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Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace AG | @basgr
Why web performance optimisation should be more than AMP!
AMP ≠ Silver Bullet
… and feel free to disagree, but please think about it for a minute.
First things first…
AMP certainly helps to push people to take the need
for fast loading sites more seriously.
#1 Drives discussion/innovation
Suddenly, different teams/stakeholders (have to) care
about performance and it becomes an “agenda topic”.
#2 Enables collaboration

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At Peak Ace on Air we were talking about some migration best practices and specifically about "five fatal errors to avoid". Enjoy!

seoseo servicesmigration
Converting existing sites to AMP almost never works, you need to rebuild
the entire HTML & CSS from scratch (which takes time & resources).
#3 Additional effort
Extending CMS capabilities to manage AMP content is expensive,
additional maintenance (IT, editorial, etc.) increases costs further.
#4 Maintenance & costs
Currently, the lack of proper branding possibilities is killing brand
recognition as well as decreasing customer loyalty.
#5 Lack of branding
8 @peakaceag
Can you guess which newspaper is which?
AMP versions of four major German newspapers, without their logo they essentially all
look pretty much the same:

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9 @peakaceag
Can you guess which newspaper is which?
Due to massive limitations, their “look and feel” is totally different from regular branding;
Complex monetisation & marketing automation is hampered due to JS restrictions.
10 @peakaceag
Also, the average user doesn’t understand what happens
Everything they search for will be served to them on Google’s “portal”.
Navigation behaviour changes as well; swiping is THE way to navigate on Google!
#1 #2 #3 #4
Seriously, just putting it on GitHub doesn’t make it less controlled!
#6 Not really open source
They “use” you to make it easy for them (same structure) and even hosted
on Google. Also, consider changed crawl behaviour (another URL).
#7 Crawling

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This document discusses how search engines like Google render and digest web page content. It notes that Google places more importance on text appearing above the fold, without needing to scroll. The document also references Google patents from 2012-2018 that focus on page layout. It indicates that Google limits the CPU consumption used to render pages, and that the prominence and location of content within the rendered page layout is important. Finally, it poses the question of whether optimizing for rendering and search engine processing can help websites rank better in search results.

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seogooglepage speed
… because we are talking web performance!
Maybe all this shouldn’t matter…
Actually, AMP is not really *that* fast…
#8 Google is cheating with speed
15 @peakaceag
AMP magic: pre-fetching, pre-rendering (and caching)
There is ~1 second avg. difference from the pre-
rendering vs. direct load of any AMP. That’s speed
you can’t make up and the perceived load time for
a user is even greater.
16 @peakaceag
AMP vs. regular website: major German newspapers
ZEIT Online as well as stern mostly outperform AMP with their regular sites (well done!)
Source: Peak Ace AG research (March 2018) / @patrickstox found the same:
Publisher Type
Start Render
(in s)
Load Time
(in s)
First Interactive
(in s)
ZEIT Online AMP 1.000 1.168 2.272 1151
ZEIT Online Responsive 0.400 1.985 2.177 1024
stern AMP 0.900 0.907 3.363 1058
stern m-Subdomain 0.300 2.243 2.087 909
Süddeutsche AMP 1.100 1.654 2.804 1817
Süddeutsche Responsive 2.200 4.935 4.988 2768
Spiegel Online AMP 1.100 1.138 2.089 1112
Spiegel Online m-Subdomain 1.500 3.921 5.101 2519

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The document discusses the challenges of indexing JavaScript-powered websites by search engines. It notes that JavaScript rendering takes significant computational resources, straining crawlers' budgets. It also suggests that client-side rendered JavaScript websites have difficulties with search engine indexing and ranking, as content may be missed during Google's two-wave indexing process for JavaScript. The document recommends using server-side rendering, hybrid rendering, or prerendering to help search engines properly index JavaScript websites.

javascript seotechnical seoseo
17 @peakaceag
We are taking what we learned from
AMP, and are working on web
standards that will allow instant
loading for non-AMP web content.
Pre-fetching & pre-rendering outside of AMP?
If you‘ve been following the news, this shouldn‘t have come as a surprise:
Only if you go full PWAMP (Progressive Web App + AMP)
secondary - and following – clicks/interactions will be fast as well.
#9 Only the 1st request is fast
19 @peakaceag
Go full AMP? Sure, what could possibly go wrong!?
Just visit - they are full AMP but ignored important basics!
▪ Update your custom fonts (to WOFF2)
(e.g. for “BMWTypeWebBoldAll” from 101 KB down to 72 KB)
Proper compression
(e.g. logo.png: 8.0 KB instead of 23.0 KB, ditto your favicon.ico)
Better caching strategies
(e.g. the logo or favicon.ico surely won’t change daily)
Page load is not fast enough for 3G
(First Interactive >10 seconds!)
So, what should you do?

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This document discusses various approaches to JavaScript rendering and SEO. It begins by discussing the limitations of prerendering/dynamic rendering, noting that it creates duplicate content and outdated pages. It then discusses alternatives like server-side rendering, hybrid rendering, and static site generators that can improve the user experience. The document cautions against relying solely on prerendering and recommends approaches like server-side rendering that allow search engines to properly index the JavaScript content.

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21 @peakaceag
Please take care of your website first:
(no matter if you like AMP or not)
Using AMP must NOT be an excuse for having a
slow-loading website. Invest in your property to
become best-in-class first, before even considering
using AMP, if at all.”
Because the PageSpeed Insights score is not enough!
#1 Better measurement
23 @peakaceag
Translating experiences to performance metrics
User experience
▪ Is it happening?
› Did the navigation start successfully?
Has the server responded?
▪ Is it useful?
› Has enough content rendered for users
to engage with it?
▪ Is it usable?
› Can users interact with the page or is it
still busy loading?
▪ Is it smooth/delightful?
› Are the interactions smooth and
natural, free of lag and jank?
Corresponding metric
First Paint (FP)/First Contentful Paint (FCP)
First Meaningful Paint (FMP) -> Hero Element Timing
Time to Interactive (TTI)
Long tasks (technically the absence of those long tasks)
24 @peakaceag
Optimising and measuring for painting timings
#1 #2
First Paint (FP)
Time to First Paint – marks the point when the
browser starts to render something, the first bit of
content on the screen.

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In the SEO industry, we obsess on everything Google says, from John Mueller dropping a hint in a Webmaster Hangout, to the ranking data we spend £1000s to gather. Yet we ignore the data Google throws at us every day, the crawling data. For the longest time, site crawls, traffic data, and rankings have been the pillars of SEO data gathering. Log files should join them as something everyone is doing. We'll go through how to get everything set-up, look at some of the tools to make it easy and repeatable and go through the kinds of analysis you can do to get insights from the data.

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25 @peakaceag
Optimising and measuring for painting timings
#1 #2 #3 #4
First Paint (FP) First Contentful
Paint (FCP)
Time to First Paint – marks the point when the
browser starts to render something, the first bit of
content on the screen.
Time to First Contentful Paint – marks the point when
the browser renders the first bit of content from the
DOM, text, an image etc.
26 @peakaceag
Optimising and measuring for painting timings
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
First Paint (FP) First Contentful
Paint (FCP)
First Meaningful
Paint (FMP) / Hero!
Time to Interactive
Time to First Paint – marks the point when the
browser starts to render something, the first bit of
content on the screen.
First Meaningful Paint – the paint after which the
biggest above-the-fold layout change has happened
and your most important element is visible!
27 @peakaceag
Track paint timings with Google Analytics (in theory)
Get the tracking code snippets:
version 62 and up
You must ensure your
PerformanceObserver is
registered in the <head>
before any stylesheets, so it
runs before FP/FCP happens.
(a buffered flag TBD in v.2)
28 @peakaceag
The cool kids’ way of doing this (using GTM)
#1 #3
#2 #4

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Especially in a mobile-first world, fast loading websites are of utmost importance. Also, Google has been very vocal about anything web performance in the last few years and is pushing hard to innovate repeatedly. But performance is so much more! User satisfaction should be the main goal because expectations are clear: You’ve got two to three seconds maximum to deliver, so make it count. During Bastian's SearchLeeds 2018 talk he walked through various advanced topics around web performance optimisation going way beyond Accelerated Mobile Pages (and other short-term solutions) to make any website really, really fast.


Chrome DevTools are a set of free tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser, that offer developers and SEO specialists exceptional insights into underlying SEO issues. In this session, we will look at how to use it for technical SEO auditing, performance testing and crawlability, especially for JavaScript sites.

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edge seoedge seo dan tayloroptimization 2020
29 @peakaceag
This is how it looks like in Google Analytics/Data Studio
GA: Behaviour > events > pages: performance metrics [first-contentful-paint]
Source: Google Analytics
The code and resources required to render the initial view of a web page
#2 Critical rendering path
31 @peakaceag
Critical rendering path optimisation
Initial view
Below the fold
(not critical)
Some (technical) background:

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multiple variations of an engaging product description for an SEO report from a digital marketing agency: Variation 1: Skyrocket your online visibility and dominate your competition with our comprehensive SEO report. • Detailed analysis of your website's current search engine performance • Personalized recommendations to improve your rankings and drive more traffic • Insights on top-performing keywords and content opportunities • Step-by-step action plan to implement high-impact SEO strategies Struggling to get your website seen by your ideal customers? Our SEO report is your secret weapon to unlocking the full potential of search engine optimization. Packed with data-driven insights, you'll uncover the exact steps needed to boost your organic traffic, outrank your competitors, and turn your website into a lead-generating machine. Whether you're a small business or an enterprise-level brand, this report is your roadmap to search engine success. This SEO report is perfect for digital marketing teams, business owners, and entrepreneurs who are ready to take their online presence to new heights. With our expert analysis and optimization recommendations, you'll be able to leverage the power of search to attract more qualified leads, increase conversions, and grow your business like never before. Variation 2: Dominate the search results and stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge SEO report. • Comprehensive audit of your website's current search engine performance • Tailored strategies to improve your rankings across key industry keywords • Insights on content gaps and opportunities to drive more organic traffic • Actionable steps to implement high-impact SEO tactics Struggling to get your business seen by your ideal customers online. Our SEO report is your ticket to search engine dominance. Powered by the latest data and industry best practices, this report will give you the intel you need to outrank your competitors, attract more qualified leads, and turn your website into a lead-generating powerhouse. Whether you're a solopreneur or part of an enterprise marketing team, this SEO report is designed to help you maximize your online visibility and drive real business results. With our expert analysis and optimization recommendations, you'll be able to leverage the power of search to boost your brand awareness, increase conversions, and take your company to new heights. Don't let your competition outrank you - invest in our SEO report and watch your online dominance skyrocket. Variation 3: Uncover the search engine secrets to drive more traffic and leads with our comprehensive SEO report. • In-depth analysis of your website's current search engine performance • Customized strategies to improve your rankings across high-intent keywords • Insights on content gaps and opportunities to attract your ideal customers • Step-by-step action plan to implement proven SEO tactics Struggling to get your business seen by your target audience

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33 @peakaceag
CSSOM: the CSS Object Model
▪ The CSSOM is a “map” of the CSS styles
found on a web page.
▪ It’s much like the DOM (Document Object
Model), but for CSS rather than HTML.
▪ The CSSOM combined with the DOM is
used by browsers to display web pages.
34 @peakaceag
Web browsers use the CSSOM to render a page
If this is external CSS, the browser
needs to wait for the download
35 @peakaceag
Google doesn’t make a single GET request for its CSS!
Because requesting external CSS is more expensive than in-lining everything.
36 @peakaceag
How to know which CSS is critically required?
“Critical” renders in multiple resolutions & builds a combined/compressed CRP CSS:
Critical & criticalCSS on GitHub: &
▪ Minimum: a snapshot of CSS rules to
render a default desktop resolution
(e.g. 1280x1024).
▪ Better: various snapshots for mobile
phones, pad/s & desktop/s – manually
that’d be a lot of work!

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1. The document provides best practices and guidance for migrating websites, with a focus on search engine optimization. It emphasizes thorough preparation, testing changes gradually, and post-migration monitoring to ensure no issues occur. 2. Key steps include preparing the site by fixing errors, gathering URLs, benchmarking performance, and testing changes. All internal links, files, headers and technical elements need to be updated. 3. During implementation, changes should be made gradually and thoroughly tested. Search console needs to be configured for the new site. Post-migration, redirects, errors and performance must be monitored closely.

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Building high performing web pages
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Building high performing web pages

The document discusses how web browsers render web pages in 5 stages: 1) Constructing the object model from HTML tags and content 2) Creating the render tree by omitting non-visible nodes 3) Calculating layout and positioning during the layout stage 4) Painting pixels on the screen during the paint stage 5) Composite layers are ordered and combined during the composite stage It provides tips for optimizing performance such as minimizing critical resources, leveraging caching, prioritizing content, and reducing reflows and repaints.

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Web Client Performance
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Web Client Performance

The document provides tips for optimizing web page performance based on Yahoo's YSlow guidelines. It discusses 12 tips, including making fewer HTTP requests, using a content delivery network, adding expires headers, gzipping components, putting CSS at the top, moving scripts to the bottom, avoiding CSS expressions, making JavaScript and CSS external, reducing DNS lookups, minifying JavaScript, avoiding redirects, and removing duplicate scripts. It also discusses optimizing JavaScript performance through choosing optimal algorithms and data structures, refactoring code, minimizing DOM interactions, and using local optimizations. Measurement of performance is recommended at each stage of the optimization process.

37 @peakaceag
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>CRP loading demo</title>

<style> h1 { colour: green; } </style>

<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />

<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript>

*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());

<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />

<style> h1 { colour: green; } </style>

<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />

<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript>
*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
Putting it all together
Fit the HTML, CSS & JS that’s necessary for “Start Render” into that first 14 kB round trip!
Inline your critical CSS.
Loading non-critical CSS
async using rel=“preload“.
Apply the CSS once it has
finished loading via “onload“.
Fallback for non-JS requests.
Implement loadCSS script for
older browsers.
Highest quality, (more) efficient data compression & smaller files.
#3 New image formats
39 @peakaceag
62% of all web traffic is made up of images...
… and 51% of all URLs load more than 40 images per request.
Average bytes per page by content type Image requests per page
40 @peakaceag
WebP: Google’s alternative to JPEG, PNG, and GIF
Lossy & lossless compression, transparency, metadata, colour profiles, animation, and
much smaller files (30% vs. JPEG, 80% vs. PNG) – but only in Chrome, Opera & Android
Everything about WebP: / & WebP support:

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The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

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Why a good front-end is the primary necessity of any digital solution and how can you, as a web/mobile designer or app owner, can be built a performance-optimized front-end for its users.

front endweb design and development
41 @peakaceag
You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement
Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e., using .htaccess)
Check out cloudinary image optimisation:
42 @peakaceag
There is more: FLIF, BPG, JPEG-XR, etc.
If you’re “image-heavy”, go play with it!
Further reading:
Pretty, varied, colourful, and slow!
#3 Custom web fonts
44 @peakaceag
>70% of all websites use at least one non-standard font!
Result: 114 kB additional data and on average 2.9 HTTP requests.
Font transfer size & font requests Sites with custom fonts
Font transfer size (kB) Font requests

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Web performance has been one of the most talked about web development topics in the recent years. Yet if you try to start your journey with the speed optimisations, you might find yourself in a pickle. With the tooling, you might feel overwhelmed—it looks complex and hard to comprehend. With the metrics: at first glance all of them seem similar, not to mention that they change over time and you cannot figure out which of them to take into account.

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This document discusses different approaches for rendering web content, including client-side rendering (CSR), static site generation (SSG), server-side rendering (SSR), and dynamic rendering for bots. It notes that while CSR is simple to implement and maintain, it has limitations for SEO, link previews, and performance. SSG addresses some of these issues but has challenges for dynamic content and re-rendering. SSR provides benefits like SEO and performance but has more complex infrastructure needs. Dynamic rendering for bots allows serving pre-rendered content only to bots to address SEO and link preview needs while using CSR for users.

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Ideal web page performance How to maximize your content view with minimal attention span of your viewers? Impact of page performance on Business metrics Profiling a Http request Browser Architecture, Critical Rendering Path Applying FFSUx to get optimal webpage performance.

web performance optimizationbrowser rendering engineperformance tuning
45 @peakaceag
Classic scenario: using external CSS
Easy to use with one big disadvantage: CSS is render-blocking!
46 @peakaceag
Asynchronous? Also not very successful and problematic
FOUT (flash of unstyled text) = super annoying flickering
Fighting the FOUT:
47 @peakaceag
How I usually tackle this
Credits: &
48 @peakaceag
New stuff to play around with: “font-display” strategies

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The document discusses a 5-step process for using a CSS grid framework called the 960 Grid System to design a website. Step 1 involves paper prototyping to define expectations. Step 2 is creating an unstyled semantic structure using the 960 Grid. Step 3 adds graphical elements in Photoshop. Step 4 finalizes production by slicing images and applying CSS. Step 5 focuses on testing across browsers before client delivery. Using this process and a CSS framework provides benefits like visual consistency and reduced cross-browser issues.

JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack
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JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Александр Товмач. JAMstack

Вы уже слышали о JAMstack, который пришел на смену SSR и SPA? Подход, который оптимизирует веб приложения так, что они ограничены только скоростью вашего интернет соединения. Никаких просадок при рендере на клиенте, никаких падений серверов от нагрузки, только SEO-friendly приложения без проблем с масштабируемостью.

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performa...
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Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Auditing and Improving the Performa...

Boomerang is an open-source Real User Monitoring (RUM) JavaScript library used by thousands of websites to measure their visitor's experiences. The developers behind Boomerang take pride in building a reliable and performant third-party library that everyone can use without being concerned about its measurements affecting their site. We recently performed and shared an audit of Boomerang's performance, to help communicate its "cost of doing business", and in doing so we found several areas of code that we wanted to improve. We'll discuss how we performed the audit, some of the improvements we've made, how we're testing and validating our changes, and the real-time telemetry we capture for our library to ensure we're having as little of an impact as possible on the sites we're included on. Boomerang is an open-source Real User Monitoring (RUM) JavaScript library used by thousands of websites to measure their visitor's experiences. Boomerang runs on billions of page loads a day, either via the open-source library or as part of Akamai's mPulse RUM service. The developers behind Boomerang take pride in building a reliable and performant third-party library that everyone can use without being concerned about its measurements affecting their site. Recently, we performed and shared an audit of Boomerang's performance, to help communicate the "cost of doing business" of including Boomerang on a page while it takes its measurements. In doing the audit, we found several areas of code that we wanted to improve and have been making continuous improvements ever since. We've taken ideas and contributions from the OSS community, and have built a Performance Lab that helps "lock in" our improvements by continuously measuring the metrics that are important to us. We'll discuss how we performed the audit, some of the improvements we've made, how we're testing and validating our changes, and the real-time telemetry we capture on our library to ensure we're having as little of an impact as possible on the sites we're included on.

performanceweb performanceboomerang
… more?
#1 Client-side/front-end optimisation tasks
▪ Establish a content-first approach: Progressive enhancement,
also prioritise visible above the fold content: 14kB (compressed).
▪ Reduce size: implement effective caching and compression.
▪ Whenever possible, use asynchronous requests.
▪ Decrease the size of CSS and JavaScript files (minify).
▪ Lean mark-up: No comments, use inline CSS/JS only where
necessary or useful.
▪ Optimise images: Reduce overhead for JPGs & PNGs
(metadata, etc.), request properly sized images and try new
▪ Minimise browser reflow & repaint.
All slides on SlideShare:
Use my checklist on SlideShare to double check:
#2 Server-side/back-end optimisation tasks
▪ Use (DNS) pre-fetching & pre-rendering (resource hints).
▪ Use a content distribution network (CDN)/an asset server (as
well as cookie-less domains) to optimise parallel requests.
▪ Switch to HTTPS, combine by utilising HTTP/2 and HTTP/2
specific features (e.g. ServerPush).
▪ Leverage browser caching, also consider using edge caching.
▪ Enable OCSP stapling (for HTTPS) to speed up CA validation.
▪ Database & query optimisations (e.g. mem-caching)
▪ General code & runtime optimisations (e.g. CPU utilisation)
All slides on SlideShare:
Use my checklist on SlideShare to double check:
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53 @peakaceag
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AMP - SMX München 2018

  • 1. Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace AG | @basgr Why web performance optimisation should be more than AMP! AMP ≠ Silver Bullet
  • 2. … and feel free to disagree, but please think about it for a minute. First things first…
  • 3. AMP certainly helps to push people to take the need for fast loading sites more seriously. #1 Drives discussion/innovation
  • 4. Suddenly, different teams/stakeholders (have to) care about performance and it becomes an “agenda topic”. #2 Enables collaboration
  • 5. Converting existing sites to AMP almost never works, you need to rebuild the entire HTML & CSS from scratch (which takes time & resources). #3 Additional effort
  • 6. Extending CMS capabilities to manage AMP content is expensive, additional maintenance (IT, editorial, etc.) increases costs further. #4 Maintenance & costs
  • 7. Currently, the lack of proper branding possibilities is killing brand recognition as well as decreasing customer loyalty. #5 Lack of branding
  • 8. 8 @peakaceag Can you guess which newspaper is which? AMP versions of four major German newspapers, without their logo they essentially all look pretty much the same:
  • 9. 9 @peakaceag Can you guess which newspaper is which? Due to massive limitations, their “look and feel” is totally different from regular branding; Complex monetisation & marketing automation is hampered due to JS restrictions.
  • 10. 10 @peakaceag Also, the average user doesn’t understand what happens Everything they search for will be served to them on Google’s “portal”. Navigation behaviour changes as well; swiping is THE way to navigate on Google! #1 #2 #3 #4
  • 11. Seriously, just putting it on GitHub doesn’t make it less controlled! #6 Not really open source
  • 12. They “use” you to make it easy for them (same structure) and even hosted on Google. Also, consider changed crawl behaviour (another URL). #7 Crawling
  • 13. … because we are talking web performance! Maybe all this shouldn’t matter…
  • 14. Actually, AMP is not really *that* fast… #8 Google is cheating with speed
  • 15. 15 @peakaceag AMP magic: pre-fetching, pre-rendering (and caching) There is ~1 second avg. difference from the pre- rendering vs. direct load of any AMP. That’s speed you can’t make up and the perceived load time for a user is even greater.
  • 16. 16 @peakaceag AMP vs. regular website: major German newspapers ZEIT Online as well as stern mostly outperform AMP with their regular sites (well done!) Source: Peak Ace AG research (March 2018) / @patrickstox found the same: Publisher Type Start Render (in s) Load Time (in s) First Interactive (in s) SpeedIndex ZEIT Online AMP 1.000 1.168 2.272 1151 ZEIT Online Responsive 0.400 1.985 2.177 1024 stern AMP 0.900 0.907 3.363 1058 stern m-Subdomain 0.300 2.243 2.087 909 Süddeutsche AMP 1.100 1.654 2.804 1817 Süddeutsche Responsive 2.200 4.935 4.988 2768 Spiegel Online AMP 1.100 1.138 2.089 1112 Spiegel Online m-Subdomain 1.500 3.921 5.101 2519
  • 17. 17 @peakaceag We are taking what we learned from AMP, and are working on web standards that will allow instant loading for non-AMP web content. Pre-fetching & pre-rendering outside of AMP? If you‘ve been following the news, this shouldn‘t have come as a surprise: More:
  • 18. Only if you go full PWAMP (Progressive Web App + AMP) secondary - and following – clicks/interactions will be fast as well. #9 Only the 1st request is fast
  • 19. 19 @peakaceag Go full AMP? Sure, what could possibly go wrong!? Just visit - they are full AMP but ignored important basics! ▪ Update your custom fonts (to WOFF2) (e.g. for “BMWTypeWebBoldAll” from 101 KB down to 72 KB) Proper compression (e.g. logo.png: 8.0 KB instead of 23.0 KB, ditto your favicon.ico) Better caching strategies (e.g. the logo or favicon.ico surely won’t change daily) Page load is not fast enough for 3G (First Interactive >10 seconds!)
  • 20. So, what should you do?
  • 21. 21 @peakaceag Please take care of your website first: (no matter if you like AMP or not) Using AMP must NOT be an excuse for having a slow-loading website. Invest in your property to become best-in-class first, before even considering using AMP, if at all.”
  • 22. Because the PageSpeed Insights score is not enough! #1 Better measurement
  • 23. 23 @peakaceag Translating experiences to performance metrics User experience ▪ Is it happening? › Did the navigation start successfully? Has the server responded? ▪ Is it useful? › Has enough content rendered for users to engage with it? ▪ Is it usable? › Can users interact with the page or is it still busy loading? ▪ Is it smooth/delightful? › Are the interactions smooth and natural, free of lag and jank? Corresponding metric First Paint (FP)/First Contentful Paint (FCP) First Meaningful Paint (FMP) -> Hero Element Timing Time to Interactive (TTI) Long tasks (technically the absence of those long tasks)
  • 24. 24 @peakaceag Optimising and measuring for painting timings #1 #2 First Paint (FP) Time to First Paint – marks the point when the browser starts to render something, the first bit of content on the screen.
  • 25. 25 @peakaceag Optimising and measuring for painting timings #1 #2 #3 #4 First Paint (FP) First Contentful Paint (FCP) Time to First Paint – marks the point when the browser starts to render something, the first bit of content on the screen. Time to First Contentful Paint – marks the point when the browser renders the first bit of content from the DOM, text, an image etc.
  • 26. 26 @peakaceag Optimising and measuring for painting timings #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 First Paint (FP) First Contentful Paint (FCP) First Meaningful Paint (FMP) / Hero! Time to Interactive (TTI) Time to First Paint – marks the point when the browser starts to render something, the first bit of content on the screen. First Meaningful Paint – the paint after which the biggest above-the-fold layout change has happened and your most important element is visible!
  • 27. 27 @peakaceag Track paint timings with Google Analytics (in theory) Get the tracking code snippets: version 62 and up You must ensure your PerformanceObserver is registered in the <head> before any stylesheets, so it runs before FP/FCP happens. (a buffered flag TBD in v.2)
  • 28. 28 @peakaceag The cool kids’ way of doing this (using GTM) #1 #3 #2 #4
  • 29. 29 @peakaceag This is how it looks like in Google Analytics/Data Studio GA: Behaviour > events > pages: performance metrics [first-contentful-paint] Source: Google Analytics
  • 30. The code and resources required to render the initial view of a web page #2 Critical rendering path
  • 31. 31 @peakaceag Critical rendering path optimisation Initial view (critical) Below the fold (not critical)
  • 33. 33 @peakaceag CSSOM: the CSS Object Model ▪ The CSSOM is a “map” of the CSS styles found on a web page. ▪ It’s much like the DOM (Document Object Model), but for CSS rather than HTML. ▪ The CSSOM combined with the DOM is used by browsers to display web pages. body font-size:16px; h1 font-size:22px; p font-size:16px; p font-size:12px; a font-size:12px; img font-size:16px;
  • 34. 34 @peakaceag Web browsers use the CSSOM to render a page If this is external CSS, the browser needs to wait for the download
  • 35. 35 @peakaceag Google doesn’t make a single GET request for its CSS! Because requesting external CSS is more expensive than in-lining everything.
  • 36. 36 @peakaceag How to know which CSS is critically required? “Critical” renders in multiple resolutions & builds a combined/compressed CRP CSS: Critical & criticalCSS on GitHub: & ▪ Minimum: a snapshot of CSS rules to render a default desktop resolution (e.g. 1280x1024). ▪ Better: various snapshots for mobile phones, pad/s & desktop/s – manually that’d be a lot of work!
  • 37. 37 @peakaceag <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <title>CRP loading demo</title> <!-- critical CSS goes here --> <style> h1 { colour: green; } </style> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other unimportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!--noscript for req. without JS --> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript> <!-- include polyfill for shitty browsers --> <script> *! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); /*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other unimportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!-- critical CSS goes here --> <style> h1 { colour: green; } </style> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other unimportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!--noscript for req. without JS --> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript> *! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); /*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); Putting it all together Fit the HTML, CSS & JS that’s necessary for “Start Render” into that first 14 kB round trip! Inline your critical CSS. 1 Loading non-critical CSS async using rel=“preload“. 2 Apply the CSS once it has finished loading via “onload“. 3 Fallback for non-JS requests. 4 Implement loadCSS script for older browsers. 5
  • 38. Highest quality, (more) efficient data compression & smaller files. #3 New image formats
  • 39. 39 @peakaceag 62% of all web traffic is made up of images... … and 51% of all URLs load more than 40 images per request. Source: Average bytes per page by content type Image requests per page
  • 40. 40 @peakaceag WebP: Google’s alternative to JPEG, PNG, and GIF Lossy & lossless compression, transparency, metadata, colour profiles, animation, and much smaller files (30% vs. JPEG, 80% vs. PNG) – but only in Chrome, Opera & Android Everything about WebP: / & WebP support:
  • 41. 41 @peakaceag You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e., using .htaccess) Check out cloudinary image optimisation: VS.
  • 42. 42 @peakaceag There is more: FLIF, BPG, JPEG-XR, etc. If you’re “image-heavy”, go play with it! Further reading:
  • 43. Pretty, varied, colourful, and slow! #3 Custom web fonts
  • 44. 44 @peakaceag >70% of all websites use at least one non-standard font! Result: 114 kB additional data and on average 2.9 HTTP requests. Source: Font transfer size & font requests Sites with custom fonts Font transfer size (kB) Font requests
  • 45. 45 @peakaceag Classic scenario: using external CSS Easy to use with one big disadvantage: CSS is render-blocking!
  • 46. 46 @peakaceag Asynchronous? Also not very successful and problematic FOUT (flash of unstyled text) = super annoying flickering Fighting the FOUT:
  • 47. 47 @peakaceag How I usually tackle this Credits: &
  • 48. 48 @peakaceag New stuff to play around with: “font-display” strategies More:
  • 50. 50 #1 Client-side/front-end optimisation tasks ▪ Establish a content-first approach: Progressive enhancement, also prioritise visible above the fold content: 14kB (compressed). ▪ Reduce size: implement effective caching and compression. ▪ Whenever possible, use asynchronous requests. ▪ Decrease the size of CSS and JavaScript files (minify). ▪ Lean mark-up: No comments, use inline CSS/JS only where necessary or useful. ▪ Optimise images: Reduce overhead for JPGs & PNGs (metadata, etc.), request properly sized images and try new formats. ▪ Minimise browser reflow & repaint. All slides on SlideShare: Use my checklist on SlideShare to double check:
  • 51. 51 #2 Server-side/back-end optimisation tasks ▪ Use (DNS) pre-fetching & pre-rendering (resource hints). ▪ Use a content distribution network (CDN)/an asset server (as well as cookie-less domains) to optimise parallel requests. ▪ Switch to HTTPS, combine by utilising HTTP/2 and HTTP/2 specific features (e.g. ServerPush). ▪ Leverage browser caching, also consider using edge caching. ▪ Enable OCSP stapling (for HTTPS) to speed up CA validation. ▪ Database & query optimisations (e.g. mem-caching) ▪ General code & runtime optimisations (e.g. CPU utilisation) All slides on SlideShare: Use my checklist on SlideShare to double check:
  • 52. 52 We’re hiring! 25+ Performance Marketing jobs in Berlin! Come and say “hello” or apply via Looking forward to speaking to you! Always looking for talent! Check out
  • 53. 53 @peakaceag Always looking for talent! Check out Bastian Grimm Liked the deck? Here you go: