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The State of
Progressive Web Apps
Since 2015, PWA capabilities
for cross browser & platform
applications that provide fast,
& engaging web app experiences,
regardless of network state
App-like Experience
Without the
excess of local
device storage
Add to home
Push notifications
Offline content
Modern APIs
Source: OneNorth

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SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First IndexSEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index
SEO Checklist for Google Mobile First Index

Google will switch to a mobile 1st index in 2018. This means a HUGE opportunity for anyone in digital. SEO, CRO, UX professionals can drive performance gains for clients by making sure this work is on the schedule NOW!

seotechnical seousability
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.
Are you there Page Experience? It's Me, DevTools.

This document summarizes a presentation about using Chrome DevTools to test and optimize websites for Google's upcoming Page Experience update. It discusses the components of the update like mobile-friendliness and core web vitals. It provides guidance on using DevTools to test for issues in areas like intrusive interstitials, HTTPS security, and core web vitals metrics. The presentation emphasizes that field data may differ from lab tests in DevTools, and it outlines many resources for further information on the Page Experience update and related topics.

core web vitalspage experience update
Seo onpage & offpage, Search Engine Optimization, SEO
Seo onpage & offpage, Search Engine Optimization, SEOSeo onpage & offpage, Search Engine Optimization, SEO
Seo onpage & offpage, Search Engine Optimization, SEO

This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. It explains that SEO is the process of improving a website to increase its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages. It provides details on both on-page SEO techniques like optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, and headings, as well as off-page techniques like link building, social sharing, and submitting to directories.

search engine optimizationseoblack hat seo
November 2017
Source:AddyOsmani – A Pinterest ProgressiveWeb App Performance Case Study
Android iOS PWA
9.6MB 56MB
150KB home
feed load!
Source:AddyOsmani – A Pinterest ProgressiveWeb App Performance Case Study
Source: HTTPArchive
5.6 BN
Source: WordWideWebSize

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2 Seconds is the New Slow - Chris Simmance - under2
2 Seconds is the New Slow -  Chris Simmance - under22 Seconds is the New Slow -  Chris Simmance - under2
2 Seconds is the New Slow - Chris Simmance - under2

Chris Simmance is the founder of Under2, an agency that specializes in building fast and optimized digital products. In his talk, he discusses common myths about site speed optimization and provides best practices for improving load times, such as proper image optimization, reducing file sizes by minifying CSS and JavaScript, merging files, and lazy loading images. He emphasizes that speed plugins alone are not enough and developers need to identify bottlenecks and refactor code to build efficiently for performance. The overall message is that the web needs to be built better to improve the experience for all users.

Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021
Headless SEO: Optimising Next Gen Sites | brightonSEO 2021

An introduction into headless websites and the considerations that SEOs and performance marketers should keep in mind when optimising them.

SearchLeeds 2018 - Craig Campbell - How to fix the most common technical SEO ...
SearchLeeds 2018 - Craig Campbell - How to fix the most common technical SEO ...SearchLeeds 2018 - Craig Campbell - How to fix the most common technical SEO ...
SearchLeeds 2018 - Craig Campbell - How to fix the most common technical SEO ...

Craig Campbell is an SEO consultant based in Glasgow, Scotland with 16 years of experience in the industry. He discusses common SEO mistakes and how to fix them, including performing audits using SEMRush to identify issues like crawlability, errors, and warnings. Campbell also covers optimizing site speed by reducing page load times and improving time to first byte through techniques like trimming page size, updating plugins, caching, and using a content delivery network like Cloudflare.

seo servicesweb developmentdigital marketing
Why (s)low adoption?
Timing: brands invested in native
app strategy because existing site
poor mobile UX
Confusion: SPAs vs AMP vs
either/or native app mentality
Baseline requirements: can’t/wont’
be met to retro-fit
Cached Assets Reduce Server Load
& Less Data Requirements
Chris Love– PWA benefits

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LAC 2019: Voice Search Opportunities In iGaming
LAC 2019: Voice Search Opportunities In iGamingLAC 2019: Voice Search Opportunities In iGaming
LAC 2019: Voice Search Opportunities In iGaming

Dan Taylor's presentation from #LAC2019, looking at how voice search can be used by betting and gambling brands, and how they can plan content and efforts around user touch-points.

seovoice searchvoice seo
Max Prin - TechSEO Boost 2017 - SEO Best Practices For JavaScript-Based Websites
Max Prin - TechSEO Boost 2017 - SEO Best Practices For JavaScript-Based WebsitesMax Prin - TechSEO Boost 2017 - SEO Best Practices For JavaScript-Based Websites
Max Prin - TechSEO Boost 2017 - SEO Best Practices For JavaScript-Based Websites

This document discusses SEO best practices for JavaScript-based websites. It explains how search engines render and crawl single-page applications to understand the content. Key points include using clean URLs with the History API instead of hashbangs, providing HTML snapshots for crawlers, preventing duplicate meta content across pages, and tools for testing rendering and crawlability. The document emphasizes the importance of search engines being able to understand the content of JavaScript-driven sites.

seojavascripttechseo boost
Don't F*ck Up Your Site Migration - Serena Pearson
Don't F*ck Up Your Site Migration - Serena PearsonDon't F*ck Up Your Site Migration - Serena Pearson
Don't F*ck Up Your Site Migration - Serena Pearson

Serena is SEO Manager at Kaizen, with a focus in tech SEO. She has managed to survive in the search industry so far through cake bribery and a keen interest in Analytics and Excel. Her session is titled "Don't Mess Up Your Site Migration" where she will talk through the process of leading a site migration, with information on common issues and how to manage stakeholders and expectations during the process.

seoseo servicestechnical seo
BBC lost 10% of users
for every additional
second their site
took to load.
PWAs must have a
sub 10 second
(on simulated 3G/first
Source: PWA
No apps for
app sake
01 0201 02 03 04
No Store,
No dev,
deploy &
maintain cost
via web
Instant app

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SEMrush toolbox 9: SEO content template & SEO writing assistant - April 2019
SEMrush toolbox 9: SEO content template & SEO writing assistant - April 2019SEMrush toolbox 9: SEO content template & SEO writing assistant - April 2019
SEMrush toolbox 9: SEO content template & SEO writing assistant - April 2019

This document discusses how SEMrush tools like the SEO Content Template and SEO Writing Assistant help optimize a content production process. The template provides a standardized brief to guide writers, while the assistant checks drafted content against the brief before publication. Using these tools helped reduce the time to publish articles from 2-3 months to 1 month, while increasing traffic 3x year-over-year through more consistent, data-driven content. The presentation encourages establishing simple, scalable processes and emphasizes that high-quality, keyword-optimized briefs are the foundation for successful content.

B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020
B2B SEO: Increase Traffic & Leads in 2020

Want to make 2020 a record-breaking year for your B2B business? Check out our webinar slides to learn how to use SEO to grow traffic and increase qualified leads.

technical seoseob2b marketing
Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...
Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...
Winning with mobile page speed: killer technologies, tools, and tips [by Aleh...

- Google is focusing on mobile page speed and user experience as part of its search rankings. A study was conducted analyzing the page speed and optimization of over 1 million pages. - The results showed that optimization score, which measures how well a page leverages browser caching and prioritizes visible content, had a strong correlation with search rankings. However, page speed metrics like first content paint and load time did not correlate as much. - This indicates that for mobile search rankings, page optimization is more important than raw speed numbers. Site owners should focus on optimizing aspects like response time, redirects, compression, caching, and prioritizing visible content to improve rankings.

seopage speedmobile seo
A majority of users (51%) still don’t download
any apps in a month. 60% of apps in the Google
Play app store have never been downloaded.
Comscore:The 2017 U.S. Mobile App Report
AdWords for App Promotion
Instead of
outsourcing your
success to Apple,
Google or Microsoft a
PWA puts you in
charge of your
ability to reach your
audience, reengage
them and improve your
business processes.
Chris Love: How Progressive Web Apps BenefitYour Ability to ImproveYour Business
Instantly Loads: Loads all
cached content instantly
Offline Loading: Site is accessible
in areas with low or no connectivity
Add to home screen: Access like a
Desktop Support: Desktop PWAs
are now supported on all desktop
platforms (Chrome 73)
SearchLeeds 2019 - Nichola stott - The state of PWAs

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How to hack rankings with page speed optimisation
How to hack rankings with page speed optimisationHow to hack rankings with page speed optimisation
How to hack rankings with page speed optimisation

Google first announced that website speed would become a ranking factor way back in 2010, but yet there’s been no evidence of it clearly having an impact. So to find out if speed and performance do indeed affect rankings, Delete’s SEO R&D team ran an experiment. They wanted to know if rankings could be ‘hacked’ by improving speed and performance and if they could, what it would take to do it. In this talk Polly will share exactly what her team did and more importantly what they achieved. From migrating to HTTP2 and advanced image manipulation, to ‘hacks’ for the handling of critical resources, all the crucial tactics involved that were needed to achieve a top performance score will be covered with real examples. Polly’s ambition for this talk is to inspire the audience. She will share a few reasons why speed and performance are important and why they shouldn’t be underestimated. So if you really want to get ahead of your competition with just a few tactical changes, come to see Polly’s talk to get new ideas to take away and implement immediately.

seoperformancesite speed
Brighton SEO July 2021 How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...
Brighton SEO July 2021   How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...Brighton SEO July 2021   How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...
Brighton SEO July 2021 How JavaScript is preventing you from passing Core W...

Do you want to find out, how inefficient use of JS is preventing you from passing CWV and what to do about it? Click through!

rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018
rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018
rel canonical audit BrightonSEO September 2018

Why taking a look at your canonical setup is a smart move... Some data to compare with, an audit checklist, and a number of Google's quotes over the years.

seotechnical seo
Service worker:
technically a MITM. Can
be compromised if not
Source Mobify: 2017 Q1 Mobile Commerce Insights Report
Push notifications
reduce latency
minimise protocol overhead
request prioritisation
local storage

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Miracle Inameti-Archibong - Are Progressive Web Apps The Future Of The Web?
Miracle Inameti-Archibong -  Are Progressive Web Apps The Future Of The Web?Miracle Inameti-Archibong -  Are Progressive Web Apps The Future Of The Web?
Miracle Inameti-Archibong - Are Progressive Web Apps The Future Of The Web?

Miracle, head of SEO at Erudite discusses the flaws of native apps and how progressive web apps will overcome these issues to improve performance and usability.

bristolappsdigital marketing
Checklist for progressive web app development
Checklist for progressive web app developmentChecklist for progressive web app development
Checklist for progressive web app development

What are the principles to build a progressive web app? What are its core features? What about its architecture? The blog explores it all. Give it a read.

website development companyseo services
Are PWAs The Future of the Web?
Are PWAs The Future of the Web?Are PWAs The Future of the Web?
Are PWAs The Future of the Web?

Progressive web apps (PWAs) provide app-like experiences through the browser while taking advantage of the web's capabilities. PWAs load quickly, work offline, and can be installed on the home screen. Studies show PWAs significantly outperform mobile apps in speed and user experience. As mobile usage grows, PWAs allow developers to build once and deploy everywhere without app stores.

pwasseomobile optimisation
Lower parse and
compile times. See
HNPWA for list of
live examples
Addy Osmani : Google I/O 17
Payment request API
Submit to
APP Store
All about the user
“web apps are optimised to
help users accomplish tasks
Source KarlyCyr: Everything you need to know about PWA’s for ecommerce

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Modern Web Applications
Modern Web ApplicationsModern Web Applications
Modern Web Applications

Todays web front-end applications architecture. All resources shared at the end of presentation. Full sources on:

7 secrets of performance oriented front end development services
7 secrets of performance oriented front end development services7 secrets of performance oriented front end development services
7 secrets of performance oriented front end development services

Why a good front-end is the primary necessity of any digital solution and how can you, as a web/mobile designer or app owner, can be built a performance-optimized front-end for its users.

front endweb design and development
Introduction of Progressive Web App
Introduction of Progressive Web AppIntroduction of Progressive Web App
Introduction of Progressive Web App

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a new type of application that combines the best of the web and the best of native apps. PWAs use newer web platform features and service workers to deliver app-style experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include providing responsive and reliable experiences that load instantly and feel like regular apps to users, while also being able to reach users on any device via a web URL rather than an app store. PWAs aim to reduce the barriers between the web and native apps.

appsmobile application developmentagile
Making it
HTTPS: is the site served
over HTTPS?
HTTP2: Multiplexing
Service Worker: does the site
register a ServiceWorker?
Speed: <10,000TTFI/CI
Add to Home Screen: user
prompt ‘‘Add to Home Screen’’?
Responsive design

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9 Best Tools to Leverage for Progressive Web App Development
9 Best Tools to Leverage for Progressive Web App Development9 Best Tools to Leverage for Progressive Web App Development
9 Best Tools to Leverage for Progressive Web App Development

Code Craft Crew is one of the most reliable Mobile App and website development company india catering to various industry verticals to help bring businesses online and scale them over the internet. Based in India, the company provides budget-friendly IT solutions without compromising the quality of delivered projects.

web development services in delhiwebsite development company india
Startups without Servers
Startups without ServersStartups without Servers
Startups without Servers

The document discusses how startups can build scalable applications without servers by leveraging serverless architectures on AWS. It describes how Dean Bryen challenged himself to build an image processing microservice within 45 minutes using only AWS services like Lambda, API Gateway, S3, and DynamoDB without any servers or monolithic code. The microservice included a static site in S3, an API built with API Gateway that triggers a Lambda function for image processing, and stores results in DynamoDB. This demonstrated how platforms services can provide high availability and scalability without the need to manage infrastructure. The document also discusses how Gousto evolved from a monolithic PHP application to a microservices architecture using Lambda and other AWS services.

Progressive Web Apps - Overview & Getting Started
Progressive Web Apps - Overview & Getting StartedProgressive Web Apps - Overview & Getting Started
Progressive Web Apps - Overview & Getting Started

A brief intro to progressive web apps & conventional ways of performance optimization on web. The presentation was given as part of a tech talk, thus the readers are suggested to read through the reference links as well.

service workerspwaprogressive web apps
Not all organisations can hit these
baseline requirements, particularly
non-HTTP/2 – therefore sub-10
secondTTFI is out of reach.
Chrome Dev
Tools &
Clear cache to
ensure clean data

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Progressive Web Apps for Education
Progressive Web Apps for EducationProgressive Web Apps for Education
Progressive Web Apps for Education

Progressive Web Applications are a new way to think about using the web to provide great user experiences using the best web platform features. The education market has many opportunities to benefit their communities using PWAs to deliver information and application experiences across all devices and platforms.

progressive web applicationsmobilewebsite
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio

Know everything right from gaining erudition about exploring the future prospects of the Progressive Web Apps. We’re here to make you familiar with: - The global impact of PWAs on mobile commerce - The way CedCommerce is increasing the scope of Magento PWA Studio - Exploring the future prospects of PWA - Ways to increase the conversion rates using PWA These features will benefit the eCommerce merchants, and the customers as well. Click To Watch Our Full Webinar Here:

pwa magentopwapwa studio
PWA for PHP Developers
PWA for PHP DevelopersPWA for PHP Developers
PWA for PHP Developers

Progressive Web Apps are an emerging approach to solving the problem of having the Web, everywhere: different mobile devices, IoT devices, and areas with low bandwidth or poor connectivity. For developers accustomed to PHP and server-side rendering, there are several factors to consider. Drawing on our experiences working with Google to build a PWA development experience for Magento, this talk introduces the elements of PWA, the challenges of providing online+offline functionality, and the limitations of this nascent approach.

Run in incognito
mode to get clean data
Lighthouse audit report
JS Diagnostics

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The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...
The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - keynote at Riga D...

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps have gained popularity, especially on mobile, the web still accounts for a large portion of usage. It outlines tools from Google like service workers, push notifications, and app install banners that aim to close capabilities gaps between the web and native apps. The document advocates for progressive web apps that are accessible like websites but also feel like native apps to users. The future of the web, it argues, depends on continuing to match and surpass native platforms while keeping the web open, accessible, and long-lasting.

Progressive web app testing
Progressive web app testingProgressive web app testing
Progressive web app testing

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. These apps meet certain requirements, are deployed to servers, accessible through URLs, and indexed by search engines.

Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEMBuild single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM

How the Adobe on Adobe team used AngularJS and AEM to build out a single page application site. Main goal with this proof of concept project was that the pattern had to be super simple to develop in. It had to be JSP free. It had to function smoothly on everything from a mobile device to a desktop and everything in between. The site also needed to be SEO friendly. Follow along to see the process and the challenges with building a site like this.

adobe experience managerdeveloperapplication development
manifest for
name &
Android Homescreen

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Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEMBuild single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM

The document discusses building single page applications using AngularJS on Adobe Experience Manager (AEM). It provides an overview of what single page applications are and their pros and cons. It then details the technical reasons for choosing to build an SPA, including creating a native-like user experience on all devices and making the application search and social friendly. The document outlines the proof of concept built, which combines Sling with AngularJS on AEM. It describes the base page component used and how it conditionally includes full pages or just content partials. The routing and use of AngularJS to control navigation between views is also summarized.

Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEMBuild single page applications using AngularJS on AEM
Build single page applications using AngularJS on AEM

Presented at CONNECT Web Experience '15 Basel June 25. How the Adobe on Adobe team used AngularJS and AEM to build out a single page application site. One of the main goals with this proof of concept project was that the pattern had to be super simple to develop in. It had to be JSP free. It had to function smoothly on everything from a mobile device to a desktop and everything in between. The site also needed to be SEO friendly. Follow along to see the process and the challenges.

Improving frontend performance
Improving frontend performanceImproving frontend performance
Improving frontend performance

The technology landscape is changing with every passing year. The technology landscape is changing with every passing year. More people than ever before are now online. It also means that the ways that people are accessing the web all over the world are changing, too. In this talk, I talk about the different techniques coupled with few case studies on how to improve front-end performance.

awscase studyperfmatters
Source:Github User: Andreban
// Setup a listener to track Add to Homescreen events.
window.addEventListener('beforeinstallprompt', e => {
e.userChoice.then(choiceResult => {
ga('send', 'event', 'A2H', choiceResult.outcome);
Track Install Prompt and Outcome
Source:Andre Bandarra on Medium
Entire PWA
Course on
Source:Codelabs. Google Developers Network

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Progressive Web Apps
Progressive Web AppsProgressive Web Apps
Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are web applications that use modern web capabilities to deliver native app-like experiences to users. PWAs work across platforms and can be installed by users. They are built using service workers, web app manifests, and other modern web technologies. PWAs provide fast loading, engage users with new features like push notifications, and offer an app-like user experience without limiting users to a single platform.

Dynamic Website Designing Company in Delhi NCR Dynamic website Designers
Dynamic Website Designing Company in Delhi NCR Dynamic website DesignersDynamic Website Designing Company in Delhi NCR Dynamic website Designers
Dynamic Website Designing Company in Delhi NCR Dynamic website Designers

This document discusses dynamic website development and the benefits it provides. It notes that dynamic websites allow content to be easily modified without technical expertise. It then describes the services of a dynamic website development company, including using technologies like PHP and MySQL to create appealing, optimized sites. Finally, it highlights some of the latest technologies used to build efficient dynamic websites, such as Materialize CSS, Node.js, Google AMP, and Progressive Web Apps.

website designing company
SearchLeeds 2019 - Kirsty Hulse - How science can help you have better ideas
SearchLeeds 2019 - Kirsty Hulse - How science can help you have better ideasSearchLeeds 2019 - Kirsty Hulse - How science can help you have better ideas
SearchLeeds 2019 - Kirsty Hulse - How science can help you have better ideas

We live in a world where the digital marketing landscape is changing. It’s getting harder to get cut through, harder to get journalists to like our ideas and harder to get customer loyalty. The ability to be creative, to innovate and think of new, original ideas and solutions is a skill that will prove to be invaluable in the future. In this inspiring talk Kirsty talks about why we need to improve our creative thinking, and define a process that can help us all improve our ideas and originality in our daily lives.

Each page has its own URL
Use of canonical tags
Use of and social
meta data
Content is shareable
Just Good
Seamless page
transmission: History API
Content doesn’t jump when
page loads
Smooth scroll
App install prompts are not
Implementing specific fixes -
Progressive web
Making an even better
first impression
AMP: Start Fast
PWA: Stay Fast
Quote byAlex Russell

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SearchLeeds 2019 - Jon Greenhalgh - Edit Agency - AI in Paid Media and strate...
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SearchLeeds 2019 - Jon Greenhalgh - Edit Agency - AI in Paid Media and strate...

Jon Greenhalgh's SearchLeeds talk looks at Artificial Intelligence in Paid Media and strategies you can use tomorrow to help you in your job.

searchleedspaid mediaartificial intelligence
SearchLeeds 2019 - Hannah Perry - Multi-million pound keyword
SearchLeeds 2019 - Hannah Perry - Multi-million pound keywordSearchLeeds 2019 - Hannah Perry - Multi-million pound keyword
SearchLeeds 2019 - Hannah Perry - Multi-million pound keyword

How do you gain control and optimise a keyword that drives over 60% of your revenue? Hannah discusses how segmentation and automation allowed MAG to grow their market share and increase profitability through optimising just one keyword.

searchleedsseopaid media
SearchLeeds - Tanesha Stafford - Land Grab: How to win business from your com...
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SearchLeeds - Tanesha Stafford - Land Grab: How to win business from your com...

This document discusses strategies for paid search advertising on Google, including targeting competitors' customers and identifying opportunities when competitors have low ad spend. It notes that over 85% of the above-the-fold space on Google search engine results pages is paid advertising, and that location-based mobile ads can be effective. The document advocates testing different ad schedules and keywords, including "cancel" keywords related to competitors.

searchleedsseopaid media
CodeLabs PWAMP
We need to
talk about
/Client side
One common approach to
creating PWAs is to use
(essentially a bare-
bones HTML page with
JavaScript that creates
all of the content &
functionality); these
kinds of sites can be
rendered and indexed by
Google, but it's usuallySource: John Mueller, Google
Tom Greenaway Google/IO 18
Source: Jennifer Slegg,TheSEMPOST

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SearchLeeds 2019 - Pun & Sal - Adzooma - Research and execution: Marketing’s ...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Pun & Sal - Adzooma - Research and execution: Marketing’s ...SearchLeeds 2019 - Pun & Sal - Adzooma - Research and execution: Marketing’s ...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Pun & Sal - Adzooma - Research and execution: Marketing’s ...

No matter how good a singer is, there can be no hit without the right lyrics. Equally great lyrics mean little if not given to the right performer. This intricate relationship is similarly played out in media with research and the correct execution across platforms. In this talk, Adzooma discuss the evolving data points top quality research is now able to draw upon and how to execute these across media platforms. They share best practices that will enable you to outperform your competitors and leave you with tactics that can be immediately implemented.

SearchLeeds 2019 - Emily Potter - The achievable SERP feature
SearchLeeds 2019 - Emily Potter - The achievable SERP featureSearchLeeds 2019 - Emily Potter - The achievable SERP feature
SearchLeeds 2019 - Emily Potter - The achievable SERP feature

SERP features are increasingly overtaking the search landscape, stealing traffic from content providers. The featured snippet, however, is one that we still have a level of control over. Emily's SearchLeeds talk will show you exactly how much traffic you can expect to gain by acquiring featured snippets with data from case studies to justify their value, and also share tips on how to win them.

SearchLeeds - Helen pollitt - Discovering the truth in dark traffic
SearchLeeds - Helen pollitt - Discovering the truth in dark trafficSearchLeeds - Helen pollitt - Discovering the truth in dark traffic
SearchLeeds - Helen pollitt - Discovering the truth in dark traffic

Discovering the truth in dark traffic What it’s about: Google Analytics should bring clarity to your campaigns, but search marketers are increasingly being tricked. Organic traffic masquerading as direct, internal UTM codes corrupting sources and referral channels getting far too much credit; dark traffic is a problem. Helen’s SearchLeeds talk gives you the tools to find the truth from your Google Analytics data, ensuring your insights are based on fact and drive measurable improvements to your campaigns.

Tom Greenaway Google/IO 18
So if the page has JavaScript in it, the rendering is
actually deferred until we have the resources ready to
render the client-side content and then we index the
content further. So Googlebot might index a page
before the rendering is complete and the final render
can actually arrive several days later. And when that
final render does arrive, then we perform another
wave of indexing on that client-side rendered content.
Source: Jennifer Slegg,TheSEMPOST
Don’t over-use client side
rendering for JavaScript
Audit your PWA JS on and JS off
Possible to pass PWA Lighthouse
Audit but…
Fail Completely When JS
Credit:Aleyda Solis PWA SEO
Live Examples

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SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Holmes - How to run a great request for proposal (RFP...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Holmes - How to run a great request for proposal (RFP...SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Holmes - How to run a great request for proposal (RFP...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Matt Holmes - How to run a great request for proposal (RFP...

Running a client-side RFP process can be a daunting task. How do you ask the right questions and unlock the right answers? How do you manage your time so it’s not swallowed up by several people asking for the same information? A client-side marketer that’s also worked at a search agency, Matt Holmes has identified 8 key steps to lead you towards a successful, considerate, and mutually beneficial RFP process.

SearchLeeds 2019 - Laura Hogan - There’s Nothing Wrong With Being A Vulture –...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Laura Hogan - There’s Nothing Wrong With Being A Vulture –...SearchLeeds 2019 - Laura Hogan - There’s Nothing Wrong With Being A Vulture –...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Laura Hogan - There’s Nothing Wrong With Being A Vulture –...

The document discusses various techniques for analyzing competitors, including finding broken links to build links from, building a media list from contacts a competitor worked with, performing backlink analysis on a competitor, bidding on a competitor's audience via social media ads, and targeting complementary brands through paid search ads. The key aspects are analyzing a competitor's backlinks, media contacts, and digital marketing efforts like broken links, social media ads, and paid search to find link building, outreach, and advertising opportunities.

SearchLeeds 2019 - Lukasz Zelezny - The Butterfly Effect in SEO
SearchLeeds 2019 - Lukasz Zelezny - The Butterfly Effect in SEOSearchLeeds 2019 - Lukasz Zelezny - The Butterfly Effect in SEO
SearchLeeds 2019 - Lukasz Zelezny - The Butterfly Effect in SEO

This document discusses the butterfly effect in SEO and provides examples of tactics that can have large impacts. It discusses tracking brand mentions and links, using keyword magic tools to understand intent for different stages of the buyer's journey. Examples are given of merging subdomains into subfolders and redirecting them with 301s to pass link equity. Case studies show the results of these types of SEO implementations for customers, with one becoming an industry leader within 6 months of beginning SEO work.

Load time
in CR
part of ASDA Walmart
Source:Google developers - case study
in add to
Source: PWA Stat
core app
Load on
Source: PWA Stat
Cut load
times from
11.91 secs
to 4.96
than its
Source: PWA Stat

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SearchLeeds 2019 - Fabrizio Ballarini - TransferWise - Building, hacking and ...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Fabrizio Ballarini - TransferWise - Building, hacking and ...SearchLeeds 2019 - Fabrizio Ballarini - TransferWise - Building, hacking and ...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Fabrizio Ballarini - TransferWise - Building, hacking and ...

What if you could build a CMS with features that are made specifically to answer a specific cluster of search intents around a product. In Fabrizio's SearchLeeds talk he covers early technical learnings from building a SEO friendly CMS from ground up (how TransferWise designed ahreflang, indexing, picking the right tech stack, structured data features) but also how they now are able to scale our efforts by moving set of product pages into a dedicated service run by APIs and testing framework.

SearchLeeds 2019 - Rob Smith - DQ&A - Demystifying in-housing for advertisers...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Rob Smith - DQ&A - Demystifying in-housing for advertisers...SearchLeeds 2019 - Rob Smith - DQ&A - Demystifying in-housing for advertisers...
SearchLeeds 2019 - Rob Smith - DQ&A - Demystifying in-housing for advertisers...

In-housing is a growing trend for advertisers as they seek more control, transparency and cost efficiency. The document discusses how in-housing has steadily increased over recent years across different marketing functions like media, search, creative and technology. It also explores the motivations for advertisers in bringing functions in-house as well as examples of big brands that have successfully implemented in-housing strategies. The summary suggests that agencies need to adapt their models to this trend but that advertisers and agencies can still work collaboratively together to achieve business objectives.

searchleedsseodigital marketing
SearchLeeds 2019 - Luke Carthy - Killler CRO tips with a SEO web crawler
SearchLeeds 2019 - Luke Carthy - Killler CRO tips with a SEO web crawlerSearchLeeds 2019 - Luke Carthy - Killler CRO tips with a SEO web crawler
SearchLeeds 2019 - Luke Carthy - Killler CRO tips with a SEO web crawler

Every SEO has a favourite Web crawler in their toolkit, but have you ever used it to make major leaps and bounds with CRO too? Luke's SearchLeeds talk walks you through a number of proven and successful strategies that can be put to work to reveal weak points requiring attention and highlighting areas that can yield big revenue and conversion gains.

Progressive Web
Apps The Future of
the Mobile Web
Source: Google, Microsoft &* Awwwards Books
Not many small(er) site examples.
Particularly full ecommerce.
Harder to retro-fit. Need to wait
for budget and appetite for
Watch out for client/server
rendering potential issues – highly
dynamic sites
+44 (0) 1256 384890

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Editor's Notes

  1. As you would have guessed this is a talk about progressive web APPs
  2. PWA’s act like any single page application (SPA). However, they are built with progressive enhancement as its core principle which means it works for every user, regardless of browser choice.
  3. Talk about international strategy in developing nations. The explosive growth of mobile phones in developing countries has led to increasing attention towards the mobile web. Due to the low penetration of fixed telephone lines and Internet access
  4. Confused with SPAs, confused with AMP, confused with native apps, not and either/or & timing
  5. As you build a relationship with the web APP its loads quicker because of browser caching only loads new content on demand Refreshes at the background It keeps JavaScript bundles lean Body content is automatically loaded with JS. However, the overall payloads are lower than downloading a native App Plus when the visitor returns your cached assets avoid network latencies, improving your overall time to first byte, thus making your pages load faster. The key here, is the fastest network request is the one never made.
  6. 13
  7. 15
  8. PWA’s are fully-indexable no need for any work arounds (Mobile deeplinks do not follow a consistent format. This causes confusion because different set of links are required to access the same app on different operating systems. PWAs offer true cross compatibility Because they are progressive they work on any device or browser no need for multiple development solutions Ask – with the exception of the Brighton SEO APP, How many people have downloaded an APP in the last month Cost effective no multi-platform overhead.
  9. Consumers spend 60% of their total mobile time in only 3 apps, most of which are owned by Facebook and Google.
  10. Instantly loads – because of the service workers (man in the middle) Client side JavaScript + server side JavaScript =Service worker Offline loading – similar to whatapp, Instagram Installable - Allows users to add apps they find most useful to their home screen without the hassle of an app store or download ant loading
  11. Higher open/view rate than email. Because the entire message is on the screen. But you have to be careful not to abuse it especially it its browser enable cause once it turned off its difficult to figure out how to turn it back on
  12. Tom Antony gave a great talk on HTTP earlier in year . HTTP/2 now allows browsers to open 6-8 connections to a specific server (any more than 8 connections will cause diminishing returns). With up to 8 connections being made, requests are able to be fulfilled quicker and page load speeds decrease. HTTP2 multiplexing HTML 5 Developed with the consideration of running on low powered device No multiple over head cause its not tired to any operating system – cost effective multi-platform development Supports local storage through the offline application cache
  13. It takes 4x more time to parse and load JS on mobile than desktop. Because body content is loaded with JS you need to ensure you are loading your site with the lightest possible JS frame works. If your JavaScript framework is bloated you would have less space for your application code These are lightweight options for parsing and compiling JavaScript. Your site might need a code re-write to improve its speed and make it PWA ready
  14. From the beginning to time check out has looked like this Check out id 4x faster No need to make changes to the current payment gateway Built directly into the browser Already trusted by users Speed – accuracy – security Fast because its one Api call
  15. You can now submit it to the app store
  16. As you can see its not a product but a set of features designed to provide the ultimate user experience
  17. 29
  18. HTTPs because storage API’s that help store content online are only available via a secure origin (to avoid interception) Service worker - for background sync, runs push notification
  19. Lighthouse runs locally, auditing a page using a local version of the Chrome browser installed the machine. Report results are never processed or beaconed to a remote server.
  20. Timing and retro-fitting consolidation project
  21. 35
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  26. Last year one of out R and D projects was researching into PWAs and as part of this we made our own site a PWA. Meaning Android users (and soon iPhone) will be able to add our site to your homescreen just like an app. It also works offline and allows for push notifications – for useful stuff.
  27. 49
  28. 50
  29. Lets encrypt SSL certificate for free
  30. Add Aleyda PWAMP guide
  31. Confused with SPAs, confused with AMP, confused with native apps, not and either/or & timing
  32. 61
  33. 64
  34. Confused with SPAs, confused with AMP, confused with native apps, not and either/or & timing
  35. 67