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Training Deep Neural Nets
Training Deep Neural Nets
Training Deep Neural Nets
● In previous chapter
○ We introduced artificial neural networks and
○ Trained our first deep neural network
○ It was a shallow NN
■ With only two hidden layers
○ This shallow neural network will not work if
■ We have to deal with complex problems such as
■ Detecting hundreds of objects in high-resolution images
Training Deep Neural Nets
Training Deep Neural Nets
● In that case, we may need to train a deeper neural network containing
○ Many layers
○ Each layer containing hundred of neurons
○ Connected by hundreds of thousands of connections
Training Deep Neural Nets
Training Deep Neural Nets
What will be the challenges in training such a
deep neural network?
Training Deep Neural Nets
Training Deep Neural Nets
● We may face problem of vanishing gradients (which we will cover
● Training such a large network will take a lot of time
● Such model with millions of parameters may be prone to overfitting
Training Deep Neural Nets
Training Deep Neural Nets
● In this chapter we will
○ Go through the vanishing gradients problem
■ And explore solutions to it
○ Look at various optimizers that can speed up training large models
● We will also look at
○ Popular regularization techniques for large neural networks
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● As discussed earlier
○ Backpropagation algorithm works by going from the
○ Output layer to the input layer
○ Propagating the error gradient on the way
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Once the algorithm computes the gradient of the cost function
○ With regards to each parameter in the network
○ Then it uses these gradients to update each parameter
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Here the problem is that
○ Gradients often get smaller and smaller
○ As the algorithm progresses down to the early layers
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Because of this,
○ The lower layer connection weights virtually remains unchanged
○ And training never converges to a good solution
○ This is called the vanishing gradients problem
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s understand Vanishing Gradient Problem with an example
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s recall sigmoid function
○ Popular activation function for ANN in classification context
○ Its output is in range of 0 to 1
Check the code to plot sigmoid function in the notebook
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
# Logit / Sigmoid function plot
def logit(z):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
z = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200)
plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-')
plt.plot([-5, 5], [1, 1], 'k--')
plt.plot([0, 0], [-0.2, 1.2], 'k-')
plt.plot([-5, 5], [-3/4, 7/4], 'g--')
plt.plot(z, logit(z), "b-", linewidth=2)
props = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1)
plt.annotate('Saturating', xytext=(3.5, 0.7), xy=(5, 1), arrowprops=props,
fontsize=14, ha="center")
plt.annotate('Saturating', xytext=(-3.5, 0.3), xy=(-5, 0), arrowprops=props,
fontsize=14, ha="center")
plt.annotate('Linear', xytext=(2, 0.2), xy=(0, 0.5), arrowprops=props, fontsize=14,
plt.title("Sigmoid activation function", fontsize=14)
plt.axis([-5, 5, -0.2, 1.2])
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s look at the derivative of sigmoid function
Sigmoid Function
Derivative of Sigmoid
S (1 - S)
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s plot the derivative of sigmoid function
Derivative of Sigmoid function
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s plot the derivative of sigmoid function
● As we can see
○ The output of the derivative of the Sigmoid function is
○ Always between 0 and ¼ (0.25)
Derivative of Sigmoid function
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Now let’s look at the below univariate neural network
○ It has 2 hidden layers
○ act() is a sigmoid activation function
○ J returns the aggregate error of the model
Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Now as per the chain rule in backpropagation
○ Rate of change in error because of weight w1 is
Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s focus on individual derivative for now
Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● A typical approach of weight initialization in a neural network is to
○ Choose weights using a normal distribution with
■ Mean of 0 and
■ Standard deviation of 1
○ Hence, the weights in the neural network are usually
■ Between -1 and 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Now let’s come back to our individual derivative
● As we have seen in the past that
○ Output of derivative of sigmoid function lies between 0 and ¼
● And we have just discussed that
○ Weights in the neural network are usually between -1 and 1
< ¼ < 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Important - If we multiply two numbers between 0 and 1
○ Then the result will always be smaller
○ For example
○ ⅓ * ¼ = 1/12 (which is less than ⅓ and ¼)
● Here we are multiplying 2 values which are between 0 and 1
○ And the resulting gradient will be smaller
< ¼ < 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Now let’s take another individual derivative
Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● This derivative has
○ Two sigmoid activation function
○ And here we multiply 4 values between 0 and 1
○ So this gradient will be really smaller than
○ The earlier derivative (∂output / ∂hidden2)
< ¼ < ¼< 1 < 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● So we can see that in the backpropagation as we move backward
○ Gradient just becomes smaller and smaller in every layer
○ And it becomes tiny in the early layers (input layers or the first layers)
○ This is called as Vanishing Gradient Problem
< ¼ < ¼< 1 < 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Let’s understand it once again
● Below is 2-layer neural network
Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Gradients will be largest in the output layer
○ Hence output layer is easiest to train
Largest gradients in
output layer
Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Hidden layer 2 have
○ Smaller gradients than output layer
Smaller gradients in
hidden layer 2 than
output layer
Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1
Hidden Layer
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Hidden layer 1 have
○ Smaller gradients than hidden layer 2
Smaller gradients in hidden layer
1 than hidden layer 2
Input Layer Output Layer
Hidden Layer
Hidden Layer 2
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● As input layer is farthest from the output layer
○ Its derivative will be the longer expression (using chain rule)
○ Hence it will contain more sigmoid derivatives
○ And it will have smallest derivative
○ This makes lower layers slowest to train
Smallest derivative in input layer
Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
Training Deep Neural Nets
So why Vanishing Gradient is a problem?
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
First problem
● Since gradient becomes really small in early layers (input layers)
○ It becomes really slow to train the early layers
Flat surface - small gradients.
Gradient Descent converges
slowly Larger gradients. Gradient
Descent converges fast
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
First problem
● Also because of small steps
○ May converge at a local minimum instead of global minimum
Flat surface - small gradients.
Gradient Descent converges
slowly Larger gradients. Gradient
Descent converges fast
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
Second problem
● Since the latter layers are dependent on the early layers
○ If early layers are not accurate
○ Then the latter or lower layers just build on this inaccuracy
○ And the entire neural net gets corrupted
● Early layers are responsible for
○ Detecting simple patterns and are
○ Building blocks of the neural network
○ Hence it becomes important that early layers are accurate
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
Second problem
● For example, in face recognition
○ Early layers detects the edges
○ Which gets combined to form facial features later in the network
● And if early layers get it wrong
○ The result built up by the neural network will be wrong
Original Image
Image seen by
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
Exploding Gradients Problem
● Like vanishing gradients problem
○ We can also have exploding gradients problem
○ If the gradients were bigger than 1 (multiplying numbers greater than 1
always gives huge result)
○ Because of this, some layers may get insanely large weights and
○ The algorithm diverges instead of converging
○ This is called Exploding Gradients Problem
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● As we have seen deep neural networks suffer from unstable gradients
○ Different layers may learn at widely different speeds
● Because of vanishing gradients problem
○ Deep Neural Network were abandoned for a long time
○ Training the early layer correctly was the basis of network
○ But it proved too difficult that time because of
○ Available activation functions and hardware
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● In 2010, Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio published a paper titled
○ “Understanding the Difficulty of Training Deep Feedforward
Neural Networks”
● Authors of this paper suggested that root cause of vanishing gradient
problem is
○ Nature of the sigmoid activation function derivative
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● If input is large,
○ Sigmoid function saturates at 0 or 1
○ And its derivative becomes extremely close to 0
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Thus when backpropagation kicks in
○ There is no gradient to propagate back through the network
○ And the little gradient that exists gets diluted as
○ Backpropagation reaches the early layers
○ So there is nothing left for early layers
Training Deep Neural Nets
So what is the solution of vanishing gradients
Training Deep Neural Nets
Good strategy for initializing weights
Use better activation functions
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
● Kaiming He suggested strategy for initializing the weights
○ To avoid vanishing gradients problem
○ It’s called He initialization
○ with below parameters for various activation functions
Training Deep Neural Nets
Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
HE Initialization
import tensorflow as tf
n_inputs = 28 * 28 # MNIST
n_hidden1 = 300
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X")
he_init =
hidden1 = tf.layers.dense(X, n_hidden1, activation=tf.nn.relu,
kernel_initializer=he_init, name="hidden1")
Training Deep Neural Nets
ReLU Activation Function
● It turns out that ReLU activation function works better for Deep Neural
○ Because it does not saturate for positive values
○ And it is quite fast to compute
ReLU (z) = max (0, z)
Training Deep Neural Nets
ReLU Activation Function
Derivative of ReLU activation function
● It is not differentiable at x = 0
Derivative of ReLU activation function
For positive inputs , the
derivative is always 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
ReLU Activation Function
Derivative of ReLU activation function
● So with ReLU our gradients will never vanish
● As long as inputs are positive
Derivative of ReLU activation function
For positive inputs , the
derivative is always 1
Training Deep Neural Nets
Do you see any problem with the derivative of
ReLU activation function?
Training Deep Neural Nets
ReLU Activation Function
● ReLU suffers from problem known as the dying ReLUs
● For negative inputs derivative is zero
Derivative of ReLU activation function
For negative inputs , the
derivative is always 0
Training Deep Neural Nets
ReLU Activation Function
Dying ReLUs
● Because of dying ReLUs, during training
○ Some neurons effectively die and
○ They stop outputting anything other than 0
○ It completely blocks the backpropagation
Training Deep Neural Nets
How do we solve dying ReLUs problem?
Training Deep Neural Nets
Leaky ReLU
● To solve dying ReLUs problem we use
○ Variant of ReLUs known as leaky ReLU
● Leaky ReLU output a very small gradient when the input is negative
Leaky ReLU
is the hyperparameter
which defines how much the
function “leaks” and is
typically set to “0.01”
= 0.01
RELU(x) = max( x, x)
Training Deep Neural Nets
Leaky ReLU
● This small gradient ensures that the
○ Leaky ReLUs never die
● In the recent researches it has been shown that
○ Setting = 0.2 (huge leak) results in better performance
Training Deep Neural Nets
Leaky ReLU
# Leaky ReLU plot
def leaky_relu(z, alpha=0.01):
return np.maximum(alpha*z, z)
plt.plot(z, leaky_relu(z, 0.05), "b-", linewidth=2)
plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-')
plt.plot([0, 0], [-0.5, 4.2], 'k-')
props = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1)
plt.annotate('Leak', xytext=(-3.5, 0.5), xy=(-5, -0.2),
arrowprops=props, fontsize=14, ha="center")
plt.title("Leaky ReLU activation function", fontsize=14)
plt.axis([-5, 5, -0.5, 4.2])
= 0.01
RELU(x) = max( x, x)
Training Deep Neural Nets
Leaky ReLU
# Implementing Leaky ReLU in TensorFlow
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X")
def leaky_relu(z, name=None):
return tf.maximum(0.01 * z, z, name=name)
hidden1 = tf.layers.dense(X, n_hidden1, activation=leaky_relu,
Training Deep Neural Nets
Leaky ReLU
Follow the code in the notebook to train a
neural network on MNIST using the Leaky
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
● In 2015, Djork-Arné Clevert et al proposed a new activation function
○ ELU - Exponential Linear Unit
● It outperformed all the ReLU variants in their experiments
○ Training time was reduced and
○ Neural network performed better on the test set
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
● In ELU equation, the hyperparameter defines the value
○ That ELU function approaches to when z is a large negative number
○ is usually set to 1
○ But we can tweak it like any other hyperparameter
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
Advantage over ReLU
● It has a nonzero gradient for z < 0
○ Which avoids the dying units issue
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
Advantage over ReLU
● It is smooth everywhere including around z = 0
○ It helps speedup Gradient Descent
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
Drawbacks over ReLU
● Because of the use of exponential function
○ It is slower to compute than the ReLU
● But during training this slowness gets compensated by
○ The faster convergence rate
● However during testing
○ ELU networks are slower than the ReLU networks
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
# ELU plot
def elu(z, alpha=1):
return np.where(z < 0, alpha * (np.exp(z) - 1), z)
plt.plot(z, elu(z), "b-", linewidth=2)
plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-')
plt.plot([-5, 5], [-1, -1], 'k--')
plt.plot([0, 0], [-2.2, 3.2], 'k-')
plt.title(r"ELU activation function ($alpha=1$)", fontsize=14)
plt.axis([-5, 5, -2.2, 3.2])
Training Deep Neural Nets
ELU Activation Function
# Implementing ELU in TensorFlow
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X")
hidden1 = tf.layers.dense(X, n_hidden1, activation=tf.nn.elu,
Training Deep Neural Nets
SELU Activation Function
● In June 2017, Günter Klambauer, Thomas Unterthiner and Andreas Mayr
○ Proposed SELU activation function
○ It outperforms the other activation functions
○ Very significantly for deep neural networks
○ Even for 100 layer deep neural network
Training Deep Neural Nets
SELU Activation Function
SELU Function in Python
def selu(z,
return scale * elu(z, alpha)
Training Deep Neural Nets
SELU Activation Function
Plot SELU Function
plt.plot(z, selu(z), "b-", linewidth=2)
plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-')
plt.plot([-5, 5], [-1.758, -1.758], 'k--')
plt.plot([0, 0], [-2.2, 3.2], 'k-')
plt.title(r"SELU activation function", fontsize=14)
plt.axis([-5, 5, -2.2, 3.2])
Training Deep Neural Nets
SELU Activation Function
● With this activation function
○ Even a 100 layer deep neural network
○ Preserves roughly mean 0 and standard deviation 1 across all layers
○ Avoiding the exploding/vanishing gradients problem
Training Deep Neural Nets
SELU Activation Function
Check the mean and standard deviation in the deep layers
Z = np.random.normal(size=(500, 100))
for layer in range(100):
W = np.random.normal(size=(100, 100), scale=np.sqrt(1/100))
Z = selu(, W))
means = np.mean(Z, axis=1)
stds = np.std(Z, axis=1)
if layer % 10 == 0:
print("Layer {}: {:.2f} < mean < {:.2f}, {:.2f} < std
deviation < {:.2f}".format(
layer, means.min(), means.max(), stds.min(), stds.max()))
Training Deep Neural Nets
SELU Activation Function
Follow the code in the notebook to create a
neural net for MNIST using the SELU activation
Training Deep Neural Nets
So which activation function should we use?
Training Deep Neural Nets
Which Activation Function to Use?
In general,
SELU > ELU > Leaky ReLU > ReLU > tanh > logistic
Vanishing gradient
Training Deep Neural Nets
Which Activation Function to Use?
● If runtime performance is important then
○ Prefer Leaky ReLUs over ELUs
● Also instead of tweaking hyperparameter
○ We may use default suggested values
■ 0.2 for the leaky ReLUs and
■ 1 for ELU
● If we have spare time and computing power
○ Use cross-validation to evaluate the other activation functions
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization
● Using He initialization and proper activation functions
○ Like ELU or any variant of ReLU
○ Vanishing / exploding gradient problem significantly reduces
○ But there is no guarantee that
○ This problem will not come back during training
● In 2015, Sergey Ioffe and Christian Szegedy
○ Proposed a technique called Batch Normalization (BN)
○ To address the vanishing/exploding gradients problems
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization
● Batch Normalization helps in
○ Vanishing gradient problem and
○ It also helps the neural network to learn faster
● Let’s understand Batch Normalization
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● As discussed earlier in machine learning projects
○ Gradient Descent does not work well
○ If the input features are on different scales
○ Like say if we have number of miles individual has driven in last 5 years
■ This data can have a large varying scale
■ As someone might have driven 100, 000 miles
■ While other person might have driven 100 miles
■ So here the range is 100 - 100, 000
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● One of the techniques of feature scaling is
○ Standardization
● In Standardization, features are rescaled
○ So that output will have the properties of
○ Standard normal distribution with
■ Zero mean and
■ Unit variance
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● The general method of calculation
○ Calculate distribution mean and standard deviation for each feature
○ Subtract the mean from each feature
○ Divide the result from previous step of each feature by its standard
Standardized Value
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● As a preprocessing step
○ We apply standardization to the input dataset
○ So that all the features will have same scale
■ With 0 mean
■ And unit standard deviation
○ And Gradient Descent converges faster
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
Two Layer - Neural Network
Normalized Input Features
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● As we have discussed, if we normalize input features
○ It helps in converging faster
● If we normalize hidden layers also in deep neural network
○ Then it will speed up the learning
○ This is what we do in Batch normalization
■ We normalize hidden layers
○ Now let’s understand how do we do batch normalization in deep
neural networks
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
Hidden Layer 1
X → Σ → Batch Norm → A1 → Z1
A → Activation FunctionInput Layer
Hidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
Output Layer
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
A → Activation FunctionInput Layer
Hidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
Output Layer
Hidden Layer 2
X → Σ → Batch Norm → A1 → Z1 → Σ → Batch Norm → A2 → Z2
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Algorithm
for T in 1 ……. number of mini batches:
Compute forward propagation for mini-batch X(T)
In each hidden layer normalize inputs
Use back propagation and update parameters
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Let’s say we have a simple network and
● Here normalizing input features helps in Calculate W and b more
Step 1 - Calculate
W, b
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Normalize the input features
Step 1 - Calculate
W, b
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Normalize the input features
Step 1 - Calculate
Step 2 - Calculate SD
W, b
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Normalize the input features
Step 1 - Calculate
Step 2 - Calculate SD
Step 3 - Normalize
W, b
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
is the mean,
evaluated over the
whole mini-batch B
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
is the standard
deviation, evaluated over
the whole mini-batch B
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
is number of
instances in the
mini-batch B
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
is the normalized
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
ε is a tiny small number
to avoid division by zero
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
γ and β are parameters
which are learnt during
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
is the output of the
BN operations.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling
● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network
● In general four
parameters are trained
for each
batch-normalized layer
○ μ (mean)
○ σ (SD)
○ γ and
○ β
Training Deep Neural Nets
At the test time how do we test the deep neural network
trained with batch normalization as there will not be any mini
batch to compute the mean and standard deviation?
Training Deep Neural Nets
By computing the moving average of whole training set’s mean
and standard deviation during training
Training Deep Neural Nets
Follow code in the notebook to implement
Batch Normalization with TensorFlow
Training Deep Neural Nets
Batch Normalization
● In batch normalization,
○ The neural network makes slower predictions
○ Due to the extra computations required at each layer
● If we need fast predictions
○ We should first check
■ How Plain ELU + He initialization performs
■ Before playing with batch normalization
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
● We can reduce the exploding gradients problem
○ By clipping the gradients during backpropagation
○ So that they never exceed some threshold
○ This is called Gradient Clipping
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
>>> threshold = 1.0
>>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
>>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
>>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var)
for grad, var in grads_and_vars]
>>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
How to apply Gradient Clipping?
Step 1
● Specify threshold and optimizer
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
>>> threshold = 1.0
>>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
>>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
>>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var)
for grad, var in grads_and_vars]
>>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
How to apply Gradient Clipping?
Step 2
● Call the optimizer’s compute_gradients() method
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
>>> threshold = 1.0
>>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
>>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
>>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var)
for grad, var in grads_and_vars]
>>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
How to apply Gradient Clipping?
Step 3
● Create an operation to clip the gradients using
● clip_by_value() function
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
>>> threshold = 1.0
>>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
>>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
>>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var)
for grad, var in grads_and_vars]
>>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
How to apply Gradient Clipping?
Step 4
● Create an operation to apply the
○ Clipped gradients using the optimizer’s
○ apply_gradients() method
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
>>> threshold = 1.0
>>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
>>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
>>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var)
for grad, var in grads_and_vars]
>>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs)
How to apply Gradient Clipping?
Step 5
● Run this training_op at every training step
○ It will compute gradients
○ Clip them between –1.0 and 1.0, and apply them
○ Note that threshold is a hyperparameter and can be tuned
Training Deep Neural Nets
Gradient Clipping
Follow code in the notebook to create a simple
neural net for MNIST and add gradient clipping
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Transfer Learning
● It is not a good idea to train a very large DNN from scratch
● We should find an existing neural network if possible
○ Which accomplishes a similar task we are trying to tackle
● If we can find such network
○ Then just reuse the lower layers (early layers) of this network
○ This is called Transfer Learning
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Transfer Learning
● There are two major advantages of Transfer Learning
○ It speeds up training considerably
○ It requires much less training data
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Transfer Learning - Examples
● Let’s say we have found an existing DNN
○ That was trained to classify pictures
○ Into 100 different categories like
■ Animals,
■ Plants,
■ Vehicles and
■ Everyday objects
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Transfer Learning - Examples
● Now we want to train a DNN to classify specific types of vehicles
● These tasks are similar to existing DNN and
● We should try to reuse the pretrained layers of the existing network
Reusing pretrained
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Transfer Learning
● If input pictures in our task do not have the same size as the one in the
existing network
● Then we have to add a preprocessing step to resize them to the size
○ As expected by the existing model
● Also transfer learning works only when inputs in our task
○ Have similar low-level features as in the existing model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing a TensorFlow Model
● If the original model was trained using TensorFlow
○ We can simply restore it and train it on the new task
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Let’s see example of how to reuse a
TensorFlow model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 1
● To reuse the model
○ First we need to load graph structure
○ Using import_meta_graph()
>>> reset_graph()
>>> saver =
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 2
● Next, get handle on all operations we will need for training
● If we do not know graph structure, then
○ List all the operations using below code
>>> for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations():
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 3
● Once we know which operations do we need then
○ We can get a handle on them using the graph’s
■ get_operation_by_name() or
■ get_tensor_by_name() methods
>>> X = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("X:0")
>>> y = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("y:0")
>>> accuracy =
>>> training_op =
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 4
● Now we can start session, restore the model's state and continue
training on data
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, "model_ckps/my_model_final.ckpt")
for epoch in range(n_epochs):
for iteration in range(mnist.train.num_examples //
X_batch, y_batch = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size), feed_dict={X: X_batch, y: y_batch})
accuracy_val = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={X: mnist.test.images,
y: mnist.test.labels})
print(epoch, "Test accuracy:", accuracy_val)
save_path =, "model_ckps/my_new_model_final.ckpt")
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● In general, we restore only part of the original model
○ Especifically early layers
○ Let’s restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Get all trainable variables in hidden layers 1 to 3
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Create a dictionary mapping the name of each variable in the original
model to its name in the new model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Create a Saver that will restore only original model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Create another Saver to save the entire new model, not just layers 1 to 3
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Start the session
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Restore the variables from the original model’s layers 1 to 3
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Train the new model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing only part of the original model
● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
Save the whole model
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Follow the complete code to restore only
hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 in the notebook
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
● If the model was trained using another framework
○ Such as Theano
○ Then we need to load the weights manually
● Let’s see the example of
○ How we would copy the weight and biases from the first hidden layer
of a model trained using another framework
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
● Step 1
Load the weights from the other framework manually
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
● Step 2
● Find the initializer’s assignment operation for every variable
○ That we want to reuse
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
● Step 2
● The weights variable created by the tf.layers.dense() function is called
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
● Step 2
● Get the initialization value of every variable that we want to reuse
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
● Step 3
● When we run the initializer, we replace the initialization values with the
ones we want, using a feed_dict
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
Check the complete code of “reusing models
from other frameworks” in the notebook
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Freezing the Lower Layers
Training Deep Neural Nets
Freezing the Lower Layers
● As discussed earlier, lower layers detects the low level details
○ So we can reuse these lower layers as they are
○ This is also called freezing lower layers
● While training a new DNN
○ We generally freeze lower-layer weights
○ So that higher-layer weights will be easier to train
○ Because they won’t have to learn a moving target
Training Deep Neural Nets
Freezing the Lower Layers
● To freeze the lower layers during training
○ We give the list of variables to optimizer after excluding the variables
from lower layers)
>>> train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,
>>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=train_vars)
Training Deep Neural Nets
Freezing the Lower Layers
● Freeze the lower layers - Step 1
>>> train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,
>>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=train_vars)
● Gets list of all the trainable variables
○ In the hidden layers 3 and 4 and
○ In the output layer
● This leaves out the variables
○ In the hidden layers 1 and 2
Training Deep Neural Nets
Freezing the Lower Layers
● Freeze the lower layers - Step 2
>>> train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES,
>>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=train_vars)
● Next we provide this restricted list of trainable variables
○ To the optimizer’s minimize() function
● That’s it
○ Now hidden layer 1 and 2 are frozen
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Tweaking, Dropping, or Replacing the Upper
Training Deep Neural Nets
Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers
● While training a new DNN using existing DNN
○ The output layer of the original model is usually replaced
○ As it is most likely not useful at all for the new task
○ Also it may not even have the right number of
○ Outputs/classes for the new task
● Also the upper hidden layers of the original model
○ Are less likely to be useful
○ As compared to early layers
Training Deep Neural Nets
Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers
How do we find out right number of layers to
Training Deep Neural Nets
Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers
● Try freezing all the copied layers first
○ Then train the model and see how it performs
● Then try unfreezing one or two top hidden layers
○ So that backpropagation can tweak them
○ And see if performance improves
● The more training data we have, the more layers we can unfreeze
Training Deep Neural Nets
Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers
● If we still can not get good performance and the training data is less
○ Then try dropping the top hidden layers
○ And freeze all remaining hidden layers again
● We can iterate until we find the right number of layer to reuse
● If we have plenty of training data then
○ Try replacing the top hidden layers
○ Instead of dropping them
○ Also add more hidden layers to get good performance
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Model Zoos
Training Deep Neural Nets
Model Zoos
● As we discussed we can reuse the existing pretrained neural network for
our new tasks
● But where can we find a trained neural network for the task similar to
Training Deep Neural Nets
Model Zoos
● The first place is to look our own catalog of models
○ This is why we should save all our models and
○ Organize them properly so that
○ We can retrieve them later
● Another option is to search in a model zoo
○ Many people after training their models
○ Release the trained models to the public
Training Deep Neural Nets
Model Zoos
● TensorFlow has its own model zoo available at
● It contains most of the image classification nets such as
○ VCG, Inception and ResNet
■ Including the code
■ The pretrained models and
■ Tools to download popular image datasets
Training Deep Neural Nets
Model Zoos
● Another popular model zoo is Caffe’s Model Zoo
● It contains many computer vision models trained on various datasets
● We can also use below converter
○ To convert Caffe models to TensorFlow models
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Unsupervised Pretraining
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● If we want to train a model for complex task
○ And we do not have much labeled training data
○ Also we could not find a pretrained model on similar task
● Then in this case how should we tackle the task?
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● Try to gather more labeled training data
○ But if it is too hard or too expensive to get the training data
○ Then try to perform unsupervised pretraining
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● If we have plenty of unlabelled training data then
○ Try to train the layers one by one
○ Starting with the lowest layer and then going up
○ Using an unsupervised feature detector algorithm such as
■ Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) or autoencoders
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● Each layer is trained on the output of the
○ Previously trained layers
○ All layers except the one being trained are frozen
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● Once all layers have been trained
○ We can fine-tune the network
○ Using supervised learning (with backpropagation)
● This is the long and tedious process
○ But often works well
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● This technique was used by Geoffrey Hinton and his team in 2006
● It led to the revival of neural networks and the success of Deep Learning
● Until 2010, unsupervised pretraining (typically using RBMs)
○ Was the norm for deep nets
● Only after the vanishing gradients problem was alleviated
○ It became much more common to train
○ DNNs purely using backpropagation
Training Deep Neural Nets
Unsupervised Pretraining
● Unsupervised pretraining
○ Using autoencoders than RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machines) is still
a good option when we have complex task to solve
■ And no similar pretrained model is available
■ And there is a little labeled training data but lot of unlabeled
training data is available
Training Deep Neural Nets
Reusing Pretrained Layers
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
Training Deep Neural Nets
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
● Let’s say we want to build a system to recognize faces
● And as a training set
○ We may only have few pictures of each individual
○ Clearly not enough training set to train a good classifier
○ And gathering hundred of pictures of each person will not be practical
Training Deep Neural Nets
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
Solution -
● We can download a lot of pictures of random people from internet
● And train a first neural network to detect
○ If two different pictures are of the same person
● Such a network would learn good feature detectors for faces
● So reusing its lower layers would allow us to train
○ A good face classifier
○ Using little training data which we had
Training Deep Neural Nets
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
● It is cheap to gather unlabeled training data
○ Like in previous example
○ We could download images from internet for almost free
○ But it is quite expensive to label them
● A common technique is to
○ Label all the training examples as “good”
○ And then generate many new labeled training instances
○ By corrupting the good ones and
○ Label these corrupted instances as bad
Training Deep Neural Nets
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
● And then we can train neural network
○ To classify these instances good or bad
● For example
○ Download millions of sentences
○ Then label all of them as “good”
○ Then randomly change a world in each sentence
○ And label the resulting sentence as “bad”
Training Deep Neural Nets
Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
● Now if neural network can tell that
○ “The dog sleeps” is a good sentence and
○ “The dog they” is a bad sentence
○ Then it probably knows a lot about language
● Reusing its lower layers will help in many language processing tasks
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers
1. Training a deep neural network can be painfully slow
2. So far we have seen four ways to speedup training
2.1. Applying a good initialization strategy for the connection weights
2.2. Using a good activation function
2.3. Using Batch Normalization
2.4. Reusing parts of a pretrained network
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers
● Speed boost also comes from using a faster optimizer
○ Than the Gradient Descent optimizer
● Popular optimizers are
○ Momentum optimization
○ Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
○ AdaGrad
○ RMSProp and
○ Adam optimization
Increasing order of performance
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
● Imagine a bowling ball rolling down a gentle slope on a smooth surface
● It will start out slowly, but it will quickly pick up momentum until it
eventually reaches terminal velocity.
● This is the very simple idea behind Momentum optimization, proposed by
Boris Polyak in 1964
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
How is Momentum optimization different from Gradient Descent
● Regular Gradient Descent will simply take small regular steps down
the slope, so it will take much more time to reach the bottom.
● Gradient Descent simply updates the weights θ by directly subtracting
the gradient of the cost function J(θ) with regards to the weights (∇θ
multiplied by the learning rate η.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
How is Momentum optimization different from Gradient Descent
● The equation of Gradient descent is: θ ← θ – η∇θJ(θ).
● It does not care about what the earlier gradients were. If the local
gradient is tiny, it goes very slowly
● Momentum optimization cares a great deal about what previous
gradients were
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
How does Momentum optimization work ?
● At each iteration, it adds the local gradient to the momentum vector
m, multiplied by the learning rate η,
● And it updates the weights by simply subtracting this momentum vector.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
How does Momentum optimization work ?
● In other words, the gradient is used as an acceleration, not as a speed.
● To simulate some sort of friction mechanism and prevent the momentum
from growing too large, the algorithm introduces a new
hyperparameter β, simply called the momentum, which must be set
between 0 (high friction) and 1 (no friction).
● A typical momentum value is 0.9.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
Advantages of Momentum optimization
● Gradient Descent goes down the steep slope quite fast, but then it takes
a very long time to go down the valley.
● Whereas Momentum optimization will roll down the bottom of the valley
faster and faster until it reaches the bottom (the optimum)
● In deep neural networks that don’t use Batch Normalization, the upper
layers will often end up having inputs with very different scales, so using
Momentum optimization helps a lot.
● It can also help roll past local optima.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
Disadvantage of Momentum optimization
● The one drawback of Momentum optimization is that it adds yet another
hyperparameter to tune.
● However, the momentum value of 0.9 usually works well in practice and
almost always goes faster than Gradient Descent.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization
Implementing Momentum optimization
Implementing Momentum optimization in TensorFlow is easy : just replace
the GradientDescentOptimizer with the MomentumOptimizer
>>> optimizer =
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
● It is a small variant to Momentum optimization, proposed by Yurii
Nesterov in 1983, is almost always faster than vanilla Momentum
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
● The idea of Nesterov Momentum optimization, or Nesterov Accelerated
Gradient (NAG), is to
○ Measure the gradient of the cost function not at the local position but
slightly ahead in the direction of the momentum.
○ The only difference from vanilla Momentum optimization is that the
gradient is measured at θ + βm rather than at θ
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
● This small tweak works because in general the momentum vector will be
pointing in the right direction (i.e., toward the optimum),
● So it will be slightly more accurate to use the gradient measured a bit
farther in that direction rather than using the gradient at the original
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
● ∇1 represents the
gradient of the cost
function measured at the
starting point θ
● ∇2 represents the
gradient at the point
located at θ + βm
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
● The Nesterov update
ends up slightly closer to
the optimum.
● After a while, these small
improvements add up
and NAG ends up being
significantly faster than
regular Momentum
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
● Note that when the
momentum pushes the
weights across a valley,
∇1 continues to push
further across the valley,
while ∇2 pushes back
toward the bottom of
the Valley.
● This helps reduce
oscillations and thus
converges faster.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
Implementing Nesterov Accelerated Gradient
NAG will almost always speed up training compared to regular Momentum
optimization. To use it, simply set use_nesterov=True when creating the
>>> optimizer =
momentum=0.9, use_nesterov=True)
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
● Gradient Descent starts by quickly going down the steepest slope, then
slowly goes down the bottom of the valley
● It would be nice if the algorithm could detect this early on and correct its
direction to point a bit more toward the global optimum
● The AdaGrad algorithm achieves this by scaling down the gradient vector
along the steepest dimensions
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
How does AdaGrad work ?
● The first step accumulates the square of the gradients into the vector s
● The ⊗ symbol represents the element-wise multiplication
● This vectorized form is equivalent to computing si
← si
+ (∂ / ∂ θi
for each element si
of the vector s
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
How does AdaGrad work ?
● In other words, each si
accumulates the squares of the partial derivative
of the cost function with regards to parameter θi
● If the cost function is steep along the ith dimension, then si
will get larger
and larger at each iteration.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
How does AdaGrad work ?
● The second step is almost identical to Gradient Descent, but with one
big difference:
○ The gradient vector is scaled down by a factor of
○ The ⊘ symbol represents the element-wise division, and ϵ is a
smoothing term to avoid division by zero, typically set to 10–10
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
How does AdaGrad work ?
● This vectorized form is equivalent to computing for all
parameters θi
● This algorithm decays the learning rate, but it does so faster for steep
dimensions than for dimensions with gentler slopes.
● This is called an adaptive learning rate.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
Advantages of AdaGrad
● It helps point the resulting updates more directly toward the global
optimum. One additional benefit is that it requires much less tuning of
the learning rate hyperparameter η
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad
Disadvantages of AdaGrad
● AdaGrad often performs well for simple quadratic problems, but
unfortunately it often stops too early when training neural networks
● The learning rate gets scaled down so much that the algorithm ends
up stopping entirely before reaching the global optimum.
● So even though TensorFlow has an AdagradOptimizer, you should
not use it to train deep neural networks
● It may be efficient for simpler tasks such as Linear Regression
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - RMSProp
● AdaGrad slows down a bit too fast and ends up never converging to the
global optimum
● The RMSProp algorithm fixes this by accumulating only the gradients
from the most recent iterations, as opposed to all the gradients since the
beginning of training
● It does so by using exponential decay in the first step
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - RMSProp
● The decay rate β is typically set to 0.9
● It is once again a new hyperparameter, but this default value often works
well, so you may not need to tune it at all
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - RMSProp
Implementing RMSProp
>>> optimizer =
momentum=0.9, decay=0.9, epsilon=1e-10)
● Except on very simple problems, this optimizer almost always performs
much better than AdaGrad
● It also generally performs better than Momentum optimization and
Nesterov Accelerated Gradients
● In fact, it was the preferred optimization algorithm of many researchers
until Adam optimization came around
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
● Adam which stands for adaptive moment estimation, combines the ideas
○ Momentum optimization
○ And RMSProp
● Just like Momentum optimization it keeps track of an exponentially
decaying average of past gradients
● And just like RMSProp it keeps track of an exponentially decaying average
of past squared gradients
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
● Adam which stands for adaptive moment estimation, combines the ideas
○ Momentum optimization
○ And RMSProp
● Just like Momentum optimization it keeps track of an exponentially
decaying average of past gradients
● And just like RMSProp it keeps track of an exponentially decaying average
of past squared gradients
Training Deep Neural Nets
● If you just look at steps 1, 2, and 5, you will notice Adam’s close similarity
to both Momentum optimization and RMSProp.
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
● The only difference is that step 1 computes an exponentially decaying
average rather than an exponentially decaying sum
● But these are actually equivalent except for a constant factor, the
decaying average is just 1 – β1 times the decaying sum
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
● Steps 3 and 4 are somewhat of a technical detail
○ Since m and s are initialized at 0, they will be biased toward 0 at the
beginning of training
● So these two steps will help boost m and s at the beginning of training.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
● The momentum decay hyperparameter β1 is typically initialized to 0.9,
while the scaling decay hyperparameter β2 is often initialized to 0.999.
● As earlier, the smoothing term ϵ is usually initialized to a tiny number
such as 10–8
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
● Since Adam is an adaptive learning rate algorithm, like AdaGrad and
RMSProp, it requires less tuning of the learning rate hyperparameter η
● We can often use the default value η = 0.001, making Adam even easier
to use than Gradient Descent
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
Implementing Adam Optimization in TensforFlow
>>> optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
How do we find a good learning rate ??
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
● Finding a good learning rate can be tricky.
● If we set it way too high,
○ Training may actually diverge
● If you set it too low,
○ Training will eventually converge to the optimum, but it will take a
very long time.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
● If you set it slightly too high,
○ It will make progress very quickly at first,
○ But it will end up dancing around the optimum, never settling down
● We have to use an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm such as
AdaGrad, RMSProp, or Adam,
○ But even then it may take time to settle
● If you have a limited computing budget, you may have to interrupt
training before it has converged properly, yielding a suboptimal solution
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
● We may be able to find a fairly good learning rate by training your
network several times during just a few epochs using various learning
rates and comparing the learning curves
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
The ideal learning rate will learn quickly and converge to good solution
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
● We can do better than a constant learning rate:
● If we start with a high learning rate and then reduce it once it stops
making fast progress
● We can reach a good solution faster than with the optimal constant
learning rate.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
● There are many different strategies to reduce the learning rate during
● These strategies are called learning schedules, the most common ones
are now discussed
Training Deep Neural Nets
Predetermined piecewise constant learning rate
● For example, set the learning rate to η0
= 0.1 at first, then to η1
= 0.001
after 50 epochs.
● Although this solution can work very well, it often requires fiddling
around to figure out the right learning rates and when to use them.
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Training Deep Neural Nets
Performance scheduling
● Measure the validation error every N steps, just like for early stopping
and reduce the learning rate by a factor of λ when the error stops
Exponential scheduling
● Set the learning rate to a function of the iteration number t: η(t) = η0
. This works great, but it requires tuning η0
and r. The learning rate
will drop by a factor of 10 every r steps.
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Power scheduling
● Set the learning rate to η(t) = η0
(1 + t/r)–c
● The hyperparameter c is typically set to 1.
● This is similar to exponential scheduling, but the learning rate drops much
more slowly.
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Implementing a learning schedule with TensorFlow
>>> initial_learning_rate = 0.1
>>> decay_steps = 10000
>>> decay_rate = 1/10
>>> global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)
>>> learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(initial_learning_rate,
global_step, decay_steps, decay_rate)
>>> optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate,
>>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
Run it on Notebook
Training Deep Neural Nets
Implementing a learning schedule with TensorFlow
Understanding previous code
● After setting the hyperparameter values, we create a nontrainable
variable global_step (initialized to 0) to keep track of the current training
iteration number.
● Then we define an exponentially decaying learning rate, with η0
= 0.1 and
r = 10,000 using TensorFlow’s exponential_decay() function.
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Training Deep Neural Nets
Implementing a learning schedule with TensorFlow
Understanding previous code
● Next, we create an optimizer, in this example, a MomentumOptimizer
using this decaying learning rate.
● Finally, we create the training operation by calling the optimizer’s
minimize() method; since we pass it the global_step variable, it will
kindly take care of incrementing it.
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Training Deep Neural Nets
Since AdaGrad, RMSProp, and Adam optimization automatically reduce the learning rate during
training, it is not necessary to add an extra learning schedule.
For other optimization algorithms, using exponential decay or performance scheduling can
considerably speed up convergence.
Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers
● The conclusion is that we should always use Adam optimization
○ We really do not have to know about internals
○ Simply replace GradientDescentOptimizer with AdamOptimizer
○ With this small change training will be several times faster
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
Training Deep Neural Nets
"With four parameters I can fit an elephant and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk. "
-- John von Neumann, cited by Enrico Fermi in Nature 427
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
● Deep neural networks may have millions of parameters
● With so many parameters network
○ has a huge amount of freedom
○ And it can fit variety of complex datasets
○ Also it becomes prone to overfitting
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
● In this section, we will go through
○ Some of the most popular regularization techniques
○ For neural network and how to implement them with TensorFlow
■ Early stopping
■ ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularization
■ Dropout
■ Max-Norm Regularization and
■ Data augmentation
Training Deep Neural Nets
Faster Optimizers - Comparisions
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
Early Stopping
Training Deep Neural Nets
Early Stopping
● As discussed in Machine Learning course
○ To avoid overfitting the training set
○ A great solution is early stopping
Training Deep Neural Nets
Early Stopping
● Stop training as soon as the validation error reaches a minimum
● This is called early stopping
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
● Just like we apply ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularization for simple linear models
○ We can apply the same regularization to constrain
○ Neural network’s connection weights (not biases)
● To do so in TensorFlow
○ Simply add the appropriate regularization terms to cost function
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
● For example, suppose
○ We have just one hidden layer with weights weights1 and
○ One output layer with weights weights2
○ Then we can apply ℓ1 regularization like this
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
Follow the code in the notebook to implement
ℓ1 regularization manually assuming we have
only one hidden layer
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
● Manually applying ℓ1 regularization will not be convenient
○ If we have many layers
● In TensorFlow,
○ We can pass a regularization function to the tf.layers.dense()
○ Which computes regularization loss
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
● This code creates a neural network
○ With two hidden layers and one output layer
○ It also creates nodes in the graph to compute
■ The ℓ1 regularization loss corresponding to each layer’s weights
○ TensorFlow automatically adds these nodes to a
■ Special collection containing all the regularization losses
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
● We just need to add
○ These regularization losses to overall loss, like below code
● Important
○ Don’t forget to add the regularization losses to overall loss
○ Else they will simply be ignored
>>> reg_losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES)
>>> loss = tf.add_n([base_loss] + reg_losses, name="loss")
Training Deep Neural Nets
ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
Follow the code in the notebook to implement
ℓ1 regularization in neural network with two
hidden layers
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
Training Deep Neural Nets
● Dropout is the most popular
○ Regularization technique for deep neural networks
● It was proposed by G. E. Hinton in 2012
● Even the state-of-the-art neural networks
○ Got a 1–2% accuracy boost
○ Simply by adding dropout
● 1-2% accuracy boost may not sound like a lot
○ But when a model has 95% accuracy
○ Then 2% accuracy boost means dropping the error rate by 40%
○ (Going from 5% error to roughly 3%)
Training Deep Neural Nets
● It is a fairly simple algorithm
● At every training step, every neuron
○ Including the input neurons but excluding the output neurons
○ Has a probability p of being temporarily “dropped out”
○ Meaning it will be entirely ignored during this training step
○ But it may be active during the next step
Training Deep Neural Nets
● The hyperparameter p is called the dropout rate
○ And it is typically set to 50%
● After training, neurons don’t get dropped anymore
● Let’s understand this technique with an example
Training Deep Neural Nets
Would a company perform better if its
employees were told to toss a coin every
morning to decide whether or not to go to
Training Deep Neural Nets
Perhaps it would. Who knows :)
Training Deep Neural Nets
● In that case company would be forced to adapt its organization
○ No single person will be responsible for filling the coffee machine
○ Or cleaning the office
○ Or performing any other critical tasks
● So these expertise would have to be spread across many people
● Employees would have to learn to
○ Cooperate with many of their coworkers
Training Deep Neural Nets
What will be the advantages of such a system?
Training Deep Neural Nets
● The company would become much more resilient
● If one person quits, it would not make much difference
● Not sure if this idea will work for companies
○ But it definitely works for neural networks
Training Deep Neural Nets
● Neurons trained with dropout
○ Can not co-adapt with their neighbouring neurons
○ They have to be as useful as possible on their own
○ They also can not rely excessively on just a few input neurons
○ They also must pay attention to each of their input neurons
○ As a result of this
■ They end up being less sensitive to slight changes in the inputs
● In the end we get a more robust network that generalizes better
Training Deep Neural Nets
● To implement dropout using TensorFlow
○ Just apply dropout() function to the
○ Input layer and the output of every hidden layer
● During training dropout function() randomly drops some items
● After training, this function does nothing at all
>>> hidden1_drop = tf.layers.dropout(hidden1, dropout_rate,
Just like batch normalization set training to
True during training and to False when testing
Training Deep Neural Nets
Follow the code in the notebook to apply
dropout regularization to three-layer neural
Training Deep Neural Nets
● If you observe model is overfitting
○ Then increase the dropout rate
● Else if model is underfitting
○ Then decrease the dropout rate
● It can also help to
○ Increase the dropout rate for large layers, and
○ Reduce it for small ones
Training Deep Neural Nets
● Please note that dropout does
○ Tend to slow down convergence
○ But it results in a much better model when tuned properly
○ It is worth the extra time
Training Deep Neural Nets
Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
Data Augmentation
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
● Data augmentation consists of
○ Generating new training instances from existing ones
○ Thereby increasing the size of the training set
● Let’s understand this with an example
● Let’s say we have to train a model to classify pictures of mushrooms
● Then we can slightly shift, rotate and resize
○ Every picture in the training set and
○ Add the resulting pictures to the training set
○ Thereby increasing the size of the training set
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
Generating new training instances of mushrooms from existing ones
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
● The trick is to generate realistic training instances
● A human should not be able to tell
○ Which instances were generated and which ones were not
● Moreover the modifications we apply should be learnable
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
● These newly added pictures
○ Forces the model to be more tolerant to the
■ Position,
■ Orientation, and
■ Size of the mushrooms in the picture
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
● If we want model to be more tolerant to the lightning conditions
○ We can also generate images with various contrasts and
○ Add them to the training set
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
● It is preferable to generate new images on the fly during training
○ Rather than wasting
■ Storage space and
■ Network bandwidth
Training Deep Neural Nets
Data Augmentation
● TensorFlow offers several image manipulation operations such as
○ Transposing(shifting)
○ Rotating
○ Resizing
○ Flipping
○ Cropping
○ Adjusting the brightness
○ Contrast
○ Saturation and
○ Hue
● These operations makes it easy to implement data augmentation for
image datasets
Training Deep Neural Nets
Practical Guidelines
Training Deep Neural Nets
Practical Guidelines
● In this topic we have covered wide range of techniques
● And common question comes on which one to use
● The configuration shown below works fine in most of the cases
Default DNN Configuration
Training Deep Neural Nets
Practical Guidelines
● Also we should always look for the pretrained neural network solving the
similar problem
● The default configuration which we have shown in the last slide may be
tweaked as per the problem statement
○ If training set is too small then implement data augmentation
○ If we can’t find a good learning rate then trying adding
■ Learning schedule such as exponential decay
○ If we need a lightning fast model at run time
■ Then drop batch normalization and
■ Replace ELU with leaky ReLU
Training Deep Neural Nets
Practical Guidelines
● If we need a sparse model
○ Add some ℓ1 regularization
● With these guidelines
○ We can train deep neural networks
○ But if we use a single machine then
○ It make take days or months for training to complete
○ So be patient :)
○ Else train the model across many servers and GPUs

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Training Deep Neural Nets

  • 2. Training Deep Neural Nets Training Deep Neural Nets ● In previous chapter ○ We introduced artificial neural networks and ○ Trained our first deep neural network ○ It was a shallow NN ■ With only two hidden layers ○ This shallow neural network will not work if ■ We have to deal with complex problems such as ■ Detecting hundreds of objects in high-resolution images
  • 3. Training Deep Neural Nets Training Deep Neural Nets ● In that case, we may need to train a deeper neural network containing ○ Many layers ○ Each layer containing hundred of neurons ○ Connected by hundreds of thousands of connections
  • 4. Training Deep Neural Nets Training Deep Neural Nets Question What will be the challenges in training such a deep neural network?
  • 5. Training Deep Neural Nets Training Deep Neural Nets ● We may face problem of vanishing gradients (which we will cover shortly) ● Training such a large network will take a lot of time ● Such model with millions of parameters may be prone to overfitting
  • 6. Training Deep Neural Nets Training Deep Neural Nets ● In this chapter we will ○ Go through the vanishing gradients problem ■ And explore solutions to it ○ Look at various optimizers that can speed up training large models ● We will also look at ○ Popular regularization techniques for large neural networks
  • 7. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem
  • 8. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● As discussed earlier ○ Backpropagation algorithm works by going from the ○ Output layer to the input layer ○ Propagating the error gradient on the way
  • 9. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Once the algorithm computes the gradient of the cost function ○ With regards to each parameter in the network ○ Then it uses these gradients to update each parameter
  • 10. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Here the problem is that ○ Gradients often get smaller and smaller ○ As the algorithm progresses down to the early layers
  • 11. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Because of this, ○ The lower layer connection weights virtually remains unchanged ○ And training never converges to a good solution ○ This is called the vanishing gradients problem
  • 12. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s understand Vanishing Gradient Problem with an example
  • 13. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s recall sigmoid function ○ Popular activation function for ANN in classification context ○ Its output is in range of 0 to 1 Check the code to plot sigmoid function in the notebook
  • 14. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem # Logit / Sigmoid function plot def logit(z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z)) z = np.linspace(-5, 5, 200) plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-') plt.plot([-5, 5], [1, 1], 'k--') plt.plot([0, 0], [-0.2, 1.2], 'k-') plt.plot([-5, 5], [-3/4, 7/4], 'g--') plt.plot(z, logit(z), "b-", linewidth=2) props = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1) plt.annotate('Saturating', xytext=(3.5, 0.7), xy=(5, 1), arrowprops=props, fontsize=14, ha="center") plt.annotate('Saturating', xytext=(-3.5, 0.3), xy=(-5, 0), arrowprops=props, fontsize=14, ha="center") plt.annotate('Linear', xytext=(2, 0.2), xy=(0, 0.5), arrowprops=props, fontsize=14, ha="center") plt.grid(True) plt.title("Sigmoid activation function", fontsize=14) plt.axis([-5, 5, -0.2, 1.2])
  • 15. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s look at the derivative of sigmoid function Sigmoid Function Derivative of Sigmoid S (1 - S)
  • 16. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s plot the derivative of sigmoid function Derivative of Sigmoid function
  • 17. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s plot the derivative of sigmoid function ● As we can see ○ The output of the derivative of the Sigmoid function is ○ Always between 0 and ¼ (0.25) Derivative of Sigmoid function
  • 18. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Now let’s look at the below univariate neural network ○ It has 2 hidden layers ○ act() is a sigmoid activation function ○ J returns the aggregate error of the model Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
  • 19. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Now as per the chain rule in backpropagation ○ Rate of change in error because of weight w1 is Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
  • 20. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s focus on individual derivative for now Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
  • 21. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● A typical approach of weight initialization in a neural network is to ○ Choose weights using a normal distribution with ■ Mean of 0 and ■ Standard deviation of 1 ○ Hence, the weights in the neural network are usually ■ Between -1 and 1
  • 22. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Now let’s come back to our individual derivative ● As we have seen in the past that ○ Output of derivative of sigmoid function lies between 0 and ¼ ● And we have just discussed that ○ Weights in the neural network are usually between -1 and 1 < ¼ < 1
  • 23. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Important - If we multiply two numbers between 0 and 1 ○ Then the result will always be smaller ○ For example ○ ⅓ * ¼ = 1/12 (which is less than ⅓ and ¼) ● Here we are multiplying 2 values which are between 0 and 1 ○ And the resulting gradient will be smaller < ¼ < 1
  • 24. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Now let’s take another individual derivative Univariate 2-layer Neural Network
  • 25. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● This derivative has ○ Two sigmoid activation function ○ And here we multiply 4 values between 0 and 1 ○ So this gradient will be really smaller than ○ The earlier derivative (∂output / ∂hidden2) < ¼ < ¼< 1 < 1
  • 26. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● So we can see that in the backpropagation as we move backward ○ Gradient just becomes smaller and smaller in every layer ○ And it becomes tiny in the early layers (input layers or the first layers) ○ This is called as Vanishing Gradient Problem < ¼ < ¼< 1 < 1
  • 27. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Let’s understand it once again ● Below is 2-layer neural network Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Backpropagation
  • 28. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Gradients will be largest in the output layer ○ Hence output layer is easiest to train Largest gradients in output layer Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Backpropagation
  • 29. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Hidden layer 2 have ○ Smaller gradients than output layer Smaller gradients in hidden layer 2 than output layer Backpropagation Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2
  • 30. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Hidden layer 1 have ○ Smaller gradients than hidden layer 2 Smaller gradients in hidden layer 1 than hidden layer 2 Input Layer Output Layer Hidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Backpropagation
  • 31. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● As input layer is farthest from the output layer ○ Its derivative will be the longer expression (using chain rule) ○ Hence it will contain more sigmoid derivatives ○ And it will have smallest derivative ○ This makes lower layers slowest to train Smallest derivative in input layer Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Backpropagation
  • 32. Training Deep Neural Nets Question So why Vanishing Gradient is a problem?
  • 33. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem First problem ● Since gradient becomes really small in early layers (input layers) ○ It becomes really slow to train the early layers Flat surface - small gradients. Gradient Descent converges slowly Larger gradients. Gradient Descent converges fast
  • 34. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem First problem ● Also because of small steps ○ May converge at a local minimum instead of global minimum Flat surface - small gradients. Gradient Descent converges slowly Larger gradients. Gradient Descent converges fast
  • 35. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem Second problem ● Since the latter layers are dependent on the early layers ○ If early layers are not accurate ○ Then the latter or lower layers just build on this inaccuracy ○ And the entire neural net gets corrupted ● Early layers are responsible for ○ Detecting simple patterns and are ○ Building blocks of the neural network ○ Hence it becomes important that early layers are accurate
  • 36. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem Second problem ● For example, in face recognition ○ Early layers detects the edges ○ Which gets combined to form facial features later in the network ● And if early layers get it wrong ○ The result built up by the neural network will be wrong Original Image Image seen by neural network
  • 37. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem Exploding Gradients Problem ● Like vanishing gradients problem ○ We can also have exploding gradients problem ○ If the gradients were bigger than 1 (multiplying numbers greater than 1 always gives huge result) ○ Because of this, some layers may get insanely large weights and ○ The algorithm diverges instead of converging ○ This is called Exploding Gradients Problem
  • 38. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● As we have seen deep neural networks suffer from unstable gradients ○ Different layers may learn at widely different speeds ● Because of vanishing gradients problem ○ Deep Neural Network were abandoned for a long time ○ Training the early layer correctly was the basis of network ○ But it proved too difficult that time because of ○ Available activation functions and hardware
  • 39. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● In 2010, Xavier Glorot and Yoshua Bengio published a paper titled ○ “Understanding the Difficulty of Training Deep Feedforward Neural Networks” ● Authors of this paper suggested that root cause of vanishing gradient problem is ○ Nature of the sigmoid activation function derivative
  • 40. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● If input is large, ○ Sigmoid function saturates at 0 or 1 ○ And its derivative becomes extremely close to 0
  • 41. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Thus when backpropagation kicks in ○ There is no gradient to propagate back through the network ○ And the little gradient that exists gets diluted as ○ Backpropagation reaches the early layers ○ So there is nothing left for early layers
  • 42. Training Deep Neural Nets Question So what is the solution of vanishing gradients problem?
  • 43. Training Deep Neural Nets Answer: Good strategy for initializing weights & Use better activation functions
  • 44. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem ● Kaiming He suggested strategy for initializing the weights ○ To avoid vanishing gradients problem ○ It’s called He initialization ○ with below parameters for various activation functions
  • 45. Training Deep Neural Nets Vanishing / Exploding Gradients Problem HE Initialization import tensorflow as tf reset_graph() n_inputs = 28 * 28 # MNIST n_hidden1 = 300 X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X") he_init = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer() hidden1 = tf.layers.dense(X, n_hidden1, activation=tf.nn.relu, kernel_initializer=he_init, name="hidden1")
  • 46. Training Deep Neural Nets ReLU Activation Function ● It turns out that ReLU activation function works better for Deep Neural Networks ○ Because it does not saturate for positive values ○ And it is quite fast to compute ReLU (z) = max (0, z)
  • 47. Training Deep Neural Nets ReLU Activation Function Derivative of ReLU activation function ● It is not differentiable at x = 0 Derivative of ReLU activation function For positive inputs , the derivative is always 1
  • 48. Training Deep Neural Nets ReLU Activation Function Derivative of ReLU activation function ● So with ReLU our gradients will never vanish ● As long as inputs are positive Derivative of ReLU activation function For positive inputs , the derivative is always 1
  • 49. Training Deep Neural Nets Question Do you see any problem with the derivative of ReLU activation function?
  • 50. Training Deep Neural Nets ReLU Activation Function ● ReLU suffers from problem known as the dying ReLUs ● For negative inputs derivative is zero Derivative of ReLU activation function For negative inputs , the derivative is always 0
  • 51. Training Deep Neural Nets ReLU Activation Function Dying ReLUs ● Because of dying ReLUs, during training ○ Some neurons effectively die and ○ They stop outputting anything other than 0 ○ It completely blocks the backpropagation
  • 52. Training Deep Neural Nets Question How do we solve dying ReLUs problem?
  • 53. Training Deep Neural Nets Leaky ReLU ● To solve dying ReLUs problem we use ○ Variant of ReLUs known as leaky ReLU ● Leaky ReLU output a very small gradient when the input is negative Leaky ReLU is the hyperparameter which defines how much the function “leaks” and is typically set to “0.01” = 0.01 RELU(x) = max( x, x)
  • 54. Training Deep Neural Nets Leaky ReLU ● This small gradient ensures that the ○ Leaky ReLUs never die ● In the recent researches it has been shown that ○ Setting = 0.2 (huge leak) results in better performance
  • 55. Training Deep Neural Nets Leaky ReLU # Leaky ReLU plot def leaky_relu(z, alpha=0.01): return np.maximum(alpha*z, z) plt.plot(z, leaky_relu(z, 0.05), "b-", linewidth=2) plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-') plt.plot([0, 0], [-0.5, 4.2], 'k-') plt.grid(True) props = dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1) plt.annotate('Leak', xytext=(-3.5, 0.5), xy=(-5, -0.2), arrowprops=props, fontsize=14, ha="center") plt.title("Leaky ReLU activation function", fontsize=14) plt.axis([-5, 5, -0.5, 4.2]) = 0.01 RELU(x) = max( x, x)
  • 56. Training Deep Neural Nets Leaky ReLU # Implementing Leaky ReLU in TensorFlow reset_graph() X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X") def leaky_relu(z, name=None): return tf.maximum(0.01 * z, z, name=name) hidden1 = tf.layers.dense(X, n_hidden1, activation=leaky_relu, name="hidden1")
  • 57. Training Deep Neural Nets Leaky ReLU Follow the code in the notebook to train a neural network on MNIST using the Leaky ReLU
  • 58. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function ● In 2015, Djork-Arné Clevert et al proposed a new activation function ○ ELU - Exponential Linear Unit ● It outperformed all the ReLU variants in their experiments ○ Training time was reduced and ○ Neural network performed better on the test set
  • 59. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function
  • 60. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function ● In ELU equation, the hyperparameter defines the value ○ That ELU function approaches to when z is a large negative number ○ is usually set to 1 ○ But we can tweak it like any other hyperparameter
  • 61. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function Advantage over ReLU ● It has a nonzero gradient for z < 0 ○ Which avoids the dying units issue ELU ReLU
  • 62. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function Advantage over ReLU ● It is smooth everywhere including around z = 0 ○ It helps speedup Gradient Descent ELU ReLU
  • 63. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function Drawbacks over ReLU ● Because of the use of exponential function ○ It is slower to compute than the ReLU ● But during training this slowness gets compensated by ○ The faster convergence rate ● However during testing ○ ELU networks are slower than the ReLU networks
  • 64. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function # ELU plot def elu(z, alpha=1): return np.where(z < 0, alpha * (np.exp(z) - 1), z) plt.plot(z, elu(z), "b-", linewidth=2) plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-') plt.plot([-5, 5], [-1, -1], 'k--') plt.plot([0, 0], [-2.2, 3.2], 'k-') plt.grid(True) plt.title(r"ELU activation function ($alpha=1$)", fontsize=14) plt.axis([-5, 5, -2.2, 3.2])
  • 65. Training Deep Neural Nets ELU Activation Function # Implementing ELU in TensorFlow reset_graph() X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, n_inputs), name="X") hidden1 = tf.layers.dense(X, n_hidden1, activation=tf.nn.elu, name="hidden1")
  • 66. Training Deep Neural Nets SELU Activation Function ● In June 2017, Günter Klambauer, Thomas Unterthiner and Andreas Mayr ○ Proposed SELU activation function ○ It outperforms the other activation functions ○ Very significantly for deep neural networks ○ Even for 100 layer deep neural network
  • 67. Training Deep Neural Nets SELU Activation Function SELU Function in Python def selu(z, scale=1.0507009873554804934193349852946, alpha=1.6732632423543772848170429916717): return scale * elu(z, alpha)
  • 68. Training Deep Neural Nets SELU Activation Function Plot SELU Function plt.plot(z, selu(z), "b-", linewidth=2) plt.plot([-5, 5], [0, 0], 'k-') plt.plot([-5, 5], [-1.758, -1.758], 'k--') plt.plot([0, 0], [-2.2, 3.2], 'k-') plt.grid(True) plt.title(r"SELU activation function", fontsize=14) plt.axis([-5, 5, -2.2, 3.2])
  • 69. Training Deep Neural Nets SELU Activation Function ● With this activation function ○ Even a 100 layer deep neural network ○ Preserves roughly mean 0 and standard deviation 1 across all layers ○ Avoiding the exploding/vanishing gradients problem
  • 70. Training Deep Neural Nets SELU Activation Function Check the mean and standard deviation in the deep layers np.random.seed(42) Z = np.random.normal(size=(500, 100)) for layer in range(100): W = np.random.normal(size=(100, 100), scale=np.sqrt(1/100)) Z = selu(, W)) means = np.mean(Z, axis=1) stds = np.std(Z, axis=1) if layer % 10 == 0: print("Layer {}: {:.2f} < mean < {:.2f}, {:.2f} < std deviation < {:.2f}".format( layer, means.min(), means.max(), stds.min(), stds.max()))
  • 71. Training Deep Neural Nets SELU Activation Function Follow the code in the notebook to create a neural net for MNIST using the SELU activation function
  • 72. Training Deep Neural Nets Question So which activation function should we use?
  • 73. Training Deep Neural Nets Which Activation Function to Use? Answer In general, SELU > ELU > Leaky ReLU > ReLU > tanh > logistic Vanishing gradient
  • 74. Training Deep Neural Nets Which Activation Function to Use? ● If runtime performance is important then ○ Prefer Leaky ReLUs over ELUs ● Also instead of tweaking hyperparameter ○ We may use default suggested values ■ 0.2 for the leaky ReLUs and ■ 1 for ELU ● If we have spare time and computing power ○ Use cross-validation to evaluate the other activation functions
  • 75. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization
  • 76. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization ● Using He initialization and proper activation functions ○ Like ELU or any variant of ReLU ○ Vanishing / exploding gradient problem significantly reduces ○ But there is no guarantee that ○ This problem will not come back during training ● In 2015, Sergey Ioffe and Christian Szegedy ○ Proposed a technique called Batch Normalization (BN) ○ To address the vanishing/exploding gradients problems
  • 77. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization ● Batch Normalization helps in ○ Vanishing gradient problem and ○ It also helps the neural network to learn faster ● Let’s understand Batch Normalization
  • 78. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● As discussed earlier in machine learning projects ○ Gradient Descent does not work well ○ If the input features are on different scales ○ Like say if we have number of miles individual has driven in last 5 years ■ This data can have a large varying scale ■ As someone might have driven 100, 000 miles ■ While other person might have driven 100 miles ■ So here the range is 100 - 100, 000
  • 79. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● One of the techniques of feature scaling is ○ Standardization ● In Standardization, features are rescaled ○ So that output will have the properties of ○ Standard normal distribution with ■ Zero mean and ■ Unit variance Mean Standard Deviation
  • 80. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling Standardization ● The general method of calculation ○ Calculate distribution mean and standard deviation for each feature ○ Subtract the mean from each feature ○ Divide the result from previous step of each feature by its standard deviation Standardized Value
  • 81. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling Standardization ● As a preprocessing step ○ We apply standardization to the input dataset ○ So that all the features will have same scale ■ With 0 mean ■ And unit standard deviation ○ And Gradient Descent converges faster
  • 82. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling Input Layer Output LayerHidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Two Layer - Neural Network Normalized Input Features
  • 83. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● As we have discussed, if we normalize input features ○ It helps in converging faster ● If we normalize hidden layers also in deep neural network ○ Then it will speed up the learning ○ This is what we do in Batch normalization ■ We normalize hidden layers ○ Now let’s understand how do we do batch normalization in deep neural networks
  • 84. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling X1 X2 X3 Σ Σ A1 A1 Σ Σ A2 A2 Hidden Layer 1 X → Σ → Batch Norm → A1 → Z1 A → Activation FunctionInput Layer Hidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Output Layer
  • 85. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling X1 X2 X3 Σ Σ A1 A1 Σ Σ A2 A2 A → Activation FunctionInput Layer Hidden Layer 1 Hidden Layer 2 Output Layer Hidden Layer 2 X → Σ → Batch Norm → A1 → Z1 → Σ → Batch Norm → A2 → Z2
  • 86. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Algorithm Algorithm for T in 1 ……. number of mini batches: Compute forward propagation for mini-batch X(T) In each hidden layer normalize inputs Use back propagation and update parameters
  • 87. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling x1 x2 x3 y^ ● Let’s say we have a simple network and ● Here normalizing input features helps in Calculate W and b more efficiently Step 1 - Calculate mean W, b
  • 88. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling x1 x2 x3 y^ ● Normalize the input features Step 1 - Calculate mean W, b
  • 89. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling x1 x2 x3 y^ ● Normalize the input features Step 1 - Calculate mean Step 2 - Calculate SD W, b
  • 90. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling x1 x2 x3 y^ ● Normalize the input features Step 1 - Calculate mean Step 2 - Calculate SD Step 3 - Normalize W, b
  • 91. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network μB is the mean, evaluated over the whole mini-batch B
  • 92. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network σB is the standard deviation, evaluated over the whole mini-batch B
  • 93. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network mB is number of instances in the mini-batch B
  • 94. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network X(i) is the normalized output
  • 95. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network ε is a tiny small number to avoid division by zero
  • 96. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network γ and β are parameters which are learnt during training
  • 97. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network Z(i) is the output of the BN operations.
  • 98. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization - Feature Scaling ● Generalize previous steps for the deep neural network ● In general four parameters are trained for each batch-normalized layer ○ μ (mean) ○ σ (SD) ○ γ and ○ β
  • 99. Training Deep Neural Nets Question At the test time how do we test the deep neural network trained with batch normalization as there will not be any mini batch to compute the mean and standard deviation?
  • 100. Training Deep Neural Nets Answer By computing the moving average of whole training set’s mean and standard deviation during training
  • 101. Training Deep Neural Nets Follow code in the notebook to implement Batch Normalization with TensorFlow
  • 102. Training Deep Neural Nets Batch Normalization Drawbacks ● In batch normalization, ○ The neural network makes slower predictions ○ Due to the extra computations required at each layer ● If we need fast predictions ○ We should first check ■ How Plain ELU + He initialization performs ■ Before playing with batch normalization
  • 103. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping
  • 104. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping ● We can reduce the exploding gradients problem ○ By clipping the gradients during backpropagation ○ So that they never exceed some threshold ○ This is called Gradient Clipping
  • 105. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping >>> threshold = 1.0 >>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) >>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) >>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var) for grad, var in grads_and_vars] >>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs) How to apply Gradient Clipping? Step 1 ● Specify threshold and optimizer
  • 106. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping >>> threshold = 1.0 >>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) >>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) >>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var) for grad, var in grads_and_vars] >>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs) How to apply Gradient Clipping? Step 2 ● Call the optimizer’s compute_gradients() method
  • 107. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping >>> threshold = 1.0 >>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) >>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) >>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var) for grad, var in grads_and_vars] >>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs) How to apply Gradient Clipping? Step 3 ● Create an operation to clip the gradients using ● clip_by_value() function
  • 108. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping >>> threshold = 1.0 >>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) >>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) >>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var) for grad, var in grads_and_vars] >>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs) How to apply Gradient Clipping? Step 4 ● Create an operation to apply the ○ Clipped gradients using the optimizer’s ○ apply_gradients() method
  • 109. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping >>> threshold = 1.0 >>> optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate) >>> grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) >>> capped_gvs = [(tf.clip_by_value(grad, -threshold, threshold), var) for grad, var in grads_and_vars] >>> training_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(capped_gvs) How to apply Gradient Clipping? Step 5 ● Run this training_op at every training step ○ It will compute gradients ○ Clip them between –1.0 and 1.0, and apply them ○ Note that threshold is a hyperparameter and can be tuned
  • 110. Training Deep Neural Nets Gradient Clipping Follow code in the notebook to create a simple neural net for MNIST and add gradient clipping
  • 111. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers
  • 112. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Transfer Learning ● It is not a good idea to train a very large DNN from scratch ● We should find an existing neural network if possible ○ Which accomplishes a similar task we are trying to tackle ● If we can find such network ○ Then just reuse the lower layers (early layers) of this network ○ This is called Transfer Learning
  • 113. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Transfer Learning ● There are two major advantages of Transfer Learning ○ It speeds up training considerably ○ It requires much less training data
  • 114. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Transfer Learning - Examples ● Let’s say we have found an existing DNN ○ That was trained to classify pictures ○ Into 100 different categories like ■ Animals, ■ Plants, ■ Vehicles and ■ Everyday objects
  • 115. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Transfer Learning - Examples ● Now we want to train a DNN to classify specific types of vehicles ● These tasks are similar to existing DNN and ● We should try to reuse the pretrained layers of the existing network Reusing pretrained layers
  • 116. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Transfer Learning ● If input pictures in our task do not have the same size as the one in the existing network ● Then we have to add a preprocessing step to resize them to the size ○ As expected by the existing model ● Also transfer learning works only when inputs in our task ○ Have similar low-level features as in the existing model
  • 117. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing a TensorFlow Model ● If the original model was trained using TensorFlow ○ We can simply restore it and train it on the new task
  • 118. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Let’s see example of how to reuse a TensorFlow model
  • 119. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 1 ● To reuse the model ○ First we need to load graph structure ○ Using import_meta_graph() >>> reset_graph() >>> saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("model_ckps/my_model_final.ckpt.meta")
  • 120. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 2 ● Next, get handle on all operations we will need for training ● If we do not know graph structure, then ○ List all the operations using below code >>> for op in tf.get_default_graph().get_operations(): print(
  • 121. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 3 ● Once we know which operations do we need then ○ We can get a handle on them using the graph’s ■ get_operation_by_name() or ■ get_tensor_by_name() methods >>> X = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("X:0") >>> y = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("y:0") >>> accuracy = tf.get_default_graph().get_tensor_by_name("eval/accuracy:0") >>> training_op = tf.get_default_graph().get_operation_by_name("GradientDescent")
  • 122. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing a TensorFlow Model - Step 4 ● Now we can start session, restore the model's state and continue training on data with tf.Session() as sess: saver.restore(sess, "model_ckps/my_model_final.ckpt") for epoch in range(n_epochs): for iteration in range(mnist.train.num_examples // batch_size): X_batch, y_batch = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size), feed_dict={X: X_batch, y: y_batch}) accuracy_val = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={X: mnist.test.images, y: mnist.test.labels}) print(epoch, "Test accuracy:", accuracy_val) save_path =, "model_ckps/my_new_model_final.ckpt")
  • 123. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model
  • 124. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● In general, we restore only part of the original model ○ Especifically early layers ○ Let’s restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3
  • 125. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Get all trainable variables in hidden layers 1 to 3
  • 126. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Create a dictionary mapping the name of each variable in the original model to its name in the new model
  • 127. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Create a Saver that will restore only original model
  • 128. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Create another Saver to save the entire new model, not just layers 1 to 3
  • 129. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Start the session
  • 130. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Restore the variables from the original model’s layers 1 to 3
  • 131. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Train the new model
  • 132. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing only part of the original model ● Restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 Save the whole model
  • 133. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Follow the complete code to restore only hidden layers 1, 2 and 3 in the notebook
  • 134. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Reusing Models from Other Frameworks
  • 135. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks ● If the model was trained using another framework ○ Such as Theano ○ Then we need to load the weights manually ● Let’s see the example of ○ How we would copy the weight and biases from the first hidden layer of a model trained using another framework
  • 136. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks ● Step 1 Load the weights from the other framework manually
  • 137. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks ● Step 2 ● Find the initializer’s assignment operation for every variable ○ That we want to reuse
  • 138. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks ● Step 2 ● The weights variable created by the tf.layers.dense() function is called "kernel"
  • 139. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks ● Step 2 ● Get the initialization value of every variable that we want to reuse
  • 140. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks ● Step 3 ● When we run the initializer, we replace the initialization values with the ones we want, using a feed_dict
  • 141. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Models from Other Frameworks Check the complete code of “reusing models from other frameworks” in the notebook
  • 142. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Freezing the Lower Layers
  • 143. Training Deep Neural Nets Freezing the Lower Layers ● As discussed earlier, lower layers detects the low level details ○ So we can reuse these lower layers as they are ○ This is also called freezing lower layers ● While training a new DNN ○ We generally freeze lower-layer weights ○ So that higher-layer weights will be easier to train ○ Because they won’t have to learn a moving target
  • 144. Training Deep Neural Nets Freezing the Lower Layers ● To freeze the lower layers during training ○ We give the list of variables to optimizer after excluding the variables from lower layers) >>> train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="hidden[34]|outputs") >>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=train_vars)
  • 145. Training Deep Neural Nets Freezing the Lower Layers ● Freeze the lower layers - Step 1 >>> train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="hidden[34]|outputs") >>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=train_vars) ● Gets list of all the trainable variables ○ In the hidden layers 3 and 4 and ○ In the output layer ● This leaves out the variables ○ In the hidden layers 1 and 2
  • 146. Training Deep Neural Nets Freezing the Lower Layers ● Freeze the lower layers - Step 2 >>> train_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="hidden[34]|outputs") >>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, var_list=train_vars) ● Next we provide this restricted list of trainable variables ○ To the optimizer’s minimize() function ● That’s it ○ Now hidden layer 1 and 2 are frozen
  • 147. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Tweaking, Dropping, or Replacing the Upper Layers
  • 148. Training Deep Neural Nets Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers ● While training a new DNN using existing DNN ○ The output layer of the original model is usually replaced ○ As it is most likely not useful at all for the new task ○ Also it may not even have the right number of ○ Outputs/classes for the new task ● Also the upper hidden layers of the original model ○ Are less likely to be useful ○ As compared to early layers
  • 149. Training Deep Neural Nets Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers Question How do we find out right number of layers to reuse?
  • 150. Training Deep Neural Nets Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers ● Try freezing all the copied layers first ○ Then train the model and see how it performs ● Then try unfreezing one or two top hidden layers ○ So that backpropagation can tweak them ○ And see if performance improves ● The more training data we have, the more layers we can unfreeze
  • 151. Training Deep Neural Nets Tweaking, Dropping,Replacing the Upper Layers ● If we still can not get good performance and the training data is less ○ Then try dropping the top hidden layers ○ And freeze all remaining hidden layers again ● We can iterate until we find the right number of layer to reuse ● If we have plenty of training data then ○ Try replacing the top hidden layers ○ Instead of dropping them ○ Also add more hidden layers to get good performance
  • 152. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Model Zoos
  • 153. Training Deep Neural Nets Model Zoos ● As we discussed we can reuse the existing pretrained neural network for our new tasks ● But where can we find a trained neural network for the task similar to ours?
  • 154. Training Deep Neural Nets Model Zoos ● The first place is to look our own catalog of models ○ This is why we should save all our models and ○ Organize them properly so that ○ We can retrieve them later ● Another option is to search in a model zoo ○ Many people after training their models ○ Release the trained models to the public
  • 155. Training Deep Neural Nets Model Zoos ● TensorFlow has its own model zoo available at ○ ● It contains most of the image classification nets such as ○ VCG, Inception and ResNet ■ Including the code ■ The pretrained models and ■ Tools to download popular image datasets
  • 156. Training Deep Neural Nets Model Zoos ● Another popular model zoo is Caffe’s Model Zoo ○ ● It contains many computer vision models trained on various datasets ● We can also use below converter ○ To convert Caffe models to TensorFlow models ○
  • 157. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Unsupervised Pretraining
  • 158. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● If we want to train a model for complex task ○ And we do not have much labeled training data ○ Also we could not find a pretrained model on similar task ● Then in this case how should we tackle the task?
  • 159. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● Try to gather more labeled training data ○ But if it is too hard or too expensive to get the training data ○ Then try to perform unsupervised pretraining
  • 160. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● If we have plenty of unlabelled training data then ○ Try to train the layers one by one ○ Starting with the lowest layer and then going up ○ Using an unsupervised feature detector algorithm such as ■ Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) or autoencoders
  • 161. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● Each layer is trained on the output of the ○ Previously trained layers ○ All layers except the one being trained are frozen
  • 162. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● Once all layers have been trained ○ We can fine-tune the network ○ Using supervised learning (with backpropagation) ● This is the long and tedious process ○ But often works well
  • 163. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● This technique was used by Geoffrey Hinton and his team in 2006 ● It led to the revival of neural networks and the success of Deep Learning ● Until 2010, unsupervised pretraining (typically using RBMs) ○ Was the norm for deep nets ● Only after the vanishing gradients problem was alleviated ○ It became much more common to train ○ DNNs purely using backpropagation
  • 164. Training Deep Neural Nets Unsupervised Pretraining ● Unsupervised pretraining ○ Using autoencoders than RBM (Restricted Boltzmann Machines) is still a good option when we have complex task to solve ■ And no similar pretrained model is available ■ And there is a little labeled training data but lot of unlabeled training data is available
  • 165. Training Deep Neural Nets Reusing Pretrained Layers Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task
  • 166. Training Deep Neural Nets Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task ● Let’s say we want to build a system to recognize faces ● And as a training set ○ We may only have few pictures of each individual ○ Clearly not enough training set to train a good classifier ○ And gathering hundred of pictures of each person will not be practical Solution??
  • 167. Training Deep Neural Nets Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task Solution - ● We can download a lot of pictures of random people from internet ● And train a first neural network to detect ○ If two different pictures are of the same person ● Such a network would learn good feature detectors for faces ● So reusing its lower layers would allow us to train ○ A good face classifier ○ Using little training data which we had
  • 168. Training Deep Neural Nets Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task ● It is cheap to gather unlabeled training data ○ Like in previous example ○ We could download images from internet for almost free ○ But it is quite expensive to label them ● A common technique is to ○ Label all the training examples as “good” ○ And then generate many new labeled training instances ○ By corrupting the good ones and ○ Label these corrupted instances as bad
  • 169. Training Deep Neural Nets Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task ● And then we can train neural network ○ To classify these instances good or bad ● For example ○ Download millions of sentences ○ Then label all of them as “good” ○ Then randomly change a world in each sentence ○ And label the resulting sentence as “bad”
  • 170. Training Deep Neural Nets Pretraining on an Auxiliary Task ● Now if neural network can tell that ○ “The dog sleeps” is a good sentence and ○ “The dog they” is a bad sentence ○ Then it probably knows a lot about language ● Reusing its lower layers will help in many language processing tasks
  • 171. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers
  • 172. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers 1. Training a deep neural network can be painfully slow 2. So far we have seen four ways to speedup training 2.1. Applying a good initialization strategy for the connection weights 2.2. Using a good activation function 2.3. Using Batch Normalization 2.4. Reusing parts of a pretrained network
  • 173. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers ● Speed boost also comes from using a faster optimizer ○ Than the Gradient Descent optimizer ● Popular optimizers are ○ Momentum optimization ○ Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ○ AdaGrad ○ RMSProp and ○ Adam optimization Increasing order of performance
  • 174. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization Analogy ● Imagine a bowling ball rolling down a gentle slope on a smooth surface ● It will start out slowly, but it will quickly pick up momentum until it eventually reaches terminal velocity. ● This is the very simple idea behind Momentum optimization, proposed by Boris Polyak in 1964
  • 175. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization How is Momentum optimization different from Gradient Descent ● Regular Gradient Descent will simply take small regular steps down the slope, so it will take much more time to reach the bottom. ● Gradient Descent simply updates the weights θ by directly subtracting the gradient of the cost function J(θ) with regards to the weights (∇θ J(θ)) multiplied by the learning rate η.
  • 176. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization How is Momentum optimization different from Gradient Descent ● The equation of Gradient descent is: θ ← θ – η∇θJ(θ). ● It does not care about what the earlier gradients were. If the local gradient is tiny, it goes very slowly ● Momentum optimization cares a great deal about what previous gradients were
  • 177. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization How does Momentum optimization work ? ● At each iteration, it adds the local gradient to the momentum vector m, multiplied by the learning rate η, ● And it updates the weights by simply subtracting this momentum vector.
  • 178. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization How does Momentum optimization work ? ● In other words, the gradient is used as an acceleration, not as a speed. ● To simulate some sort of friction mechanism and prevent the momentum from growing too large, the algorithm introduces a new hyperparameter β, simply called the momentum, which must be set between 0 (high friction) and 1 (no friction). ● A typical momentum value is 0.9.
  • 179. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization Advantages of Momentum optimization ● Gradient Descent goes down the steep slope quite fast, but then it takes a very long time to go down the valley. ● Whereas Momentum optimization will roll down the bottom of the valley faster and faster until it reaches the bottom (the optimum) ● In deep neural networks that don’t use Batch Normalization, the upper layers will often end up having inputs with very different scales, so using Momentum optimization helps a lot. ● It can also help roll past local optima.
  • 180. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization Disadvantage of Momentum optimization ● The one drawback of Momentum optimization is that it adds yet another hyperparameter to tune. ● However, the momentum value of 0.9 usually works well in practice and almost always goes faster than Gradient Descent.
  • 181. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Momentum optimization Implementing Momentum optimization Implementing Momentum optimization in TensorFlow is easy : just replace the GradientDescentOptimizer with the MomentumOptimizer >>> optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9)
  • 182. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ● It is a small variant to Momentum optimization, proposed by Yurii Nesterov in 1983, is almost always faster than vanilla Momentum optimization.
  • 183. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ● The idea of Nesterov Momentum optimization, or Nesterov Accelerated Gradient (NAG), is to ○ Measure the gradient of the cost function not at the local position but slightly ahead in the direction of the momentum. ○ The only difference from vanilla Momentum optimization is that the gradient is measured at θ + βm rather than at θ
  • 184. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ● This small tweak works because in general the momentum vector will be pointing in the right direction (i.e., toward the optimum), ● So it will be slightly more accurate to use the gradient measured a bit farther in that direction rather than using the gradient at the original position
  • 185. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ● ∇1 represents the gradient of the cost function measured at the starting point θ ● ∇2 represents the gradient at the point located at θ + βm
  • 186. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ● The Nesterov update ends up slightly closer to the optimum. ● After a while, these small improvements add up and NAG ends up being significantly faster than regular Momentum optimization
  • 187. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient ● Note that when the momentum pushes the weights across a valley, ∇1 continues to push further across the valley, while ∇2 pushes back toward the bottom of the Valley. ● This helps reduce oscillations and thus converges faster.
  • 188. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Nesterov Accelerated Gradient Implementing Nesterov Accelerated Gradient NAG will almost always speed up training compared to regular Momentum optimization. To use it, simply set use_nesterov=True when creating the MomentumOptimizer: >>> optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9, use_nesterov=True)
  • 189. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad ● Gradient Descent starts by quickly going down the steepest slope, then slowly goes down the bottom of the valley ● It would be nice if the algorithm could detect this early on and correct its direction to point a bit more toward the global optimum ● The AdaGrad algorithm achieves this by scaling down the gradient vector along the steepest dimensions
  • 190. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad How does AdaGrad work ? ● The first step accumulates the square of the gradients into the vector s ● The ⊗ symbol represents the element-wise multiplication ● This vectorized form is equivalent to computing si ← si + (∂ / ∂ θi J(θ))2 for each element si of the vector s
  • 191. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad How does AdaGrad work ? ● In other words, each si accumulates the squares of the partial derivative of the cost function with regards to parameter θi ● If the cost function is steep along the ith dimension, then si will get larger and larger at each iteration.
  • 192. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad How does AdaGrad work ? ● The second step is almost identical to Gradient Descent, but with one big difference: ○ The gradient vector is scaled down by a factor of ○ The ⊘ symbol represents the element-wise division, and ϵ is a smoothing term to avoid division by zero, typically set to 10–10
  • 193. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad How does AdaGrad work ? ● This vectorized form is equivalent to computing for all parameters θi ● This algorithm decays the learning rate, but it does so faster for steep dimensions than for dimensions with gentler slopes. ● This is called an adaptive learning rate.
  • 194. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad Advantages of AdaGrad ● It helps point the resulting updates more directly toward the global optimum. One additional benefit is that it requires much less tuning of the learning rate hyperparameter η
  • 195. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - AdaGrad Disadvantages of AdaGrad ● AdaGrad often performs well for simple quadratic problems, but unfortunately it often stops too early when training neural networks ● The learning rate gets scaled down so much that the algorithm ends up stopping entirely before reaching the global optimum. ● So even though TensorFlow has an AdagradOptimizer, you should not use it to train deep neural networks ● It may be efficient for simpler tasks such as Linear Regression
  • 196. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - RMSProp ● AdaGrad slows down a bit too fast and ends up never converging to the global optimum ● The RMSProp algorithm fixes this by accumulating only the gradients from the most recent iterations, as opposed to all the gradients since the beginning of training ● It does so by using exponential decay in the first step
  • 197. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - RMSProp ● The decay rate β is typically set to 0.9 ● It is once again a new hyperparameter, but this default value often works well, so you may not need to tune it at all
  • 198. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - RMSProp Implementing RMSProp >>> optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, momentum=0.9, decay=0.9, epsilon=1e-10) ● Except on very simple problems, this optimizer almost always performs much better than AdaGrad ● It also generally performs better than Momentum optimization and Nesterov Accelerated Gradients ● In fact, it was the preferred optimization algorithm of many researchers until Adam optimization came around
  • 199. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization ● Adam which stands for adaptive moment estimation, combines the ideas of ○ Momentum optimization ○ And RMSProp ● Just like Momentum optimization it keeps track of an exponentially decaying average of past gradients ● And just like RMSProp it keeps track of an exponentially decaying average of past squared gradients
  • 200. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization ● Adam which stands for adaptive moment estimation, combines the ideas of ○ Momentum optimization ○ And RMSProp ● Just like Momentum optimization it keeps track of an exponentially decaying average of past gradients ● And just like RMSProp it keeps track of an exponentially decaying average of past squared gradients
  • 201. Training Deep Neural Nets ● If you just look at steps 1, 2, and 5, you will notice Adam’s close similarity to both Momentum optimization and RMSProp. Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization
  • 202. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization ● The only difference is that step 1 computes an exponentially decaying average rather than an exponentially decaying sum ● But these are actually equivalent except for a constant factor, the decaying average is just 1 – β1 times the decaying sum
  • 203. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization ● Steps 3 and 4 are somewhat of a technical detail ○ Since m and s are initialized at 0, they will be biased toward 0 at the beginning of training ● So these two steps will help boost m and s at the beginning of training.
  • 204. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization ● The momentum decay hyperparameter β1 is typically initialized to 0.9, while the scaling decay hyperparameter β2 is often initialized to 0.999. ● As earlier, the smoothing term ϵ is usually initialized to a tiny number such as 10–8
  • 205. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization ● Since Adam is an adaptive learning rate algorithm, like AdaGrad and RMSProp, it requires less tuning of the learning rate hyperparameter η ● We can often use the default value η = 0.001, making Adam even easier to use than Gradient Descent
  • 206. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Adam Optimization Implementing Adam Optimization in TensforFlow >>> optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
  • 207. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling How do we find a good learning rate ??
  • 208. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling ● Finding a good learning rate can be tricky. ● If we set it way too high, ○ Training may actually diverge ● If you set it too low, ○ Training will eventually converge to the optimum, but it will take a very long time.
  • 209. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling ● If you set it slightly too high, ○ It will make progress very quickly at first, ○ But it will end up dancing around the optimum, never settling down ● We have to use an adaptive learning rate optimization algorithm such as AdaGrad, RMSProp, or Adam, ○ But even then it may take time to settle ● If you have a limited computing budget, you may have to interrupt training before it has converged properly, yielding a suboptimal solution
  • 210. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling ● We may be able to find a fairly good learning rate by training your network several times during just a few epochs using various learning rates and comparing the learning curves
  • 211. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling The ideal learning rate will learn quickly and converge to good solution
  • 212. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling ● We can do better than a constant learning rate: ● If we start with a high learning rate and then reduce it once it stops making fast progress ● We can reach a good solution faster than with the optimal constant learning rate.
  • 213. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling ● There are many different strategies to reduce the learning rate during training. ● These strategies are called learning schedules, the most common ones are now discussed
  • 214. Training Deep Neural Nets Predetermined piecewise constant learning rate ● For example, set the learning rate to η0 = 0.1 at first, then to η1 = 0.001 after 50 epochs. ● Although this solution can work very well, it often requires fiddling around to figure out the right learning rates and when to use them. Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
  • 215. Training Deep Neural Nets Performance scheduling ● Measure the validation error every N steps, just like for early stopping and reduce the learning rate by a factor of λ when the error stops dropping. Exponential scheduling ● Set the learning rate to a function of the iteration number t: η(t) = η0 10–t/r . This works great, but it requires tuning η0 and r. The learning rate will drop by a factor of 10 every r steps. Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
  • 216. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling Power scheduling ● Set the learning rate to η(t) = η0 (1 + t/r)–c . ● The hyperparameter c is typically set to 1. ● This is similar to exponential scheduling, but the learning rate drops much more slowly.
  • 217. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling Implementing a learning schedule with TensorFlow >>> initial_learning_rate = 0.1 >>> decay_steps = 10000 >>> decay_rate = 1/10 >>> global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) >>> learning_rate = tf.train.exponential_decay(initial_learning_rate, global_step, decay_steps, decay_rate) >>> optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, momentum=0.9) >>> training_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step) Run it on Notebook
  • 218. Training Deep Neural Nets Implementing a learning schedule with TensorFlow Understanding previous code ● After setting the hyperparameter values, we create a nontrainable variable global_step (initialized to 0) to keep track of the current training iteration number. ● Then we define an exponentially decaying learning rate, with η0 = 0.1 and r = 10,000 using TensorFlow’s exponential_decay() function. Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
  • 219. Training Deep Neural Nets Implementing a learning schedule with TensorFlow Understanding previous code ● Next, we create an optimizer, in this example, a MomentumOptimizer using this decaying learning rate. ● Finally, we create the training operation by calling the optimizer’s minimize() method; since we pass it the global_step variable, it will kindly take care of incrementing it. Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
  • 220. Training Deep Neural Nets Since AdaGrad, RMSProp, and Adam optimization automatically reduce the learning rate during training, it is not necessary to add an extra learning schedule. For other optimization algorithms, using exponential decay or performance scheduling can considerably speed up convergence. Faster Optimizers - Learning Rate Scheduling
  • 221. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers ● The conclusion is that we should always use Adam optimization ○ We really do not have to know about internals ○ Simply replace GradientDescentOptimizer with AdamOptimizer ○ With this small change training will be several times faster
  • 222. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization
  • 223. Training Deep Neural Nets "With four parameters I can fit an elephant and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk. " -- John von Neumann, cited by Enrico Fermi in Nature 427 Overfitting
  • 224. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization ● Deep neural networks may have millions of parameters ● With so many parameters network ○ has a huge amount of freedom ○ And it can fit variety of complex datasets ○ Also it becomes prone to overfitting
  • 225. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization ● In this section, we will go through ○ Some of the most popular regularization techniques ○ For neural network and how to implement them with TensorFlow ■ Early stopping ■ ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularization ■ Dropout ■ Max-Norm Regularization and ■ Data augmentation
  • 226. Training Deep Neural Nets Faster Optimizers - Comparisions
  • 227. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization Early Stopping
  • 228. Training Deep Neural Nets Early Stopping ● As discussed in Machine Learning course ○ To avoid overfitting the training set ○ A great solution is early stopping
  • 229. Training Deep Neural Nets Early Stopping ● Stop training as soon as the validation error reaches a minimum ● This is called early stopping
  • 230. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization
  • 231. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization ● Just like we apply ℓ1 and ℓ2 regularization for simple linear models ○ We can apply the same regularization to constrain ○ Neural network’s connection weights (not biases) ● To do so in TensorFlow ○ Simply add the appropriate regularization terms to cost function
  • 232. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization ● For example, suppose ○ We have just one hidden layer with weights weights1 and ○ One output layer with weights weights2 ○ Then we can apply ℓ1 regularization like this
  • 233. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization Follow the code in the notebook to implement ℓ1 regularization manually assuming we have only one hidden layer
  • 234. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization ● Manually applying ℓ1 regularization will not be convenient ○ If we have many layers ● In TensorFlow, ○ We can pass a regularization function to the tf.layers.dense() function ○ Which computes regularization loss
  • 235. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization ● This code creates a neural network ○ With two hidden layers and one output layer ○ It also creates nodes in the graph to compute ■ The ℓ1 regularization loss corresponding to each layer’s weights ○ TensorFlow automatically adds these nodes to a ■ Special collection containing all the regularization losses
  • 236. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization ● We just need to add ○ These regularization losses to overall loss, like below code ● Important ○ Don’t forget to add the regularization losses to overall loss ○ Else they will simply be ignored >>> reg_losses = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.REGULARIZATION_LOSSES) >>> loss = tf.add_n([base_loss] + reg_losses, name="loss")
  • 237. Training Deep Neural Nets ℓ1 and ℓ2 Regularization Follow the code in the notebook to implement ℓ1 regularization in neural network with two hidden layers
  • 238. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization Dropout
  • 239. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● Dropout is the most popular ○ Regularization technique for deep neural networks ● It was proposed by G. E. Hinton in 2012 ● Even the state-of-the-art neural networks ○ Got a 1–2% accuracy boost ○ Simply by adding dropout ● 1-2% accuracy boost may not sound like a lot ○ But when a model has 95% accuracy ○ Then 2% accuracy boost means dropping the error rate by 40% ○ (Going from 5% error to roughly 3%)
  • 240. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● It is a fairly simple algorithm ● At every training step, every neuron ○ Including the input neurons but excluding the output neurons ○ Has a probability p of being temporarily “dropped out” ○ Meaning it will be entirely ignored during this training step ○ But it may be active during the next step
  • 241. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● The hyperparameter p is called the dropout rate ○ And it is typically set to 50% ● After training, neurons don’t get dropped anymore ● Let’s understand this technique with an example
  • 242. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout Question Would a company perform better if its employees were told to toss a coin every morning to decide whether or not to go to work?
  • 243. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout Answer Perhaps it would. Who knows :)
  • 244. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● In that case company would be forced to adapt its organization ○ No single person will be responsible for filling the coffee machine ○ Or cleaning the office ○ Or performing any other critical tasks ● So these expertise would have to be spread across many people ● Employees would have to learn to ○ Cooperate with many of their coworkers
  • 245. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout Question What will be the advantages of such a system?
  • 246. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● The company would become much more resilient ● If one person quits, it would not make much difference ● Not sure if this idea will work for companies ○ But it definitely works for neural networks
  • 247. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● Neurons trained with dropout ○ Can not co-adapt with their neighbouring neurons ○ They have to be as useful as possible on their own ○ They also can not rely excessively on just a few input neurons ○ They also must pay attention to each of their input neurons ○ As a result of this ■ They end up being less sensitive to slight changes in the inputs ● In the end we get a more robust network that generalizes better
  • 248. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● To implement dropout using TensorFlow ○ Just apply dropout() function to the ○ Input layer and the output of every hidden layer ● During training dropout function() randomly drops some items ● After training, this function does nothing at all >>> hidden1_drop = tf.layers.dropout(hidden1, dropout_rate, training=training) Just like batch normalization set training to True during training and to False when testing
  • 249. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout Follow the code in the notebook to apply dropout regularization to three-layer neural network
  • 250. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● If you observe model is overfitting ○ Then increase the dropout rate ● Else if model is underfitting ○ Then decrease the dropout rate ● It can also help to ○ Increase the dropout rate for large layers, and ○ Reduce it for small ones
  • 251. Training Deep Neural Nets Dropout ● Please note that dropout does ○ Tend to slow down convergence ○ But it results in a much better model when tuned properly ○ It is worth the extra time
  • 252. Training Deep Neural Nets Avoid Overfitting Through Regularization Data Augmentation
  • 253. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation ● Data augmentation consists of ○ Generating new training instances from existing ones ○ Thereby increasing the size of the training set ● Let’s understand this with an example ● Let’s say we have to train a model to classify pictures of mushrooms ● Then we can slightly shift, rotate and resize ○ Every picture in the training set and ○ Add the resulting pictures to the training set ○ Thereby increasing the size of the training set
  • 254. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation Generating new training instances of mushrooms from existing ones
  • 255. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation ● The trick is to generate realistic training instances ● A human should not be able to tell ○ Which instances were generated and which ones were not ● Moreover the modifications we apply should be learnable
  • 256. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation ● These newly added pictures ○ Forces the model to be more tolerant to the ■ Position, ■ Orientation, and ■ Size of the mushrooms in the picture
  • 257. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation ● If we want model to be more tolerant to the lightning conditions ○ We can also generate images with various contrasts and ○ Add them to the training set
  • 258. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation ● It is preferable to generate new images on the fly during training ○ Rather than wasting ■ Storage space and ■ Network bandwidth
  • 259. Training Deep Neural Nets Data Augmentation ● TensorFlow offers several image manipulation operations such as ○ Transposing(shifting) ○ Rotating ○ Resizing ○ Flipping ○ Cropping ○ Adjusting the brightness ○ Contrast ○ Saturation and ○ Hue ● These operations makes it easy to implement data augmentation for image datasets
  • 260. Training Deep Neural Nets Practical Guidelines
  • 261. Training Deep Neural Nets Practical Guidelines ● In this topic we have covered wide range of techniques ● And common question comes on which one to use ● The configuration shown below works fine in most of the cases Default DNN Configuration
  • 262. Training Deep Neural Nets Practical Guidelines ● Also we should always look for the pretrained neural network solving the similar problem ● The default configuration which we have shown in the last slide may be tweaked as per the problem statement ○ If training set is too small then implement data augmentation ○ If we can’t find a good learning rate then trying adding ■ Learning schedule such as exponential decay ○ If we need a lightning fast model at run time ■ Then drop batch normalization and ■ Replace ELU with leaky ReLU
  • 263. Training Deep Neural Nets Practical Guidelines ● If we need a sparse model ○ Add some ℓ1 regularization ● With these guidelines ○ We can train deep neural networks ○ But if we use a single machine then ○ It make take days or months for training to complete ○ So be patient :) ○ Else train the model across many servers and GPUs