36 Free Oscar Winning Films Available on the Web

LOS ANGELES - JAN 16: Oscars at the 86th Academy Awards Nominat

How about some hors d’oeu­vres meant to accom­pa­ny the main course, the 2014 Acad­e­my Awards? We scout­ed around the web and found 36 Oscar-win­ning (or nom­i­nat­ed) films from pre­vi­ous years. The list includes many short films, but also some long ones, like Sergei Bon­darchuk’s epic ver­sion of War & Peace. Sit back, enjoy, and let us know if we’re miss­ing any oth­er Oscar win­ners…

Find more films in our col­lec­tion of 700 Free Movies Online.

  • A Herb Alpert & the Tijua­na Brass Dou­ble Fea­ture — Free — A pre­cur­sor to mod­ern music videos, this Oscar-win­ning ani­mat­ed film by John & Faith Hub­ley is set to the music of two pop­u­lar songs record­ed by Herb Alpert. (1966)
  • A Sto­ry of Heal­ing — Free – Won Acad­e­my Award for best Doc­u­men­tary Short Sub­ject. Fol­lows a team of vol­un­teers in Viet­nam. (1997)
  • Churchill’s Island — Free – WWII pro­pa­gan­da film chron­i­cling the defense of Great Britain. Won the very first Acad­e­my Award for Doc­u­men­tary Short Sub­ject. (1941)
  • Der Fuehrer’s Face – Free – Disney’s anti-Nazi pro­pa­gan­da movie fea­tur­ing Don­ald Duck. Won the Acad­e­my Award for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film. (1942)
  • Every Child – Free – Eugene Fedorenko’s ani­mat­ed short about an unwant­ed baby cared for by a home­less men. Won 1979 Oscar for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film.
  • Father and Daugh­ter Free – Michaël Dudok De Wit’s heart­break­ing short won the 2000 Acad­e­my Award for Ani­mat­ed Short Film. (2000)
  • Fla­men­co at 5:15 – Free – Oscar-win­ning short film about a fla­men­co dance class giv­en to senior stu­dents. (1983)
  • Franz Kafka’s It’s a Won­der­ful Life Free — Direct­ed by Peter Capal­di, the Oscar-win­ning short film shows Kaf­ka, on Christ­mas Eve, strug­gling to come up with the open­ing line for his most famous work, The Meta­mor­pho­sis. (1993)
  • Glass - Free — Direct­ed by Bert Haanstra, this short doc­u­men­tary about the glass indus­try won the Acad­e­my Award for Doc­u­men­tary Short Sub­ject in 1959. (1958)
  • Granny O’Grimm’s Sleep­ing Beau­tyFree – 6 minute ani­mat­ed black com­e­dy. Short­list­ed for the 2010 Oscar for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film. (2008)
  • Logo­ra­ma – Free – François Alaux and Herve de Crecy’s 17 minute film, Logo­ra­ma, won the Oscar for Short Film (Ani­mat­ed) in 2009.
  • If You Love This Plan­et – Free – Oscar-win­ning short film on the need for nuclear dis­ar­ma­ment. (1982)
  • I’ll Find a Way – Free – Oscar-win­ning doc­u­men­tary presents Nadia, a 9‑year-old girl with spina bifi­da. (1977)
  • Is It Right to Be Always Right? — Free — Nar­rat­ed by Orson Welles, this Oscar-win­ning film direct­ed by Lee Mishkin is a para­ble that com­ments on divi­sions in the Unit­ed States. (1970)
  • J’attendrai le suiv­ant – Free – A French film nom­i­nat­ed for an Acad­e­my Award for the Best Short Film in 2002.
  • Madame Tut­li-Put­liFree – Oscar-nom­i­nat­ed ani­mat­ed short film by Mon­tre­al film­mak­ers Chris Lavis and Maciek Szczer­bows­ki. (2010)
  • Neigh­bors – Free – Nor­man McLaren ani­mates live actors with tech­niques nor­mal­ly used to put drawings/puppets into motion. Oscar win­ner. (1952)
  • Ryan – Free – Oscar-win­ning ani­mat­ed short from Chris Lan­dreth based on the life of Ryan Larkin, the influ­en­tial Cana­di­an ani­ma­tor. (2004)
  • Spe­cial Deliv­ery – Free – Hilar­i­ous sto­ry won 1978 Oscar for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film.
  • Super­man – Free – Max Fleischer’s short ani­mat­ed movie. Nom­i­nat­ed for the 1942 Acad­e­my Award for Best Short Sub­ject: Car­toons. (1941)
  • The Cathe­dralFree — “The Cathe­dral” is the title of a sci fi short sto­ry by Jacek Dukaj. It was turned into a short ani­mat­ed movie by Tomasz Bag­ińs­ki and nom­i­nat­ed in 2002 for the Acad­e­my Award for Ani­mat­ed Short Film. (2002)
  • The Crit­ic - Free — Mel Brooks 1963 ani­ma­tion fea­tures an old Yid­dish watch­ing abstract ani­ma­tions. Hilar­i­ous film won Oscar. (1963)
  • The Dan­ish PoetFree — Ani­mat­ed short film writ­ten, direct­ed, and ani­mat­ed by Torill Kove and nar­rat­ed by Liv Ull­mann, won the Acad­e­my Award in 2006.
  • The Dot and the Line - Free — Chuck Jones’ ani­mat­ed film cel­e­brates geom­e­try and hard work. (1965)
  • The Fan­tas­tic Fly­ing Books of Mr. Mor­ris Less­more — Free — Oscar-win­ning film by Moon­bot Stu­dios pays homage to a bygone era when ele­gant­ly print­ed books inhab­it­ed our world. (2011)
  • The Hole – Free — A 15-minute ani­mat­ed film by John Hub­ley and Faith Hub­ley that won an Acad­e­my Award for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film in 1962. Fea­tures the voice of Dizzy Gille­spie. (1962)
  • The Last Farm – Free – Short Ice­landic film nom­i­nat­ed for Oscar in 2006.
  • The Lunch Date – Free – Adam Davidson’s com­men­tary on race in Amer­i­ca. The short film won an Oscar and a prize at Cannes. (1989)
  • The Man with the The Gold­en Arm Free — Direct­ed by Otto Pre­minger. Star­ring Frank Sina­tra and Kim Novak. Nom­i­nat­ed for three Acad­e­my Awards. (1955)
  • The Old Man and the Sea – Free – Alek­san­dr Petrov won the Acad­e­my Award for Short Film for this film that fol­lows the plot of Ernest Hemingway’s clas­sic 1952 novel­la. Made of 29,000 images paint­ed on glass. (1999)
  • The Red Bal­loon — Free — A short fan­ta­sy film direct­ed by French film­mak­er Albert Lam­or­isse. Won Acad­e­my Award for Best Orig­i­nal Screen­play and a Palme d’Or for Best Short Film at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val in 1956.
  • The Sand Cas­tle – Free – Short ani­mat­ed film about the sand­man and the crea­tures he sculpts out of sand. 1977 Oscar-win­ner for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film.
  • Tin Toy – Free – John Las­seter cre­at­ed this Oscar-win­ning short film in 1988 at Pixar. It was the begin­ning of the company’s tran­si­tion into being a pre­mier ani­ma­tion stu­dio.
  • Toot, Whis­tle, Plunk and Boom – Free – Disney’s music edu­ca­tion film. First car­toon released in widescreen Cin­e­maS­cope. Won 1954 Acad­e­my Award for Best Short Sub­ject (Car­toons). (1953)
  • Walk­ing – Free – Oscar-nom­i­nat­ed ani­mat­ed short film by Ryan Larkin. (1969)
  • War & Peace — Free — Sovi­et direc­tor Sergei Bon­darchuk turns Tolstoy’s great nov­el into what Roger Ebert calls “the defin­i­tive epic of all time.” Won Acad­e­my Award – Best For­eign Lan­guage Film in 1969. (1965–1967)
  • Why Man Cre­ates - Free - Saul Bass’ Oscar-win­ning ani­ma­tion on the nature of cre­ativ­i­ty. (1963)

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