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Advanced Spark Programming (2)
Advanced Spark Programming
Shared variables:
● When we pass functions such map()
● Every node gets a copy of the variable
● The change to these variables is not communicated back
● After starting of the map(), changes to the variable on driver
doesn't impact the worker.
Two Kinds:
1. Accumulators to aggregate information
2. Broadcast variables to efficiently distribute large values
Advanced Spark Programming
SHARED MEMORY - Accumulators
+= 10 += 20
are only “added” to
through associative operation
assoc.: 2+3+4=2+4+3=9
Advanced Spark Programming
● Accumulators are variables that are only “added” to through an
associative operation
● Can therefore be efficiently supported in parallel.
● They can be used to implement counters (as in MapReduce) or

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This presentation show the main Spark characteristics, like RDD, Transformations and Actions. I used this presentation for many Spark Intro workshops from Cluj-Napoca Big Data community :

Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17
Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata  Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata  Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17
Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17

Slides from Tathagata Das's talk at the Spark Meetup entitled "Deep Dive with Spark Streaming" on June 17, 2013 in Sunnyvale California at Plug and Play. Tathagata Das is the lead developer on Spark Streaming and a PhD student in computer science in the UC Berkeley AMPLab.

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Transformations and actions a visual guide training
Transformations and actions a visual guide trainingTransformations and actions a visual guide training
Transformations and actions a visual guide training

The document summarizes key Spark API operations including transformations like map, filter, flatMap, groupBy, and actions like collect, count, and reduce. It provides visual diagrams and examples to illustrate how each operation works, the inputs and outputs, and whether the operation is narrow or wide.

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Advanced Spark Programming
Accumulator : Empty line count
Advanced Spark Programming
Accumulator : Empty line count
Advanced Spark Programming
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/")
Accumulator : Empty line count
Advanced Spark Programming
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/")
var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0)
Accumulator : Empty line count

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1. Introduction to SparkR 2. Demo Starting to use SparkR DataFrames: dplyr style, SQL style RDD v.s. DataFrames SparkR on MLlib: GLM, K-means 3. User Case Median: approxQuantile() ID Match: dplyr style, SQL style, SparkR function SparkR + Shiny 4. The Future of SparkR

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This document provides an introduction to Apache Spark, including its architecture and programming model. Spark is a cluster computing framework that provides fast, in-memory processing of large datasets across multiple cores and nodes. It improves upon Hadoop MapReduce by allowing iterative algorithms and interactive querying of datasets through its use of resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) that can be cached in memory. RDDs act as immutable distributed collections that can be manipulated using transformations and actions to implement parallel operations.

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Apache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark ArchitectureApache Spark Architecture
Apache Spark Architecture

This is the presentation I made on JavaDay Kiev 2015 regarding the architecture of Apache Spark. It covers the memory model, the shuffle implementations, data frames and some other high-level staff and can be used as an introduction to Apache Spark

apache sparkdistributed systemtungsten
Advanced Spark Programming
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/")
var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0)
def toWords(line:String): Array[String] = {
if(line.length == 0) {numBlankLines += 1}
return line.split(" ");
Accumulator : Empty line count
Advanced Spark Programming
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/")
var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0)
def toWords(line:String): Array[String] = {
if(line.length == 0) {numBlankLines += 1}
return line.split(" ");
var words = file.flatMap(toWords)
Accumulator : Empty line count
Advanced Spark Programming
Accumulator : Empty line count
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/")
var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0)
def toWords(line:String): Array[String] = {
if(line.length == 0) {numBlankLines += 1}
return line.split(" ");
var words = file.flatMap(toWords)
printf("Blank lines: %d", numBlankLines.value)
//Blank lines: 24857
Advanced Spark Programming
● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks.
● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task
The net result is ???
Accumulators and Fault Tolerance

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Top 5 mistakes when writing Spark applications
Top 5 mistakes when writing Spark applicationsTop 5 mistakes when writing Spark applications
Top 5 mistakes when writing Spark applications

This document discusses common mistakes made when writing Spark applications and provides recommendations to address them. It covers issues like having executors that are too small or large, shuffle blocks exceeding size limits, data skew slowing jobs, and excessive stages. The key recommendations are to optimize executor and partition sizes, increase partitions to reduce skew, use techniques like salting to address skew, and favor transformations like ReduceByKey over GroupByKey to minimize shuffles and memory usage.

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This presentation gives a brief introduction of the Spark Framework and how it can be used in machine learning platform.

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Apache Spark overview
Apache Spark overviewApache Spark overview
Apache Spark overview

This document provides an overview of Apache Spark, including how it compares to Hadoop, the Spark ecosystem, Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs), transformations and actions on RDDs, the directed acyclic graph (DAG) scheduler, Spark Streaming, and the DataFrames API. Key points covered include Spark's faster performance versus Hadoop through its use of memory instead of disk, the RDD abstraction for distributed collections, common RDD operations, and Spark's capabilities for real-time streaming data processing and SQL queries on structured data.

Advanced Spark Programming
● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks.
● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task
The net result is: The same function may run multiple times on the
same data.
Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
Advanced Spark Programming
● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks.
● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task
The net result is: The same function may run multiple times on the
same data.
Does it mean accumulators will give wrong result?
Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
Advanced Spark Programming
● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks.
● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task
The net result is: The same function may run multiple times on the
same data.
Does it mean accumulators will give wrong result?
YES, for accumulators in Transformation.
No, for accumulators in Action
Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
Advanced Spark Programming
○ For accumulators in actions, Each task’s accumulator update
applied once.
○ For reliable absolute value counter, put it inside an action
○ In transformations, this guarantee doesn't exist.
○ In transformations, use accumulators for debug only.
Accumulators and Fault Tolerance

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We will give a detailed introduction to Apache Spark and why and how Spark can change the analytics world. Apache Spark's memory abstraction is RDD (Resilient Distributed DataSet). One of the key reason why Apache Spark is so different is because of the introduction of RDD. You cannot do anything in Apache Spark without knowing about RDDs. We will give a high level introduction to RDD and in the second half we will have a deep dive into RDDs.

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Advanced Spark Programming
Custom Accumulators
● Out of the box, Spark supports accumulators of type Double, Long,
and Float.
● Spark also includes an API to define custom accumulator types
and custom aggregation operations
○ (e.g., finding the maximum of the accumulated values instead of
adding them).
● Custom accumulators need to extend AccumulatorV2.
Advanced Spark Programming
Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
Advanced Spark Programming
class MyComplex(var x: Int, var y: Int) extends Serializable{
def reset(): Unit = {
x = 0
y = 0
def add(p:MyComplex): MyComplex = {
x = x + p.x
y = y + p.y
return this
Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
Advanced Spark Programming
import org.apache.spark.AccumulatorParam
class ComplexAccumulatorV1 extends AccumulatorParam[MyComplex] {
def zero(initialVal: MyComplex): MyComplex = {
return initialVal
def addInPlace(v1: MyComplex, v2: MyComplex): MyComplex = {
return v1;
Custom Accumulators - version 1.x

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A tutorial presentation based on documentation. I gave this presentation at Amirkabir University of Technology as Teaching Assistant of Cloud Computing course of Dr. Amir H. Payberah in spring semester 2015.

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Apache Spark 2.0: Faster, Easier, and Smarter
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Apache Spark 2.0: Faster, Easier, and Smarter

In this webcast, Reynold Xin from Databricks will be speaking about Apache Spark's new 2.0 major release. The major themes for Spark 2.0 are: - Unified APIs: Emphasis on building up higher level APIs including the merging of DataFrame and Dataset APIs - Structured Streaming: Simplify streaming by building continuous applications on top of DataFrames allow us to unify streaming, interactive, and batch queries. - Tungsten Phase 2: Speed up Apache Spark by 10X

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In this talk I talk about my recent experience working with Spark Data Frames in Python. For DataFrames, the focus will be on usability. Specifically, a lot of the documentation does not cover common use cases like intricacies of creating data frames, adding or manipulating individual columns, and doing quick and dirty analytics.

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Advanced Spark Programming
val vecAccum = sc.accumulator(new MyComplex(0,0))(new ComplexAccumulatorV1)
Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
Advanced Spark Programming
val vecAccum = sc.accumulator(new MyComplex(0,0))(new ComplexAccumulatorV1)
var myrdd = sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3))
def myfunc(x:Int):Int = {
vecAccum += new MyComplex(x, x)
return x * 3
var myrdd1 =
Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
Advanced Spark Programming
val vecAccum = sc.accumulator(new MyComplex(0,0))(new ComplexAccumulatorV1)
var myrdd = sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3))
def myfunc(x:Int):Int = {
vecAccum += new MyComplex(x, x)
return x * 3
var myrdd1 =
Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
Advanced Spark Programming
import org.apache.spark.util.AccumulatorV2
object ComplexAccumulatorV2 extends AccumulatorV2[MyComplex, MyComplex] {
private val myc:MyComplex = new MyComplex(0,0)
def reset(): Unit = {
def add(v: MyComplex): Unit = {
def value():MyComplex = {
return myc
def isZero(): Boolean = {
return (myc.x == 0 && myc.y == 0)
def copy():AccumulatorV2[MyComplex, MyComplex] = {
return ComplexAccumulatorV2
def merge(other:AccumulatorV2[MyComplex, MyComplex]) = {
sc.register(ComplexAccumulatorV2, "mycomplexacc")
Custom Accumulators - version 2.x

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Apache Spark Introduction
Apache Spark IntroductionApache Spark Introduction
Apache Spark Introduction

Spark is an open source cluster computing framework for large-scale data processing. It provides high-level APIs and runs on Hadoop clusters. Spark components include Spark Core for execution, Spark SQL for SQL queries, Spark Streaming for real-time data, and MLlib for machine learning. The core abstraction in Spark is the resilient distributed dataset (RDD), which allows data to be partitioned across nodes for parallel processing. A word count example demonstrates how to use transformations like flatMap and reduceByKey to count word frequencies from an input file in Spark.

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Spark shuffle introduction

This document discusses Spark shuffle, which is an expensive operation that involves data partitioning, serialization/deserialization, compression, and disk I/O. It provides an overview of how shuffle works in Spark and the history of optimizations like sort-based shuffle and an external shuffle service. Key concepts discussed include shuffle writers, readers, and the pluggable block transfer service that handles data transfer. The document also covers shuffle-related configuration options and potential future work.

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Profiling & Testing with Spark
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Profiling & Testing with Spark

Apache Spark 2.0 includes improvements that provide considerable speedups for CPU-intensive queries through techniques like code generation. Profiling tools like flame graphs can help analyze where CPU cycles are spent by visualizing stack traces. Flame graphs are useful for performance troubleshooting but have limitations. Testing Spark applications locally and through unit tests allows faster iteration compared to running on clusters and saves resources. It is also important to test with local approximations of distributed components like HDFS and Hive.

Advanced Spark Programming
Broadcast Variables : Introduction
commonWords = ["a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is",
"am", "are", "this", "that", '', 'at']
If we need to remove the common words from our
wordcount, what do we need to do?
Advanced Spark Programming
Broadcast Variables : Introduction
commonWords = ["a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is",
"am", "are", "this", "that", '', 'at']
If we need to remove the common words from our
wordcount, what do we need to do?
> We can create a local variable and use it
Advanced Spark Programming
commonWords = List("a", "an", "the", "of", "at",
"is", "am", "are", "this", "that", "", "at")
If we need to remove the common words from our
wordcount, what do we need to do?
> We can create a local variable and use it
> Is it inefficient?
Broadcast Variables : Introduction
Advanced Spark Programming
Yes, because
1. Spark sends referenced variables to all workers.
1. The default task launching mechanism is optimised for small task sizes.
2. If using multiple times, spark will be sending it again to all nodes
So, we use broadcast variable instead.
Broadcast Variables : Introduction

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As spark applications move to a containerized environment, there are many questions about how to best configure server systems in the container world. In this talk we will demonstrate a set of tools to better monitor performance and identify optimal configuration settings. We will demonstrate how Prometheus, a project that is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), can be applied to monitor and archive system performance data in a containerized spark environment. In our examples, we will gather spark metric output through Prometheus and present the data with Grafana dashboards. We will use our examples to demonstrate how performance can be enhanced through different tuned configuration settings. Our demo will show how to configure settings across the cluster as well as within each node.

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Watch video at: Want to learn how to write faster and more efficient programs for Apache Spark? Two Spark experts from Databricks, Vida Ha and Holden Karau, provide some performance tuning and testing tips for your Spark applications

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This document provides an introduction to Spark Structured Streaming. It discusses that Structured Streaming is a scalable, fault-tolerant stream processing engine built on the Spark SQL engine. It expresses streaming computations similar to batch processing and guarantees end-to-end exactly-once processing. The document also provides a code example of a word count application using Structured Streaming and discusses output modes for writing streaming query results.

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Advanced Spark Programming
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS
Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD)
Broadcast Variables
Advanced Spark Programming
● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers
Broadcast Variables
Advanced Spark Programming
● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers
● For example:
○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes
Broadcast Variables
Advanced Spark Programming
● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers
● For example:
○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes
○ Large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm
Broadcast Variables

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Going into different streaming methods, we will share our experience as early-adopters of Spark Streaming and Spark Structured Streaming, and how we overcame technical barriers (and there were plenty...). We will also present a rather unique solution of using Kafka to imitate streaming over our Data Lake, while significantly reducing our cloud services’ costs. Topics include : * Kafka and Spark Streaming for stateless and stateful use-cases * Spark Structured Streaming as a possible alternative * Combining Spark Streaming with batch ETLs * “Streaming” over Data Lake using Kafka

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Advanced Spark Programming
● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers
● For example:
○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes
○ Large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm
● It is like a distributed cache of Hadoop
● Spark distributes broadcast variables efficiently to reduce communication
Broadcast Variables
Advanced Spark Programming
● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers
● For example:
○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes
○ Large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm
● It is like a distributed cache of Hadoop
● Spark distributes broadcast variables efficiently to reduce communication
● Useful when
○ Tasks across multiple stages need the same data
○ Caching the data in deserialized form is important.
Broadcast Variables
Advanced Spark Programming
Broadcast Variables : Example
Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
Advanced Spark Programming
var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at",
"in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it")
Broadcast Variables : Example
Removing Common Words using Broadcast.

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A Step to programming with Apache Spark
A Step to programming with Apache SparkA Step to programming with Apache Spark
A Step to programming with Apache Spark

Spark is an in-memory cluster computing framework that can access data from HDFS. It uses Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) as its fundamental data structure. RDDs support transformations that create new datasets and actions that return values. DataFrames are equivalent to relational tables that allow for optimizations. HiveContext allows Spark to query data stored in Hive. Queries can be written using HiveQL, which is converted to Spark jobs.

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Hadoop ecosystem
Hadoop ecosystemHadoop ecosystem
Hadoop ecosystem

Hadoop became the most common systm to store big data. With Hadoop, many supporting systems emerged to complete the aspects that are missing in Hadoop itself. Together they form a big ecosystem. This presentation covers some of those systems. While not capable to cover too many in one presentation, I tried to focus on the most famous/popular ones and on the most interesting ones.

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Recently, there has been increased interest in running analytics and machine learning workloads on top of serverless frameworks in the cloud. The serverless execution model provides fine-grained scaling and unburdens users from having to manage servers, but also adds substantial performance overheads due to the fact that all data and intermediate state of compute task is stored on remote shared storage. In this talk I first provide a detailed performance breakdown from a machine learning workload using Spark on AWS Lambda. I show how the intermediate state of tasks — such as model updates or broadcast messages — is exchanged using remote storage and what the performance overheads are. Later, I illustrate how the same workload performs on-premise using Apache Spark and Apache Crail deployed on a high-performance cluster (100Gbps network, NVMe Flash, etc.). Serverless computing simplifies the deployment of machine learning applications. The talk shows that performance does not need to be sacrificed.

apache sparksparkaisummit
Advanced Spark Programming
Broadcast Variables : Example
Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at",
"in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it")
val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]()
for(word <- commonWords){
commonWordsMap(word) = 1
var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap)
Advanced Spark Programming
var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at",
"in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it")
val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]()
for(word <- commonWords){
commonWordsMap(word) = 1
var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap)
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/big.txt")
Broadcast Variables : Example
Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
Advanced Spark Programming
Broadcast Variables : Example
var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at",
"in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it")
val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]()
for(word <- commonWords){
commonWordsMap(word) = 1
var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap)
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/big.txt")
def toWords(line:String):Array[String] = {
var words = line.split(" ")
var output = Array[String]();
for(word <- words){
if(! (commonWordsBC.value contains word.toLowerCase.trim.replaceAll("[^a-z]","")))
output = output :+ word;
return output;
var uncommonWords = file.flatMap(toWords)
Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
Advanced Spark Programming
Broadcast Variables : Example
Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at",
"in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it")
val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]()
for(word <- commonWords){
commonWordsMap(word) = 1
var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap)
var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/big.txt")
def toWords(line:String):Array[String] = {
var words = line.split(" ")
var output = Array[String]();
for(word <- words){
if(! (commonWordsBC.value contains word.toLowerCase.trim.replaceAll("[^a-z]","")))
output = output :+ word;
return output;
var uncommonWords = file.flatMap(toWords)

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As Apache Spark applications move to a containerized environment, there are many questions about how to best configure server systems in the container world. In this talk we will demonstrate a set of tools to better monitor performance and identify optimal configuration settings. We will demonstrate how Prometheus, a project that is now part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF:, can be applied to monitor and archive system performance data in a containerized spark environment. In our examples, we will gather spark metric output through Prometheus and present the data with Grafana dashboards. We will use our examples to demonstrate how performance can be enhanced through different tuned configuration settings. Our demo will show how to configure settings across the cluster as well as within each node.

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Accelerating Spark MLlib and DataFrame with Vector Processor “SX-Aurora TSUBASA”
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Accelerating Spark MLlib and DataFrame with Vector Processor “SX-Aurora TSUBASA”

NEC has developed a new vector processor called SX-Aurora TSUBASA to accelerate machine learning and data analytics workloads. They developed a middleware framework called Frovedis that provides Spark-like functionality and is optimized for SX-Aurora TSUBASA. Frovedis achieved 10-100x speedups on machine learning algorithms and SQL-like queries compared to Spark on CPUs. NEC has also opened a lab called VEDAC for external users to access SX-Aurora TSUBASA systems running Frovedis.

Hadoop ecosystem
Hadoop ecosystemHadoop ecosystem
Hadoop ecosystem

Hadoop became the most common systm to store big data. With Hadoop, many supporting systems emerged to complete the aspects that are missing in Hadoop itself. Together they form a big ecosystem. This presentation covers some of those systems. While not capable to cover too many in one presentation, I tried to focus on the most famous/popular ones and on the most interesting ones.

hadoop scalding hive impala parquet cloudera
Advanced Spark Programming
Key Performance Considerations
1. Level of Parallelism
2. Serialization Format
3. Memory Management
4. Hardware Provisioning
Advanced Spark Programming
Level of Parallelism
By Default
● A single task per one partition,
● A single core in the cluster to execute.
● Default partitions are based on underlying storage or CPU
● HDFS RDDs - One partition per block
Advanced Spark Programming
Level of Parallelism
Too Less ⇒ Might leave resources idle
Too Much ⇒ Small overheads due to each partition adds up
By Default
● A single task per one partition,
● A single core in the cluster to execute.
● Default partitions are based on underlying storage or CPU
● HDFS RDDs - One partition per block
Advanced Spark Programming
Key Performance Considerations
1. Level of Parallelism - How many default partitions?

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This document discusses Typesafe's Reactive Platform and Apache Spark. It describes Typesafe's Fast Data strategy of using a microservices architecture with Spark, Kafka, HDFS and databases. It outlines contributions Typesafe has made to Spark, including backpressure support, dynamic resource allocation in Mesos, and integration tests. The document also discusses Typesafe's customer support and roadmap, including plans to introduce Kerberos security and evaluate Tachyon.

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2022 年 4 月 26 日 (火) に開催した「GTC 2022 テクニカルフォローアップセミナー 〜新アーキテクチャ & HPC〜」にて、NVIDIA 丹が講演した「NVIDIA HPC ソフトウエア斜め読み」のスライドです。

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Apache MXNet Distributed Training Explained In Depth by Viacheslav Kovalevsky...Apache MXNet Distributed Training Explained In Depth by Viacheslav Kovalevsky...
Apache MXNet Distributed Training Explained In Depth by Viacheslav Kovalevsky...

Distributed training is a complex process that does more harm than good if it not setup correctly. Big Data Spain 2017 November 16th - 17th Kinépolis Madrid

big databig data spainapache mxnet
Advanced Spark Programming
Key Performance Considerations - Partitions
/data/msprojects/in_table.csv has 62 blocks theoratically. Lets check.
$ hadoop fs -ls /data/msprojects/in_table.csv
-rw-r--r-- 3 sandeep sandeep 8303338297 2017-04-18 02:26 /data/msprojects/in_table.csv
$ python
>>> 8303338297.0/128.0/1024.0/1024.0
$ hdfs fsck /data/msprojects/in_table.csv
Total blocks (validated): 62 (avg. block size 133924811 B)
Yes, it has 62 blocks actually.
Advanced Spark Programming
$ spark-shell --master yarn
scala> var myrdd = sc.textFile("/data/msprojects/in_table.csv")
scala> myrdd.partitions.length
res1: Int = 62
Key Performance Considerations - Partitions
So, number of partitions is a function of number of data blocks in case
of sc.textFile.
Advanced Spark Programming
Key Performance Considerations - Partitions
// In the local mode
scala> var myrdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 100000)
scala> myrdd.partitions.length
res1: Int = 4
[sandeep@ip-172-31-60-179 ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor
processor : 0
processor : 1
processor : 2
processor : 3
Since my machine has 4 cores, it has created 4 partitions.
Advanced Spark Programming
$ spark-shell --master yarn
scala> var myrdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 100000)
scala> myrdd.partitions.length
res6: Int = 2
When we are running in yarn mode, the number of partitions is function
of tasks that can be executed on a node, Here it is 2.
Key Performance Considerations - Partitions

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The need to support both today’s multicore performance and tomorrow’s heterogeneous computing has become increasingly important. Qualcomm® Multicore Asynchronous Runtime Environment (MARE) provides powerful and easy-to-use abstractions to write parallel software. This session will provide a deep dive into the concepts of power-efficient programming and how to use Qualcomm MARE APIs to get energy and thermal benefits for Android apps. Qualcomm Multicore Asynchronous Runtime Environment is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Learn more about Qualcomm Multicore Asynchronous Runtime Environment: Watch this presentation on YouTube:

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Introduction to Spark ML Pipelines Workshop
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Introduction to Spark ML Pipelines Workshop

Introduction to Spark ML Pipelines Workshop slides - companion IJupyter notebooks in Python & Scala are available from my github at

sparkmachine learningapache spark
Advanced Spark Programming
Level of Parallelism
1. Specify number of partitions in sc.parallelize and sc.textFile
2. Shuffling operations accept degree of parallelism in parameter
3. repartition() or partitionBy
4. To efficiently shrink, prefer coalesce() over repartition()
How to control parallelism?
Advanced Spark Programming
Level of Parallelism
1. We are reading a large amount of data from S3.
2. filter() operation is likely to leave a tiny fraction
3. Result of filter() will have same size RDD as parent but with
many empty or small partitions.
4. Improve the application’s performance by coalescing
Advanced Spark Programming
Serialization Format
● While transferring or saving objects need serialization
● Comes into play during large transfers
● By default Spark will use Java’s built-in serializer.
Advanced Spark Programming
Serialization Format

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Fast federated SQL with Apache Calcite
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This document discusses Apache Calcite, an open source framework for federated SQL queries. It provides an introduction to Calcite and its components. It then evaluates Calcite's performance on single data sources through benchmarks. Lastly, it proposes a hybrid approach to enable efficient federated queries using Calcite and Spark.

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Understanding computer vision with Deep Learning
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Understanding computer vision with Deep Learning

Computer vision is a branch of computer science which deals with recognising objects, people and identifying patterns in visuals. It is basically analogous to the vision of an animal. Topics covered: 1. Overview of Machine Learning 2. Basics of Deep Learning 3. What is computer vision and its use-cases? 4. Various algorithms used in Computer Vision (mostly CNN) 5. Live hands-on demo of either Auto Cameraman or Face recognition system 6. What next?

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Deep Learning Overview
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Deep Learning Overview

This document provides an agenda for an introduction to deep learning presentation. It begins with an introduction to basic AI, machine learning, and deep learning terms. It then briefly discusses use cases of deep learning. The document outlines how to approach a deep learning problem, including which tools and algorithms to use. It concludes with a question and answer section.

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Advanced Spark Programming
Serialization Format
● Spark also supports the use of Kryo
● Faster and more compact
● But cannot serialize all types of objects “out of the box.”
● Almost all applications will benefit from shifting to Kryo
● To use,
○ sc.getConf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
● For best performance, register classes with Kryo
○ sc.getConf.registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[MyClass1], classOf[MyClass2]))
○ Class needs to implement Java’s Serializable interface
Advanced Spark Programming
RDD storage
● persist()'ed memory
● - Default: 60%
● If exceeded, older will be dropped
○ will be computed on demand
● For huge data, use persist() with MEMORY_AND_DISK
Memory Management
Advanced Spark Programming
RDD storage
● persist()'ed memory
● - Default: 60%
● If exceeded, older will be dropped
○ will be computed on demand
● For huge data, use persist() with MEMORY_AND_DISK
Memory Management
Shuffle and aggregation buffers
● For storing shuffle output data
● spark.shuffle.memoryFraction - Default: 20%
Advanced Spark Programming
RDD storage
● persist()'ed memory
● - Default: 60%
● If exceeded, older will be dropped
○ will be computed on demand
● For huge data, use persist() with MEMORY_AND_DISK
Memory Management
Shuffle and aggregation buffers
● For storing shuffle output data
● spark.shuffle.memoryFraction - Default: 20%
User Code
Default: 20% of memory

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Recurrent Neural Networks

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Natural Language Processing
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Naive Bayes
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Naive Bayes

- Naive Bayes is a classification technique based on Bayes' theorem that uses "naive" independence assumptions. It is easy to build and can perform well even with large datasets. - It works by calculating the posterior probability for each class given predictor values using the Bayes theorem and independence assumptions between predictors. The class with the highest posterior probability is predicted. - It is commonly used for text classification, spam filtering, and sentiment analysis due to its fast performance and high success rates compared to other algorithms.

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Advanced Spark Programming
● Main Parameters
○ Executor’s Memory (spark.executor.memory)
○ Number of cores per Executor,
○ Total number of executors
○ No. of disks
Hardware Provisioning
Advanced Spark Programming
● Main Parameters
○ Executor’s Memory (spark.executor.memory)
○ Number of cores per Executor,
○ Total number of executors
○ No. of disks
● App Speed = (Impact of Memory + Cores)
○ Huge memory -> GC pauses
○ 64GB or less
Hardware Provisioning
Advanced Spark Programming
● Main Parameters
○ Executor’s Memory (spark.executor.memory)
○ Number of cores per Executor,
○ Total number of executors
○ No. of disks
● App Speed = (Impact of Memory + Cores)
○ Huge memory -> GC pauses
○ 64GB or less
● Linear scaling
○ 2 x Hardware == 2 x speed
Hardware Provisioning
Thank you!
Advanced Programming

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An autoencoder is an artificial neural network that is trained to copy its input to its output. It consists of an encoder that compresses the input into a lower-dimensional latent-space encoding, and a decoder that reconstructs the output from this encoding. Autoencoders are useful for dimensionality reduction, feature learning, and generative modeling. When constrained by limiting the latent space or adding noise, autoencoders are forced to learn efficient representations of the input data. For example, a linear autoencoder trained with mean squared error performs principal component analysis.

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Training Deep Neural Nets
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Training Deep Neural Nets

The document discusses challenges in training deep neural networks and solutions to those challenges. Training deep neural networks with many layers and parameters can be slow and prone to overfitting. A key challenge is the vanishing gradient problem, where the gradients shrink exponentially small as they propagate through many layers, making earlier layers very slow to train. Solutions include using initialization techniques like He initialization and activation functions like ReLU and leaky ReLU that do not saturate, preventing gradients from vanishing. Later improvements include the ELU activation function.

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Reinforcement Learning
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Reinforcement Learning

( Machine Learning & Deep Learning Specialization Training: ) This CloudxLab Reinforcement Learning tutorial helps you to understand Reinforcement Learning in detail. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) What is Reinforcement? 2) Reinforcement Learning an Introduction 3) Reinforcement Learning Example 4) Learning to Optimize Rewards 5) Policy Search - Brute Force Approach, Genetic Algorithms and Optimization Techniques 6) OpenAI Gym 7) The Credit Assignment Problem 8) Inverse Reinforcement Learning 9) Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning 10) Policy Gradients 11) Markov Decision Processes

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  • 2. Advanced Spark Programming Shared variables: ● When we pass functions such map() ● Every node gets a copy of the variable ● The change to these variables is not communicated back ● After starting of the map(), changes to the variable on driver doesn't impact the worker. Two Kinds: 1. Accumulators to aggregate information 2. Broadcast variables to efficiently distribute large values
  • 3. Advanced Spark Programming SHARED MEMORY - Accumulators += 10 += 20 are only “added” to through associative operation assoc.: 2+3+4=2+4+3=9
  • 4. Advanced Spark Programming ● Accumulators are variables that are only “added” to through an associative operation ● Can therefore be efficiently supported in parallel. ● They can be used to implement counters (as in MapReduce) or sums. Accumulators
  • 5. Advanced Spark Programming Accumulator : Empty line count
  • 6. Advanced Spark Programming sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") Accumulator : Empty line count
  • 7. Advanced Spark Programming sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/") Accumulator : Empty line count
  • 8. Advanced Spark Programming sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/") var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0) Accumulator : Empty line count
  • 9. Advanced Spark Programming sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/") var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0) def toWords(line:String): Array[String] = { if(line.length == 0) {numBlankLines += 1} return line.split(" "); } Accumulator : Empty line count
  • 10. Advanced Spark Programming sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/") var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0) def toWords(line:String): Array[String] = { if(line.length == 0) {numBlankLines += 1} return line.split(" "); } var words = file.flatMap(toWords) words.saveAsTextFile("words3") Accumulator : Empty line count
  • 11. Advanced Spark Programming Accumulator : Empty line count sc.setLogLevel("ERROR") var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/") var numBlankLines = sc.accumulator(0) def toWords(line:String): Array[String] = { if(line.length == 0) {numBlankLines += 1} return line.split(" "); } var words = file.flatMap(toWords) words.saveAsTextFile("words3") printf("Blank lines: %d", numBlankLines.value) //Blank lines: 24857
  • 12. Advanced Spark Programming ● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks. ● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task The net result is ??? Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
  • 13. Advanced Spark Programming ● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks. ● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task The net result is: The same function may run multiple times on the same data. Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
  • 14. Advanced Spark Programming ● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks. ● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task The net result is: The same function may run multiple times on the same data. Does it mean accumulators will give wrong result? Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
  • 15. Advanced Spark Programming ● Spark Re-executes failed or slow tasks. ● Preemptively launches “speculative” copy of slow worker task The net result is: The same function may run multiple times on the same data. Does it mean accumulators will give wrong result? YES, for accumulators in Transformation. No, for accumulators in Action Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
  • 16. Advanced Spark Programming ○ For accumulators in actions, Each task’s accumulator update applied once. ○ For reliable absolute value counter, put it inside an action ○ In transformations, this guarantee doesn't exist. ○ In transformations, use accumulators for debug only. Accumulators and Fault Tolerance
  • 17. Advanced Spark Programming Custom Accumulators ● Out of the box, Spark supports accumulators of type Double, Long, and Float. ● Spark also includes an API to define custom accumulator types and custom aggregation operations ○ (e.g., finding the maximum of the accumulated values instead of adding them). ● Custom accumulators need to extend AccumulatorV2.
  • 18. Advanced Spark Programming Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
  • 19. Advanced Spark Programming class MyComplex(var x: Int, var y: Int) extends Serializable{ def reset(): Unit = { x = 0 y = 0 } def add(p:MyComplex): MyComplex = { x = x + p.x y = y + p.y return this } } Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
  • 20. Advanced Spark Programming import org.apache.spark.AccumulatorParam class ComplexAccumulatorV1 extends AccumulatorParam[MyComplex] { def zero(initialVal: MyComplex): MyComplex = { return initialVal } def addInPlace(v1: MyComplex, v2: MyComplex): MyComplex = { v1.add(v2) return v1; } } Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
  • 21. Advanced Spark Programming val vecAccum = sc.accumulator(new MyComplex(0,0))(new ComplexAccumulatorV1) Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
  • 22. Advanced Spark Programming val vecAccum = sc.accumulator(new MyComplex(0,0))(new ComplexAccumulatorV1) var myrdd = sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3)) def myfunc(x:Int):Int = { vecAccum += new MyComplex(x, x) return x * 3 } var myrdd1 = Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
  • 23. Advanced Spark Programming val vecAccum = sc.accumulator(new MyComplex(0,0))(new ComplexAccumulatorV1) var myrdd = sc.parallelize(Array(1,2,3)) def myfunc(x:Int):Int = { vecAccum += new MyComplex(x, x) return x * 3 } var myrdd1 = myrdd1.collect() vecAccum.value.x vecAccum.value.y Custom Accumulators - version 1.x
  • 24. Advanced Spark Programming import org.apache.spark.util.AccumulatorV2 object ComplexAccumulatorV2 extends AccumulatorV2[MyComplex, MyComplex] { private val myc:MyComplex = new MyComplex(0,0) def reset(): Unit = { myc.reset() } def add(v: MyComplex): Unit = { myc.add(v) } def value():MyComplex = { return myc } def isZero(): Boolean = { return (myc.x == 0 && myc.y == 0) } def copy():AccumulatorV2[MyComplex, MyComplex] = { return ComplexAccumulatorV2 } def merge(other:AccumulatorV2[MyComplex, MyComplex]) = { myc.add(other.value) } } sc.register(ComplexAccumulatorV2, "mycomplexacc") Custom Accumulators - version 2.x
  • 25. Advanced Spark Programming Broadcast Variables : Introduction commonWords = ["a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am", "are", "this", "that", '', 'at'] If we need to remove the common words from our wordcount, what do we need to do?
  • 26. Advanced Spark Programming Broadcast Variables : Introduction commonWords = ["a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am", "are", "this", "that", '', 'at'] If we need to remove the common words from our wordcount, what do we need to do? > We can create a local variable and use it
  • 27. Advanced Spark Programming commonWords = List("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am", "are", "this", "that", "", "at") If we need to remove the common words from our wordcount, what do we need to do? > We can create a local variable and use it > Is it inefficient? Broadcast Variables : Introduction
  • 28. Advanced Spark Programming Yes, because 1. Spark sends referenced variables to all workers. 1. The default task launching mechanism is optimised for small task sizes. 2. If using multiple times, spark will be sending it again to all nodes So, we use broadcast variable instead. Broadcast Variables : Introduction
  • 29. Advanced Spark Programming SHARED MEMORY Broadcast Variables broadcast.value() Broadcast() Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) Spark Application Spark Application Spark Application Spark Application Broadcast Variables Cache
  • 30. Advanced Spark Programming ● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers Broadcast Variables
  • 31. Advanced Spark Programming ● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers ● For example: ○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes Broadcast Variables
  • 32. Advanced Spark Programming ● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers ● For example: ○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes ○ Large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm Broadcast Variables
  • 33. Advanced Spark Programming ● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers ● For example: ○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes ○ Large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm ● It is like a distributed cache of Hadoop ● Spark distributes broadcast variables efficiently to reduce communication cost. Broadcast Variables
  • 34. Advanced Spark Programming ● Efficiently send a large, read-only value to workers ● For example: ○ Send a large, read-only lookup table to all the nodes ○ Large feature vector in a machine learning algorithm ● It is like a distributed cache of Hadoop ● Spark distributes broadcast variables efficiently to reduce communication cost. ● Useful when ○ Tasks across multiple stages need the same data ○ Caching the data in deserialized form is important. Broadcast Variables
  • 35. Advanced Spark Programming Broadcast Variables : Example Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
  • 36. Advanced Spark Programming var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at", "in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it") Broadcast Variables : Example Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
  • 37. Advanced Spark Programming Broadcast Variables : Example Removing Common Words using Broadcast. var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at", "in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it") val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]() for(word <- commonWords){ commonWordsMap(word) = 1 } var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap)
  • 38. Advanced Spark Programming var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at", "in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it") val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]() for(word <- commonWords){ commonWordsMap(word) = 1 } var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap) var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/big.txt") Broadcast Variables : Example Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
  • 39. Advanced Spark Programming Broadcast Variables : Example var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at", "in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it") val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]() for(word <- commonWords){ commonWordsMap(word) = 1 } var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap) var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/big.txt") def toWords(line:String):Array[String] = { var words = line.split(" ") var output = Array[String](); for(word <- words){ if(! (commonWordsBC.value contains word.toLowerCase.trim.replaceAll("[^a-z]",""))) output = output :+ word; } return output; } var uncommonWords = file.flatMap(toWords) Removing Common Words using Broadcast.
  • 40. Advanced Spark Programming Broadcast Variables : Example Removing Common Words using Broadcast. var commonWords = Array("a", "an", "the", "of", "at", "is", "am","are","this","that","at", "in", "or", "and", "or", "not", "be", "for", "to", "it") val commonWordsMap = collection.mutable.Map[String, Int]() for(word <- commonWords){ commonWordsMap(word) = 1 } var commonWordsBC = sc.broadcast(commonWordsMap) var file = sc.textFile("/data/mr/wordcount/input/big.txt") def toWords(line:String):Array[String] = { var words = line.split(" ") var output = Array[String](); for(word <- words){ if(! (commonWordsBC.value contains word.toLowerCase.trim.replaceAll("[^a-z]",""))) output = output :+ word; } return output; } var uncommonWords = file.flatMap(toWords) uncommonWords.take(100)
  • 41. Advanced Spark Programming Key Performance Considerations 1. Level of Parallelism 2. Serialization Format 3. Memory Management 4. Hardware Provisioning
  • 42. Advanced Spark Programming Level of Parallelism By Default ● A single task per one partition, ● A single core in the cluster to execute. ● Default partitions are based on underlying storage or CPU ● HDFS RDDs - One partition per block
  • 43. Advanced Spark Programming Level of Parallelism Too Less ⇒ Might leave resources idle Too Much ⇒ Small overheads due to each partition adds up By Default ● A single task per one partition, ● A single core in the cluster to execute. ● Default partitions are based on underlying storage or CPU ● HDFS RDDs - One partition per block
  • 44. Advanced Spark Programming Key Performance Considerations 1. Level of Parallelism - How many default partitions?
  • 45. Advanced Spark Programming Key Performance Considerations - Partitions /data/msprojects/in_table.csv has 62 blocks theoratically. Lets check. $ hadoop fs -ls /data/msprojects/in_table.csv -rw-r--r-- 3 sandeep sandeep 8303338297 2017-04-18 02:26 /data/msprojects/in_table.csv $ python >>> 8303338297.0/128.0/1024.0/1024.0 61.86469120532274 >>> $ hdfs fsck /data/msprojects/in_table.csv ….. Total blocks (validated): 62 (avg. block size 133924811 B) Yes, it has 62 blocks actually.
  • 46. Advanced Spark Programming $ spark-shell --master yarn scala> var myrdd = sc.textFile("/data/msprojects/in_table.csv") scala> myrdd.partitions.length res1: Int = 62 Key Performance Considerations - Partitions So, number of partitions is a function of number of data blocks in case of sc.textFile.
  • 47. Advanced Spark Programming Key Performance Considerations - Partitions // In the local mode spark-shell scala> var myrdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 100000) scala> myrdd.partitions.length res1: Int = 4 [sandeep@ip-172-31-60-179 ~]$ cat /proc/cpuinfo|grep processor processor : 0 processor : 1 processor : 2 processor : 3 Since my machine has 4 cores, it has created 4 partitions.
  • 48. Advanced Spark Programming $ spark-shell --master yarn scala> var myrdd = sc.parallelize(1 to 100000) scala> myrdd.partitions.length res6: Int = 2 When we are running in yarn mode, the number of partitions is function of tasks that can be executed on a node, Here it is 2. Key Performance Considerations - Partitions
  • 49. Advanced Spark Programming Level of Parallelism 1. Specify number of partitions in sc.parallelize and sc.textFile 2. Shuffling operations accept degree of parallelism in parameter 3. repartition() or partitionBy 4. To efficiently shrink, prefer coalesce() over repartition() How to control parallelism?
  • 50. Advanced Spark Programming Level of Parallelism 1. We are reading a large amount of data from S3. 2. filter() operation is likely to leave a tiny fraction 3. Result of filter() will have same size RDD as parent but with many empty or small partitions. 4. Improve the application’s performance by coalescing Example
  • 51. Advanced Spark Programming Serialization Format ● While transferring or saving objects need serialization ● Comes into play during large transfers ● By default Spark will use Java’s built-in serializer.
  • 52. Advanced Spark Programming Serialization Format Benchmarks
  • 53. Advanced Spark Programming Serialization Format Kryo ● Spark also supports the use of Kryo ● Faster and more compact ● But cannot serialize all types of objects “out of the box.” ● Almost all applications will benefit from shifting to Kryo ● To use, ○ sc.getConf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer") ● For best performance, register classes with Kryo ○ sc.getConf.registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[MyClass1], classOf[MyClass2])) ○ Class needs to implement Java’s Serializable interface
  • 54. Advanced Spark Programming RDD storage ● persist()'ed memory ● - Default: 60% ● If exceeded, older will be dropped ○ will be computed on demand ● For huge data, use persist() with MEMORY_AND_DISK Memory Management
  • 55. Advanced Spark Programming RDD storage ● persist()'ed memory ● - Default: 60% ● If exceeded, older will be dropped ○ will be computed on demand ● For huge data, use persist() with MEMORY_AND_DISK Memory Management Shuffle and aggregation buffers ● For storing shuffle output data ● spark.shuffle.memoryFraction - Default: 20%
  • 56. Advanced Spark Programming RDD storage ● persist()'ed memory ● - Default: 60% ● If exceeded, older will be dropped ○ will be computed on demand ● For huge data, use persist() with MEMORY_AND_DISK Memory Management Shuffle and aggregation buffers ● For storing shuffle output data ● spark.shuffle.memoryFraction - Default: 20% User Code Remaining Default: 20% of memory
  • 57. Advanced Spark Programming ● Main Parameters ○ Executor’s Memory (spark.executor.memory) ○ Number of cores per Executor, ○ Total number of executors ○ No. of disks Hardware Provisioning
  • 58. Advanced Spark Programming ● Main Parameters ○ Executor’s Memory (spark.executor.memory) ○ Number of cores per Executor, ○ Total number of executors ○ No. of disks ● App Speed = (Impact of Memory + Cores) ○ Huge memory -> GC pauses ○ 64GB or less Hardware Provisioning
  • 59. Advanced Spark Programming ● Main Parameters ○ Executor’s Memory (spark.executor.memory) ○ Number of cores per Executor, ○ Total number of executors ○ No. of disks ● App Speed = (Impact of Memory + Cores) ○ Huge memory -> GC pauses ○ 64GB or less ● Linear scaling ○ 2 x Hardware == 2 x speed Hardware Provisioning