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The Day After Tomorrow:

When Ad Blockers Stop All Analytics Platforms
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
#searchlove -- @samueljscott

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SEO in A Mobile World SEJ ThinkTank w/Anne Ahola Ward
SEO in A Mobile World SEJ ThinkTank w/Anne Ahola Ward SEO in A Mobile World SEJ ThinkTank w/Anne Ahola Ward
SEO in A Mobile World SEJ ThinkTank w/Anne Ahola Ward

Mobile usability is no longer a debatable frill, it’s a requirement for success on the web. In this webinar presentation with Anne Ahola Ward, CEO of CircleClick, learn about the latest SEO trends and developments. She covers local search behavior, optimizing for AMP, and rich snippets.

local searchampseo
SEO yvr - The Magic of Evergreen Content
SEO yvr - The Magic of Evergreen ContentSEO yvr - The Magic of Evergreen Content
SEO yvr - The Magic of Evergreen Content

This document discusses evergreen content and its benefits for SEO. Evergreen content remains relevant over long periods of time. Good examples include REI's buyers guides, Moz's SEO guides, and Lowe's how-to articles. Evergreen content is timeless, authoritative, and highly relevant to a specific target audience. Creating in-depth, well-researched evergreen content can help websites drive organic traffic, build authority through links over time, and yield high returns on investment compared to other content. The document provides tips for when and how to create effective evergreen content.

inbound marketingseocontent strategy
Paige Hobart - How to do GOOD Keyword Research - Search Advertising Show 2021
Paige Hobart - How to do GOOD Keyword Research - Search Advertising Show 2021Paige Hobart - How to do GOOD Keyword Research - Search Advertising Show 2021
Paige Hobart - How to do GOOD Keyword Research - Search Advertising Show 2021

This document provides guidance on conducting keyword research. It discusses the importance of keywords for tracking search engine performance and outlines a 4-stage process: 1) Extract keywords from Google Search Console, website content and competitors; 2) Add metrics like source, category, search volume and rank; 3) Expand the keyword list using tools and by researching competitors; 4) Optimize the list by removing irrelevant keywords, sorting by metrics, and filtering out uncompetitive or unrealistic keywords. The key lessons are to focus on relevancy, tag keywords as research is done, avoid bulk importing keywords, and have realistic expectations.

seosearch engine optimizationsearch advertising show
What Is…
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Direct MarketingAdvertising
#searchlove -- @samueljscott



Builds Brands

Can Flop


Not Trackable
Direct Marketing
#searchlove -- @samueljscott





Not Memorable

Direct Marketing
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Gets an immediate, trackable response (from a targeted set of people)

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Making SEO Lemonade: Moving the Needle on Missed Opportunities by Bill Hunt -...
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Making SEO Lemonade: Moving the Needle on Missed Opportunities by Bill Hunt -...

Industry vet Bill Hunt tackles making the most out of what you already have using indexability, clickability, and other methods to find all those tiny errors that together cause big issues.

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It's the nature of the work we do that some content sticks...and some doesn't. Kirsty will provide tips and recommendations on what to do when your content doesn't achieve the results you were expecting; how to manage stakeholders, secure budget after a campaign fail, and how to breathe new life into flopped campaigns.

searchlovecontent marketingpromotion
Fraggles & the SERP of the Future
Fraggles & the SERP of the FutureFraggles & the SERP of the Future
Fraggles & the SERP of the Future

This talk was first delivered at #MozCon 2019 by Cindy Krum (@Suzzicks). It reveals a theory about Google's Mobile-First Indexing that posits the idea that the change was more about organizing the world's information around the Knowledge Graph. It also suggests that Google may now be indexing units that are smaller than pages or URLs that we are calling #Fraggles (a Fragment + a Handle).

seomobile seomozcon
Direct Marketing
People Do Not Want Tailored Ads
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
People Hate It
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
MarketingSherpa, March 2017
How the Internet Changed Everything
“Madison Avenue fell asleep, direct response
marketing ate its brain, and it woke up as an alien
replica of itself.”
— Linux Journal editor Doc Searls
#searchlove -- @samueljscott

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SEO is Dead
SEO is DeadSEO is Dead
SEO is Dead

You’ve probably heard that SEO is dead. Every couple of weeks its claimed to be dying. From giant paid ads on every device, the move to app, machine learning algorithms to stop spam and everything in-between. Can SEO ever truly die?

Using Search Marketing To Amplify TV Buys By Kerry Curran and Itir Aloba-Curi
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Using Search Marketing To Amplify TV Buys By Kerry Curran and Itir Aloba-Curi

From the SMX East Conference in New York City, September 27-29, 2016. SESSION: The New 1+1=3: Using Search Marketing To Amplify TV Buys. PRESENTATION: Using Search Marketing To Amplify TV Buys - Given by Kerry Curran, @KSCdigitalimpulse - Catalyst, Sr. Partner, Managing Director, Marketing Integration. #SMX #23C1

search marketingcmosmxeast16
BrightonSEO April 2016 > Guaranteeing Success
BrightonSEO April 2016 > Guaranteeing SuccessBrightonSEO April 2016 > Guaranteeing Success
BrightonSEO April 2016 > Guaranteeing Success

James Perrott's presentation from BrightonSEO 2016 focuses on how to use data to guarantee the success of your technical SEO strategy.

dataseo servicesseo
But People Hate It
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Doc Searls,

Harvard Business Review
Ad Blocking Is Only Increasing
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
2017 PageFair Adblock Report
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
2017 PageFair Adblock Report
Ad Blocking Is Only Increasing
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
2017 PageFair Adblock Report
Ad Blocking Is Only Increasing

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What the Doctor Ordered: Your Yearly Google Algorithm Update Checkup (2016 Ed...
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What the Doctor Ordered: Your Yearly Google Algorithm Update Checkup (2016 Ed...

What in the heck is going on with Penguin, Panda, and Google’s Quality Updates (aka Phantom)? How are they impacting your SEO efforts now? Glenn will cover everything you need to know about Google’s major algorithm updates in 2016. Learn what each algorithm update is targeting, so you can avoid negative impact and increase rankings and traffic.

Women In Tech Birmingham - How Is Voice Search Changing Digital Marketing in ...
Women In Tech Birmingham - How Is Voice Search Changing Digital Marketing in ...Women In Tech Birmingham - How Is Voice Search Changing Digital Marketing in ...
Women In Tech Birmingham - How Is Voice Search Changing Digital Marketing in ...

Georgie Kemp discussing at Women in Tech Birmingham how the search engine results page is altering to a more user-centric experience. Within my talk I outline: 1. The evolution of voice search and assistants 2. What is voice search? 3. How does voice search work? 4. The rise of new search terms emerging 5. How are global organisations adapting? 6. Why should we care? 7. How can we prepare for voice search?

voice searchseodigital marketing
Google Webmaster Tools: The Search Consolation Prize? #BrightonSEO
Google Webmaster Tools: The Search Consolation Prize? #BrightonSEOGoogle Webmaster Tools: The Search Consolation Prize? #BrightonSEO
Google Webmaster Tools: The Search Consolation Prize? #BrightonSEO

Presentation give by Nicole Bullock at BrightonSEO in Brighton, UK on April 22, 2016 at the Brighton Dome. With all of the 3rd party tools available for SEO, Google Webmaster Tools is often overlooked. Take advantage of this powerful resource that Google provides to users for free. In this presentation, the comparison is made that SEO can be like a game show, and Google Search Console can help you prepare for the times when you don't know how to diagnose site errors and performance.

seogoogle webmaster toolsgoogle search console
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Ad Blocking is the Future
63% use them!
Why You Should Care
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Ad blockers stop many other front-end scripts too
Example — TechCrunch
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Adblock & Adblock Plus
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
• Scripts that include “&ads” or “.ads” or “-ads”
• Ads + tracking on social media
• All major online ad networks
• Google Analytics and most other scripts

can be added for blocking in a few clicks

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Hot Trends in Digital Marketing
Hot Trends in Digital MarketingHot Trends in Digital Marketing
Hot Trends in Digital Marketing

What's happening in digital marketing? My presentation from Pubcon Vegas covers what I see happening over the next few years.

mobile searchdeep learningmillennials
SparkToro Beta Sneak Peek
SparkToro Beta Sneak PeekSparkToro Beta Sneak Peek
SparkToro Beta Sneak Peek

Get an early look at the marketing and customer research problems SparkToro exists to solve, beta product screenshots, use cases, and pricing/launch plans.

sparktorobetaaudience intelligence
Paying for SEO: A Method for Increasing Lead Volume by 300%
Paying for SEO: A Method for Increasing Lead Volume by 300%Paying for SEO: A Method for Increasing Lead Volume by 300%
Paying for SEO: A Method for Increasing Lead Volume by 300%

In the world of digital marketing, it’s essential to do quality work and generate leads at the same time. In every industry, there are plenty of opportunities to “pay to rank” for competitive keywords. This is not in the sense of buying links or even search ads, but think of placing oneself on paid lists, review sites, and display ads that rank well for your primary keywords. Learn actionable tips on how to execute a “pay for SEO” strategy that drives qualified leads and delivers results. In this presentation, learn: - How to “pay for SEO” and become more discoverable. - The impact we’ve seen it have on businesses. - What you can realistically expect when you try it out.

seodigital marketing
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Blocks by default:

BlueKai. Brightcove. ChartBeat. Crazy Egg. Disqus.
DoubleClick. Dstillery. eXelate. Facebook.
Google+. Google AdWords. Google Analytics. Google
Dynamic Retargeting. Google Tag Manager. Hubspot.
Intercom. Moat. LiveRamp. Lotame. Marketo. New Relic.
Omniture (Adobe Analytics). Optimizely. Outbrain.
Perfect Audience. Quantcast. ScoreCard Research
Beacon. SimpleReach. Spot.IM. Tinypass. Twitter. 

Visual Website Optimizer.
uBlock Origin
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Blocks by default:

Disqus. DoubleClick. Google Analytics. Google Tag
Manager. Hotjar. Hubspot. Intercom.
Marketo. Moat. Optimizely. Outbrain. Polar
Mobile. Reachforce. ScoreCard Research. Skimresources
(Skimlinks). Swiftype. Typekit (Adobe). Vidible (AOL).
Wordpress Stats. Yahoo. YouTube ads.
220 million+ block 

Google Analytics
Look at it This Way
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
— Jason Packer, principal consultant at Quantable
25% of people worldwide use a VPN
- UK and US are 16%
VPNs Create Impostor Data
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
— GlobalWebIndex in Wired magazine

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A More Holistic View of Search Pages
A More Holistic View of Search PagesA More Holistic View of Search Pages
A More Holistic View of Search Pages

Presented at TheInbounder 2016 Get to know your users better, then give them what they want. There's a person behind every keyword, an intent, a context - all of which traditional keyword research often misses. This presentation is for people trying to gain a better understanding of the people behind the searches, not with fancy tools, but basically stopping to look at Google's results and leveraging the machines to better understand the people, then how to turn that into a content strategy.

content strategykeywordsseo
Content Marketing: A 360 Degree Approach
Content Marketing: A 360 Degree ApproachContent Marketing: A 360 Degree Approach
Content Marketing: A 360 Degree Approach

Content marketing is a staple in the digital marketing landscape. In fact, in our recent SEJ Annual Report, 66% of respondents said content marketing is the most effective aspect of digital marketing. Is your content marketing strategy giving you the results you want? There may be strategies you are overlooking. Learn from AdLift's Managing Director, Arron Goodin in this sponsored SEJ ThinkTank webinar.

sejthinktankcontent marketingadlift
#Digitalzone 2017 - Finding the Best Inspiration for Content Creation
#Digitalzone 2017 - Finding the Best Inspiration for Content Creation#Digitalzone 2017 - Finding the Best Inspiration for Content Creation
#Digitalzone 2017 - Finding the Best Inspiration for Content Creation

This talk was given at the 2017 Digitalzone conference in Istanbul and focused around the strategies and techniques needed to ensure the right content is produced for the right reasons at the right time and is promoted in the right way.

seocontent marketingcontent strategy
DuckDuckGo Continues to Rise
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
200 million visits in August 2017
— SimilarWeb data
Apple Steps Up
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Safari 11

(Macs and iPhones)

Intelligent Tracking Prevention lets

companies track people for only
24 hours after visiting a website
The Truth
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
We have no idea how much marketing data

is lost, inaccurate, or never collected at all.
The Truth About Data
Data will get you into
#digitalzone -- @samueljscott

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Michal Magdziarz @Digitalzone - The Search Universe - Links, Log Files, GSC a...
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Michal Magdziarz @Digitalzone - The Search Universe - Links, Log Files, GSC a...

Michal Magdziarz was at Digitalzone stage on October 20, 2017 and made a presentation about the search universe!

by Zeo
#digitalmarketing #seo #deepcrawl #digitalzone
Yayıncılar için SEO - Digitalzone'17
Yayıncılar için SEO - Digitalzone'17Yayıncılar için SEO - Digitalzone'17
Yayıncılar için SEO - Digitalzone'17

Her Ölçekteki İnternet Yayıncısı için SEO Önerileri

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SEO Strategies for Startups
SEO Strategies for StartupsSEO Strategies for Startups
SEO Strategies for Startups

Startup'lar için A'dan Z'ye dikkat edilmesi gereken bütün SEO stratejilerini ve kritik noktaları derlediğim sunum

startupanalyticssearch engine optimization
Judgement Day: May 25, 2018
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
What is GDPR?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
•Is your company in the EU?

• Do you collect or process the data
of anyone in the EU?

Pay attention.

What is GDPR?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
• Consumers must opt-in to all 

personal data collection and

• Opt-in can be withdrawn at any time

• Personal data must be erased upon

• Data breach notification and
What is GDPR?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott

— €20 million OR

— 4% of global revenue

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Digitalzone Increasing Roas
Digitalzone Increasing RoasDigitalzone Increasing Roas
Digitalzone Increasing Roas

How Different Channels Affect Your Marketing Results

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Maged Mostafa @Digitalzone - How Businesses Can Make Content Their Competitiv...
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Maged Mostafa @Digitalzone - How Businesses Can Make Content Their Competitiv...

The document summarizes a presentation about how businesses can use content as a competitive advantage. It discusses: 1) How customer journeys have evolved and content experiences now fuel marketing; businesses need to compete through strategic, relevant, engaging, omni-channel content. 2) The challenges of disconnected content creation in silos and not addressing customer needs; and how a content experience platform can optimize the content lifecycle. 3) Examples of how a content platform helps a talent knowledge business shorten ramp times, enables more effective events through interactive content, and allows businesses to produce quality content faster at lower cost.

by Zeo
digitalzonecontent marketingdigital marketing
Büyük ve Küçük Ölçekte SEO Projelerini Etkin Biçimde Yönetmek - Digitalzone'17
Büyük ve Küçük Ölçekte SEO Projelerini Etkin Biçimde Yönetmek - Digitalzone'17Büyük ve Küçük Ölçekte SEO Projelerini Etkin Biçimde Yönetmek - Digitalzone'17
Büyük ve Küçük Ölçekte SEO Projelerini Etkin Biçimde Yönetmek - Digitalzone'17

Digitalzone'17 için gerçekleştirdiğim "Büyük ve Küçük Ölçekte SEO Projelerini Etkin Biçimde Yönetmek" başlıklı sunumum. İçeriğinde proje yönetimi nedir, aşamaları, terminoloji ve süreç yönetimi hakkında yer almaktadır. Blog: Linkedin: Twitter:

seoproject managementmarketing
What is GDPR?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
EU = tracking cookies and

non-tracking cookies are the same.
• A/B testing
• Web design
• Currency localisation
• Ad frequency capping
• Personal stock reports
Who Will Opt-In to Tracking?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
— PageFair research
One Example
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
- The Guardian, September 2017
Google and Facebook
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
- Princeton University (PDF)

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Holistik Yaklaşım: SEO'ya Bütünsel Yaklaşımla Büyük Farklar Yaratmak
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Holistik Yaklaşım: SEO'ya Bütünsel Yaklaşımla Büyük Farklar Yaratmak

SEO'ya bütünsel yaklaşımla nasıl fark katabilirsiniz? Aynı zamanda SEO farklı departmanlarla nasıl çalışabilir bu sunumda bunu bulabilirsiniz.

Ümit YILMAZ - Page Speed - Digitalzone 17
Ümit YILMAZ - Page Speed - Digitalzone 17Ümit YILMAZ - Page Speed - Digitalzone 17
Ümit YILMAZ - Page Speed - Digitalzone 17

Site Hızını İyileştirmek: Ufak Detaylarla Büyük Sonuçlar Elde Etmek İçin Yeni Yöntemler Linkedin : Twitter :

seoseo uzmanısayfa hızı
Gerard Compte @Digitalzone - Growth Hacking: How To Get 3 New Customers Every...
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Gerard Compte @Digitalzone - Growth Hacking: How To Get 3 New Customers Every...

This document discusses growth hacking and outbound marketing techniques. It provides tips on using outbound marketing to target potential new customers directly. It recommends acquiring customer data from sources like virtual assistants, old customers lists, and niche focused tools. The document then gives guidelines for writing effective cold emails, including keeping the subject short and direct, making the body emotional with a clear call to action, and having a signature. It also provides bonuses on using Facebook, Instagram, and meditation to support growth hacking efforts.

by Zeo
growth hackingoutbound marketingdigitalzone
Bottom Line
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
- Campaign, August 2017
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Take stock & understand your data
supply chain

Review vendor contracts
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Localize infrastructure

Invest in data centers in the EU
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Comply with GDPR

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SearchLove London 2017 | Jon Myers | Mobile-First Preparedness: What We've Le...
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SearchLove London 2017 | Jon Myers | Mobile-First Preparedness: What We've Le...

Everyone's been talking about mobile-first all year long, but with 2018 looming, are you prepared for it? By now you’ve probably heard of the Majestic Million report and we thought we'd have a little fun and crawl it! Jon will show how many of the world’s largest sites are shaping up for Google's mobile-first Index. His talk will give an analytical overview of all key mobile aspects, such as site configuration, AMP, fetch time, mobile navigation, crawl depth, content differences, and mobile/desktop differences. Google offers best practice, but we will show you the data on how well the top sites are adjusting to mobile-first indexation.

SearchLove London 2017 | Cheri Percy | Digital Witness: Tales From the Charit...
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We’re all well-versed in the realms of digital transformation when it comes to businesses and brands, but what can we learn from our third-sector friends? Cheri will share her experiences working with nationwide charity Breast Cancer Care. She will showcase the tactics they used to get quick wins from social testing and to boost conversion rates. She’ll also prove that a digital culture means more than just Slack; why it matters and how you can start seeing the change, fast.

PowerBI for Search Marketers (SEO, PPC, Analytics)
PowerBI for Search Marketers (SEO, PPC, Analytics)PowerBI for Search Marketers (SEO, PPC, Analytics)
PowerBI for Search Marketers (SEO, PPC, Analytics)

How to use PowerBi to improve search marketing, combining data sets from SEO, PPC, Analytics, & even the weather!

seobig datapowerbi
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Use analytics platforms that
are not blocked 

by script blockers
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Lobby to change 

the draft GDPR
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Prepare for the data
So, What Do We Do?
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
… by returning

advertising and creativity

to marketing…

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En Çok Linklenen 1 Milyon Türkçe Sayfanın Analizinden Neler Öğrendik?
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En Çok Linklenen 1 Milyon Türkçe Sayfanın Analizinden Neler Öğrendik?

İlyas Teker: Digitalzone 2017 için Mobil SEO ilgili çok faydalı çıkarımlar yaptık. İnceleyerek siz de kendi siteleriniz için alınması gereken aksiyonları görebilirsiniz.

mobilemobile marketingseo
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...SearchLove London 2017 | Emily Grossman | From Website to Web-App: Fantastic ...
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App-like websites can improve page speed and user engagement, but they also rely heavily on JavaScript and JS frameworks that can make many ‘SEO basics’ more technically complex. Emily will walk you through often-missed tactics to make web-apps indexable, optimised, and performant on mobile devices.

marketingdigital marketingprogressive web apps
SearchLove London 2017 | Jes Scholz | The New Era of Visual Marketing
SearchLove London 2017 | Jes Scholz | The New Era of Visual MarketingSearchLove London 2017 | Jes Scholz | The New Era of Visual Marketing
SearchLove London 2017 | Jes Scholz | The New Era of Visual Marketing

For the first time since television, we are adding a new layer of experience to marketing with immersive 360 images and videos, but the importance of visuals is not only key for social engagement. Image SEO is witnessing a re-emergence due to not only Google, but also Facebook and Amazon, leveraging image recognition in user journeys. Learn what smart brands have done to make use these new visual technologies and get practical tips on how you can join their ranks.

visual marketingimage optimisationseo
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
So, What Do We Do?
Less tracking. Less direct marketing. More creative advertising.
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
A Thought to Remember
#searchlove -- @samueljscott
Samuel Scott
Keynote Marketing Speaker

Columnist at The Drum
Facebook and LinkedIn
RSS and e-mail list
#searchlove -- @samueljscott

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SearchLove London 2017 | David Levin | Social Content Masterclass: Platform S...
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A huge factor in making social media work for you is an understanding of platforms and the creation of social content that is right for those platforms. As Creative Director at social agency That Lot, David creatively drives the day-to-day social output for clients such as Channel 4, B&Q, HSBC, and Jamie Oliver, for whom one of the core focuses is platform specificity. In his talk, David will talk through examples of platform-specific content on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, with tips on how to approach particular types of content on those platforms. As part of the agency behind such social feeds as ‘Have I Got News For You’, expect some laughs as well as social inspiration.

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SearchLove London 2017 | Zee Hoffman Jones | A Competitive Analysis that Save...
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In order to edge out your competition you need to know who your competition is, what their marketing strategies are, and how audiences respond to them. Zee will walk through how Distilled performs its own competitive analyses, what kind of actionable insights a great analysis can uncover, and when it’s worth it to go toe-to-toe with your competitors vs. when it’s a better idea to run off with a new approach.

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SearchLove London 2017 | Ross Simmonds | Content Distribution: How To Give Yo...
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Ross will be discussing the search trends forcing marketers to think differently about their content strategy and efforts. Combining strategic advice with actionable takeaways, Ross will highlight why it's no longer enough to just have 'great' content and the important role that distribution plays in the mix.

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The Day After Tomorrow: 
When Ad Blockers Stop All Analytics Platforms

  • 1. The Day After Tomorrow:
 When Ad Blockers Stop All Analytics Platforms SAMUEL SCOTT COLUMNIST, THE PROMOTION FIX – THE DRUM GLOBAL MARKETING SPEAKER #searchlove -- @samueljscott
  • 5. What Is… #searchlove -- @samueljscott Direct MarketingAdvertising
  • 6. Advertising #searchlove -- @samueljscott Pros
 Builds Brands Cons
 Can Flop
 Not Trackable
  • 7. Direct Marketing #searchlove -- @samueljscott Pros
 Trackable Cons
 Not Memorable
  • 8. Direct Marketing #searchlove -- @samueljscott Gets an immediate, trackable response (from a targeted set of people)
  • 10. People Do Not Want Tailored Ads #searchlove -- @samueljscott
  • 11. People Hate It #searchlove -- @samueljscott MarketingSherpa, March 2017
  • 12. How the Internet Changed Everything “Madison Avenue fell asleep, direct response marketing ate its brain, and it woke up as an alien replica of itself.” ! — Linux Journal editor Doc Searls #searchlove -- @samueljscott
  • 13. But People Hate It #searchlove -- @samueljscott Doc Searls,
 Harvard Business Review
  • 14. Ad Blocking Is Only Increasing #searchlove -- @samueljscott 2017 PageFair Adblock Report
  • 15. #searchlove -- @samueljscott 2017 PageFair Adblock Report Ad Blocking Is Only Increasing
  • 16. #searchlove -- @samueljscott 2017 PageFair Adblock Report Ad Blocking Is Only Increasing
  • 17. #searchlove -- @samueljscott Ad Blocking is the Future 63% use them!
  • 18. Why You Should Care #searchlove -- @samueljscott Ad blockers stop many other front-end scripts too
  • 20. Adblock & Adblock Plus #searchlove -- @samueljscott Blocks: • Scripts that include “&ads” or “.ads” or “-ads” • Ads + tracking on social media • All major online ad networks • Google Analytics and most other scripts
 can be added for blocking in a few clicks
  • 21. Ghostery #searchlove -- @samueljscott Blocks by default:
 BlueKai. Brightcove. ChartBeat. Crazy Egg. Disqus. DoubleClick. Dstillery. eXelate. Facebook. Google+. Google AdWords. Google Analytics. Google Dynamic Retargeting. Google Tag Manager. Hubspot. Intercom. Moat. LiveRamp. Lotame. Marketo. New Relic. Omniture (Adobe Analytics). Optimizely. Outbrain. Perfect Audience. Quantcast. ScoreCard Research Beacon. SimpleReach. Spot.IM. Tinypass. Twitter. 
 Visual Website Optimizer.
  • 22. uBlock Origin #searchlove -- @samueljscott Blocks by default:
 Disqus. DoubleClick. Google Analytics. Google Tag Manager. Hotjar. Hubspot. Intercom. Marketo. Moat. Optimizely. Outbrain. Polar Mobile. Reachforce. ScoreCard Research. Skimresources (Skimlinks). Swiftype. Typekit (Adobe). Vidible (AOL). Wordpress Stats. Yahoo. YouTube ads.
  • 23. 220 million+ block 
 Google Analytics Look at it This Way #searchlove -- @samueljscott — Jason Packer, principal consultant at Quantable
  • 24. 25% of people worldwide use a VPN - UK and US are 16% VPNs Create Impostor Data #searchlove -- @samueljscott — GlobalWebIndex in Wired magazine
  • 25. DuckDuckGo Continues to Rise #searchlove -- @samueljscott 200 million visits in August 2017 — SimilarWeb data
  • 26. Apple Steps Up #searchlove -- @samueljscott Safari 11
 (Macs and iPhones) 
 Intelligent Tracking Prevention lets
 companies track people for only 24 hours after visiting a website
  • 27. The Truth #searchlove -- @samueljscott We have no idea how much marketing data
 is lost, inaccurate, or never collected at all.
  • 28. The Truth About Data Data will get you into trouble #digitalzone -- @samueljscott
  • 29. Judgement Day: May 25, 2018 #searchlove -- @samueljscott
  • 30. What is GDPR? #searchlove -- @samueljscott •Is your company in the EU?
 • Do you collect or process the data of anyone in the EU?
 Pay attention.

  • 31. What is GDPR? #searchlove -- @samueljscott • Consumers must opt-in to all 
 personal data collection and processing
 • Opt-in can be withdrawn at any time
 • Personal data must be erased upon request
 • Data breach notification and accountability
  • 32. What is GDPR? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Fine:
 — €20 million OR
 — 4% of global revenue
  • 33. What is GDPR? #searchlove -- @samueljscott EU = tracking cookies and
 non-tracking cookies are the same. • A/B testing • Web design • Currency localisation • Ad frequency capping • Personal stock reports
  • 34. Who Will Opt-In to Tracking? #searchlove -- @samueljscott 5% — PageFair research
  • 35. One Example #searchlove -- @samueljscott - The Guardian, September 2017
  • 36. Google and Facebook #searchlove -- @samueljscott - Princeton University (PDF)
  • 37. Bottom Line #searchlove -- @samueljscott - Campaign, August 2017
  • 38. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Take stock & understand your data supply chain
 Review vendor contracts
  • 39. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Localize infrastructure
 Invest in data centers in the EU
  • 40. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Comply with GDPR
  • 41. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Use analytics platforms that are not blocked 
 by script blockers
  • 42. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Lobby to change 
 the draft GDPR
  • 43. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott Prepare for the data apocalypse NO TRACKING!
  • 44. So, What Do We Do? #searchlove -- @samueljscott … by returning
 advertising and creativity
 to marketing…
  • 45. #searchlove -- @samueljscott So, What Do We Do? Less tracking. Less direct marketing. More creative advertising.
  • 46. #searchlove -- @samueljscott A Thought to Remember
  • 48. Cheers! Samuel Scott Keynote Marketing Speaker
 Columnist at The Drum ! @samueljscott Facebook and LinkedIn RSS and e-mail list #searchlove -- @samueljscott