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Big Data Analytics
with Scala
What is Big Data Analytics?

It’s about doing aggregations and running
complex models on large datasets, offline, in
real time or both.
Lambda Architecture
Blueprint for a Big Data analytics
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013

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Introduction to SparkR | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab
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Introduction to SparkR | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab

Big Data with Hadoop & Spark Training: This CloudxLab Introduction to SparkR tutorial helps you to understand SparkR in detail. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) SparkR (R on Spark) 2) SparkR DataFrames 3) Launch SparkR 4) Creating DataFrames from Local DataFrames 5) DataFrame Operation 6) Creating DataFrames - From JSON 7) Running SQL Queries from SparkR

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From DataFrames to Tungsten: A Peek into Spark's Future-(Reynold Xin, Databri...
From DataFrames to Tungsten: A Peek into Spark's Future-(Reynold Xin, Databri...From DataFrames to Tungsten: A Peek into Spark's Future-(Reynold Xin, Databri...
From DataFrames to Tungsten: A Peek into Spark's Future-(Reynold Xin, Databri...

The document discusses Spark's DataFrame API and the Tungsten project. DataFrames make Spark accessible to different users by providing a common API across languages like Python, R and Scala. Tungsten aims to improve Spark's performance for the next five years through techniques like runtime code generation and off-heap memory management. Initial results show Tungsten doubling performance. Together, DataFrames and Tungsten will help Spark scale to larger data and queries across different languages and execution backends.

apache sparkspark summit 2015
Sparkling Water Meetup
Sparkling Water MeetupSparkling Water Meetup
Sparkling Water Meetup

- Powered by the open source machine learning software Contributors welcome at: - To view videos on H2O open source machine learning software, go to:

apache sparksparkling waterh2o
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
Map Reduce redux
map : (Km, Vm)  List (Km, Vm)
in Scala : T =>
reduce :(Km, List(Vm))List(Kr, Vr)
(K, List[V]) => List[(K,V)]

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Introduction to MapReduce - Hadoop Streaming | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial...
Introduction to MapReduce - Hadoop Streaming | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial...Introduction to MapReduce - Hadoop Streaming | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial...
Introduction to MapReduce - Hadoop Streaming | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial...

Big Data with Hadoop & Spark Training: This CloudxLab Hadoop Streaming tutorial helps you to understand Hadoop Streaming in detail. Below are the topics covered in this tutorial: 1) Hadoop Streaming and Why Do We Need it? 2) Writing Streaming Jobs 3) Testing Streaming jobs and Hands-on on CloudxLab

hadoop architecturewhat is mapreducemap reduce
Spark Streaming, Machine Learning and streaming API.
Spark Streaming, Machine Learning and streaming API.Spark Streaming, Machine Learning and streaming API.
Spark Streaming, Machine Learning and streaming API.

Spark Streaming allows processing of live data streams using the Spark framework. This document discusses using Spark Streaming to process event streams from, including RSVP data and event metadata. It describes extracting features from event descriptions, clustering events based on these features, and using the results to recommend connections between Meetup members with similar interests.

Introduction to MapReduce and Hadoop
Introduction to MapReduce and HadoopIntroduction to MapReduce and Hadoop
Introduction to MapReduce and Hadoop

This was the first session about Hadoop and MapReduce. It introduces what Hadoop is and its main components. It also covers the how to program your first MapReduce task and how to run it on pseudo distributed Hadoop installation. This session was given in Arabic and i may provide a video for the session soon.

big datacloud computingdistributed systems
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
Big data ‘’Hello World’’ : Word count
Enters Cascading
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013

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Interactive Session on Sparkling Water
Interactive Session on Sparkling WaterInteractive Session on Sparkling Water
Interactive Session on Sparkling Water

Sparkling Water provides a transparent integration of H2O algorithms and data structures into the Spark ecosystem. It allows users to use H2O machine learning algorithms on data stored in Spark and HDFS. The presentation demonstrates loading weather and flight data using Spark and H2O APIs, building regression models to predict flight delays, and accessing prediction results from R for residual analysis. Sparkling Water applications can be developed and run as standalone jobs by creating a SparkContext and H2OContext and submitting to a Spark cluster.

sparkling waterh2o.aih2o
Writing Hadoop Jobs in Scala using Scalding
Writing Hadoop Jobs in Scala using ScaldingWriting Hadoop Jobs in Scala using Scalding
Writing Hadoop Jobs in Scala using Scalding

Talk that I gave at the #BcnDevCon13 about using Scalding and the strong points of using Scala for Big Data data processing

apache hadoopscalascalding
Hadoop & MapReduce
Hadoop & MapReduceHadoop & MapReduce
Hadoop & MapReduce

This is a deck of slides from a recent meetup of AWS Usergroup Greece, presented by Ioannis Konstantinou from the National Technical University of Athens. The presentation gives an overview of the Map Reduce framework and a description of its open source implementation (Hadoop). Amazon's own Elastic Map Reduce (EMR) service is also mentioned. With the growing interest on Big Data this is a good introduction to the subject.

elastic map reducemap reduceapache hadoop
Word Count Redux
(Flat)Map -Reduce
class WordCount(args : Args) extends Job(args) {
.flatMap ('line -> 'word) {
line :String => line.split(“ s+”)
.groupBy('word){ group => group.size }

SCALDING : Clustering with Mahout
lazy val clust = new StreamingKMeans(new FastProjectionSearch(
new EuclideanDistanceMeasure,5,10),
args("sloppyclusters").toInt, (10e-6).asInstanceOf[Float])
val count = 0;
val sloppyClusters =

.map{ str =>
val vec = str.split("t").map(_.toDouble)
val cent = new Centroid(count, new
count += 1
cent }
.unorderedFold [StreamingKMeans,Centroid](clust)
{(cl,cent) => cl.cluster(cent);

cl }
.flatMap(c => c.iterator.asScala.toIterable)
SCALDING : Clustering with Mahout
val finalClusters = sloppyClusters.groupAll
.mapValueStream { centList =>
lazy val bclusterer = new BallKMeans(new BruteSearch(
new EuclideanDistanceMeasure),
args("numclusters").toInt, 100)

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Advanced Spark Programming - Part 2 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab
Advanced Spark Programming - Part 2 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLabAdvanced Spark Programming - Part 2 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab
Advanced Spark Programming - Part 2 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutorial | CloudxLab

Big Data with Hadoop & Spark Training: This CloudxLab Advanced Spark Programming tutorial helps you to understand Advanced Spark Programming in detail. Below are the topics covered in this slide: 1) Shared Variables - Accumulators & Broadcast Variables 2) Accumulators and Fault Tolerance 3) Custom Accumulators - Version 1.x & Version 2.x 4) Examples of Broadcast Variables 5) Key Performance Considerations - Level of Parallelism 6) Serialization Format - Kryo 7) Memory Management 8) Hardware Provisioning

spark accumulatoraccumulators in sparkspark broadcast variable
Productionizing your Streaming Jobs
Productionizing your Streaming JobsProductionizing your Streaming Jobs
Productionizing your Streaming Jobs

This document summarizes a presentation about productionizing streaming jobs with Spark Streaming. It discusses: 1. The lifecycle of a Spark streaming application including how data is received in batches and processed through transformations. 2. Best practices for aggregations including reducing over windows, incremental aggregation, and checkpointing. 3. How to achieve high throughput by increasing parallelism through more receivers and partitions. 4. Tips for debugging streaming jobs using the Spark UI and ensuring processing time is less than the batch interval.

sparkspark streamingstreaming
Cascalog internal dsl_preso
Cascalog internal dsl_presoCascalog internal dsl_preso
Cascalog internal dsl_preso

Cascalog is an internal DSL for Clojure that allows defining MapReduce workflows for Hadoop. It provides helper functions, a way to define custom functions analogous to UDFs, and functions to programmatically generate all possible data aggregations from an input based on business requirements. The workflows can be unit tested and executed on Hadoop. Cascalog abstracts away lower-level MapReduce details and allows defining the entire workflow within a single language.


- Two APIs : Field based API, and Typed API
- Field API : project, map, discard , groupBy…
- Typed API : TypedPipe[T], works like

- Matrix Library
- ALGEBIRD : Abstract Algebra library … we’ll
talk about it later
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
- Distributed, fault tolerant, real time stream
computation engine.
- Four concepts
- Streams : infinite sequence of tuples
- Spouts : Source of streams
- Bolts : Process and produces streams
Can do : Filtering, aggregations, Joins, …
- Topologies : define a flow or network of
spouts and blots.

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Apache Spark - Dataframes & Spark SQL - Part 2 | Big Data Hadoop Spark Tutori...

Big Data with Hadoop & Spark Training: This CloudxLab Introduction to Spark SQL & DataFrames tutorial helps you to understand Spark SQL & DataFrames in detail. Below are the topics covered in this slide: 1) Loading XML 2) What is RPC - Remote Process Call 3) Loading AVRO 4) Data Sources - Parquet 5) Creating DataFrames From Hive Table 6) Setting up Distributed SQL Engine

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Mapreduce by examples
Mapreduce by examplesMapreduce by examples
Mapreduce by examples

Mapreduce examples starting from the basic WordCount to a more complex K-means algorithm. The code contained in these slides is available at

Ordered Record Collection
Ordered Record CollectionOrdered Record Collection
Ordered Record Collection

The document discusses different approaches to sorting in MapReduce frameworks over time. It describes Hadoop versions between 0.10-0.22, where sorting was handled by buffering records in memory, spilling to disk when thresholds were exceeded, and merging the spilled files. Later versions improved by distributing the sorting work across maps and making the memory footprint more predictable.

Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
Streaming Word Count
TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology();

TridentState wordCounts =
topology.newStream("spout1", spout)
.each(new Fields("sentence"),
new Split(), new Fields("word"))
.groupBy(new Fields("word"))
.persistentAggregate(new Factory(),
new Count(),
new Fields("count"))
ScalaStorm by Evan Chan

class SplitSentence extends
StormBolt(outputFields = List("word")) {
def execute(t: Tuple) = t matchSeq {
case Seq(line: String) => line.split(‘’’’).foreach
{ word => using anchor t emit (word) }
t ack

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Tuning and Debugging in Apache Spark
Tuning and Debugging in Apache SparkTuning and Debugging in Apache Spark
Tuning and Debugging in Apache Spark

Video: This talk gives details about Spark internals and an explanation of the runtime behavior of a Spark application. It explains how high level user programs are compiled into physical execution plans in Spark. It then reviews common performance bottlenecks encountered by Spark users, along with tips for diagnosing performance problems in a production application.

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Frustration-Reduced Spark: DataFrames and the Spark Time-Series Library
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Frustration-Reduced Spark: DataFrames and the Spark Time-Series Library

In this talk I talk about my recent experience working with Spark Data Frames and the Spark TimeSeries library. For data frames, the focus will be on usability. Specifically, a lot of the documentation does not cover common use cases like intricacies of creating data frames, adding or manipulating individual columns, and doing quick and dirty analytics. For the time series library, I dive into the kind of use cases it supports and why it’s actually super useful.

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Big Data LDN 2017: Processing Fast Data With Apache Spark: the Tale of Two APIs
Big Data LDN 2017: Processing Fast Data With Apache Spark: the Tale of Two APIsBig Data LDN 2017: Processing Fast Data With Apache Spark: the Tale of Two APIs
Big Data LDN 2017: Processing Fast Data With Apache Spark: the Tale of Two APIs

Date: 16th November 2017 Location: Fast Data Theatre Time: 12:30 - 13:00 Speaker: Gerard Maas Organisation: Lightbend

big databig data ldnfast data
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013

Write your job once and run it on Storm and
def wordCount[P <: Platform[P]]
(source: Producer[P, String], store: P#Store[String, Long]) =
source.flatMap {
line => line.split(‘’s+’’).map(_ -> 1L) }
trait Platform[P <: Platform[P]]
type Source[+T]
type Store[-K, V]
type Sink[-T]
type Service[-K, +V]
type Plan[T}

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Simplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark
Simplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache SparkSimplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark
Simplifying Big Data Analytics with Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing system for large-scale data processing. It improves on MapReduce by allowing data to be kept in memory across jobs, enabling faster iterative jobs. Spark consists of a core engine along with libraries for SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph processing. The document discusses new APIs in Spark including DataFrames, which provide a tabular interface like in R/Python, and data sources, which allow plugging external data systems into Spark. These changes aim to make Spark easier for data scientists to use at scale.

apache sparkbig datadatabricks
Legacy lambda code
Legacy lambda codeLegacy lambda code
Legacy lambda code

After migrating a three year old C# project to Java we ending up with a significant portion of legacy code using lambdas in Java. What was some of the good use cases, code which could be written better and the problems we had migrating from C#. At the end we look at the performance implications of using Lambdas.

java lambda legacy stream
No more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in production
No more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in productionNo more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in production
No more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in production

Paris Scala Group Event May 2019, No more struggles with Apache Spark workloads in production. Apache Spark Primary data structures (RDD, DataSet, Dataframe) Pragmatic explanation - executors, cores, containers, stage, job, a task in Spark. Parallel read from JDBC: Challenges and best practices. Bulk Load API vs JDBC write An optimization strategy for Joins: SortMergeJoin vs BroadcastHashJoin Avoid unnecessary shuffle Alternative to spark default sort Why dropDuplicates() doesn’t result consistency, What is alternative Optimize Spark stage generation plan Predicate pushdown with partitioning and bucketing Why not to use Scala Concurrent ‘Future’ explicitly!

apache spark 2.3spark cluster tuningspark jobs tuning
On Storm

- Source[+T] : Spout[(Long, T)]
- Store[-K, V] : StormStore [K, V]
- Sink[-T] : (T => Future[Unit])
- Service[-K, +V] : StormService[K,V]
- Plan[T] : StormTopology
SummingBird dependencies

• StoreHaus
• Chill
• Scalding
• Algebird
• Tormenta

- Can only aggregate values that are
associative : Monoids!!!!!!

trait Monoid [V] {
def zero : V
def aggregate(left : V, right :V): V

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Introduction to Scalding and Monoids
Introduction to Scalding and MonoidsIntroduction to Scalding and Monoids
Introduction to Scalding and Monoids

This is an quick introduction to Scalding and Monoids. Scalding is a Scala library that makes writing MapReduce jobs very easy. Monoids on the other hand promise parallelism and quality and they make some more challenging algorithms look very easy. The talk was held at the Helsinki Data Science meetup on January 9th 2014.

Introduction to Spark with Scala
Introduction to Spark with ScalaIntroduction to Spark with Scala
Introduction to Spark with Scala

Knoldus organized a Meetup on 1 April 2015. In this Meetup, we introduced Spark with Scala. Apache Spark is a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. Spark is used at a wide range of organizations to process large datasets.

sparkapache sparkscala
Meet Up - Spark Stream Processing + Kafka
Meet Up - Spark Stream Processing + KafkaMeet Up - Spark Stream Processing + Kafka
Meet Up - Spark Stream Processing + Kafka

This document provides an overview of Spark Streaming concepts including: - Streams are sequences of data elements made available over time that can be accessed sequentially - Stream processing involves continuously and concurrently processing live data streams in micro-batches - Spark Streaming provides scalable and fault-tolerant stream processing using a micro-batch architecture where streams are divided into batches that are processed through transformations on resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) - Transformations on DStreams apply operations like map, filter, reduce to the underlying RDDs of each batch

stream processingsparkspark streaming
Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013
Clustering with Mahout redux
def StreamClustering(source : Platform[P.String], store : P#Store[_,_]) {
lazy val clust = new StreamingKMeans(new FastProjectionSearch(
new EuclideanDistanceMeasure,5,10),
args("sloppyclusters").toInt, (10e-6).asInstanceOf[Float])
val count = 0;
val sloppyClusters =

.map{ str =>
val vec = str.split("t").map(_.toDouble)
val cent = new Centroid(count, new
count += 1
cent }
.unorderedFold [StreamingKMeans,Centroid](clust)
{(cl,cent) => cl.cluster(cent); cl }
.flatMap(c => c.iterator.asScala.toIterable)
SCALDING : Clustering with Mahout
val finalClusters = sloppyClusters.groupAll
.mapValueStream { centList =>
lazy val bclusterer = new BallKMeans(new BruteSearch(
new EuclideanDistanceMeasure),
args("numclusters").toInt, 100)

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Refactoring to Macros with Clojure
Refactoring to Macros with ClojureRefactoring to Macros with Clojure
Refactoring to Macros with Clojure

This document discusses refactoring Java code to Clojure using macros. It provides examples of refactoring Java code that uses method chaining to equivalent Clojure code using the threading macros (->> and -<>). It also discusses other Clojure features like type hints, the doto macro, and polyglot projects using Leiningen.

User Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love Story
User Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love StoryUser Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love Story
User Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love Story

Defining customized scalable aggregation logic is one of Apache Spark’s most powerful features. User Defined Aggregate Functions (UDAF) are a flexible mechanism for extending both Spark data frames and Structured Streaming with new functionality ranging from specialized summary techniques to building blocks for exploratory data analysis.

spark + ai summit

User Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love Story
User Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love StoryUser Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love Story
User Defined Aggregation in Apache Spark: A Love Story

This document summarizes a user's journey developing a custom aggregation function for Apache Spark using a T-Digest sketch. The user initially implemented it as a User Defined Aggregate Function (UDAF) but ran into performance issues due to excessive serialization/deserialization. They then worked to resolve it by implementing the function as a custom Aggregator using Spark 3.0's new aggregation APIs, which avoided unnecessary serialization and provided a 70x performance improvement. The story highlights the importance of understanding how custom functions interact with Spark's execution model and optimization techniques like avoiding excessive serialization.

spark + ai summit
What is Spark?


Fast and expressive cluster computing system
compatible with Apache Hadoop, but order of magnitude
faster (order of magnitude faster)

Improves efficiency through:
-General execution graphs
-In-memory storage
Improves usability through:
-Rich APIs in Java, Scala, Python
-Interactive shell
Key idea


Write programs in terms of transformations on distributed
Concept: resilient distributed datasets (RDDs)
- Collections of objects spread across a cluster
- Built through parallel transformations (map, filter, etc)
- Automatically rebuilt on failure
- Controllable persistence (e.g. caching in RAM)
Example: Word Count
Other RDD Operators




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Spark workshop
Spark workshopSpark workshop
Spark workshop

This document provides an agenda and overview for a Spark workshop covering Spark basics and streaming. The agenda includes sections on Scala, Spark, Spark SQL, and Spark Streaming. It discusses Scala concepts like vals, vars, defs, classes, objects, and pattern matching. It also covers Spark RDDs, transformations, actions, sources, and the spark-shell. Finally, it briefly introduces Spark concepts like broadcast variables, accumulators, and spark-submit.

scalaapache spark
Spark by Adform Research, Paulius
Spark by Adform Research, PauliusSpark by Adform Research, Paulius
Spark by Adform Research, Paulius

The document discusses Apache Spark, an open-source cluster computing framework. It describes Spark's core components like Spark SQL, MLlib, and GraphX. It provides examples of using Spark from Python and Scala for word count tasks and joining datasets. It also demonstrates running Spark interactively on a Spark REPL and deploying Spark on Amazon EMR. Key points are that Spark can handle batch, interactive, and real-time processing and integrates with Python, Scala, and Java while programming at a higher level of abstraction than MapReduce.

Spark + Clojure for Topic Discovery - Zalando Tech Clojure/Conj Talk
Spark + Clojure for Topic Discovery - Zalando Tech Clojure/Conj TalkSpark + Clojure for Topic Discovery - Zalando Tech Clojure/Conj Talk
Spark + Clojure for Topic Discovery - Zalando Tech Clojure/Conj Talk

At the Dublin Fashion Insights Centre, we are exploring methods of categorising the web into a set of known fashion related topics. This raises questions such as: How many fashion related topics are there? How closely are they related to each other, or to other non-fashion topics? Furthermore, what topic hierarchies exist in this landscape? Using Clojure and MLlib to harness the data available from crowd-sourced websites such as DMOZ (a categorisation of millions of websites) and Common Crawl (a monthly crawl of billions of websites), we are answering these questions to understand fashion in a quantitative manner. The latest generation of big data tools such as Apache Spark routinely handle petabytes of data while also addressing real-world realities like node and network failures. Spark's transformations and operations on data sets are a natural fit with Clojure's everyday use of transformations and reductions. Spark MLlib's excellent implementations of distributed machine learning algorithms puts the power of large-scale analytics in the hands of Clojure developers. At Zalando's Dublin Fashion Insights Centre, we're using the Clojure bindings to Spark and MLlib to answer fashion-related questions that until recently have been nearly impossible to answer quantitatively. Hunter Kelly @retnuh

machine learningclojurezalando tech
Example: Log Mining
Load error messages from a log into memory,
then interactively search for various patterns
lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”)

Base Transformed


errors = lines.filter(s => s.startswith(“ERROR”))

messages = => s.split(“t”))

messages.filter(s=> s.contains(“foo”)).count()

Cache 1



tasks Block 1


messages.filter(s=> s.contains(“bar”)).count()

Cache 2


. . .

Cache 3

Result: full-text search scaled to 1 TBin 0.5 in 5 (vs 20 s for on-disk
Result: of Wikipedia data sec sec
(vs 180 sec for on-disk data)

Block 3

Block 2
Fault Recovery
RDDs track lineage information that can be
used to efficiently recompute lost data

msgs = textFile.filter(-=> _.startsWith(“ERROR”))
.map(_ => _.split(“t”))


Filtered RDD

(func = _.contains(...))

Mapped RDD

(func = _.split(...))
Spark Streaming

- Extends Spark capabilities to large scale stream
- Scales to 100s of nodes and achieves second scale
-Efficient and fault-tolerant stateful stream processing
- Simple batch-like API for implementing complex
Discretized Stream
live data stream

 Chop up the live stream into batches of X
 Spark treats each batch of data as RDDs and
processes them using RDD operations
 Finally, the processed results of the RDD
operations are returned in batches


batches of X


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Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17
Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata  Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata  Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17
Deep Dive with Spark Streaming - Tathagata Das - Spark Meetup 2013-06-17

Slides from Tathagata Das's talk at the Spark Meetup entitled "Deep Dive with Spark Streaming" on June 17, 2013 in Sunnyvale California at Plug and Play. Tathagata Das is the lead developer on Spark Streaming and a PhD student in computer science in the UC Berkeley AMPLab.

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Spark & Spark Streaming Internals - Nov 15 (1)
Spark & Spark Streaming Internals - Nov 15 (1)Spark & Spark Streaming Internals - Nov 15 (1)
Spark & Spark Streaming Internals - Nov 15 (1)

This document summarizes Spark and Spark Streaming internals. It discusses the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) model in Spark, which allows for fault tolerance through lineage-based recomputation. It provides an example of log mining using RDD transformations and actions. It then discusses Spark Streaming, which provides a simple API for stream processing by treating streams as series of small batch jobs on RDDs. Key concepts discussed include Discretized Stream (DStream), transformations, and output operations. An example Twitter hashtag extraction job is outlined.

Spark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark Meetup
Spark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark MeetupSpark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark Meetup
Spark SQL Deep Dive @ Melbourne Spark Meetup

This document summarizes a presentation on Spark SQL and its capabilities. Spark SQL allows users to run SQL queries on Spark, including HiveQL queries with UDFs, UDAFs, and SerDes. It provides a unified interface for reading and writing data in various formats. Spark SQL also allows users to express common operations like selecting columns, joining data, and aggregation concisely through its DataFrame API. This reduces the amount of code users need to write compared to lower-level APIs like RDDs.

hadoopspark sqlspark
Discretized Stream
live data stream

 Batch sizes as low as ½ second, latency
of about 1 second

 Potential for combining batch
processing and streaming processing
in the same system


batches of X seconds


Example – Get hashtags from
val tweets = ssc.twitterStream()

DStream: a sequence of RDDs representing a stream
of data
Twitter Streaming API

batch @ t

batch @ t+1

batch @ t+2

tweets DStream

stored in memory as an RDD
(immutable, distributed)
Example – Get hashtags from Twitter
val tweets = ssc.twitterStream()

val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status))
new DStream

transformation: modify data in one DStream to create another
batch @ t

batch @ t+1

batch @ t+2

tweets DStream

hashTags Dstream
[#cat, #dog, … ]





new RDDs created
for every batch
Example – Get hashtags from Twitter
val tweets = ssc.twitterStream()

val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status))
hashTags.foreach(hashTagRDD => { ... })

foreach: do whatever you want with the processed
batch @ t

batch @ t+1

batch @ t+2

tweets DStream







Write to database, update analytics
UI, do whatever you want

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Apache Spark - Aram Mkrtchyan
Apache Spark - Aram MkrtchyanApache Spark - Aram Mkrtchyan
Apache Spark - Aram Mkrtchyan

Apache Spark is a cluster computing platform designed to be fast and general-purpose. It provides a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing across SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph processing. Spark programs can be written in Java, Scala, Python and R. It works by building resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) that can be operated on in parallel. RDDs support transformations like map, filter and join and actions like count, collect and save. Spark also provides caching of RDDs in memory for improved performance.

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Beyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFrames
Beyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFramesBeyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFrames
Beyond SQL: Speeding up Spark with DataFrames

This document summarizes Spark SQL and DataFrames in Spark. It notes that Spark SQL is part of the core Spark distribution and allows running SQL and HiveQL queries. DataFrames provide a way to select, filter, aggregate and plot structured data like in R and Pandas. DataFrames allow writing less code through a high-level API and reading less data by using optimized formats and partitioning. The optimizer can optimize queries across functions and push down predicates to read less data. This allows creating and running Spark programs faster.

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Apache Spark for Library Developers with William Benton and Erik Erlandson
 Apache Spark for Library Developers with William Benton and Erik Erlandson Apache Spark for Library Developers with William Benton and Erik Erlandson
Apache Spark for Library Developers with William Benton and Erik Erlandson

As a developer, data engineer, or data scientist, you’ve seen how Apache Spark is expressive enough to let you solve problems elegantly and efficient enough to let you scale out to handle more data. However, if you’re solving the same problems again and again, you probably want to capture and distribute your solutions so that you can focus on new problems and so other people can reuse and remix them: you want to develop a library that extends Spark. You faced a learning curve when you first started using Spark, and you’ll face a different learning curve as you start to develop reusable abstractions atop Spark. In this talk, two experienced Spark library developers will give you the background and context you’ll need to turn your code into a library that you can share with the world. We’ll cover: Issues to consider when developing parallel algorithms with Spark, Designing generic, robust functions that operate on data frames and datasets, Extending data frames with user-defined functions (UDFs) and user-defined aggregates (UDAFs), Best practices around caching and broadcasting, and why these are especially important for library developers, Integrating with ML pipelines, Exposing key functionality in both Python and Scala, and How to test, build, and publish your library for the community. We’ll back up our advice with concrete examples from real packages built atop Spark. You’ll leave this talk informed and inspired to take your Spark proficiency to the next level and develop and publish an awesome library of your own.

apache sparksparkaisummit
Example – Get hashtags from Twitter
val tweets = ssc.twitterStream()

val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status))
output operation: to push data to external storage

batch @ t

batch @ t+1

batch @ t+2

tweets DStream






hashTags DStream

every batch
saved to HDFS
Window-based Transformations
val tweets = ssc.twitterStream()

val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status))
val tagCounts = hashTags.window(Minutes(1), Seconds(5)).countByValue()

sliding window

window length

sliding interval

window length

DStream of data

sliding interval
Compute TopK Ip addresses
val ssc = new StreamingContext(master, "AlgebirdCMS", Seconds(10), …)
val stream = ssc.KafkaStream(None, filters, StorageLevel.MEMORY, ..)
val addresses = => ipAddress.getText)

val cms = new CountMinSketchMonoid(EPS, DELTA, SEED, PERC)
val globalCMS =
val mm = new MapMonoid[Long, Int]()
val topAddresses = adresses.mapPartitions(ids => { => cms.create(id))
.reduce(_ ++ _)
topAddresses.foreach(rdd => {
if (rdd.count() != 0) {
val partial = rdd.first()
val partialTopK = =>
(id, partial.frequency(id).estimate))
.toSeq.sortBy(_._2).reverse.slice(0, TOPK)
globalCMS ++= partial
val globalTopK = =>
(id, globalCMS.frequency(id).estimate))
.toSeq.sortBy(_._2).reverse.slice(0, TOPK)
globalTopK.mkString("[", ",", "]")))

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Almost Similar API for batch or Streaming
Single¨Platform with fewer moving parts
Order of magnitude faster
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TrustArc Webinar - 2024 Data Privacy Trends: A Mid-Year Check-In
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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptxHow to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
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What’s New in Teams Calling, Meetings and Devices May 2024
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7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
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7 Most Powerful Solar Storms in the History of Earth.pdf
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Research Directions for Cross Reality Interfaces
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Best Practices for Effectively Running dbt in Airflow.pdf
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Big Data Analytics with Scala at SCALA.IO 2013

  • 1. Big Data Analytics with Scala Sam BESSALAH @samklr
  • 2. What is Big Data Analytics? It’s about doing aggregations and running complex models on large datasets, offline, in real time or both.
  • 3. Lambda Architecture Blueprint for a Big Data analytics architecture
  • 8. Map Reduce redux map : (Km, Vm)  List (Km, Vm) in Scala : T => List[(K,V)] reduce :(Km, List(Vm))List(Kr, Vr) (K, List[V]) => List[(K,V)]
  • 10. Big data ‘’Hello World’’ : Word count
  • 14. SCALDING class WordCount(args : Args) extends Job(args) { TextLine(args("input")) .flatMap ('line -> 'word) { line :String => line.split(“ s+”) } .groupBy('word){ group => group.size } .write(Tsv(args("output"))) }
  • 15. SCALDING : Clustering with Mahout lazy val clust = new StreamingKMeans(new FastProjectionSearch( new EuclideanDistanceMeasure,5,10), args("sloppyclusters").toInt, (10e-6).asInstanceOf[Float]) val count = 0; val sloppyClusters = TextLine(args("input")) .map{ str => val vec = str.split("t").map(_.toDouble) val cent = new Centroid(count, new DenseVector(vec)) count += 1 cent } .unorderedFold [StreamingKMeans,Centroid](clust) {(cl,cent) => cl.cluster(cent); cl } .flatMap(c => c.iterator.asScala.toIterable)
  • 16. SCALDING : Clustering with Mahout val finalClusters = sloppyClusters.groupAll .mapValueStream { centList => lazy val bclusterer = new BallKMeans(new BruteSearch( new EuclideanDistanceMeasure), args("numclusters").toInt, 100) bclusterer.cluster(centList.toList.asJava) bclusterer.iterator.asScala } .values
  • 17. Scalding - Two APIs : Field based API, and Typed API - Field API : project, map, discard , groupBy… - Typed API : TypedPipe[T], works like scala.collection.Iterator[T] - Matrix Library - ALGEBIRD : Abstract Algebra library … we’ll talk about it later
  • 19. STORM
  • 20. - Distributed, fault tolerant, real time stream computation engine. - Four concepts - Streams : infinite sequence of tuples - Spouts : Source of streams - Bolts : Process and produces streams Can do : Filtering, aggregations, Joins, … - Topologies : define a flow or network of spouts and blots.
  • 23. Trident TridentTopology topology = new TridentTopology(); TridentState wordCounts = topology.newStream("spout1", spout) .each(new Fields("sentence"), new Split(), new Fields("word")) .groupBy(new Fields("word")) .persistentAggregate(new Factory(), new Count(), new Fields("count")) .parallelismHint(6);
  • 24. ScalaStorm by Evan Chan class SplitSentence extends StormBolt(outputFields = List("word")) { def execute(t: Tuple) = t matchSeq { case Seq(line: String) => line.split(‘’’’).foreach { word => using anchor t emit (word) } t ack } }
  • 26. SummingBird Write your job once and run it on Storm and Hadoop
  • 27. def wordCount[P <: Platform[P]] (source: Producer[P, String], store: P#Store[String, Long]) = source.flatMap { line => line.split(‘’s+’’).map(_ -> 1L) } .sumByKey(store)
  • 28. SummingBird trait Platform[P <: Platform[P]] { type Source[+T] type Store[-K, V] type Sink[-T] type Service[-K, +V] type Plan[T} }
  • 29. On Storm - Source[+T] : Spout[(Long, T)] - Store[-K, V] : StormStore [K, V] - Sink[-T] : (T => Future[Unit]) - Service[-K, +V] : StormService[K,V] - Plan[T] : StormTopology
  • 31. SummingBird dependencies • StoreHaus • Chill • Scalding • Algebird • Tormenta
  • 32. But - Can only aggregate values that are associative : Monoids!!!!!! trait Monoid [V] { def zero : V def aggregate(left : V, right :V): V }
  • 34. Clustering with Mahout redux def StreamClustering(source : Platform[P.String], store : P#Store[_,_]) { lazy val clust = new StreamingKMeans(new FastProjectionSearch( new EuclideanDistanceMeasure,5,10), args("sloppyclusters").toInt, (10e-6).asInstanceOf[Float]) val count = 0; val sloppyClusters = source .map{ str => val vec = str.split("t").map(_.toDouble) val cent = new Centroid(count, new DenseVector(vec)) count += 1 cent } .unorderedFold [StreamingKMeans,Centroid](clust) {(cl,cent) => cl.cluster(cent); cl } .flatMap(c => c.iterator.asScala.toIterable)
  • 35. SCALDING : Clustering with Mahout val finalClusters = sloppyClusters.groupAll .mapValueStream { centList => lazy val bclusterer = new BallKMeans(new BruteSearch( new EuclideanDistanceMeasure), args("numclusters").toInt, 100) bclusterer.cluster(centList.toList.asJava) bclusterer.iterator.asScala } .values .saveTo(store) }
  • 37. What is Spark? • • • Fast and expressive cluster computing system compatible with Apache Hadoop, but order of magnitude faster (order of magnitude faster) Improves efficiency through: -General execution graphs -In-memory storage Improves usability through: -Rich APIs in Java, Scala, Python -Interactive shell
  • 38. Key idea • • Write programs in terms of transformations on distributed datasets Concept: resilient distributed datasets (RDDs) - Collections of objects spread across a cluster - Built through parallel transformations (map, filter, etc) - Automatically rebuilt on failure - Controllable persistence (e.g. caching in RAM)
  • 41. Example: Log Mining Load error messages from a log into memory, then interactively search for various patterns lines = spark.textFile(“hdfs://...”) Base Transformed RDD RDD results errors = lines.filter(s => s.startswith(“ERROR”)) messages = => s.split(“t”)) messages.cache() messages.filter(s=> s.contains(“foo”)).count() Cache 1 Driver Worker tasks Block 1 Action messages.filter(s=> s.contains(“bar”)).count() Cache 2 Worker . . . Cache 3 Worker Result: full-text search scaled to 1 TBin 0.5 in 5 (vs 20 s for on-disk Result: of Wikipedia data sec sec (vs 180 sec for on-disk data) data) Block 3 Block 2
  • 42. Fault Recovery RDDs track lineage information that can be used to efficiently recompute lost data Ex: msgs = textFile.filter(-=> _.startsWith(“ERROR”)) .map(_ => _.split(“t”)) HDFS File Filtered RDD filter (func = _.contains(...)) Mapped RDD map (func = _.split(...))
  • 43. Spark Streaming - Extends Spark capabilities to large scale stream processing. - Scales to 100s of nodes and achieves second scale latencies -Efficient and fault-tolerant stateful stream processing - Simple batch-like API for implementing complex algorithms
  • 44. Discretized Stream Processing live data stream  Chop up the live stream into batches of X seconds  Spark treats each batch of data as RDDs and processes them using RDD operations  Finally, the processed results of the RDD operations are returned in batches Spark Streaming batches of X seconds Spark processed results 44
  • 45. Discretized Stream Processing live data stream  Batch sizes as low as ½ second, latency of about 1 second  Potential for combining batch processing and streaming processing in the same system Spark Streaming batches of X seconds Spark processed results 45
  • 46. Example – Get hashtags from Twitter val tweets = ssc.twitterStream() DStream: a sequence of RDDs representing a stream of data Twitter Streaming API batch @ t batch @ t+1 batch @ t+2 tweets DStream stored in memory as an RDD (immutable, distributed)
  • 47. Example – Get hashtags from Twitter val tweets = ssc.twitterStream() val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status)) new DStream transformation: modify data in one DStream to create another DStream batch @ t batch @ t+1 batch @ t+2 tweets DStream hashTags Dstream [#cat, #dog, … ] flatMap flatMap … flatMap new RDDs created for every batch
  • 48. Example – Get hashtags from Twitter val tweets = ssc.twitterStream() val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status)) hashTags.foreach(hashTagRDD => { ... }) foreach: do whatever you want with the processed data batch @ t batch @ t+1 batch @ t+2 tweets DStream flatMap hashTags DStream flatMap flatMap foreach foreach foreach Write to database, update analytics UI, do whatever you want
  • 49. Example – Get hashtags from Twitter val tweets = ssc.twitterStream() val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status)) hashTags.saveAsHadoopFiles("hdfs://...") output operation: to push data to external storage batch @ t batch @ t+1 batch @ t+2 tweets DStream flatMap flatMap flatMap save save save hashTags DStream every batch saved to HDFS
  • 50. Window-based Transformations val tweets = ssc.twitterStream() val hashTags = tweets.flatMap (status => getTags(status)) val tagCounts = hashTags.window(Minutes(1), Seconds(5)).countByValue() sliding window operation window length sliding interval window length DStream of data sliding interval
  • 51. Compute TopK Ip addresses val ssc = new StreamingContext(master, "AlgebirdCMS", Seconds(10), …) val stream = ssc.KafkaStream(None, filters, StorageLevel.MEMORY, ..) val addresses = => ipAddress.getText) val cms = new CountMinSketchMonoid(EPS, DELTA, SEED, PERC) val globalCMS = val mm = new MapMonoid[Long, Int]() //init val topAddresses = adresses.mapPartitions(ids => { => cms.create(id)) }) .reduce(_ ++ _)
  • 52. topAddresses.foreach(rdd => { if (rdd.count() != 0) { val partial = rdd.first() val partialTopK = => (id, partial.frequency(id).estimate)) .toSeq.sortBy(_._2).reverse.slice(0, TOPK) globalCMS ++= partial val globalTopK = => (id, globalCMS.frequency(id).estimate)) .toSeq.sortBy(_._2).reverse.slice(0, TOPK) globalTopK.mkString("[", ",", "]"))) } })
  • 53. Multi purpose analytics stack MLBASE TACHYON Stream Processing Spark + Shark + Spark Streaming Batch Processing Ad-hoc Queries GraphX BLINK DB
  • 54. SPARK SPARK STREAMING - Almost Similar API for batch or Streaming Single¨Platform with fewer moving parts Order of magnitude faster
  • 55. References Sam Ritchie : SummingBird Chris Severs, Vitaly Gordon : Scalable Machine Learning with Scala Apache Spark : Matei Zaharia : Parallel Programming with Spark