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Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace AG | @basgr
The latest in #webperf 2018: better metrics, images, custom fonts & CRP
Web Performance Madness
GDPR is actually pretty cool!
3 @peakaceag
USA Today created a superfast GDPR compliant offering
500 vs. 34 requests, 140 vs. 0 JS files, 6 vs. 1 CSS, 5.01 MB vs. 356 kB in size, etc.
0.300 sec
0.345 sec
0.995 sec
1.700 sec
3.604 sec
19.261 sec
Start Render
First Interactive
Load Time
Speed Index
34 859Total Requests
356 kB 5,092 kBBytes in
Fast loading time plays an important role in overall user experience!
Performance = user experience!

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This is my slidedeck for Brighton SEO, taking place on April 27th 2018. It covers my three most important learnings about international SEO and how to set up websites in an international context. Have fun :) Ps: All images were taken from or

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High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5High-Speed HTML5
High-Speed HTML5

Modern Web Apps should be focused, rich, and gorgeous, but they also need to be FAST. After all, being rich and beautiful isn't always enough! With web apps, faster is always better; nobody will ever complain that your site is too fast!

application cacheweb workersdata uri fast but not furious   fast but not   fast but not furious fast but not furious

A talk on interaction performance that was presented at conference in Amsterdam on 8th November 2018

5 @peakaceag
Let’s get this straight – this is what your users expect:
Obviously, slow page loading time is a major factor in page abandonment.
According to a Nielsen report, 47% of people expect
a website to load within two seconds, and 40%
will leave a website if it does not load fully within
three seconds.”
Because the PageSpeed Insights score is not enough!
#1 Better measurement
7 @peakaceag
Translating experiences to performance metrics
User experience
▪ Is it happening?
› Did the navigation start successfully?
Has the server responded?
▪ Is it useful?
› Has enough content rendered for users
to engage with it?
▪ Is it usable?
› Can users interact with the page or is it
still busy loading?
▪ Is it smooth/delightful?
› Are the interactions smooth and
natural, free of lag and jank?
Corresponding metric
First Paint (FP)/First Contentful Paint (FCP)
First Meaningful Paint (FMP) -> Hero Element Timing
Time to Interactive (TTI)
Long tasks (technically the absence of those long tasks)
8 @peakaceag
Optimising and measuring for painting timings
#1 #2
First Paint (FP)
Time to First Paint – marks the point when the
browser starts to render something, the first bit of
content on the screen.

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Migration Best Practices - SMX London 2018
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Bastian Grimm provides best practices for successfully relaunching a website through migration. He emphasizes thorough documentation, testing, and addressing all technical details. Common problems with migrations include missing or incorrect redirects. Post-migration, it is important to monitor performance, check for errors, and ensure proper indexing of the new site.

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My talk from SMX West 2019 in San Jose covering best practices on how to successfully navigate through the various types of migrations (protocol migrations, frontend migrations, website migration, cms migration, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things technical SEO.

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Talking about advanced performance optimization strategies at SMX Stockholm 2012 covering request reduction & optimization, caching, mark-up tuning, database & webserver performance and much, much more!

grimm digitalgoogleseo
9 @peakaceag
Optimising and measuring for painting timings
#1 #2 #3 #4
First Paint (FP) First Contentful
Paint (FCP)
Time to First Paint – marks the point when the
browser starts to render something, the first bit of
content on the screen.
Time to First Contentful Paint – marks the point when
the browser renders the first bit of content from the
DOM, text, an image etc.
10 @peakaceag
Optimising and measuring for painting timings
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
First Paint (FP) First Contentful
Paint (FCP)
First Meaningful
Paint (FMP) / Hero!
Time to Interactive
Time to First Paint – marks the point when the
browser starts to render something, the first bit of
content on the screen.
First Meaningful Paint – the paint after which the
biggest above-the-fold layout change has happened
and your most important element is visible!
11 @peakaceag
Watching a video on YouTube? This is your hero element:
12 @peakaceag
Chrome Dev Tools > Performance > Profiling (Frames)

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xPerformance is fundamentally, a UX concern. Sites that are slow to render or janky to interact with are a bad user experience. We strive to write performant code for our users, but users don’t directly interact with our code - it all happens through the medium of the browser. The browser is the middleman between us and our users; therefore to make our users happy, we first have to make the browser happy. But how exactly do we do that? In this talk, we’ll learn how browsers work under the hood: how they request, construct, and render a website. At each step along the way, we’ll cover what we can do as developers to make the browser’s job easier, and why those best practices work. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of how to write code that works *with* the browser, not against it, and ultimately improves your users’ experience.

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Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -

Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archeology There are a lot of books, articles, and online tutorials out there with fantastic advice on how to make your websites performant. It all seems easy in theory, but applying best practices to real-world code is anything but straightforward. Diagnosing and fixing frontend performance issues on a large legacy codebase is like being an archaeologist excavating the remains of a lost civilization. You don’t know what you will find until you start digging! Pick up your trowels and come along with Etsy’s Frontend Systems team as we become archaeologists digging into frontend performance on our large, legacy mobile codebase. I’ll share real-life lessons you can use to guide your own excavations into legacy code: What tools and metrics we used to diagnose issues and track progress. How we went beyond server-driven best practices to focus on the client. Which fixes successfully increased conversion, and which didn’t. Our work, like all good archaeology, went beyond artifacts and unearthed new insights into our culture. We at Etsy pride ourselves on our culture of performance, but, like all cultures, it needs to adapt and reinvent itself to account for changes to the landscape. Based on what we’ve learned, we are making the case for a new, organization-wide, frontend-focused performance culture that will solve the problems we face today.

Make JavaScript Faster
Make JavaScript FasterMake JavaScript Faster
Make JavaScript Faster

This document discusses ways to make JavaScript faster in web pages. It recommends loading scripts asynchronously or with defer, preloading scripts, reducing CPU time spent evaluating scripts and function calls, budgeting third-party scripts, ensuring proper compression of scripts, and reviewing code coverage to optimize performance.

13 @peakaceag
Track paint timings with Google Analytics (in theory)
Get the tracking code snippets:
version 62 and up
You must ensure your
PerformanceObserver is
registered in the <head>
before any stylesheets, so it
runs before FP/FCP happens.
(a buffered flag TBD in v.2)
14 @peakaceag
This is how it looks like in Google Analytics
Behaviour > events > pages: performance metrics [first-contentful-paint]
Source: Google Analytics
15 @peakaceag
The cool kids’ way of doing this (using GTM)
#1 #3
#2 #4
This needs to go directly
into your HTML mark-up
because GTM doesn’t
support ES6 script atm.
16 @peakaceag
Combine it with Google Data Studio
Test it:

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Migration Best Practices - SEOkomm 2018

My talk from SEOkomm 2018 in Salzburg covering best practices on how to successfully naviate through the various types of migrations (protocal migrations, frontend migrations, etc.) from an SEO perspective - mainly focussing on all things tech.

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[QCon 2011] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimização de Sites
[QCon 2011] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimização de Sites[QCon 2011] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimização de Sites
[QCon 2011] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimização de Sites

The document discusses techniques for optimizing websites to load faster. It provides 12 tips for optimization including enabling GZIP compression, minifying JavaScript and CSS, optimizing image sizes and formats, reducing the number of requests, and combining files. Performance statistics are given showing how even small reductions in load times can significantly increase user engagement and sales.

[FrontInBH 2012] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimizações de sites - ...
[FrontInBH 2012] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimizações de sites - ...[FrontInBH 2012] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimizações de sites - ...
[FrontInBH 2012] Por uma web mais rápida: técnicas de otimizações de sites - ...

The document discusses the importance of optimizing websites for speed. It provides examples showing how page load times impact key metrics like revenue, traffic and conversions. Specific techniques are recommended to optimize assets like images, JavaScript and CSS files to reduce page size and load times. Faster sites are shown to rank better in search engines. The myth that bandwidth is more important than latency is also addressed.

The code and resources required to render the initial view of a web page
#2 Critical rendering path
18 @peakaceag
Critical rendering path optimisation
Initial view
Below the fold
(not critical)
Some brief, technical background:
20 @peakaceag
CSSOM: the CSS Object Model
▪ The CSSOM is a “map” of the CSS styles found
on a web page.
▪ It’s much like the DOM (Document Object
Model), but for CSS rather than HTML.
▪ The CSSOM combined with the DOM is used by
browsers to display web pages.

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Mobile Web Speed Bumps
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As browsers explode with new capabilities and migrate onto devices users can be left wondering, “what’s taking so long?” Learn how HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the web itself conspire against a fast-running application and simple tips to create a snappy interface that delight users instead of frustrating them.

Performance Of Web Applications On Client Machines
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Performance of Web applications on client machines. This paper refers to the performance of Web browsers and applications in general and of JavaScript code on the client machine.

21 @peakaceag
Web browsers use the CSSOM to render a page
If this is external CSS, the browser
needs to wait for the download.
22 @peakaceag
Google doesn’t make a single GET request for its CSS!
Because requesting external CSS is more expensive than inlining everything.
23 @peakaceag
How to know which CSS is critically required
“Critical” renders in multiple resolutions & builds a combined/compressed CRP CSS:
Critical & criticalCSS on GitHub: &
▪ Minimum: a snapshot of CSS rules to
render a default desktop resolution
(e.g. 1280x1024).
▪ Better: various snapshots for mobile
phones, pad/s & desktop/s – manually
that’d be a lot of work!
24 @peakaceag
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<title>CRP loading demo</title>

<style> h1 { colour: green; } </style>

<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />

<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript>

*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());

<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />

<style> h1 { colour: green; } </style>

<link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" />

<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript>
*! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
/*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */
(function(){ ... } ());
Putting it all together
Fit the HTML, CSS & JS that’s necessary for “Start Render” into that first 14 kB round trip!
Inline your critical CSS.
Loading non-critical CSS
async using rel=“preload“.
Apply the CSS once it has
finished loading via “onload“.
Fallback for non-JS requests.
Implement loadCSS script for
older browsers.

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Performance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin HowlettPerformance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett

Performance is important for user experience. While some myths exist around performance, such as XML being much slower than JSON, tests show they are essentially identical. Easy techniques can improve performance, such as using content delivery networks and image compression. Emerging standards like HTTP 2.0, server-side push, and WebSockets allow pushing data to clients. Frameworks like MessagePack provide smaller binary serialization. Proper use of threading, reusing elements, preloading, and prioritizing content can also boost performance. The perception of speed matters - even 100ms delays impact user behavior.

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Google Developer Days Japan 2009 - Designing OpenSocial Apps For Speed and Scale Original slides from Arne Roomann-Kurrik & Chris Chabot with a few Zen quotes and references added by me:-)

SearchLeeds 2018 - Bastian Grimm - Peak Ace - International site speed: Going...
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SearchLeeds 2018 - Bastian Grimm - Peak Ace - International site speed: Going...

Especially in a mobile-first world, fast loading websites are of utmost importance. Also, Google has been very vocal about anything web performance in the last few years and is pushing hard to innovate repeatedly. But performance is so much more! User satisfaction should be the main goal because expectations are clear: You’ve got two to three seconds maximum to deliver, so make it count. During Bastian's SearchLeeds 2018 talk he walked through various advanced topics around web performance optimisation going way beyond Accelerated Mobile Pages (and other short-term solutions) to make any website really, really fast.

Let’s look at an implementation…
Is it worth all the effort?
26 @peakaceag
Before & after: a fresh WordPress setup #1
HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, custom fonts), no caching
and no other performance optimisations
27 @peakaceag
Before & after: a fresh WordPress setup #2
HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, custom fonts), W3Total (CSS,
JS, HTML minify, caching, compression)
28 @peakaceag
Before & after: a fresh WordPress setup #3
HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, custom fonts), W3Total (CSS,
JS, HTML minify, caching, compression) + CRP CSS inlined

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The document discusses three tips for optimizing website speed: 1) Using new image formats like WebP that are smaller in file size than JPEG and PNG, 2) Optimizing custom webfonts to reduce file size and number of HTTP requests, and 3) Implementing HTTP/2 to enable multiple requests over a single connection and reduce latency. It also covers critical path rendering which involves optimizing the resources needed to render the initial view above the fold.

site speedsite performancespeed
Complete SEO Report with checklist required
Complete SEO Report with checklist requiredComplete SEO Report with checklist required
Complete SEO Report with checklist required

multiple variations of an engaging product description for an SEO report from a digital marketing agency: Variation 1: Skyrocket your online visibility and dominate your competition with our comprehensive SEO report. • Detailed analysis of your website's current search engine performance • Personalized recommendations to improve your rankings and drive more traffic • Insights on top-performing keywords and content opportunities • Step-by-step action plan to implement high-impact SEO strategies Struggling to get your website seen by your ideal customers? Our SEO report is your secret weapon to unlocking the full potential of search engine optimization. Packed with data-driven insights, you'll uncover the exact steps needed to boost your organic traffic, outrank your competitors, and turn your website into a lead-generating machine. Whether you're a small business or an enterprise-level brand, this report is your roadmap to search engine success. This SEO report is perfect for digital marketing teams, business owners, and entrepreneurs who are ready to take their online presence to new heights. With our expert analysis and optimization recommendations, you'll be able to leverage the power of search to attract more qualified leads, increase conversions, and grow your business like never before. Variation 2: Dominate the search results and stay ahead of the competition with our cutting-edge SEO report. • Comprehensive audit of your website's current search engine performance • Tailored strategies to improve your rankings across key industry keywords • Insights on content gaps and opportunities to drive more organic traffic • Actionable steps to implement high-impact SEO tactics Struggling to get your business seen by your ideal customers online. Our SEO report is your ticket to search engine dominance. Powered by the latest data and industry best practices, this report will give you the intel you need to outrank your competitors, attract more qualified leads, and turn your website into a lead-generating powerhouse. Whether you're a solopreneur or part of an enterprise marketing team, this SEO report is designed to help you maximize your online visibility and drive real business results. With our expert analysis and optimization recommendations, you'll be able to leverage the power of search to boost your brand awareness, increase conversions, and take your company to new heights. Don't let your competition outrank you - invest in our SEO report and watch your online dominance skyrocket. Variation 3: Uncover the search engine secrets to drive more traffic and leads with our comprehensive SEO report. • In-depth analysis of your website's current search engine performance • Customized strategies to improve your rankings across high-intent keywords • Insights on content gaps and opportunities to attract your ideal customers • Step-by-step action plan to implement proven SEO tactics Struggling to get your business seen by your target audience

digital marketing agencysocial media marketingcomplete seo
Word press optimizations
Word press optimizations Word press optimizations
Word press optimizations

Optimizing a WordPress site can improve page speed and user experience. A speed test identifies issues like large images, unnecessary JavaScript, and third-party plugins as potential problems. Solutions include image optimization and sprites, JavaScript consolidation and proper placement, code compression, caching, and reducing third-party assets. With these optimizations, a site can improve its speed grade from a D to an A.

29 @peakaceag
Performance metrics comparison at a glance
Rendering starts significantly earlier; this allows for faster interaction with the site.
Load Time
Time to First Byte (TTFB)
Start Render
Time to Interactive (TTI)
1.357 sec
0.454 sec
1.000 sec
0.956 sec
0.791 sec
0.159 sec
0.600 sec
0.931 sec
0.789 sec
0.157 sec
0.410 sec
0.563 sec
Highest quality, (more) efficient data compression & smaller files
#3 Image optimisation
31 @peakaceag
62% of all web traffic is made up of images...
… and 51% of all URLs load more than 40 images per request.
Average bytes per page by content type Image requests per page
32 @peakaceag
Basic optimisation for all images: put ‘em on a diet!
tinyPNG & tinyJPG for smart (lossy) compression & removal of metadata et al. |

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Building high performing web pages
Building high performing web pagesBuilding high performing web pages
Building high performing web pages

The document discusses how web browsers render web pages in 5 stages: 1) Constructing the object model from HTML tags and content 2) Creating the render tree by omitting non-visible nodes 3) Calculating layout and positioning during the layout stage 4) Painting pixels on the screen during the paint stage 5) Composite layers are ordered and combined during the composite stage It provides tips for optimizing performance such as minimizing critical resources, leveraging caching, prioritizing content, and reducing reflows and repaints.

high performing web pagesmake your website load fasterhow to build fast loading web sites
#Webperf Choreography
#Webperf Choreography#Webperf Choreography
#Webperf Choreography

In this session I will show you how modern browsers and sites can coordinate the dance of loading & rendering to deliver a web that is fast where it matters to users. The biggest leaps in browser improvements, including Firefox Quantum, focused on areas like scheduling, breaking up and parallelizing work. Discover where you can benefit from fine control and what aspects of performance you can leave to the browser. Applying this knowledge will help you build fluid, native-like experiences that can handle the growing complexity of the web.

Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 DublinWhats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin
Whats Next in SEO & CRO - 3XE Conference 2018 Dublin

My talk from 3XE in Dublin covering why I believe that thinking in silos will hurt your 2018 marketing efforts significantly!

seocrovoice search
33 @peakaceag
WebP: Google’s alternative to JPEG, PNG, and GIF
Lossy & lossless compression, transparency, metadata, colour profiles, animation, and
much smaller files (30% vs. JPEG, 80% vs. PNG) – but only in Chrome, Opera & Android
Everything about WebP: / & WebP support:
34 @peakaceag
You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement
Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e., using .htaccess)
35 @peakaceag
There is way more: FLIF, BPG, JPEG-XR, etc.
If you’re “image-heavy”, play around with it!
Further reading:
36 @peakaceag
SEMrush (blog) could save 80-90% of it’s image traffic
Better compression combined with modern image formats (i.e. WebP & JPEG-XR)

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Practical Performance Tips and Tricks to Make Your HTML/JavaScript Apps Faster
Practical Performance Tips and Tricks to Make Your HTML/JavaScript Apps FasterPractical Performance Tips and Tricks to Make Your HTML/JavaScript Apps Faster
Practical Performance Tips and Tricks to Make Your HTML/JavaScript Apps Faster

How to tackle real-world web platform performance problems in modern websites and apps? This session starts with a basic understanding of the web platform and then explores to a set of problem/solution pairs built from industry-standard performance guidance. In the talk, we will demonstrate performance tips and tricks that will help you improve the performance of your apps and sites today. We will discuss the following respond to network requests, speed and responsiveness, optimizing media usage, and writing fast JavaScript. These performance tips and tricks apply equally to web sites that run on standards based web browsers, as well as to modern apps.

performance tipsweb performancehtml5
Navigating the critical rendering path - Jamie Alberico - VirtuaCon
Navigating the critical rendering path -  Jamie Alberico - VirtuaConNavigating the critical rendering path -  Jamie Alberico - VirtuaCon
Navigating the critical rendering path - Jamie Alberico - VirtuaCon

What happens when you combine Mobile First Index, Performance, and JavaScript? You find the critical rendering path. This talk will look at how these 3 major components of search can guide your strategy and tactical ways to improve them.

PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson
PAC 2019 virtual Mark TomlinsonPAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson
PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson

This document discusses web performance optimization techniques. It is a summary of rules for web performance by Mark Tomlinson, who has 27 years of experience in performance. Some of the key techniques discussed include reducing HTTP requests, optimizing file compression, minimizing code, improving web font and image performance, prefetching resources, avoiding unnecessary redirects, and optimizing infrastructure and databases. The document emphasizes measuring performance through load testing and monitoring to identify bottlenecks.

Pretty, varied, colourful, and often very slow!
#4 Custom web fonts
38 @peakaceag
>70% of all websites use at least one non-standard font!
Result: 114 kB of additional data and on average 3 additional HTTP requests
Font transfer size & font requests Sites with custom fonts
Font transfer size (kB) Font requests
39 @peakaceag
Classic scenario: using external CSS
Easy to use with one big disadvantage: it’s render-blocking!
CSS (font) call to Google causes
the render to stop / block until
the download has been finished!
FOIT (flash of invisible text) or FOUT (flash of unstyled text)
can cause annoying flickering

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SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick StoxSMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox
SMX Advanced 2018 SEO for Javascript Frameworks by Patrick Stox

The document discusses SEO considerations for JavaScript frameworks. It notes that SEOs need to understand how JavaScript works and how search engines handle it, as many developers are not familiar with SEO. It provides tips for SEOs, including that search engines don't interact with the page content in the same way users do, and content should be loaded by default without user interaction. It also discusses different approaches to rendering pages for search engines like server-side rendering versus client-side rendering.

seotechnical seojavascript

Chrome DevTools are a set of free tools built directly into the Google Chrome browser, that offer developers and SEO specialists exceptional insights into underlying SEO issues. In this session, we will look at how to use it for technical SEO auditing, performance testing and crawlability, especially for JavaScript sites.

Frontend Performance: Illusions & browser rendering
Frontend Performance: Illusions & browser renderingFrontend Performance: Illusions & browser rendering
Frontend Performance: Illusions & browser rendering

Brief explanation of how browsers make sense of and render our mess. The path to the first paint - why it is important and how to get there faster. Rendering performance - how not to shoot yourself in the foot. Drupal - the current situation

frontend performancedrupal
41 @peakaceag
Fighting the flash of unstyled text/content
Make your fall-back font match the intended web font (letter spacing, heights, etc.)
Give it a try:
42 @peakaceag
Fighting the flash of invisible text
New stuff to play around with: various “font-display” strategies (no IE/Edge yet)
‘font-display’ allows to display text while the font for it is still loading!
43 @peakaceag
Don‘t miss Monica Dinculescu‘s great talk titled
„Fontastic Web Performance“
Watch the full talk:
If you can only do one thing, I’d recommend doing this:
100ms blocking period, but no swap. Even after it’s downloaded (only on next page view)
Go to your CSS file, look for @font-face and add
’font-display:optional’ - there hasn’t been a
safer & easier gain in #webperf in a long time!

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How and Why ($) to improve web performance.pdf
How and Why ($) to improve web performance.pdfHow and Why ($) to improve web performance.pdf
How and Why ($) to improve web performance.pdf

During this talk about web performance, you will discover how to make your website faster and more usable, and how this leads to an improvement in user experience and an increase of visibility of your site on search engines, even reducing digital marketing costs. Andrea will share his extensive web performance experience and provide practical, high-impact, and easily applicable tips on how to improve performance in 2023. Andrea Verlicchi is a Google Developer Expert for Web Performance, he has extensive experience in this sector, having worked with some of the largest companies in the world to improve their web performance. Andrea writes about the web in important specialized magazines and regularly shares his know-how in conferences and Meetups all over Europe.

web performancecore web vitalsseo

This document provides practical strategies for improving front-end performance of websites. It discusses specific techniques like making fewer HTTP requests by combining files, leveraging browser caching with far-future expires headers, gzipping components, using CSS sprites, and deploying assets on a content delivery network. It also summarizes key rules from tools like YSlow and PageSpeed for optimizing front-end performance.

Front end optimization
Front end optimizationFront end optimization
Front end optimization

Front end optimization is important because 80% of end-user response time is spent on the front-end and front-end optimization can cut page load times by 25-50%. Page load times significantly impact user experience and business metrics. Tools like Yslow and Google PageSpeed can help identify optimization opportunities. Image optimization, minimizing HTTP requests by combining files, and reducing payload sizes are some techniques that should be applied from the start of a project. Progressive page loading, splitting components across domains, browser caching, and preloading components can further improve performance.

drupaldrupal themingperformance
45 @peakaceag
e-mail me >
Bastian Grimm
Want the deck?

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Peter Lubbers fast but not furious   fast but not   fast but not furious fast but not furious
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Bastian Grimm
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The latest in site speed: advanced #webperf 2018

  • 1. Bastian Grimm, Peak Ace AG | @basgr The latest in #webperf 2018: better metrics, images, custom fonts & CRP Web Performance Madness
  • 2. GDPR is actually pretty cool!
  • 3. 3 @peakaceag USA Today created a superfast GDPR compliant offering 500 vs. 34 requests, 140 vs. 0 JS files, 6 vs. 1 CSS, 5.01 MB vs. 356 kB in size, etc. EU 0.300 sec 0.345 sec 0.995 sec 443 US 1.700 sec 3.604 sec 19.261 sec 8,792 Start Render First Interactive Load Time Speed Index 34 859Total Requests 356 kB 5,092 kBBytes in
  • 4. Fast loading time plays an important role in overall user experience! Performance = user experience!
  • 5. 5 @peakaceag Let’s get this straight – this is what your users expect: Obviously, slow page loading time is a major factor in page abandonment. According to a Nielsen report, 47% of people expect a website to load within two seconds, and 40% will leave a website if it does not load fully within three seconds.”
  • 6. Because the PageSpeed Insights score is not enough! #1 Better measurement
  • 7. 7 @peakaceag Translating experiences to performance metrics User experience ▪ Is it happening? › Did the navigation start successfully? Has the server responded? ▪ Is it useful? › Has enough content rendered for users to engage with it? ▪ Is it usable? › Can users interact with the page or is it still busy loading? ▪ Is it smooth/delightful? › Are the interactions smooth and natural, free of lag and jank? Corresponding metric First Paint (FP)/First Contentful Paint (FCP) First Meaningful Paint (FMP) -> Hero Element Timing Time to Interactive (TTI) Long tasks (technically the absence of those long tasks)
  • 8. 8 @peakaceag Optimising and measuring for painting timings #1 #2 First Paint (FP) Time to First Paint – marks the point when the browser starts to render something, the first bit of content on the screen.
  • 9. 9 @peakaceag Optimising and measuring for painting timings #1 #2 #3 #4 First Paint (FP) First Contentful Paint (FCP) Time to First Paint – marks the point when the browser starts to render something, the first bit of content on the screen. Time to First Contentful Paint – marks the point when the browser renders the first bit of content from the DOM, text, an image etc.
  • 10. 10 @peakaceag Optimising and measuring for painting timings #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 First Paint (FP) First Contentful Paint (FCP) First Meaningful Paint (FMP) / Hero! Time to Interactive (TTI) Time to First Paint – marks the point when the browser starts to render something, the first bit of content on the screen. First Meaningful Paint – the paint after which the biggest above-the-fold layout change has happened and your most important element is visible!
  • 11. 11 @peakaceag Watching a video on YouTube? This is your hero element:
  • 12. 12 @peakaceag Chrome Dev Tools > Performance > Profiling (Frames)
  • 13. 13 @peakaceag Track paint timings with Google Analytics (in theory) Get the tracking code snippets: version 62 and up You must ensure your PerformanceObserver is registered in the <head> before any stylesheets, so it runs before FP/FCP happens. (a buffered flag TBD in v.2)
  • 14. 14 @peakaceag This is how it looks like in Google Analytics Behaviour > events > pages: performance metrics [first-contentful-paint] Source: Google Analytics
  • 15. 15 @peakaceag The cool kids’ way of doing this (using GTM) #1 #3 #2 #4 This needs to go directly into your HTML mark-up because GTM doesn’t support ES6 script atm.
  • 16. 16 @peakaceag Combine it with Google Data Studio Test it:
  • 17. The code and resources required to render the initial view of a web page #2 Critical rendering path
  • 18. 18 @peakaceag Critical rendering path optimisation Initial view (critical) Below the fold (not critical)
  • 19. Some brief, technical background:
  • 20. 20 @peakaceag CSSOM: the CSS Object Model ▪ The CSSOM is a “map” of the CSS styles found on a web page. ▪ It’s much like the DOM (Document Object Model), but for CSS rather than HTML. ▪ The CSSOM combined with the DOM is used by browsers to display web pages. body font-size:16px; h1 font-size:22px; p font-size:16px; p font-size:12px; a font-size:12px; img font-size:16px;
  • 21. 21 @peakaceag Web browsers use the CSSOM to render a page If this is external CSS, the browser needs to wait for the download.
  • 22. 22 @peakaceag Google doesn’t make a single GET request for its CSS! Because requesting external CSS is more expensive than inlining everything.
  • 23. 23 @peakaceag How to know which CSS is critically required “Critical” renders in multiple resolutions & builds a combined/compressed CRP CSS: Critical & criticalCSS on GitHub: & ▪ Minimum: a snapshot of CSS rules to render a default desktop resolution (e.g. 1280x1024). ▪ Better: various snapshots for mobile phones, pad/s & desktop/s – manually that’d be a lot of work!
  • 24. 24 @peakaceag <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <title>CRP loading demo</title> <!-- critical CSS goes here --> <style> h1 { colour: green; } </style> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other unimportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!--noscript for req. without JS --> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript> <!-- include polyfill for shitty browsers --> <script> *! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); /*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other unimportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!-- critical CSS goes here --> <style> h1 { colour: green; } </style> <!-- use async preload // no IE, Edge & some other unimportant ones ( --> <link rel="preload" href="non-critical.css" as="style" onload="this.rel='stylesheet'" /> <!--noscript for req. without JS --> <noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="non-critical.css"></noscript> *! loadCSS. [c]2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); /*! loadCSS rel=preload polyfill. [c] 2017 Filament Group, Inc. MIT License */ (function(){ ... } ()); Putting it all together Fit the HTML, CSS & JS that’s necessary for “Start Render” into that first 14 kB round trip! Inline your critical CSS. 1 Loading non-critical CSS async using rel=“preload“. 2 Apply the CSS once it has finished loading via “onload“. 3 Fallback for non-JS requests. 4 Implement loadCSS script for older browsers. 5
  • 25. Let’s look at an implementation… Is it worth all the effort?
  • 26. 26 @peakaceag Before & after: a fresh WordPress setup #1 HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, custom fonts), no caching and no other performance optimisations
  • 27. 27 @peakaceag Before & after: a fresh WordPress setup #2 HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, custom fonts), W3Total (CSS, JS, HTML minify, caching, compression)
  • 28. 28 @peakaceag Before & after: a fresh WordPress setup #3 HTTP, no HTTP/2, Twenty Seventeen theme (1x CSS, 8x JS, custom fonts), W3Total (CSS, JS, HTML minify, caching, compression) + CRP CSS inlined
  • 29. 29 @peakaceag Performance metrics comparison at a glance Rendering starts significantly earlier; this allows for faster interaction with the site. KPI / MEASUREMENT Load Time Time to First Byte (TTFB) Start Render Time to Interactive (TTI) DEFAULT WP 1.357 sec 0.454 sec 1.000 sec 0.956 sec BASICS (W3TOTAL) 0.791 sec 0.159 sec 0.600 sec 0.931 sec FULLY OPTIMISED 0.789 sec 0.157 sec 0.410 sec 0.563 sec (+32%) (+41%)
  • 30. Highest quality, (more) efficient data compression & smaller files #3 Image optimisation
  • 31. 31 @peakaceag 62% of all web traffic is made up of images... … and 51% of all URLs load more than 40 images per request. Source: Average bytes per page by content type Image requests per page
  • 32. 32 @peakaceag Basic optimisation for all images: put ‘em on a diet! tinyPNG & tinyJPG for smart (lossy) compression & removal of metadata et al. |
  • 33. 33 @peakaceag WebP: Google’s alternative to JPEG, PNG, and GIF Lossy & lossless compression, transparency, metadata, colour profiles, animation, and much smaller files (30% vs. JPEG, 80% vs. PNG) – but only in Chrome, Opera & Android Everything about WebP: / & WebP support:
  • 34. 34 @peakaceag You can still use WebP with on-the-fly replacement Swap PNG and JPEG images per re-write (i.e., using .htaccess) VS.
  • 35. 35 @peakaceag There is way more: FLIF, BPG, JPEG-XR, etc. If you’re “image-heavy”, play around with it! Further reading:
  • 36. 36 @peakaceag SEMrush (blog) could save 80-90% of it’s image traffic Better compression combined with modern image formats (i.e. WebP & JPEG-XR)
  • 37. Pretty, varied, colourful, and often very slow! #4 Custom web fonts
  • 38. 38 @peakaceag >70% of all websites use at least one non-standard font! Result: 114 kB of additional data and on average 3 additional HTTP requests Source: Font transfer size & font requests Sites with custom fonts Font transfer size (kB) Font requests
  • 39. 39 @peakaceag Classic scenario: using external CSS Easy to use with one big disadvantage: it’s render-blocking! CSS (font) call to Google causes the render to stop / block until the download has been finished!
  • 40. FOIT (flash of invisible text) or FOUT (flash of unstyled text) can cause annoying flickering Asynchronous?
  • 41. 41 @peakaceag Fighting the flash of unstyled text/content Make your fall-back font match the intended web font (letter spacing, heights, etc.) Give it a try:
  • 42. 42 @peakaceag Fighting the flash of invisible text New stuff to play around with: various “font-display” strategies (no IE/Edge yet) More: ‘font-display’ allows to display text while the font for it is still loading!
  • 43. 43 @peakaceag Don‘t miss Monica Dinculescu‘s great talk titled „Fontastic Web Performance“ Watch the full talk:
  • 44. 44 If you can only do one thing, I’d recommend doing this: 100ms blocking period, but no swap. Even after it’s downloaded (only on next page view) Go to your CSS file, look for @font-face and add ’font-display:optional’ - there hasn’t been a safer & easier gain in #webperf in a long time!
  • 45. 45 @peakaceag e-mail me > ALWAYS LOOKING FOR TALENT! CHECK OUT JOBS.PA.AG Bastian Grimm Want the deck? WINNER