begins with an overview of VR using the A-Frame framework to build 3D scenes and galleries. It then covers adding AR functionality using AR.js markers to place 3D objects. The document outlines various optimizations needed for media in AR/VR like reducing file sizes and formats. It also introduces using the WebXR API for AR hit testing. Throughout examples of building an AR art gallery are provided. The document concludes that AR on the web is available today and continues to improve with new APIs and optimizations.

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A rt gallery limerick-galwayA rt gallery limerick-galway
A rt gallery limerick-galway

This document summarizes a presentation about building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It discusses using the A-Frame framework to create VR galleries and art displays. It also covers adding AR capabilities using AR.js markers and the WebXR Device API. The presentation emphasizes optimization techniques for images, 3D models, and animations to ensure good performance for AR and VR experiences in the browser. Code examples and links are provided to demonstrate different AR and VR concepts discussed.

A rt gallery devfestlondon
A rt gallery devfestlondonA rt gallery devfestlondon
A rt gallery devfestlondon

This document summarizes a presentation about building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It discusses using the A-Frame framework to create VR galleries and scenes that can be viewed today. It also covers adding AR capabilities using AR.js by placing 3D objects using markers. The presentation provides examples of optimizing assets for AR/VR experiences, such as resizing images, compressing formats, and using services like Cloudinary. Upcoming capabilities discussed include AR hit testing using the WebXR Device API in Chrome Canary. The document aims to demonstrate that AR does not need to be processor intensive or rely on large amounts of data.

Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality

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A rt gallery gdgkarlsruhle

The document discusses building augmented reality (AR) experiences in the browser using technologies like A-Frame and WebXR. It begins with an overview of virtual reality (VR) and AR on smartphones before demonstrating how to create VR galleries and add AR functionality to web pages using markers. It also covers optimizations needed for AR/VR like reducing file sizes and formats of images, sounds, and 3D models. The presentation provides examples of VR and AR experiences built in the browser as well as resources for creating markers and obtaining art assets.

A rt gallery gdgmadrid
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A rt gallery gdgmadrid

This document discusses building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It begins with an overview of VR using the A-Frame framework to build 3D scenes and galleries. It then covers adding AR functionality using AR.js markers to place 3D objects. Optimizations for images, models, and formats are discussed for improved performance of AR and VR experiences. Developments in augmented reality with WebXR are shown, including hit testing. The document concludes with resources shared for building AR/VR projects and links to relevant code and specifications.

A rt gallery coding-serbia_novisad
A rt gallery coding-serbia_novisadA rt gallery coding-serbia_novisad
A rt gallery coding-serbia_novisad

The document discusses building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It demonstrates how to create VR galleries and add art using the A-Frame framework. It also shows how to build AR experiences using AR.js that place 3D objects using markers. The document emphasizes optimizations needed for AR/VR like reducing file sizes and formats of images. It highlights upcoming capabilities like AR hit testing using WebXR. In conclusion, the document demonstrates that AR on the web is available today and does not need to be processor intensive or use large amounts of data.

Augmented Reality
• Wearing fancy occulus with cameras
• Really $$$
Augmented Reality –
Augmented Reality –
AR/VR- in the Browser
• What we can do today
• What is coming tomorrow

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ARt gallery workshop

This document discusses building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It begins with an overview of AR and VR technologies available today like A-Frame. It then demonstrates creating a VR art gallery and adding AR functionality using AR.js markers. The document emphasizes optimizations needed for media-heavy AR/VR experiences like resizing images, compression formats, and loading only visible assets. It concludes by discussing the future of AR hitting points in browsers using WebXR and encourages building AR/VR applications.

A rt gallery pantalks
A rt gallery pantalksA rt gallery pantalks
A rt gallery pantalks

The document discusses building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It demonstrates how to create a VR art gallery using A-Frame, optimize images and 3D models for AR/VR, and add AR functionality using AR.js markers. It also covers upcoming AR capabilities using WebXR, such as hit testing. Optimizations like resizing images, format and quality adjustments, cropping, and Draco compression are recommended to reduce file sizes and loading times. The talk concludes with resources for setting up a sample AR art gallery project and suggestions for art assets to include.

The Gulf Tower project
The Gulf Tower projectThe Gulf Tower project
The Gulf Tower project

The Gulf Tower Project aims to use data from Instagram photos to determine the mood of Pittsburgh and display it through light colors on the Gulf Tower. Photos are analyzed using sentiment analysis to assign scores and categorize them as positive, negative, or neutral. Over 16,000 photos were collected, with most being positive. The colors mapped to emotions will light up the Gulf Tower to visually show Pittsburgh's mood. Challenges included API limits, technical issues, and ensuring the story was understandable. The goal is to use technology to represent community feelings from social media data in an artistic display.

carnegie museumsdynamic lightsinstagram
AR/VR- in the browser
• What we can do today
• A-Frame
AR/VR- in the browser
• What we can do today
• A-Frame
VR with A-Frame
VR with A-Frame

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There are four main types of galaxies: spiral, elliptical, irregular, and the Milky Way galaxy. Spiral galaxies have glowing arms that rotate around a center and contain both large and small stars. Elliptical galaxies are spherical or ovoid shapes with older, redder stars. Irregular galaxies do not have defined shapes and may have formed through galactic collisions. The Milky Way galaxy is a spiral galaxy that contains our solar system.

Annie leibovitz
Annie leibovitzAnnie leibovitz
Annie leibovitz

This document discusses three photos taken by famous photographer Annie Leibovitz. The first photo shows three people posing on a picnic in a rainforest setting. The second photo portrays mermaids underwater, with two figures in the foreground appearing to dance. The third photo focuses on two individuals on an eagle-shaped tower against the backdrop of a city skyline, representing contrast and depth of field through the use of angle and focus.

Free Microsoft Apps
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Free Microsoft Apps

Free Microsoft applications demonstrated by Microsoft education team at their Reading Campus on 11th June 2010.

VR with A-Frame
VR with A-Frame
VR with A-Frame
Building a Gallery

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A rt gallery hub387
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A rt gallery hub387

The document discusses building augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences in the browser. It begins with an overview of what can currently be done with AR and VR using the A-Frame framework, including examples of building VR art galleries and scenes. It then covers adding AR capabilities using AR.js by placing 3D objects with markers. The document emphasizes optimizations needed for AR and VR like reducing file sizes and optimizing image quality and format. It also discusses the potential for building AR experiences using the emerging WebXR standard. Throughout it provides links to code samples and resources.

Front Wall
Front Wall
2m up

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ARt gallery
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ARt gallery

This document discusses building augmented reality (AR) experiences on the web. It begins by introducing AR frameworks like A-Frame that allow creating AR scenes directly in the browser. Examples are shown of building an online art gallery in VR and AR using A-Frame and AR.js. The document then covers using the emerging WebXR standard to access device sensors for AR. Key optimizations for AR/VR like image compression and format changes are demonstrated to significantly reduce file sizes. In conclusion, the document outlines that AR can currently be developed for the web and performance optimized without large data usage or processing requirements.

OSCAL: Free and Open Source Tools for Image and Video Performance
OSCAL: Free and Open Source Tools for Image and Video PerformanceOSCAL: Free and Open Source Tools for Image and Video Performance
OSCAL: Free and Open Source Tools for Image and Video Performance

The document discusses optimizing images and video for faster load times and reduced data usage on mobile websites. It recommends using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for vector images, lossy compression for raster images at 85% quality, WebP format, responsive images sized for different breakpoints, lazy loading images below the fold, and replacing animated GIFs with MP4 videos for smaller file sizes. Open source tools discussed include ImageMagick, Cloudinary, and LazySizes for implementing these optimizations.

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Presentation on designing for cross channel holistic customer experiences for Web 2.0 Expo, San Francisco

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VR Art Animation
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Reading gdg images

This document discusses optimizing images for fast page loads on mobile websites. It outlines four simple image optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using optimized formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images appropriately for different screen sizes through responsive images, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. The document provides examples and data showing how these techniques can significantly reduce page load times and data usage. It encourages testing optimizations using tools like WebPageTest and analyzing real-world usage from the HTTP Archive.


This document summarizes techniques for optimizing image delivery on mobile websites. It discusses 4 key optimizations: adjusting image quality, choosing optimal file formats like WebP, sizing images responsively, and lazy loading images below the fold. The document shows that these techniques can significantly reduce image file sizes and page load times based on analyses of 500,000 mobile sites. Specific tools are recommended for automating quality adjustments, format conversion, and responsive image breakpoint generation. Lazy loading is shown to improve user experience by deferring loading of off-screen images. Overall, the techniques can help images remain fast to load while retaining high quality for modern responsive delivery.

The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 WorkshopThe Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop
The Future of Design isn't Just the Web - WebVisions 2011 Workshop

Cross-channel design aims to provide a seamless experience for customers across digital and physical touchpoints. The document discusses the need for designing experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, and contextual across channels over time. It provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design, including thinking in terms of services, sharing design processes, starting with small experiments, embracing discomfort, and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. Discovery activities like interviews, research, and experience mapping are recommended to understand the current customer journey. Solution techniques include mental models, storytelling, service blueprints, and touchpoint matrices to holistically design experiences across channels.

iauxcross channel
GLTF Models
GLTF Models
VR Models Are Large
We won’t forget optimization!!
AR with A-Frame
We’ll use AR.js to add AR functionality to the page
3D objects are placed with Markers:

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PyconUK: Fast and Beautiful Images
PyconUK: Fast and Beautiful ImagesPyconUK: Fast and Beautiful Images
PyconUK: Fast and Beautiful Images

This document discusses techniques for optimizing image delivery on websites for faster performance. It outlines four simple optimizations: adjusting image quality, choosing optimal file formats like WebP and SVG, sizing images responsively, and lazy loading images below the fold. The document shows how these techniques can significantly reduce image file sizes and page load times based on analyzing 500,000 mobile websites. Common tools for implementing the optimizations are also presented.

Turin webperf meetup
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Turin webperf meetup

This document discusses optimizing images for fast delivery on websites. It outlines four simple image optimizations: quality, format, sizing, and lazy loading. For each optimization, it provides examples and data on typical file size savings. It analyzes real-world usage of the optimizations across 500,000 mobile sites. The document encourages testing optimizations using tools like WebPageTest and analyzing trends using HttpArchive. Overall, it promotes delivering beautiful yet fast images through techniques like responsive images and lazy loading.

Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011
Don't a Digital Dinosaur - Web 2.0 2011

The document discusses designing holistic experiences that span both digital and physical channels. It recommends designing for the "space between" interactions by considering the full customer journey. Five principles are outlined for cross-channel design: convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and cross-time. Five methods and tools are also presented: thinking in terms of services; sharing design work; starting with observations; embracing discomfort; and focusing on customer needs over specific solutions. The overall message is that customers experience brands through all touchpoints, so design must consider the integrated experience.

iauxcross channel
AR Markers
AR Markers
Create Your Own Markers
Creates an image to print and tape to
the wall.
Creates a .patt pattern file for the
AR Markers
Create Your Own Markers
Creates an image to print and tape to
the wall.
Creates a .patt pattern file for the
AR Markers
Create Your Own Markers

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Oggcamp Fast and Beautiful Images
Oggcamp Fast and Beautiful ImagesOggcamp Fast and Beautiful Images
Oggcamp Fast and Beautiful Images

This document discusses techniques for optimizing image delivery to make it fast, free and beautiful. It outlines four simple image optimizations: 1) reducing image quality, 2) using optimized formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images appropriately, and 4) lazy loading images. It provides examples of how to implement each optimization using tools like ImageMagick, Cloudinary, and responsive breakpoints generators. Analysis of 500,000 mobile sites shows the widespread impact of these optimizations on page load times and data usage. The document encourages testing optimizations and sharing results to win an Amazon gift card.

imagesresponsive imagesimage format
Agile Intro + Learning Game
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SWONtech News for May, 2012
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SWONtech News for May, 2012

In this month's podcast I discuss some recent news about ebooks and DRM. There's information about smartphone uses, from Pew Internet, and a quick debate about mobile websites versus apps. FourSquare and geosocial services are explained, in brief. A good portion of the show describes SWON's new partnership with Hive13, a hacker/maker space in Cincinnati. What is that? Listen in to find out.

AR Markers to Create A Scene
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Images are integral to the view – we want them to load quickly
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Reduce File Size
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Reduce File Size
• Resize images (to power of 2)

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Milano ux
Milano uxMilano ux
Milano ux

This document discusses optimizing images for fast delivery on mobile websites. It recommends four simple optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using WebP format, 3) generating responsive image sizes, and 4) implementing lazy loading. The document provides details on implementing each optimization and cites research analyzing their impacts. It finds that applying these optimizations can significantly reduce page load times and data usage. Overall, the document advocates that with the right optimizations, images can be both beautiful and fast loading.

The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011
The Future of Design is Not Just the Web - Web Visions Workshop 2011

The document discusses designing cross-channel experiences. It begins by explaining that customers experience brands across multiple touchpoints and channels, both digital and physical. The key is to design experiences that are convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and span across time. The document then provides five principles and five methods for cross-channel design. The principles are to make experiences convenient, connected, consistent, contextual, and spanning across time. The methods are to think in terms of services, share design work across teams, start by observing customer behaviors, be comfortable with ambiguity, and focus on customer needs rather than specific solutions. Finally, the document discusses various discovery and solution activities for cross-channel design, such as stakeholder interviews

xchannelservice designcross-channel
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011
Create Successful Cross Channel Experiences - IA Summit 2011

The document discusses the importance of designing cross-channel experiences that are convenient, consistent, connected, contextual, and span time. It provides 5 principles and 5 methods for holistic experience design across digital and physical touchpoints. The principles are to think of services, share resources openly, gain diverse perspectives, address discomfort, and focus on user needs over solutions. Methods include documenting journeys, mapping experiences, understanding backend systems, storytelling, and cross-training teams. Tools involve using experience maps, getting different perspectives, telling stories, and cross-training teams in other disciplines. The talk encourages designing for the holistic experience rather than any single channel.

iacross-channelcustomer experience
Optimisations for AR/VR
Optimisations for AR/VR
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Optimize Quality,
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Optimize Format,

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The Importance of Storytelling in Web Design, WordCamp Miami 2013

The document discusses the importance of storytelling in web design. It argues that storytelling is how humans naturally gather and process information, and that websites should incorporate story elements like characters, plots, and settings to effectively engage users. Specific examples of websites that successfully use stories are provided. The presentation encourages designers to think of themselves as modern storytellers and to integrate narrative elements into their design process from the beginning of a project.

user experience designexperience designweb design
Dltv2017 AR + VR = MR (Mixed Reality)
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Dltv2017 AR + VR = MR (Mixed Reality)

AR + VR = MR (Mixed Reality) This workshop will explore the learning possibilities of augmented reality, virtual reality and 360 ̊ video. Participants are encouraged to bring their own smartphone/tablet to view examples for themselves. There are dozens of AR apps, a few 'really good' VR experiences and 360 ̊ has recently been supported by YouTube, Facebook and VIMEO. An outline of how the technologies are converging and how to provide the tools to students to encourage them to demonstrate their understanding. Too many examples while 'clever' are passive watching of a video, the WOW! wears off quickly with repetition..

mixed realityvirtual realitymr
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Optimize Format,
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Optimize Format,
1.8 MB -> 323 KB
Optimisations for AR/VR
• Optimize Format,
1.8 MB -> 93 KB
Optimisations for GLTF
Draco Compression optimizes .bin files

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Fastandbeautiful belfast
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Fastandbeautiful belfast

This document discusses optimizing images for fast delivery on mobile websites. It outlines four simple image optimizations: quality, format, sizing, and lazy loading. For each optimization, it provides examples and data on current usage. Quality recommends compressing to 85% without significant quality loss. Format suggests using webp and svg where supported. Sizing involves generating responsive images at appropriate breakpoints. Lazy loading delays image loading to above the fold content. Together, these techniques can significantly improve performance without compromising quality.

Fastandbeautiful gdg sacremento
Fastandbeautiful gdg sacrementoFastandbeautiful gdg sacremento
Fastandbeautiful gdg sacremento

The document discusses optimizing images for fast loading on mobile websites. It provides 4 simple optimizations: 1) reducing image quality, 2) using optimized formats like WebP and SVG, 3) proper sizing of images for different screen sizes, and 4) lazy loading images that are not immediately visible. The document shows how these techniques can significantly reduce image file sizes and page load times based on analyzing millions of mobile sites. It also discusses alternatives to animated GIFs like using video formats and preview images to improve performance.

Fastandbeautiful gd glittlerock
Fastandbeautiful gd glittlerockFastandbeautiful gd glittlerock
Fastandbeautiful gd glittlerock

This document discusses optimizing images for fast loading on mobile devices. It recommends four simple image optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using efficient formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images appropriately for the viewport, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. Data from the HTTP Archive is presented showing the prevalence and impact of these optimizations. Specific techniques like responsive images and image processing tools are also outlined.

• All WebXR Demos require:
• Android 8.0+
• Chrome Canary v70-72 (late 2018)
• Flags enabled:
• WebXR Device API
• WebXR Hit Test
• ARCore installed
If using WebXR a lot, prevent Canary
from auto-updating in Play Store
WEBXR Hit Test
WEBXR Hit Test

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Fastandbeautiful webinale
Fastandbeautiful webinaleFastandbeautiful webinale
Fastandbeautiful webinale

This document provides tips for optimizing images for fast loading on mobile websites. It discusses 4 key optimizations: image quality, format, sizing, and lazy loading. For quality, it recommends reducing to 85% quality, which can significantly reduce file sizes with little quality loss. For format, it promotes webp and svg over jpeg and png. For sizing, it stresses responsive images at different breakpoints to reduce file sizes. And for lazy loading, it shows how delaying non-critical image loads can improve performance. Measurements are given for how widely these techniques have been adopted and the potential savings in load times and data usage. Tools are also listed for implementing the various optimizations.

Ai powered images-pythonljubjana
Ai powered images-pythonljubjanaAi powered images-pythonljubjana
Ai powered images-pythonljubjana

Doug Sillars discusses using AI and machine learning to simplify image preparation for the web. He describes how object detection can be used for cropping, blurring objects, object removal, and generating alt text. Sillars also provides examples of using these techniques like detecting and adding sunglasses to images. He concludes that image processing with AI and ML can automate tasks like cropping, blurring, object removal, and alt text generation for image optimization.

Fastandbeautiful zagrebtechsauna
Fastandbeautiful zagrebtechsaunaFastandbeautiful zagrebtechsauna
Fastandbeautiful zagrebtechsauna

Doug Sillars presented techniques for optimizing image performance on mobile websites. He discussed 4 key optimizations: 1) reducing image quality to 85%, 2) using efficient formats like WebP and SVG, 3) sizing images responsively, and 4) lazy loading images below the fold. Testing of millions of sites showed these techniques can reduce page load times by up to 15 seconds and data usage by up to 2.4 MB. Sillars recommended tools like ImageMagick, responsive breakpoints generator, and Cloudinary to help automate image optimizations.

Optimisations for WebXR
1024X1024 1024X1025
850 KB -> 174 KB
Optimisations for aGIF
Optimisations for PNG
• Optimise quality, shrink to 256
KB wide
• Crop to 256x256
• 36 KB -> 2.2 KB
Loading WEbXR Art Gallery (Optimized)

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This document provides best practices for optimizing video delivery and streaming on the web. It discusses how video files are large and can negatively impact page load times and user data plans. Some key recommendations include resizing videos appropriately for different screens, avoiding downloading hidden or unnecessary videos, using video streaming with a low starting bitrate for faster startup times, stripping audio from silent videos, and auditing third party video hosts for performance issues. The document emphasizes optimizing video delivery to respect mobile users' limited data plans.

Vkmdp cologne
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Vkmdp cologne

The document discusses optimizing video delivery for performance and reducing data usage. It provides examples of HTML code to embed video on a webpage and control playback behavior. It also summarizes techniques for resizing and encoding videos to different formats and bitrates to reduce file sizes while maintaining quality, such as using services like Cloudinary. Optimizing factors like video size, bitrate, and delivery method can help videos start faster and reduce stalling to improve the user experience.

Ai powered images-gdgtirana
Ai powered images-gdgtiranaAi powered images-gdgtirana
Ai powered images-gdgtirana

Doug Sillars discusses using AI and machine learning to simplify image preparation for the web. He covers how object detection can be used for cropping, blurring, object removal, and generating alt text. Sillars also demonstrates training a model to add sunglasses to faces in images without manually editing thousands of photos. In summary, AI and ML techniques can automate many image editing tasks previously done manually to optimize images for websites and apps.

• AR on the web is available today with A-Frame
• AR with Hit Points is coming
• AR does not have to be processor intensive, nor utilize huge
amounts of data
Let’s build!
• Art Files you can use:
• Try: for 3D Models
WebXR spec:
Love Building with Video and Images?
Media Developer Expert
Become a

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Ai powered images-sarajevo
Ai powered images-sarajevoAi powered images-sarajevo
Ai powered images-sarajevo

This document discusses using AI and machine learning to simplify image preparation for the web. It describes how object detection can be used for cropping, blurring, object removal, and generating alt text. It provides examples of using these techniques to automatically add sunglasses to faces in images. The document concludes by mentioning that image processing with AI and ML can simplify tasks like cropping, blurring, object removal, and alt text generation for images on the web.

Ai powered images-zurichpydata
Ai powered images-zurichpydataAi powered images-zurichpydata
Ai powered images-zurichpydata

Doug Sillars gave a presentation on using AI to optimize images for the web. He discussed how images dominate web content and explained techniques like cropping, blurring objects, and generating alt text using machine learning models. Sillars also demonstrated how to train custom models for tasks like detecting sunglasses and adding filters to photos. The presentation concluded by emphasizing how AI and ML can simplify and automate image preparation and processing for digital content.

Fastandbeautiful vienna
Fastandbeautiful viennaFastandbeautiful vienna
Fastandbeautiful vienna

This document provides tips for optimizing images on websites to deliver fast loading speeds while maintaining image quality. It discusses optimizing image quality, format, sizing through responsive images, and lazy loading images below the fold. Key recommendations include using JPEG format at 85% quality, responsive images through picture tags, and lazy loading images to improve page load times and reduce data usage. Tools mentioned for optimizing images include ImageMagick, SSIM, LazySizes, and Cloudinary.

git clone<username>/ARtGallery
Seeing your Code
GitHub Account No GitHub Account
Seeing your Code
Local Webserver
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 1337
In Browser: Localhost:1337

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