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SparkR (R on Spark)
● Distributed data frame - supports
○ selection, filtering, aggregation etc
● Can Handle large datasets
● Supports distributed machine learning using MLlib
“SparkR is an R package that provides light-weight
frontend to use Apache Spark on R”
● A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into
named columns
● Equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in
R, but with richer optimizations under the hood
● Can be constructed from a wide array of sources such as:
structured data files, tables in Hive, external databases, or
existing local R data frames
SparkR DataFrames
Launch SparkR
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1. Introduction to SparkR 2. Demo Starting to use SparkR DataFrames: dplyr style, SQL style RDD v.s. DataFrames SparkR on MLlib: GLM, K-means 3. User Case Median: approxQuantile() ID Match: dplyr style, SQL style, SparkR function SparkR + Shiny 4. The Future of SparkR

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This document provides an overview of Apache Spark, including why it was created, how it works, and how to get started with it. Some key points: - Spark was initially developed at UC Berkeley as a class project in 2009 to test cluster management systems like Mesos, and was later open sourced in 2010. It became an Apache project in 2014. - Spark is faster than Hadoop for machine learning tasks because it keeps data in-memory between jobs rather than writing to disk, and has a smaller codebase. - The basic unit of data in Spark is the resilient distributed dataset (RDD), which allows immutable, distributed collections across a cluster. RDDs support transformations and actions. -

pyspark apache spark bigdata
Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...
Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...
Everyday I'm Shuffling - Tips for Writing Better Spark Programs, Strata San J...

Watch video at: Want to learn how to write faster and more efficient programs for Apache Spark? Two Spark experts from Databricks, Vida Ha and Holden Karau, provide some performance tuning and testing tips for your Spark applications

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Creating DataFrames - From local dataframes
failthful - R Dataframe - waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption
df = createDataFrame(spark, faithful)
Creating DataFrames - From local dataframes
failthful - R Dataframe - waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption
df = createDataFrame(spark, faithful)
# Displays the content of the DataFrame to stdout
## eruptions waiting
##1 3.600 79
##2 1.800 54
##3 3.333 74
Creating DataFrames - From local dataframes
failthful - R Dataframe - waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption
# Select only the "eruptions" column
> res = select(df, df$eruptions)
> head(res)
1 3.600
2 1.800
3 3.333
4 2.283
5 4.533
6 2.883
> # You can also pass in column name as strings
> head(select(df, "eruptions"))
Data Frame Operations
Selecting Rows and Columns

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Advanced Spark Programming - Part 2 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab

Big Data with Hadoop & Spark Training: This CloudxLab Advanced Spark Programming tutorial helps you to understand Advanced Spark Programming in detail. Below are the topics covered in this slide: 1) Shared Variables - Accumulators & Broadcast Variables 2) Accumulators and Fault Tolerance 3) Custom Accumulators - Version 1.x & Version 2.x 4) Examples of Broadcast Variables 5) Key Performance Considerations - Level of Parallelism 6) Serialization Format - Kryo 7) Memory Management 8) Hardware Provisioning

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This document demonstrates how to use Scala and Spark to analyze text data from the Bible. It shows how to install Scala and Spark, load a text file of the Bible into a Spark RDD, perform searches to count verses containing words like "God" and "Love", and calculate statistics on the data like the total number of words and unique words used in the Bible. Example commands and outputs are provided.

sparkbiblebig data
Introduction to hadoop ecosystem
Introduction to hadoop ecosystem Introduction to hadoop ecosystem
Introduction to hadoop ecosystem

This document provides an introduction to big data and Hadoop. It defines big data as massive amounts of structured and unstructured data that is too large for traditional databases to handle. Hadoop is an open-source framework for storing and processing big data across clusters of commodity hardware. Key components of Hadoop include HDFS for storage, MapReduce for parallel processing, and an ecosystem of tools like Hive, Pig, and Spark. The document outlines the architecture of Hadoop, including the roles of the master node, slave nodes, and clients. It also explains concepts like rack awareness, MapReduce jobs, and how files are stored in HDFS in blocks across nodes.

big datahadoopmachine learning
# Filter the DataFrame to only
# retain rows with wait times shorter than 50 mins
> res = filter(df, df$waiting < 50)
> head(res)
eruptions waiting
1 1.750 47
2 1.750 47
3 1.867 48
4 1.750 48
5 2.167 48
6 2.100 49
Data Frame Operations
Selecting Rows and Columns
Data Frame Operations
# We use the `n` operator to count the number of times
# each waiting time appears
> grpd = groupBy(df, df$waiting)
> N = n(df$waiting)
> res = summarize(grpd, count = N)
> head(res)
waiting count
1 70 4
2 67 1
3 69 2
4 88 6
5 49 5
6 64 4
Grouping and Aggregation
Data Frame Operations
# We use the `n` operator to count the number of times
# each waiting time appears
> head(summarize(groupBy(df, df$waiting), count =
waiting count
1 70 4
2 67 1
3 69 2
4 88 6
5 49 5
6 64 4
Grouping and Aggregation
# We can also sort the output from the aggregation to get
the most common waiting times
> waiting_counts = summarize(groupBy(df, df$waiting),
count = n(df$waiting))
> head(arrange(waiting_counts,
waiting count
1 78 15
2 83 14
3 81 13
4 77 12
5 82 12
6 79 10
Data Frame Operations

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This document discusses Scala and big data technologies. It provides an overview of Scala libraries for working with Hadoop and MapReduce, including Scalding which provides a Scala DSL for Cascading. It also covers Spark, a cluster computing framework that operates on distributed datasets in memory for faster performance. Additional Scala projects for data analysis using functional programming approaches on Hadoop are also mentioned.

Adding Complex Data to Spark Stack by Tug Grall
Adding Complex Data to Spark Stack by Tug GrallAdding Complex Data to Spark Stack by Tug Grall
Adding Complex Data to Spark Stack by Tug Grall

This document discusses adding complex data to the Spark stack using Apache Drill. It provides an overview of Drill, how to integrate it with Spark, the current status and next steps. Drill allows SQL-based querying of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data across various data sources. It can be used as an input to Spark jobs and to query Spark RDDs. The integration provides benefits like flexibility, rich storage support and efficient distributed processing while combining Drill and Spark's capabilities.

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Spark Streaming provides fault-tolerant stream processing capabilities to Spark. To achieve fault-tolerance and exactly-once processing semantics in production, Spark Streaming uses checkpointing to recover from driver failures and write-ahead logging to recover processed data from executor failures. The key aspects required are configuring automatic driver restart, periodically saving streaming application state to a fault-tolerant storage system using checkpointing, and synchronously writing received data batches to storage using write-ahead logging to allow recovery after failures.

sparkhadoop summitdatabricks
Operating on Columns
Data Frame Operations
# Convert waiting time from hours to seconds.
# Note that we can assign this to a new column in the same DataFrame
df$waiting_secs = df$waiting * 60
eruptions waiting waiting_secs
1 3.600 79 4740
2 1.800 54 3240
3 3.333 74 4440
4 2.283 62 3720
5 4.533 85 5100
6 2.883 55 3300
$ hadoop fs -cat /data/spark/people.json
{"name":"Andy", "age":30}
{"name":"Justin", "age":19}
Creating DataFrames - From JSON
$ hadoop fs -cat /data/spark/people.json
{"name":"Andy", "age":30}
{"name":"Justin", "age":19}
$ /usr/spark2.0.1/bin/sparkR
> people = read.df(spark, "/data/spark/people.json","json")
Creating DataFrames - From JSON
$ hadoop fs -cat /data/spark/people.json
{"name":"Andy", "age":30}
{"name":"Justin", "age":19}
$ /usr/spark2.0.1/bin/sparkR
> people = read.df(spark, "/data/spark/people.json","json")
> head(people)
age name
1 NA Michael
2 30 Andy
3 19 Justin
Creating DataFrames - From JSON

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The document discusses Spark's DataFrame API and the Tungsten project. DataFrames make Spark accessible to different users by providing a common API across languages like Python, R and Scala. Tungsten aims to improve Spark's performance for the next five years through techniques like runtime code generation and off-heap memory management. Initial results show Tungsten doubling performance. Together, DataFrames and Tungsten will help Spark scale to larger data and queries across different languages and execution backends.

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scalable machine learning
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scalable machine learning

This document discusses scalable machine learning techniques. It summarizes Spark MLlib, which provides machine learning algorithms that can run on large datasets in a distributed manner using Apache Spark. It also discusses H2O, which provides fast machine learning algorithms that can integrate with Spark via Sparkling Water to allow transparent use of H2O models and algorithms with the Spark API. Examples of using K-means clustering and logistic regression are provided to illustrate MLlib and H2O.

Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
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Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013

This document provides an overview of big data analytics with Scala, including common frameworks and techniques. It discusses Lambda architecture, MapReduce, word counting examples, Scalding for batch and streaming jobs, Apache Storm, Trident, SummingBird for unified batch and streaming, and Apache Spark for fast cluster computing with resilient distributed datasets. It also covers clustering with Mahout, streaming word counting, and analytics platforms that combine batch and stream processing.

Running SQL Queries from SparkR
# Load a JSON file
people = read.df(spark, "/data/spark/people.json", "json")
# Register this DataFrame as a table.
createOrReplaceTempView(people, "peopleview")
# SQL statements can be run by using the sql method
teenagers = sql(spark, "SELECT name FROM peopleview WHERE age >= 13 AND
age <= 19")
1 Justin
Thank you!

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Introduction to SparkR | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab

  • 2. SparkR SparkR (R on Spark) ● Distributed data frame - supports ○ selection, filtering, aggregation etc ● Can Handle large datasets ● Supports distributed machine learning using MLlib “SparkR is an R package that provides light-weight frontend to use Apache Spark on R”
  • 3. SparkR ● A DataFrame is a distributed collection of data organized into named columns ● Equivalent to a table in a relational database or a data frame in R, but with richer optimizations under the hood ● Can be constructed from a wide array of sources such as: structured data files, tables in Hive, external databases, or existing local R data frames SparkR DataFrames
  • 4. SparkR Launch SparkR # Login to CloudxLab web console /usr/spark2.0.2/bin/sparkR
  • 5. SparkR Creating DataFrames - From local dataframes failthful - R Dataframe - waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption
  • 6. SparkR df = createDataFrame(spark, faithful) Creating DataFrames - From local dataframes failthful - R Dataframe - waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption
  • 7. SparkR df = createDataFrame(spark, faithful) # Displays the content of the DataFrame to stdout head(df) ## eruptions waiting ##1 3.600 79 ##2 1.800 54 ##3 3.333 74 Creating DataFrames - From local dataframes failthful - R Dataframe - waiting time between eruptions and the duration of the eruption
  • 8. SparkR # Select only the "eruptions" column > res = select(df, df$eruptions) > head(res) eruptions 1 3.600 2 1.800 3 3.333 4 2.283 5 4.533 6 2.883 > # You can also pass in column name as strings > head(select(df, "eruptions")) Data Frame Operations Selecting Rows and Columns
  • 9. SparkR # Filter the DataFrame to only # retain rows with wait times shorter than 50 mins > res = filter(df, df$waiting < 50) > head(res) eruptions waiting 1 1.750 47 2 1.750 47 3 1.867 48 4 1.750 48 5 2.167 48 6 2.100 49 Data Frame Operations Selecting Rows and Columns
  • 10. SparkR Data Frame Operations # We use the `n` operator to count the number of times # each waiting time appears > grpd = groupBy(df, df$waiting) > N = n(df$waiting) > res = summarize(grpd, count = N) > head(res) waiting count 1 70 4 2 67 1 3 69 2 4 88 6 5 49 5 6 64 4 Grouping and Aggregation
  • 11. SparkR Data Frame Operations # We use the `n` operator to count the number of times # each waiting time appears > head(summarize(groupBy(df, df$waiting), count = n(df$waiting))) waiting count 1 70 4 2 67 1 3 69 2 4 88 6 5 49 5 6 64 4 Grouping and Aggregation
  • 12. SparkR # We can also sort the output from the aggregation to get the most common waiting times > waiting_counts = summarize(groupBy(df, df$waiting), count = n(df$waiting)) > head(arrange(waiting_counts, desc(waiting_counts$count))) waiting count 1 78 15 2 83 14 3 81 13 4 77 12 5 82 12 6 79 10 Data Frame Operations Sorting
  • 13. SparkR Operating on Columns Data Frame Operations # Convert waiting time from hours to seconds. # Note that we can assign this to a new column in the same DataFrame df$waiting_secs = df$waiting * 60 head(df) eruptions waiting waiting_secs 1 3.600 79 4740 2 1.800 54 3240 3 3.333 74 4440 4 2.283 62 3720 5 4.533 85 5100 6 2.883 55 3300
  • 14. SparkR $ hadoop fs -cat /data/spark/people.json {"name":"Michael"} {"name":"Andy", "age":30} {"name":"Justin", "age":19} Creating DataFrames - From JSON
  • 15. SparkR $ hadoop fs -cat /data/spark/people.json {"name":"Michael"} {"name":"Andy", "age":30} {"name":"Justin", "age":19} $ /usr/spark2.0.1/bin/sparkR > people = read.df(spark, "/data/spark/people.json","json") Creating DataFrames - From JSON
  • 16. SparkR $ hadoop fs -cat /data/spark/people.json {"name":"Michael"} {"name":"Andy", "age":30} {"name":"Justin", "age":19} $ /usr/spark2.0.1/bin/sparkR > people = read.df(spark, "/data/spark/people.json","json") > head(people) age name 1 NA Michael 2 30 Andy 3 19 Justin Creating DataFrames - From JSON
  • 17. SparkR Running SQL Queries from SparkR # Load a JSON file people = read.df(spark, "/data/spark/people.json", "json") # Register this DataFrame as a table. createOrReplaceTempView(people, "peopleview") # SQL statements can be run by using the sql method teenagers = sql(spark, "SELECT name FROM peopleview WHERE age >= 13 AND age <= 19") head(teenagers) name 1 Justin