74 Essential Books for Your Personal Library: A List Curated by Female Creatives

virginia woolf list

Pub­lic domain image orig­i­nal­ly tak­en by George Charles Beres­ford.

When Open Cul­ture recent­ly pub­lished Jorge Luis Borges’ self-com­piled list of 74 ‘great works of lit­er­a­ture’, com­mis­sioned by Argen­tine pub­lish­er Hys­pamer­i­ca, I, along with many oth­ers, saw one glar­ing issue in the oth­er­wise fan­tas­ti­cal­ly diverse list: it includ­ed no works by female writ­ers.

Whether inten­tion­al or not, the fact that women are exclud­ed from Borges’ note­wor­thies (and in 1985, no less) means that a vast num­ber of his­tor­i­cal­ly and cul­tur­al­ly sig­nif­i­cant books and writ­ings have been over­looked. While this ought not to dis­cred­it the works list­ed in any way, after wit­ness­ing the immense pop­u­lar­i­ty of Borges’ list I cer­tain­ly felt that for his selec­tion to be rel­e­vant today it need­ed to be accom­pa­nied by a list of works which had been over­looked due to the gen­der of their respec­tive authors.

I decid­ed to put a sug­ges­tion to a group of inter­na­tion­al women writ­ers, artists and cura­tors, and we com­piled our own list of 74 ‘great works of lit­er­a­ture’ — one just as var­ied, loose and sub­stan­tial as that of Borges, but made up sole­ly of writ­ers iden­ti­fy­ing as women or non-gen­der-bina­ry. Over two days we amassed many sug­ges­tions, which I’ve now curat­ed to form the list below. It’s not intend­ed to inval­i­date the orig­i­nal, but rather to serve as an accom­pa­ni­ment to high­light and encour­age a dia­logue on gen­der imbal­ances in cre­ative and intel­lec­tu­al realms, as well as to pro­vide a bal­ance by active­ly ‘equal­is­ing’ that of Jorge Luis Borges.

  1. Agatha Christie — The Mouse­trap
  2. Alber­tine Sar­razin — L’As­tra­gale
  3. Alice Walk­er — The Col­or Pur­ple
  4. Anaïs Nin — Lit­tle Birds
  5. Angela Carter — Nights at the Cir­cus
  6. Angela Davis — Are Pris­ons Obse­lete?
  7. Ani­ta Desai — Clear Light of Day
  8. Anne Car­son — Auto­bi­og­ra­phy of Red
  9. Anne Frank — The Diary of a Young Girl
  10. Anne Sex­ton — Live or Die
  11. Arund­hati Roy — The God of Small Things
  12. Banana Yoshi­mo­to — Kitchen
  13. bell hooks — Ain’t I a Woman?
  14. Beryl Bain­bridge — Mas­ter Georgie
  15. Beryl Markham — West with the Night
  16. Buchi Emecheta — The Joys of Moth­er­hood
  17. Car­son McCullers — The Heart is a Lone­ly Hunter
  18. Char­lotte Bronte — Jane Eyre
  19. Char­lotte Roche — Feucht­ge­bi­ete
  20. Chris Kraus — I Love Dick
  21. Colette — Chéri
  22. Daphne du Mau­ri­er — Rebec­ca
  23. Doris Less­ing — The Gold­en Note­book
  24. Edith Whar­ton — Age of Inno­cence
  25. Eileen Myles — Infer­no
  26. Elfriede Jelinek — Women as Lovers
  27. Emi­ly Bronte — Wuther­ing Heights
  28. Flan­nery O’Con­nor — Com­plete Sto­ries
  29. Françoise Sagan — Bon­jour Tristesse
  30. George Eliot — Silas Marn­er
  31. Gertrude Stein — The Mak­ing of Amer­i­cans
  32. Gwen­dolyn Brooks — To Dis­em­bark
  33. Han­nah Arendt — The Human Con­di­tion
  34. Harp­er Lee — To Kill a Mock­ing­bird
  35. Hillary Man­tel — Wolf Hall
  36. Iris Mur­doch — The Sea, The Sea
  37. James Tip­tree Jr. — Her Smoke Rose Up For­ev­er
  38. Jean Rhys — Wide Sar­gas­so Sea
  39. Jhumpa Lahiri — Inter­preter of Mal­adies
  40. Joan Did­ion — Slouch­ing Towards Beth­le­hem
  41. Joyce Car­ol Oats — A Blood­smoore Romance
  42. Jung Chang — Wild Swans
  43. Kate Zam­breno — Hero­ines
  44. Kathy Ack­er — Blood and Guts in High School
  45. Leono­ra Car­ring­ton — The Hear­ing Trum­pet
  46. Leslie Fein­berg — Stone Butch Blues
  47. Lor­rie Moore — Who Will Run the Frog Hos­pi­tal?
  48. Louise Erdrich — The Beet Queen
  49. Mar­garet Atwood — The Hand­maid­’s Tale
  50. Mar­guerite Duras — Le ravisse­ment de Lol V. Stein
  51. Mary Shel­ley — Franken­stein
  52. Mary Woll­stonecraft — A Vin­di­ca­tion of the Rights of Women
  53. Maya Angelou — I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
  54. Michelle Cliff — Abeng
  55. Miran­da July — No One Belongs Here More Than You
  56. Monique Wit­tig — Les Guéril­lères
  57. Murasa­ki Shik­ibu — Gen­ji Mono­gatari
  58. Muriel Spark — The Dri­ver’s Seat
  59. Octavia But­ler — Kin­dred
  60. Rachel Car­son — Silent Spring
  61. Rox­ane Gay — An Untamed State
  62. Sap­pho — Frag­ments
  63. Sara Strids­berg — Dar­ling Riv­er
  64. Sei Shō­nagon — The Pil­low Book
  65. Simone Weil — Grav­i­ty and Grace
  66. Sylvia Plath — The Bell Jar
  67. There­sa Hak Kyung Cha — Dic­tée
  68. Toni Mor­ri­son — Beloved
  69. Tove Jans­son — Mumintroll series
  70. Tsit­si Dan­garem­b­ga — Ner­vous Con­di­tions
  71. Ursu­la K Le Guin — The Left Hand of Dark­ness
  72. Vir­ginia Woolf — The Waves
  73. Willa Cather — The Song of the Lark
  74. Zadie Smith — On Beau­ty

Lulu Nunn is a Lon­don-based artist, writer, cura­tor and edi­tor of HOAX, an inter­na­tion­al jour­nal pub­lish­ing cre­ative work incor­po­rat­ing text. You can fol­low her at @lulu_nunn and HOAX at @hoaxpublication.


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Comments (51)
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  • Cindy says:

    Won­der­ful. Thank you for this mar­velous list!

  • R C Douglas says:

    I agree with many of the authors, but I’m puz­zled by some of the works cho­sen. Case in point: Octavia But­ler? yes! “Kin­dred,” not “Para­ble of the Sow­er”? say more, please.

  • Cathryn says:

    Alice Munro???

  • lulu nunn says:

    great — not nec­es­sar­i­ly ‘great­est’; it’s not intend­ed as a com­pe­ti­tion.

  • Alexandrine says:

    Mar­guerite YOURCENAR — Les Mémoires d’Hadrien

    Valerie SOLANAS — SCUM Man­i­festo

  • Lola Rogers says:

    Yes, where is Alice Munro? And why not Mid­dle­march? Not that Silas Marn­er isn’t a good book, but… ?

  • elgordo says:

    Where are the Latin Amer­i­can writ­ers like Sor Jua­na Inez de la Cruz, Isabel Allende, etc.? Bias­es go all dif­fer­ent ways.

  • Renata says:


  • pepette says:

    agatha christie ? i went no fur­ther. your list instant­ly lost all cred­i­bil­i­ty.

    she has no cul­tur­al artis­ti­cal or intel­lec­tu­al val­ue. it’s not enough to be a woman, in spite of what you might think, to be tal­ent­ed. geez. you fem­i­nists dri­ve me nuts. and i’m a woman. a very irate one, at that.

  • Susan says:

    Inter­est­ing list, but would have been nice to know the names of those who helped you com­pile it.

  • Mike says:

    No Jane Austen?

  • gemma says:

    Fal­tar­i­an los diar­ios de Emma Gold­man, por pon­er un ejem­p­lo.

  • Nanine says:

    No Isabel Allende? No Jane Austen? Bar­bara King­solver? Impor­tant voic­es miss­ing. Make room by drop­ping Agatha Christie.

  • Itaí says:

    As a fem­i­nist, I sin­cere­ly thank you for bring­ing this issue to the pub­lic’s atten­tion. It should be men­tioned that Borges him­self trans­lat­ed Vir­ginia Woolf’s “A Room of one’s Own” and “Orlan­do” into Span­ish ear­ly on in the 1930s. These trans­la­tions were of utmost impor­tance in the devel­op­ment of the fem­i­nist move­ment in Latin Amer­i­ca, and informed the work of writ­ers such as Rosario Castel­lanos, Rosario Fer­ré and Isabel Allende –con­spic­u­ous­ly absent from this list. Per­haps Latin Amer­i­can women writ­ers should have “A List of Their Own.”

  • blend says:

    putting feucht­ge­bi­ete on one list with any­thing writ­ten by toni mor­ri­son is like… i don’t even know. i can’t believe it.

  • Bernardo says:

    My miss­ing per­son­al favs:
    de Beau­voir, Simone — Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée
    Tristán, Flo­ra — Pere­gri­na­ciones de una paria
    Sand, George (Aurore Dupin)- Con­sue­lo
    Riesco, Lau­ra — Xime­na de dos caminos

  • JBT says:

    Here’s some that I would add:

    Amelie Nothomb — Lov­ing Sab­o­tage
    Yoko Ogawa — Revenge
    Mar­guerite Yource­nar — The Abyss
    Goliar­da Sapien­za — The Art of Joy
    Eileen Chang — Love in a Fall­en City
    Dorothy B. Hugh­es — In A Lone­ly Place
    Eudo­ra Wel­ty — The Rob­ber Bride­groom
    Dulce Maria Loy­naz — Woman in her Gar­den
    Ursu­la K. Leguin — The Earth­sea Quar­tet
    Mari­na Tsve­tae­va — Art in the Light of Con­science
    Clarice Lispec­tor — The Hour of the Star
    Nomi Prins — All the Pres­i­dents’ Bankers
    Ruth Bene­dict — Pat­terns of Cul­ture
    Dee Brown — Bury My Heart at Wound­ed Knee
    Freya Stark — Perseus in the Wind
    Mar­guerite Duras — The Sailor from Gibral­tar
    Ele­na Fer­rante — My Bril­liant Friend
    Emma Gold­man — Anar­chism and Oth­er Essays
    Sylvie Ger­main — The Weep­ing Woman on the Streets of Prague
    Cyn­thia Ozick — The Put­ter­mess­er Papers
    Isabelle Eber­hardt — The Obliv­ion Seek­ers
    Wis­lawa Szym­bors­ka — Poems: New and Col­lect­ed
    France Stonor Saun­ders — Who Paid the Piper?
    Tatyana Tol­staya — White Walls: Col­lect­ed Sto­ries
    Olivia Man­ning — The Balkan Tril­o­gy
    Zora Neale Hurston — Their Eyes Were Watch­ing God
    Irene Nemirovsky — Suite Fran­caise
    Shirley Jack­son — We Have Always Lived in the Cas­tle
    Joan Mellen — Farewell to Jus­tice
    Mary Renault — The King Must Die
    Joan Did­ion — We Tell Our­selves Sto­ries in Order to Live
    Cheri Sey­mour — The Last Cir­cle
    Dju­na Barnes — Night­wood
    Anna Akhma­to­va — The Com­plete Poems Of Anna Akhma­to­va
    Mary Midge­ly — Sci­ence and Poet­ry
    Irm­traud Morgn­er — The Life and Adven­tures of Trobado­ra Beat­rice as Chron­i­cled by Her Min­strel Lau­ra
    Gabriela Mis­tral — Mad­women
    Patri­cia High­smith — The Tal­ent­ed Mr. Rip­ley
    Susan Son­tag — Regard­ing the Pain of Oth­ers

  • Francesco Mariani says:

    We need anoth­er list: great works of lit­er­a­ture by female Cana­di­an writ­ers — I can’t believe Alice Munro is not includ­ed.

  • Rafaëlle R. says:

    Elsa Tri­o­let — Le cheval blanc.
    Edwige Dan­ti­cat — The Farm­ing of Bones.
    Sue Monk Kidd — The Mer­maid Chair

    I am not at all dis­ap­point­ed that the list seems incom­plete. I love that names are com­ing out that were not there. Thank you, JBT. Why don’t we all just con­tin­ue the list? It’s won­der­ful.

  • Sophie G says:

    Also, can we do an accom­pa­ny­ing list of great mod­ern works of lit­er­ary NON­FIC­TIOn by women?

  • Beverley Fitzgerald says:

    I agree with Rafaelle R — won­der­ful to have start­ed the con­ver­sa­tion — and it’s great to have all the ‘extra’ lists and ideas. Many thanks.

  • Christopher Denny says:

    How embar­rass­ing to mis­spell both the writer AND her work. I’ve nev­er cared any­thing for her or her writing–which makes her the female John Updike in my book. But at least I know how to spell her name and her title: A Blood­smoor Romance by Joyce Car­ol Oates.

  • panayotis ioannidis says:

    [i know this will sound like just anoth­er whine — nev­er­the­less, it can’t be helped:]

    many, many, extreme­ly wel­come ‑and loved- authors and works — but such a list seems pos­i­tive­ly odd with­out any jane austen, and any mar­guerite yource­nar…

  • Anastasia Vronski says:

    Thank you , this is a great list .
    Like oth­ers I miss Simone de Beau­voir, Mar­guerite Yource­nar , Anna Akhma­to­va and Maria­ma Ba : une si longue let­tre , such a long let­ter . She is African .

  • mlouise says:

    I agree!! Must have Alice Munro.

  • Perrel says:

    For those of you who think this is a list of fic­tion titles,this includes fic­tion, poet­ry and non-fic­tion. And I think it’s great that this list includes Agatha Christie as well as Anne Car­son. There are oth­ers, how­ev­er, that I think are fla­vors of the month, plus one old timer who with a lack of rhytm who churns out a nov­el a year with lan­guage so stilt­ed that I devel­op migraines. For the most part, how­ev­er, I think it’s a fine list that could be enhanced by the addi­tion of Adichie and her short sto­ry col­lec­tion.

  • Catrina says:

    Chim­i­nan­da Adichie, Bar­bara King­solver, Amy Tan, Isabel Allende, Janisse Ray, Bai­ley White, Sue Monk Kidd, Winona LaDuke, Fan­nie Flagg, Har­ri­ette Arnow, Geral­dine Brooks, Bar­bara Ehren­re­ich, Bil­lie Letts, Kathryn Stock­ett, Leslie Mar­mon Silko, Haven Kim­mel, Emma Donoghue, Anne Tyler, Ann Lam­ott, Madeleine L’En­gle, Azar Nafisi, Jane Hamil­ton, Lee Smith, Kay Red­field Jami­son, Louisa May Alcott, Eliz­a­beth George Speare, Mary Karr, Lisa Gen­o­va, more.…

  • Sarah says:

    This list is a great begin­ning and I’ve real­ly enjoyed the addi­tion­al rec­om­men­da­tions in the com­ments. How­ev­er, per­haps there is a deep­er (and even more recent) issue here than Borges’ fail­ure to include writ­ers who are women on his list. Of the fif­teen famous peo­ple whose lists of favourite books are includ­ed on the Open Cul­ture home page, thir­teen are men. There is one woman (Mar­i­lyn Mon­roe) and this list, com­piled by Lula Nunn and an oth­er­wise anony­mous col­lec­tive of ‘female cre­atives’. The list of Great Lec­tures and Great Record­ings fares lit­tle bet­ter.

    Open­Cul­ture, you are won­der­ful, but sure­ly there are more Book Lists and works by women that could be linked to on your front page? For instance, as a coun­ter­part to David Bowie, what about Pat­ti Smith’s list of favourites? This seems to be read­i­ly avail­able on the inter­net, and would make a good start.

  • Jane says:

    Sarah, that was my first thought, also.

    And yes, do add to the list, that’s why we have them — for dis­cus­sion and enrich­ment.

    And, as the whole web­site shows a bias, please every­one, don’t lim­it your sug­ges­tions to just this page.

  • Max says:

    I would include Jet­ta Carl­ton’s The Moon­flower Vine. Also, per­haps some­thing by E.M. Forster?

  • mila says:

    Anna Kavan & Dju­na Barnes

  • JewelDole says:

    Where’s MFK Fish­er? She even wrote “How to Cook a Wolf” in some­thing like a month!

    In 1963, W. H. Auden called her “Amer­i­ca’s great­est writer.” And he did­n’t say: “great­est food writer” or “great­est woman writer” — just, great­est writer.

    As one of her biog­ra­phers not­ed, she used food as a lens and milieu to con­sid­er and talk about peo­ple, life, death…

  • bd says:

    Dee Brown, who died in 2002, was a man

  • Kurt says:

    I would invite your fur­ther com­ment on how GK Chester­ton’s Father Brown (from Borges’ list) over Christie’s sta­ble of ama­teur and pro­fes­sion­al detec­tives are more deserv­ing of the title of cul­tur­al, intel­lec­tu­al and artis­tic val­ue? Would you also dis­miss Borges on the basis of his choice of detec­tive fic­tion as being a genre of influ­ence?

    Agatha Christie as one of the most influ­en­tial mem­bers of the gold­en age of detec­tive fic­tion is deserv­ing of a place on this list. It does depend on how one defines intel­lec­tu­al, cul­tur­al and artis­tic val­ue — unfor­tu­nate­ly all very sub­jec­tive things and extreme­ly dif­fi­cult to quan­ti­fy.

    Humans are fas­ci­nat­ed by mys­ter­ies — they are part of the basic moti­va­tions for sci­en­tif­ic inquiry and para­dox­i­cal­ly also form one of the basic argu­ments which jus­ti­fy faith over rea­son. Part of the appeal of the detec­tive genre may be its stub­born insis­tence on there being a neat expla­na­tion which makes sense of a chaot­ic uni­verse — an idea famous­ly sub­vert­ed by Umber­to Eco in “The Name of the Rose”. What­ev­er the rea­sons, even Borges has acknowl­edged that detec­tives are firm­ly embed­ded in human cul­ture and though Christie’s writ­ing is at times a lit­tle staid, she is def­i­nite­ly deserv­ing of a place here.

    My main con­cern is more that there are few, if any, Aus­tralian female authors on this list — even in their own coun­try they have been mar­gin­alised but their voic­es are as pow­er­ful as any oth­er — Louisa Law­son, Jessie Cou­vreur, Bar­bara Bayn­ton, Kather­ine Susan­nah Pritchard, Eve Lan­g­ley, Kate Grenville, Ethel Flo­rence (Hen­ry Han­del) Richard­son, Jean­nie Gunn, Stel­la Mary Sarah Miles Franklin, Kathy Lette (Puber­ty Blues), Meli­na Mar­che­t­ta (Look­ing for Ali­bran­di), Thea Ast­ley, Anne Sum­mers and dare I add Ger­maine Greer (The Female Eunuch)?

  • Macarena says:

    I agree! Where’s Clarice Lispec­tor?

  • Sasha says:

    I would say a very poor choice. It is very anglo­cen­tric in a first place. Sec­ond, there are no some of great­est writ­ers of all time, male or female, Ostin, Yourse­nar, Szymborska,Sontag,Sor Jua­na del­la Cruz,Ahmatova, Tsve­tae­va, Munro, etc. On the oth­er hand, you have some total­ly lit­er­ary unim­por­tant writ­ers such as Agatha Christie. But prob­a­bly most shock­ing is your choice not to include prob­a­bly the great­est female artist of all time, Emi­ly Dick­in­son?!

  • Dithreabhach says:

    Open Cul­ture did­n’t say it was a defin­i­tive list you schmucks! All such lists are bound to be sub­jec­tive — just as your sug­ges­tions are sub­jec­tive! Use it as it is meant to be used — as a start­ing point!

  • Francis.R says:

    I have read Borges’ com­plete works and there is a lot of admi­ra­tion for female writ­ers but not because they are women but they had writ­ten enjoy­able books.
    His inten­tion to do the list (thought to span one hun­dred authors) was not diver­si­ty but to share the books that mat­tered for him with the dis­tance of lived years, not in the name of “diver­si­ty” as the author of this list shows.
    Apply­ing the same (erro­neous) cri­te­ria I could say I, along with many oth­ers, that this list by Lulu Nuck saw one glar­ing issue in the oth­er­wise fan­tas­ti­cal­ly diverse list: it includ­ed no works by male writ­ers.

  • Shira says:

    Inter­est­ing to see that a list like this can pro­voke so many peo­ple! I think it’s good to be crit­i­cal but also to realise that a list like this can (almost) nev­er be com­plete nor sta­t­ic. Thus it is nice to see all the oth­er names being dropped as a proof a list like this would dif­fer for every­one and that it makes me a bit more crit­i­cal when choos­ing a book (con­cern­ing pick­ing up books by authors from coun­tries I’ve nev­er read a book from).

    I actu­al­ly wish I’d have a strong opin­ion on this but I haven’t, part­ly because I haven’t read all of these books. I’m far from that. I do hope that Ali Smith makes many lists one day, or does already.

    And I’m going to do my best to read more books by female authors — and males alike.

  • Christine says:

    E. M. Forster is a man.

  • Andie says:

    i thought about solanas too :)

  • Andie says:

    but real­ly? Char­lotte Roche is on the list, but not mod­ern clas­sics like George Sand, Bet­ti­na von Arn­im, Else Lasker-Schüler, Mascha Kaleko, Simone de Beau­voir, Mary McCarthy, Inge­borg Bach­mann, Christa Wolf and Assia Dje­bar. Also cur­rent writ­ers like Doro­ta Maslows­ka, Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Yas­mi­na Reza and Mian Mian are miss­ing (although i’d admit that they’re not canon­i­cal). What’s the artis­tic cri­te­ri­on for the cura­tion?

  • Andie says:

    but real­ly? Char­lotte Roche is on the list, but not mod­ern clas­sics like George Sand, Bet­ti­na von Arn­im, Else Lasker-Schüler, Mascha Kaleko, Simone de Beau­voir, Mary McCarthy, Inge­borg Bach­mann, Christa Wolf and Assia Dje­bar. Also great cur­rent writ­ers like Doro­ta Maslows­ka, Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Yas­mi­na Reza and Mian Mian are miss­ing (although i’d admit that they’re not canon­i­cal). And when you include polit­i­cal writ­ers like Arendt what about Olympe de Gouges (prob­a­bly the first fem­i­nist). And all marx­ists are miss­ing: Rosa Lux­em­bourg, Clara Zetkin, Alexan­dra Kol­lon­tai. why? what’s the artis­tic cri­te­ri­on for the selec­tion?

  • Andie says:

    but real­ly? Char­lotte Roche is on the list, but not mod­ern clas­sics like George Sand, Bet­ti­na von Arn­im, Else Lasker-Schüler, Mascha Kaleko, Simone de Beau­voir, Mary McCarthy, Inge­borg Bach­mann, Christa Wolf and Assia Dje­bar. Also great cur­rent writ­ers like Doro­ta Maslows­ka, Sibylle Lewitscharoff, Yas­mi­na Reza and Mian Mian are miss­ing (although i’d admit that they’re not canon­i­cal). And when you include polit­i­cal writ­ers like Arendt what about Olympe de Gouges (prob­a­bly the first fem­i­nist). And all marx­ists are miss­ing: Rosa Lux­em­bourg, Clara Zetkin, Alexan­dra Kol­lon­tai. why? what’s the artis­tic cri­te­ri­on for the selec­tion?

  • Pere V says:

    Real­ly enjoy­ing every­one’s extra sug­ges­tions as well as the orig­i­nal list! Would also add Jes­si­ca Hage­dorn and Annie Dil­lard.

    Also enjoy­ing Fran­cis R doing the equiv­a­lent of enter­ing the only wom­en’s restroom in a build­ing full of men’s restrooms and then com­plain­ing that there are no uri­nals.

  • Anne says:

    Mary Hunter Austin, Land of Lit­tle Rain
    Maxi­ine Hong Kingston, Cer­e­mo­ny
    Kate Chopin, Awak­en­ing

    Oh the fun of this ever-expand­ing list!

  • Barbara says:

    There was a lot writ­ten and frankly a lot to go through so I was won­der­ing if any­one had put Ayn Rand, who wrote the incred­i­ble Atlas Shrugged and The Foun­tain­head?

  • Dan Osterman says:

    I’m sor­ry Tove Jansen. But. Mumintroll ???

  • frank says:

    Male writ­ers are writ­ers and female writ­ers are “female cre­atives”? wow…

  • Lidia Nouche says:

    Dor­ris Alexan­der “Dee” Brown (Feb­ru­ary 29, 1908 – Decem­ber 12, 2002) was an Amer­i­can nov­el­ist, his­to­ri­an, and librar­i­an, (male writer)
    I con­sid��er any type of com­pe­ti­tion absurd in this area, but even more absurd is that the women who made this list do not know who are female writ­ers and who are male writ­ers.
    Jorge Luis Borges includ­ed Mar­guerite Yource­nar book, Ori­en­tal Tales, in his list, but the col­lec­tion was left incom­plete due to Borges’ death.
    Borges list is his favorite books, or the ones that most influ­enced his own work, which is why it is called Per­son­al Library.

  • Maril M Bull says:

    and then beyond egre­gious that it’s nev­er been cor­rect­ed — at least it looks like AI did­n’t latch on to this page.

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