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Dimensionality Reduction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some problem sets may have
● Large number of feature set
● Making the model extremely slow
● Even making it difficult to find a solution
● This is referred to as ‘Curse of Dimensionality’
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
● MNIST Dataset
a. Each pixel was a feature
b. (28*28) number of features for each image
c. Border feature had no importance and could be ignored
Border data (features) can be
ignored for all datasets
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
● MNIST Dataset
○ Also, neighbouring pixels are highly correlated
○ Neighbouring pixels can be merged into one without losing
much of information
○ Hence, further reducing the dimensions or features
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some benefits of dimension reduction
● Faster and more efficient model
● Better visualization to gain important insights by detecting
● Lossy - we lose some information - we should try with the
original dataset before going for dimension reduction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some important facts
● Q. Probability that a random point chosen in a unit metre
square is 0.001 m from the border?
● Ans. ?
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some important facts
● Q. Probability that a random point chosen in a unit metre
square is 0.001 m from the border?
● Ans. 0.004 = 1 - (0.998)**2
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some important facts
● Q. Probability that a random point chosen in a unit metre
square is 0.001 m from the border?
● Ans. 0.004, meaning chances are very low that the point will
extreme along any dimension
● Q. Probability that a random point chosen on a 10,000
dimensional unit metre hypercube is 1 mm from the border?
● Ans. >99.999999 %
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some more important facts
If we pick 2 points randomly on a unit square
● The distance between these 2 points shall be roughly 0.52
If we pick 2 points randomly in a 1,000,000 dimension hypercube
● The distance between these 2 points shall be roughly
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
Some important observations about large dimension datasets
● Higher dimensional datasets are at risk of being very sparse
● Most training sets are likely to be far away from each other
Instances much more
scattered in higher
dimensions, hence sparse
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
New dataset (test) dataset will also likely be far away from any
training instance
● making predictions much less reliable
● more dimensional the training set is,
● the greater the risk of overfitting.
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
How to reduce the curse of dimensionality?
● Increase the size of training set (number of datasets) to reach a
sufficient density of training instances
○ However, number of instances required to reach a given
density grows exponentially with the number of dimensions
Adding more instances
will increase the
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality
How to reduce the curse of dimensionality?
● Example:
○ For a dataset with 100 features
○ Will need more training datasets than atoms in observable
○ To have the instances on an average 0.1 distance from each
other (assuming they are spread out equally)
● Hence, we reduce the dimensions
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Main approaches for dimensionality reduction
● Projection
● Manifold Learning
Dimensionality Reduction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality Reduction
Projection Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across
all dimensions
● Many features are almost constant -
● While others are correlated
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Q. How many features are there in the above graph?
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across
all dimensions
● Many features are almost constant -
● While others are correlated
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Q. How many features are there in the above graph? 3
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across
all dimensions
● Many features are almost constant -
● While others are correlated
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Q. Which of the feature is almost constant for almost all
instances? x1, x2 or x3?
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across
all dimensions
● Many features are almost constant -
● While others are correlated
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Q. Which of the feature is almost constant for almost all
instances? Ans: x3
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Most of the training instances actually lie within (or close to) a much
lower-dimensional subspace.
● Refer the diagram below
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
A 3-
space (x1, x2
and x3)
A lower 2-
subspace (grey
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Not all instances are ON the 2-dimensional subspace
● If we project all the instances perpendicularly on the subspace
○ We get the new 2d dataset with features z1 and z2
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
A 3-
space (x1, x2
and x3)
A lower 2-
subspace (grey
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Remember projection from Linear Algebra?
As we have seen in linear algebra session,
● A vector v can be projected onto
● another vector u
● By doing a dot product of v and u.
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Remember projection from Linear Algebra?
Q. For the graph below, which of these is true?
a. Vector v is orthogonal to u
b. Vector v is projected into vector u
c. Vector u is projected into vector v
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Remember projection from Linear Algebra?
A. For the graph below, which of these is true?
a. Vector v is orthogonal to u
b. ✅ Vector v is projected into vector u
c. Vector u is projected into vector v
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Like we project a vector onto another, we can project a vector onto a
plane by a dot product.
● If we project all the instances perpendicularly on the subspace
○ We get the new 2d dataset with features z1 and z2
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● The above example is demonstrated on notebook
○ Download the 3d dataset
○ Reduce it to 2 dimensions using PCA - a dimensionality reduction
technique based on projection
○ Define a utility to plot the projection arrows
○ Plot the 3d dataset, the plane and the projection arrows
○ Draw the 2d equivalent
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Is projection always good?
○ Not really! Example: Swiss roll toy dataset
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Is projection always good?
○ Not really! Example: Swiss roll toy dataset
○ What if we project the training dataset onto x1 and x2.
○ The projection squashes the the different layers and hence
classification is difficult
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
● What if we instead open the swiss roll?
○ Opening the swiss roll does not squash the different layers
○ The layers are classifiable.
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Projection does not seem to work in the case of swiss roll or similar
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● The above limitation of Projection can be demoed in the following steps:
○ Visualizing the swiss roll on a 3d plot
○ Projecting the swiss roll on the x1 and x2
■ Visualizing the squashed projection
○ Visualizing the rolled out plot
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality Reduction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Swiss roll is an example 2d manifold
● 2d manifold is a 2d shape that can be bent and twisted in a higher-
dimensional space
● A d-dimensional space is a part of n-dimensional space (d<n)
Q. For swiss roll, d =? , n =?
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Swiss roll is an example 2d manifold
● 2d manifold is a 2d shape that can be bent and twisted in a higher-
dimensional space
● A d-dimensional space is a part of n-dimensional space (d<n)
Q. For swiss roll, d =2 , n =3
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Many dimensionality reduction algorithms work by
○ modeling the manifold on which the training instances lie
● This is called manifold learning
So, for the swiss roll
● We can model the 2d plane
● Which is rolled in a swiss roll fashion
● Hence occupying a 3d space (like rolling of a paper)
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Manifold Learning
● Relies on manifold assumption, i.e.,
○ Most real-world high-dimensional datasets lie close to a much
lower-dimensional manifold
● This is observed often empirically
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Manifold assumption is observed empirically in case of
● MNIST dataset where images of the digits have similarities:
○ Made of connected lines
○ Borders are white
○ More or less centered
● A randomly generated image would have much larger degree of
freedom as compared to the images of digits
● Hence, the constraints in the MNIST images tend to squeeze the
dataset into a lower-dimensional manifold.
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Manifold learning is accompanied by another assumption
● Going to a lower-dimensional space shall make the task-at-hand
simpler (holds true in below case)
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Simple classification
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Manifold assumption accompanied by another assumption
● Going to a lower-dimensional space shall make the task-at-hand
simpler (Not always the case)
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
Fairly complex classification
Simple classification (x1=5)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
The previous 2 cases can be demonstrated in these steps:
● Using the 3d swiss roll dataset
● Plotting the case where the classification gets easier with manifold
● Plotting the case where the classification gets difficult with manifold
● Plotting the decision boundary in each case
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Summary - Dimensionality Reduction
● 2 approaches: Projection and Manifold Learning
○ Depends on the dataset, which should be used
● Leads to better visualization
● Faster training
● May not always lead to a better or simpler or better solution
○ Valid both for projection or manifold learning
○ Depends on the dataset
● Lossy
○ Should always try with the original dataset before going for
dimensionality reduction
Dimensionality Reduction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality Reduction
Technique: PCA
Manifold Learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
● The most popular dimensionality reduction algorithm
● Identify the hyperplane that lies closest to the data
● Projects the data onto the hyperplane
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Preserving the variance
How do we select the best hyperplane to project the datasets into?
● Select the axis that preserves the maximum amount of variance
● Lose less information than other projections
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Preserving the variance
Q. Which of these is the best axes to select (preserves maximum variance)?
c1 or c2 or c3?
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Preserving the variance
Q. Which of these is the best axes to select? Ans: c1.
● Preserves maximum variance as compared to other axes.
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Preserving the variance
Another way to say the axis that minimizes the mean squared distance
between the original dataset and its projection onto that axis.
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
The previous case can be demonstrated in these steps:
● Generate a random 2d dataset
● Stretch it along a particular direction
● Project it along certain 3 axis
● Plot the stretched random numbers, the projections along the axes
Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Principal Components
How do we select the best hyperplane to project the datasets into?
Ans: PCA
● identifies the axis that accounts for the largest amount of variance in
the training set - 1st principal component
● Provides a second axis orthogonal to the first one that accounts for
second largest
● And so on.. Third axis, fourth axis..
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Principal Components
The unit vector that defines that ‘i’th axis is called the ‘i’th principal
component (PC)
● 1st PC = c1
● 2nd PC = c2
● 3rd PC = c3
C1 is orthogonal to c2, c3 would be orthogonal to the plane formed by c1
and c2,
And hence orthogonal to both c1 and c2.
Image in 3d space for a minute!
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Principal Components
Next Ques: How do we find the principal components?
● Standard factorization technique called Singular Value Decomposition
(SVD) - based on eigen value calculation!
● It divides the training dataset into the dot product of 3 matrices
○ U
○ ∑
○ transpose(V)
● Transpose(V) contains the principal components (PC) - unit vectors
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Principal Components
Transpose(V) contains the principal components (PC) - unit vectors
● 1st PC = c1
● 2nd PC = c2
● 3rd PC = c3
● ...
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Principal Components - SVD
SVD can implemented in scikit-learn using the code below
● SVD assumes that the data is centered around the origin
# Data needs to centralized before performing SVD
>>> X_centered = X - X.mean(axis=0)
# Performing SVD
>>> U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(X_centered)
# Printing the principal components
>>> c1, c2 = V.T[:,0], V.T[:,1]
Q. How many principal components are we printing in the above code?
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Principal Components - SVD
SVD can implemented in scikit-learn using the code below
● SVD assumes that the data is centered around the origin
# Data needs to centralized before performing SVD
>>> X_centered = X - X.mean(axis=0)
# Performing SVD
>>> U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(X_centered)
# Printing the principal components
>>> c1, c2 = V.T[:,0], V.T[:,1]
Q. How many principal components are we printing in the above code?
Ans: 2
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions
Once, the PCs have been found, original dataset has to be projected on the
As we have seen in linear algebra session,
● A vector v can be projected onto
● another vector u
● By doing a dot product of v and u.
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions
Similarly, the
● original training dataset X can be projected onto
● the first ‘d’ principal components Wd
○ Composed of first ‘d’ columns of transpose(V) obtained in SVD
● Reducing the dataset dimensions to ‘d’
Wd = first d columns of transpose(V) containing the first d
principal components
Xd-proj = X.Wd
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions
Similarly, the
● original training dataset X can be projected onto
● the first ‘d’ principal components Wd
○ Composed of first ‘d’ columns of transpose(V) obtained in SVD
● Reducing the dataset dimensions to ‘d’
First ‘d’ columns of the transpose(V)
Wd =
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
So, PCA involves two steps
● SVD and
● Projection of the training dataset onto the orthogonal principal
Scikit-Learn provides functions for both
● SVD, projection and
● Combined PCA
We will be comparing the codes for these
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA using SVD in Sci-kit Learn PCA using Sci-kit Learn PCA function
# Centering the data and doing SVD
X_centered = X - X.mean(axis=0)
U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(X_centered)
# Extracting the components and projecting the
# original dataset
W2 = V.T[:, :2]
X2D =
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
# Directly doing PCA and transforming the
original dataset
# Takes care of centering
pca = PCA(n_components = 2)
X2D = pca.fit_transform(X)
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Explained Variance Ratio
Variances explained by each of the components is important
● We would like to cover as much variance as in the original dataset
● available via the explained_variance_ratio_ variable
>>> print(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
[ 0.95369864 0.04630136]
1st component
covers 95.3 % of
the variance
2nd component
covers 4.6 % of
the variance
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Number of PCs
How to select the number of principal components
● The principal components should explain 95% of the variance in
original dataset
● For visualization, it has to be reduced to 2 or 3
Calculating the variance explained in Scikit-Learn
>>> pca = PCA()
>>> cumsum = np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
# Calculating the number of dimensions which explain 95% of variance
>>> d = np.argmax(cumsum >= 0.95) + 1
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Number of PCs
# Calculating the PCs directly specifying the variance to be
>>> pca = PCA(n_components=0.95)
>>> X_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Number of PCs
Another option is to plot the explained variance
● As a function of the number of dimensions
● Elbow curve: explained variance stops growing fast after certain
number of dimensions
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● For the above 2d dataset, we shall demonstrate
○ Calculating the estimated variance ratio
○ Calculating the number of principal components
Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Compression of dataset
Another aspect of dimensionality reduction,
● the training set takes up much less space.
● For example, applying PCA to MNIST dataset
● ORIGINAL: Each image
○ 28 X 28 pixels
○ 784 features
○ Each pixel is either on or off 0 or 1
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Compression of dataset
After applying PCA to the MNIST data
● Number of dimensions reduces to 154 features from 784 features
● Keeping 95% of its variance
Hence, the training set is 20% of its original size
>>> pca = PCA()
>>> d = np.argmax(np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) >= 0.95) + 1
Number of features required to explain 95% variance
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Compression of dataset - Demo
Loading the MNIST Dataset
#MNIST compression:
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata
>>> mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original')
>>> X, y = mnist["data"], mnist["target"]
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y)
>>> X = X_train
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Compression of dataset
Applying PCA to the MNIST dataset
# Applying PCA to the MNIST Dataset
>>> pca = PCA()
>>> d = np.argmax(np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) >= 0.95) + 1
# Projecting onto the principal components
>>> pca = PCA(n_components=0.95)
>>> X_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X)
>>> pca.n_components_
# Checking for the variance explained
# did we hit the 95% minimum?
>>> np.sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_)
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Decompression
The compressed dataset can be decompressed to the original size
● For MNIST dataset, the reduced dataset (154 features)
● Back to 784 features
● Using inverse transformation of the PCA projection
# use inverse_transform to decompress back to 784 dimensions
>>> X_mnist = X_train
>>> pca = PCA(n_components = 154)
>>> X_mnist_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X_mnist)
>>> X_mnist_recovered = pca.inverse_transform(X_mnist_reduced)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Decompression
Plotting the recovered digits
● Recovered digits has lost some information
● Dimensionality reduction captured only 95% of variance
● It is called reconstruction error
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Incremental PCA
Problem with PCA (Batch-PCA)
● Requires the entire training dataset in-the-memory to run SVD
Incremental PCA (IPCA)
● Splits the training set into mini-batches
● Feeds one mini-batch at a time to the IPCA algorithm
● Useful for large datasets and online learning
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Incremental PCA
Incremental PCA using Scikit Learn’s IncrementalPCA class
● And associated partial_fit() function instead of fit() and fit_transform()
# split MNIST into 100 mini-batches using Numpy array_split()
# reduce MNIST down to 154 dimensions as before.
# note use of partial_fit() for each batch.
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA
>>> n_batches = 100
>>> inc_pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=154)
>>> for X_batch in np.array_split(X_mnist, n_batches):
print(".", end="")
>>> X_mnist_reduced_inc = inc_pca.transform(X_mnist)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Incremental PCA
Another way is to use Numpy memap class
● Uses binary array on the disk as if it was in-memory
# alternative: Numpy memmap class (use binary array on disk as if it was in memory)
>>> filename = ""
>>> X_mm = np.memmap(
filename, dtype='float32', mode='write', shape=X_mnist.shape)
>>> X_mm[:] = X_mnist
>>> del X_mm
>>> X_mm = np.memmap(filename, dtype='float32', mode='readonly', shape=X_mnist.shape)
>>> batch_size = len(X_mnist) // n_batches
>>> inc_pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=154, batch_size=batch_size)
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Randomized PCA
Using a stochastic algorithm
● To approximate the first d principal components
● O(m × d^2) + O(d^3), instead of O(m × n^2) + O(n^3)
● Dramatically faster than (Batch) PCA and Incremental PCA
○ When d << n
>>> rnd_pca = PCA(n_components=154, svd_solver="randomized")
>>> t1 = time.time()
>>> X_reduced = rnd_pca.fit_transform(X_mnist)
>>> t2 = time.time()
>>> print(t2-t1, "seconds")
4.414088487625122 seconds
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA
Using Kernel PCA
● Kernel trick can also be applied to PCA
● Makes nonlinear projections possible for dimensionality reduction
● This is called Kernel PCA (kPCA)
Important point about Kernel PCA we should remember is:
● Good at preserving clusters
● Useful when unrolling datasets that lies close to a twisted manifold
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA
Kernel PCA in Scikit-Learn using KernelPCA class
● Linear Kernel
● RBF Kernel
● Sigmoid Kernel
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA
Kernel PCA in Scikit-Learn using KernelPCA class
>>> from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA
>>> rbf_pca = KernelPCA(n_components = 2, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.04)
>>> X_reduced = rbf_pca.fit_transform(X)
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Selecting hyperparameters
Selecting hyper parameters
● Kernel PCA is an unsupervised learning algorithm
● No obvious performance measure to help select the best kernel and
Instead, we can follow these steps:
● Create a pipeline with KernelPCA and Classification model
● Do a grid search using GridSearchCV to find the best kernel and
gamma value for kPCA
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Selecting hyperparameters
Selecting hyper parameters
● Create a pipeline with KernelPCA and Classification model
● Doing a grid search using GridSearchCV to find the best kernel and
gamma value for kPCA
>>> clf = Pipeline([
("kpca", KernelPCA(n_components=2)),
("log_reg", LogisticRegression())])
>>> param_grid = [{
"kpca__gamma": np.linspace(0.03, 0.05, 10),
"kpca__kernel": ["rbf", "sigmoid"]}]
>>> grid_search = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=3)
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Reconstruction
Reconstruction in Kernel PCA
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Reconstruction
Reconstruction in Kernel PCA
● 2 steps followed in Kernel PCA
○ Mapping to a higher infinite-dimensional feature space
○ Then projecting the transformed training set into 2d using linear
● Inverse of linear PCA step would lie in the feature space, not in the
original space
○ Since infinite-dimensional, we cannot compute the reconstruction
○ Therefore, cannot compute the true reconstruction error
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Reconstruction
Reconstruction in Kernel PCA
● For reconstruction, we instead use a pre-image
○ By finding a point in the original space that would map close to the
reconstructed point
○ Can find the squared distance with the original space
○ Then select the kernel and hyperparameters that minimize the
reconstruction pre-image error
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Reconstruction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Error
Calculating reconstruction error when using kernel PCA
● Inverse_transform in scikit-learn creates the pre-image
● Which can be used to calculate the mean squared error
## Performing Kernel PCA and enabling inverse transform
## to enable pre-image computation
>>> rbf_pca = KernelPCA(
n_components = 2,
fit_inverse_transform=True) # perform reconstruction
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Error
Calculating reconstruction error when using kernel PCA
● Inverse_transform in scikit-learn creates the pre-image
● Which can be used to calculate the mean squared error
## Calculating the reduced space using kernel PCA and pre-image
>>> X_reduced = rbf_pca.fit_transform(X)
>>> X_preimage = rbf_pca.inverse_transform(X_reduced)
# return reconstruction pre-image error
>>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
>>> mean_squared_error(X, X_preimage)
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Dimensionality Reduction
Technique: PCA
Manifold Learning
Technique: LLEIncremental PCA,
Randomized PCA,
Kernel PCA
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Local Linear Embedding (LLE)
● Another powerful nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR)
● Manifold technique that does not rely on projections
● Works by
○ Measuring how each training instance linearly relates to its closest
○ Then looking for low-dimensional representation where these local
relationships are best preserved
● Good at unrolling twisted manifolds, especially when there is not
much noise
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn
● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold
● Run on the swiss roll example
● Step 1: Make the swiss roll
>>> from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll
>>> X, t = make_swiss_roll(
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn
● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold
● Run on the swiss roll example
● Step 2: Instantiate LLE class in sklearn and fit the swiss roll training
features using the LLE model
>>> from sklearn.manifold import LocallyLinearEmbedding
>>> lle = LocallyLinearEmbedding(
>>> X_reduced = lle.fit_transform(X)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn
● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold
● Run on the swiss roll example
● Step 3: Plot the reduced dimension data
>>> plt.title("Unrolled swiss roll using LLE", fontsize=14)
>>> plt.scatter(X_reduced[:, 0], X_reduced[:, 1], c=t,
>>> plt.xlabel("$z_1$", fontsize=18)
>>> plt.ylabel("$z_2$", fontsize=18)
>>> plt.axis([-0.065, 0.055, -0.1, 0.12])
>>> plt.grid(True)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn
● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold
● Run on the swiss roll example
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Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
● Swiss roll is completely unrolled
● Distances between the instances
are locally preserved
● Not preserved on a larger scale
○ Left most part is squeezed
○ Right part is stretched
Distance locally preserved
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
LLE - How it Works? Maths!
How LLE works?
Step 1: For each training instance, the algorithm identifies the k closest
Step 2: reconstructs the instance as a linear function of these closest
● More specifically, finds the weight w vector such that distance
between the closest neighbours and the instance is as small as
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
LLE - How it Works? Maths!
How LLE works?
Step 3: Map the training instances into a d-dimensional space while
preserving the local relationship as much as possible
● Basically, keeping the same weight as calculated in the previous step,
the new instance should have minimum distances with the previous
closest neighbours (same weights and relationship)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
LLE - Time Complexity
How LLE works?
Step 1: finding K nearest neighbors: O(m x log(m) x n x log(k))
Step 2: weight optimization: O(m x n x k^3)
Step 3: constructing low-d representations: O(d x m^2)
Where m = number of training datasets,
n = number of original dimensions
k = nearest neighbours
d = reduced dimensions
Step 3 makes the model very slow for large number of training datasets
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Other dimensionality techniques
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
● Reduces dimensionality
● trying to preserve the instances
>>> from sklearn.manifold import MDS
>>> mds = MDS(n_components=2,
>>> X_reduced_mds = mds.fit_transform(X)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Other dimensionality techniques
● Creates a graph connecting each instance to its nearest neighbours
● Then, reduces dimensionality
● Trying to preserve geodesic distances between instances
>>> from sklearn.manifold import Isomap
>>> isomap = Isomap(n_components=2)
>>> X_reduced_isomap =
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Other dimensionality techniques
T-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding
● Reduces dimensionality
● Keeping similar instances close and dissimilar apart
● Mostly used for visualize clusters in high-dimensional space
>>> from sklearn.manifold import TSNE
>>> tsne = TSNE(n_components=2)
>>> X_reduced_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X)
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Other dimensionality techniques
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA)
● A classification algorithm
● During training learns the most discriminative axes between the
● Axes can be used to define the hyper plant to project the data
● Projection will keep the classes as far apart as possible
● A good technique to reduce dimensionality before running
classification algorithms such as SVM Classifier
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Other dimensionality techniques
Plotting the results for each of the techniques on the notebook
>>> titles = ["MDS", "Isomap", "t-SNE"]
>>> plt.figure(figsize=(11,4))
for subplot, title, X_reduced in zip((131, 132, 133), titles,
(X_reduced_mds, X_reduced_isomap, X_reduced_tsne)):
plt.title(title, fontsize=14)
plt.scatter(X_reduced[:, 0], X_reduced[:, 1], c=t,
plt.xlabel("$z_1$", fontsize=18)
if subplot == 131:
plt.ylabel("$z_2$", fontsize=18, rotation=0)
Switch to Notebook
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
Other dimensionality techniques
Plotting the results for each of the techniques on the notebook
Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction
PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions
Similarly, the
● original training dataset X can be projected onto
● the first ‘d’ principal components Wd
○ Composed of first ‘d’ columns of transpose(V) obtained in SVD
● Reducing the dataset dimensions to ‘d’
Wd = first d columns of transpose(V) containing the first d
principal components
Xd-proj = X.Wd

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Dimensionality Reduction | Machine Learning | CloudxLab

  • 2. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some problem sets may have ● Large number of feature set ● Making the model extremely slow ● Even making it difficult to find a solution ● This is referred to as ‘Curse of Dimensionality’
  • 3. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Example ● MNIST Dataset a. Each pixel was a feature b. (28*28) number of features for each image c. Border feature had no importance and could be ignored Border data (features) can be ignored for all datasets
  • 4. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Example ● MNIST Dataset ○ Also, neighbouring pixels are highly correlated ○ Neighbouring pixels can be merged into one without losing much of information ○ Hence, further reducing the dimensions or features
  • 5. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some benefits of dimension reduction ● Faster and more efficient model ● Better visualization to gain important insights by detecting patterns Drawbacks: ● Lossy - we lose some information - we should try with the original dataset before going for dimension reduction
  • 6. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some important facts ● Q. Probability that a random point chosen in a unit metre square is 0.001 m from the border? ● Ans. ?
  • 7. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some important facts ● Q. Probability that a random point chosen in a unit metre square is 0.001 m from the border? ● Ans. 0.004 = 1 - (0.998)**2
  • 8. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some important facts ● Q. Probability that a random point chosen in a unit metre square is 0.001 m from the border? ● Ans. 0.004, meaning chances are very low that the point will extreme along any dimension ● Q. Probability that a random point chosen on a 10,000 dimensional unit metre hypercube is 1 mm from the border? ● Ans. >99.999999 %
  • 9. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some more important facts If we pick 2 points randomly on a unit square ● The distance between these 2 points shall be roughly 0.52 If we pick 2 points randomly in a 1,000,000 dimension hypercube ● The distance between these 2 points shall be roughly sqrt(1000000/6)
  • 10. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality Some important observations about large dimension datasets ● Higher dimensional datasets are at risk of being very sparse ● Most training sets are likely to be far away from each other Instances much more scattered in higher dimensions, hence sparse
  • 11. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality New dataset (test) dataset will also likely be far away from any training instance ● making predictions much less reliable Hence, ● more dimensional the training set is, ● the greater the risk of overfitting.
  • 12. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality How to reduce the curse of dimensionality? ● Increase the size of training set (number of datasets) to reach a sufficient density of training instances ○ However, number of instances required to reach a given density grows exponentially with the number of dimensions (features) Adding more instances will increase the density
  • 13. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Introduction - Curse of Dimensionality How to reduce the curse of dimensionality? ● Example: ○ For a dataset with 100 features ○ Will need more training datasets than atoms in observable universe ○ To have the instances on an average 0.1 distance from each other (assuming they are spread out equally) ● Hence, we reduce the dimensions
  • 14. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Main approaches for dimensionality reduction ● Projection ● Manifold Learning Dimensionality Reduction
  • 15. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Methods Projection Manifold Learning
  • 16. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across all dimensions ● Many features are almost constant - ● While others are correlated Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Q. How many features are there in the above graph?
  • 17. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across all dimensions ● Many features are almost constant - ● While others are correlated Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Q. How many features are there in the above graph? 3
  • 18. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across all dimensions ● Many features are almost constant - ● While others are correlated Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Q. Which of the feature is almost constant for almost all instances? x1, x2 or x3?
  • 19. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Most real-world problems do not have training instances spread out across all dimensions ● Many features are almost constant - ● While others are correlated Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Q. Which of the feature is almost constant for almost all instances? Ans: x3
  • 20. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Most of the training instances actually lie within (or close to) a much lower-dimensional subspace. ● Refer the diagram below Dimensionality Reduction - Projection A 3- dimensional space (x1, x2 and x3) A lower 2- dimensional subspace (grey plane)
  • 21. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● Not all instances are ON the 2-dimensional subspace ● If we project all the instances perpendicularly on the subspace ○ We get the new 2d dataset with features z1 and z2 Dimensionality Reduction - Projection A 3- dimensional space (x1, x2 and x3) A lower 2- dimensional subspace (grey plane) projections
  • 22. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Remember projection from Linear Algebra? As we have seen in linear algebra session, ● A vector v can be projected onto ● another vector u ● By doing a dot product of v and u.
  • 23. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Remember projection from Linear Algebra? Q. For the graph below, which of these is true? a. Vector v is orthogonal to u b. Vector v is projected into vector u c. Vector u is projected into vector v
  • 24. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Remember projection from Linear Algebra? A. For the graph below, which of these is true? a. Vector v is orthogonal to u b. ✅ Vector v is projected into vector u c. Vector u is projected into vector v
  • 25. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● Like we project a vector onto another, we can project a vector onto a plane by a dot product. ● If we project all the instances perpendicularly on the subspace ○ We get the new 2d dataset with features z1 and z2 Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
  • 26. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● The above example is demonstrated on notebook ○ Download the 3d dataset ○ Reduce it to 2 dimensions using PCA - a dimensionality reduction technique based on projection ○ Define a utility to plot the projection arrows ○ Plot the 3d dataset, the plane and the projection arrows ○ Draw the 2d equivalent Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Switch to Notebook
  • 27. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● Is projection always good? ○ Not really! Example: Swiss roll toy dataset Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
  • 28. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● Is projection always good? ○ Not really! Example: Swiss roll toy dataset ○ What if we project the training dataset onto x1 and x2. ○ The projection squashes the the different layers and hence classification is difficult Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
  • 29. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction - Projection ● What if we instead open the swiss roll? ○ Opening the swiss roll does not squash the different layers ○ The layers are classifiable.
  • 30. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● Projection does not seem to work in the case of swiss roll or similar datasets Dimensionality Reduction - Projection
  • 31. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● The above limitation of Projection can be demoed in the following steps: ○ Visualizing the swiss roll on a 3d plot ○ Projecting the swiss roll on the x1 and x2 ■ Visualizing the squashed projection ○ Visualizing the rolled out plot Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Switch to Notebook
  • 32. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Methods Projection Manifold Learning
  • 33. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Swiss roll is an example 2d manifold ● 2d manifold is a 2d shape that can be bent and twisted in a higher- dimensional space ● A d-dimensional space is a part of n-dimensional space (d<n) Q. For swiss roll, d =? , n =? Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
  • 34. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Swiss roll is an example 2d manifold ● 2d manifold is a 2d shape that can be bent and twisted in a higher- dimensional space ● A d-dimensional space is a part of n-dimensional space (d<n) Q. For swiss roll, d =2 , n =3 Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
  • 35. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● Many dimensionality reduction algorithms work by ○ modeling the manifold on which the training instances lie ● This is called manifold learning So, for the swiss roll ● We can model the 2d plane ● Which is rolled in a swiss roll fashion ● Hence occupying a 3d space (like rolling of a paper) Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
  • 36. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Manifold Learning ● Relies on manifold assumption, i.e., ○ Most real-world high-dimensional datasets lie close to a much lower-dimensional manifold ● This is observed often empirically Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
  • 37. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Manifold assumption is observed empirically in case of ● MNIST dataset where images of the digits have similarities: ○ Made of connected lines ○ Borders are white ○ More or less centered ● A randomly generated image would have much larger degree of freedom as compared to the images of digits ● Hence, the constraints in the MNIST images tend to squeeze the dataset into a lower-dimensional manifold. Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning
  • 38. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Manifold learning is accompanied by another assumption ● Going to a lower-dimensional space shall make the task-at-hand simpler (holds true in below case) Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning Simple classification
  • 39. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Manifold assumption accompanied by another assumption ● Going to a lower-dimensional space shall make the task-at-hand simpler (Not always the case) Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning Fairly complex classification Simple classification (x1=5)
  • 40. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction The previous 2 cases can be demonstrated in these steps: ● Using the 3d swiss roll dataset ● Plotting the case where the classification gets easier with manifold ● Plotting the case where the classification gets difficult with manifold ● Plotting the decision boundary in each case Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning Switch to Notebook
  • 41. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Summary - Dimensionality Reduction ● 2 approaches: Projection and Manifold Learning ○ Depends on the dataset, which should be used ● Leads to better visualization ● Faster training ● May not always lead to a better or simpler or better solution ○ Valid both for projection or manifold learning ○ Depends on the dataset ● Lossy ○ Should always try with the original dataset before going for dimensionality reduction Dimensionality Reduction
  • 42. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Methods Approach: Projection Technique: PCA Manifold Learning
  • 43. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Principal Component Analysis (PCA) ● The most popular dimensionality reduction algorithm ● Identify the hyperplane that lies closest to the data ● Projects the data onto the hyperplane
  • 44. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Preserving the variance How do we select the best hyperplane to project the datasets into? ● Select the axis that preserves the maximum amount of variance ● Lose less information than other projections
  • 45. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Preserving the variance Q. Which of these is the best axes to select (preserves maximum variance)? c1 or c2 or c3? c1 c3 c2
  • 46. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Preserving the variance Q. Which of these is the best axes to select? Ans: c1. ● Preserves maximum variance as compared to other axes. c1 c3 c2
  • 47. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Preserving the variance Another way to say the axis that minimizes the mean squared distance between the original dataset and its projection onto that axis. c1 c3 c2
  • 48. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction The previous case can be demonstrated in these steps: ● Generate a random 2d dataset ● Stretch it along a particular direction ● Project it along certain 3 axis ● Plot the stretched random numbers, the projections along the axes Dimensionality Reduction - Manifold Learning Switch to Notebook
  • 49. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Principal Components How do we select the best hyperplane to project the datasets into? Ans: PCA ● identifies the axis that accounts for the largest amount of variance in the training set - 1st principal component ● Provides a second axis orthogonal to the first one that accounts for second largest ● And so on.. Third axis, fourth axis..
  • 50. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Principal Components The unit vector that defines that ‘i’th axis is called the ‘i’th principal component (PC) ● 1st PC = c1 ● 2nd PC = c2 ● 3rd PC = c3 C1 is orthogonal to c2, c3 would be orthogonal to the plane formed by c1 and c2, And hence orthogonal to both c1 and c2. Image in 3d space for a minute!
  • 51. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Principal Components Next Ques: How do we find the principal components? ● Standard factorization technique called Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) - based on eigen value calculation! ● It divides the training dataset into the dot product of 3 matrices ○ U ○ ∑ ○ transpose(V) ● Transpose(V) contains the principal components (PC) - unit vectors
  • 52. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Principal Components Transpose(V) contains the principal components (PC) - unit vectors ● 1st PC = c1 ● 2nd PC = c2 ● 3rd PC = c3 ● ...
  • 53. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Principal Components - SVD SVD can implemented in scikit-learn using the code below ● SVD assumes that the data is centered around the origin # Data needs to centralized before performing SVD >>> X_centered = X - X.mean(axis=0) # Performing SVD >>> U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(X_centered) # Printing the principal components >>> c1, c2 = V.T[:,0], V.T[:,1] print(c1,c2) Q. How many principal components are we printing in the above code?
  • 54. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Principal Components - SVD SVD can implemented in scikit-learn using the code below ● SVD assumes that the data is centered around the origin # Data needs to centralized before performing SVD >>> X_centered = X - X.mean(axis=0) # Performing SVD >>> U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(X_centered) # Printing the principal components >>> c1, c2 = V.T[:,0], V.T[:,1] print(c1,c2) Q. How many principal components are we printing in the above code? Ans: 2
  • 55. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions Once, the PCs have been found, original dataset has to be projected on the PCs As we have seen in linear algebra session, ● A vector v can be projected onto ● another vector u ● By doing a dot product of v and u.
  • 56. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions Similarly, the ● original training dataset X can be projected onto ● the first ‘d’ principal components Wd ○ Composed of first ‘d’ columns of transpose(V) obtained in SVD ● Reducing the dataset dimensions to ‘d’ Wd = first d columns of transpose(V) containing the first d principal components Xd-proj = X.Wd
  • 57. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions Similarly, the ● original training dataset X can be projected onto ● the first ‘d’ principal components Wd ○ Composed of first ‘d’ columns of transpose(V) obtained in SVD ● Reducing the dataset dimensions to ‘d’ First ‘d’ columns of the transpose(V) Wd =
  • 58. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- SVD and PCA So, PCA involves two steps ● SVD and ● Projection of the training dataset onto the orthogonal principal components Scikit-Learn provides functions for both ● SVD, projection and ● Combined PCA We will be comparing the codes for these
  • 59. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- SVD and PCA PCA using SVD in Sci-kit Learn PCA using Sci-kit Learn PCA function # Centering the data and doing SVD X_centered = X - X.mean(axis=0) U,s,V = np.linalg.svd(X_centered) # Extracting the components and projecting the # original dataset W2 = V.T[:, :2] X2D = from sklearn.decomposition import PCA # Directly doing PCA and transforming the original dataset # Takes care of centering pca = PCA(n_components = 2) X2D = pca.fit_transform(X) Switch to Notebook
  • 60. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Explained Variance Ratio Variances explained by each of the components is important ● We would like to cover as much variance as in the original dataset ● available via the explained_variance_ratio_ variable >>> print(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) [ 0.95369864 0.04630136] 1st component covers 95.3 % of the variance 2nd component covers 4.6 % of the variance
  • 61. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Number of PCs How to select the number of principal components ● The principal components should explain 95% of the variance in original dataset ● For visualization, it has to be reduced to 2 or 3 Calculating the variance explained in Scikit-Learn >>> pca = PCA() >>> >>> cumsum = np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) # Calculating the number of dimensions which explain 95% of variance >>> d = np.argmax(cumsum >= 0.95) + 1 2
  • 62. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Number of PCs # Calculating the PCs directly specifying the variance to be explained >>> pca = PCA(n_components=0.95) >>> X_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X)
  • 63. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Number of PCs Another option is to plot the explained variance ● As a function of the number of dimensions ● Elbow curve: explained variance stops growing fast after certain number of dimensions
  • 64. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction ● For the above 2d dataset, we shall demonstrate ○ Calculating the estimated variance ratio ○ Calculating the number of principal components Dimensionality Reduction - Projection Switch to Notebook
  • 65. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Compression of dataset Another aspect of dimensionality reduction, ● the training set takes up much less space. ● For example, applying PCA to MNIST dataset ● ORIGINAL: Each image ○ 28 X 28 pixels ○ 784 features ○ Each pixel is either on or off 0 or 1
  • 66. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Compression of dataset After applying PCA to the MNIST data ● Number of dimensions reduces to 154 features from 784 features ● Keeping 95% of its variance Hence, the training set is 20% of its original size >>> pca = PCA() >>> >>> d = np.argmax(np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) >= 0.95) + 1 154 Number of features required to explain 95% variance
  • 67. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Compression of dataset - Demo Loading the MNIST Dataset #MNIST compression: >>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split >>> from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata >>> mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original') >>> X, y = mnist["data"], mnist["target"] >>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y) >>> X = X_train
  • 68. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Compression of dataset Applying PCA to the MNIST dataset # Applying PCA to the MNIST Dataset >>> pca = PCA() >>> >>> d = np.argmax(np.cumsum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) >= 0.95) + 1 154 # Projecting onto the principal components >>> pca = PCA(n_components=0.95) >>> X_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X) >>> pca.n_components_ 154 # Checking for the variance explained # did we hit the 95% minimum? >>> np.sum(pca.explained_variance_ratio_) 0.9503623084769206 Switch to Notebook
  • 69. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Decompression The compressed dataset can be decompressed to the original size ● For MNIST dataset, the reduced dataset (154 features) ● Back to 784 features ● Using inverse transformation of the PCA projection # use inverse_transform to decompress back to 784 dimensions >>> X_mnist = X_train >>> pca = PCA(n_components = 154) >>> X_mnist_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X_mnist) >>> X_mnist_recovered = pca.inverse_transform(X_mnist_reduced)
  • 70. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Decompression Plotting the recovered digits ● Recovered digits has lost some information ● Dimensionality reduction captured only 95% of variance ● It is called reconstruction error Switch to Notebook RecoveredOriginal
  • 71. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Incremental PCA Problem with PCA (Batch-PCA) ● Requires the entire training dataset in-the-memory to run SVD Incremental PCA (IPCA) ● Splits the training set into mini-batches ● Feeds one mini-batch at a time to the IPCA algorithm ● Useful for large datasets and online learning
  • 72. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Incremental PCA Incremental PCA using Scikit Learn’s IncrementalPCA class ● And associated partial_fit() function instead of fit() and fit_transform() # split MNIST into 100 mini-batches using Numpy array_split() # reduce MNIST down to 154 dimensions as before. # note use of partial_fit() for each batch. >>> from sklearn.decomposition import IncrementalPCA >>> n_batches = 100 >>> inc_pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=154) >>> for X_batch in np.array_split(X_mnist, n_batches): print(".", end="") inc_pca.partial_fit(X_batch) >>> X_mnist_reduced_inc = inc_pca.transform(X_mnist)
  • 73. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Incremental PCA Another way is to use Numpy memap class ● Uses binary array on the disk as if it was in-memory # alternative: Numpy memmap class (use binary array on disk as if it was in memory) >>> filename = "" >>> X_mm = np.memmap( filename, dtype='float32', mode='write', shape=X_mnist.shape) >>> X_mm[:] = X_mnist >>> del X_mm >>> X_mm = np.memmap(filename, dtype='float32', mode='readonly', shape=X_mnist.shape) >>> batch_size = len(X_mnist) // n_batches >>> inc_pca = IncrementalPCA(n_components=154, batch_size=batch_size) >>> Switch to Notebook
  • 74. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Randomized PCA Using a stochastic algorithm ● To approximate the first d principal components ● O(m × d^2) + O(d^3), instead of O(m × n^2) + O(n^3) ● Dramatically faster than (Batch) PCA and Incremental PCA ○ When d << n >>> rnd_pca = PCA(n_components=154, svd_solver="randomized") >>> t1 = time.time() >>> X_reduced = rnd_pca.fit_transform(X_mnist) >>> t2 = time.time() >>> print(t2-t1, "seconds") 4.414088487625122 seconds Switch to Notebook
  • 75. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA Using Kernel PCA ● Kernel trick can also be applied to PCA ● Makes nonlinear projections possible for dimensionality reduction ● This is called Kernel PCA (kPCA) Important point about Kernel PCA we should remember is: ● Good at preserving clusters ● Useful when unrolling datasets that lies close to a twisted manifold
  • 76. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA Kernel PCA in Scikit-Learn using KernelPCA class ● Linear Kernel ● RBF Kernel ● Sigmoid Kernel
  • 77. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA Kernel PCA in Scikit-Learn using KernelPCA class >>> from sklearn.decomposition import KernelPCA >>> rbf_pca = KernelPCA(n_components = 2, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.04) >>> X_reduced = rbf_pca.fit_transform(X) Switch to Notebook
  • 78. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Selecting hyperparameters Selecting hyper parameters ● Kernel PCA is an unsupervised learning algorithm ● No obvious performance measure to help select the best kernel and hyperparameters Instead, we can follow these steps: ● Create a pipeline with KernelPCA and Classification model ● Do a grid search using GridSearchCV to find the best kernel and gamma value for kPCA
  • 79. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Selecting hyperparameters Selecting hyper parameters ● Create a pipeline with KernelPCA and Classification model ● Doing a grid search using GridSearchCV to find the best kernel and gamma value for kPCA >>> clf = Pipeline([ ("kpca", KernelPCA(n_components=2)), ("log_reg", LogisticRegression())]) >>> param_grid = [{ "kpca__gamma": np.linspace(0.03, 0.05, 10), "kpca__kernel": ["rbf", "sigmoid"]}] >>> grid_search = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid, cv=3) Switch to Notebook
  • 80. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Reconstruction in Kernel PCA
  • 81. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Reconstruction in Kernel PCA ● 2 steps followed in Kernel PCA ○ Mapping to a higher infinite-dimensional feature space ○ Then projecting the transformed training set into 2d using linear PCA ● Inverse of linear PCA step would lie in the feature space, not in the original space ○ Since infinite-dimensional, we cannot compute the reconstruction point ○ Therefore, cannot compute the true reconstruction error
  • 82. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Reconstruction in Kernel PCA ● For reconstruction, we instead use a pre-image ○ By finding a point in the original space that would map close to the reconstructed point ○ Can find the squared distance with the original space ○ Then select the kernel and hyperparameters that minimize the reconstruction pre-image error
  • 83. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Reconstruction
  • 84. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Error Calculating reconstruction error when using kernel PCA ● Inverse_transform in scikit-learn creates the pre-image ● Which can be used to calculate the mean squared error ## Performing Kernel PCA and enabling inverse transform ## to enable pre-image computation >>> rbf_pca = KernelPCA( n_components = 2, kernel="rbf", gamma=0.0433, fit_inverse_transform=True) # perform reconstruction ...contd
  • 85. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Kernel PCA - Reconstruction Error Calculating reconstruction error when using kernel PCA ● Inverse_transform in scikit-learn creates the pre-image ● Which can be used to calculate the mean squared error ## Calculating the reduced space using kernel PCA and pre-image >>> X_reduced = rbf_pca.fit_transform(X) >>> X_preimage = rbf_pca.inverse_transform(X_reduced) # return reconstruction pre-image error >>> from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error >>> mean_squared_error(X, X_preimage) Switch to Notebook
  • 86. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Dimensionality Reduction Methods Projection Technique: PCA Manifold Learning Technique: LLEIncremental PCA, Randomized PCA, Kernel PCA
  • 87. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE Local Linear Embedding (LLE) ● Another powerful nonlinear dimensionality reduction (NLDR) technique ● Manifold technique that does not rely on projections ● Works by ○ Measuring how each training instance linearly relates to its closest neighbours ○ Then looking for low-dimensional representation where these local relationships are best preserved ● Good at unrolling twisted manifolds, especially when there is not much noise
  • 88. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn ● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold ● Run on the swiss roll example ● Step 1: Make the swiss roll >>> from sklearn.datasets import make_swiss_roll >>> X, t = make_swiss_roll( n_samples=1000, noise=0.2, random_state=41) ...contd
  • 89. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn ● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold ● Run on the swiss roll example ● Step 2: Instantiate LLE class in sklearn and fit the swiss roll training features using the LLE model >>> from sklearn.manifold import LocallyLinearEmbedding >>> lle = LocallyLinearEmbedding( n_neighbors=10, n_components=2, random_state=42) >>> X_reduced = lle.fit_transform(X) ...contd
  • 90. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn ● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold ● Run on the swiss roll example ● Step 3: Plot the reduced dimension data >>> plt.title("Unrolled swiss roll using LLE", fontsize=14) >>> plt.scatter(X_reduced[:, 0], X_reduced[:, 1], c=t, >>> plt.xlabel("$z_1$", fontsize=18) >>> plt.ylabel("$z_2$", fontsize=18) >>> plt.axis([-0.065, 0.055, -0.1, 0.12]) >>> plt.grid(True) >>> ...contd
  • 91. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE Local Linear Embedding (LLE) in scikit-learn ● LocallyLinearEmbedding class in sklearn.manifold ● Run on the swiss roll example Switch to Notebook
  • 92. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE Observations ● Swiss roll is completely unrolled ● Distances between the instances are locally preserved ● Not preserved on a larger scale ○ Left most part is squeezed ○ Right part is stretched Distance locally preserved
  • 93. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE - How it Works? Maths! How LLE works? Step 1: For each training instance, the algorithm identifies the k closest neighbours Step 2: reconstructs the instance as a linear function of these closest neighbours ● More specifically, finds the weight w vector such that distance between the closest neighbours and the instance is as small as possible.
  • 94. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE - How it Works? Maths! How LLE works? Step 3: Map the training instances into a d-dimensional space while preserving the local relationship as much as possible ● Basically, keeping the same weight as calculated in the previous step, the new instance should have minimum distances with the previous closest neighbours (same weights and relationship)
  • 95. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction LLE - Time Complexity How LLE works? Step 1: finding K nearest neighbors: O(m x log(m) x n x log(k)) Step 2: weight optimization: O(m x n x k^3) Step 3: constructing low-d representations: O(d x m^2) Where m = number of training datasets, n = number of original dimensions k = nearest neighbours d = reduced dimensions Step 3 makes the model very slow for large number of training datasets
  • 96. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Other dimensionality techniques Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) ● Reduces dimensionality ● trying to preserve the instances >>> from sklearn.manifold import MDS >>> mds = MDS(n_components=2, random_state=42) >>> X_reduced_mds = mds.fit_transform(X)
  • 97. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Other dimensionality techniques Isomap ● Creates a graph connecting each instance to its nearest neighbours ● Then, reduces dimensionality ● Trying to preserve geodesic distances between instances >>> from sklearn.manifold import Isomap >>> isomap = Isomap(n_components=2) >>> X_reduced_isomap = isomap.fit_transform(X)
  • 98. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Other dimensionality techniques T-distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding ● Reduces dimensionality ● Keeping similar instances close and dissimilar apart ● Mostly used for visualize clusters in high-dimensional space >>> from sklearn.manifold import TSNE >>> tsne = TSNE(n_components=2) >>> X_reduced_tsne = tsne.fit_transform(X)
  • 99. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Other dimensionality techniques Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) ● A classification algorithm ● During training learns the most discriminative axes between the classes ● Axes can be used to define the hyper plant to project the data ● Projection will keep the classes as far apart as possible ● A good technique to reduce dimensionality before running classification algorithms such as SVM Classifier
  • 100. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Other dimensionality techniques Plotting the results for each of the techniques on the notebook >>> titles = ["MDS", "Isomap", "t-SNE"] >>> plt.figure(figsize=(11,4)) for subplot, title, X_reduced in zip((131, 132, 133), titles, (X_reduced_mds, X_reduced_isomap, X_reduced_tsne)): plt.subplot(subplot) plt.title(title, fontsize=14) plt.scatter(X_reduced[:, 0], X_reduced[:, 1], c=t, plt.xlabel("$z_1$", fontsize=18) if subplot == 131: plt.ylabel("$z_2$", fontsize=18, rotation=0) plt.grid(True) >>> Switch to Notebook
  • 101. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction Other dimensionality techniques Plotting the results for each of the techniques on the notebook
  • 103. Machine Learning - Dimensionality Reduction PCA- Projecting down to d dimensions Similarly, the ● original training dataset X can be projected onto ● the first ‘d’ principal components Wd ○ Composed of first ‘d’ columns of transpose(V) obtained in SVD ● Reducing the dataset dimensions to ‘d’ Wd = first d columns of transpose(V) containing the first d principal components Xd-proj = X.Wd